Summary of Colophon
XyWrite Word-processing Software
Colophon for the Book Edition
The Style Used for the Book and Website
Colophon for the Website
The Methods Used in Creating BCRR and in Making Additions and Alterations
General Timeline for Research and Production of the Book and Website
Possible Future Uses of the Work
Steps to Manually Install This Customized Copy of the Legacy Word Processor, XyWrite 4.015 for Windows
Related Resources
Summary of Colophon
This colophon explains how BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL (BCRR) was published as a book and website.
The book was composed from 1982-1993 with resources and technology available at that time.
The compiler learned how to make a book by working for printers and publishers.
XyWrite, a legacy word processor, was indispensable, and is still being used today to make additions and alterations to the website.
The book format, design, and style is modeled, generally, after the book design used by the U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment.
Style decisions were guided by convenience to the reader and by simplicity. Chapter 1: The Foundation of Biblical Counsel is the style model for the website.
Recognizing that the Bible itself is the ultimate index, books of the Bible, chapter, and verse are standardize to their full spelling and Arabic numbering, and enclosed in brackets, for example, "Gal. ii. 20 [Galatians 2:20]." This enables the reader to search for all references to a Bible passage at the website by executing a "Local Search" (Google Advance Search). Additional information on searching the website can be found at How to Find Things in the web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal.
Reftagger is used throughout the website. Moving the cursor onto a verse notation will give a dialog box with the Bible text and a link to additional resources.
The growing public availability of the World Wide Web about 1995 was a major turning point for the book. Many more resources became available on home computers.
Although the book had relatively little exposure, the website, which is free and not copyrighted, experienced increased, worldwide, public exposure. This increase supports, in part, the precept, Buy the truth, and sell it not. (Proverbs 23:23)
When the Online Computer Library Catalog (OCLC,, became available free online to the public (c. 2006), all website book annotations were linked to respective OCLC records. This made the website a much more powerful research index.
Currently [February 2020] XyWrite 4 for Windows continues to be used offline on a Dell Latitude D610 laptop running Windows XP Professional. Service Pack 3. Because XyWrite and Windows NotePad both create ASCII files, their files are interchangeable between an offline laptop and online desktop computer with Windows 10. Working offline is necessary becasue Windows operating systems after Windows XP no longer support MS-DOS applications in full screen mode.
The website is a "work in constant motion," and will never be complete. It has a "life of its own." New hypotheses are suggested as it grows.
The colophon explains in detail:
XyWrite 4.0, January 1993 -- distributed on seven 3.5" HD floppy diskettes, and shipped with five bound manuals: Installation and Learning Guide, Making the Transition, Customization Guide, Command Reference Guide, pdf:Command Reference Guide XyWrite 4.0, and LAN Administrator's Guide.
XyWrite Utilities, Copyright 2009-2021 Kari Eveli and Lexitec. All rights reserved worldwide.
DOS XyWrite virtualization solutions:
vDosPlus XyWrite installers
"Now Featuring vDosPlus XyWrite installer Centennial Edition (version 5.01 based on vDosPlus Summer '17 build 2017.10.17 by Wengier Wu). This installer supports Windows 2000 or later [which includes Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3. Also, see this site for vDos for and older Windows operating systems.]
vDosPlus is a premier virtual runtime environment for running non-gaming DOS applications under modern 64-bit as well as 32-bit Windows. The vDosPlus XyWrite installer bridges the gap between DOS XyWrite or NotaBene and the Windows environment. You supply your copy of DOS XyWrite or NB in a folder on your Windows computer and the installer takes care of the rest. The solution has advanced display support (scalable window size, crisp TrueType-based fonts, mouse wheel scrolling, transparency, etc.), bidirectional clipboard support, and print preview of XyWrite output as PDFs that can be printed on any Windows printer. The installer contains ready-to-use XyWrite/NB printer files for Letter and A4 paper sizes. Thanks to vDosPlus, using any DOS word processor is again possible. If you are not into XyWrite, vDosPlus can even run WordPerfect, WordStar, or even the Y2K-crippled MS-Word 5.0. Please note that this installer is only for DOS XyWrite-based products including XyWrite 3+ and 4, NotaBene 3 or later, and IBM/XyQuest Signature.
"NEW DOWNLOAD -- There is even a separate documentation package for vDosPlus XyWrite version 5.01 to supplement a Mac installation which the installer does not support. This package has all the help documents, supplied XyWrite print files, and icons without the executables. No support for installing on a Mac is provided. You can use the vDosPlus Mac system provided by Edward Mendelson to install XyWrite.
Kramer, Douglas, et al., XyWrite III Plus Reference Guide, ISBN: 0927923157 9780927923156.
Rothman, David H., and John C. Dvorak (foreword), XyWrite Made Easier, Revised and Expanded for XyWrite III Plus, ISBN: 0830607404 9780830607402 0830630406 9780830630400.
Tyson, Herbert L., XyWrite Revealed.
"Includes a disk containing 100 XPL programs including those described in Chapter 6."
XyWrite III Manual
XyWrite User Manuals, A General XyWrite Resource, Brian Henderson
"This site is dedicate to all things XyWrite."
Includes XyWrite's Distributed Files for XyWrite 4, Ver. 4.016 and XyWrite III, Ver. 3.56, XyWrite Manuals, applications and various other links, and so forth, and so on.
XyWrite Apps and Info on the WWW.
Updated XyWin Install Files (5.0Mb)
"A modern (not diskette based) install for XyWin, created in the late '90s by TTG (The Technology Group) and given to anyone who asked for it.
"The version offered for download under "Tools and Resources."
Research: Conducted research using Bowker's CD-ROM Books-in-Print, CD-ROM databases, and catalogs of the book trade. (1992)
Accessed automated collections of research libraries and booksellers online: the Library of Congress ACCESS, CD-ROM Dissertation Abstracts, OCLC (Online Computer Library Catalog), WorldCat, special library collections, The Internet Archive ( Also accessed numerous other library automated information retrieval systems. (1978-Present)
See: The Compiler's Personal Methods of Creating BCRR and of Making Additions and Alterations
See: About: User Information for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Contains "Acknowledgements, 1993 print edition," "Acknowledgements, the website," identification numbers for the document, copyright disclaimer, permissions, and etc.
Notice that persons who have an avocation are never in the position of being idle when unemployed. They always have their avocation to keep them busy. Notice, similarly, that some of the most interesting occupations that a man can follow, no one will pay him to do.
Book release date: November 1993
Even before the book was printed the decision was made to not print future editions, because the subject matter was growing so rapidly. Also, publishing online made continuous updating possible.
Computers: IBM-PC XT with MS-DOS (1986)
Gateway 486 computer with MS-DOS (February, 1991)
Gateway 2000 4DX-33V (486) PC with Windows 95 (1993).
Hewlett-Packard Pavilion xt963 desktop with Windows XP Home Edition (1995)
Phillips CDD4851 CD-R/RW.
HP DVD Writer 300i with Veritas RecordNow software.
HP ScanJet 5400c, 2400 dpi optical, 2400 x 2400 dpi hardware, unlimited dpi enhanced, 48 bit color. (1998)
Disk Operating system: MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows XP Home
Text file type: Pure ASCII files (XyWrite and Windows)
Number of text files for the book: Approximately 20
Disk space used for book edition: Approximately 5MBs
Word processor: XyWrite III Plus for MS-DOS and XyWrite 4 for Windows.
Office printers: NEC 350 Elf character printer (1986) and then Hewlett Packard LaserJet IV laser printer (600 dpi) with PostScript (March 1992)
Harvard Professional Publisher: A desktop publishing system, a modified version of Superpage (PageWright) Electronic Publishing System by Bestinfo.
Michael J. Miller, First Look, InfoWorld Volume 9, Issue 9, 2 March 1987. ISSN 0199-6649.
A short comparison of PageMaker, Ventura Publisher and Harvard Professional Publisher, a modified version of Superpage by Bestinfo.
HPP produces PostScript page files.
Typeface: Helvetica. Point size: 8, Leading: 10 points
Book Cover: Harvard Professional Publisher desktop publishing system
Book format, design, and style: Generally modeled after the design used by the U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. For example, Agricultural Commodities as Industrial Raw Materials.
Internet provider: America Online, modem with a dial-up phone connection.
Background music: General Electric FM Stereo Headphone Radio Model 7-1284S. Operates on 2 "AAA" batteries, collapsible headband, lightweight, vernier tuning, removable external antenna.
Music CDs playing on the laptop CD-DVD drive.
Both provided music on a headset while word-processing, especially in the late afternoon.
Printing company: Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Printed on a small offset web press (stood no higher than a man) designed specifically for books. 3000 copies printed.
Publishing: The book and website are an avocational and retirement project. Research, compilation, word-processing, book design, page design, typography, substantive editing, copy editing, additions and alterations, proofreading, desktop publishing, cover design, electronic publishing, website design, HTML coding, and webmaster duties were independently performed.
Contracted the printing, wrote promotional material, handled distribution, did direct selling, and order fulfillment.
However, notice that the book and website present the work of over 3,000 authors and other publishers during the last five centuries.
Storage: Books trucked from Eerdman's Publishing to a storage locker in Elkton, MD.
Acknowledgments: The compiler used skills gained in the workplace from 1982-1991 while working for printers and publisher as a word processor, typesetter, and electronic publish system operator.
See: About: User Information for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Contains "Acknowledgements, 1993 print edition," "Acknowledgements, website," identification numbers for the document, copyright disclaimer, and permissions.
To suggest additions, and for assistance in using this colophon: Steven C. Kettler, 2260 Bullpen Drive, Apt. 302, Rockingham, VA 22801-8844
The 1993 book edition was among the "Chairman's Choice" in the Puritan Reformed Catalog of Great Christian Books, October 1996, which went to about 360,000 Reformed book buyers. After three months twenty-three copies were sold.
Some special listings, excerpted from topical listings at the website, are available in WorldCat. In, select "Search," search for "lettermen2" in the Contacts box. Special listings at "lettermen2" include "Local Holdings for Christian Classics," part 1 and part 2, and so forth, and so on.
Contemporary Biblical Counseling: An Annotated Bibliography, With 1995 Additions, compiled and annotated by David Powlison, editor of The Journal of Biblical Counseling was added to the website. It became a popular web page.
In 1996 Logos Research Systems converted the book, with additions and alterations since 1993, to Logos System code, including indexes. It released e-text on CD-ROM singly and in various Logos Libraries including CDWord Library System 2.0, all four levels being "a complete theological library at your fingertips."
The book as first word processed in XyWrite III (1992).
Then the XyWrite files were converted to Harvard Professional Publisher (HPP), an electronic publishing system, using XyWrite 4 as the text editor. HPP produces PostScript files. They were then printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet IV laser printer at a resolution of 600 dpi. This became the camera copy for the book. (1992).
Logos Research Systems converted the HPP files (including updates since 1993), to Logos Library System (LLS) code, including indexes. Logos then released the book on CD-ROM singly and in various libraries including CDWord Library System 2.0, all four levels being "a complete theological library at your fingertips." (1997)
The Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, 1997 edition LLS CD-ROM may be searched with the LLS program.
In 1997 work began to convert the HPP files for the book into HTML code, again using XyWrite 4 as the text editor. Eventually an 80-page website was created, including most of the text of the book and ongoing additions and alterations since 1993.
Web publishing influenced text formatting considerably. Some style changes were made to adapt to the limitations of basic HTML coding. Web publishing greatly simplified the work of continuous updating.
The website contains citations spanning six centuries of English usage, so it became necessary to adopt certain styles conventions to accommodate variations in English usage.
Convenience and simplicity for the reader was the primary consideration in making style decisions. (Strunt and White, ELEMENTS OF STYLE). It would be burdensome to list them all here. Rather Chapter 1: The Foundation of Biblical Counsel has been made the style model for the entire website.
Style is logical and intuitive, so the most practical approach to becoming familiar with style conventions used at the website is simply to begin using the website. With time the reader will recognize style conventions.
Punctuation should be governed by its function, which is to make the author's meaning clear, to promote ease of reading, and in varying degrees to contribute to the author's style. -- The Chicago Manual of Style, p. 132
Additions and alterations to the website have continued up to the present (2020). The current website is approximately 139MB, however it does contain some book-length titles in full text. In contrast, the size of the book master files was approximately 5MB. To give some perspective Chapter 2: Biblical Counsel, which contains biblical counseling topics, is now, in the website, 1,423 pages in Internet Explorer print preview at 100 percent.
Logos' web tool, Reftagger, is used throughout the website. Reftagger highlights Bible verses and converts them into links. Move the cursor onto the verse, and a preview of the entire verse, AKJV, will pop up in a dialog box, including additional resources for further study.
Logos Reftagger
Modern Language Association of America, MLA Handbook Official MLA Style, ISBN: 9781603292627 1603292624.
"THE MLA HANDBOOK AND MLA STYLE MANUAL are the main source for citation guidelines in the fields of literature, languages, and the humanities.
"The Modern Language Association, the authority on research and writing, takes a fresh look at documenting sources in the eighth edition of the MLA HANDBOOK. Shorter and redesigned for easy use, the eighth edition of the MLA HANDBOOK guides writers through the principles behind evaluating sources for their research." -- Publisher
Padova, Ted, Adobe Acrobat 9 PDF Bible, ISBN: 9780470379196 0470379197.
Smith, Peggy (Margherita) S., Proofreading Manual and Reference Guide, ISBN: 0935012028 9780935012026.
Smith, Peggy, Proofreading Workbook, ISBN: 0935012036 9780935012033.
Strunk, William, Jr., and Elwyn B. White, The Elements of Style, ISBN: 9781292026640 1292026642.
The authors are noted for their approach -- the simplest way is usually the best way, and makes it easier for the reader.
The Elements of Style, Strunt and White
Turabian, Kate L., A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, ISBN: 9780226823379 9780226823362 0226823377 0226823369.
University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff, Chicago Manual of Style, ISBN: 9780226287058 022628705X.
Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide
Wikipedia: Manual of Style
Time required to prepare the website: 1982-Present
The book edition was released in November 1993, at the dawn of electronic publishing. The first "browser came into use by the general public in August 1991." The World Wide Web did not become widely used by the public until about 1995. Conventional methods of publishing gave way to electronic publishing, Books-on-Demand, e-books, and publishing to the World Wide Web.
This was a turning point in publishing. Computers around the world could now be connected. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) allowed a website to link to other resources online. Examples include the Online Computer Library Catalog (OCLC) or WorldCat, PDF files of books online, e-books online, online sellers, like, of new and used books,, the Library of Congress online card catalog, various Reformed websites, and collections of special research libraries. Of course, the website for the book immediately became available online to readers worldwide. And, with the capability to link to additional resources online the website became a more powerful resource and research tool.
Select topical listings from the book began to be published online free of charge. When a website for the entire book was created, then these select topical listings were discontinued. (1996)
When books appeared online, then book citations were linked to The size of the Books database, and the special features of its book records, made it easy for readers to research and purchase books. When (OCLC, Online Computer Library Catalog) became available to the public subscription free (c. 2006), then work began to replace links with OCLC links.
Computers: HP Pavilion xt963 with Windows XP Home Edition
HP ScanJet 5400c, 2400 dpi optical, 2400 x 2400 dpi hardware, unlimited dpi enhanced, 48 bit color
Philips CDD4851 CD-R/RW.
HP DVD Writer 300i with Veritas RecordNow software.
Dell Latitude D610 laptop running Windows XP Professional.
Dell XPS 8500 desktop (Processor: 3rd Generation Intel Core i7 [up to 3.90 GHz]; Memory: 24GB; Hard Drive: 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 GB/s; Video Card: NVIDIA GT 640 1GB GDDRS; Optical Drive: I6X CD/DVD burner [DVD+/-RW, write to CD/DVD]), with DELL UltraSharp U2312HM 23" Monitor, 23.0 Inch VIS, Widescreen, VGA/DVI/DP, 16X CD/DVD burner (DVD+/-RW), write to CD/DVD with Windows 7 Professional (2012).
Disk Operating system: Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 10 Professional.
Internet Browser: Internet Explorer
WIFI access: Virgin Mobile Broadband2Go (c. 2008), StraightTalk (StraightTalk Mobile Hot Spot, Model: Z291DL ZTE 4G LTE. (2016)
Word-processing software: XyWrite 4 (version 4.015)
XyWrite was indispensable in producing both the book and the website. It is a very powerful word-processing software that is highly customizable. It search across files in a single directory.
Text file type: XyWrite ASCII files can be opened with Windows NotePad (an accessory program with all Windows operating systems), or any word processor that will read pure ASCII files. This file compatibility means that XyWrite text may be edited in Windows NotePad. Therefore, it possible to do research online with Windows 7 or 10, and then to work the same files offline in XyWrite on the laptop with Windows XP.
Research method and acknowledgments: The Compiler's Personal Methods of Creating BCRR and of Making Additions and Alterations
See: About: User Information for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Contains "Acknowledgements, 1993 print edition," "Acknowledgements, website," identification numbers for the document, copyright disclaimer, permissions, and etc.
Organization of files: All master text files and research working files are located offline on a Dell Latitude laptop in C:/WORK/WEBED. This facilitates the use of the global search feature of XyWrite when making additions and alterations.
Backup and storage: Seagate FreeAgent Go 500GB portable USB drive, 500GB, is used for backup and storage.
Website host: Lonex, in association with LiquidNet Ltd., LiquidNet LLC, 6750 North Andrews Avenue, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, United States of America
Website domain: (2009)
Responsibility for the website, assistance in using this colophon, and feedback: Steven C. Kettler, 2260 Bullpen Drive, Apt. 302, Rockingham, VA 22801-8844
Number of text files for the website: Approximately 82
Disk space used for website: Approximately 75MBs, which includes full text for some titles.
Proofreading: Time spent proofreading the 2020 website, about four years, 2016-2019.
Searching the website: Use "Local Search" at the top of every web page. This is Google Advanced Search. This feature may be used to search any specific website. For example, to search for "John 3:16" in, enter the search terms under "this exact word or phrase:" and enter "" under "site or domain:".
See: How to Browse the Website
Finding broken links: A "broken link" is not always a dead end. Often the broken link itself contains enough information in the form of a partial URL, title, or key words from the subject/title, to enable the reader to truncate the original URL and find a new link. Or the reader may use a search engine to find a new link to the original resource, or to find equivalent or new online resources. So taking a moment to search further will often lead to finding the needed information.
Some works that complement the website: Some Complementary Works
Notice that the website, now in a relatively mature state (2019), averages about 200 visits per day, with a high of 595 visits per day. A "visit" is defined as a reader actually opening a page of the website, not simply a "hit." It is all free to users. This unexpected increase is exposure to the public is thought to be an example, in part, of the precept, Buy the truth, and sell it not. (Proverbs 23:23)
The 1993 book has been scanned in Google Books. Search "Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal" in Google Books (2006). It appears "Full View," and 100 percent of the book is searchable, although text can not be copied. Readers must go to the website to copy text. (OCLC, Online Computer Library Catalog) became available to the public about 2006. Work began immediately to replace all links to Books with links to OCLC records, and all citations are now linked to (OCLC), the most detailed bibliographic citation created by librarians according to OCLC standards. (2019)
OCLC records include the Library of Congress MARC record and much more. The reader can find all editions and formats, links to the closest local libraries holding the title, links to booksellers, links in some cases to publisher's annotation, reader's reviews, information on foreign language translations, and so forth, and so on. OCLC records also assist the researcher in finding other works by the same author and other works on the same subject. The website became a much more powerful research tool by linking citations to the OCLC record.
Some special listings, excerpted from topical listings at the website, are available in WorldCat. In, select "Search," search for "lettermen2" in the Contacts box. Special listings at "lettermen2" include "Local Holdings for Christian Classics," part 1 and part 2, and so forth, and so on.
See Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal was compiled in 1997, emphasizing the pre-eminence and all-sufficiency of Christ.
Many citations at the website may be found in LibraryThing at the "lettermen" LibraryThing web page. LibraryThing treats citations in their own unique ways and might be a useful resources for some readers and researchers.
The website has taken on a "life of its own" as it grew. If one works with it long enough, then new hypotheses, thesis, and relationships are seen emerging. This calls for more research and writing. So it is very much a work in constant motion, and the methods of making changes must adopt to the changing website. The Triune God is "a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth." Therefore, the website will never be mature and complete. (1997)
2018 Our First Amendment right to freedom of speech was exercised by displaying a banner "Bibliography," to southbound 81 traffic on a local overpass. Approximately 1,200 cars pass per hour in the late morning hours. There was a big increase in visits to the website according to website statistics, probably from travelers with smartphones.
February 2020 Composed and uploaded "A Colophon and General Timeline for Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal."
There is additional information on searching and browsing the website, including Local Search (Google Advanced Search, a link is found at the top of ever web page), Logos Library System (LLS), Logos' web tool, Reftagger.
See: How to Find Things in the web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Christian Classics Short Title Listing, includes over 270 citations to Christian classics. They are identified in the annotation of the website with the note "A Christian classic."
One way to expand the Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal would be to call together a group of experts (like done for THE SELF-CONFRONTATION MANUAL, The Westminster Assembly, The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, The Synod of Dordt, The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, and Nouthetic Counseling Foundation, etc.), reputable reformed scholars and biblical counselors, and assign each of one, according to his expertise, a topical listings to expand and to improve upon.
The first impulse leading to the project was a feeling that typical Gospel tracts are inadequate. A search began for book-length explanations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace.
The Washington, DC area is one of the largest library centers in the world because of the Federal Government. When research began, then other literature was found auspiciously, literature that was not the subject of the search, for example, works of the Puritans, Reformed Theology, Christian classics, Christian Counseling, and so forth, and so on.
Bibliographic citations began to accumulate from after-hours research. Buying all the books was an impossibility. Titles needed to be organized, so an annotated bibliography began taking shape.
With time it became plain that a word processor has greater flexibility than database software in composing and updating an annotated bibliography of this type. See: XyWrite Word-processing Software.
XyWrite harnesses the search powers of the computer. Its ability to use Boolian "AND" logic (a combination of the XyWrite search and wildcard features), to search across multiple files in one master directory, was critical to production of both the book and the website. All the master text files and all working files of research findings are held in one directory, and can be searched at the same time. This accelerates making additions and alterations. One error found can then be searched for and corrected in the whole website in C:/WORK/WEBED, the directory containing both master text files and working files.
It is probably accurate to say that completion of both the book and the website would not have been possible without XyWrite.
Currently (January 2020) a Dell Latitude D630 laptop with Windows XP Professional is used offline as the main workstation containing all files in the directory C:/WORK/WEBED. XyWrite 4 (version 4.13) is the text editor. It uses pure ASCII files which are compatible with Windows NotePad, so files can be moved on a USB drive between the offline laptop and the online desktop. Currently there are about 84MBs (176 files) in C:/WORK/WEBED.
The working files, containing miscellaneous research findings, are limited in size to 2MBs by XyWrite. All are created in XyWrite 4 (version 4.015) and Windows NotePad, and all are located in the master directory C:/WORK/WEBED, the directory in which editing and proofing takes place. As of January 2020, the working file is 0WEBW38.TXT. Until it reaches the size of 2MBs it is located on the USB drive, the "sneak network," so it may be used either offline with the laptop or online with the desktop. When it reached 2MB, then it is copied to the laptop C:/WORK/WEBED, the directory with the master text files. Therefore, it can be searched, along with 0WEB20.TXT through 0WEB37.TXT for additions and alterations. When text from a working file is added to a master file for the website, then it is marked with a "c" in the working file.
The layout and design of the website has deliberately been keep simple so that it is usable to the greatest number of computers around the world, including older hardware and software configurations used in underdeveloped and less prosperous regions.
Experience has shown that the methods of working on the files is not what would be used in a shorter document. The website is complex, because the subject matter is interconnected. When additions and alterations are made, then the whole website may changes in ways that are sometimes obvious, and at other times subtle.
Working on the website requires a certain mindset. Having had the experience of getting "slammed" in the retail environment is good preparation. So is having worked on a job with so many collateral duties that new tasks are always being started, but never finished.
Progress is made by "working on everything" each time one makes additions and alterations. It is generally not feasible to set out with one editing/proofing goal in mind. For example, if additions are being made, or alphabetization is being checked, then, coincidentally, other needed additions and alterations will be seen. Either make such changes on the spot, and throughout the document, or leave a hidden HTML note, <'!'-- stst "instructions" -- >, to do so later. Therefore, the whole document is improved each time changes are made.
Working on the website/database resembles the challenge faced by lexicographers, compilers of THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. The current edition is a 20 volume set. But that is not to say that the challenge is to great to continue the work. Although it will never be complete, the website is a valuable resources for readers and scholars.
Users will see that many things are not complete i.e. "TCRB5:" "TETB:" "MGTP," "See also;" some topical listings are missing important citations, links to comprehensive websites are sparce, and some annotation is missing, and so forth, and so on. This is done intentionally. Some ideas to improve the website would be to time consuming to implement. Therefore the improvements are introduced, although incomplete, for the benefit of the user, as an example of what could be done.
The website continues to grow in size and subject matter. If one works with it long enough, then one will see new hypotheses and thesis emerging. It is very much a work in constant motion, and therefore, will never be complete. Updating a printed edition would not be practical.
Perhaps the most challenging and time-consuming process is cataloging citations under some 500 topical listings, and similarly, the creation of "See also:" lists for each topical listing. There is no systematic approach to take. Thoughts for improvements can come at any time as interconnections tend to come to mind. If a change can not be done at the moment, then a note is left.
When an edit includes a Bible verses, then The Authorized King James Version, Pure Cambridge Edition .PDF is copies in order to avoid introducing errors to the Bible text.
Notice that currently all additions, alterations, spelling corrections, and alphabetization must be checked very carefully, because, of course, it is impossible to proofread the whole document every time changes are made. Current additions and alterations can be copied to a separate file, addalt.txt, so they can be proofread again at a later date.
When a citation is cut from the website, then it is always appended to cuts.txt (CTRL=SHIFT) F1 with the saveget file html.sav for future reference. Cuts.txt serves as a Windows "Recycle bin."
The operator's position in a file may be saved by inserting "stst February 13, 2020, 2:25 PM" (ALT-T in saveget "macro" html.sav). When resuming work search for "stst feb."
Carry a shirt pocket size composition notebook ("Composition" book, CPP Int'l, LLC, Charlotte, NC 28241, Item No. 90770 UPC: 079784907706, made in India, 80 sheets, 160 pages, 4.5 X 3.25 in., saddle stitched), to record thoughts for additions and alterations. Precede additions and alterations in the notebook by a circled "A," so they stand out among other personal notes. Indicate the priority of entries with one to four stars (*). Calvin's scriptural references have been found to be outstanding and are mark with a "(C)." When resources from the notebook are added to the website, then they are marked with a Berol Prismacolor Non-Photo Blue 919 pencil.
Use 3 X 5 index cards (easily sorted and resorted) to record Scripture verses, AKJV, in ballpoint pen (Pilot BP-S-F Fine, UPC 4902505043062 -- order from China on eBay), printing in block letters. Write the book, chapter, and verse in the upper left, 2nd line, and the date, mm/dd/yy, in the upper right corner. Write the topic top center in pencil. "BIM" is written in the upper left corner of cards of scripture for which one has personal experience. Sort the cards in stacks by subject (i.e. Evangelism, MyHope, Current, Spiritual Warfare, etc.), bound by a rubber band. Mark the top subject card with a black magic marker strip on the surface of the left edge. By splaying the cards the "top card" may be found, and may be used to return the cards to their original order. The user can arrange the cards by priority over time.
After word-processing a stack of cards splay them and run a "Berol Prismacolor Non-Photo Blue 919" pencil across the splayed cards in the left top. Later, if new cards have been added to the stack, then those needing to be word processed can be identified by not yet having the spot of non-photo blue marks on their edge.
While this website is a "labor of love" it has been very difficult to complete, and has required much self-denial and self-sacrifice. It was the major burden of the latter half of the compiler's life. However, "tent makers" often testify that, unexpectedly, their ministry turns out to be an even greater blessing to themselves than to the individuals ministered to. That certainly is the compiler's testimony.
One strategy of the Adversary is to repress and suppress the truth. Therefore, one must be constantly on guard for spiritual warfare. And sometimes the opposition comes from the strangest, most unexpected places.
The book was not a publishing success in terms of the number of paper copies sold, when it was independently published in 1993. Only 3,000 copies were printed, but most copies were finally discounted and given away as remainder copies. The book was among the "Chairman's Choice" in the Puritan Reformed Catalog of Great Christian Books, October 1996, which went to about 360,000 Reformed book buyers. Twenty-three copies had been sold three months after the mailing of the catalog.
Exposure increased when the World Wide Web came into public use in the mid-90s. When the website was shared free of charge, then "visits" began to increase. Today (January 2020) the website averages about 200 "Daily Visits" in which the reader actually opens a file and reads. (not simply "Hits"). "Daily Visits" have been as high as 595 per day when the website URL is publicized. This unexpected increase is exposure is thought to be an example, in part, of the precept Buy the truth, and sell it not. (Proverbs 23:23)
See: User Information About The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge. (Proverbs 1:7)
Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary, Proverbs 1 fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. (Psalm 111:10)
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame. (Hosea 4:6,7)
Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:7,8)
Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. (1 Timothy 4:13)
So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
He saith to him again the second time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
He saith unto him the third time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 21:15-17)And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:7,8)
For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. (Matthew 25:29)
This passage seems to have been directed in part to those who search for and find truth. Many will testify that as knowledge grows, the more abundant the light is seen to be. Individuals who do extensive research for the first time often find far more information than they ever imagined was available.
"The blessed God does not give wisdom, but to him that has wisdom." -- John GillFor it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
And he said unto me, My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. -- Paul quoting The Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9,10)Buy the truth, and sell it not. (Proverbs 23:23)
As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. (Isaiah 59:21)
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, low, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. (John 21:25)
And so forth, and so on.
2. Various, The New Oxford American Dictionary, ISBN: 0195170776 9780195170771, on a Kindle.
3. Various, The New York Public Library Desk Reference, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0671850148.
4. Various, The Oxford Dictionary of English, ISBN: 0198613474 9780198613473, on a Kindle.
Particularly helpful for spelling and for compound and hyphenated words.
Padova, Ted, Adobe Acrobat 9 PDF Bible, ISBN: 9780470379196 0470379197.
All or any part of THE WEB EDITION OF BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL may be copied, printed, or downloaded freely for research, ministry, and educational uses. If copies are shared or quoted, then, in all cases, we request that the source be credited.
To copy a single web page open the page online, for example, "the Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal," Then right click from within the web page and a dialogue box will appear. Follow instruction for saving the file. Instructions may vary depending upon the version of Windows being used. In Windows 10 select "Save as," also giving the directory where it will be saved.
The user is then ready to use the copied file. Either call it up with Notepad (or a word processor) offline and refer to its contents, or call it up online in a browser. Then all the links will be active with most browsers.
Repeat these steps for all the pages being referred to. Or, if offline access to every web page is needed, then repeat the step for every file listed at
The user may use a full set of files to create a "snapshot, mirror-image" website by subscribing to a website hosting service, and taking a domain name. Of course, a user may also operate their own server.
Keep in mind that the original website is constantly expanding and being revised, which makes it always the most up-to-date version.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976
Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:11b)March 1993 Upgraded to a Hewlett Packard LaserJet IV laser printer (600 dpi) with PostScript. Produced camera ready PostScript pages in Harvard Professional Publisher. Designed and typeset the book cover in HPP. Independently published the book. (October 1993). Contracted the printing with Eerdman's Publishing, wrote promotional material, handled distribution, selling direct, and did order fulfillment.For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:36)
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. (John 21:25)1997 The book was featured in the "Chairman's Choice" column of the Puritan Reformed catalog of Great Christian Books, October 1996. It went to about 360,000 Reformed book buyers. Twenty-three copies were sold after three months.
Note: This timeline contains only main events. If it were possible to recount all events, then an continuing tapestry would be seen to unfold.
The compiler, looking back, is convinced that there is no way that the book and website could have been created in his own ability and strength. (Philippians 2:13; Philippians 1:6)
1. A laptop or a desktop computer with Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3 (ie. a Dell Latitude D610). It requires an IDE drive with drivers installed (ie. Fujitsu Model: MHV2040AH, 40 GB). A IDE drive is not compatible with the newer system configuration after Windows XP. For newer computers and operating systems one must create a vDosPlus for XyWrite mode using
2. A free CD containing the customized XyWrite 4.015 for Windows for manual installation.
Source of CD:
Steven C. Kettler
Steps for a Manual Installation
1. Copy the directory XY4 on the CD to C:/APPS on your computer. C:/APPS/XY4 directory includes EDITOR.EXE, LEGAL.SPL, PER.SPL, PUBLISH.SPL, SAVEGET.SGT, STARTUP.INT, XY4.HLP, XY4.KBD, and so forth.
The current STARTUP.INT is as follows (gives the path to customized files currently being used and being loaded automatically):
2. There are five printer files in C:/APPS/XY4. This customized copy of XyWrite 4 being manually loaded used a HP LazerJet 4 Postscript printer, but also includes other printer files that may support your printer.
3. Copy the directory C:/BATCH from the CD to C: on your computer. This contains the XY.BAT file.
4. Copy the directory C:/BITFONTS from the CD to C: on your computer.
5. Copy the directory WEBED from the CD to C:/WORK/WEBED on your computer. This contains all the data, the master HTML files for Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, and the work files with unformatted data containing possible additions.
6. Find C:/APPS/XY4/EDITOR.EXE on your computer, create a shortcut, and copy the shortcut to your Windows desktop.
"Thanks in large part to the work of users of XyWrite, the program is still very usable with Windows (or MS-DOS, and thus Linux). Even on Pentium and similar hardware, it remains noticeably faster than MS Word or" --
Becoming proficient with XyWrite 4 will be a steep learning curve for most individuals. However, anyone who writes will find it to be a powerful, time saving word processor, well-worth learning. It is being overshadowed by technological changes, but it still can be used to great advantage. It must be used offline with Windows XP and earlier versions of Windows.
"XyWrite is a word processor for MS-DOS and Windows modeled on the mainframe-based ATEX typesetting system. Popular with writers and editors for its speed and degree of customization, XyWrite was in its heyday the house word processor in many editorial offices, including the "New York Times" from 1989 to 1993. XyWrite was developed by David Erickson and marketed by XyQuest from 1982 through 1992, after which it was acquired by The Technology Group. The final version for MS-DOS was 4.18 (1993); for Windows, 4.13." --
The compiler speculates that XyWrite is probably the only word-processing programs that could be used to efficiently create the book and website, because of its powerful advanced capabilities, some of which are listed elsewhere, not the least of which is partial Boolean search capabilities, "AND."
Currently (May 2021) XyWrite 4.015 for Windows continues to be used offline on a Dell Latitude D610 laptop running Windows XP Professional. Because XyWrite and Windows NotePad both create ASCII files, their files are interchangeable between an offline laptop and online desktop computer with Windows 10. Working offline is necessary because Windows operating systems after Windows XP no longer support MS-DOS applications in full screen mode. Apparently newer versions of Windows do not protect MS-DOS applications from viruses.
The following resources will help the new user become familiar with the software and operator interface.
XyWrite III Manual
XyWrite User Manuals
Command Reference Guide XyWrite 4.0
XyWrite 4.0, Jan 1993 -- distributed on seven 3.5" HD floppy diskettes, and shipped with five bound manuals: Installation and Learning Guide, Making the Transition, Customization Guide, Command Reference Guide, pdf:Command Reference Guide XyWrite 4.0, and LAN Administrator's Guide.
Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal. A Colophon and General Timeline
Kramer, Douglas, et al., XyWrite III Plus Reference Guide, ISBN: 0927923157 9780927923156.
Rothman, David H., and John C. Dvorak (foreword), XyWrite Made Easier, Revised and Expanded for XyWrite III Plus, ISBN: 0830607404 9780830607402 0830630406 9780830630400.
Tyson, Herbert L., XyWrite Revealed.
"Includes a disk containing 100 XPL programs including those described in Chapter 6."
XyWrite Apps and Info on the WWW.
and, A General XyWrite Resource, Brian Henderson
"This site is dedicate to all things XyWrite."
Includes XyWrite's Distributed Files for XyWrite 4, Ver. 4.016 and XyWrite III, Ver. 3.56, XyWrite Manuals, applications and various other links, and so forth, and so on.
Updated XyWin Install Files (5.0Mb)
"A modern (not diskette based) install for XyWin, created in the late '90s by TTG (The Technology Group) and given to anyone who asked for it.
"The version offered for download under "Tools and Resources.""
The Power of the Printed Page
The Lord gave the Word; great was the company of those that published it. (Psalm 68:11)So then Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
- The written Word can go where and when the human voice cannot.
- Literature is the most cost-effective way of proclaiming the Gospel.
- It has no passport or visa problems.
- It knows no fear.
- It never loses its temper.
- It never tires.
- It is never discouraged.
- It can tell its story over and over again.
- It can be received, read and studied, in secret.
- It speaks without an accent.
- It never compromises.
- The written Word is more permanent than the human voice.
- A drop of ink may make a million think!
So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the things whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11) -- Peter HammondSpoken to his wife, after visiting the cell in which he incarcerated and for 16 months in Lefortovo prison in the Soviet Union, "I've always thought that the most powerful weapon in the world was the bomb. I've come to the conclusion that the most powerful weapon in the world is the truth." -- Natan Sharansky, recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal, The Presidential Medal of Freedom (2006), and The Ronald Reagan Freedom Award (2008), and former member of the Israel cabinet.
The simple truth of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world. You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your Credo be this: let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me. -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008)
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. (Psalm 144:1)
About: User Information for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Contains "Acknowledgements, 1993 print edition," "Acknowledgements, website," copyright disclaimer, and permissions
Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language
Colophon and General Timeline for BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL, the Book and Website
Helps: Key, Acronyms,, Permissions, Information for Librarians and Booksellers
Includes information about the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), The Books database, Acronyms, 1993 print edition, Listing of some alternate spellings of author names and other confusing situations, and so forth, and so on.
How to Find a Book
How to Find Things in the Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Reformed Publishers and Booksellers Online
Some Errors Found in the web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
A Testimony of Faith in Christ Jesus, April 2022
Translation of This Website and Helps in Finding Foreign Language Translations of Reformed Works
Web Layout -- Lettermen Associates
Updated -- July 19, 2023, Lettermen Associates