Preface to Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, 1993 Edition

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BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL (now THE WEB EDITION online), is a multimedia database of resources explaining the solutions found in the Word of God for the problems of everyday life.

The collection includes books, CD-ROMs, e-text, web sites, audio cassettes [audio file], video cassettes, DVDs, sermons, newsletters, journal articles, theses, software, tracts, booklets, pamphlets, and other resources.

Annotated citations are listed topically in eleven chapters grouped in five general sections representing the individual's relationship to God, family, church, neighbors, and the state.

There are approximately 5700 works by over 2500 authors cross-referenced under 440 topic headings (1993 release). An asterisk is used to mark citations that are known to be of special merit.

It is sometimes said that authors are the best source of information. That is, an author with specialized knowledge is often the best starting point for further research on that subject. If the reader finds a favorite author in this database, then it is recommended that they search at for other works by the same author and, consequently, his references, iteration by iteration.

This unique book-length bibliography enables the reader to bring known biblical counselors into the home via book, audio cassette [audio file], video cassette, CD-ROM, and the World Wide Web. It includes little known and hard to find books, for example, over 300 Christian classics.

Coincidental to meeting its primary objective, BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL gives the reader a broad overview of literature representing historic, orthodox Christianity. Viewed from this unique perspective there is an evident connection between truth, absolute sovereign authority, freedom (religious, political, economic, and individual), loving obedience, social stability (peace, security, prosperity, and happiness), moral behavior (law and order, and justice), sanctification, justifying faith, personal spiritual growth, social transformation, true religion defined in the Westminster Standards, education, scientific discovery, the arts, and real progress, Covenanted Reformation, the positive sanctions of God, the Kingdom of Christ upon earth, and life, both finite and eternal.

It is hoped that this look at the Christian world and life view, and at the whole rather than the parts (Francis A. Schaeffer, A CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO), will give the reader new insight into the changes taking place in America today. Therefore, it is a strong apologetic for Biblical Christianity that aims to be true to Christ and to realization of the Kingdom of God upon earth.

Truth is interrelated -- all truth is significant to all of life -- and this makes classification problematic. Classification and cross referencing is, to a certain extent, subjective. And a point is reached where further cross referencing in not feasible. Therefore, the reader is encouraged to search the whole bibliography to assure that all relevant works are found.

This bibliography is not exhaustive, but it is extensive enough to serve as a research index for more exhaustive searches. Many of the publications contain bibliography, footnotes, and references, and are so noted. Over 270 Christian classics are identified in the annotation.

The following steps in research can be taken to increase the usefulness of this database. Begin by listing all Scripture you know of relevant to the subject. Then refer to A GUIDE TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS: CONFESSION OF FAITH AND LARGER CATECHISM, THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE, THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, THE THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION, 5TH EDITION (1988 and later), and THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION. Other works listed under "Topical Listings of Scripture Useful in Counseling" may also be helpful. Then refer to THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE to learn what the Bible says about each verse listed by reading cross references for that verse. This step will also expand the listing of Scripture. Repeat the above steps again and again until the search is exhaustive.

BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL is a valuable reference work for persons involved with helping others: all Christian workers, pastors, Christian counselors, lay Christian counselors, Christian educators, homeschoolers, Sunday school teachers, and youth workers. Physicians, medical professionals, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, financial consultants, nursing home workers, and managers will also find it useful.

Librarians who give reference assistance or who make classification, cataloging, and indexing decisions will find BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL to be a time saving reference work. It gives some bibliographic control over an area of subject classification not recognized by most classification systems. And some of the publications listed have not been reviewed in standard library journals.

May the Word of God, the communion of the Holy Spirit, and the fellowship of the saints bless the heart and soul of every reader.

Steven C. Kettler
July 1993

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Preface to the Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal

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