Google Language Tools
Free website translation. This service may be used to translate English text of Reformed works to a foreign language and visa versa.
Translate an English website into Urdu (Pakistan)
Foreign language translations exist for some Christian classics and some Christian bestsellers.Search by "author name" in the WorldCat (OCLC) database to find foreign language translations and formats.
Search by "Author Name" in the National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. Translations should have an entry there. This resource is not available in electronic format. Print copies may be found in a major university library, or in a large public library.
Some countries have published a National Directory which lists literature translated from, or into, that country's language. Search under the subject heading National Directories.
World's Top 10 Languages
Rank | Language | Number of Worldwide Speakers
10. French, 129 million
9. Malay-Indonesian, 159 million
8. Portuguese, 191 million
7. Bengali, 211 million
6. Arabic, 246 million
5. Russian, 277 million
4. Spanish, 392 million
3. Hindustani, 497 million
2. English, 508 million
1. Mandarin Chinese, 1 billion plus
Biblioteca de Inglesia Reformada
Online text of Reformed works in Spanish: Catechisms and confessions, The spanish bible, Churches, pastors, ministers, students and other resources, Reformed works (by title), over 1000, For more books, articles and other resources, Some libraries that we recommend, Links and resources in various languages and dialects, and so forth, and so on.
Charles H. Spurgeon en Espanõl
"El viejo evangelio para el nuevo siglo."
China Reformation Publishers (China Christian Books)
Lists Reformed works translated into Chinese. Most are available on the web.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)
Besides containing many Christian Classics that have been translated into English, this database also contains "texts in six foreign languages, with most being in Latin or Russian. There is a particularly good collection of materials on the Russian Orthodox Church."
The reader could use free online translating software listed above to translated portions of these e-texts.
Dutch Reformed Translation Society
Pieter Vander Meyden, President
Dutch Reformed Translation Society
946 Ball Avenue, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Dutch Reformed Translation Society Books at Solid Ground Books
Dutch Reformed Translation Society Books at Go Dutch! Christian Books (English translations of Dutch works)
Index Translationum
"The Index Translationum is a list of books translated in the world, i.e. an international bibliography of translations [it does not appear to be exhaustive and we are unable to find most Christian Classics and Reformed titles -- compiler]. The Index Translationum was created in 1932. It celebrates this year its 75th anniversary.
"The database contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in about one hundred of the UNESCO Member States since 1979 . . . in all disciplines: literature, social and human sciences, natural and exact sciences, art, history, and so forth. It is planned to update the work every four months. . . .
"By publishing this list, to serve as a reference work, UNESCO provides the general public with an irreplaceable tool for making bibliographical inventories of translations on a worldwide scale. . . .
"The online edition of the Index Translationum contains some 1,600,000 references (from 1979 to now), on all subjects.
Index Translationum -- Bibliographic Search
Japan Calvin Translation Society, Calvin in Japan.
Logos Bible Software en Espanõl
"If you know someone who would like to study the Bible in Spanish with a large library of Spanish resources, either in a bilingual collection or an exclusively Spanish library, let them know that they can access the exact same software that you use in their own language. All the menu items, help files, tools, and interface features are in Spanish along with several large libraries of Spanish resources to choose from." -- Publisher
Logos Bible Software in Many Other Languages
"Logos Bible Software is also available in: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia), English (Canada), English (United Kingdom), English (New Zealand), English (South Africa), French, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
If you would like to check out any of these alternate language interfaces go to:
Mt. Zion Bible Church / Chapel Library and The Free Grace Broadcaster
Search for titles in Spanish.
Presbiterianos Reformados (Spanish translations of Reformed and Covenanter works)
"¡Aquí se encuentra el único lugar en la red dónde se ofrece los Estándares originales de Westminster en completo y sin alguna enmienda!
"Las metas de este sitio son tres.
"Primero, para proclamar el evangelio a todo el mundo, para que el mundo sepa que solamente hay salvación en Cristo y no en otro u otra cosa. El ser humano es corrupto y peca constantemente, el único que puede librarnos de tal corrupción que trae la condenación eterna es Jesucristo el Hijo de Dios, nuestro Rey y Señor. "Entre los cuales también todos nosotros vivimos en otro tiempo en los deseos de nuestra carne, haciendo la voluntad de la carne y de los pensamientos, y éramos por naturaleza hijos de ira, lo mismo que los demás . . . aun estando nosotros muertos en pecados, nos dio vida juntamente con Cristo . . . Porque por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, pues es don de Dios; no por obras, para que nadie se gloríe." Efesios 2:3, 5, 8-9.
"Segundo, para establecer y edificar el pueblo y la Iglesia de Cristo, de lengua española, en la fe verdadera encontrada en la doctrina calvinista, la expresión doctrinal del protestantismo más pura y fiel a la Palabra de Dios. También para buscar la unidad que existe en el amor establecido en la Verdad de la Palabra de Dios con nuestros hermanos en Cristo. No simplemente en amor, pero también en la Verdad. Unidos en una sola doctrina (como Dios ha mandado), en una sola forma de adoración hacia Dios (como Dios ha mandado), en una sola forma de gobierno-eclesiástica (como Dios ha mandado), y en una sola forma de disciplina (como Dios ha mandado). "No traspases los linderos antiguos que pusieron tus padres." Proverbios 22:28. "Así dijo Jehová: Paraos en los caminos, y mirad, y preguntad por las sendas antiguas, cuál sea el buen camino, y andad por él, y hallaréis descanso para vuestra alma." Jeremías 6:16
"Tercero, para llamar a nuestros hermanos protestantes, especialmente los que son presbiterianos y reformados, que regresen a la fe verdadera del protestantismo y que dejen por un lado las doctrinas que han adoptado de la Iglesia de Roma. Muchos protestantes han olvidado la doctrina que Dios dio a su Iglesia por medio de Su ministros que levantó en los siglos 16 y 17, tal como Juan Calvino, Juan Knox y los teólogos/ministros de la Asamblea de Westminster (del siglo 17), y la Iglesia de Escocia. La mayoría de presbiterianos y calvinistas de hoy dicen que siguen la doctrina de Calvino, de Knox y de los ministros de la Asamblea de Westminster cuando la realidad es diferente, esto se debe a la ignorancia de los escritos de estos ministros y por la corrupción doctrinal que ha entrado a la Iglesia de Cristo en varios niveles. "Pero en aquello a que hemos llegado, sigamos una misma regla, sintamos una misma cosa. Hermanos, sed imitadores de mí, y mirad a los que así se conducen según el ejemplo que tenéis en nosotros." Filipenses 3:16-17 "¿Andarán dos juntos, si no estuvieren de acuerdo?" Amós 3:3
"Nuestra oración es que su visita sea de mucho ánimo y edificación. Le invitamos a escribirnos para cualquier pregunta o comentario. Al navegar en nuestro sitio, encontrará sermones de pastores presbiterianos pactantes que hallará de mucha inspiración. O tal vez nuestro patrimonio doctrinal bíblico le sea de gran interés. Si desea más información de nuestra iglesia y doctrina bíblica, comuníquese con nosotros y le responderemos con mucho gusto."
Reformation Christian Ministries Bookstore
They list foreign language translations of Reformed titles.
Reformation Translation Fellowship (Chinese translations of Reformed works)
"During the past forty years writings by John Calvin, J.I. Packer, Loraine Boettner, Herman Bavnick, J.G. Vos, Charles Spurgeon, E.J. Young, A.W. Pink, Louis Berkhof, J. Gresham Machen, B.B. Warfield, John R.W. Stott, R.B. Kuiper, O.T. Allis, D.M. Lloyd-Jones, Charles Hodge, John Bunyan, and many others have been translated into Chinese. Books published recently by the RTF are CALLED TO THE MINISTRY by Edmond Clowney, THE HOLY SPIRIT by John Owen (the abridgement by R.J.K. Law), and EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE by Richard Pratt."
Reformation Translation Fellowship, Australia
"RTF Australia is one part of an international fellowship which seeks to promote the Christian Gospel through the distribution of Reformed theological literature in the Chinese languages."
Reformed Missions in Latin America
"Our goals for 2003 included the printing of two important books translated into Spanish -- JOHN CALVIN: HIS ROOTS AND FRUITS, by C. Gregg Singer. This book shows Calvin's continuity with the early Church Fathers in theology, and reviews the Reformer's contributions in the area of economics, politics, education and family. An important resource for our churches!"
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Probably the premier source of foreign language translations of the English Bible.
Bible Translations
Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language
Christian Classics: A Short Title Listing
Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
English to Hindi Translation
The Google Advanced Search
This feature may be used to search one specific domain/website. For example, to search for "John 3:16" in "," (THE WEB EDITION OF BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL), enter the search terms on the search screen in "this exact word or phrase:" and "site or domain:".
A link to Google Advanced Search may be added to the Internet Explorer toolbar, so that any favorite website may be conveniently searched.
How to Find a Book
"LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of your books. You can do all of them or just what you're reading now.
"And because everyone catalogs online, they also catalog together. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share."
Reference Works, Chapter 5 in Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Within this chapter see topical listings for: "Bibliography of Bibliography," "CD-ROM Libraries," "Online Digital Libraries," and so forth and so on.
Reformed Publishers and Booksellers Online
Special Listings in Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Within chapter 3 see topical listings for: Works of jay adams, The christian counseling and educational foundation, Expository bible commentaries, Guides to commentaries, Christian classics, a short title listing, Soli deo gloria facsimile reprints, Online e-text by author, The complete works of various authors, Works by and about the pilgrims, Puritanism: works by and about puritans, Puritan paperback series from banner of truth, Works of john calvin, Works of gordon haddon clark, Works of john knox, Works of martin luther, Works of william perkins, Works of george gillespie, Works of samuel rutherford, Works of the reformed presbytery, Works of c.h. spurgeon, Works of william shakespeare, Resources in christian counseling series, and so forth, and so on.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Probably the premier source of foreign language translations of the English Bible.
Young's Literal Translation
Includes biographical information.
Disclaimer: Weblinks and related resources listed are given only for purposes of research.
Views and opinion expressed at other web sites do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this webmaster.
Arrangement of citations and weblinks does not in any way indicate that independent authors or webmasters hold similar views or opinions.
Researchers are urged to exercise the utmost discernment in navigating the World Wide Web. See the topical listing "Spiritual Discernment."
Web Layout -- Lettermen Associates
Updated -- November 20, 2023, Lettermen Associates