The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, depends not upon the testimony of any man, or Church; but wholly upon God (who is truth itself), the author thereof: and therefore it is to be received, because it is the Word of God. . . .
The Whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for His own glory, man's salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence, may be deduced from Scripture: unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of Spirit, or traditions of men. -- The Westminster Confession (1646), Chapter 1, Articles IV and VIO ye saints, how you should love the Word, for by this you have been converted. . . . Tie it about your neck, write it upon your hand, lay it in your bosom. When you go let it lead you, when you sleep let it keep you, when you wake let it talk with you. (Proverbs 6:21-22). You that are unconverted, read the Word with diligence; flock to where it is powerfully preached. Pray for the coming of the Spirit in the Word. Come from your knees to the sermon, and come from the sermon to your knees. -- Joseph Alleine (1634-1668)
For all Counselors
Peer Counseling, Peer Evangelism, One-on-one Evangelism
Questions and Answers
Audio CDs and MP3s on Counseling Subjects
Legal Aspects of Counseling
Biblical Counsel by Subject
Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
To worship God, sing the Psalms. See: THE SCOTTISH PROSE PSALTER.To pray to God, pray the Psalms.
For wisdom in getting along with others, read Proverbs.
Read the Gospel of John, chapters 14 through 16, [John 14; John 15; John 16] for comfort in time of crisis or distress.
If someone you are helping, or if you yourself are in a crisis situation, or have been through a traumatic experience, then, if you know Christ, immediately get alone with Him in prayer using Psalms as your guide, because ultimately Christ is our only source of help (Psalm 34:4, Psalm 56:9, Psalm 106:10, Romans 8:38,39, 1 Thessalonians 5:24, James 4:7, Hebrews 13:5). Pursue Him in prayer, call upon Him for help and deliverance, and seek Him "until there is a transaction." Then, trusting the Lord for deliverance, with your mind staid on Him, it may be helpful for the troubled person to be with others. If Christian fellowship is not available, then simply being in a public place may bring comfort.
Any time, day or night, persons in North America can talk to someone on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) Prayer Line at 1-888-388-2683.
Connect with BGEA online at Look for the chat button in the lower right-hand corner.
Peace With God
"Every day, on average (based on October-December 2020) over 19,000 people explore the Gospel on More than 4,000 people indicate making spiritual decisions for Christ.
The Top 10 Countries for 2020 ( 1. United States, 2. Canada, 3. Syria, 4. Sudan, 5. Azerbaijan, 6. Libya, 7. Lebanon, 8. Tanzania, 9. Bolivia, and 10. Kyrgyzstan." -- Internet Evangelism Update letter, February, 2021
Paz Con Dios
http://www.PazConDiosOpen Directory Project, Christian Counseling (some offer phone counseling) Directory Project, Christian Counseling Online all times of danger from men our wisest course is to fly to the Lord our helper. He has ways and means for delivering us which we know not of. He can either turn our enemies into friends, or else so check all their efforts that they shall do us no real injury. Blessed are those men whose trust in the Lord never wavers. -- C.H. Spurgeon, commenting on Psalm 124 and Genesis 31:36-44 in Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 45
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Some subject include: Abortion | Abuse | Admonition | Adultery | Adversity | Affliction | Aggravation | Anger | Answers | Apology | Assurance | Attitude | Authority | Balance | Behavior | Bizarre behaviour | Breakdown | Christ | Church | Commandments | Confession | Confidentiality | Contentment | Correction | Corruption | Counseling | Crises | Data gathering | Deceit | Dependence | Discipling | Divorce | Doctrine | Drugs | Education | Empathy | Evangelism | Example | Foolishness | Forgetfulness | Forgiveness | Godliness | Gospel | Gossip | Habit | Heresy | Hope | Hostility | How-to | Idolatry | Jesus | Joy | Justification | Legal matters | Legalism | Lying | Marriage | Promises of god | Put on/put off dynamic | Quickening | Radical amputation | Rage | Reconciliation | Referral | Rejuvenation | Repentance | Sanctification | Scripture | Sex | Sin | Teaching | Temptation | Testing | Think list | Thought | Training.
*[Bible, Authorized King James Version], The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version (various publishers and various editions).
Turn to the book of Psalms for immediate guidance on worship and prayer. Turn to the book of Proverbs for immediate wisdom on how to get along with others. Turn to the THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, new and enlarged, to find verses on specific counseling subjects. Turn to THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE to learn how the Bible comments on those verses. Read the Gospel of John, chapters 14 through 16, [John 14; John 15; John 16] for comfort in time of crisis or distress.
Nave's Topical Bible
Crosswalk Bible Study Tools
*[Bible, New Nave's Topical Bible] Nave, Orville (1841-1917), and Edward Viening (revised and compiled), The New Nave's Topical Bible, new and enlarged (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986), 1114 pages, ISBN: 0310337100 9780310337102. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
NAVE'S is a way of finding what the Bible teaches on any subject. Unlike a concordance it has the verses printed right within the book.
Formerly THE ZONDERVAN TOPICAL BIBLE. Edward Viening was responsible for the compilation and revision of this 1969 work. This revised edition has 21,000 subject-heads rather than 20,000, but does not have the extensive Scripture references which still appear only in the Hendrickson edition. Nearly 6500 listings with more than 100,000 Scripture references and 1114 pages. Very useful in counseling also.
Dr. D. James Kennedy says he has used it for 30 years and considers it an indispensable aid. Billy Graham has said he uses it more than any other book except the Bible in the preparation of his sermons.
Nave's Topical Bible
What the Bible Says About (WBSA)
"What The Bible Says About (WBSA), [a website where the NEW NAVES TOPICAL BIBLE may be searched -- compiler], is based on the NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, a revision of the classic reference work, NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, which was written in the later part of the 19th century by Dr. Orville Nave. The original NAVE'S was revised and expanded by James Swanson. The resulting NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE is Copyright 1997 Logos Research Systems, Inc."
Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of the Holy Scriptures (1903)
*[Bible, Reformation Study Bible/New Geneva Study Bible] The Reformation Study Bible: The Word That Changes Lives -- the Faith That Changed The World, New King James Version, ISBN: 0785258523 9780785258520. Previously published under the title NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE: BRINGING THE LIGHT OF THE REFORMATION TO SCRIPTURE, ISBN: 0840710917 9780840710918.
"The NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE offers a restatement of Reformation truth for Christians today. The first Geneva Bible was a pivotal force in the Reformation. Using the everyday language of its time, it opened the pages of Scripture to readers and provided helpful notes to assist them in understanding its message. It became the family Bible of the English people, and was the Bible that the Pilgrims brought to the New World. Since that time a multitude of English translations and study Bibles have appeared, but none of these has incorporated a summary of Reformed theology." -- Thomas Nelson Publishers
Also available in digital format from Logos Bible Software.
Geneva Bible Notes: Reviews of the 1599 and the 1672 editions of the Notes, and of the Reformation Study Bible
Readers of THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE should also be familiar with the Geneva Bible Notes, The Westminster Family of Documents, the doctrine of the Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ, and the literature of the Covenanted Reformation.
The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide
The Covenanted Reformation of Scotland Author/Title Listing
Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, William L. Roberts D.D.
*[Bible, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, 5th improved edition] Thompson, Frank Charles (editor), and Kirkbride Bible and Technology (other contributor), Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, (KJV, Adult, Regular Size, Bonded Leather, Black, Indexed, Kirkbride Bible Company Item Number: 978-0-88707-527-8), 5th improved edition, leather bound (Kirkbride Bible Company, December 2005), some editions include a CD-ROM, language: English, French, and Spanish. Many editions and bindings are available. WorldCat Record for 5th Improved Edition, ISBN: 0887071228 9780887071225 9780887076091 0887076092.
"Dr. Frank C. Thompson, D.D., Ph.D., invested more than forty years in compiling and developing the remarkable Chain-Reference system that is the heart of the Bible that now bears his name." -- Publisher
This is a huge body of work: the fully cross-referenced Bible, 1619 pages, plus Bible helps, 788 pages, for a total of 2417 pages. It may be used profitably in combination with THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (1680 pages), THE NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE (THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE), (2220 pages), THE GENEVA BIBLE (648 pages), THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION (1631 pages), and THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE (1114 pages).
"The topics from the TOPICAL BIBLE can easily be found in the General Index of the THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. In the General Index are found the chain-reference numbers that will guide the user into the biblical context for many of the topics. The many additional resources in the THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE . . . will greatly supplement any topical study." -- Introduction to the TOPICAL BIBLE
We feel that both THE THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION, 5TH EDITION, and the THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION has a part in every reference library, particularly the libraries of Biblical Counselors.
Remember the Thompson Chain-Reference System was developed for the Authorized King James Version. It is also available in New American Standard, New King James, and the New International versions.
"A THOMPSON STUDY BIBLE will help you in ways other Bibles can't. It's the unique Chain-Reference System that allows you to follow any subject, person, place or idea, from the front of your Bible to the end. THOMPSON users say it's the best way to study your Bible. No other Bible has this superb, patented, Thompson Chain Reference System developed by Dr. Frank C. Thompson in 1890. Since that time, thousands of additional topics and links have been added. The AKJV 4th edition has been out-of-print since 1988. The 5th edition began printing in 1988. The only way to find a 4th edition would be in the secondary market." -- Publisher
"Some Thompson Bible Features [from among 75 additional study features]:
*[Bible, Thompson Exhaustive Topical Bible: King James Version], Thompson, Frank Charles (author), Paul M. Hillman (editor), John Stephen Jauchen (editor), The Thompson Exhaustive Topical Bible: King James Version (Indianapolis, IN: Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc., 1997). Hardcover, 1631 pages.
This is a topical Bible compiled from the Thompson Chain-Reference System.
"NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE was edited into a Study Bible format shortly after the appearance of the original THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. It is fitting for Thompson's Study Bible to be reformatted into a reference book. And where there is room in the marketplace and on every serious student's bookshelf for more than one Bible translation, so there is room for more than one Topical Bible -- and great value in the use of both Nave's and Thompson's work. . . ." -- John R. Kohlenberger III, from the Foreword
"Now, the detailed and comprehensive topical and subject data that forms the heart of the unparalleled Thompson Chain-Reference system is offered in this -- the most exhaustive topical Bible currently available! Combining to make THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE unique are features which include:
*Bordwine, James E., A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
One way to be strengthened and encouraged in times of trouble, discouragement, and depressions is to read pure doctrine to remind oneself of what is in fact true.
"In this volume are the complete texts of the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646), (both the original and American versions), and the LARGER CATECHISM, together with Scripture proofs and a unique topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism. A GUIDE TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS will be a great help in understanding the Bible and its most complete summaries, the Westminster Standards." -- Publisher
Includes a unique, 100 page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Lockyer, Herbert, All the Promises of the Bible, ISBN: 0310281318.
"A devotional expositional compilation of all the promises [about 3,300 of the approximate 8,810 promises -- compiler], that are found in Scripture." -- Publisher
"Lockyer's in-depth look at the scope of God's promises arranges them in categories that cover the full array of human concerns, from the spiritual to the material and the corporate to the personal. As you come to understand God's promises and how they apply to every aspect of your life, you'll gain a trust in God that will sustain you through the worst of times and be your source of rejoicing in the best.
"Dr. Herbert Lockyer was born in London in 1886, and held pastorates in Scotland and England for 25 years before coming to the United States in 1935. In 1937 he received the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Northwestern Evangelical Seminary. In 1955 he returned to England where he lived for many years. He then returned to the United States where he continued to devote time to the writing ministry until his death in November of 1984." -- Publisher
Pulaski, Adam, Biblical Counseling Manual: A Self Help Counseling Program Guide, ISBN: 1412038790 9781412038799.
Biblical Counseling Manual: A Self Help Counseling Program
*Smith, Jerome H. (editor), The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, revised and expanded (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 1664 pages, ISBN: 0785212272 and 0785213155. Includes bibliography, subject index, topic number index, Proverbs index, name index, figure of speech index, and other indexes. See the index to Proverbs.
"An incredible one-volume Bible reference library, this comprehensive update of the original TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [TSK] is a unique resource for Bible study, teaching, or preaching. This edition contains nearly 100,000 new cross references, additional key words, a new system of symbols, and many other improvements. This is the most comprehensive collection of time-saving and insightful cross references ever published! Dozens of special study aids help you develop powerful lessons or sermons -- straight from the Bible itself! Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. says: 'The one book, apart from the Bible itself, that I value most in my studies'." -- Logos Research Systems
Smith, Jerome, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
"For generations, the TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [original edition by R.A. Torrey -- compiler], has been an enduring cross reference resource for Bible students worldwide. This highly respected and nearly exhaustive compilation of cross references was developed by R.A. Torrey from references in the REV. THOMAS SCOTT'S COMMENTARY and THE COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. With nearly 500,000 cross references it is the most thorough source available [prior to Jerome Smith's 1992 revision and update -- compiler]."
TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. It is included at and may be downloaded from various websites.
Torrey, R.A., Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (former edition to NTSK)
Smith, Jerome H., Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible: Illuminating God's Word Verse-by-Verse, 2007, ISBN: 1418504599 9781418504595.
Whereas, The Holy Bible is the greatest book (Matthew 4:4; Psalm 33:6; John 1:1-14; Mark 13:31; 1 Corinthians 2:12,13; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:4; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119, and so forth, and so on),
Whereas, it is the best commentary on itself, a truth that came out of the Reformation,
Therefore, THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (NTSK) and its successor, NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE (NCRGB), are among the greatest and most valuable books ever printed, after The Holy Bible itself, because they allow the Bible to interpret itself.
"THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE are more flexible than a concordance, more thorough than a topical Bible, and more discovery-oriented than a Bible commentary." -- Reader's Comment
Most readers will need to own both the NTSK and NCRGB. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE is recommended for quick reference, because of its new format, its ease of use, and more compact size. But THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is also necessary for serious study, because the eight indices for the NTSK, the extensive bibliography, and most of Smith's added personal notes to about 275 verses were removed from the NCRGB.
It should also be pointed out that neither of these works are Reformed. A random check of both works showed that Smith did not consult cross references used in CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES or in the GENEVA BIBLE and NOTES, although, of course, some cross references used by Calvin and other Reformed writers appear by chance in both of Smith's works. Therefore, Reformed reader must go directly to the indices to the various commentaries of Calvin to see Calvin's cross references, and to other Reformed writers, and the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE, for their cross references.
Jerome H. Smith spent about 37 years editing and expanding THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (see the Preface to NTSK). After the release of the NTSK in 1992, he continued to edit and improve it, and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE was released in 2007, 15 years later. That is a total of 52 years working to improve this one reference work.
"Building on the Bible Study classic, THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (with its well-known introduction by R.A. Torrey), and his own expansive THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE, Jerome Smith has fashioned a user-friendly tool [the NCRGB -- compiler] in a much improved, altogether new format to make personal Bible study and Bible lesson preparation easier than ever before. Thanks to Smith's diligent work over many years, this volume contains a more complete collection of cross references than any Bible reference ever published." -- Publisher
"Smith compiled no less than eight indices for the NTSK: Subject Index, Topic Number Index, Prayer Index, Proverbs Index, Name Index, Figure of Speech Index, Strong's Numbers Index: Hebrew, and Strong's Numbers Index: Greek. He also provided an extensive bibliography. Leaving most of the notes he found in TSK unmodified, he added his own personal notes to about 275 verses. But the indices, bibliography, and most of the notes were removed from the NCRGB." -- Reader's Comment
"Discover how words, phrases, and concepts in one passage of the BIBLE are reflected and reinforced in the whole of Scripture. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE is organized in biblical sequence, making it easy for you to study a particular passage deeper than ever before.
"You'll find multiple cross references to related passages in the Old and New Testaments. Gain a richer understanding of God's Word by studying a theme through the whole counsel of Scripture.
"THE NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE [based on the AKJV] lets the Bible interpret itself. I study with the ESV Single Column Reference Edition, NASB Reference Updated Edition (1995), and HCSB Large Print Reference. To illustrate the value of the NCRGB, for John 11:11, where Jesus states Lazarus has 'fallen asleep,' the ESV has only 1 reference, the NASB has 5, and the HCSB has 2. The NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 25 references including a definition of 'Lazarus,' citation to the Strong's number (2976g). For John 1:1, the ESV has 12 references, NASB has 8 and HCSB has 6. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 61, including very helpful references from Isaiah, Psalms, Job, Jeremiah, Micah. Each set of words in John 1:1 is divided and references are provided for 'the beginning,' 'the Word,' 'with,' 'and he Word,' and 'was God.' One last example, for John 10:9 where Jesus says he's the door, ESV has 3 references, NASB has 1, and HCSB has no references. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has 18, providing reference supports for key words in the verse such as 'the door,' 'if,' 'be saved,' and 'go in and out'." -- Reader's Comment
"I almost did not live to finish my editorial work on THE NEW TREASURY, for I was shot in the head by an unknown assailant on March 13, 1986, when I had typed the text only as far as 1 Samuel 3. The Lord miraculously spared my life. During my recovery I kept working on the book, often without income." -- Jerome Smith in the foreword to The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE may be used to advantage in combination with the following Bible reference works, among others:
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Spurgeon's Devotional Bible: Selected Passages From the Word of God With Running Comments, ISBN: 0852343434 0852340583. Alternate title: Originally published under the title, THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON'S MORNING AND EVENING DEVOTIONS FROM THE BIBLE.
"For anyone who wants to restore daily devotions on an individual or family basis, SPURGEON'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE is the perfect answer. One can read through this book in a year when morning and evening devotions are maintained. . . .
"The gist of the entire Bible is found between the covers of this book. . . . some verses [and chapters], were omitted in whole or in part, but they are always summarized in such a way that the narrative or teaching remains clear. The emphasis is always on Scripture . . ." -- Publisher
Commenting on typology is a way to convince piers of the reality and immediacy of the Gospel. The concise, succinct, erudite comments point again and again to parallels in Scripture to the life and work of Christ. For example, see the comments on the life of Joseph, on the first Passover, and on God's provision of manna for Israel in the wilderness.
This work, by a modern Puritan, is preeminently practical. Spurgeon emphasizes application of Scripture to everyday life. Key verses appear at the top of each page.
Spurgeon's discerning mind has captured essential and profound lessons. He brings together Old and New Testament passages with similar lessons. Here is little known insight that should not be ignored or overlooked.
The Bible is full of wisdom on human behavior, real psychology, and Spurgeon points out these lessons everywhere.
The text is the Authorized King James Version.
A footnote at the bottom of page 643 (Baker Book House edition), states "In this reading the first five notes are from Lange's Commentary. All through the work we have gathered from every available source." Looking at other works by Spurgeon, for example, THE TREASURY OF DAVID, and knowing that he had a huge library, it could be expected he selected freely from the works of other authors. Poetry has been added after the Bible selection and notes. It would appear the notes and poetry have not been documented for practical purposes, to make the book seamless and uncluttered. It is a drawback, however, to not know which notes and poetry was from Spurgeon's pen and which he selected from other authors.
"THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON DEVOTIONAL BIBLE contains the text of the entire Bible, along with Spurgeon's reflections on nearly every verse. This Bible, arranged topically instead of canonically, allows readers to experience the text of Scripture along with Charles Spurgeon himself. His commentary illuminates the texts, and provides notes on interpretation and application of the Bible. The Logos Bible Software edition of THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE was originally published in London by Passmore and Alabaster from 1869-1887." -- Publisher
Pilgrim Publications
Power BibleCD
C.H. Spurgeon wrote, among other things:
*Thomas Nelson Publishers, Precious Bible Promises (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983), 367 pages, ISBN: 0840753543 9780840753540.
Some of the 37,000 promises from the Word of God arranged by theme. Convenient for use in counseling. Good when you need help fast. Text is the New King James Version, pocket size.
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), [completed and first printed in 1646, approved by the Assembly, August 27, 1647, Session 23 -- compiler] (Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publication [133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE], 1994), ISBN: 0902506080 (case-bound), and ISBN: 0902506358 (paperback). Among the ten greatest works in the English language. Available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
" 'The product of Puritan conflict,' stated Shedd, reaching 'a perfection of statement never elsewhere achieved.' All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes Hetherington (1803-1865), (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345).
"Concerning The Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell notes: 'it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms.' (Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, p. 431).
"THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian church. The church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define and proclaim the one true faith. Nowhere has the Reformed church done this so effectively as in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, and family of documents. This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the Covenanted Reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles." -- Publisher
This is considered to be the definitive publication of the Westminster family of documents. It includes the following:
See also: Reconciliation of relationships, Biblical counsel by subject, Peer counseling, The promises of Christ, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, The teaching of our lord jesus christ, Christ in you, Bible promises, Crisis counseling, The local church and counseling, Topical listings of scripture, Questions and answers, and so forth, and so on.
The Gideons International, Bible Helps
Includes: "Where to Find Help When," "Teachings About Some of Life's Problems," "Christian Virtues and Character," and so forth.
GOD spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in the six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
V. Honor thy father and thy mother: that they days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
VI. Thou shalt not kill.
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
VIII. Thou shalt not steal.
IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's. (Exodus 20:2-17) -- Lord God Almighty (Revelation 15:3), The Truth (John 14:6), The Word of Life (1 John 1:1), Governor (Matthew 2:6), The Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8)See the Theological Notes: "The Law of God," at Exodus 20:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.
John Calvin commenting on "The Sum of the Law," Deuteronomy 10:12,13 and Deuteronomy 6:5
and Leviticus 19:18 the Theological Notes: "The Three Purposes of the Law" at Deuteronomy 13:10 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Select quotations from Calvin's COMMENTARIES ON THE FOUR LAST BOOKS OF MOSES ARRANGED IN THE FORM OF A HARMONY (volumes II and III of the Baker Books reprint), Harmony of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, follow with links to the online text.
I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (Exodus 20:2)Concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we must hold, that it was prohibited to man, not because God would have him to stray like a sheep, without judgment and without choice; but that he might not seek to be wiser than became him, nor by trusting to his own understanding, cast off the yoke of God, and constitute himself an arbiter and judge of good and evil. His sin proceeded from an evil conscience; whence it follows, that a judgment had been given him, by which he might discriminate between virtues and vices. Nor could what Moses relates be otherwise true, namely, that he was created in the image of God; since the image of God comprises in itself the knowledge of him who is the chief good. Thoroughly insane, therefore, and monsters of men are the libertines, who pretend that we are restored to a state of innocence, when each is carried away by his own lust without judgment. We now understand what is meant by abstaining from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; namely, that Adam might not, in attempting one thing or another, rely upon his own prudence; but that, cleaving to God alone, he might become wise only by his obedience. Knowledge is here, therefore, taken disparagingly, in a bad sense, for that wretched experience which man, when he departed from the only fountain of perfect wisdom, began to acquire for himself. And this is the origin of freewill, that Adam wished to be independent, and dared to try what he was able to do. -- John Calvin commenting on Genesis 2:9 and context
"Moreover, He not merely declares Himself to be Jehovah, the only God to whom men are bound by the right of creation, who has given them their existence, and who preserves their life, nay, who is Himself the life of all; but He adds, that He is the peculiar God of the Israelites; for it was expedient, not only that the people should be alarmed by the majesty of God, but also that they should be gently attracted, so that the law might be more precious than gold and silver, and at the same time sweeter than honey, (Psalm 119:72, 103). . . . But, in order to bind them the better to Himself, He reminds them also of their former condition; for Egypt was like a house of bondage, from whence the Israelites were delivered. Wherefore, they were no more their own masters, since God had purchased them unto Himself. This does not indeed literally apply to us; but He has bound us to Himself with a holier tie, by the hand of His only-be-gotten Son; whom Paul teaches to have died, and risen again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and the living. (Romans 14:9.) So that He is not now the God of one people only, but of all nations, whom He has called into His Church by general adoption. -- John Calvin commenting on Exodus 20:1,2 and contextIn these words he commends the Law; because it must be accounted a peculiar blessing, and a very high honor to be taken into covenant by God. Wherefore, that they may anxiously prepare themselves to embrace the Law, he says that what was above all things to be desired had been freely offered to them, viz., that they should be united in covenant with God. In the next verse he still further magnifies this advantage by comparison; because God had given more to them than to their fathers. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 5:2
Mark, also, the mutual relation, when God requires Himself to be hallowed, even as he hallows the people; for nothing can be more unseemly than for the Israelites to mix up with idols Him by whose blessing they excel all other nations. -- John Calvin commenting on Leviticus 22:32
The main point is, that they should neither add to nor diminish from the pure doctrine of the Law; and this cannot be the case, unless men first renounce their own private feelings, and then shut their ears against all the imaginations of others. For none are to be accounted (true) disciples of the Law, but those who obtain their wisdom from it alone. It is, then, as if God commanded them to be content with His precepts; because in no other way would they keep His law, except by giving themselves wholly to its teaching. Hence it follows, that they only obey God who depend on His authority alone; and that they only pay the Law its rightful honor, who receive nothing which is opposed to its natural meaning. The passage is a remarkable one, openly condemning whatsoever man's ingenuity may invent for the service of God. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 4:1
In its preposterous wilfulness, the whole world almost is carried away into false religions; which, nevertheless, God has briefly condemned in a single word. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 5:2
If any object that God's election is eternal, the objection is readily solved, for the seed of Abraham was separated from all nations, because God had gratuitously adopted their father. We now understand the meaning of Moses, that the deliverance of the people was only to be ascribed to God's goodness. He thus amplifies this blessing by another circumstance, viz., that God had preferred to great and mighty nations this ignoble people, whose own proper worthiness could not have acquired His favor. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 4:37
But now he still further commends the goodness of God, because He had handed down His covenant from the fathers to the children, to shew that He is faithful and true to His promises. At the end of the verse, he teaches that the deliverance of the people was both an effect and a testimony of that grace. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 7:8
He shews them from the consequence that nothing can be better or more desirable for them than to embrace God's Law; for nothing can be more honorable to ourselves than to give to God His due honor, and to exalt His glory to its due preeminence. Moses declares that, if the Israelites submit themselves to the Law, this will be, as it were, to place Him in His rightful dignity; and he promises that the fruit of it will return to them, for that God, on his part, will exalt them, so that they shall far excel all other nations; as it is said in Isaiah, (Isaiah 8:13, 14,) Sanctify the Lord of hosts . . . and he shall be for a sanctuary. For no otherwise does He desire to be glorified by us, than to make us in turn partakers of His glory; and thus Moses gently entices them to receive the Law, because their solid happiness consists in this pious duty, if they altogether devote themselves to obedience. But this excellency of the Church, although it shines forth in the world, is still hidden from the blind, and, since it is spiritual, only obtains its praise before God and the angels. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 26:17
The sole point which Moses urges in these verses is, that the people should testify their gratitude by obeying the Law, and that the same religion, which he commands the fathers to teach, should descend to their posterity. The sum is, that there was good reason why all the precepts of the Law should be observed, since by them it was that God desired His people, after their deliverance, to shew forth their sense of His loving-kindness. -- John Calvin commenting on Deuteronomy 6:20
Paul shows us that there is no contradiction in this diversity [between the law and the Gospel -- compiler], because the people were taught by the Law not to seek for salvation anywhere but in the grace of Christ, and being convinced of the horrible condemnation under which they lay, were driven by fear to implore God's mercy; for, as men are apt to allow themselves in sin, sin (as Paul says, Romans 5:13) is not imputed, where there is no law; but those, who delight themselves in darkness, are by the teaching of the Law brought before God's tribunal, that they may fully perceive their filthiness and be ashamed. Thus is Paul's saying fulfilled, that the life of the Law is man's death. (Romans 7:9.) Now we understand why the promulgation of the Law was ratified by so many miracles; viz., because, in general, the authority of the divine teaching was to be established among the dull and careless, or the proud and rebellious; and, secondly, because the Law was propounded to men, who sought the means of flattering themselves, as the mirror of the curse, so that, in themselves lost, they might fly to the refuge of pardon. -- John Calvin commenting on Exodus 19:1 and context
The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure. They stand fast forever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. (Psalm 111:7,8)
See the Theological Notes: "The Wisdom and Will of God," at Daniel 2:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. (Jeremiah 23:22)
Deuteronomy 5:33; Isaiah 40:13; Romans 11:34; 1 Corinthians 2:16
See: is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law. (Psalm 119:126)
See the Theological Notes: "Antinomianism," at 1 John 3:7 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:38-40)
Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty;
just and true are thy ways,
thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?
for though only art holy:
for all the nations shall come and worship before thee;
for thy judgments are made manifest. (Revelation 15:3b,4)For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; He will save us. (Isaiah 33:22)
Isaiah's Prophesy after the Angel of the Lord smote Sennacherib's army for good King Hezekiah.At Sinai the Lord gave his people a religious and national constitution that would provide permanent guidelines for the moral, physical, and spiritual well-being of his people. The directives given pointed to the uniqueness and transparency of their divine Author. -- John Reid, commenting on Psalm 111
The First Amendment clearly was intended to, and has lead to, pluralism in this country, not just acceptance of multiple Christian denominations, but also of false religions.
Furthermore, the explicit rejection of a religious test oath to hold office [Article VI, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution] is telling as to the Framers' intent. -- A social media postThe testimony [which contains the Gospel] takes precedence of the law, First, because the law furnishes no motives which will effectually influence fallen man to obey its precepts or dread its penalty. The law is here viewed as contained in the ten (words) commandments, written on tables of stone. Such is its restricted and specific import in the sacred text under present consideration. That the law, thus viewed, contains motives or reasons enforcing obedience to itself, is not questioned: but these are adapted to a sinless, or at least a regenerated, subject of the law. In the conscience of every child of fallen Adam, the law worketh wrath: and this is as true of the moral as of the ceremonial law. But what the law could not do is accomplished by the testimony -- not of itself, but as the appointed means employed by the Holy Spirit.
For, Second, The testimony consists formally of matters of fact. The great facts contemplated in the text are embodied in the solemn declaration -- I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage (Exodus 20:1). These words have been long designated "The Preface to the Ten Commandments." [cf. Larger Catechism, Q.101; Shorter catechism, Q.44] They go before the law in the order of announcement, and not less in the order of operation and experience. Moses was mighty in words and in deeds (Acts 7:22). By the miracles which he wrought, the Egyptians were constrained to acknowledge the presence and power of the God of the Hebrews. The magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. Thus the testimony convinced the enemies of God of his supremacy over themselves, and over all idols. At the Red Sea the testimony wrought another distinct conviction among the Egyptians, -- that God was a friend to the Israelites and an enemy to them: -- Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians (Exodus 14:25). Such divine interpositions on behalf of those who are in covenant with God constitute the matter or substance of the testimony. Several and successive results flow from these miraculous or special providences. In the case of the children of Israel we may observe: -- 1, I am the Lord, a self-existent and eternal Being, as contrasted with gods that came newly up; [Deuteronomy 32:17]. 2, I am your God, your almighty friend in special covenant relation; and 3, both these important and consolatory facts proved to demonstration by delivering them from bondage. -- David Steele (1803-1887)The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence. (2 Samuel 22:3)
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. (2 Samuel 23:3)
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:20-28)Moreover, because, besides unspeakable lusts, some men lash out cursings and oaths of God, thereby provoking him to anger; we therefore exhort them to abstain from cursings and oaths by his hair and head, and such other words like unto these. For if reproaches done unto men are not left unrevenged, much more is he worthy to be punished, that stirreth God to anger with his villany. And for such offences as these do so many deaths, earthquakes, and plagues come unto men. We therefore admonish them to abstain from those crimes: for whosoever, after this admonition of ours, shall be found faulty therein, they shall first shew themselves unworthy to be beloved of men, and, after that too, suffer such punishment as the Law shall appoint. For we have given in charge to the right honourable the lieutenant of our royal city to apprehend the guilty, and to punish them extremely: lest peradventure at length for such sinners' contempt, and such heinous offences, not only this city, but also the whole commonweal, be justly destroyed by God's just vengeance. -- Emperor Justinian I, quoted by Heinrich Bullinger in Decades, "The Third Precept of the Ten Commandments"
Jesus will describe these people as you who practice lawlessness. [Matthew 7:23] . . . . He has already told us why. All of these extraordinary and wonderful works done in the name of Jesus are lawlessness, because they are done for the purpose of obtaining salvation. These works are lawlessness because they involve an illegal use of the law. The law, Paul tells us, is given for the knowledge of sin. It is not given that we sinners might use it to gain entrance into Heaven. Conviction of sin, not salvation, is the purpose of the law. Legalism, because it is an illegal use of the law, is lawlessness. But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, Paul told Timothy. But using the law in an effort to obtain Heaven is not lawful; it is an illegal use of the law; it is lawlessness. -- John W. Robbins in a sermon on Matthew 7:21-23, "Justification and Judgment"
The Ten Commandments not only safeguard the right of private property, but are also additional evidence that the right is divinely ordained. -- C. Gregg Singer, "Calvinism and Economic Thought and Practice" in John Calvin: His Roots and Fruits, p. 46
Modern civil law foresees only civil enforcement. Biblical law requires civil enforcement and declares the certainty of ultimate divine judgment in history for failure to enforce His Laws [Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 17:11]. Biblical criminal law is thus essentially religious law, and it has in mind two courts, the God-ordained courts of the social order, and the Supreme Court of Almighty God.
Ehrlich's comment is to the point:It is difficult to compare Biblical sins with statutory crimes since in the former all are based on moral and spiritual values whereas in the latter only that is a crime which fits into the structure of the statute sought to be enforced. (J.W. Ehrlich, The Holy Bible and The Law, p. 92)Precisely. Biblical law is the word of God; it therefore represents an ultimate order which is written into the texture of all creation and into the heart of man. Hence, a jury system is valid in terms of Biblical law, since the decision is in terms of a fundamental law which all men know, whether they acknowledge it or not. Civil statutes represent only the will of the state, not an objective and absolute moral order. Statutory law creates lawlessness, because society is then no longer governed by an absolute standard of justice but rather by the fiat will of the state. Like fiat money, fiat law lacks substance, and it quickly destroys itself, and all who rely on it. It is a form of fraud, and a major form. -- R.J. Rushdoony (1916-2001), The Institutes of Biblical Law, pp. 498-499But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. (1 Timothy 1:8-11)
One of the besetting sins of mankind is to use the law to oppress and steal from his fellowman. Frederic Bastiat unfolds this sin in, The Law.Thus, what is clearly condemned by the Tenth Commandment is every attempt to gain by fraud, coercion, or deceit that which belongs to our neighbor. On this principle, alienation of affection suits [akin to marrying for money], were once a part of the law of the land. Their abuse by a lawless age led to their abolition, but the principle is sound. A person who works systematically to alienate the affections of a husband or wife in order to gain him or her for himself, sometimes together with his monetary assets, is guilty of violating this law.
This law thus forbids the expropriation by fraud or deceit of that which belongs to our neighbor. The Tenth Commandment therefore does sum up commandments six through nine and gives them an additional perspective. [emphasis added. Notice that one through four prohibit taking from God the glory, honor, and praise that is his due, yet very few attain to this type of obedience]. The other commandments deal with obviously illegal acts, i.e., clear-cut violations of law. The Tenth Commandment can be broken within these laws. To cite a Biblical example. David committed adultery with Bathsheba, a clearly illegal act. His subsequent acts were technically within the law: Uriah was put in the forefront of the battle and orders were so issued as to insure Uriah's death in battle. It was not technically murder, but it was clearly a conspiracy to kill, with David and Joab both guilty of murder.
Thus, a variety of laws in Western civilization are based on this principle of the fraudulent use of the law to defraud or to harm. Many of these laws legislate against the conspiracy aspect of fraud. They legislate against the covetous seizure of our neighbor's possessions by evil through sometimes legal means. The law against dishonest gain is thus a very important one, and the Tenth Commandment, instead of being a vague appendage to the law, is basic to it.
This law against dishonest gain is directed by God, not merely to the individual, but to the state and all institutions [including corporations, foundations, organizations, secret societies, churches, parachurch organizations, and etc.]. The state can be and often is as guilty as are any individuals, and the state is often used as the legal means whereby others are defrauded of their possessions. The law against evil covetousness is thus an especially needed one in the 20th century. -- R.J. Rushdoony (1916-2001), The Institutes of Biblical Law, pp. 634-635You can not break the Law of God, you can only be broken by it. -- Anonymous
The difference between God's laws and man's laws? God perfectly enforces his laws. Man is unable to perfectly enforce his laws.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Subject examples: "Commandments," "Morality," and so forth, and so on.
*Andrews [Andrewes], Lancelot (1555-1626), The Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine at Large: or, A Learned and Pious Exposition of the Ten Commandments. Alternate title: THE MORAL LAW EXPOUNDED (TEN COMMANDMENTS) and A PATTERN OF CATECHISTICAL DOCTRINE, AND OTHER MINOR WORKS OF LANCELOT ANDREWES, SOMETIME LORD BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The most famous commentary on the Ten Commandments was by Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626), a huge folio." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
A Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine, and Other Minor Works of Lancelot Andrewes, Sometime Lord Bishop of Winchester
*Bastiat, Frederic (1801-1850), The Law (Foundation for Economic Education, October 1998). Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"Full of truths that are not merely relevant, but are absolutely vital to our future." -- Dick Armey
"If ever there was a concise and powerful argument for defending Liberty and the Law against every social engineer, this has to be it (only 75 pages!). Bastiat is a master of words and the analogy. Every lover of freedom who wishes to get a nutshell understanding of why Liberty and Law matters ought to read this book. . . ." -- Reader's Comment
The Law, by Frederic Bastiat (Part 1 of 10)
"The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish! " -- Frederic Bastiat, from the Introduction
The Law, Frederic Bastiat
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Saint and the Law (Pensacola, FL: Mt. Zion Bible Church), a booklet. From GOD'S WAY OF HOLINESS by Horatius Bonar.
Mount Zion Bible Church
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0664220207 9780664220204. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. A Christian classic.
"Edited by John McNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles, this is the definitive English language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church -- Calvin's INSTITUTES.
"Still considered by many to be the finest explanation and defense of the Protestant Reformation available.
"The work is divided into four books: I. The Knowledge of God the Creator, II. The Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ, III. The Mode of Obtaining the Grace of Christ, IV. The External Means or Helps by Which God Allures us Into Fellowship With Christ and Keeps us in it. . . . THE INSTITUTES is praised by the secular philosopher, Will Durant, as one of the ten books that shook the world." -- GCB
Calvin spent a lifetime writing and perfecting INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. His Prefatory Address makes it clear that he intended the work to be a defense of Christianity to the King of France.
Therefore, plainly stated, one of the most influential works ever published in the English language is a defense of Christianity to leaders of State.
Prefatory Address to His Most Christian Majesty, The Most Mighty and Illustrious Monarch, Francis, King of the French, His Sovereign, John Calvin. Available in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
"Indeed, this consideration makes a true king: to recognize himself a minister of God in governing his kingdom. Now, that king, who in ruling over his realm does not serve God's glory, exercises not kingly rule but brigandage. [Footnote: 'Nec iam regnum ille sed latrocinium exercet.' An echo of Augustine's famous phrase: 'When justice is taken away, what are kingdoms [[regna]] but a vast banditry [[magna latocinia]]?' City of God, IV. iv (MPL [[Migne, J.P., Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina]], 41. 115; tr. NPNF [[A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series]], II. 66)]. Furthermore, he is deceived who looks for enduring prosperity in his kingdom when it is not ruled by God's scepter, that is, his Holy Word; for the heavenly oracle that proclaims that where prophecy fails the people are scattered [Prov. 29:18 (Proverbs 29:18)], cannot lie." (Battles translation)
"The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the sceptre of God, that is, by his divine word. For the heavenly oracle is infallible which has declared, that where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18), (Beveridge translation)."
See the entire Prefatory Address, Beveridge translation. Considered to be one of the greatest prefaces ever written.
"The doctrines of covenant liberty were rediscovered in the Reformation. John Calvin went further than anyone else in defining liberty and what Christians need to do to maintain it. Includes bibliographies."
It is recommended that INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION be used for daily devotions and may be used in combination with Ford Lewis Battles and John Walchenbach, AN ANALYSIS OF THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION OF JOHN CALVIN and with CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES.
Calvin's Commentaries at
Calvin's Commentaries, complete
From the Calvin Translation Society edition.
One Hundred Aphorisms, Containing, Within a Narrow Compass, the Substance and Order of the Four Books of The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Contents and Chapter Sections for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 (McNeill/Battles)
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 1
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 2
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Beveridge translation
Monergism: Commentaries
From search "commentaries."
*Calvin, John, Benjamin W. Farley (editor, translator), and Ford Lewis Battles (foreword), John Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0801024439 9780801024436.
"This is an excellent translation, very well researched and footnoted, with an extensive bibliography. The editing work is flawless. Every detail is well done, including good paragraph breaks for easy flow, good fonting, and quality binding. It makes the full depth of these important sermons available in a very readable format." -- Reader's Comment
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Sermons on Deuteronomy. A Christian classic.
Sermons on Deuteronomy by John Calvin
Covenant Enforced: Sermons on Deuteronomy 27 and 28, John Calvin
Clowney, Edmund P., and Rebecca Jones, How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 1596380365 9781596380363.
Davidman, Joy, Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 066424680X.
"The wife of C.S. Lewis interprets the Ten Commandments and passes on observations she has made concerning those who have attempted to order their lives according to the Decalogue." -- Cyril J. Barber
Dent, Harry, and Betty Dent, Right vs. Wrong: Solutions to the American Nightmare, ISBN: 0840734387 9780840734389.
Dod, John (1549-1645), and Thomas Cleaver (born 1562), Plaine and Familiar Exposition of the Ten Commandments, 1603.
This work went through nineteen editions in thirty-two years.
Durham, James (1622-1658), William Jenkyn (1613-1685), and John Owen (1616-1683), The law Unsealed; or, a Practical Exposition of the Ten Commandments. With a Resolution of Several Momentous Questions and Cases of Conscience, 422 pages. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Durham, a Scottish Covenanter, was known as a 'very candid and searching preacher,' who in an instant was 'in the inmost corners of your bosom,' though with the utmost 'caution and meekness, without giving any of his hearers the smallest ground to fret and repine at his freedom in dealing with them.' (Carstairs cited in the Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology, p. 266).
"John Owen, in his letter introducing the reader to this volume, writes, 'In the whole a full testimony is given, not only against the profligate lives of many, called Christians, but that barren careless profession also, which too many satisfy themselves withal, who pretend more unto the truth and power of religion. And as those who are sincere in their obedience may, in the examination of themselves, by the rules here laid down, discern the decays which possibly they have fallen under in this hour of temptation, which is come on the face of the earth, to try them that dwell therein, so also may they be directed in their Christian course unto the glory of God, and the comfort of their own souls.' Durham's lectures deal with each commandment in order and the volume contains 'An Alphabetical Table of the Principal Matters Handled in the Whole Book;' making it eminently practical, and a very useful aid to the study of God's holy, just, good and spiritual law." (Rom. 7:12 [Romans 7:12]) -- Publisher
Fisher, Edward, Marrow of Modern Divinity, a limited edition. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"A controversial and detailed book on covenant theology. Distinguishes the Covenant of Works from the Covenant of Grace, and embraces ideas of theonomic thought, and expounds the Ten Commandments as well." -- GCB
Green, Steven K., The Fount of Everything Just and Right? The Ten Commandments as a Source of American Law, Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1999-2000), pp. 525-558 (34 pages)
Harmar, John (1555?-1613), Sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, Vpon the X. Commandements of the Lawe, Giuen of God by Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue. Alternate title: SERMONS OF MR. JOHN CALVIN UPON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Hopkins, Ezekiel, An Exposition of the Ten Commandments, revised edition. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"A brilliantly written treatise by a leading Puritan writer. Long out of print, it should be purchased if found."
Huffman, John A., Jr., Liberating Limits: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0849928923 9780849928925.
"Not since Joy Davidman's SMOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN has a work as interesting and relevant as this one been published. Huffman treats the Decalogue as the sage counsel of God the Father to His children to protect them from their own destructive tendencies." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Institute in Basic Life Principles, The Love of God Expressed in the Commands of Christ Pocket Guide (Oak Brook, IL: IBLP [Box One, 60522-3001]).
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:14)
Notice there are 15 other resources related to this pocket guide.
"Jesus gave many commands; however, this group of commands [49 -- compiler] was chosen to represent the basic 'curriculum' that Christ gave His disciples -- commands that we are to keep and teach others in order to be His disciples."
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (John 14:21)
*Kevan, Ernest F., The Grace of Law: A Study of Puritan Theology.
"First published in 1963 this excellent study of the beliefs of the Puritans is again available. This detailed study of the Ten Commandments and how the Puritans understood them for their day does provide many answers to the moral weakness and indifference of our day." -- GCB
*Kevan, Ernest F., Moral Law, ISBN: 0875522998 9780875522999.
Klaus, Sandra, Ten to Grow on: Teaching the Ten Commandments to Today's Children, "For ages 8-12. Introduction to each commandment, modern-day story which illustrates the commandment, discussion questions, memory verse activities, song suggestions, classroom activities, and reproducible puzzles." -- GCB
Lee, Francis Nigel, God's Ten Commandments: Yesterday, Today, Forever, ISBN: 9780979673627 0979673623.
*Lee, Francis Nigel, Ten Commandments Today: A Study.
*McMillan (M'Millan), II, John (1729-1808), and John Thorburn (Minister of the Gospel 1730?-1788), Vindiciae Magistratus: or, The Divine Institution and Right of the Civil Magistrate Vindicated: Wherein are Properly Stated and Ascertained The True Nature and Extent of the Moral Power of Civil Society and Magistracy, Legislative and Executive; The Just Instituted Authority of Magistrates; The Inviolableness of Just Human Laws and Constitutions in General, and Particularly Those of Scotland; The Natural and Unalienable Rights of Individuals in, or With Respect of Civil Society; And, the True Causes From Which a Moral Relation Flows, and Upon Which a Moral Obligation is Founded, &c. Against the truly factious and immoral doctrine of John Thomson (Burgher associate), minister of the Gospel at Donagbhclony in Ireland, now at Kirkintilloch near Glasgow, maintained in his pretended confutation of the principles of the reformed presbytery, in a pamphlet intituled (sic) The Presbyterian covenanter displayed in his political principles, and the impostor detected. By John Thorburn, minister of the Gospel at Pentland. To which is subjoined, by way of appendix, A vindication of the constitution of the reformed presbytery, and of the character, ministerial mission and authority of the Rev. Mr. John M'Millan Senior [McMillan, John I, 1669?-1753], deceased, from the groundless cavils of Mr. W.W. and Seceders, by his son. The whole being humbly offered as an apologetical representation and defence of the principles of said presbytery, and of their people, commonly known by the names of Old Dissenters, Cameronians, &c. Against the injurious charges and false imputations cast upon them, first by the established Church of Scotland, and then by the Secession. Alternate titles: DIVINE INSTITUTION AND RIGHT OF THE CIVIL MAGISTRATE VINDICATED PRESBYTERIAN-COVENANTER DISPLAYED IN HIS POLITICAL PRINCIPLES, AND THE IMPOSTER DETECTED VINDICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REFORMED PRESBYTERY, and DEFENDING THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN POSITION ON THE CIVIL MAGISTRATE, 1781. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #25.
MacMillan II, John, A Vindication of the Ministerial Authority of John MacMillan I, and of the Reformed Presbytery
McNair, Mac, and Amy McNair, Ten Principles for a Successful Marriage: Practical Lessons From the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 1581820224 9781581820225.
"Nearly everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments, and most people can even name a few of them. Through fifty-five years of marriage Mac and Amy McNair have drawn from them the following guidelines for living together:
McNair, Nimrod, Ten Global Principles for Business and Professional Success from the booklet MEGA VALUES: 10 GLOBAL PRINCIPLES FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS - WRITTEN IN STONE.
"This booklet is designed to help the conscientious person make wise decisions based on standards which are absolute. These principles are ancient and are the only known words written directly by god and recorded in Scripture. These are commonly known as the Ten Commandments and each of the ten applications is synopsized for your personal use in making ethical decisions in your personal and business life." -- Publisher
Ten Commandments Defense Fund
(Modeled after the Ten Commandments.)
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Christ and the 10 Commandments; Harmony in Home Through the 5th Commandment (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).The first principle is, "Show proper respect for authority." This is the invisible superstructure of productive enterprise. God clearly commands us to respect those in authority over us. God uses this command to bring order out of chaos. Authority is a necessary prerequisite to order.
The second rule is, "Have a singleness of purpose." Divided purposes dilute effectiveness when interests conflict. We cannot serve two masters effectively. We must evaluate our time, talent, and resources and make sure we are using these God-given elements in a way that ultimately brings Him the glory.
Precept number three is, "Use effective communication in word and deed." Complete communications and predictable follow-through are the basic expressions of personal integrity. It means doing what you say you'll do, even if it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. This commandment is honored when promises are kept and accurate recounting of transactions is given.
A fourth truth is, "Provide proper rest, recreation, and reflection." This ensures a quality of life that will be reflected in creativity, productivity, and motivation. Rest is a necessity for effectiveness. Recreation guards the mind against mental and emotional fatigue. Reflection promotes self-monitoring, allows for mid-course corrections, and ensures single-mindedness.
The fifth tenet is, "Show respect for the older and more experienced." Our parents, teachers, coaches, employers, pastors, and other elders in our lives have an investment in us. It is to our benefit to honor that investment and to draw fully from the wisdom and expertise of those more experienced than ourselves.
The sixth axiom is, "Show respect for human life, dignity, and rights." This encompasses product quality and service, the work environment, health and safety, personnel policies and responsibilities, and competitive practices. It is simply the Golden Rule -- treating others as you would want to be treated.
The seventh principle is, "Maintain a stability of sexes and the family." Wisdom and good business practice dictate equal regard for men and women as persons irrespective of gender or marital status. Respect for the family structure as the crucial foundation of our cultural system must be reflected in our decisions regarding the conflicts between business demands and the value of the family and personal life.
Precept number eight is, "Demonstrate the proper allocation of resources." Two fundamental responsibilities and privileges of business are optimal use of material resources and wise leadership of people. We must treat all our business assets, whether they be people, funds, or materials, as a gift from the Lord.
The ninth truth is, "Demonstrate honesty and integrity." Integrity is the cornerstone of any good relationship. Without demonstrating the willingness to give and the worthiness to receive trust, no business can survive or prosper. A reputation for honesty is a comprehensive statement of both a person's character and how he or she treats others. It is a fundamental mindset against stealing, lying, or deceiving.
The tenth and final business commandment is, "Maintain the right of ownership of property." Those who are disciplined, creative, prudent, and industrious are entitled to the fruits of their labor. We must not covet that which belongs to another. -- Colonel Nimrod McNair, Executive Leadership Foundation
North, Gary, The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0930464079 9780930464073.
"A detailed exploration of the Ten Commandments and their social, political and especially, economic implications for all of mankind. Nations in which the Bible is freely preached tend to adopt a free market economy. The capitalism vs. socialism controversy is really God vs. Satan." -- GCB
Institute for Christian Economics
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), The Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0842370048 9780842370042.
*Perkins, William (1558-1602), The Whole Duty of man, Containing a Practical Table of the Ten Commandments Wherein the Sins Forbidden, and the Duties Commanded, or Implied are Clearly Discovered / by famous Mr. Will. Perkins, 1674.
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), The Law and the Saint, ISBN: 058503513X 9780585035130.
"This 37-page booklet takes the position that the Ten Commandments are an expression of the unchanging character and will of God and are binding upon every Christian." -- CBD
The Law and the Saint by Arthur Pink
Plumer, William S. (1802-1880), The Law of God as Contained in the Ten Commandments, Explained and Enforced, ISBN: 0873771877.
Preston, John (1587-1628), Hovv to Mortifie Covetousnesse.
Preston, John (1587-1628), Sinnes Overthrow: or, A Godly and Learned Treatise of Mortification: Wherein is excellently handled; First, the generall doctrine of mortification: and Then particularly, how to mortifie fornication. Uncleannesse. Evill concupiscence. Inordinate affection. And covetousnesse. All being the substance of severall sermons upon Colos. 3.5. Mortifie therefore your members, &c. Delivered by that late faithfull preacher, and worthie instrument of Gods glorie, John Preston, Dr. in Divinitie, chaplin in ordinarie to his Majestie, master of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns-Inne, 1635, ISSN: 00279358. [Colossians 3:5]
Preston, Sinnes Overthrow: or, A Godly and Learned Treatise of Mortification . . . All Being the Substance of Severall Sermons Upon Colos. 3. 5 [Colossians 3:5]
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Price, Greg L., The Bible and Alcoholic Beverages, 14 pages. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Price, Greg L., The Extent of God's Law, Antichrist, Beastly Civil Governments, the Family, Christian Education, Contentment and the Eight Commandment, MP3. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"An amazing unfolding of the eighth commandment, as well as the rest of the decalogue, which includes numerous specific applications to various areas of thought and life (most relevant to the contemporary Christian). Price explains how to avoid the extremes of legalism and antinomianism, while expounding the classic Reformed view of the law as it applies to the individual, family, church and state." -- Publisher
*Roney, Moses, Charles Underhill Cushman, and The Reformed Presbyterian Church. Synod., Minutes of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church: Session Seventeenth, Held in the City of Pittsburgh, October, 1834: With an Appendix, Containing two Overtures: I. On the 'Jury Act,' II. On the Magistrate's Power, Circa Sacra.
"The following document, originally titled very simply, ARGUMENT ON THE MAGISTRATE'S POWER CIRCA-SACRA, was prepared for the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, by one of her ministers in 1834. It represents the historic Reformed position on the subject of the Magistrate's duty, as God's servant in the State. The principles set forth here are the official and proper doctrines of all Reformed Presbyterians to the present day, insofar as they truly identify with the principles of their Church, and its reasons for existing as a distinct communion of Christians. But this is not to say that others should not read these things or agree with them. Modern nations have embraced such wrong views on these topics, and so many churches have conformed to the political philosophies of these nations, that it is high time that all Christians should be looking for a medicine to heal the destructive cancer working its way through the world's national institutions and all the systems which depend upon them. There is no hope but to look to the Lord himself, and to the solid doctrines of his word. It is true, these will be disagreeable to all who are enemies to our Saviour. They must be so. A right view of these things may be expected to provoke hostility even from those who 'tolerate' Christianity, or some who claim to be friendly to it. But God is God: his political philosophy must be both true and useful; and no true believer can say otherwise. The Lord is Lord: his political agenda must be both wise and important; and no true patriot can plan better. For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us. (Isaiah 33:22)" --
Argument on the Magistrate's Power Circa Sacra, William Sloane (original drafter)
Argument on the Magistrate's Power Circa Sacra
*Rushdoony, Rousas J. (1916-2001), Institutes of Biblical Law, 3 volumes, ISBN: 1879998130. Available through Exodus Books.
Volume 1: Institutes of Biblical Law, ISBN: 0875524109.*Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), A Free Disputation Against Pretended Liberty of Conscience: Tending to Resolve Doubts Moved by Mr. John Goodwin, John Baptist, Dr. Jer. Taylor, the Belgick Arminians, Socinians, and Other Authors, 1649. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #9, #25, and #26.
"A monumental volume . . . Deeply explores the meaning and application of the Ten Commandments for today in civil government, social ethics, and personal conduct." -- GCB
"Many consider this to be the author's most important work. With indices." -- Publisher
Volume 2: Law and Society, ISBN: 1879998238.
"The relationship of Biblical Law to communion and community, the sociology of the Sabbath, the family and inheritance, and much more are covered in the second volume. Contains an appendix by Herbert Titus. With indices." -- Publisher
Volume 3: The Intent of the Law, ISBN: 1879998130.
" 'God's law is much more than a legal code; it is a covenantal law. It establishes a personal relationship between God and man.' The first section summarizes the case laws. The author tenderly illustrates how the law is for our good, and makes clear the difference between the sacrificial laws and those that apply today. The second section vividly shows the practical implications of the law. The examples catch the reader's attention; the author clearly has had much experience discussing God's law. The third section shows that would-be challengers to God's law produce only poison and death. Only God's law can claim to express God's 'covenant grace in helping us'. With indices." -- Publisher
See also: Theft: Commentary and Cases of Conscience. A Listing Excerpted From The Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony, 1973 edition
Tod, Walter, The Obligation of Civil Rulers to Establish the Means of Religious Knowledge and Instruction; Deduced From the Universal Moral Government of God, 120 pages.
"Tod preaches on Romans 13:1, The powers that be are ordained of God. He argues that the Church and the State are not independent societies and that Jesus Christ Governor and Ruler of both. Tod examines many common arguments proffered against his proposition. He calls puritan John Owen to his side with this quote,
If it comes to this, that you shall say you have nothing to do with religion, as rulers of the nation, God will quickly manifest that he has nothing to do with you as rulers of the nation. Certainly it is incumbent upon you to take care that the faith which was once delivered to the saints, in all necessary concernments of it, may be protected, preserved, and propagated to and among the people over whom God has set you."Tod also briefly exhorts Civil Rulers upon how they ought to preserve the Sabbath. He ends the whole on a positive (post-mill), note,
"There may yet be retrogressions in the progress of knowledge, religion, virtue, and liberty, among different nations of the earth, and England may be among the fated number; but every ebbing of the tide of religious and moral improvement, like the smaller retrocessions of the waves of the ocean, which accumulate larger billows that roll over the former limits, every retrocession of the waves of religious and moral advancement among mankind will be succeeded by a higher and a higher tide of religious and moral advancement from the fountain of eternal truth, till the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. -- Steve Worth
Traill, Robert (1642-1716), Six Sermons on [Galatians 2:21]. Alternate title: SIX SERMONS. BY THE LATE REVEREND MR. ROBERT TRAIL, 1779.
Six Sermons on Important Subjects, From Galatians ii. 21 [Galatians 2:21]
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), Body of Divinity: Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism, ISBN: 0851511449. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The first book published by the Trust, this has been one of the bestsellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications . . . It deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian faith . . . It is based on the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, in which the main principles of Christianity that lie scattered in the Scriptures are brought together and set forth in the form of question and answer. This catechism is unsurpassed for its 'terse exactitude of definition' and 'logical elaboration' of the fundamentals. . . . Watson conveys his thorough doctrinal and experimental knowledge of the truth in such an original, concise, pithy, pungent, racy, rich, and illustrative style that he is rightly regarded as the most readable of the Puritans." -- Publisher
"As an introduction to Puritan theology, as a short and sweet course in Christian doctrine, as devotional reading, and as a preacher's gold-mine, Watson's work can hardly be praised too highly." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
"Contains Watson's exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, excluding the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments." -- GCB
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Watson, A Body of Practical Divinity Sermons on the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, also Select Sermons on Various Subjects, Together with The Art of Divine Contentment, and Christ's Various Fulness (1859)
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation,) ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0851516815. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"In this book Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in London during the Puritan era . . . The series of three volumes, of which this is the second (the BODY OF DIVINITY is first and THE LORD'S PRAYER third), makes an ideal introduction to Puritan literature. There are few matters about which the Puritans differ more from present-day Christians than in their assessment of the importance of the Ten Commandments. The Commandments, they held, are the first thing in Christianity which the natural man needs to be taught and they should be the daily concern of the Christian to the last. In this book Watson examines the moral law as a whole as well as bringing out the meaning and force of each particular commandment. In view of the important function of the law in Christian life and evangelism, this is a most valuable volume." -- Publisher
"Excellent study. Highly recommended for personal and group study. The need for understanding the Law of God is always of great importance for the Christian. Watson is an excellent expositor of it." -- GCB
"The most famous commentary on the Ten Commandments was by Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626), a huge folio." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
The Ten Commandments, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Reconciliation of relationships, Justice, judgment, god's final judgment, the great white throne judgment, the day of the lord, The sermon on the mount, The covenant faithfulness of god, Trusting god, Covenant theology and the ordinance of covenanting, Individual responsibility for corporate faithfulness and sanctification, An introduction to the covenanted reformation, Freedom: a gift of the grace of god, Christian liberty, Freedom with responsibility to god, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Treason and impeachment, Corporate faithfulness and sanctification, Reform of the church, Politics, Idolatry, syncretism, Bribery, Conspiracy, corruption, organized crime, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), The ten commandments (women), Secret societies, ungodly alliances, voluntary associations, The courts, the law base, and the judicial system, Bible magistracy turns back the wrath of god, The doctrine of the lesser magistrates, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, The westminster confession of faith (1647, westminster standards) and related works, the westminster assembly, The larger catechism, The shorter catechism, Creeds, confessions and catechisms, Politics and economics, Biblical economics, Meltdown: the depression of 2008, Reform, state sovereignty, and corporate immunity: reform of corporations, Healthcare reform, The decline of american society, irrationality, the decline of western thought, Male role and responsibility, gender equality, suffrage, reproductive rights, and the decline of american society, A partial timeline of us history showing how liberalization in the church and liberalization in the state, has been paralleled by advances in the feminist movement, and the overall decline of american society, God's deliverance of nations, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 949
The Commandments of Jesus, J.S. McConnell (1925)
How Socialism Violates all Ten Commandments, Robert Knight, July 2, 2019
Idolatry is the Most Condemned sin in the Bible, [audio file], Peter Hammond, 8/21/2016
"When we start to worship anyone other than God, if we put anything as central in our lives, other than God, we are opening ourselves up to demonic influence, demonic deception and demonic possession, which explains why so many people today are so irrational, so immune to logic, so resistant to facts and logical explanations."
The Laws of Virginia (1610-1611),
Nave's Topical Bible -- Commandments
A Table Illustrating God's Eternal Moral Law
The Ten Commandments, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Theft: Commentary and Cases of Conscience. A Listing Excerpted From The Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony, 1973 edition
The Truth About the Ten Commandments in American Law; An Historical Perspective
Westminster Larger Catechism With Proof Texts
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
*Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4)Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. (1 John 2:24-29)And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. (Exodus 6:7)
If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. (Exodus 15:26b)
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Numbers 23:19)
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Psalm 16:11)
Said to be a favorite of Billy Graham.He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.
And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. (Isaiah 25:8,9)The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17) 1599 Geneva Bible Notes
And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. (1 John 2:25)
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. (1 John 5:12,13)
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:4)
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. (Romans 4:20-25)For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. (Ezekiel 36:25-27)
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. (Psalm 2:8)
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)
God will not wink at sin or gloss over evil doing. Whether He be dealing in judgment with an individual or with a nation, that which has displeased Him must be rectified before there can be a return of His favour. It is useless to pray for His blessing while we refuse to put away that which has called down His curse. It is vain to talk about exercising faith in God's promises until we have exercised repentance for our sins. Our idols must be destroyed ere God will gain accept of our worship. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Life of Elijah
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14. See also: Numbers 14:21; Psalm 72:19; Isaiah 6:3; Isaiah 11:9)
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
The Treasury of David, Psalm 23, C.H. Spurgeon
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. . . . He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. . . . I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. . . . Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
There are very many and very clear promises that testify that God's singular providence watches over the welfare of believers: Cast your care upon the Lord, and he will nourish you, and will never permit the righteous man to flounder [Psalm 55:22 p.; cf. Psalm 54:23, Vg.]. For he takes care of us. [1 Peter 5:7 p.] He who dwells in the help of the Most High will abide in the protection of the God of heaven. [Psalm 91:1; Psalm 90:1, Vg.] He who touches you touches the pupil of mine eye. [Zechariah 2:8 p.] I will be your shield [Gen. 15:1 p.], a brazen wall [Jeremiah 1:18; 15:20]; I will contend with those who contend with you [Isaiah 49:25]. Even though a mother may forget her children, yet will I not forget you. [Isaiah 49:15 p.] Indeed, the principal purpose of Biblical history is to teach that the Lord watches over the ways of the saints with such great diligence that they do not even stumble over a stone [cf. Psalm 91:12]. -- John Calvin in Institutes of the Christian Religion (Battles translation), 1.17.6
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12)
If you know not what you stand in need of, search the promises and see: whatever God has said he will do for you, that you have absolute need should be done. -- John Owen
I will be all to you that you can wish. I will be a FRIEND to you (Isaiah 41:8; James 2:2-3). My secrets shall be with you (Psalm 25:14; John 15:15), and you shall have free access to Me, and liberty to pour out all your hearts into My bosom (Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:16).
I will be a PHYSICIAN to you. I will heal your backslidings and cure all your diseases (Hosea 14:4; Psalm 103:3). Fear not, for never did a soul miscarry that left itself in My hands, and would follow My prescriptions. -- Joseph Alleine (1634-1668)Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 9:23,24)And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)
Hence, we gather the nature of true prudence to consist in submitting ourselves to God in simple teachableness, and in manifesting the additional quality of carefully promoting the salvation of our brethren. The effect of this our labor ought to increase our courage and alacrity. For how great is the honor conferred upon us by our Heavenly Father, when he wishes us to be the ministers of his righteousness? As James says, We preserve those about to perish if we bring them back into the right way. (James 5:19) James calls us preservers, just as the angel calls us justifiers; neither the angel nor the apostle wish to detract from the glory of God, but by these forms of speech the Spirit represents us as ministers of justification and salvation, when we unite in the same bonds with ourselves all those who have need of our assistance and exertions. -- Calvin commenting on Daniel 12:3Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:12)
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:26)
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:28,29)
Is this not one of the magnificent promises?
As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.
For the rod of the wickedo shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity. (Psalm 125:3,4)
"Their heavenly Father, it is true, loves them most tenderly, but he will have them awakened by the cross . . . . The reason is added why God will not suffer the wicked always to triumph over the righteous -- namely, lest the just, overcome by temptation, abandon themselves wholly to sinning, a reason which ought to be carefully marked. Hence we gather that God, from his willingness to bear with our weakness, moderates our adversities. Although, then, we may not possess in ourselves a sufficient amount of fortitude and constancy to enable us to persevere in our duty for a single moment, yet let this sentiment be present to our minds, That God will take care that, broken as we may be by afflictions, we shall not forsake his service. -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 125:3 and contextFear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 24,25)
See the Theological Notes: "God's Covenant of Grace" at Genesis 12:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Spiritual Nature of God," at Isaiah 66:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)
One blessed way of casting our burden upon the Lord (Psalm 55:22) is to tell the Lord all about it. It is a high privilege to get away, alone, and talk to God as a man talks with his friend. But I know what you often do, my Brothers and Sisters, when you get into a predicament and cannot tell what to do -- then you begin to pray. Why do you not, every morning, tell the Lord about all your difficulties before they come? What? Will you only run to Him when you get into trouble? No, go to Him before you get into trouble. Half our burdens come from what we have not prayed over! If a man would take the ordinary concerns of life distinctly to God, one by one, it is marvelous how easily the chariot of life would roll along! Things over which we have not prayed are like undigested food that breeds mischief in the body -- they breed mischief in the soul. Digest your daily bread by first praying, "God give it to me and then God bless me in the use of it. And then God bless me afterwards in the spending of the strength derived from it to Your praise and Glory." Salt all your life with prayer, lest corruption should come to that part of your life which you have not thus salted. Tell the Lord, then, your griefs, just as, when a child, you told your troubles to your mother!
"I cannot find words," says one. Oh, they will come! They come fast enough when you complain to man and they will sweetly come if you get into the blessed habit of talking to God about everything. A friend said to me, not long ago, "I was on the Exchange and I saw that I had made a mistake in a certain transaction. I had lost money by it and if I had gone on dealing in the same fashion, I would have been ruined. I just stepped aside for a minute or two into a quiet corner of my office. I stood still and breathed a prayer to God for guidance. Then I went back, and felt, 'Now I am ready for anyone of you.' "So I was," he said, "I was not confused and worried, as I would otherwise have been, and so liable to make mistakes, but I had waited upon God and I was therefore calm and collected." There is much wisdom in thus praying about everything, although, possibly, some of you may think it trivial. I believe that the very soul of Christianity lies in the sanctifying of what is called secular -- the bringing of all things under the cognizance of our God by intense, constant, importunate, believing prayer.
When you have told the Lord everything, the next thing for you to do, in order to cast your burden upon Him, is to believe that all will work together for your good. Swallow the bitter as readily as you do the sweet and believe that, somehow, the strange mixture will do you great good. Do not look out your window, judging this, and that, and the other, in detail, but, if God sent it to you, open the door and take it all in, for all that has come from Him will be to His Glory and to your profit. Believe that if you shall lose certain things, you will really be a gainer by your losses. Even if your dearest one is taken from you, all shall be well if you have but faith to trust God in it all. If you are stricken with mortal sickness, it will still be well with you and if you do steadfastly trust in the Lord, you shall know that it is so. We know, says the Apostle Paul -- he does not say, "We think, we suppose, we judge," but -- We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) If you know this, my Brother, or my Sister, it shall help you to cast your burden upon the Lord. (Psalm 55:22)
When you have done this, then leave your burden with the Lord. In the process of trusting God with your burden, get to the point that you have done with it. If I cast my burden upon the Lord, what business have I to carry it myself? How can I truthfully say that I have cast it upon Him if I am still burdened with it? Throughout my life, which has not been free from many grave cares, there have been many things which I have been able to see my own way through and, using my best judgment, they have passed off well. But in so large a church as this, there sometimes occur things that altogether stagger me. I do not know what to do in such a case as that, and I have been in the habit, after doing all I can, of putting such things up on the shelf and saying, "There, I will never take them down again, come what may. I have done with them, for I have left them wholly with God." And I wish to bear my testimony that somehow or other the thing which I could not unravel, has unraveled itself! When Peter and the angel came unto the iron gate, it opened to them of its own accord. (Acts 12:10) And the same thing has happened to me many a time. Who shall roll away the stone for us from the door of the sepulcher? (Mark 16:3) asked the holy women when they came to the tomb of their Lord? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away. (Mark 16:4) Learn to say, "My God has made this difficulty and there is some good result to come of it. I have done the little I can do, so now I will leave it all with Him." -- C.H. Spurgeon, from the sermon Fear not, no. 2830, at The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, on Thursday Evening, August 19, 1886.And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible. (Jeremiah 15:20,21)And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. (Jeremiah 24:7)
II. By this faith, a Christian believes to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word, for the authority of God Himself speaking therein; and acts differently upon that which each particular passage thereof contains; yielding obedience to the commands, trembling at the threatenings, and embracing the promises of God for this life, and that which is to come. But the principal acts of saving faith are accepting, receiving, and resting upon Christ alone for justification, sanctification, and eternal life, by virtue of the covenant of grace. -- The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter IV, "Of Saving Faith"
That God in the covenant of grace has promised to furnish and enable His children for a holy life (Ezekiel 36:27), I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes. This is a way that God has by Himself. The mother can take her child by the hand to lead it, but cannot put strength into his feeble joints to make him go. The ruler can give his captains a commission to fight, but not courage to fight. There is a power goes with the promises; thus it is they are called exceeding great and precious promises, because given for this very end, that by them we might be made partakers of the divine nature, (2 Peter 1:4); and therefore we are not only pressed to holiness from the command, but especially from the promise (2 Corinthians 7:1), Having therefore these promises (he means to help and encourage us), let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Oh it is good working for Him that promises to work all our work for us (Philippians 2:12,10). -- William Gurnall (1617-1679)
All the promises of the Gospel, all that is said of God and Christ, is ours. The great question therefore is, whether the God we profess to believe in is our God: not only, whether he is so in general -- that the devils may say; but whether he is our God in particular. The devils say, "O God," but the devils cannot say, "My God," that is a privilege peculiar to God's chosen people, who really believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . -- George Whitefield
And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give [it] you.
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:22, 24)The four "Servant Songs" of Isaiah are Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 50:4-11; and Isaiah 52:13 -- Isaiah 53:12. See the annotations in The Reformation Study Bible.
Our Triune God has ordained that the preeminent leader of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, the God Man, Our Righteousness. (John 1:1-18; Matthew 19:30; Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 49:7; Colossians 1:16-19; Colossians 2:9,10; Hebrews 12:1,2; Revelation 5:1-14; Revelation 19:11-15; Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 22:12, and so forth, and so on). Human leadership is also divinely ordained and tends to devolve to those who are most perfectly at one with Christ, and to those who also know the most Truth (the Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Puritan leaders, The Scots Worthies, and so forth, and so on).
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:28). See: (Matthew 19:28, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then his master said unto him, It is well done good servant and faithful, Thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much: enter into thy master's joy. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:21) (Matthew 25:21 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:34). See: (Matthew 25:34, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he said unto him, Well, good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little thing, take thou authority over ten cities. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 19:17) (Luke 19:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Therefore I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 22:29) (Luke 22:29, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17). See: (Romans 8:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Corinthians 6:3). See: (1 Corinthians 6:3, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6). See: (Ephesians 2:6, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and corrections among the people:
To bind their kings in chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,
That they may execute upon them the judgment that is written: this honor shall be to all his Saints. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 149:7-9) (Psalm 149:7-9, 1599 Geneva Bible)
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:12), (1 Timothy 2:12, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:26). See: (Revelation 2:26, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To serve God is to reign. -- Seneca (4 BC -- 65 AD)The promises are a large field in which the wise Merchant may find more pearls hidden, than are yet espied: A rich mine in which the diligent laborer may dig forth more fine gold, than any yet have taken from them. -- William Spurstowe
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Promises of God," and so forth, and so on.
*[Bible, New Testament, Precious Promises Edition], The New Testament: King James Version, The Precious Promises Edition (Lake Wylie, SC: Christian Heritage Publishing Co. Inc., 1991).
A pocket New Testament with the words of Christ in red and the promises screened in red. Convenient for purse, or travel bag.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, 3 volumes, ISBN: 0851515819 (one ISBN for the set of 3 volumes). A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Spurgeon says of this great commentary: 'Of the noblest order of exposition. Procure it.' Elsewhere in COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES, he wrote, 'Dr. Brown's work must be placed among the first of the first-class. He is a great expositor.' Again, 'Brown is a modern Puritan. All his expositions are of the utmost value.'
"These volumes cover much of the Gospel of John, plus many portions of the other three Gospels. In them he reveals his encyclopedic mind, and a profound regard for the Bible and the very Word of God. In addition, it is seen why it was said that he had the best clerical library in the whole nation of Scotland.
"There is little doubt in the mind of this reviewer that any reader of these volumes will become possessor of myriads of new insights into the Scriptures, and what they reveal of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is indispensable to the student of the Gospels." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Based upon the revised and enlarged edition of 1852. Rich in thought. Pastors will appreciate the writer's application of spiritual truths to the needs of men and women." -- Cyril J. Barber
Recommended for daily devotions, as are all the books in the listing of "Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language."
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ: Illustrated in a Series of Expositions, 1854, vol. 1 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 2 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Illustrated in a Series of Expositions. . . . by John Brown, published 1856 [complete in 2 volumes. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers], original from the University of Michigan, digitized Feb. 17, 2006.
This University of Michigan digitized edition, that appears in Google Books, is available in paper from two publishers: (Gardners Books, 2006), and (Hard Press, November 26, 2007).
Both volume are "produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library's preservation reformatting program." -- Publisher
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Parting Counsels: An Exposition of the First Chapter of the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter [2 Peter 1], With Four Additional Discourses, ISBN: 0851513018 9780851513010. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"We always think of Brown as a Puritan born out of due time. Everything he has left us is massive gold. He is both rich and clear, profound and perspicuous." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"The title is due to the fact that these were farewell addresses from the expositor. You will quickly see why the first chapter of 2 Peter is ideal for the purpose. And since Brown expounded these glorious directions from God for 344 pages, you may be sure that he left no jewel of truth unrevealed. He shone each gem until they reflect the brightness of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. Would that he had been enabled to finish the epistle!" -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Clark, Samuel (1684-1750), A Collection of the Promises of Scripture; or, The Christian Inheritance. Alternate titles: CLARKE'S SCRIPTURE PROMISES; COLLECTION OF THE PROMISES OF SCRIPTURE; CHRISTIAN INHERITANCE; SCRIPTURE PROMISES; OR, THE CHRISTIAN'S INHERITANCE.
Clarke, Samuel (1684-1750), A Collection of the Promises of Scripture Under Their Proper Heads. In two Parts. . . . With an Appendix, . . . And an Introduction, . . . by Samuel Clark, e-text.
"Notes: With the text in the Authorised version. Reproduction of original from the British Library."
Clarke, Samuel (1684-1750, compiler), Precious Bible Promises, revised edition, ISBN: 0915684071 9780915684076.
*De Graaf, Simon Gerrit, Promise and Deliverance, 4 volumes (Scarsdale, NY [Westminster Discount Book Service, P.O. Box 125H, Scarsdale 10583]: Westminster Discount Book Service, 1977). Translated from the Dutch by H. Evan Runner and Elisabeth Wichers Runner. A Christian classic.
"A landmark in interpreting the simple stories of the Bible . . . an invaluable resource for teachers, ministers, and parents." -- Christianity Today
"In Scripture, religion means covenant. By His Word, God called into being an order of creation culminating in man. By that Word He also gave man His favor and brought him into a life of conscious covenantal fellowship with Himself. As De Graaf himself puts it: 'Without covenant, there is no religion, no conscious fellowship between man and God, no exchange of love and faithfulness. Without the covenant, man would be just an instrument in God's hand. When God created man, He had more than an instrument in mind: He made a creature that could respond to Him. . . .'
"This renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the perspective undergirding De Graaf's treatment of all Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretations of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing. Religion is not morality." -- H. Evan Runner
"I highly recommend this book. One of the best books available." -- R.C. Sproul
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), A Serious Address to the Christian World: or, The Precious Promises of the Most High God, to Repenting Sinners. Found in the manuscripts of . . . Mr. Ebenezer Erskine . . . Glasgow, 1789. Available (THE WORKS OF EBENEZER ERSKINE), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Hocking, David L., The Promises of Jesus.
*Lockyer, Herbert, All the Promises of the Bible, ISBN: 0310281318.
"A devotional expositional compilation of all the promises [about 3,300 of the approximate 8,810 promises -- compiler], that are found in Scripture." -- Publisher
"Lockyer's in-depth look at the scope of God's promises arranges them in categories that cover the full array of human concerns, from the spiritual to the material and the corporate to the personal. As you come to understand God's promises and how they apply to every aspect of your life, you'll gain a trust in God that will sustain you through the worst of times and be your source of rejoicing in the best.
"Dr. Herbert Lockyer was born in London in 1886, and held pastorates in Scotland and England for 25 years before coming to the United States in 1935. In 1937 he received the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Northwestern Evangelical Seminary. In 1955 he returned to England where he lived for many years. He then returned to the United States where he continued to devote time to the writing ministry until his death in November of 1984." -- Publisher
May, William J., The Promises of Jesus: Twenty Addresses for Sisterhoods and Women's Fellowships.
*Nelson, Thomas, Publishers, Precious Bible Promises, 367 pages, ISBN: 0840753543 9780840753540.
Some of the 37,000 promises from the Word of God arranged by theme. Convenient for use in counseling. Good when you need help fast. Text is the New King James Version, pocket size.
Nelson, Thomas, Publishers, Promises of Jesus, ISBN: 0840753993.
Selections from the Bible with full-color photographs.
Owen, John (1616-1683), The Stedfastness of Promises, and the Sinfulness of Staggering: Opened in a Sermon Preached at Margarets in Westminster Before the Parliament Febr. 28. 1649. Being a day set apart for solemn humiliation throughout the nation. By John Owen minister of the Gospel, 1650. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Pike, Samuel (1717-1773), and Samuel Hayward (1718-1757), Living With the Promises and Threats of God's Word.
Living With the Promises and Threats of God's Word
*Power, Philip Bennett (1822-1899), The "I Wills" of Christ, ISBN: 0851514294. Alternate title: THE, I WILLS, OF CHRIST: THOUGHTS UPON SOME OF THE PASSAGES IN WHICH THE WORDS, I WILL, ARE USED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
"Power (1822-1899), first did this work in 1862. It has 382 pages. Not many other books have ever taken this approach. These statements of Christ deal with healing, invitation, reception, confession, service, comfort, disposal, subjection, and glorification. . . . These wonderful 'I wills' of the Savior contain the very promises of God to secure salvation for us." -- GCB
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Ryan, James, Bible Promises for Growing Christians, ISBN: 0805450149 9780805450149.
Ryan, James, Bible Promises for Soul-winners, ISBN: 0805450718 9780805450712.
Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635), Thomas Goodwin (1600-1680), and Philip Nye (1596?-1672), Yea and Amen: or, Pretious Promises, and Privileges. Spiritually Unfolded in Their Nature and vse. Driving at the assurance and establishing of weak beleevers. By R. Sibbs D.D. master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and preacher of Grayes Inne London. Reviewed by himselfe in his life time, and since perused by T.G. and P.N., 1638. Available (THE WORKS OF RICHARD SIBBES), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Faith's Checkbook, ISBN: 0938453025. Alternate title: THE CHEQUE BOOK OF THE BANK OF FAITH: BEING PRECIOUS PROMISES ARRANGED FOR DAILY USE (1893).
"A promise from God may very instructively be compared to a check payable to order. It is given to the believer with the view of bestowing upon him some good thing. It is not meant that he should read it over comfortably and then have done with it. No, he is to treat the promises as a reality, as a man treats a check. He is to take the promise and endorse it with his own name by personally receiving it as true." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"In the Preface of his devotional volume containing 365 brief, experimental comments on the promises which Spurgeon has chosen, the renowned preacher tells us that so many of these promises are true because they were fulfilled in his own experience during a time of 'wading in the surf of controversy,' and also when 'sharp bodily pain succeeded mental depression, accompanied both by bereavement, and affliction in the person of one dear as life. Never were the promises of Jehovah so precious to me as at this hour.' Thus it was to help other sufferers that Spurgeon prepared this comforting book." -- Publisher
Faith's Checkbook, a daily devotional by C.H. Spurgeon
*Spurstowe, William (1605?-1666), The Wells of Salvation Opened: or, A Treatise Discovering the Nature, Preciousness, Usefulness of Gospel Promises, and Rules for the Right Application of Them. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"THE WELLS OF SALVATION . . . may well we the best book ever written on God's promises. The book contains the main content of several sermons which are introduced by Spurstowe in a preface. He writes, 'The promises are a large field in which the wise Merchant may find more pearls hidden, than are yet espied: A rich mine in which the diligent laborer may dig forth more fine gold, than any yet have taken from them'." -- Joel Beeke, from the Foreword
The Wells of Salvation Opened
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards (The complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms). Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Amazing Grace: God's Promises of Freedom from Guilt and Shame, ISBN: 0840742266 9780840742261.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Business Professionals: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493336 9780805493337.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Couples: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 1558197133 9781558197138.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Dads: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 1558197109 9781558197107.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Graduates: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 1558197141 9781558197145.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Grandparents: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 080549331X 9780805493313.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Men: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 080549328X 9780805493283.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Moms: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 1558197117 9781558197114.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for New Believers: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493611 9780805493610.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for the New Millennium: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion: Blue Leather, ISBN: 0805493891 9780805493894.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Newborns: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493328 9780805493320.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Newlyweds: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion (Bible Promises to Treasure), ISBN: 0805493913 9780805493917.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Parents, ISBN: 1558197125 9781558197121.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for People in Recovery: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion: Green Leather, ISBN: 0805493905 9780805493900.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Teachers: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493883 9780805493887.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Teenagers: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493301 9780805493306.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Tough Times: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 155819715X 9781558197152.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Victorious Living: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493921 9780805493924.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for Women: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493298 9780805493290.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Free From the Past: Bible Promises for Adult Children of Alcoholics, ISBN: 0840732449 9780840732446.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Healing for Today Hope for Tomorrow/God's Promises for Overcoming Codependency, ISBN: 0840732457 9780840732453.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Hope for the Hungry Heart: God's Promises for Overeaters, ISBN: 0840732430 9780840732439.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Renewed Each Day: Bible Promises for Overcoming Chemical Dependencies, ISBN: 0840732465 9780840732460.
Wilde, Gary (editor), A Very Present Help: God's Promises for Those who are Grieving a Loss, ISBN: 0840742274 9780840742278.
*Wilkerson, David R., Commandments and Promises of Jesus Christ, ISBN: 0830702733.
Willard, Samuel (1639-1707), and Increase Mather, Covenant-keeping the way to Blessedness, or, A Brief Discourse Wherein is Shewn the Connexion Which There is Between the Promise, on God's Part; and Duty, on our Part, in the covenant of grace as it was delivered in several sermons, preached in order to solemn renewing of covenant. By Samuel Willard teacher of a church in Boston in New-England.
Samuel Willard was pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston and Vice-President of Harvard College. See his other works.
Word Publishing, God's Promises for the Golden Years, ISBN: 0849951704 9780849951701.
"It is a collection of verses from God's inspired Word, organized into topics that address the issues faced by those in mid-life and beyond. This superbly organized, thoughtful collection responds to many areas of interest and concern. . . ." -- CRM
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), The promises of Christ, Bible promises, Promises of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, Prayer, Topical listings of scripture useful in counseling, Proverbs, Psalms, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 2878-2888 (see "Promises" in the General Index TCRB5)
Nave's Topical Bible -- Promises
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. (Isaiah 6:3b)Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:7,8)
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10,11). See the annotation in The Reformation Study Bible.For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:26)
Mr. Graham and all of us who work with him are convinced that the Holy Spirit works most effectively and powerfully through the written Word of God . . . We believe that the last thing you should leave with anyone you counsel is God's Word. The Truth is indeed a powerful tool and no words of man will change the heart as the Word of God will. -- Charles Riggs
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Christian Counselor's Wordbook: A Primer of Nouthetic Counseling. Alternate title: THE LANGUAGE OF COUNSELING and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S WORDBOOK: A PRIMER OF NOUTHETIC COUNSELING, ISBN: 0310510619 9780310510611.
" 'One of the major unifying themes in my rather zigzag career has been the central place language holds in all the activities in which I have been involved.' Language and labels matter, because in the battle for men's minds language and ideas are the principal weapons: 'Ideological attack, rather than physical attack, has been Satan's most successful ploy.' The words counselors and counselees use matter, and this book pushes you to take stock of the words you say and hear. Counselors must 'deliberately adopt new words and constructions that more aptly express the biblical facts in each counseling situation'. . . .
"150 pithy (from a paragraph to a page), comments on counseling subjects from 'Action' to 'Worry.' Keyed to more extensive discussions of each topic in seventeen of Adams's pre-1981 books. As an example, the three paragraphs on 'conscience' contain more good sense than a shelf-full of books on 'self-esteem.' Answers misunderstandings of nouthetic counseling (e.g., 'confrontation' and 'flesh')." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Helps for Counselors: A Mini-Manual for Christian Counseling, 63 pages. Reprint of the helps from the back of THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S NEW TESTAMENT.
Contains: Counselor's quick check list, Fifty failure factors, Remarks and responses, Counseling outlines (for various problems), The counselor's topical worklist, and so forth.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Some subject include: Abortion | Abuse | Admonition | Adultery | Adversity | Affliction | Aggravation | Anger | Answers | Apology | Assurance | Attitude | Authority | Balance | Behavior | Bizarre behaviour | Breakdown | Christ | Church | Commandments | Confession | Confidentiality | Contentment | Correction | Corruption | Counseling | Crises | Data gathering | Deceit | Dependence | Discipling | Divorce | Doctrine | Drugs | Education | Empathy | Evangelism | Example | Foolishness | Forgetfulness | Forgiveness | Godliness | Gospel | Gossip | Habit | Heresy | Hope | Hostility | How-to | Idolatry | Jesus | Joy | Justification | Legal matters | Legalism | Lying | Marriage | Promises of god | Put on/put off dynamic | Quickening | Radical amputation | Rage | Reconciliation | Referral | Rejuvenation | Repentance | Sanctification | Scripture | Sex | Sin | Teaching | Temptation | Testing | Think list | Thought | Training.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The use of the Scriptures in Counseling, ISBN: 0801000998 9780801000997.
"A positive perspective on and method for using the Bible in counseling. The Bible, properly understood and used, is a textbook for counseling. It must be used telically, that is, paying attention to the Holy Spirit's purpose in each passage. 'The Scriptures are the peculiar product of the Counselor Himself. . . . Problems in living can be understood properly only when the basic dimension of sin is seen in them.' Has four cases from the Christian Counselor's Casebook, annotated with ideas on how to apply Scripture. Closes with a list of key passages from Scripture on 50 topics, from 'Adultery' and 'Anger' to 'Work' and 'Worry'. (This list of passages is also reprinted in Christian Counselor's New Testament, Helps for Counselors and Ready to Restore)." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"The place, significance, and application of the Bible to today's counseling problems."
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What to do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical use of the Scriptures, 135 pages, ISBN: 087552074X 9780875520742.
"Making the Bible practical is the author's gift. Sunday is not the Christians only day. This book is designed to bridge the gap in personal application of scriptural principles learned. This method of using the Scriptures will excite you all over again.
"This book contains a 'method that, if faithfully followed, will make your Bible a practical Book that you can use, not only on Sunday but on Thursday, and every other day in the week, to solve the problems that you encounter in daily living.' The Bible was written to be used in daily life, but few Christians have ever been taught how to use it. How do you locate (Bible information, pp. 19-49), understand (Bible interpretation, pp. 53-98), and apply (Bible implementation, pp. 101-134), relevant Scripture? Bible information includes a basic orientation to Scripture. Bible interpretation teaches principles of accurate interpretation, how to use Bible study tools, and how to pursue the intent (telos) of a passage. Bible implementation teaches you how to adapt truth to varying life situations. 'Christians must become actors, not reactors. They must learn to choose and develop goals, structure their lives and become actors who consciously do whatever they do in order to attain biblical goals'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Anderson, Ken, Where to Find it in the Bible, ISBN: 0785211578 9780785211570.
"This A to Z listing of topics puts key Scriptures at your fingertips without a lot of fancy theological language. There are 3700 different subjects, circumstances, and situations! Bible versions: NKJV, KJV, NRSV, NIV, CEV, and others." -- Publisher
"This book is alive! It covers topics right out of my daily life (like leadership, politics, and management), that I've never been able to find so easily in a traditional concordance. Then, as the title says, it shows me where to find them in the Bible. I'm using it as one of my key organizational development tools." -- Dr. John Rivera, consultant, researcher, and educator
This work could be used in combination with THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE for deeper and broader studies.
Asquith, Glenn H., Jr., Family Passages, ISBN: 0805454489 9780805454482.
All Bibles in this listing, "Topical Listings of Scripture Useful in Counseling" follow here instead of alphabetically.
*[Bible, 1599 Geneva Bible], Calvin, John (1509-1564), et al. [John Knox, Theodore Beza, Miles Coverdale, William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Martin Luther, and others], Peter A. Lillback (foreword), Tolle Lege Press (preface), Gary DeMar (Notes to the Modern Reader), Marshall Foster (The History and Impact of the Geneva Bible), 1599 Geneva Bible, (Tolle Lege Press), 1400 pages, ISBN: 0975484699 9780975484692 0975484613 9780975484616 0975484621 9780975484623. Available (Tolle Lege Press restoration) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620, they brought along supplies, a consuming passion to advance the Kingdom of Christ, a bright hope for the future, and the Word of God. Clearly, their most precious cargo was the Bible. The GENEVA BIBLE, printed over 200 times between 1560 and 1644, was the most widely read and influential English Bible of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This superb translation was the product of the best Protestant scholars of the day and became the Bible of choice for many of the greatest writers, thinkers, and historical figures of that time [but the translation was surpassed by the AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION in 1611, see 'Textual Criticism' -- compiler]. The GENEVA BIBLE is unique among all other Bibles. It was the first Bible to use chapters and numbered verses and became the most popular version of its time because of the extensive marginal notes. These notes, written by Reformation leaders such as John Calvin, John Knox, Miles Coverdale, William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, and others, were included to explain and interpret the scriptures for the common people. For nearly half a century these notes helped the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland understand the Bible and true liberty. King James despised the GENEVA BIBLE because he considered the notes on key political texts to be seditious [to question the Divine Right of Kings -- compiler] and a threat to his authority. Unlike the KING JAMES VERSION, the GENEVA BIBLE was not authorized by the government. It was truly a Bible by the people and for the people. You can see why this remarkable version with its profound marginal notes played a key role in the formation of the American Republic. Until now, the only complete version available was a large, cumbersome, and difficult-to-read facsimile edition. But this new edition contains all the original words and notes [see the errata listing below -- compiler], but the type set has been enlarged and the font style change for today's reader." -- Publisher
"This is the Bible that eventually put an end to Feudalism in Europe, strengthened Puritans, Quakers, and came to America on the Mayflower. This was the first Bible published in the language of the common people, the first Bible to contain commentary and verse numbers, and the first Bible written in English from Greek and Hebrew texts available from Constantinople, not from the Latin Vulgate. The dynamite in this Bible is the commentary accounting for about one third of its length.
"The Church of England and King James were so upset they determined to create a new translation. They called it the KING JAMES VERSION. They choose to use language so formal and grand, even by the standards of those days, that the common people would find it difficult to understand. The GENEVA BIBLE was found seditious by its insertions of commentary that spoke directly about the priesthood of lay believers, the church as naturally anti-oligarchy, and setting forth some other ideas considered anarchy by the King, but meaning freedom to the masses who read it. . . .
"Important facts to remember about this Bible. The Reformation was strong in England and the Lollards were a lay group of huge influence that had to go underground. English Christian theologians, not Catholics and not Anglicans, fled in huge numbers to Geneva for freedom. Geneva was not part of Switzerland at that time, because Geneva was its own city-state. . . . The GENEVA BIBLE was printed 1560-1644. THE KING JAMES VERSION was published in 1611. The GENEVA BIBLE was against the law to own. . . ." -- Reader's Comment
Available "in printed formats with various binding options from Tolle Lege Press. Tolle Lege Press has given Puritan Downloads permission to provide a PDF copy of their retypeset and fully searchable edition of the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE (Copyright 2006-2008, Tolle Lege Press), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The GENEVA BIBLE is the Puritan Bible with Reformation promoting marginal notes authored by prominent leaders of the Reformation (during the time of John Calvin and John Knox). The New Testament was translated out of the Greek, by Theodore Beza. The GENEVA BIBLE was the predominant English translation during the period in which the English and Scottish Reformations gained great impetus.
"Iain Murray, in his classic work on revival and the interpretation of prophecy, THE PURITAN HOPE, notes,
The two groups in England and Scotland developed along parallel lines, like two streams originating at one fountain. The fountain was not so much Geneva, as the Bible which the exiles newly translated and issued with many marginal notes . . . it was read in every Presbyterian and Puritan home in both realms. (p. 7)"This time also saw the rise of the forces for covenanted Reformation against the corruption and abuses of prelacy and the royal factions. Darkness was dispelled as people read this Bible and saw for themselves that there is no authority above the Holy Scriptures. Discerning this truth, it became apparent that the civil tyranny and the heretical superstitions imposed by Pope, King and Bishops were to be resisted unto death, if necessary (i.e. because these innovations in church and state were opposed to the Kingship of Christ and the law of His kingdom, as set forth in Holy Scripture).
The notes of TOMSON'S NEW TESTAMENT of 1576, which took the place of the New Testament of the Bible of 1560 in many editions from 1587 onward, are entirely different from those in the GENEVA BIBLE. They are taken from Beza's Latin Testament, and are controversial and strongly Calvinistic."Furthermore, Eason cites Pocock (a rabid anti-Calvinist), in the same book,
The changes adopted in the GENEVA BIBLE and New Testament synchronize with the gradual spread of the Calvinistic heresy and the contemporaneous development of hatred of the whole Papal system of doctrine. The notes attacked the Sacramental teaching of the Church, substituting for it the Calvinistic doctrines of election and reprobation. They taught that Sacraments are nothing more than signs and seals of grace previously given to the elect. All passages about the Sacraments are explained away.("We cite this quote, though it is full of a good deal of devilish nonsense, to demonstrate that even the enemies of biblical truth recognized the powerful impact that the GENEVA BIBLE was having in furthering the Protestant Reformation, as well as to show that the notes in the later versions of the GENEVA BIBLE were moving in the direction of a more distinct testimony against error and for the truth." -- RB) -- Publisher
(1) The editions that follow the first edition of 1560."In our opinion, the notes in the 1599 edition were the most faithful to Scripture." -- The Genevan Bible, Notes on its Production and Distribution [Of course, the judgment and candor of Calvin are renown. This Bible played a key role in the Reformation, and anyone not using it 'will be the poorer for their neglect.' However, very few works are without caveats. Calvin used the LATIN VULGATE. His comments had to be translated from French. Experts (see 'Textual Criticism'), consider the authorized KING JAMES VERSION to be the most accurate translation. It used a literal approach to translation of the Traditional Text, which is referred to today as the Majority Text or Textus Receptus. Beza's translation of the New Testament is in a different category. One is urged to not neglect the knowledge developed over 400 years of Reformed scholarship since 1599. For example, compare the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE (1400 pages, 1366 in the Tolle Lege restoration edition), annotation with the annotation, theological notes, text notes, scripture notes, and other study aids of the NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE (2228 pages), with its own noted caveats. -- compiler]
(2) The editions in which TOMSON'S NEW TESTAMENT of 1576 is substituted for the 1560 New Testament.
(3) The Bibles from 1598 that contain the Notes on Revelation of Francis Junius."
Excerpts from two articles on the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE may be read at the Puritan Downloads site: "The Forgotten Translation," Gary DeMar, President of American Vision and Honorary Member of the 1599 Geneva Bible Advisory Board, and "Introduction to the 1599 Geneva Bible," Marshall Foster, President of the Mayflower Institute, Member of the 1599 Geneva Bible Advisory Board.Word-for-word accuracy with the 1599 Geneva Bible [see the errata listing below -- compiler]
Original cross references
Modern spelling
Original study notes by Reformers
Old English Glossary
2-page Family Tree Chart
Presentation page with several family registry pages
Easy-to-read print [see the errata listing below -- compiler]
Size: 8.75" X 11.5"
Approximately 1,400 pages." -- Publisher
1599 Geneva Bible, Tolle Lege Press Restoration, Fourth Printing, 2008, Probable Errata ListingGenesis 1:11 "So that we see it is the only power of God's word that maketh the earth fruitful, which else naturally is barren.
Genesis 1:12 "This sentence is so oft repeated, to signify that God made all his creatures to serve to his glory, and to the profit of man: but for sin they were accursed, yet to the elect, by Christ they are restored, and serve to their wealth.
Genesis 2:16 "So that man might know there was a sovereign Lord, to whom he owed obedience.
Genesis 2:17 "By this death he meaneth the separation of man from God, who is our life and chief felicity: and also that our disobedience is the cause thereof.
Genesis 3:4 "This is Satan's chiefest subtlety, to cause us not to fear God's threatenings.
Genesis 4:5 "Because he was an hypocrite, and offered only for an outward show without sincerity of heart.
Genesis 9:6 "Not only by the magistrate, but oft times God raiseth up one murderer to kill another.
Therefore to kill man is to deface God's image, and so injury is not only done to man, but also to God.
Psalm 37:1,7,11 "1 This Psalm containeth exhortation and consolation for the weak, that are grieved at the prosperity of the wicked, and the affliction of the godly. 7 For how prosperously soever the wicked do live for the time, he doth affirm their felicity to be vain and transitory, because they are not in the favor of God, but in the end they are destroyed as his enemies. 11 And how miserably that the righteous seemeth to live in the world, yet his end is peace, and he is in the favor of God, he is delivered from the wicked, and preserved.
Psalm 37:5 "Be not led by thine own wisdom, but obey God, and he will finish his work in thee.
Psalm 37:6 "As the hope of the daylight causeth us not to be offended with the darkness of the night: so ought we patiently to trust that God will clear our cause and restore us to our right.
Psalm 37:8 "Meaning, except he moderate his affections, he shall be led to do as they do.
Psalm 37:12 "The godly are assured that the power and craft of the wicked shall not prevail against them, but fall on their own necks, and therefore ought patiently to abide God's time, and in the meanwhile bewail their sins, and offer up their tears, is a sacrifice of their obedience.
Psalm 37:16 "For they are daily fed as with Manna from heaven, and have sufficient, when the wicked have never enough, but ever hunger.
Psalm 37:25 "Though the just man die, yet God's blessings are extended to his posterity, and though God suffer some just man to lack temporal benefits, yet he recompenseth him with spiritual treasures.
Psalm 37:29 "They shall continually be preserved under God's wings, and have at least inward rest.
Psalm 37:30 "These three points are required of the faithful, that their talk be godly, that God's law be in their heart, and that their life be upright.
Psalm 37:37 "He exhorteth the faithful to mark diligently the examples both of God's mercies, and also of his judgments.
Psalm 37:39 "He showeth that the patient hope of the godly is never in vain, but in the end hath good success, though for a time God prove them by sundry tentations.
John 1:1 "The Son of God is of one, and the selfsame eternity or everlastingness, and of one and the selfsame essence or nature, with the Father.
"From his beginning, as the Evangelist saith, 1 John 1:1, as though he said, that the world began not then to have his being, when God began to make all that was made: for the word was even then when all things that were made, began to be made, and therefore he was before the beginning of all things.
"Had his being.
"This word, That, pointeth out unto us a peculiar and choice thing above all other, and putteth a difference between this Word, which is the Son of God, and the Laws of God, which otherwise also are called the word of God.
"This word (With) putteth out the distinction of persons to us.
"This word (Word) is the first in order in the sentence, and is that which the learned call (Subjectum) and this word (God) is the latter in order, and the same which the learned call (Predicatum).
John 1:3 "The son of God declareth that same his everlasting Godhead, both by the creating of all things, and also by the preserving of them, and especially by the excellent gifts of reason and understanding, wherewith he that beautified man above all other creatures.
"Paul expoundeth this place, Col. 1:15 and 16 [Colossians 1:15,16].
"That is, as the Father did work, so did the Son work with him: for he was fellow worker with him.
"Of all those things which were made, nothing was made without him.
Jude 1:24 "He commendeth them to the grace of God, declaring sufficiently that it is God only that can give us that constancy which he requireth of us.
Hebrews 13:8b "all precepts of manners, and that is this: That we ought to quiet and content ourselves in Christ only: for there was yet never any man saved without the knowledge of him, neither is at this day saved, neither shall be saved hereafter.
Revelation 4:9 "God is said to have glory, honor, kingdom, and such like given unto him, when we godly and reverently set forth that which is properly and only his." -- excerpts from 1599 Geneva Bible, Tolle Lege Press, 2006, 2007)
*[Bible, 1599 Geneva Bible Notes], Geneva Bible Notes, 1599
The GENEVA BIBLE contained "marginal notes which were heavily influenced by John Calvin, John Knox, and many other leaders of the Reformation. The GENEVA BIBLE was the predominant English translation during the period in which the English and Scottish Reformations gained great impetus. Iain Murray, in his classic work on revival and the interpretation of prophecy, THE PURITAN HOPE, notes that, 'the two groups in England and Scotland developed along parallel lines, like two streams originating at one fountain. The fountain was not so much Geneva, as the Bible which the exiles newly translated and issued with many marginal notes . . . it was read in every Presbyterian and Puritan home in both realms.' (p. 7). This time also saw the rise of the forces for covenanted Reformation against the corruption and abuses of prelacy and the royal factions. Darkness was dispelled as people read this Bible and saw for themselves that there is no authority above the Holy Scriptures.
"Although most people today have never heard of the GENEVA BIBLE, it was so popular from 1560 to 1644 that it went through 140 plus printings. The reason for its popularity among the faithful is obvious: the marginal notes promoted a full-orbed, nation-changing Protestantism. . . !
" 'By 1599, the GENEVA BIBLE . . . added many Calvinist annotations for household use' (Bremer, The Puritan Experiment, p. 12). A number of the notes argued for family worship and instruction by the head of the household. Puritanism in the British Isles is known as an effort to continue the Reformation of the church in the area of worship and church government. However, the Puritans also sought to reform the family life according to Biblical principles . . . as a result of their efforts they 'were creators of the English Christian marriage, the English Christian family, and the English Christian home'." (J.I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness, p. 260) -- Publisher
1599 Geneva Bible Notes
For other GENEVA NOTES text see the following:
*[Bible, 1672, King James Bible With the Geneva Bible Notes], King James Bible With the Geneva Bible Notes, 1672.*KING JAMES BIBLE WITH THE GENEVA BIBLE NOTES, 1672,
1599 GENEVA BIBLE, Tolle Lege Press restoration,
"1599 GENEVA BIBLE, Tolle Lege Press Restoration, Fourth Printing, 2008, Probable Errata Listing," and
"A Resolution That Tolle Lege Press and White Hall Press of Chicago Complete the Limited Modernization of the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE Begun in 2004."
[Bible, index], Bible Index Pocketbook, ISBN: 0877880778 9780877880776.
[Bible, Nave's Complete Word Study Topical Bible], Nave, Orville J., and Warren Baker, Nave's Complete Word Study Topical Bible (King James Version), 1963 pages, ISBN: 0899576796 9780899576794.
There are significantly differences in vocabulary and coverage in this work compared to other topical listings of scripture. It is felt that for in-depth studies it would complement THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, THOMPSON'S EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE, and other topical listings.
WordSearch Bible Software no longer sells the CD-ROM accompanying the book.
"Arrangement of Scripture quotes and references under more than 22,000 topics and subtopics [based on NAVE'S TOPICAL STUDY BIBLE, it lists over 6,000 main topics, with over 16,000 subtopics -- compiler], with an index of Strong's numbers for every word in the text of the KJV Bible.
"Dr. Warren Baker is the Senior Editor of AMG Publishers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is co-author of The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament, and the general editor of The Complete Word Study Old Testament. He also served as managing editor of The Complete Word Study New Testament, The Compete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament, and The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible.
"Dr. Baker holds several degrees: B.A., Clearwater Christian College; M.Div., S.T.M., and D.R.E., Faith Theological Seminary. He served as Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Faith Seminary until he began his career in Christian publishing fourteen years ago." -- Publisher
[Bible, New Naves Topical], *Nave, Orville (1841-1917), and Edward Viening (revised and compiled), The New Nave's Topical Bible, new and enlarged (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986), 1114 pages, ISBN: 0310337100 9780310337102. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
NAVE'S is a way of finding what the Bible teaches on any subject. Unlike a concordance it has the verses printed right within the book.
Formerly THE ZONDERVAN TOPICAL BIBLE. Edward Viening was responsible for the compilation and revision of this 1969 work. This revised edition has 21,000 subject-heads rather than 20,000, but does not have the extensive Scripture references which still appear only in the Hendrickson edition. Nearly 6500 listings with more than 100,000 Scripture references and 1114 pages. Very useful in counseling also.
Dr. D. James Kennedy says he has used it for 30 years and considers it an indispensable aid. Billy Graham has said he uses it more than any other book except the Bible in the preparation of his sermons.
Nave's Topical Bible
What the Bible Says About (WBSA)
"What The Bible Says About (WBSA), [a website where the NEW NAVES TOPICAL BIBLE may be searched -- compiler], is based on the NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, a revision of the classic reference work, NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE, which was written in the later part of the 19th century by Dr. Orville Nave. The original NAVE'S was revised and expanded by James Swanson. The resulting NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE is Copyright 1997 Logos Research Systems, Inc."
Nave's Topical Bible: A Digest of the Holy Scriptures (1903)
[Bible, Open Bible], Open Bible, Classic Edition (KJV), 1856 pages, ISBN: 9780718014803 0718014804.
Both the THOMPSON CHAIN REFERENCE BIBLE and THE OPEN BIBLE were originally prepared using the KJV, so there would be advantage to not mixing KJV and NKJVs when using both Bibles for topical studies.
"Are you ready for an intense and contemplative study of the Word? The KJV OPEN BIBLE, CLASSIC EDITION is designed for the hungry reader. This Bible is filled with amazing study aids including comprehensive book introductions and outlines, 64-page concordance, Read-Along references and translation notes, and the Classic Biblical Cyclopedic Index covering over 8,000 textual entries. The KJV OPEN BIBLE, CLASSIC EDITION also features a Seven-step Method on How To Study the Bible, a Visual Survey of the Bible, The Christian's Guide to New Life, and The Greatest Archaeological Discoveries of the Bible. This outstanding Bible is available in hardcover, bonded leather and genuine leather with color choices of black, burgundy and tan." -- Publisher
"While this bible clearly reflects a general Evangelical Protestant perspective on Christianity, it is not so narrowly focused that non-evangelicals could not benefit from it. Moreover, while the OPEN BIBLE had been available in other translations in the past (i.e., NASB, NKJV, NLT), it was originally designed around the KJV, so one could argue that this is the grand-daddy of all KJV Study Bibles. Also, this Bible has all the essential helps and aids of many other decent Study Bibles, but without the overly-intrusive notes and annotations which render some so-called 'study bibles' as little more than running commentaries.
"No, it does not have the annotations of the NKJV Open Bible, as one disappointed reviewer noted below. If you want a great study bible in that translation with great notes, check out the NELSON STUDY BIBLE (NKJV) -- perhaps the best annotated evangelical Study Bible in any translation on the market [see also the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE, and THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE: THE WORD THAT CHANGES LIVES -- THE FAITH THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, NEW KING JAMES VERSION -- compiler]. However, if you want a KJV study edition of the Scriptures with all the helps but few intrusive study notes, than this is it.
"Not only does this bible have cross references, extensive book introductions and outlines, numerous articles on Bible topics, the now famous Cyclopedic Index, the Visual Survey of the Bible, Concordance, the words of Christ in red, and full color maps with an index, it also has the Christian's Guide to the New Life Study Outlines.
"The fact that the notes to this study are 'chained' throughout the Bible provides no small convenience for the reader. Keyed to the Christian's Guide to the New Life Study Outlines, these notes are bound by a common theme (the New Life Study itself), without being too intrusive or verbose. . . ." -- Reader's Comment
*[Bible, Reformation Study Bible], The Reformation Study Bible: The Word That Changes Lives -- the Faith That Changed The World, New King James Version, ISBN: 0785258523 9780785258520. Previously published under the title NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE: BRINGING THE LIGHT OF THE REFORMATION TO SCRIPTURE, ISBN: 0840710917 9780840710918.
"The NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE offers a restatement of Reformation truth for Christians today. The first Geneva Bible was a pivotal force in the Reformation. Using the everyday language of its time, it opened the pages of Scripture to readers and provided helpful notes to assist them in understanding its message. It became the family Bible of the English people, and was the Bible that the Pilgrims brought to the New World. Since that time a multitude of English translations and study Bibles have appeared, but none of these has incorporated a summary of Reformed theology." -- Thomas Nelson Publishers
Also available in digital format from Logos Bible Software.
Geneva Bible Notes: Reviews of the 1599 and the 1672 editions of the Notes, and of the Reformation Study Bible
Readers of THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE should also be familiar with the Geneva Bible Notes, The Westminster Family of Documents, the doctrine of the Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ, and the literature of the Covenanted Reformation.
The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide
The Covenanted Reformation of Scotland Author/Title Listing
Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, William L. Roberts D.D.
*[Bible, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, 5th Improved Edition], Thompson, Frank Charles (editor), and Kirkbride Bible and Technology (other contributor), Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, (KJV, Adult, Regular Size, Bonded Leather, Black, Indexed, Kirkbride Bible Company Item Number: 978-0-88707-527-8), 5th improved edition, leather bound (Kirkbride Bible Company, December 2005), some editions include a CD-ROM, language: English, French, and Spanish. Many editions and bindings are available. WorldCat Record for 5th Improved Edition, ISBN: 0887071228 9780887071225 9780887076091 0887076092.
"Dr. Frank C. Thompson, D.D., Ph.D., invested more than forty years in compiling and developing the remarkable Chain-Reference system that is the heart of the Bible that now bears his name." -- Publisher
This is a huge body of work: the fully cross-referenced Bible, 1619 pages, plus Bible helps, 788 pages, for a total of 2417 pages. It may be used profitably in combination with THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (1680 pages), THE NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE (THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE), (2220 pages), THE GENEVA BIBLE (648 pages), THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION (1631 pages), and THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE (1114 pages).
"The topics from the TOPICAL BIBLE can easily be found in the General Index of the THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. In the General Index are found the chain-reference numbers that will guide the user into the biblical context for many of the topics. The many additional resources in the THOMSPON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE . . . will greatly supplement any topical study." -- Introduction to the TOPICAL BIBLE
We feel that both THE THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION, 5TH EDITION, and the THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION has a part in every reference library, particularly the libraries of Biblical Counselors.
Remember the Thompson Chain-Reference System was developed for the Authorized King James Version. It is also available in New American Standard, New King James, and the New International versions.
"A THOMPSON STUDY BIBLE will help you in ways other Bibles can't. It's the unique Chain-Reference System that allows you to follow any subject, person, place or idea, from the front of your Bible to the end. THOMPSON users say it's the best way to study your Bible. No other Bible has this superb, patented, Thompson Chain Reference System developed by Dr. Frank C. Thompson in 1890. Since that time, thousands of additional topics and links have been added. The AKJV 4th edition has been out-of-print since 1988. The 5th edition began printing in 1988. The only way to find a 4th edition would be in the secondary market." -- Publisher
"Some Thompson Bible Features [from among 75 additional study features]:
*[Bible, Thompson Exhaustive Topical Bible: King James Version], Thompson, Frank Charles (author), Paul M. Hillman (editor), John Stephen Jauchen (editor), The Thompson Exhaustive Topical Bible: King James Version (Indianapolis, IN: Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc., 1997). Hardcover, 1631 pages.
This is a topical Bible compiled from the Thompson Chain-Reference System.
"NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE was edited into a Study Bible format shortly after the appearance of the original THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. It is fitting for Thompson's Study Bible to be reformatted into a reference book. And where there is room in the marketplace and on every serious student's bookshelf for more than one Bible translation, so there is room for more than one Topical Bible -- and great value in the use of both Nave's and Thompson's work. . . ." -- John R. Kohlenberger III, from the Foreword
"Now, the detailed and comprehensive topical and subject data that forms the heart of the unparalleled Thompson Chain-Reference system is offered in this -- the most exhaustive topical Bible currently available! Combining to make THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE unique are features which include:
End of Bible section. Alphabetization resumes.
Bobgan, Martin, and Deidre Bobgan, CONFRONTING the Biblical Counseling Foundation's Self-Confrontation Manual. A PsychoHeresy Awareness Position Paper (PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, 4137 Primavera Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110).
"While we no longer recommend any manuals or training programs for biblical counseling, we would issue the following recommendations for changing the manual and for restraints if the BCF manual is to be used at all."
*Bordwine, James E., A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
One way to be strengthened and encouraged in times of trouble, discouragement, and depressions is to read pure doctrine to remind oneself of what is in fact true.
"In this volume are the complete texts of the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646), (both the original and American versions), and the LARGER CATECHISM, together with Scripture proofs and a unique topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism. A GUIDE TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS will be a great help in understanding the Bible and its most complete summaries, the Westminster Standards." -- Publisher
Boykin, Caroline, The Well-versed Family: Raising Kids of Faith Through Do-able Scripture Memory, ISBN: 1598867687 9781598867688.
*Broger, John C. (developer/editor, 1915-2002), Self-Confrontation: A Manual for In-depth Discipleship: Based on the Old and New Testaments as the Only Authoritative Rule of Faith and Conduct, Alternate title: COURSE I: THE SELF-CONFRONTATION SYLLABUS FOR BIBLICAL COUNSELING TRAINING, ISBN: 0785282467 978-0785282464 and Course I: Self-Confrontation Tapes (10 cassette tapes [audio file]), (Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation).
"Contains 24 weekly lessons intended to move a person through the change process personally as the foundation for working on becoming a counselor (Matthew 7:1-5). Intended for Sunday school and other classes or personal study. The first eight lessons lay the biblical foundation for change. The grace of the God in the gospel of Jesus Christ is spring of all true change, and it prompts a self-confrontation: 'Man's way is oriented to self: to please self, to comfort self, to rely on self, to fulfill self, to forgive self, to exalt self, and to love self. . . . [God's way], emphasizes that you are to live for Him.' The next thirteen lessons treat particular problem areas: selfishness, anger, interpersonal conflict, marriage and family, depression, fear, life-dominating sins. The final three lessons summarize and set the foundation for Course II, Biblical Counseling Training." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Helps Christians solve their personal problems Biblically and equips laymen and women to counsel others Biblically within the church." Particularly valuable for its system of identifying root problems in counseling cases. Some of the material presented is from various writings by Jay E. Adams. The audio cassette tape [audio file], series by John Broger is designed to accompany the course and includes practical examples."
Biblical Counseling Foundation
Burkett, Larry, What the Bible Says About Money: A Topical Concordance Containing Every Verse in the Bible Related to Money and Personal Financial Matters, ISBN: 0943497752 9780943497754.
"This is actually a 'topical concordance' to every verse in the Bible relating to money and personal financial matters. A valuable reference and study tool for pastors, students, teachers and all serious Christians." -- GCB
Butler, Paul, What the Bible Says About Civil Government, ISBN: 0899002668 9780899002668.
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0664220207 9780664220204. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. A Christian classic.
"Edited by John McNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles, this is the definitive English language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church -- Calvin's INSTITUTES.
"Still considered by many to be the finest explanation and defense of the Protestant Reformation available.
"The work is divided into four books: I. The Knowledge of God the Creator, II. The Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ, III. The Mode of Obtaining the Grace of Christ, IV. The External Means or Helps by Which God Allures us Into Fellowship With Christ and Keeps us in it. . . . THE INSTITUTES is praised by the secular philosopher, Will Durant, as one of the ten books that shook the world." -- GCB
Calvin spent a lifetime writing and perfecting INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. His Prefatory Address makes it clear that he intended the work to be a defense of Christianity to the King of France.
Therefore, plainly stated, one of the most influential works ever published in the English language is a defense of Christianity to leaders of State.
Prefatory Address to His Most Christian Majesty, The Most Mighty and Illustrious Monarch, Francis, King of the French, His Sovereign, John Calvin. Available in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
"Indeed, this consideration makes a true king: to recognize himself a minister of God in governing his kingdom. Now, that king, who in ruling over his realm does not serve God's glory, exercises not kingly rule but brigandage. [Footnote: 'Nec iam regnum ille sed latrocinium exercet.' An echo of Augustine's famous phrase: 'When justice is taken away, what are kingdoms [[regna]] but a vast banditry [[magna latocinia]]?' City of God, IV. iv (MPL [[Migne, J.P., Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina]], 41. 115; tr. NPNF [[A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series]], II. 66)]. Furthermore, he is deceived who looks for enduring prosperity in his kingdom when it is not ruled by God's scepter, that is, his Holy Word; for the heavenly oracle that proclaims that where prophecy fails the people are scattered [Prov. 29:18 (Proverbs 29:18)], cannot lie." (Battles translation)
"The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the sceptre of God, that is, by his divine word. For the heavenly oracle is infallible which has declared, that where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18), (Beveridge translation)."
See the entire Prefatory Address, Beveridge translation. Considered to be one of the greatest prefaces ever written.
"The doctrines of covenant liberty were rediscovered in the Reformation. John Calvin went further than anyone else in defining liberty and what Christians need to do to maintain it. Includes bibliographies."
It is recommended that INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION be used for daily devotions and may be used in combination with Ford Lewis Battles and John Walchenbach, AN ANALYSIS OF THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION OF JOHN CALVIN and with CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES.
Calvin's Commentaries at
Calvin's Commentaries, complete
From the Calvin Translation Society edition.
One Hundred Aphorisms, Containing, Within a Narrow Compass, the Substance and Order of the Four Books of The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Contents and Chapter Sections for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 (McNeill/Battles)
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 1
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 2
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Beveridge translation
Monergism: Commentaries
From search "commentaries."
*Gill, John (1697-1771), The Cause of God and Truth: In Four Parts: With a Vindication of Part IV From the Cavils, Calumnies, and Defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood, ISBN: 0801037611 9780801037610. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
"In 10 massive volumes [The publisher appears to be referring to all of Gill's works: JOHN GILL'S EXPOSITION OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE, A BODY OF DOCTRINAL DIVINITY, A BODY OF PRACTICAL DIVINITY, THE CAUSE OF GOD AND TRUTH, THE PROPHECIES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT LITERALLY FULFILLED IN JESUS, and SERMONS AND TRACTS. -- compiler], John Gill presents one of the best Biblical reference books of all time. One of the most acclaimed Hebraists of his time, Gill's amazing cross-referencing of Biblical subjects and Scripture are as yet unequaled. This outstanding set of books, with superlatively thorough indexing of all scriptural references supports the doctrine of grace as well as classifies controversial and hard to understand biblical texts. Gill defends God and Truth with critical Biblical exegesis, systematically dismantling flawed beliefs. A great tool!" -- Publisher
"John Gill's, THE CAUSE OF GOD AND TRUTH, examines all the Arminian verses in the Bible and explains their meaning." -- John W. Robbins
Gill, John, The Cause of God and Truth (1736)
Henry, Matthew (1662-1714), William T. Summers (editor), The Quotable Matthew Henry, ISBN: 0800753348. Alternate title: A TOPICAL INDEX TO MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY ON THE WHOLE BIBLE.
"More than 3000 phrases of scriptural truths taken from his COMMENTARY ON THE WHOLE BIBLE that are arranged topically and indexed Biblically. Formerly A TOPICAL INDEX TO MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY ON THE WHOLE BIBLE." -- GCB
Kruis, John G., Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling, ISBN: 0801091020 9780801091025.
"Revised edition is 30 pages longer than first edition, with expanded and additional entries. 'The Scriptures are ideally suited for any and every counseling occasion. . . . As you do the Lord's work, the Holy Spirit is always the primary counselor, and He works powerfully, sovereignly through His own Word.' Bible passages -- some brief, some lengthy -- that treat over 50 topics are assembled and arranged systematically. 'They are arranged so that you can see at a brief glance the gist or thrust and the significance of each text or passage as it relates to the topic under which it is listed.' The purpose is to give counselors a ready reference and a source of homework assignments." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Scripture references for 87 subjects which makes this an ideal tool for Christian counselors plus more than 15 blank addenda pages. Quotations are from the NIV. Spiral bound." -- GCB
Adultery -- Affliction -- Alcohol -- Anger -- Anxiety -- Assurance -- Bitterness -- Blameshifting -- Brooding -- Calls to repentance and obedience -- Changing -- Chastisement -- Children -- Church -- Church discipline -- Comfort -- Commandments -- Communication -- Communion of saints -- Conscience -- Contentment -- Coveting -- Death -- Decision making -- Depression -- Discipline -- Divorce -- Drug abuse -- Eternal life -- Evil desires -- Example -- Faith in God -- False prophets, teachers -- Fear -- Forgiveness of sins -- Forgiving others -- Friendships -- Giving -- Gossip -- Hate -- Homosexuality -- Hope -- Hot temper -- Husband/wife relationships -- Imitating Jesus -- Laziness -- Leading a person to Christ -- Loving and serving others -- Loving God -- Lust -- Lying -- Marriage -- Mixed marriages -- Obedience -- Overcoming evil -- Overcoming sin -- Peace -- Peacemakers, peacekeepers -- Persecution -- Prayer -- Priorities -- Progressive sanctification -- Providence of God -- Repentance -- Resentment -- Rest -- Salvation -- Self-centeredness -- Self-control, self-discipline -- Self-pity -- Sex life -- Sexual immorality -- Temptation -- Training children -- Trials -- Trust -- Waiting on the Lord -- Warnings -- Work -- Worry -- Youth.
*Martin, Robert P., A Guide to the Puritans: A Topical and Textual Index to the Writings of the Puritans and Some of Their Successors Recently in Print, 546 pages, ISBN: 0851517137 9780851517131.
"I owe an enormous debt to the Puritans, the most prolific and accurate expounders of the biblical principles upon which the Reformation was built. Their concern for vital godliness in every area of the Christian's experience has rightly earned for them the title 'theologians of the Christian life.' Their writings are a rich banquet table loaded with solid nourishment for God's people. . . .
"There are many more qualified to index the Puritans than I. Had someone more acquainted with the Puritans' works and more schooled in their history and theology undertaken this project, the end product would have been vastly superior. My primary qualification is that I have been willing to undertake the task. I will not be surprised if those who use this volume find many things which could be done better, especially in the topical index. My hope, however, is that those who find flaws will favor me with their suggestions for improvement, so that if future editions come from the press, the people of God will be served better than at present.
"In determining which writers and works to index, I have been guided and restrained by several principles. First, I have deliberately chosen a broad definition of the term Puritan. Instead of the narrow ecclesiastical sense, i.e., of referring only to those in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who desired reformation in the national church of England, I am using the term Puritan in the broader religious sense of those advocating the experimental, Calvinistic religion which the Puritans exemplified. Moreover, I have cast my net even farther to take in those who have looked to the Puritans as their nearest theological kin; thus including such men as Archibald Alexander, Charles Hodge, B.B. Warfield, W.G.T. Shedd, John Murray, and many other modern Puritans.
"Second, with reference to older writers, I have limited my efforts to recently republished works. Many valuable works, of course, have not reappeared in our day, but are available only in libraries and private collections. I have not tried to include any such items. A comprehensive index of the entire body of Puritan writings would be a wonderful resource, but it is quite beyond my ability to undertake such a project.
"Third, though I have tried to include all the older works currently available, I have indexed only a sampling of works from living writers. Some may question my choices or judge that I have overlooked important new works and authors in the Puritan mold. I sincerely regret overlooking any volume worthy of notice. My only defense is that my knowledge of living authors is much less than my awareness of the proven guides of the past. For the most part I have limited new works to those published by the Banner of Truth Trust, confident that these works have passed through a fine grid of review, and would not bear the Banner label if they were not clearly in the Puritan tradition.
"Fourth, doubtless some users of this index will be disappointed that several important precursors to the Puritans are missing. For example, except for the notice of a few well-known works, Calvin and Luther are not indexed. The same is true of Augustine. The contribution of these men to reformed and Puritan thinking cannot be overestimated. Including their works, however, was not possible, given my present constraints. I regret this greatly.
"Among nineteenth-century figures, the most prominent absence is that of C.H. Spurgeon. Spurgeon certainly is worthy of a place in this work; however, since a textual and topical index of his sermons already exists, I chose not to duplicate that work here.
"In our own century, the ministry of D.M. Lloyd-Jones has produced a large body of useful material in the Puritan tradition; however, unlike his contemporary, John Murray, no collection of Dr. Lloyd-Jones's writings is yet available. Much that Dr. Lloyd-Jones preached is now published in commentary form (e.g., his expositions of the Sermon on the Mount, Romans, Ephesians, etc.), and is not included in this index because of my decision not to index commentaries. I have indexed the Doctor's topical works that were available to me. Those wanting more information on Dr. Lloyd-Jones's writings should consult the bibliography found at the end of volume two of Iain Murray's biography. [LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN: THE FIGHT OF FAITH, 1939-1981 -- compiler]
"The Scripture Index was easy to produce. Where a specific text (or texts), of scripture served as the basis for a sermon or treatise, it is included in the Scripture Index at the appropriate place. This does not mean, however, that every work listed in the Scripture Index contains a detailed exegesis of the text to which it is attached. Often the Puritans used texts as the starting points for topical sermons or series. What follows is not so much an exposition of the text but an exposition of a theme which the text epitomizes. Such sermons do not always answer to the needs of the technical exegete, but they often serve as catalysts for doctrinal and practical observations on the text.
"A few whole commentaries are found in the Scripture Index. These are present only because they are included in an author's collected writings. Many more commentaries could have been included; however, those appearing before 1870 are catalogued already in Spurgeon's COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES. Many fine commentaries in the Puritan tradition also have appeared since 1870; but I have made no effort to produce what would in fact have been an update of Spurgeon's work.
"The Topical Index was extremely difficult to construct. Two problems constantly intruded themselves into the process. First, when I began, no list of topics was ready at hand. My method therefore was to compile the list of topics as I went along. The end product doubtless is less accurate than if the topics had been set from the beginning. Second, Puritan sermons are not always capable of being reduced to one or two key ideas. Frequently the Puritans ranged across a wide field of related themes in a single sermon. Where this occurred, properly placing the sermon in the Topical Index was difficult. In most cases I was guided by either the author's title or his doctrine summary, i.e., a statement expressing the theme of the sermon. I have tried to exercise as much care as possible in indexing topically; however, those more familiar with individual sermons or treatises perhaps will question my decisions. Again, I hope that observations which may improve this work will be communicated to me. . . . I have included comments with some entries. It was not possible to do this for every entry. For the most part, I did this where I felt that a word was needed to clarify the emphasis of a given work. . . ." -- Robert P. Martin in the Preface, August 1996, Seattle, Washington
Miller, Patricia A., and Keith R. Miller, Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth, ISBN: 0801066085 9780801066085.
*Nelson (Thomas Nelson editors), Nelson's Topical Bible Index, ISBN: 0785211241 9780785211242.
"Offers pastors, Bible scholars, and laypeople ready-to-use information and quick answers to Bible questions. It organizes key Scripture references with context summaries under 8,000 topics and sub-topics, including names, places, things, concepts, events and doctrines. Includes brief definitions that are useful for personal study or lesson preparation." -- Publisher
Norris, Bill, What the Bible Says About Growing Old, ISBN: 0899002587 9780899002583.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Biblical Theology or: The Nature, Origin, Development, and Study of Theological Truth, in 6 books, ISBN: 1877611832 9781877611834. A Christian classic.
"Owen wrote 24 volumes, and only 23 have been available in reprint. BIBLICAL THEOLOGY, has been in Latin, and this is the first-ever English edition of this important work. It was translated into English by Dr. Stephen Westcott. It contains six sections, tracing theology from Adam to the present. Appendixed is Owen's DEFENSE OF SCRIPTURE AGAINST FANATICISM, which has much to say in the current discussions with Charismatics. J.I. Packer says, 'All the qualities we expect of Owen -- the focus on God, the passion for Christ, the honoring of the Holy Spirit, the shattering depth of insight into human sinfulness and perversity, the concern for holiness, the radical view of regeneration, the vision of the church as a spiritual fellowship that worships, the distrust of philosophical schemes and styles for dealing with divine things, the celebration of God's wisdom in giving the Scriptures in the form in which we have them-all are seen here'." -- Publisher
"The present treatise is vintage Owen, searching and spiritual, devotional and doxological, the product of a masterful mind and a humble heart." -- J.I. Packer from the Foreword
"Biblical Theology is that which starts with Genesis and builds teachings based only on what the particular writers have to say about a topic, building the theme together as one progresses through Scripture. "Systematic Theology" is that which takes a topic (i.e., the atonement), and finds all applicable texts from all over Scripture to form a concise teaching of that doctrine." -- Reader's Comment
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Christologia: or A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ, God and man . . . by John Owen. In THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN.
Christologia: or A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ, God and man
*Owen, John (1616-1683), The Complete Works of John Owen, 16 volumes, ISBN: 0851513921 9780851513928. Alternate title: THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN. A Christian classic. See Volume 1 for annotation on all 16 volumes. Many separate works by Owen may be found in the Puritan Hard Drive and the Reformation Bookshelf 30 CD Set.
John Owen "is by common consent not the most versatile, but the greatest among Puritan theologians. For solidity, profundity, massiveness and majesty in exhibiting from Scripture God's ways with sinful mankind there is no one to touch him. . . ." -- J.I. Packer in A Quest for Godliness, p. 81
"To master his works is to be a profound theologian." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"The Banner of Truth Trust completed in May, 1968, the re-issue of the complete English works of Owen, his seven volumes on the Epistle of Hebrews excepted. All of these volumes 'are of the greatest value' (Dr. Lloyd-Jones), but for newcomers to Owen we especially recommend the four volumes in the Practical Division (vols. 6-9). . . ." -- William J. Grier
"His works on communion, Christian life, and the person and glory of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, etc. are of the utmost value to any serious-minded Christian." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Introductory Essay to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ.
J.I. Packer's Introduction to The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ: Redemption and Reconciliation That is in the Blood of Christ (Limited Atonement), 1 of 33, [audio file]
An audio file reading by Still Waters Revival Books from THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN. Currently (October 2018), there are 77 readings of John Owen by SWRB and Reformed Baptist of Holland (Michigan), (Thomas Sullivan), at available for listening online, downloading as MP3 files, [audio file], and listening on iPhone, mobile phones, and MPE players.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), The Glory of Christ, ISBN: 0851511236, 9780851511238. A Christian classic. The Glory of Christ, Puritan Paperback Series edition, ISBN: 0851516610 9780851516615. In THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN. Available (THE GLORY OF CHRIST), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"With regard to the glory of Christ's divine person, Owen's treatises remain unsurpassed. Thomas McCrie writes of Owen's works on Christ in Volume 1, 'Of all the theological works published by individuals since the Reformation, next to Calvin's INSTITUTES, we should have deemed it our highest honour to have produced [these]'." -- Joel R. Beeke
"In THE GLORY OF CHRIST . . . we have the great Puritan pastor and theologian, John Owen, at his richest and most mature. Here he writes about Jesus Christ, the heart of the Gospel, with biblical insight and understanding that is at times almost overwhelming for a contemporary reader.
"These chapters were written during the final period of Owen's life, and began simply in his personal meditation and study, before being shared with others in public ministry. Deep love for, and fervent devotion to Christ, is evident on every page. Owen had already seen the glory of Christ from afar and pondered long on its significance. Here he speaks from his proximity to eternity, and teaches us how to see Christ more clearly and to serve him more faithfully.
"The publishers are convinced that THE GLORY OF CHRIST is a spiritual treasure-cave to which many readers will return again and again throughout the whole of their lives. Its sole purpose is to renew and deepen devotion to Jesus Christ." -- Publisher
"In THE GLORY OF CHRIST . . . we have the great Puritan pastor and theologian, John Owen, at his richest and most mature. Here he writes about Jesus Christ, the heart of the Gospel, with biblical insight and understanding that is at times almost overwhelming for a contemporary reader.
"These chapters were written during the final period of Owen's life, and began simply in his personal meditation and study, before being shared with others in public ministry. Deep love for, and fervent devotion to Christ, is evident on every page. Owen had already seen the glory of Christ from afar and pondered long on its significance. Here he speaks from his proximity to eternity, and teaches us how to see Christ more clearly and to serve him more faithfully.
"The publishers are convinced that THE GLORY OF CHRIST is a spiritual treasure-cave to which many readers will return again and again throughout the whole of their lives. Its sole purpose is to renew and deepen devotion to Jesus Christ." -- Publisher
Contains: Life of Owen, the Person of Christ, Glory of Christ, and two short catechisms.
*Pilgrim Publications, Complete Index to the New Park Street Pulpit and the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 24 pages.
"Notes: Reprinted from Spurgeon's COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES."
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Profiting From The Word, ISBN: 0851510329 9780851510323.
"Pink is recognized as one of the finest Christian writers of the twentieth century. Includes: The Scriptures and Sin, God, Christ, Prayer, Good Works, Obedience, the World, the Promises, Joy, and Love. Comprised of excerpts from the author's magazine, Studies in the Scriptures." -- GCB
*Pink, Michael, Tough Questions, Straight Answers.
"A great topical arrangement of Scriptures on modern subjects that our children bump up against everyday. Just Bible passages. Highly recommended." -- GCB
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Powlison, David (1949-2019), William P. Smith, and The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Counsel the Word: A Selection of Readings,
*Ray, Bruce A., Jay Adams (foreword), Withhold not Correction, ISBN: 0875524001 9780875524009.
"If children were animals then behavioral manipulation would be appropriate. If children were innocent then diverting them into other activities when they are angry or selfish would be appropriate. But children bear the image of God, distorted by sin and correctable by the Gospel. 'The tablet is not blank: it's filled with sin.' Therefore child-rearing is a process of correction and reorientation, and it must be guided by Scripture. Contrary to how it is often viewed, 'discipline is not hate; discipline is love.' Lays out eight principles for biblical correction of children. Closes with a 'Parents' Topical Reference' to Bible passages on two dozen issues relevant to children." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"This is an exceptional book for the parent who seriously searches the Word of God for His will in rearing children. His constant aim is to display the Scripture bearing on his subject in order to 'bring our children into a subordinate relationship to the living God.' He uses often the term, Biblical discipline, and he applies this not only to the use of the rod to correct, but also the use of prayer with the child, the constant attention to shaping the child's character, etc. He quotes from many good authors, such as Charles Bridges and Charles Hodge. Very good!" -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Regent University Staff, The Word on Management: A Topical Index of Scriptures for Managers, Supervisors and Employees, ISBN: 1555741258 9781555741259.
"A topical index of Scriptures for managers and employees by the Regent University staff." -- GCB
Richards, Lawrence O., Personal Ministry Handbook, ISBN: 0801077362 9780801077364.
Rockstad, Ernest B., The Healing of the Mind (Andover, KS: Faith and Life Publications). Available in The Mind: Satan's Base of Operations (2 Cor. 11:3), [2 Corinthians 11:3], 4 audio cassettes [audio file].
A booklet explaining how to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2). Filled with references to Scripture.
Shewan, Edward (editor), Great Bible Passages: Treasures From the Word, ISBN: 1555130186 9781555130183.
*Smith, Jerome H. (editor), The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, revised and expanded (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 1664 pages, ISBN: 0785212272 and 0785213155. Includes bibliography, subject index, topic number index, Proverbs index, name index, figure of speech index, and other indexes. See the index to Proverbs.
"An incredible one-volume Bible reference library, this comprehensive update of the original TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [TSK] is a unique resource for Bible study, teaching, or preaching. This edition contains nearly 100,000 new cross references, additional key words, a new system of symbols, and many other improvements. This is the most comprehensive collection of time-saving and insightful cross references ever published! Dozens of special study aids help you develop powerful lessons or sermons -- straight from the Bible itself! Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. says: 'The one book, apart from the Bible itself, that I value most in my studies'." -- Logos Research Systems
Smith, Jerome, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
"For generations, the TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [original edition by R.A. Torrey -- compiler], has been an enduring cross reference resource for Bible students worldwide. This highly respected and nearly exhaustive compilation of cross references was developed by R.A. Torrey from references in the REV. THOMAS SCOTT'S COMMENTARY and THE COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. With nearly 500,000 cross references it is the most thorough source available [prior to Jerome Smith's 1992 revision and update -- compiler]."
TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. It is included at and may be downloaded from various websites.
Torrey, R.A., Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (former edition to NTSK)
Smith, Jerome H., Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible: Illuminating God's Word Verse-by-Verse, 2007, ISBN: 1418504599 9781418504595.
Whereas, The Holy Bible is the greatest book (Matthew 4:4; Psalm 33:6; John 1:1-14; Mark 13:31; 1 Corinthians 2:12,13; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:4; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119, and so forth, and so on),
Whereas, it is the best commentary on itself, a truth that came out of the Reformation,
Therefore, THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (NTSK) and its successor, NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE (NCRGB), are among the greatest and most valuable books ever printed, after The Holy Bible itself, because they allow the Bible to interpret itself.
"THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE are more flexible than a concordance, more thorough than a topical Bible, and more discovery-oriented than a Bible commentary." -- Reader's Comment
Most readers will need to own both the NTSK and NCRGB. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE is recommended for quick reference, because of its new format, its ease of use, and more compact size. But THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is also necessary for serious study, because the eight indices for the NTSK, the extensive bibliography, and most of Smith's added personal notes to about 275 verses were removed from the NCRGB.
It should also be pointed out that neither of these works are Reformed. A random check of both works showed that Smith did not consult cross references used in CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES or in the GENEVA BIBLE and NOTES, although, of course, some cross references used by Calvin and other Reformed writers appear by chance in both of Smith's works. Therefore, Reformed reader must go directly to the indices to the various commentaries of Calvin to see Calvin's cross references, and to other Reformed writers, and the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE, for their cross references.
Jerome H. Smith spent about 37 years editing and expanding THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (see the Preface to NTSK). After the release of the NTSK in 1992, he continued to edit and improve it, and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE was released in 2007, 15 years later. That is a total of 52 years working to improve this one reference work.
"Building on the Bible Study classic, THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (with its well-known introduction by R.A. Torrey), and his own expansive THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE, Jerome Smith has fashioned a user-friendly tool [the NCRGB -- compiler] in a much improved, altogether new format to make personal Bible study and Bible lesson preparation easier than ever before. Thanks to Smith's diligent work over many years, this volume contains a more complete collection of cross references than any Bible reference ever published." -- Publisher
"Smith compiled no less than eight indices for the NTSK: Subject Index, Topic Number Index, Prayer Index, Proverbs Index, Name Index, Figure of Speech Index, Strong's Numbers Index: Hebrew, and Strong's Numbers Index: Greek. He also provided an extensive bibliography. Leaving most of the notes he found in TSK unmodified, he added his own personal notes to about 275 verses. But the indices, bibliography, and most of the notes were removed from the NCRGB." -- Reader's Comment
"Discover how words, phrases, and concepts in one passage of the BIBLE are reflected and reinforced in the whole of Scripture. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE is organized in biblical sequence, making it easy for you to study a particular passage deeper than ever before.
"You'll find multiple cross references to related passages in the Old and New Testaments. Gain a richer understanding of God's Word by studying a theme through the whole counsel of Scripture.
"THE NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE [based on the AKJV] lets the Bible interpret itself. I study with the ESV Single Column Reference Edition, NASB Reference Updated Edition (1995), and HCSB Large Print Reference. To illustrate the value of the NCRGB, for John 11:11, where Jesus states Lazarus has 'fallen asleep,' the ESV has only 1 reference, the NASB has 5, and the HCSB has 2. The NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 25 references including a definition of 'Lazarus,' citation to the Strong's number (2976g). For John 1:1, the ESV has 12 references, NASB has 8 and HCSB has 6. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 61, including very helpful references from Isaiah, Psalms, Job, Jeremiah, Micah. Each set of words in John 1:1 is divided and references are provided for 'the beginning,' 'the Word,' 'with,' 'and he Word,' and 'was God.' One last example, for John 10:9 where Jesus says he's the door, ESV has 3 references, NASB has 1, and HCSB has no references. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has 18, providing reference supports for key words in the verse such as 'the door,' 'if,' 'be saved,' and 'go in and out'." -- Reader's Comment
"I almost did not live to finish my editorial work on THE NEW TREASURY, for I was shot in the head by an unknown assailant on March 13, 1986, when I had typed the text only as far as 1 Samuel 3. The Lord miraculously spared my life. During my recovery I kept working on the book, often without income." -- Jerome Smith in the foreword to The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE may be used to advantage in combination with the following Bible reference works, among others:
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), A Complete Textual Index to C.H. Spurgeon's Sermons: Published in the New Park Street Pulpit and the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit 1855 to 1917.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Spurgeon's Expository Encyclopedia: Sermons, 15 volumes, ISBN: 0801081041 9780801081040.
"Classified and arranged for ready reference."
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Spurgeon's Sermons, 10 volumes, ISBN: 0801011132 9780801011139.
"Charles Haddon Spurgeon's style was rich, racy, powerful saxon, ever clear and strong, and often eloquent. The glory of God in saving men was his ruling motif." -- E. Dargan
"This collection of SPURGEON'S SERMONS contains 250 sermons. . . The final volume includes indexes of texts and subjects, so you can easily find what Spurgeon had to say on a particular verse or topic. . . ." -- CBD
*Strong, James, The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, April 13, 2010, 2000 pages, ISBN: 1418541680 9781418541682 9781418542375 1418542377.
"Finally, a STRONG'S CONCORDANCE with the insight of Vine's dictionary.
"STRONG'S has long been recognized as THE concordance for the KJV. One of the most critical and highly criticized area of STRONG'S is the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries. Some have felt that these dictionaries can sometimes lead the reader to a false conclusion that these definitions are the only meaning to the words defined.
"Now with Vine's insights added to many of the Words, this complaint is lessened. Even before this edition of STRONG'S, many got by with the definitions that were found in the dictionaries.
"Now with the insights of VINE'S DICTIONARY, these definitions are more accurate and should give one added information and better clarification for many words found in the Bible. Highly recommended." -- Reader's Comment
"OK. I thought I had the 'Strongest' concordance, but when I picked this one up and looked at it, I realized that I had fallen prey to a marketeer's clever play on words. NELSON'S NEW STRONG'S EXPANDED EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE blow's Zondervan's out of the water. The substantially expanded Greek and Hebrew dictionary definitions alone make this volume indispensable to any student of God's Word who owns a KJV. Like the 'Strongest,' it has all of the nice extras like a complete topical index of the Scriptures, and convenient alphabetical page markings. It is about twice as thick as Zondervan's concordance, partly because of the 600+ pages of Greek and Hebrew dictionaries (compared to about 200 in the competitor's volume), and partly because the print is larger (and WAY clearer and easier to read), than Zondervan's. The only thing 'stronger' about the competitor's book is a better quality binding. This one isn't bad by any stretch, but Zondervan's lay-flat Smythe sewn binding is definitely better. That being said, I'm planning on giving my other concordance to my brother. This one's a keeper!" -- Reader's Comment
Torrey, R.A., Torrey's New Topical Textbook, ISBN: 0873986075 9780873986076.
Torrey's New Topical Textbook
*Voorwinde, Steven, Wisdom for Today's Issues: A Topical Arrangement of the Proverbs, ISBN: 0875524729 9780875524726.
"The Proverbs are arranged under 55 different subjects so that they may speak to us today on many modern problems." -- GCB
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards (The complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms). Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Willison, John A.M. (1680-1750), The Christian's Scripture Directory: Together With Resolutions by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards.
*Young, Robert (1822-1888), Young's Analytical Concordance of the Bible, revised with STRONG'S, ISBN: 0840749724 9780840749727 0840749716 9780840749710.
"Over 311,000 references. Different than STRONG'S. For example, under 'Love' there are 49 separate listings showing what Hebrew and Greek words are translated 'love.' In the back there are Hebrew and Greek lexicons which reference STRONG'S dictionaries. Nelson also corrected errors and omissions of other editions of Young's." -- GCB
Analytical Concordance of the Bible, Robert Young (1822-1888); William Barron Stevenson (1869-?), and Thomas Nicol (1846-?)
See also: Topical listings of scripture useful in counseling, Proverbs, topical listings, Topical bible indexes, The holy bible, The promises of christ, Bible promises, Proverbs, Proverbs, topical listings of, Wisdom books, Special listings, Questions and answers, Biblical counsel by subject, Training in Biblical counseling, Scripture memory systems, Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects, Bible reference works, Manuals and handbooks, Cruden's, young's, and strong's concordances, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: *4312 (Practical Helps for Young People and Christian Workers Generally), 4313
The Commandments of Jesus, J.S. McConnell (1925)
Contents and Chapter Sections for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 (McNeill/Battles)
The Gideons International, Bible Helps
Includes: "Where to Find Help When," "Teachings About Some of Life's Problems," "Christian Virtues and Character," and so forth.
Indexes to The Complete Works of John Owen, Banner of Truth, 16 volume edition
LibraryThing member "lettermen," tag "topical"
Nave's Topical Bible
Nave's Topical Bible -- Commandments
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (Proverbs 1:7a)Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame. They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquity. And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings. For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase: because they have left off to take heed to the LORD. Whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart. (Hosea 4:6-11)
*Bridges, Charles (1794-1869), The Proverbs, ISBN: 0851510884 9780851510880.
"The best work on the Proverbs. The scriptural method of exposition so well carried out by Bridges renders all his writings very suggestive to ministers. While explaining the passage in hand, he sets other portions of the word in new lights." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"Most of the Proverbs find their basis in the Law. You will find again and again that Bridges brings this out." -- GCB
*Decker, Barbara, Proverbs for Parenting: A Topical Guide for Child Raising From the Book of Proverbs, King James Version, ISBN: 0961860839.
"An indispensable tool for parenting, this book arranges the proverbs into over 70 realistic, helpful topics. A sampling of topics covered include: trust in God, obedience, honesty, anger, self-control, temper, arguing, boasting, complaining, love, friendship, happiness, discretion, faithfulness, stewardship, work and many more." -- Publisher
An accompanying book, A COLORING BOOK OF BIBLE PROVERBS is 'a 30-page coloring book illustrating various passages from the Book of Proverbs. Can be used with or without the above hardback book'." -- GCB
Goldberg, Louis, Savoring the Wisdom of Proverbs, ISBN: 0825427339 9780825427336.
"As a Jewish believer, Goldberg leads you chapter by chapter through the Proverbs, providing topical overviews and fascinating details contained in these gems of wisdom. With clarity and simplicity, the author offers a practical guide that will have lasting significance in your life." -- GCB
Hubbard, David A., Proverbs, ISBN: 0849904218 9780849904219.
"Hubbard has done more than research Proverbs; he has researched life. Following a helpful introduction, he outlines the fundamentals of the book, builds a working knowledge base, and then matches those ancient truths to modern challenges. The material from 10:1-22:16 is handled in a topical fashion and not verse-by-verse." -- GCB
Jones, Cody L., The Complete Guide to the Book of Proverbs, ISBN: 0963894471 9780963894472.
"This is no mere collection of proverbs, but is a serious 568-page work that is for both reading and reference. The first 23 pages include a list of charts, a guide to pronunciation, and an outline of the structure of Proverbs. Pages 25-256 are a commentary on Proverbs. The comments are interesting and very readable, and they put things into a historical setting. The book includes many historical drawings and photos to give the reader a sense of the culture of the time. The next section (pages 257-315), provides a topical guide to Proverbs, with 96 topics arranged alphabetically. Each topic is amplified by one or more verses. The third principal section (pages 317-545), offers the full texts of six different versions in parallel: NEW KING JAMES, NEW REVISED STANDARD, NEW CENTURY, NEW INTERNATIONAL, KING JAMES and NEW LIVING. While some versions are more orthodox and strictly translated, others are more readable; and the ability to see all six versions of a verse on the same page spread certainly is an aid to understanding. If this book piques your interest in the book of Proverbs -- and it might -- it is well worth the cover price. There is much wisdom to be gained in Proverbs and this tool can help you uncover it." -- Reader's Comment
*Lawson, George (1749-1820), Exposition of Proverbs, ISBN: 0825431239 9780825431234. Alternate title: COMMENTARY ON PROVERBS, and PROVERBS.
"Dr. Lawson had a fertile mind and a heart alive both to the human and divine side of truth. He writes with pleasing simplicity of style. One of the highest compliments to this book is found in the fact that a distinguished American scholar issued much of it at his own expense." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"Those who are fortunate enough to possess this book will readily testify to the rich, rewarding insights to be found in this able Scot's warm devotional exposition. He knew the human heart and had the ability to teach the Word so that his hearers and readers were continually blessed." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Smith, Jerome H. (editor), The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, revised and expanded (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 1664 pages, ISBN: 0785212272 and 0785213155. Includes bibliography, subject index, topic number index, Proverbs index, name index, figure of speech index, and other indexes. See the index to Proverbs.
"An incredible one-volume Bible reference library, this comprehensive update of the original TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [TSK] is a unique resource for Bible study, teaching, or preaching. This edition contains nearly 100,000 new cross references, additional key words, a new system of symbols, and many other improvements. This is the most comprehensive collection of time-saving and insightful cross references ever published! Dozens of special study aids help you develop powerful lessons or sermons -- straight from the Bible itself! Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. says: 'The one book, apart from the Bible itself, that I value most in my studies'." -- Logos Research Systems
Smith, Jerome, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
"For generations, the TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [original edition by R.A. Torrey -- compiler], has been an enduring cross reference resource for Bible students worldwide. This highly respected and nearly exhaustive compilation of cross references was developed by R.A. Torrey from references in the REV. THOMAS SCOTT'S COMMENTARY and THE COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. With nearly 500,000 cross references it is the most thorough source available [prior to Jerome Smith's 1992 revision and update -- compiler]."
TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. It is included at and may be downloaded from various websites.
Torrey, R.A., Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (former edition to NTSK)
Smith, Jerome H., Nelson's Cross Reference Guide to the Bible: Illuminating God's Word Verse-by-Verse, 2007, ISBN: 1418504599 9781418504595.
Whereas, The Holy Bible is the greatest book (Matthew 4:4; Psalm 33:6; John 1:1-14; Mark 13:31; 1 Corinthians 2:12,13; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:4; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119, and so forth, and so on),
Whereas, it is the best commentary on itself, a truth that came out of the Reformation,
Therefore, THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (NTSK) and its successor, NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE (NCRGB), are among the greatest and most valuable books ever printed, after The Holy Bible itself, because they allow the Bible to interpret itself.
"THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE are more flexible than a concordance, more thorough than a topical Bible, and more discovery-oriented than a Bible commentary." -- Reader's Comment
Most readers will need to own both the NTSK and NCRGB. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE is recommended for quick reference, because of its new format, its ease of use, and more compact size. But THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is also necessary for serious study, because the eight indices for the NTSK, the extensive bibliography, and most of Smith's added personal notes to about 275 verses were removed from the NCRGB.
It should also be pointed out that neither of these works are Reformed. A random check of both works showed that Smith did not consult cross references used in CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES or in the GENEVA BIBLE and NOTES, although, of course, some cross references used by Calvin and other Reformed writers appear by chance in both of Smith's works. Therefore, Reformed reader must go directly to the indices to the various commentaries of Calvin to see Calvin's cross references, and to other Reformed writers, and the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE, for their cross references.
Jerome H. Smith spent about 37 years editing and expanding THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (see the Preface to NTSK). After the release of the NTSK in 1992, he continued to edit and improve it, and NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE TO THE BIBLE was released in 2007, 15 years later. That is a total of 52 years working to improve this one reference work.
"Building on the Bible Study classic, THE TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (with its well-known introduction by R.A. Torrey), and his own expansive THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE, Jerome Smith has fashioned a user-friendly tool [the NCRGB -- compiler] in a much improved, altogether new format to make personal Bible study and Bible lesson preparation easier than ever before. Thanks to Smith's diligent work over many years, this volume contains a more complete collection of cross references than any Bible reference ever published." -- Publisher
"Smith compiled no less than eight indices for the NTSK: Subject Index, Topic Number Index, Prayer Index, Proverbs Index, Name Index, Figure of Speech Index, Strong's Numbers Index: Hebrew, and Strong's Numbers Index: Greek. He also provided an extensive bibliography. Leaving most of the notes he found in TSK unmodified, he added his own personal notes to about 275 verses. But the indices, bibliography, and most of the notes were removed from the NCRGB." -- Reader's Comment
"Discover how words, phrases, and concepts in one passage of the BIBLE are reflected and reinforced in the whole of Scripture. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE is organized in biblical sequence, making it easy for you to study a particular passage deeper than ever before.
"You'll find multiple cross references to related passages in the Old and New Testaments. Gain a richer understanding of God's Word by studying a theme through the whole counsel of Scripture.
"THE NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE [based on the AKJV] lets the Bible interpret itself. I study with the ESV Single Column Reference Edition, NASB Reference Updated Edition (1995), and HCSB Large Print Reference. To illustrate the value of the NCRGB, for John 11:11, where Jesus states Lazarus has 'fallen asleep,' the ESV has only 1 reference, the NASB has 5, and the HCSB has 2. The NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 25 references including a definition of 'Lazarus,' citation to the Strong's number (2976g). For John 1:1, the ESV has 12 references, NASB has 8 and HCSB has 6. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has an astounding 61, including very helpful references from Isaiah, Psalms, Job, Jeremiah, Micah. Each set of words in John 1:1 is divided and references are provided for 'the beginning,' 'the Word,' 'with,' 'and he Word,' and 'was God.' One last example, for John 10:9 where Jesus says he's the door, ESV has 3 references, NASB has 1, and HCSB has no references. NELSON'S CROSS REFERENCE BIBLE has 18, providing reference supports for key words in the verse such as 'the door,' 'if,' 'be saved,' and 'go in and out'." -- Reader's Comment
"I almost did not live to finish my editorial work on THE NEW TREASURY, for I was shot in the head by an unknown assailant on March 13, 1986, when I had typed the text only as far as 1 Samuel 3. The Lord miraculously spared my life. During my recovery I kept working on the book, often without income." -- Jerome Smith in the foreword to The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE may be used to advantage in combination with the following Bible reference works, among others:
Souza, Francisco F. de, The Use of Proverbs in Biblical Counseling (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1990).
Includes bibliography.
*Voorwinde, Steven, Wisdom for Today's Issues: A Topical Arrangement of the Proverbs, ISBN: 0875524729 9780875524726.
"The Proverbs are arranged under 55 different subjects so that they may speak to us today on many modern problems." -- GCB
See also: Topical listings of scripture useful in counseling, Proverbs, topical listings, Topical bible indexes, The holy bible, The promises of christ, Bible promises, Proverbs, Proverbs, topical listings of, Reconciliation of relationships, Wisdom books, Questions and answers, Biblical counsel by subject, Training in Biblical counseling, Scripture memory systems, Ready references: immediate counsel on many subjects, Bible reference works, Manuals and handbooks, Cruden's, young's, and strong's concordances, and so forth, and so on.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:11)This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then shalt thou have good success. (Joshua 1:28)
My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments; for length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart. (Proverbs 3:1-3)
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:21,23)It is not the letter of the Word that ordinarily doth convert, but the spiritual meaning of it, as revealed and expounded. . . . There is the letter, the husk; and there is the spirit, the kernel, and when we by expounding the Word do open the husk, out drops the kernel. It is the meaning of the word which is the word indeed, it is the sense of it which is the soul. . . . Now, preaching in a more special manner reveals God's word. When an ointment box is once opened, then it casts its saviour about; and when the juice of a medicinal herb is once strained out and applied, then it heals. And so it is the spiritual meaning of the Word let into the heart which converts it and turns it to God. -- Thomas Goodwin
A Biblical Counselor tells the story of his high school son who attended church regularly with the family, but with little or no enthusiasm.
His father entered into a deal with his son to memorize verses of Scripture. The conditions: the father would select the verse, the son would memorize the verse, the father could request that he recite any verse at any time, each time he recited a verse correctly his father would pay him $5.00 (about 1976), if he failed to recite a verse correctly (word for word with the book, chapter, and verse), then he paid his father $5.00.
At first he memorized just for the money. Later he began requesting more verses. His father selected verses bearing on events in his son's life at the moment. As the number of verses grew, the father was able to request verses to be recited that spoke to the specific needs of the moment. By the time of his graduation from high school he had over 100 verses of Scripture committed to memory. The son then went to Columbia Seminary and is now a pastor. (For those who do not immediately see, this is a practical way to purchase the soul of a child, spouse, or neighbor for Christ before they barter it for a "mess of pottage.")
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Bible Verse Memory Packet (King James Version). Available from The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Memory cards that can be conveniently carried with you.
"We have found these Scripture verses to be of great help in our daily Christian living." -- Billy and Ruth Graham
Graham, Ruth, Ruth's Scripture Treasures, memory cards, ISBN: 9781593281793.
"180 verses covering 30 topics vital to the Christian life." -- Publisher
"As you memorize and tuck away Scripture, your memory becomes like a treasure chest filled with verses and passages that will come to mind to guide, comfort, and bring refreshment." -- Ruth Bell Graham
Logos Research Systems, Memlok Bible Memory System Starter Kit
"Now it is easier than ever to memorize scripture. You know you should do it, you know you want to do it, you know it will have a tremendous benefit in your life. Now you can have a system that is proven to be effective, and is easy to use. . . !
"This is perfect for you if you use your computer every day. You can have Memlok run itself at start-up each day. Just five minutes every day for five days a week and you are memorizing scripture!" -- Publisher
Masters, Lavonne, Memorize and Meditate, ISBN: 0840732287 9780840732286.
"Masters combines practical, easy-to-use memorization methods with Biblical principles of mediation to produce a memory plan that works." -- GCB
*Navigators, Topical Memory System: The Navigators Scripture Memory Course (KJV/NIV), ISBN: 1576839974 9781576839973.
"At the end of this 30-week personal course, they'll have 60 key verses memorized."
Topical Memory System: Card Set, ISBN: 0891092803 9780891092803.
See also: Appendix a: words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, topical listings of scripture, Biblical counsel by subject, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 4314
A wealth of information about Biblical Counseling is found on audio CDs and MP3s [audio file]. Sources for audio files [audio file] on counseling subjects are as follows:So the God of creation becomes the God of recreation. And that process is what the dynamic of biblical change -- David Powlison's basic, essential, glorious, wonderful, foundational course -- that's what it's all about. David's course 'The Dynamics of Biblical Change' changed a lot of lives at WTS.
- Westminster Theological Seminary Resources Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
Find CCEF resources, Westminster Media resources, and CDs of audio files [audio file], of former faculty members and guest speakers. Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC)
- Global Network for Biblical Counseling Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation -- Resources Institute for Nouthetic Counseling
"Study Biblical Counseling with Dr. Jay Adams." Sound Word Associates And so forth, and so on.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Christian Counseling, 265 pages, ISBN: 0801000580 9780801000584. Alternate title: ESSAYS ON COUNSELING.
"A dozen lectures meant to orient people to the basic ideas of Christian counseling. The 'Big Umbrella' is the notion that mental illness explains any and every difficulty in life. Organic mental malfunction is a much smaller -- and legitimate -- umbrella, but it must not be confused with the vast turf of problems in living. Psychiatrists and others who illegitimately counsel are squatters on the pastor's turf. 'What I wrote [in COMPETENT TO COUNSEL -- compiler], is only a frail beginning. It is going to take dozens and dozens of us, years and years, to develop counseling that is fully Christian, clearly defined and articulated.' Treats evangelism in counseling, grief counseling, demon possession, marital and familial communication, abuses of small groups, drugs, masturbation, and homosexuality. 'The kind of counseling that we have been discussing may be structured, but it also is an informal pervasive force among the people of God'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Change Them? . . . Into What? Counseling in America Today, 18 pages.
"Reprint of an address at the University Psychiatric Clinic in Vienna, Austria. 'You are planning to help people; fine. But that means changing them. The question is not only how, but (most basically), -- into what? The Christian replies, "Into the likeness of Jesus Christ".' Discusses the 'general failure of the psychotherapeutic community to succeed in doing anything significant for people and their problems.' Pastors in the 1950s either referred to psychotherapists or sought to incorporate psychotherapy into their practice. Since the mid-60s, however, distinctively biblical counseling has developed. 'This counseling draws upon the wisdom of God in the Scriptures and the power of God in the Holy Spirit.' This is what such counseling looks like: speak the truth in love to responsible people who need to change in order to grow up into the image of Christ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Christian Counselor's Casebook, ISBN: 0310511615 9780310511618.
"This is 'a workbook designed for individual or class use in conjunction with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL.' Contains snapshots of 60 opening sessions and 45 cases in process. There are three major purposes: [1] to learn how to identify various sorts of problems according to biblical norms; [2] to lay out biblical plans of action for dealing with problems; [3] to provide familiarity with a wide variety of representative types of problems that counselors encounter." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Christian Counselor's New Testament: A New Translation in Everyday English, With Notations, Marginal References, and Supplemental Helps, revised and amplified.
"Adams has added numerous counseling-oriented footnotes to his translation of the New Testament, and has made many minor revisions to the text itself in order to enhance readability. The last 70 pages contain the original 'supplemental helps,' a primer on counseling. . . . Marginal notations and footnotes address dozens of topics of practical use to counselors. The Supplemental Helps provide a 60 page summary of nouthetic counseling -- both methodological and conceptual -- and a ready reference. 'Supplemental Helps' reprinted as HELPS FOR COUNSELORS." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Christian Counselor's Wordbook: A Primer of Nouthetic Counseling. Alternate title: THE LANGUAGE OF COUNSELING and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S WORDBOOK: A PRIMER OF NOUTHETIC COUNSELING, ISBN: 0310510619 9780310510611.
" 'One of the major unifying themes in my rather zigzag career has been the central place language holds in all the activities in which I have been involved.' Language and labels matter, because in the battle for men's minds language and ideas are the principal weapons: 'Ideological attack, rather than physical attack, has been Satan's most successful ploy.' The words counselors and counselees use matter, and this book pushes you to take stock of the words you say and hear. Counselors must 'deliberately adopt new words and constructions that more aptly express the biblical facts in each counseling situation'. . . .
"150 pithy (from a paragraph to a page), comments on counseling subjects from 'Action' to 'Worry.' Keyed to more extensive discussions of each topic in seventeen of Adams's pre-1981 books. As an example, the three paragraphs on 'conscience' contain more good sense than a shelf-full of books on 'self-esteem.' Answers misunderstandings of nouthetic counseling (e.g., 'confrontation' and 'flesh')." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Competent to Counsel: Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling, ISBN: 0310511402 9780310511403.
"This is a classic in the field of Christian counseling. It has helped thousands of pastors, students, layman, and Christian counselors develop both a general approach to Christian counseling and a specific response to particular problems . . . First published in 1970, this book has gone through over thirty printings which has resulted in worldwide impact." -- Publisher
Includes bibliographical references.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Counseling Workshop: Approaches to Discipleship; Women in Biblical Counseling (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA502 [audio file].
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Counseling Workshop: Demon Possession; Divorce; Church Discipline (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA503 [audio file].
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Counseling Workshop: Introduction; Counseling Principles; Counseling Non-Christians (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA501 [audio file].
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Counseling Workshop: Multiple Persons; Unbeliever Doesn't Leave; Discipling Children; Obesity and Fatness, six audio cassettes [audio file], (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA505 [audio file].
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Helps for Counselors: A Mini-Manual for Christian Counseling, 63 pages. Reprint of the helps from the back of THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S NEW TESTAMENT.
Contains: Counselor's quick check list, Fifty failure factors, Remarks and responses, Counseling outlines (for various problems), The counselor's topical worklist, and so forth.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), How to Help People Change: The Four-Step Biblical Process, 203 pages.
"Unfolds the counseling process through an exposition of II Timothy 3:14-17 [2 Timothy 3:14-17]. Bases all on the centrality of God and the vertical dimension for counseling: The Holy Spirit and the Word work in concert. Change unfolds through teaching, conviction, correction and training. 'Learn both how to launder your mind of pagan psychological and psychiatric theories and how to use the Bible cogently and effectively in its full strength.' Contains reprint of Adams's 1982 journal article on 'Integration'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Insight and Creativity in Christian Counseling: An Antidote to Rigid and Mechanical Approaches, ISBN: 0310511313 9780310511311.
"Counselors must do justice both to the fundamental commonalities and to the diverse particulars of counseling situations and life situations. 'Insight into the inner workings of sinful human beings, into their outer circumstances and problems, and into the correct meaning and applicability of appropriate Bible passages is absolutely essential to counseling. Likewise, the importance of creativity cannot be minimized. It is creativity that particularizes the common, fitting together the usual and the unusual in each situation. Without it, people are crammed into molds they don't fit; rather, the truth must be adapted and applied (but not accommodated), to each person as he is'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Dr. Adams says there are inborn qualities or special gifts. They can be learned and developed under proper guidance and direction. These both play an important role in the counseling process. This book is intended to help you to gain insight and creativity." Includes bibliographical references.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Jay Adams Library at Sound Word Associates
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Jay Adams Set of Commentaries, a series of 10 volumes (Timeless Texts). Alternate title: THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S COMMENTARY SERIES and TEN VOLUME CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S COMMENTARY SERIES.
"This 10-volume series of commentaries is written in everyday English -- a must for laymen as well as the Pastor/Counselor. Jay Adams explains and applies biblical truths in the clear, understandable way that typifies his writing. He does not try to duplicate the standard technical commentaries, but supplements them with the implications of the text for God-honoring counseling and Christian living." -- Publisher
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors: A Potpourri of Principles and Practices, 104 pages.
"The first of a series (see UPDATE ON CHRISTIAN COUNSELING, VOLUMES 1 and 2), of books containing short essays on miscellaneous topics. This one has 41 short takes on everything from whether you should forgive yourself, to sleep, to halo data, to the use of the word 'need,' to teaching counselors, to dealing with foul language from counselees, to self-love." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), More Than Redemption: A Theology of Christian Counseling, ISBN: 0310511011 9780310511014. Alternate title: A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING: MORE THAN REDEMPTION.
"Four major sections seek to articulate a biblical theology of counseling. The first seven chapters deal with the relevance of God and His Word to counseling: e.g., 'God is man's environment'; 'because counseling is part of the ministry of the Word (just as preaching is), it is unthinkable to use any other text (just as it would be unthinkable to do so in preaching).' The next four chapters deal with the nature of man in creation and in sin. The next seven deal with the change process (salvation and sanctification), including a lengthy section on forgiveness. The book closes with a miscellany of other topics. Along with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, and LECTURES ON COUNSELING, this is a fundamental book for understanding nouthetic counseling.
"Reprints in entirety two books, COPING WITH COUNSELING CRISES and THE USE OF THE SCRIPTURES IN COUNSELING and two pamphlets "Your Place in the Counseling Revolution" and "Counseling and the Sovereignty of God." Opens with a challenge to seminary students to consider their calling as 'pastor-counselors'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Training," and so forth, and so on.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Prayers for Troubled Times, 64 pages, ISBN: 0875520677 9780875520674.
" 'In simple, everyday English, yet with reverence, I have tried to express many of the heartfelt and inner cries of God's people.' Contains 33 prayers on concerns from 'Age' and 'Anger' to 'Work' and 'Worry' (with a dozen blank pages at the end to pen your own). 'Every prayer grew out of actual experience'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Ready to Restore: The Layman's Guide to Christian Counseling, 111 pages.
"An introductory textbook in nouthetic counseling: accessible, compact, covering both conceptual and methodological matters. 'God calls every Christian to counsel some people, somewhere, at some time about something.' Galatians 6:1 provides the banner verse: the character of the counselor, the problems in view, the methods. Meant for individual study or for a class or Bible study group." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Seminar on Counselor Training Sponsored by Pentagon Christian Fellowship Delivered at Fort Belvoir Chapel, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Role playing cases and critiques. Cases based on those in the CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S CASEBOOK.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Solving Marriage Problems: Biblical Solutions for Christian Counselors, ISBN: 0875520812 9780875520810.
"Marriage and family problems are the number one counseling problem. Too many times Christian counselors combine worldly ideas, from purely secular sources, with the Bible. Adams tries a purely Biblical approach which assumes that God speaks authoritatively on marriage." -- GCB
Includes bibliographical references.
"Practical training for counselors in how to understand and solve marriage problems. What are the basics of the biblical view of marriage? What sorts of problems destroy marriages?: [1] unbiblical concepts ('problems of error'); [2] sinful living patterns ('problems of practice']; [3] relationships with others (e.g., companions, in-laws, children, former spouse); [4] general influences in society. Gives methods for discovering and solving problems." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), A Thirst for Wholeness: How to Gain Wisdom From the Book of James, 143 pages, ISBN: 0964355698 9780964355699.
"A study of the inner dynamics of human life from the book of James. Meant to be used personally or in a study group or class. Works thematically, covering anger, desires, doubt, prayer, peacemaking, sickness, among other things. The section on the 'inner/outer aspects of sin' (Chapter 3), rebuts a host of misconceptions of nouthetic counseling as externalistic: 'The struggle for mastery over one's desires must be achieved. . . . Christian, resist sin at the start, as Jesus did. Abort inner sin before it is born. Augustine encourages us with these words: 'Pray that God may make you conqueror of yourself. . . not the enemy without, but of your own soul within. . . . Let no enemy from without be feared: conquer yourself, and the whole world is conquered'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Update on Christian Counseling, volumes 1 and 2, includes MATTERS OF CONCERN TO CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS, ISBN: 0801001536 9780801001536.
"Volume I surveys Biblical teaching on current counseling concerns, e.g. Failure in Counseling, Drugs and Counseling, Getting Organized, etc. . . . Volume II . . . is an evaluation of the latest developments, problems, ideas, and concerns in the field of Christian counseling. This book contains a reviewing of an old article 'Does the Behaviorist Have a Mind?' This series is a must for those who want to be ready. MATTERS OF CONCERN TO CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS is a 'potpourri of principles and practices of Biblical counseling'." Includes bibliographical references.
Essays, on: how counseling affects the counselor; counseling failure; a biblical approach to stress; prescription medications; the Sermon on the Mount as an example of how-to given along with what-to; the problem with apologies; 25 key presuppositions of biblical counseling; structuring counseling; using a Personal Data Inventory; the flexibility of nouthetic counseling; the adaptability of a nouthetic counselor; reminding counselees; definitions of about 115 terms of basic Christian vocabulary, from "Adoption" and "Advent" to "Worship" and "Wrath," do people really get their idea of God from their own fathers?; Christian liberty and questionable practices; counseling disabled people; evaluating transactional analysis; winning an unsaved wife to Christ; using I Corinthians 13 [1 Corinthians 13], in counseling; guidance through "checks" and "promptings"; "Does the Behaviorist Have a Mind?" (reprint of a 1927 article by William Hallock Johnson); eclecticism in counseling; "complicating problems" of various sorts (difficulties growing out of a counselee's primary problem that must be addressed in order to solve the primary problem).
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What About Nouthetic Counseling? A Question and Answer Book With History, Help and Hope for the Christian Counselor, 91 pages, ISBN: 0801001145 9780801001147.
" 'A question and answer book with history, help and hope for the Christian counselor.' Discusses the first ten years of the movement, both the gains that have occurred and the opposition and misunderstandings that have arisen. 25 questions and answers engage common misunderstandings and criticisms. For example, Q: 'Do you think that feelings are unimportant?' A: 'Of course not! They play a vital role in the human makeup.' For example, Q: 'Don't you think that we can learn something from psychologists?' A: 'Yes, we can learn a lot; I certainly have. That answer surprised you, didn't it? If it did, you have been led to believe, no doubt that nouthetic counselors are obscurantists who see no good in psychology.' For example, Q: 'Why can't you use the methods of other counseling systems?' A: 'Well-thought-through systems are self-contained packages. . . . Distinguish between methods and means.' Also contains COUNSELING AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Your Place in the Counseling Revolution, 44 pages, ISBN: 0801001005 9780801001000.
"The confusion in the counseling world exists because 'they have rejected the one and only perfect and lasting textbook on counseling': the Bible. Christians have all too often accommodated the faith wrongly to secular psychology. God refuses to be brought in as an additive to a pagan system or to be 'discovered' in a pagan theory. Christians have unresolved personal problems; Bible-believers largely neglected matters of practical Christian living during the battles with liberalism. What is your place in the counseling revolution?: [1] the ministry of everyday Christians is described where 'many of the 'one another' verses refer to exhortation, encouragement, restoration, admonition, rebuke and the giving of other sorts of counsel'; [2] if God has called you to full-time counseling, go to seminary to get training in the Bible and go into the pastorate. Reprinted in Lectures on Counseling." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Bobgan, Martin, and Deidre Bobgan, CONFRONTING the Biblical Counseling Foundation's Self-Confrontation Manual. A PsychoHeresy Awareness Position Paper (PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, 4137 Primavera Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110).
"While we no longer recommend any manuals or training programs for biblical counseling, we would issue the following recommendations for changing the manual and for restraints if the BCF manual is to be used at all."
Bobgan, Martin, and Deidre Bobgan, How to Counsel From Scripture, 224 pages, ISBN: 0802403735 9780802403735.
"God's love is the predominant factor in change: 'God's love enables one to overcome sin and its consequences, to live in relationship to Him, and to be transformed into the image of Christ. His love engenders trust, which leads to obedience to His Word.' 'Biblical counseling is not a new idea. We are merely promoting a restoration of one of the oldest ministries. . . . The cure-of-souls ministry emphasized the person's relationship with God from which comes renewal and change in the mental-emotional-behavioral areas of life.' Part 1 lays out a biblical model of man and a biblical methodology for change. Part 2 talks about the counselee, the counselor, and their relationship of conversation. Part 3 discusses the centrality of the love of God. Part 4 speaks of setting up counseling ministry in the church." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Brandt, Henry, and Kerry Skinner, The Heart of the Problem: 12 Lessons for Making Lasting Change, ISBN: 0805460608 9780805460605.
"Brandt and Skinner have adapted Brandt's 1991 book WHEN YOU'RE TIRED OF TREATING THE SYMPTOMS, AND YOU'RE READY FOR A CURE, GIVE ME A CALL into a workbook on how to face and solve personal problems. The book is designed for individuals or groups, and teaches basics of Christian living: how to understand your problems, to face your sins, to overcome excuse-making, to understand the hardships of life, to find the grace of Jesus Christ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Two sets of material are listed alphabetically below, the original Self-confrontation Course Series, and the new course material updated by John Broger (1915-2002) in retirement after The Biblical Counseling Foundation moved to Palm Desert, California (c. 1991). During this time the courses were being taught at Vanguard University of Southern California, a non-profit Christian university of liberal arts and professional studies in Costa Mesa, California. It seems that the original material was updated in following years and given new titles.Men ought not to content themselves with a general repentance, but it is every man's duty to endeavor to repent of his particular sins, particularly. (Psalm 19:13; Psalm 139:23,24; Matthew 26:75; Luke 19:8; 1 Timothy 1:13,15) -- The Westminster Confession of Faith XV.V
Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Biblical Principles for Discipleship/counseling, 1998, 47 pages.
John Broger compiled and edited this for Vanguard University of Southern California alumnus.
Biblical Counseling Foundation
http://bcfministries.orgBroger, John C. (1915-2002), Course I: Instructor's Guide for the 24-week Self-confrontation Course, 2000, 233 pages.
This his appears to be an update of the COURSE I: INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDE.Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Course I: Self-confrontation Course. Handbook for the Ministry of Discipleship/Counseling, 2001, 264 pages.
This seems to be an update of the SELF-CONFRONTATION SYLLABUS (COURSE I)*Broger, John C. (developer/editor, 1915-2002), Self-Confrontation: A Manual for In-depth Discipleship: Based on the Old and New Testaments as the Only Authoritative Rule of Faith and Conduct, Alternate title: COURSE I: THE SELF-CONFRONTATION SYLLABUS FOR BIBLICAL COUNSELING TRAINING, ISBN: 0785282467 978-0785282464 and Course I: Self-Confrontation Tapes (10 cassette tapes [audio file]), (Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation).
"Contains 24 weekly lessons intended to move a person through the change process personally as the foundation for working on becoming a counselor (Matthew 7:1-5). Intended for Sunday school and other classes or personal study. The first eight lessons lay the biblical foundation for change. The grace of the God in the gospel of Jesus Christ is spring of all true change, and it prompts a self-confrontation: 'Man's way is oriented to self: to please self, to comfort self, to rely on self, to fulfill self, to forgive self, to exalt self, and to love self. . . . [God's way], emphasizes that you are to live for Him.' The next thirteen lessons treat particular problem areas: selfishness, anger, interpersonal conflict, marriage and family, depression, fear, life-dominating sins. The final three lessons summarize and set the foundation for Course II, Biblical Counseling Training." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Helps Christians solve their personal problems Biblically and equips laymen and women to counsel others Biblically within the church." Particularly valuable for its system of identifying root problems in counseling cases. Some of the material presented is from various writings by Jay E. Adams. The audio cassette tape [audio file], series by John Broger is designed to accompany the course and includes practical examples."Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Course II, Instructor's Guide for Training in Biblical Discipleship/Counseling, 2001, 184 pages.
Biblical Counseling Foundation*Broger, John C. (developer/editor, 1915-2002), Course II: Nouthetic Counseling Study Guide, 2001, 120 pages.
Also available: Course II: Self-confrontation Tapes (8 audio files), [audio file], (Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation).Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Course III: Instructor's Guide for Training in Biblical Discipleship/Counseling, 2001, 138 pages.
This seems to be new course material in Biblical Counseling.Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Course III: Syllabus for Training in Biblical Discipleship/Counseling, 2001, 166 pages.
Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Instructor's Guide for the Self-confrontation Course [Course I -- compiler]: Based on the Old and New Testaments as the Only Authoritative Rule of Faith and Conduct, 1992, 119 pages, ISBN: 1878114026 9781878114020.
Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Man's way vs. God's way, 1991, 22 pages.
Broger, John C. (1915-2002), Your Resources in Christ, 1991, 26 pages.
Broger, John C. (compiler and developer, 1915-2002), and Jay Edward Adams, Competent to Counsel: Study Guide for Christian Counseling Training Course, 2001, 1 volume (various pagings) in loose-leaf binder: illustrations; 28 cm. Alternate title: STUDY GUIDE FOR CHRISTIAN COUNSELING TRAINING COURSE.
Not to be confused with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, 1998, 320 pages, by Jay Adams.
Resume listing for "Training in Biblical Counseling"
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), et al. [John Knox, Theodore Beza, Miles Coverdale, William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, Martin Luther, and others], Peter A. Lillback (foreword), Tolle Lege Press (preface), Gary DeMar (Notes to the Modern Reader), Marshall Foster (The History and Impact of the Geneva Bible), 1599 Geneva Bible, (Tolle Lege Press), 1400 pages, ISBN: 0975484699 9780975484692 0975484613 9780975484616 0975484621 9780975484623. Available (Tolle Lege Press restoration) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620, they brought along supplies, a consuming passion to advance the Kingdom of Christ, a bright hope for the future, and the Word of God. Clearly, their most precious cargo was the Bible. The GENEVA BIBLE, printed over 200 times between 1560 and 1644, was the most widely read and influential English Bible of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This superb translation was the product of the best Protestant scholars of the day and became the Bible of choice for many of the greatest writers, thinkers, and historical figures of that time [but the translation was surpassed by the AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION in 1611, see 'Textual Criticism' -- compiler]. The GENEVA BIBLE is unique among all other Bibles. It was the first Bible to use chapters and numbered verses and became the most popular version of its time because of the extensive marginal notes. These notes, written by Reformation leaders such as John Calvin, John Knox, Miles Coverdale, William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby, and others, were included to explain and interpret the scriptures for the common people. For nearly half a century these notes helped the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland understand the Bible and true liberty. King James despised the GENEVA BIBLE because he considered the notes on key political texts to be seditious [to question the Divine Right of Kings -- compiler] and a threat to his authority. Unlike the KING JAMES VERSION, the GENEVA BIBLE was not authorized by the government. It was truly a Bible by the people and for the people. You can see why this remarkable version with its profound marginal notes played a key role in the formation of the American Republic. Until now, the only complete version available was a large, cumbersome, and difficult-to-read facsimile edition. But this new edition contains all the original words and notes [see the errata listing below -- compiler], but the type set has been enlarged and the font style change for today's reader." -- Publisher
"This is the Bible that eventually put an end to Feudalism in Europe, strengthened Puritans, Quakers, and came to America on the Mayflower. This was the first Bible published in the language of the common people, the first Bible to contain commentary and verse numbers, and the first Bible written in English from Greek and Hebrew texts available from Constantinople, not from the Latin Vulgate. The dynamite in this Bible is the commentary accounting for about one third of its length.
"The Church of England and King James were so upset they determined to create a new translation. They called it the KING JAMES VERSION. They choose to use language so formal and grand, even by the standards of those days, that the common people would find it difficult to understand. The GENEVA BIBLE was found seditious by its insertions of commentary that spoke directly about the priesthood of lay believers, the church as naturally anti-oligarchy, and setting forth some other ideas considered anarchy by the King, but meaning freedom to the masses who read it. . . .
"Important facts to remember about this Bible. The Reformation was strong in England and the Lollards were a lay group of huge influence that had to go underground. English Christian theologians, not Catholics and not Anglicans, fled in huge numbers to Geneva for freedom. Geneva was not part of Switzerland at that time, because Geneva was its own city-state. . . . The GENEVA BIBLE was printed 1560-1644. THE KING JAMES VERSION was published in 1611. The GENEVA BIBLE was against the law to own. . . ." -- Reader's Comment
Available "in printed formats with various binding options from Tolle Lege Press. Tolle Lege Press has given Puritan Downloads permission to provide a PDF copy of their retypeset and fully searchable edition of the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE (Copyright 2006-2008, Tolle Lege Press), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The GENEVA BIBLE is the Puritan Bible with Reformation promoting marginal notes authored by prominent leaders of the Reformation (during the time of John Calvin and John Knox). The New Testament was translated out of the Greek, by Theodore Beza. The GENEVA BIBLE was the predominant English translation during the period in which the English and Scottish Reformations gained great impetus.
"Iain Murray, in his classic work on revival and the interpretation of prophecy, THE PURITAN HOPE, notes,
The two groups in England and Scotland developed along parallel lines, like two streams originating at one fountain. The fountain was not so much Geneva, as the Bible which the exiles newly translated and issued with many marginal notes . . . it was read in every Presbyterian and Puritan home in both realms. (p. 7)"This time also saw the rise of the forces for covenanted Reformation against the corruption and abuses of prelacy and the royal factions. Darkness was dispelled as people read this Bible and saw for themselves that there is no authority above the Holy Scriptures. Discerning this truth, it became apparent that the civil tyranny and the heretical superstitions imposed by Pope, King and Bishops were to be resisted unto death, if necessary (i.e. because these innovations in church and state were opposed to the Kingship of Christ and the law of His kingdom, as set forth in Holy Scripture).
The notes of TOMSON'S NEW TESTAMENT of 1576, which took the place of the New Testament of the Bible of 1560 in many editions from 1587 onward, are entirely different from those in the GENEVA BIBLE. They are taken from Beza's Latin Testament, and are controversial and strongly Calvinistic."Furthermore, Eason cites Pocock (a rabid anti-Calvinist), in the same book,
The changes adopted in the GENEVA BIBLE and New Testament synchronize with the gradual spread of the Calvinistic heresy and the contemporaneous development of hatred of the whole Papal system of doctrine. The notes attacked the Sacramental teaching of the Church, substituting for it the Calvinistic doctrines of election and reprobation. They taught that Sacraments are nothing more than signs and seals of grace previously given to the elect. All passages about the Sacraments are explained away.("We cite this quote, though it is full of a good deal of devilish nonsense, to demonstrate that even the enemies of biblical truth recognized the powerful impact that the GENEVA BIBLE was having in furthering the Protestant Reformation, as well as to show that the notes in the later versions of the GENEVA BIBLE were moving in the direction of a more distinct testimony against error and for the truth." -- RB) -- Publisher
(1) The editions that follow the first edition of 1560."In our opinion, the notes in the 1599 edition were the most faithful to Scripture." -- The Genevan Bible, Notes on its Production and Distribution [Of course, the judgment and candor of Calvin are renown. This Bible played a key role in the Reformation, and anyone not using it 'will be the poorer for their neglect.' However, very few works are without caveats. Calvin used the LATIN VULGATE. His comments had to be translated from French. Experts (see 'Textual Criticism'), consider the authorized KING JAMES VERSION to be the most accurate translation. It used a literal approach to translation of the Traditional Text, which is referred to today as the Majority Text or Textus Receptus. Beza's translation of the New Testament is in a different category. One is urged to not neglect the knowledge developed over 400 years of Reformed scholarship since 1599. For example, compare the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE (1400 pages, 1366 in the Tolle Lege restoration edition), annotation with the annotation, theological notes, text notes, scripture notes, and other study aids of the NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE (2228 pages), with its own noted caveats. -- compiler]
(2) The editions in which TOMSON'S NEW TESTAMENT of 1576 is substituted for the 1560 New Testament.
(3) The Bibles from 1598 that contain the Notes on Revelation of Francis Junius."
Excerpts from two articles on the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE may be read at the Puritan Downloads site: "The Forgotten Translation," Gary DeMar, President of American Vision and Honorary Member of the 1599 Geneva Bible Advisory Board, and "Introduction to the 1599 Geneva Bible," Marshall Foster, President of the Mayflower Institute, Member of the 1599 Geneva Bible Advisory Board.Word-for-word accuracy with the 1599 Geneva Bible [see the errata listing below -- compiler]
Original cross references
Modern spelling
Original study notes by Reformers
Old English Glossary
2-page Family Tree Chart
Presentation page with several family registry pages
Easy-to-read print [see the errata listing below -- compiler]
Size: 8.75" X 11.5"
Approximately 1,400 pages." -- Publisher
1599 Geneva Bible, Tolle Lege Press Restoration, Fourth Printing, 2008, Probable Errata ListingGenesis 1:11 "So that we see it is the only power of God's word that maketh the earth fruitful, which else naturally is barren.
Genesis 1:12 "This sentence is so oft repeated, to signify that God made all his creatures to serve to his glory, and to the profit of man: but for sin they were accursed, yet to the elect, by Christ they are restored, and serve to their wealth.
Genesis 2:16 "So that man might know there was a sovereign Lord, to whom he owed obedience.
Genesis 2:17 "By this death he meaneth the separation of man from God, who is our life and chief felicity: and also that our disobedience is the cause thereof.
Genesis 3:4 "This is Satan's chiefest subtlety, to cause us not to fear God's threatenings.
Genesis 4:5 "Because he was an hypocrite, and offered only for an outward show without sincerity of heart.
Genesis 9:6 "Not only by the magistrate, but oft times God raiseth up one murderer to kill another.
Therefore to kill man is to deface God's image, and so injury is not only done to man, but also to God.
Psalm 37:1,7,11 "1 This Psalm containeth exhortation and consolation for the weak, that are grieved at the prosperity of the wicked, and the affliction of the godly. 7 For how prosperously soever the wicked do live for the time, he doth affirm their felicity to be vain and transitory, because they are not in the favor of God, but in the end they are destroyed as his enemies. 11 And how miserably that the righteous seemeth to live in the world, yet his end is peace, and he is in the favor of God, he is delivered from the wicked, and preserved.
Psalm 37:5 "Be not led by thine own wisdom, but obey God, and he will finish his work in thee.
Psalm 37:6 "As the hope of the daylight causeth us not to be offended with the darkness of the night: so ought we patiently to trust that God will clear our cause and restore us to our right.
Psalm 37:8 "Meaning, except he moderate his affections, he shall be led to do as they do.
Psalm 37:12 "The godly are assured that the power and craft of the wicked shall not prevail against them, but fall on their own necks, and therefore ought patiently to abide God's time, and in the meanwhile bewail their sins, and offer up their tears, is a sacrifice of their obedience.
Psalm 37:16 "For they are daily fed as with Manna from heaven, and have sufficient, when the wicked have never enough, but ever hunger.
Psalm 37:25 "Though the just man die, yet God's blessings are extended to his posterity, and though God suffer some just man to lack temporal benefits, yet he recompenseth him with spiritual treasures.
Psalm 37:29 "They shall continually be preserved under God's wings, and have at least inward rest.
Psalm 37:30 "These three points are required of the faithful, that their talk be godly, that God's law be in their heart, and that their life be upright.
Psalm 37:37 "He exhorteth the faithful to mark diligently the examples both of God's mercies, and also of his judgments.
Psalm 37:39 "He showeth that the patient hope of the godly is never in vain, but in the end hath good success, though for a time God prove them by sundry tentations.
John 1:1 "The Son of God is of one, and the selfsame eternity or everlastingness, and of one and the selfsame essence or nature, with the Father.
"From his beginning, as the Evangelist saith, 1 John 1:1, as though he said, that the world began not then to have his being, when God began to make all that was made: for the word was even then when all things that were made, began to be made, and therefore he was before the beginning of all things.
"Had his being.
"This word, That, pointeth out unto us a peculiar and choice thing above all other, and putteth a difference between this Word, which is the Son of God, and the Laws of God, which otherwise also are called the word of God.
"This word (With) putteth out the distinction of persons to us.
"This word (Word) is the first in order in the sentence, and is that which the learned call (Subjectum) and this word (God) is the latter in order, and the same which the learned call (Predicatum).
John 1:3 "The son of God declareth that same his everlasting Godhead, both by the creating of all things, and also by the preserving of them, and especially by the excellent gifts of reason and understanding, wherewith he that beautified man above all other creatures.
"Paul expoundeth this place, Col. 1:15 and 16 [Colossians 1:15,16].
"That is, as the Father did work, so did the Son work with him: for he was fellow worker with him.
"Of all those things which were made, nothing was made without him.
Jude 1:24 "He commendeth them to the grace of God, declaring sufficiently that it is God only that can give us that constancy which he requireth of us.
Hebrews 13:8b "all precepts of manners, and that is this: That we ought to quiet and content ourselves in Christ only: for there was yet never any man saved without the knowledge of him, neither is at this day saved, neither shall be saved hereafter.
Revelation 4:9 "God is said to have glory, honor, kingdom, and such like given unto him, when we godly and reverently set forth that which is properly and only his." -- excerpts from 1599 Geneva Bible, Tolle Lege Press, 2006, 2007)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, San Diego, Advanced Course on Biblical Counseling, DVD, (Westminster Media).
Curro, Ellen, Caring Enough to Help: Counseling at a Crisis Pregnancy Center, ISBN: 0801025516 9780801025518.
"Much valuable information for training volunteers to serve at a crisis pregnancy center is included here. The entire Christian community will see how it can make a difference by touching hurting lives." -- GCB
Davis, Billie, Teaching to Meet Crisis Needs, ISBN: 0882436090 9780882436098.
Includes bibliographies.
*Dowdy, Augustus W., Jr., Phone Power, ISBN: 0817006524 9780817006525.
"Brief but very helpful, with practical ideas on communication by phone and many practical ways to use the phone within the local ministry of the church. Has a helpful appendix on where to go for information on hotlines and telephone ministries." -- Robert B. Somerville
*Foster, Timothy, Called to Counsel.
"Designed for the training of laypersons in our churches, this book is practical and specific and focuses on 'what to do,' and 'what to say' in different situations. Foster gives easily accessible answers on how to handle uncomfortable situations and when to refer those beings counseled to professional therapists. Most importantly, he discusses what is appropriate to do (and not to do), in hundreds of cases readers can easily relate to in their own counseling. Recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Foster, Timothy, The Handbook of Christian Counseling, ISBN: 0785279393 9780785279396.
A revised edition of CALLED TO COUNSEL, 1986. Includes index.
*Geneva Bible Notes, 1599
The GENEVA BIBLE contained "marginal notes which were heavily influenced by John Calvin, John Knox, and many other leaders of the Reformation. The GENEVA BIBLE was the predominant English translation during the period in which the English and Scottish Reformations gained great impetus. Iain Murray, in his classic work on revival and the interpretation of prophecy, THE PURITAN HOPE, notes that, 'the two groups in England and Scotland developed along parallel lines, like two streams originating at one fountain. The fountain was not so much Geneva, as the Bible which the exiles newly translated and issued with many marginal notes . . . it was read in every Presbyterian and Puritan home in both realms.' (p. 7). This time also saw the rise of the forces for covenanted Reformation against the corruption and abuses of prelacy and the royal factions. Darkness was dispelled as people read this Bible and saw for themselves that there is no authority above the Holy Scriptures.
"Although most people today have never heard of the GENEVA BIBLE, it was so popular from 1560 to 1644 that it went through 140 plus printings. The reason for its popularity among the faithful is obvious: the marginal notes promoted a full-orbed, nation-changing Protestantism. . . !
" 'By 1599, the GENEVA BIBLE . . . added many Calvinist annotations for household use' (Bremer, The Puritan Experiment, p. 12). A number of the notes argued for family worship and instruction by the head of the household. Puritanism in the British Isles is known as an effort to continue the Reformation of the church in the area of worship and church government. However, the Puritans also sought to reform the family life according to Biblical principles . . . as a result of their efforts they 'were creators of the English Christian marriage, the English Christian family, and the English Christian home'." (J.I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness, p. 260) -- Publisher
1599 Geneva Bible Notes
For other GENEVA NOTES text see the following:
*King James Bible With the Geneva Bible Notes, 1672.*KING JAMES BIBLE WITH THE GENEVA BIBLE NOTES, 1672,
1599 GENEVA BIBLE, Tolle Lege Press restoration,
"1599 GENEVA BIBLE, Tolle Lege Press Restoration, Fourth Printing, 2008, Probable Errata Listing," and
"A Resolution That Tolle Lege Press and White Hall Press of Chicago Complete the Limited Modernization of the 1599 GENEVA BIBLE Begun in 2004."
Gray, Edward P., Counseling to the Heart: A Training Program to Equip Women to Counsel Women (Covenant Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1990).
"This thesis describes a women-counseling-women program in the context of a local congregation. The program uses a counseling methodology based on a Biblical understanding of the heart. . . . Practical and theological implications of the program are presented. The thesis develops a Biblical foundation for counseling in the areas of marriage and divorce and presents case studies to show how the concept of heart counseling can be applied. . . ." -- Publisher
Johnson, Vernon E., I'll Quit Tomorrow: A Practical Guide to Alcoholism Treatment, ISBN: 0062504339 9780062504333.
"Johnson has provided a manual for the understanding, intervention, and treatment of alcoholism and other mood-changing chemical dependencies in a clear, logical, and readable format; yet he has somehow managed to convey considerable psychological sophistication and scope. Accordingly, this is probably the best book of its kind for layman, paraprofessional, and professional alike." -- Addictions
Johnson is founder and president emeritus of the Johnson Institute in Minneapolis that offers one of the country's most successful training programs for treatment of alcoholism.
*Kuhne, Gary W., The Dynamics of Personal Follow-up, ISBN: 0310269512 9780310269519.
A scholarly work that is one of the foundational books for the nouthetic method of counseling.
Includes bibliography.
Logos Bible Software, Biblical Counseling Library (29 Volumes), on CD-ROM, Libronix Digital Library System
"This 29 volume collection of Biblical Counseling titles is an amazing compilation of Christian counseling resources. THE BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY features some of Jay E. Adams' outstanding counseling titles, including THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, and A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING. It includes works from 20 different authors, including Steve Farrar, Elizabeth George, Jerry Bridges, and Lou Priolo.
"This collection includes informative studies on general Christian counseling, as well as very focused works on Women's and Men's counseling needs, counseling victims of sexual abuse, eating and diet issues, dating, working through struggles with sexual sin and anger, and developing a deeper walk with God. A fantastic resource for the library of a pastor or Christian counselor, the BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY adds a new dimension to your Logos Bible Software. These expert resources are combined with the tools of the Logos Bible Software system, including topical searching for studying specific areas of Biblical counseling, and linked references to other titles in your Libronix library." -- Publisher
Logos Bible Software, Logos Bible Software Bundles That Include Works on Biblical Counseling
There are 15 bundles in all.
MacArthur, John, and Wayne Mack, and others, Introduction to Biblical Counseling: A Basic Guide to the Principles and Practice of Counseling, ISBN: 0849910935 9780849910937.
"Sounds a charge for frankly biblical counseling. Three chapters treat the history of biblical counseling. Seven chapters cover crucial theological issues that underpin a biblical counseling philosophy. Nine chapters unfold a counseling methodology emergent from Scripture. Two final chapters contain a list of resources and answer commonly asked questions." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Miller, C. John "Jack" (1928-1996), and Rose Marie Miller, Sonship Course: World Harvest Mission Leadership Training Program, Nurture Training for Ministry, Equipping Others for Ministry. Alternate title: LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM: NURTURE, TRAINING FOR MINISTRY, EQUIPPING OTHERS FOR MINISTRY (Jenkintown, PA [World Harvest, Box 2175, Jenkintown 19046]: World Harvest, 1988).
This course was developed to prepare World Harvest missionaries to work in the field. The course includes small group participation and Biblical counseling.
"The first half of the SONSHIP track focuses on the doctrines of Justification, Sanctification, and Adoption. The last half lays the foundation for love. We look at how the Gospel affects the way we look at ourselves. Our goal was that increasingly your self-image should be rooted in God's view of you clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ . . . What we aim at here is to encourage the trainee to learn from Christ how to build a holy life, a life of love to your neighbor. This is done self-consciously relying always on his or her free justification by faith. Sanctification by faith issues from knowing always that my standing as a son is assured by justification by Christ alone through faith alone. Thus the heart of our counseling on character development centers in affirmation of Christ's work for us, and Christ's work in us through the Spirit. But within that framework we attempt seriously to involve each trainee in ongoing repentance, putting off old habits and sins and putting on Christ-like love and faith. . . . Much focus is laid on teamwork. . . . The skill of evangelism . . . is the believer's primary emphasis in the course of training because the staff believes that evangelism is necessary for a healthy Christian life . . . Evangelism rightly understood affects both the faith and the Christian life of the one who shares Christ's message." -- C. John Miller and Rose Marie Miller
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Rose Marie Miller, Paul Miller, Rick Downs, David M. Desforge, et al., Sonship, a set of 16 sound cassettes (audiobook on tape [audio file]).
World Harvest Mission
Mooremann, Phillip, The Christian Home Study Handbook, 1986: A Guide to Christian Correspondence Schools, Cassette [audio file], and Video-taped [DVD] Instruction, Computer Programs, and Christian Home Schools, ISBN: 0961432306 9780961432300.
"Ideal for those who want reliable guidance on correspondence courses. Also of value to pastors who are asked about continuing education. Includes information on video and cassette tapes [audio file], lending libraries, and available software. Well produced, reliable." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Powlison, David (1949-2019), Competent to Counsel? The History of Biblical Counseling, new edition. Alternate title: COMPETENT TO COUNSEL? THE HISTORY OF A CONSERVATIVE PROTESTANT ANTI-PSYCHIATRY MOVEMENT, ISBN: 0978556763 9780978556761 (College Park, PA: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. thesis, 1996).
David Powlison is editor of Journal of Biblical Counseling, a staff member of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Through the years I have often asked our students and alumni about the pivotal moments of their studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. High on the list of frequent answers was Dr. Powlison's class on "The Dynamics of Biblical Change." Students have told me repeatedly, "That course changed my life." We thank God for the gift of Dr. Powlison (1949-2019) who has left such a permanent impact on so many, including Westminster Theological Seminary. -- Peter Lillback
*Powlison, David (1949-2019), Speaking Truth in Love: Counsel in Community, ISBN: 0977080714 9780977080717.
"SPEAKING TRUTH IN LOVE is the latest book by David Powlison, a faculty member at Westminster Theological Seminary and The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. In his own words, it is, 'a book on how we are to live together.' Although primarily directed at pastors and counselors, there is much here to be savored by every child of God. Indeed, an emphasis of the book is that speaking truth in love, wisdom, and grace into another person's life is both the privilege and responsibility for every Christian, not just the 'professionals' or the 'trained.'
"There are seventeen chapters, which are really separate essays all looking at differing facets of counseling, or 'loving another person well' as Powlison puts it.
"Chapter 1 is an extended reflection of Psalm 119, beautifully portraying it as the cry of a faithful heart toward God. It is worth the price of the book for anyone struggling through a trial or helping another.
"Chapter 2 talks about the need to face the truth of our rebellious flesh, while chapter 3 talks of hearing the music of the gospel. Chapter 4-8 deal with various practical steps of preparation, listening, and questioning, while chapter 9 specifically deals with gently handling people who have already been immersed in the false psychologies of the world.
"Chapter 10 starts looking at a more global emphasis, challenging pastors (and all) to consider that most of the 'ministry of the Word' that Christ actually did was what we would now term private and small-group counseling, and not preaching sermons. Chapter 11 looks at how counseling should fit into the ministry of the church, and chapter 12 looks specifically at how the nature of prayer fits into counseling in the church.
"The last chapters look at pastoral counseling, women in counseling, when to refer, where to train, and lastly a guiding doctrinal statement for Biblical counseling.
"This is a rewarding book written by a wise servant of God, giving insight and direction on both the nature and the challenges the church faces in fulfilling our mandate on speaking truth in love to each other." -- Reader's Comment
*Powlison, David (1949-2019, compiler and annotator), Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Pulaski, Adam, Biblical Counseling Manual: A Self Help Counseling Program Guide, ISBN: 1412038790 9781412038799.
Biblical Counseling Manual: A Self Help Counseling Program
*Sproul, R.C. (general editor), The Reformation Study Bible: The Word That Changes Lives -- the Faith That Changed The World, New King James Version, ISBN: 0785258523 9780785258520. Previously published under the title NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE: BRINGING THE LIGHT OF THE REFORMATION TO SCRIPTURE, ISBN: 0840710917 9780840710918.
"The NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE offers a restatement of Reformation truth for Christians today. The first Geneva Bible was a pivotal force in the Reformation. Using the everyday language of its time, it opened the pages of Scripture to readers and provided helpful notes to assist them in understanding its message. It became the family Bible of the English people, and was the Bible that the Pilgrims brought to the New World. Since that time a multitude of English translations and study Bibles have appeared, but none of these has incorporated a summary of Reformed theology." -- Thomas Nelson Publishers
Also available in digital format from Logos Bible Software.
Geneva Bible Notes: Reviews of the 1599 and the 1672 editions of the Notes, and of the Reformation Study Bible
Readers of THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE should also be familiar with the Geneva Bible Notes, The Westminster Family of Documents, the doctrine of the Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ, and the literature of the Covenanted Reformation.
The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide
The Covenanted Reformation of Scotland Author/Title Listing
Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, William L. Roberts D.D.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Spurgeon's Devotional Bible: Selected Passages From the Word of God With Running Comments, ISBN: 0852343434 0852340583. Alternate title: Originally published under the title, THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON'S MORNING AND EVENING DEVOTIONS FROM THE BIBLE.
"For anyone who wants to restore daily devotions on an individual or family basis, SPURGEON'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE is the perfect answer. One can read through this book in a year when morning and evening devotions are maintained. . . .
"The gist of the entire Bible is found between the covers of this book. . . . some verses [and chapters], were omitted in whole or in part, but they are always summarized in such a way that the narrative or teaching remains clear. The emphasis is always on Scripture . . ." -- Publisher
Commenting on typology is a way to convince piers of the reality and immediacy of the Gospel. The concise, succinct, erudite comments point again and again to parallels in Scripture to the life and work of Christ. For example, see the comments on the life of Joseph, on the first Passover, and on God's provision of manna for Israel in the wilderness.
This work, by a modern Puritan, is preeminently practical. Spurgeon emphasizes application of Scripture to everyday life. Key verses appear at the top of each page.
Spurgeon's discerning mind has captured essential and profound lessons. He brings together Old and New Testament passages with similar lessons. Here is little known insight that should not be ignored or overlooked.
The Bible is full of wisdom on human behavior, real psychology, and Spurgeon points out these lessons everywhere.
The text is the Authorized King James Version.
A footnote at the bottom of page 643 (Baker Book House edition), states "In this reading the first five notes are from Lange's Commentary. All through the work we have gathered from every available source." Looking at other works by Spurgeon, for example, THE TREASURY OF DAVID, and knowing that he had a huge library, it could be expected he selected freely from the works of other authors. Poetry has been added after the Bible selection and notes. It would appear the notes and poetry have not been documented for practical purposes, to make the book seamless and uncluttered. It is a drawback, however, to not know which notes and poetry was from Spurgeon's pen and which he selected from other authors.
"THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON DEVOTIONAL BIBLE contains the text of the entire Bible, along with Spurgeon's reflections on nearly every verse. This Bible, arranged topically instead of canonically, allows readers to experience the text of Scripture along with Charles Spurgeon himself. His commentary illuminates the texts, and provides notes on interpretation and application of the Bible. The Logos Bible Software edition of THE INTERPRETER: SPURGEON'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE was originally published in London by Passmore and Alabaster from 1869-1887." -- Publisher
Pilgrim Publications
Power BibleCD
C.H. Spurgeon wrote, among other things:
Sturkie, Joan, and Siang-Yang Tan, Peer Counseling in Youth Groups: Equipping Your Kids to Help Each Other, ISBN: 031054081X 9780310540816.
Swartley, Dick, and Anne Swartley, Right Start Premarital Program, ISBN: 0929670000 9780929670003.
Prepared with the research committees of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. "A commemorative issue, Dialogue 88." Includes bibliography and index.
Vander Zwaag, Foppe, Biblical Counseling and the Love of God, a M.Div. dissertation.
"The love of God our heavenly Father, as it is revealed to sinful man in the Holy Scriptures in Jesus Christ, is sufficient for all our spiritual and mental needs. The great problem of most people, even of many Christians, is that they are problem-focused instead of God-focused. Biblical counseling, not matter what the 'problem' is, must always begin with God and our relationship with him. The Holy Spirit, using sinful men and women as instruments, delights to show the things of Christ, who is the express image of God. Effective and practical scriptural counseling is provided -- guidance in the life of sinners as they are directed to look to, follow, and imitate Jesus Christ's loving obedience to His Father." -- Abstract
Various, Biblical Counseling Workshops, 10 sound cassettes [audio file].
Speakers: William Henderson; David Powlison; Robert D Smith; John McConaughy; Robert Somerville; Randall Patten; and Lloyd Jonas.
"Notes: Title from container. N8912, N8923-N8928, N8930-N8932."
Various, Biblical Counseling Workshops, 33 sound cassettes [audio file].
Speakers: Stuart W Scott; Randall Patten; Steve Viars; David Powlison; John Edward Babler; Kevin Backus; Dan Wickert; Marc Graham; Robert D Jones; John McConaughy; Cindy Patten; Ed Bulkey; Carolyn Carlson; Howard A Eyrich; Sid Galloway; Robert Somerville; Mary Somerville; David Edgington; Timothy A Pasma; Craig Richard Rowe; Robert D Smith; John D Street; Jay Edward Adams; and James Thomas.
"Notes: Title from container. N9803-N9808, N9814-N9815, N9818, N9820-N9824, N9827-N9828, N9830-N9831, N9843-N9847, N9849, N9851, N9853, N9855. Description: 33 sound cassettes." [audio file]
Various, Biblical Counseling Workshops, 43 sound cassettes [audio files].
Various, Seminar on Counselor Training Sponsored by the Pentagon Christian Fellowship Delivered at Fort Belvoir Chapel, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (Westminster Media).Dealing with mysticism / J. Adams Handling evangelistic opportunities in counseling / S. Viars On to maturity / John Bettler Executive director's address / Wm. Goode Guidance in counseling / J. Adams Evaluating Christian [sic] in hospital programs / S. Galloway From Freud to Jesus / Richard Ganz Q and A Biblical counseling / Adams, Viars ADHD and Christian parent / Rita Jamison What to know about AIDS / Ed Payne Counseling and nature of righteousness #1 / David Powlison Counseling and nature of righteousness #2 / David Powlison Counseling those who lust for approval / L. Priolo "All truth," a critique / G. Scipione Chronic fatigue syndrome / R. Smith Helping men overcome life dominating lust / John Street Basic track #1 / L. Quinn Basic track #2 / L. Jonas Basic track #3 / John Street Basic track #4 / W. Mack Sexual intimacy in marriage / S. Galloway Ministering to divorced parents / A. Knicely Church discipline for positive benefit / Bill Hill Today's women's problems / M. Peace Counseling in a local church / L. Quinn Biblical answers, psychological explanations / R. Smith Counseling "victims" / R. Somerville Questions of medical ethics / Hilton Terrell Male/female differences / J. McConaughy Premarital counseling for the church /Wm (sic) Mack Dealing with deception / L. Priolo How to become a NANC member / Goode, Scipione Issues in marriage counseling / Bill Slattery Counseling those who are depressed / Dan Wickert Being who God called you to be / Richard Ganz Counseling teens from Proverbs / R. Alchin Marks of male maturity / John Bettler Parents, get to their minds / Tim Turner Ministering to children of divorced / A. Knicely Session one, getting started / R. Patten Psychotropic drugs in laymen's terms / W. Wendling Contemporary medical issues / Dan Wickert Biblical response to suffering / Wilkerson."
Vath, Raymond E., Counseling Those With Eating Disorders, ISBN: 0849905834 9780849905834.
"This is not a 'how-to-treat' book but rather one that explains the attitudes and principles that have been effective in treating over 200 eating disorder cases of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Part I deals with the nature, causes and consequences while Part II deals with the treatment." -- GCB
Includes bibliography and index.
"Dr. Vath, who is a Psychiatrist, approaches the counseling of eating disorders from the perspective of a strong, working faith in the principles of Christian teaching. He speaks from a position of having counseled over a hundred patients in their recovery from anorexia.
"His book also deals in a lesser extent with bulemia, especially as it sometimes may be an adjunct of the recovering anorexic.
"Dr. Vath's book is very readable and insightful. I would recommend it for any person who has any family member or close acquaintance with the disorder. -- Reader's Comment
Welch, Ed, Philosophy of Counseling (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette SC864 [audio file].
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), [completed and first printed in 1646, approved by the Assembly, August 27, 1647, Session 23 -- compiler] (Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publication [133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE], 1994), ISBN: 0902506080 (case-bound), and ISBN: 0902506358 (paperback). Among the ten greatest works in the English language. Available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
" 'The product of Puritan conflict,' stated Shedd, reaching 'a perfection of statement never elsewhere achieved.' All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes Hetherington (1803-1865), (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345).
"Concerning The Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell notes: 'it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms.' (Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, p. 431).
"THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian church. The church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define and proclaim the one true faith. Nowhere has the Reformed church done this so effectively as in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, and family of documents. This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the Covenanted Reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles." -- Publisher
This is considered to be the definitive publication of the Westminster family of documents. It includes the following:
*Westminster Theological Seminary, Westminster Media Cassette Catalog
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Systematic theology, Reconciliation of relationships, Marital counseling, Biblical counsel by subject, Counseling the family, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, The words of christ, Christ and counseling, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, The teaching of our lord jesus christ, Repentance the key to salvation and change, The foundation of biblical counsel, Love and counseling problems, The wisdom books, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Expository bible commentaries, Topical listings of scripture useful in counseling, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Manuals and handbooks, Biblical counseling reference works, Topical bible indexes, Correspondence containing biblical counsel, General works on biblical counseling, Bible reference works, Manuals and handbooks, Biblical counseling tracts, Questions and answers, For all counselors, Case studies, Works of jay adams, Pastoral counseling, Preaching and pastoral counseling, The christian counseling and educational foundation, General audio files (cds and mp3s) from ccef speakers, Annual alumni conferences of ccef, Westminster media, Audio cds and mp3s on counseling subjects, Homework for counselees, Biblical counsel by subject, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Psychology and psychiatry, Bibliography of bibliography, and so forth, and so on.
Biblical Counseling Foundation
Biblical Counseling On-line Workshop (Self-Confrontation/Nouthetic Counseling)
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation Resources Audio Archives
Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Jamieson, Fausset, Brown)
Creeds and Confessions
Crosswalk Bible Study Tools
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation West [CCEF West]), 3495 College Ave., San Diego, CA, 92115; 619-582-5554.
"Counseling. Videotaped courses taught at CCEF West by George Scipione and others. Video series available include Introduction to Biblical Counseling (by George Scipione), Marriage and Family (by George Scipione and Andy Peterson), Advanced Seminar in Biblical Counseling (by George Scipione and others), and Methods of Psychological Counseling (by Andy Peterson). Catalogue available." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Institute of Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (formerly CCEF West)
The Institute for Nouthetic Studies
Training in Biblical Counseling by extension with Dr. Jay E. Adams.
"We are the Institute for Nouthetic Studies (INS), a ministry that seeks to train the next generation of biblical counselors by making the teaching ministry of Dr. Jay E. Adams available to students by extension. . . .
"Several years ago Dr. Adams and I began teaching at the Redeemer Biblical Counseling Training Institute (RBCTI) under the direction of our pastor, Bill Slattery (Dr. Adams' son-in-law). In recent years Dr. Adams has had to limit his travels so RBCTI became the only place one could study under Dr. Adams personally. When word traveled that Dr. Adams was teaching we began to receive a number of requests for tapes and the church began to explore ways to allow others to benefit from the training that was being offered here locally. After much discussion, and with the blessing of the church, Dr. Adams and I formed INS and created a structured curriculum that Dr. Adams believed would include everything the competent biblical counselor would need to understand to be thoroughly trained.
"We began taping Dr. Adams' lectures and offered the training on video tape. As the technology became available, we switched to DVDs and slowly (and sometimes painfully), learned how to produce better and better quality from our recordings. We posted a website to advertise and were quickly overwhelmed by the response. We are now approaching the 300 student mark with students on every continent around the world! We are nearing the completion of our curriculum and hope to have it completed by early fall.
"Here is a list of the courses we have ready:
Introduction to Biblical Counseling/Counseling Principles and Practices
The Counselor Himself
Critical Stages in Biblical Counseling
Counseling Problems
Premarital Counseling
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Theology and Counseling
Church Discipline
Medical Issues in Counseling I and II
Marriage and Family Counseling
We are currently working on the following:
Counseling Theories and Issues Abroad in the Church Today
Legal Issues in Counseling
Counseling Women
The Christian Counselor's Casebook Studies"
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible
Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine
Journal of Biblical Counseling (formerly The Journal of Pastoral Practice)
Logos Bible Software Bundles That Include Works on Biblical Counseling
There are 15 bundles in all.
Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible
Nouthetic Counseling
Psychology and Psychiatry
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
For the work of C. John Miller (1928-1996).
Resources in Christian Counseling Series
Rick Thomas Podcasts
"And other resources -- transcripts, videos, books."
Topic Index, Rick Thomas Articles
Stephen Ministries
Sound Word Associates Library of Biblical Counselors
Timeless Texts (Biblical Counseling books)
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
Westminster Media, Box 27009, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19118
"Westminster Media now distributes all CCEF audio tapes [audio file], (including Jay Adams, John Bettler, Paul Tripp, Ed Welch, David Powlison, and numerous others). Includes "Helps for the Family" radio programs, Sandy Cove Marriage Conferences, CCEF's June Institute, CCEF's Alumni Day, and Westminster Seminary courses. Also includes tapes by other Westminster Seminary faculty. They have compiled an extensive resource catalogue which is available on request." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Works of Jay Adams
See the Theological Notes: "The Fall" at Genesis 3:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. (Acts 3:19,20)
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:3)
All the problems we face in life as individuals or in society prove the same thing -- they prove the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He is indeed all-sufficient. -- Edward Hindson
To the one [we are] the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who [is] sufficient for these things?
For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. (2 Corinthians Chapter 2:16-17)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Christ and Your Problems, ISBN: 0875520111 9780875520117. A booklet.
Exposits I Corinthians 10:13 [1 Corinthians 10:13], for the benefit of counselees. 'At bottom all men in all times face the same basic problems.' You are responsible. God is faithful, therefore you have hope. However difficult the pressures seem, you can make godly choices through Jesus Christ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"A Biblical exegesis of I Corinthians 10:13 [1 Corinthians 10:13], showing that a Christian's problems are not unique, and that God will not allow a Christian to be tested beyond his strength, and will always make a way of escape. Should be given to all counselees who need hope." -- Robert B. Somerville
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Christ," and so forth, and so on.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Christ the Counsellor. Available in THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THE REVEREND THOMAS BOSTON (10:231-50).
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, 3 volumes, ISBN: 0851515819 (one ISBN for the set of 3 volumes). A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Spurgeon says of this great commentary: 'Of the noblest order of exposition. Procure it.' Elsewhere in COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES, he wrote, 'Dr. Brown's work must be placed among the first of the first-class. He is a great expositor.' Again, 'Brown is a modern Puritan. All his expositions are of the utmost value.'
"These volumes cover much of the Gospel of John, plus many portions of the other three Gospels. In them he reveals his encyclopedic mind, and a profound regard for the Bible and the very Word of God. In addition, it is seen why it was said that he had the best clerical library in the whole nation of Scotland.
"There is little doubt in the mind of this reviewer that any reader of these volumes will become possessor of myriads of new insights into the Scriptures, and what they reveal of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is indispensable to the student of the Gospels." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Based upon the revised and enlarged edition of 1852. Rich in thought. Pastors will appreciate the writer's application of spiritual truths to the needs of men and women." -- Cyril J. Barber
Recommended for daily devotions, as are all the books in the listing of "Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language."
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ: Illustrated in a Series of Expositions, 1854, vol. 1 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 2 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Illustrated in a Series of Expositions. . . . by John Brown, published 1856. [complete in 2 volumes. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers], original from the University of Michigan, digitized Feb. 17, 2006.
This University of Michigan digitized edition, that appears in Google Books, is available in paper from two publishers: (Gardners Books, 2006), and (Hard Press, November 26, 2007).
Both volume are "produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library's preservation reformatting program." -- Publisher
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), An Exposition of our Lord's Intercessory Prayer. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. A Christian classic.
"The concluding prayer of our Lord's in the garden here receives sensitive treatment. Brown was a pastor as well as an exegete. His handling of the text is excellent. His exposition serves as a model. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Includes an Appendix 1, "Connection Between the Visible Union of Christians, and the Conversion of the World," by Hugh Heugh, D.D.
An Exposition of our Lord's Intercessory Prayer: With a Discourse on the Relation of our Lord's Intercession to the Conversion of the World (1866)
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ, Prayers of
Buchanan, Duncan, The Counseling of Jesus, ISBN: 0877849315 9780877849315.
Includes bibliographical references.
Bunyan, John (1628-1688), Saints Knowledge of Christ's Love, ISBN: 0851517390 9780851517391. Available (THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Paul David Tripp, John F. Bettler, et al., The 1989 Alumni Conference of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
A special set of audio cassettes [audio file], featuring Drs. Tripp and Bettler on the topics "Christ our Model for Counseling," "Getting to the Heart of Sexual Problems," as well as a Q&A time with the CCEF counselors.
Crane, William E., Where God Comes In: The Divine "Plus" in Counseling.
Includes bibliography.
*Hodgkin, A.M., Christ in All the Scriptures, ISBN: 1557480664 9781557480668.
"First published in 1907, this classic work is a clear testimony of Christ to the Scriptures and their affirmation of Him as the Son of God. The love and reverence with which the author approaches these glorious truths ensure it a place among the finest devotional writings." -- GCB
*Manton, Thomas (1620-1677), An Exposition of John 17. Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #4 and #5.
"A deep, rich, and full exposition by a Puritan divine." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Poythress, Vern, The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses, ISBN: 0875523757 9780875523750.
"Dr. Poythress demonstrates how the sacrifices and traditions of the Hebrew people foreshadow the relationship of Christ to His people. With crisp insight, Poythress explains that the punishments and penalties of the Law prefigure the destruction of sin and guilt through Christ. With remarkable clarity, Poythress opens the door to understanding the Old Testament and its relationship to the New Testament." -- GCB
*Rainsford, Marcus, Our Lord Prays for His own: Thoughts on John 17, ISBN: 0825436176.
"Griffith Thomas describes this book as 'the greatest classic ever written on Christ's high priestly prayer.' We believe it is the best one in print, since Thomas Manton's excellent book on John 17, and also John Brown's are out of print at this time. . . ." [see citations -- both are now available in e-text -- compiler] -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Vander Zwaag, Foppe, Biblical Counseling and the Love of God, a M.Div. dissertation.
"The love of God our heavenly Father, as it is revealed to sinful man in the Holy Scriptures in Jesus Christ, is sufficient for all our spiritual and mental needs. The great problem of most people, even of many Christians, is that they are problem-focused instead of God-focused. Biblical counseling, not matter what the 'problem' is, must always begin with God and our relationship with him. The Holy Spirit, using sinful men and women as instruments, delights to show the things of Christ, who is the express image of God. Effective and practical scriptural counseling is provided -- guidance in the life of sinners as they are directed to look to, follow, and imitate Jesus Christ's loving obedience to His Father." -- Abstract
*Whyte, Alexander (1836-1921), The Walk, Conversation and Character of Jesus Christ Our Lord, ISBN: 0801095689. A Christian classic.
"A classic. First published in 1905." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, The words of christ, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, The teaching of our lord jesus christ, Christ our example, Affliction, adversity, trials, suffering, chastisement, Reconciliation of relationships, Appendix a, the words of christ, The promises of Christ, The sermon on the mount, Christ in you, The believer's position in christ and sonship, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, The cross of christ, Manhood, Marriage, The priesthood of believers, The all-sufficiency of christ, Christ's kingdom, and so forth, and so on.
His Name -- The Counsellor, a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him. -- God The Father (Matthew 17:5)
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ, Prayers of
Nave's Topical Bible -- Commandments
Nave's Topical Bible -- Precepts of Jesus, Explicitly Stated, or Implied in Didactic Discourse
The Teachings of The Lord Jesus Christ
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
See the Theological Notes: "The Law of God," at Exodus 20:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.See the Theological Notes: "One and Three: The Trinity," at Isaiah 44:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Lord's Supper," at 1 Corinthians 11:3 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Church," at Ephesians 2:19 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Christians in the World," at Colossians 2:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Return of Jesus Christ," at 1 Thessalonians 4:16 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Christ the Mediator," at 1 Timothy 2:5 in The Reformation Study Bible. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all. (1 Timothy 2:5,6a)
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him. -- God The Father (Matthew 17:5)
For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:49,50)This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:29b)
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:23)
I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:4)Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:12)
The four "Servant Songs" of Isaiah are Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 50:4-11; and Isaiah 52:13 -- Isaiah 53:12. See the annotations in The Reformation Study Bible.
Our Triune God has ordained that the preeminent leader of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, the God Man, Our Righteousness. (John 1:1-18; Matthew 19:30; Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 49:7; Colossians 1:16-19; Colossians 2:9,10; Hebrews 12:1,2; Revelation 5:1-14; Revelation 19:11-15; Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 22:12, and so forth, and so on). Human leadership is also divinely ordained and tends to devolve to those who are most perfectly at one with Christ, and to those who also know the most Truth (the Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Puritan leaders, The Scots Worthies, and so forth, and so on).
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:28). See: (Matthew 19:28, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then his master said unto him, It is well done good servant and faithful, Thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much: enter into thy master's joy. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:21) (Matthew 25:21 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:34). See: (Matthew 25:34, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he said unto him, Well, good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little thing, take thou authority over ten cities. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 19:17) (Luke 19:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Therefore I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 22:29) (Luke 22:29, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17). See: (Romans 8:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Corinthians 6:3). See: (1 Corinthians 6:3, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6). See: (Ephesians 2:6, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and corrections among the people:
To bind their kings in chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,
That they may execute upon them the judgment that is written: this honor shall be to all his Saints. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 149:7-9) (Psalm 149:7-9, 1599 Geneva Bible)
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:12), (1 Timothy 2:12, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:26). See: (Revelation 2:26, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To serve God is to reign. -- Seneca (4 BC -- 65 AD)Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:17)
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:63)
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:22,23)Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:31b,32)
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:33)
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19)
For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:29)
Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:27)
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
These things I command you, that ye love one another. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:16,17)And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:3)
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:3)
This is Christ's definition of salvation.So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
He saith to him again the second time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
He saith unto him the third time, Simon, [son] of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 21:15-17)And he said unto me, My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. [1]Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may [2]rest upon me.
Therefore I take [1]pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. -- Paul quoting The Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9,10)
12:9 [1] He concludeth, that he will only see his miseries against the vain brags of the false apostles, and therewith also excuseth himself, for that by their importunity, he was constrained to speak so much of these things as he did: to wit, because that if his Apostleship were subverted his doctrine must needs fall.
12:9 [2] That I might feel the virtue of Christ more and more: For the weaker that our tabernacles are, the more doth Christ's virtue appear in them.
12:10 [1] I do not only take them patiently and with a good heart, but also I take great pleasure in them.-- 1599 Geneva Bible NotesIn whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)
That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. (Colossians 2:2-10)
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:8,18)And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:30)
See the Theological Notes: "The Teaching of Jesus," at Matthew 7:28 in The Reformation Study Bible.
The Fourfold Treasure, a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon delivered on Thursday Evening, April 27th, 1871, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon No. 991.
Sermon topic: 1 Corinthians 1:30,31, Christ is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.
This is to be wise, to have Christ's teaching, Christ's example, and above all, Christ's presence; so may the poorest find the Lord Jesus made of God unto them wisdom.
Pause just a minute. Let none of us ever be so foolish as to suppose that when we have received Jesus and his gospel, we have occasion to blush when we are in the company of the very wisest of the present day. Carry a bold face when you confront the brazen faced philosophy which insults your Lord. The man who does not believe the Bible does not know so much as thou dost. Blush not, though with mimic wisdom the unbeliever tries to laugh or argue thee down. He who knows not Christ, though he propounds wonderful theories as to the creation of mankind and the formation of the world, and though he has a glib tongue, is only an educated fool, a learned idiot, who thinks his own rushlight brighter than God's own sun. "Ah! but he has been to college, and he has a degree, and he is esteemed by men; for he has written books that nobody can comprehend." The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God; and I do not care even if he be a Solon, if he has said that there is no God, he is a fool. Do not blush, then, if you find yourself in his company, do not make yourself the blushing one because the fool is there. Self-conceit were to be avoided and loathed; but this is not self-conceit, but a holy courage in a case which demands of you to be courageous. To know Christ is the best of all philosophy, the highest of all sciences. [emphasis added -- compiler]. Angels desire to look into this; but I do not know that they care a fig for half the sciences so valued among men. If you know Christ you never need be afraid of being ashamed and confounded whatever company you may be in. If you stood in a senate of emperors, or amidst a parliament of philosophers, and only told them of the God that came in human flesh, and loved, and lived, and died to redeem mankind, you would have told them a greater mystery and a profounder secret than reason could discover. Be not ashamed, then, amid the intellectual pride of this boastful age. -- C.H. Spurgeon in a sermon, The Fourfold TreasureAs from ill we are stopped by the consideration of Christ's death, so when we are moved to grace, consider the virtue of Christ's resurrection. Why is Christ now in heaven in our nature? Is it not to fill his church with his Spirit? Why doth he make intercession in heaven? Is it not that we should not be discouraged notwithstanding our daily infirmities? Shall we not make use of it? He is glorious for us, not for himself, but for his mystical body. As he hath made his natural body glorious, so he will make his mystical body glorious by little and little. He being, therefore, in heaven making intercession, go to him in the want of grace. And so for infirmities. The Spirit of God raised him at the lowest, and shall not the Spirit of God raise me from this and that. Yes, the Spirit of God will raise me from the baseness and misery of sin to be better and better. The same Spirit will enable me that raised his body. And so fetch virtue and strength from Christ, make use of Christ for every turn. Oh that we could learn these things! Then we should be able to go through all conditions: and we should be able to live, able to do. I beseach you, therefore, consider what hath been spoken. Let us study Christ every day more and more, not for redemption and reconciliation only, though that in the first place, but study Christ to be all in all to us, to be our sanctification to fit us for heaven. Study the promises of Christ, lose no privilege. God would not have left them in his word but for good. . . . -- Richard Sibbes
Serve Christ; back Him; let His cause be your cause, give not an hairbreadth of truth away, for it is not yours but God's. -- Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661)
If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ's Kingdom, and His love. -- John Owen
All the problems we face in life as individuals or in society prove the same thing -- they prove the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He is indeed all-sufficient. -- Edward Hindson
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:35)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Teaching," "Education," and so forth, and so on.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, 3 volumes, ISBN: 0851515819 (one ISBN for the set of 3 volumes). A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Spurgeon says of this great commentary: 'Of the noblest order of exposition. Procure it.' Elsewhere in COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES, he wrote, 'Dr. Brown's work must be placed among the first of the first-class. He is a great expositor.' Again, 'Brown is a modern Puritan. All his expositions are of the utmost value.'
"These volumes cover much of the Gospel of John, plus many portions of the other three Gospels. In them he reveals his encyclopedic mind, and a profound regard for the Bible and the very Word of God. In addition, it is seen why it was said that he had the best clerical library in the whole nation of Scotland.
"There is little doubt in the mind of this reviewer that any reader of these volumes will become possessor of myriads of new insights into the Scriptures, and what they reveal of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is indispensable to the student of the Gospels." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Based upon the revised and enlarged edition of 1852. Rich in thought. Pastors will appreciate the writer's application of spiritual truths to the needs of men and women." -- Cyril J. Barber
Recommended for daily devotions, as are all the books in the listing of "Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language."
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ: Illustrated in a Series of Expositions, 1854, vol. 1 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 2 of 2.
Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Illustrated in a Series of Expositions. . . . by John Brown, published 1856. [complete in 2 volumes. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers], original from the University of Michigan, digitized Feb. 17, 2006.
This University of Michigan digitized edition, that appears in Google Books, is available in paper from two publishers: (Gardners Books, 2006), and (Hard Press, November 26, 2007).
Both volume are "produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library's preservation reformatting program." -- Publisher
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), An Exposition of our Lord's Intercessory Prayer and (Limited Classic Reprint Library. Minneapolis, MN: Klock and Klock Christian Publishers, 1979). A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The concluding prayer of our Lord's in the garden here receives sensitive treatment. Brown was a pastor as well as an exegete. His handling of the text is excellent. His exposition serves as a model. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Includes an Appendix 1, "Connection Between the Visible Union of Christians, and the Conversion of the World," by Hugh Heugh, D.D.
An Exposition of our Lord's Intercessory Prayer: With a Discourse on the Relation of our Lord's Intercession to the Conversion of the World (1866)
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ, Prayers of
*Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), Four Books on the Eleventh of Matthew [Matthew 11]: Viz., Christ Inviting Sinners to Come to Him for Rest [Matthew 11:28]; Christ the Great Teacher of Souls That Come to Him, to Which is Added a Treatise of Meekness and of Anger.
"Every now and again, a work will be published by a Reformer or Puritan that Christians find to be of such great spiritual worth, that it is hard to put into words the incalculable and infinite good that such a work is to the Christian soul. This book, friends, is one of those works. . . .
This is a life-transforming work which will enable Christians to inwardly examine themselves as they consider how the Law of God correlates to their abiding in the Lord Jesus, and what steps they must take to come to Christ in a saving and sanctifying manner." -- C. Matthew McMahon
Open access:;idno=A77982.0001.001
Chilton, Bruce, Jesus and the Ethics of the Kingdom, ISBN: 0802803539 9780802803535.
Clower, Joseph B., The Church in the Thought of Jesus.
Clowney, Edmund P., and Rebecca Jones, Heralds of the King: Christ-centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. Clowney, ISBN: 9781433504020 1433504022.
Clowney, Edmund P., and Rebecca Jones, How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments, ISBN: 1596380365 9781596380363.
Edwards, Thomas (1599-1647), The Argument in Favor of Christianity Drawn From the Character and Discourses of Christ. A sermon preached at St. Peter's in Thanet, on Sunday, September 25, 1796. By Thomas Edwards, L.L.D.
Good, Kenneth, H., Lost and Found: Christ's Teaching on the Theology of Evangelism, ISBN: 0852342764 9780852342763.
"In Luke 15 our Lord sets forth the viewpoint of each Person of the Trinity in the winning of souls. Here the warmth of personal involvement is combined with the absolute certainty of the Divine Sovereignty. A commitment to the Doctrine of Grace is not incompatible with dedication to the work of evangelism." -- GCB
*Harris, John, The Teaching Methods of Christ, ISBN: 0865241619 9780865241619.
"Formerly appearing under the title THE GREAT TEACHER, this work can only be described as indispensable. The pedagogical truths that Harris draws from the pages of the New Testament are deserving of careful study and close emulation. All pastors and teachers should be thoroughly familiar with this book." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Horne, Herman Harrell, Jesus, the Teacher: Examining his Expertise in Education, a revised edition of JESUS, THE MASTER TEACHER, 1920, ISBN: 0825428599 9780825428593.
"Pastors today need to learn from the teaching techniques of Jesus Christ. This book is designed to stimulate such a study and deserves a place on every pastor's desk. First published in 1920." -- Cyril J. Barber
Horton, Robert F., The Commandments of Jesus.
Kissinger, Warren S., The Parables of Jesus: A History of Interpretation and Bibliography, ISBN: 0810811863 9780810811867.
*Ladd, George E., The Gospel of the Kingdom: Scriptural Studies in the Kingdom of God, ISBN: 0802812805 9780802812803. Alternate title: JESUS AND THE KINGDOM.
"A comprehensive, scholarly study of the preaching of Jesus concerning the kingdom of God." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Lightner, Robert P., The Savior and the Scripture, ISBN: 0825431107.
"Presents Christ's view of the Scripture and stress His absolute reliance upon the irrevocable authority of the Word." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Macartney, Clarence E.N., Great Interviews of Jesus, ISBN: 0825432839 9780825432835.
"While Jesus preached to the multitudes, He dealt with individuals ranging in social status from the thief on the cross to Pontius Pilate. These interviews are studied in depth." -- Cyril J. Barber
Martin, Hugh (1822-1885), Christ's 'Own House,' 1859.
Mills, Watson E. (1979-2001), Bibliographies on the Life and Teachings of Jesus, ISBN: 077342458X 9780773424586 0773424466 9780773424463 0773424504 9780773424500 0773424520 9780773424524 0773424547 9780773424548 0773424563 9780773424562.
*Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635), Goodwin, Thomas (1600-1680), Nye, Philip (1596-1672), The Excellencie of the Gospell Above the law. Wherein the Liberty of the Sonnes of God is Shewed. With the image of their graces here, and glory hereafter. Which affords much comfort and great incouragement, to all such as begin timely, and continue constantly in the wayes of God. By R. Sibbs, D.D. Mr. of Katherin Hall Cambridge, and preacher of Grayes-Inne, London. Begun in his life time, and published by T.G. and P.N., 1639.
*Smeaton, George, The Doctrine of the Atonement as Taught by Christ Himself, ISBN: 0851516009.
"First published in 1871. This exegetical work by a British Reformed scholar contains a substantive treatment of Christ's own teaching on His death, the application of the benefits of His atonement to the church, and the effects of the atonement on the saved and unsaved." -- Cyril J. Barber
The Doctrine of the Atonement as Taught by Christ Himself: Or, The Sayings of Jesus Exegetically Expounded and Classified
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Jesus Christ Himself. (Ephesians 2:20) A sermon by C.H. Spurgeon delivered on Lord's-day morning, December 9, 1877, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon no. 1388.
"Beyond all argument or miracle, Jesus Christ Himself is the proof of His own Gospel. And as He is the proof of it, so, Beloved, He is the marrow and essence of it. When the Apostle Paul meant that the Gospel was preached, He said, Christ is preached, for the Gospel is Christ Himself! If you want to know what Jesus taught, know Him! He is the incarnation of that Truth of God which by Him and in Him is revealed to the sons of men. Did He not, Himself say, I am the way, the truth, and the life?
"You have not to take down innumerable books, nor to pore over mysterious sentences of double meaning in order to know what our great Teacher has revealed. You have but to turn and gaze upon His countenance, behold His actions and note His spirit and you know His teaching. He lived what He taught. If we wish to know Him, we may hear His gentle voice saying, Come and see. Study His wounds and you understand His innermost philosophy. To know Him and the power of His Resurrection is the highest degree of spiritual learning. He is the end of the Law and the soul of the Gospel -- and when we have preached His Word to the fullest, we may close by saying, Now, of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum -- we have an High Priest who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens." -- C.H. Spurgeon
*Stalker, James, Christ our Example. Alternate title: THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST (IMAGO CHRISTI), ISBN: 0879832312 9780879832315.
"First published in 1908 under the title IMAGO CHRISTI, this work provides a thought-provoking treatise on the teaching of Christ." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Symington, Andrew (1785-1853, the older brother of William), Headship of Christ Over the Nations, 1841. Alternate title: INTRODUCTORY LECTURE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SECOND REFORMATION. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #13, #25.
"Provides Scriptural evidences for Christ's headship over the nations and the church, demonstrating the importance of this doctrine to the kingdom of Christ. A lecture excerpted from the book LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SECOND REFORMATION, edited by Andrew Symington." -- Publisher
Lectures on the Principles of the Second Reformation
Thomson, James G.S.S., The Praying Christ: A Study of Jesus Doctrine and Practice of Prayer.
Includes bibliography.
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ, Prayers of
Thompson, Michael B., Clothed With Christ: The Example and Teaching of Jesus in Romans 12:1-15:13 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press).
Tripp, Paul, Christ our Model (part 1) (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette AC891 [audio file].
Tripp, Paul, Christ our Model (part 2) (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette AC892 [audio file].
Venning, Ralph, Learning in Christ's School: Babes, Children, Youth, and Fathers, ISBN: 0851517641 9780851517643.
See also:
Book-length Presentations of the Free Offer of The Gospel Message of Salvation and the Life to Come: The Means of Grace
Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language
Hear ye Him, Sherman Isbell
Hell (FGB #211)
The Greatest Loss, Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900) | What is Hell? Donnelly, Edward | Eternal Torment for the Wicked: Unavoidable and Intolerable, Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758) | The Resurrection of Damnation, Davies, Samuel (1723-1761) | The Torments of Loss, Boston, Thomas (1676-1732) | The Torments of Soul, Payson, Edward (1783-1827) | The Torments of Sense, Boston, Thomas (1676-1732) | Exhortation to Escape Hell, Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758) | Christ has the Keys of hell and of Death, Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892)
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ, Prayers of
Nave's Topical Bible -- Precepts of Jesus, Explicitly Stated, or Implied in Didactic Discourse
Prayers of Jesus
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
For he places this manifestation of God, which we have in Christ, to all others that have ever been made. For God has often manifested himself to men, but it has been only in part. In Christ, on the other hand, he communicates himself to us wholly. He has also manifested himself to us otherwise, but it is in figures, or by power and grace. In Christ, on the other hand, he has appeared to us essentially. Thus the statement of John holds good:He that hath the Son, hath the Father also. (1 John 2:23.)For those who possess Christ have God truly present, and enjoy Him wholly.
And ye are complete in him. He adds, that this perfect essence of Deity, which is in Christ, is profitable to us in this respect, that we are also perfect in him. "As to God's dwelling wholly in Christ, it is in order that we, having obtained him, may posses in him an entire perfection." Those, therefore, who do not rest satisfied with Christ alone, do injury to God in two ways, for besides detracting from the glory of God, by desiring something above his perfection, they are also ungrateful, inasmuch as they seek elsewhere what they already have in Christ. Paul, however, does not mean that the perfection of Christ is transfused into us, but that there are in him resources from which we may be filled, that nothing may be wanting to us. -- John Calvin commenting on Colossians 2:9,10 and contextTransformed by the Beholding of Christ
The very beholding of Christ is a transforming sight. The Spirit that makes us new creatures, and stirs us up to behold this Saviour, causes it to be a transforming beholding. If we look upon him with the eye of faith, it will make us like Christ; for the gospel is a mirror, and such a mirror, that when we a look into it, and see ourselves interested in it, we are changed from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18) A man cannot look upon the love of God and of Christ in the gospel, but it will change him to be like God and Christ. For how can we see Christ, and God in Christ, but we shall see how God hates sin, and this will transform us to hate it as God doth, who hated it so that it could not be expiated but with the blood of Christ, God man. So, seeing the holiness of God in it, it will transform us to be holy. When we see the love of God in the gospel, and the love of Christ giving himself for us, this will transform us to love God. When we see the humility and obedience of Christ, when we look on Christ as God's chosen servant in all this, and as our surety and head, it transforms us to the like humility and obedience. Those that find not their dispositions in some comfortable measure wrought to this blessed transformation, they have not yet those eyes that the Holy Ghost requireth here. Behold my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom my soul delighteth. (Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18) -- Richard Sibbes (1577-1635)See the Theological Notes: "The Teaching of Jesus," at Matthew 7:28 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Humble Obedience of Christ," at John 5:19 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Sanctification: The Spirit and the Flesh," at 1 Corinthians 6:11 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 3:12)
I now see that godliness is more than the outside and the ornaments and the deckings of this world. Who knoweth the truth of grace without a trial? Not one! O, how little Christ getteth of us but that which He winneth with much toil and pains! And how soon faith would freeze without a cross! -- 31 Days With Samuel Rutherford
The four "Servant Songs" of Isaiah are Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 50:4-11; and Isaiah 52:13 -- Isaiah 53:12. See the annotations in The Reformation Study Bible.
Our Triune God has ordained that the preeminent leader of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, the God Man, Our Righteousness. (John 1:1-18; Matthew 19:30; Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 49:7; Colossians 1:16-19; Colossians 2:9,10; Hebrews 12:1,2; Revelation 5:1-14; Revelation 19:11-15; Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 22:12, and so forth, and so on). Human leadership is also divinely ordained and tends to devolve to those who are most perfectly at one with Christ, and to those who also know the most Truth (the Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Puritan leaders, The Scots Worthies, and so forth, and so on).
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:28). See: (Matthew 19:28, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then his master said unto him, It is well done good servant and faithful, Thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much: enter into thy master's joy. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:21) (Matthew 25:21 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:34). See: (Matthew 25:34, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he said unto him, Well, good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little thing, take thou authority over ten cities. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 19:17) (Luke 19:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Therefore I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 22:29) (Luke 22:29, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17). See: (Romans 8:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Corinthians 6:3). See: (1 Corinthians 6:3, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6). See: (Ephesians 2:6, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and corrections among the people:
To bind their kings in chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,
That they may execute upon them the judgment that is written: this honor shall be to all his Saints. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 149:7-9) (Psalm 149:7-9, 1599 Geneva Bible)
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:12), (1 Timothy 2:12, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:26). See: (Revelation 2:26, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To serve God is to reign. -- Seneca (4 BC -- 65 AD)I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:4)
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:34,35)Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:13)
For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. (1 Peter 2:21)
See the Theological Notes: "The Humble Obedience of Christ," at John 5:19 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1,2)For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell. (Colossians 1:19)
Mark here to whom God giveth wisdom: all the godly are taught of God; but mark here how it is that he teacheth them. Not while they scorn at studies and universities, and look that their knowledge should cost them nothing, or that the Spirit should be instead of serious studies, or that their understandings should discern what is true or false at the first appearance; but while they think no pains or patience too great to learn the truth in the school of Christ. -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
But instead of all virtues he commendeth the example of Christ for every virtue, and opposeth it to every vice; as if he should say, He which thinketh only to follow Christ, needeth not to be led by the hand from virtue to virtue, but His example will teach him what he shall follow, and what he shall fly, better than all the precepts in the world. -- Henry Smith (1550-1591)
If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ's Kingdom, and His love. -- John Owen
Real men love The Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus alone gives true freedom.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Christ," "Jesus," "Godliness," "Example," "Discipling," and so forth, and so on.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), All Loves Excelling, ISBN: 0851517390 9780851517391. Available (THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
All Loves Excelling: The Saints' Knowledge of Christ's Love
*Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889), The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, ISBN: 0899006442 9780899006444.
Griffiths, Michael, The Example of Jesus, ISBN: 0877849293 9780877849292.
"Griffiths, the principle of London Bible College, guides us in exploring following Christ. He covers the basis for imitating Jesus. He delves into the ways of Jesus. Finally he covers just how it is that we can be more like Jesus." -- GCB
*Institute in Basic Life Principles, The Love of God Expressed in the Commands of Christ Pocket Guide (Oak Brook, IL: IBLP [Box One, 60522-3001]).
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:14)
Notice there are 15 other resources related to this pocket guide.
"Jesus gave many commands; however, this group of commands [49 -- compiler] was chosen to represent the basic 'curriculum' that Christ gave His disciples -- commands that we are to keep and teach others in order to be His disciples."
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. (John 14:21)
*Marshall, Walter (1628-1680), The Gospel-Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union With Christ, ISBN: 189277724X. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Reformation Heritage Books edition is a reprint of the 1954 edition set by Oliphants and includes an introduction by Joel R. Beeke. Also includes the author's famous sermon on "The Doctrine of Justification Opened and Applied."
See the WorldCat record for various foreign language editions.
Other editions:
Marshall, Walter, The Gospel-Mystery of Sanctification, ISBN: 1597520543 9781597520546.
"This is by far the best book on the doctrine of Sanctification in print. It was originally written in the 17th century, but has been put into modern English with this edition. This book will help you better understand the Gospel and its power not only for our Justification, but our Sanctification as well." -- Reader's Comment
Marshall, Walter, The Gospel-Mystery of Sanctification, ISBN: 1589600630 9781589600638.
"Here you will read the most closely reasoned defense of scriptural sanctification to be found anywhere. . . . Fourteen directions are given to the reader, all perfected with the aim of explaining to sincere souls what sanctification is, what it is not, and how to attain a holy walk before God. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Marshall, Walter, The Gospel-mystery of Sanctification, Opened, in Sundry Practical Directions: Suited Especially to the Case of Those who Labor Under the Guilt and Power of Indwelling Sin. To Which is Added a Sermon on Justification (1859)
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Sin and Temptation: The Challenge to Personal Godliness. ISBN: 1556618301 9781556618307. A Christian classic.
"The concept of sin and personal responsibility has all but disappeared from our world. John Owen deals with the nature of sinful humanity as no writer since has done as keenly or thoroughly, arguing that sin is always a self-deceiving, blinding folly. Owen was a leading English statesman in the late 17th century and is considered 'the John Calvin of England'." -- Publisher
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Kelly M. Kapic (editor), Justin Taylor (editor), Overcoming Sin and Temptation, ISBN: 1581346492 9781581346497.
"The writings of John Owen are a challenge to any reader, to say the least. His intricacy and complexity are intimidating and his language is downright befuddling at times. However, the depth of thought and the immense value of Owen's works cannot be quantified. His three classic works on sin and temptation are profoundly helpful to any believer who seeks to become more like Jesus Christ.
"In this volume, the editors have made updates to the language, translated the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew and footnoted difficult or unknown phrases, all without sacrificing any of the wonderful content of Owen's work. It is a uniquely accessible edition of John Owen's previously daunting work." -- Publisher
"The editors of this volume have worked hard to make Owen's unrivalled insight into the Christian's inner war with sin accessible to all, and the result is truly a godsend." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020), Professor of Theology, Regent College
"John Owen understood how the gospel makes us well. Three cheers for Kapic and Taylor for introducing a new generation to Owen's peerless works." -- Sinclair B. Ferguson, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C.
The Works of John Owen at
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Gary S. Greig, Kevin Springer, et al., The Kingdom and the Power: Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?: A Biblical Look at how to Bring the Gospel to the World With Power, ISBN: 0830716343 9780830716340.
*Preston, John (1587-1628), Preston's Works.
Contents: The golden scepter, with the churches marriage, and the churches carriage; in three treatises. 1639. -- Remaines of . . . John Preston . . . Containing three excellent treatises: Iudas's repentance, The saints spirituall strength, Pauls conversion. 2d ed. 1637. -- A heavenly treatise of the divine love of Christ . . . in five sermons. 1640. -- The fulness of Christ for us. 1640. -- The lavv ovt lavved. 1633. -- The deformed forme of a formall profession 1634.
*Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635), The Christians end. Or, The sweet sovereignty of Christ, over his members in life and death. VVherein is contained the whole scope of the godly mans life, with divers rules, motives and incouragements, to live and die to Jesus Christ. Being the substance of five sermons preached to the honorable society of Grayes Inne, by that learned and faithfull minister of Gods Word, Richard Sibbes, D.D. and sometimes preacher to that honorable societie, 1639. Available (THE WORKS OF RICHARD SIBBES), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Jesus Christ Himself. (Ephesians 2:20) A sermon by C.H. Spurgeon delivered on Lord's-day morning, December 9, 1877, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon no. 1388.
"Beyond all argument or miracle, Jesus Christ Himself is the proof of His own Gospel. And as He is the proof of it, so, Beloved, He is the marrow and essence of it. When the Apostle Paul meant that the Gospel was preached, He said, Christ is preached, for the Gospel is Christ Himself! If you want to know what Jesus taught, know Him! He is the incarnation of that Truth of God which by Him and in Him is revealed to the sons of men. Did He not, Himself say, I am the way, the truth, and the life?
"You have not to take down innumerable books, nor to pore over mysterious sentences of double meaning in order to know what our great Teacher has revealed. You have but to turn and gaze upon His countenance, behold His actions and note His spirit and you know His teaching. He lived what He taught. If we wish to know Him, we may hear His gentle voice saying, Come and see. Study His wounds and you understand His innermost philosophy. To know Him and the power of His Resurrection is the highest degree of spiritual learning. He is the end of the Law and the soul of the Gospel -- and when we have preached His Word to the fullest, we may close by saying, Now, of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum -- we have an High Priest who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens." -- C.H. Spurgeon
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Jesus Only, a sermon. Delivered on Lord's Day morning, April 3, 1870, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon no. 924.
Sermon text: And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. (Matthew 17:8)
"We, on the other hand say, blessing the name of the Lord that we can say it, that there abides with us our Lord Jesus. At this day He is with us, and will be with us even to the end of the world! Christ's existence is not a fact confined to antiquity or to remote distance. By His Spirit He is actually in His Church. We have seen Him, though not with eyes. We have heard Him, though not with ears. We have grasped Him, though not with hands. And we feed upon His flesh, which is meat, indeed, and His blood, which is drink, indeed. We have with us at this very day Jesus our Friend, to Whom we make known our secrets, and who bears all our sorrows.
"We have Jesus our interpreting Instructor, who still reveals His secrets to us, and leads us into the mind and name of God. We have Jesus still with us to supply us with strength, and in His power we are still mighty. We confess His reigning Sovereignty in the Church, and we receive His all-sufficient succor. The Church is not decapitated, her Head abides in vital union with her -- Jesus is no myth to us -- whatever He may be to others. He is no departed shade, He is no heroic personification -- in very deed there is a Christ, and though others see Him not, and even we with these eyes see Him not, yet in Him believing we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
"Oh, I trust it will never be so with us, that as we go about our life work our religion shall melt into fiction and become nothing but mere sentiment, nothing but thought, and dream, and vision. But may our religion be a matter of FACT, a walking with the living and abiding Savior. Though Moses may be gone, and Elijah may be gone, yet Jesus Christ abides with us and in us, and we in Him, and so shall it be forever more." -- C.H. Spurgeon, p. 641
*Stalker, James, Christ our Example. Alternate title: THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST (IMAGO CHRISTI), ISBN: 0879832312 9780879832315.
"First published in 1908 under the title IMAGO CHRISTI, this work provides a thought-provoking treatise on the teaching of Christ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Tinsley, Ernest John, The Imitation of God in Christ: An Essay in the Biblical Basis of Christian Spirituality.
Tripp, Paul, Christ our Model (part 1) (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette AC891 [audio file].
Tripp, Paul, Christ our Model (part 2) (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette AC892 [audio file].
*Whyte, Alexander (1836-1921), The Walk, Conversation and Character of Jesus Christ Our Lord, ISBN: 0801095689. A Christian classic.
"A classic. First published in 1905." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: The person and work of jesus christ the Lord (christology), Immanuel, christ's presence, christ in you, The love and justice of god, oneness, Reconciliation of relationships, Loving and obeying god, Discipleship, Christ our example, Affliction, adversity, trials, suffering, chastisement, The priesthood of all believers, The believer's position in christ and sonship, Adoption into god's family, god's family, Happiness, holiness, Eternal life, immortality, Heaven, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Believer's position in christ and sonship, The priesthood of all believers, Predestination, election, efficatious grace, The promises of god, Discipleship, Fruit of the holy spirit, Gifts of the holy spirit, The cross of christ, Trusting god, Manhood, Loving and obeying god, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Marriage, Christian biography, Christianity and the workplace, Servant leadership, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 382, 742, 1175, 1270, 2617, 2723-2725, 4130
TETB: Christ . . .
Eyes Right, a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
Preaching on the text Proverbs 4:25, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 1888, Sermon 2058. On principles of discipleship.
The Interceding Christ
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:23-27, 26 min.
The Lord Jesus Christ
Nave's Topical Bible -- Christ our Example
The Teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ
What Would Jesus do?
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:44)Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 15:10)
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15)
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8) -- The Lord Jesus Christ
Martin Luther's life verse.All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:37)
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:20,21)
Jesus prays for those we evangelize.How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Romans 10:14,15)Stir up thy strength, and come and save us. Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. (Psalm 80:2b,3)
God be merciful unto us, and bless us: and cause his face to shine upon us: That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. (Psalm 67:1,2)
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. (Psalm 2:8)
Give me Scotland or I die! -- John Knox
See the Theological Notes: "The Holy Spirit," at John 14:26 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Mankind's Guilty Knowledge of God," at Romans 1:29 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Repentance," at Acts 26:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Illumination and Conviction," at 1 Corinthians 2:10 in The Reformation Study Bible.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10,11)See the Theological Notes: "Regeneration: The New Birth," at John 3:3 in The Reformation Study Bible.
The new birth is very much more than simply shedding a few tears due to a temporary remorse over sin. It is far more than changing our course of life, the leaving off of bad habits and the substituting of good ones. It is something different from the mere cherishing and practicing of noble ideals. It goes infinitely deeper than coming forward to take some popular evangelist by the hand, signing a pledge-card, or "joining a church." The new birth is no mere turning over a new leaf, but is the inception and reception of a new life. It is no mere reformation but a complete transformation. In short, the new birth is a miracle, the result of the supernatural operation of God. It is radical, revolutionary, lasting." -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Sovereignty of God
See the Theological Notes: "Salvation," at Acts 4:12 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Kingdom of God," at Luke 17:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Purpose of God: Predestination and Foreknowledge," at Malachi 1:2 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Definite Redemption," at John 10:15 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Effectual Calling and Conversion," at 2 Thessalonians 2:14 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Adoption," at Galatians 4:5 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Teaching of Jesus," at Matthew 7:28 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Authentication of Scripture," at 2 Corinthians 4:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)See the Theological Notes: "Gifts and Ministries," at Ephesians 4:7 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Christians in the World," at Colossians 2:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Mission of the Church in the World," at John 20:21 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Angels," at Zechariah 1:9 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
It is a faithful saying:For if we be dead with him,(2 Timothy 2:8-13, 19)
we shall also live with him:
If we suffer,
we shall also reign with him:
if we deny him,
he also will deny us:
If we believe not,
yet he abideth faithful:
he cannot deny himself.
Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, and my work with my God.
And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength. And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. (Isaiah 49:4-9). See the annotation in
The Reformation Study Bible.
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. (Isaiah 55:6-13). See the annotation in
The Reformation Study Bible.
Thou movest us to delight in praising Thee, for Thou has formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in Thee. -- Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. (Acts 3:19,20)
Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. (Philippians 2:16)
Now then my friends, I preach the gospel to sinners, not because I believe the sinner has any power at all in himself to respond to it: I do not believe that any sinner has any capacity in himself whatever. But Christ said, the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life, and by God's grace I go forth preaching this Word because it is a word of power, a word of spirit, a word of life. The power is not in the sinner, it is the Word when God the Holy Spirit is pleased to use it. -- Arthur Pink, Gospel Preaching Commanded
And, of course, my father [Franklin Graham] is continuing to share the Gospel around the United States through targeted television spots, telling people near and far of a Savior who loves them and died for their sins. The impact of this simple message on the airwaves is astounding! Already in 2021 [as of February 23, 2021], our prayer line has received more than 72,000 calls, and hundreds have prayed with a trained volunteer to begin a relationship with Jesus. In the midst of a worldwide disaster, the hopeless are finding hope and the distressed are finding peace!
If you (or someone you know) need prayer, please call us at 888-388-2683. We would love to uplift and encourage you." -- Will Graham, BGEA letter, February 23, 2021
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4,5)
To the one [we are] the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who [is] sufficient for these things?
For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. (2 Corinthians Chapter 2:16-17)
He who is the father of a host of spiritual children is unquestionably happy. He can answer all opponents by pointing to souls who have been saved by his means. Converts are emphatically the heritage of the Lord, and the reward of the preacher's soul travail. By these, under the power of the Holy Ghost, the city of the church is both built up and watched, and the Lord has the glory of it. -- C.H. Spurgeon commenting on verse 5 of Psalm 127 [Psalm 127:5], in The Treasury of David
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in [yourselves], neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:12,13)
For this is the very glory of grace -- that man hates to be saved, that he is at enmity to him, yet God will have him redeemed -- that God's covenant is, "you shall," and man's intention is, "I will not," and God's "shall" conquers man's "I will not." Almighty grace rides victoriously over the neck of free will, and leads it captive in glorious captivity to the all -- conquering power of irresistible grace and love. -- Charles Spurgeon
The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.
They are corrupt,
they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good. (Psalm 14:1)
See the Theological Notes: "Mankind's Guilty Knowledge of God" at Romans 1:29 and the note at Psalm 14:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.
For this people's heart is waxed gross, and [their] ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with [their] eyes, and hear with [their] ears, and should understand with [their] heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:15)
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:3)
Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:65b)
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand. I and [my] Father are one. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:27-30)
I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:12b)
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:19-21)
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:26)
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Of sin, because they believe not on me;
Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you.
All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:8-15)
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:9)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:17,18)
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
But many [that are] first shall be last; and the last [shall be] first. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:28-30)
By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:35)
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14)
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:5,6)
The Gospel doesn't need help -- just proclaim it. God does the rest. -- Franklin Graham
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:3-5)
See the Theological Notes: "The Image of God," at Genesis 1:27 in The Reformation Study Bible.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)
Some Scripture Relating to Evangelism
John 8:12; Galatians 4:1; 1 John 4:4; 1 Corinthians 16:9; Galatians 6:9; Philippians 1:4-6; 2 Peter 3:9; John 9:4; Matthew 24:14; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; John 4:35; Ephesians 3:20; Ephesians 1:19; Ephesians 3:20; Romans 10:12-15; Psalm 46:1; Luke 13:1-5; Romans 3:23; Hebrews 4:15,16; Revelation 21:4; John 14:6; Acts 26:18; John 1:14; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:29; Luke 2:10; Matthew 1:21; 2 Timothy 1:10; John 1:14; 1 Corinthians 15:3,4; 1 John 4:9; John 1:18; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Timothy 1:15; Luke 12:15; Psalm 61:2; Matthew 1:25; Habakkuk 1:5; Joel 3:16; James 1:17; Revelation 21:4; Ezekiel 13:22; Luke 15:32; Acts 20:21; Luke 1:77; Romans 15:19; Colossians 1:13,14; and Ezekiel 34:4,6.
The souls of man bears the image of God; so nothing can satisfy it but He whose image it bears. Our soul, says Augustine, was created as by God, so for God, and is therefore never quiet till it rest in God. -- Thomas Gataker
They lose nothing who gain Christ. -- Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661)
A soul under assurance is unwilling to go to heaven without company. -- Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
Faith grows as you give it away. Share the Gospel and your faith will grow.
Of the Limits Which Must be put to the Necessity of Replying to an Adversary
If the feeble mind of man did not presume to resist the clear evidence of truth, but yielded its infirmity to wholesome doctrines, as to a health-giving medicine, until it obtained from God, by its faith and piety, the grace needed to heal it, they who have just ideas, and express them in suitable language, would need to use no long discourse to refute the errors of empty conjecture. But this mental infirmity is now more prevalent and hurtful than ever, to such an extent that even after the truth has been as fully demonstrated as man can prove it to man, they hold for the very truth their own unreasonable fancies, either on account of their great blindness, which prevents them from seeing what is plainly set before them, or on account of their opinionative obstinacy, which prevents them from acknowledging the force of what they do see. There therefore frequently arises a necessity of speaking more fully on those points which are already clear, that we may, as it were, present them not to the eye, but even to the touch, so that they may be felt even by those who close their eyes against them. And yet to what end shall we ever bring our discussions, or what bounds can be set to our discourse, if we proceed on the principle that we must always reply to those who reply to us? For those who are either unable to understand our arguments, or are so hardened by the habit of contradiction, that though they understand they cannot yield to them, reply to us, and, as it is written, 'speak hard things,' and are incorrigibly vain. Now, if we were to propose to confute their objections as often as they with brazen face chose to disregard our arguments, and so often as they could by any means contradict our statements, you see how endless, and fruitless, and painful a task we should be undertaking. . . ." -- Augustine,
City of God, Book II, Chapter 1
What should be the doctrinally correct biblical attitude of the Reformed community toward My Hope America with Billy Graham, which climaxed the first week of November 2013? It was the largest evangelistic outreach in the history of our country. It was reported that over 25,000 local churches participated. "The Cross" was viewed by approximately 2.5 million over the Fox News network alone. As of December 18 BGEA reports having received over 100,000 written records of professions of faith as a result of My Hope America, 2013. The actual number of individuals affected is unknown, and undoubtably was much larger.
Yet many individuals and local churches "sat on their hands" throughout the year long event. This, of course, hinders evangelism and the cause of Christ.
So I have raises this same question before, because there seems to be something to be learned from my "enigmatic" experience with BGEA for the last 35 years. Much of the criticism of BGEA seems to be contradicted by my experience, by the facts, and by the model of evangelism given by the Apostle Paul.
Billy Graham has drawn criticism from all directions during his entire ministry. I myself have been seriously conflicted by this criticism. Some Reformed critics of BGEA can be most dogmatic and stubborn. And I am still conflicted by the criticism.
It appears that part of this criticism and conflict has to do with the difference between the infinite nature of God and the limited mind of man. The conflict exposes our tendency to ambition, envy, and arrogance. And a blindness to this arrogance and dogmatism of the limited finite mind can sometimes be just as likely to appear among the gifted and capable.
Please be reminded that Billy Graham has preached the Gospel face-to-face with an estimated 215 million individuals around the world in the last 70 years. A study of his life makes it apparent that he has, in many ways, modeled his ministry after the example of Paul. His name is synonymous with the Gospel around the world. And remember that the Protestant faith is in the minority worldwide, and that many Protestant denominations are liberal, and do not preach the Gospel.
Consequently, some of what Billy Graham has said and done, as one thrust into the position of a "political leader" for Christianity, he has said and done for the sake of the Gospel. It seems very probable to me, and others have stated, that some of the things he has said and done, which have drawn criticism, have been a result of his striving to follow Paul's example,
"I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you." (1 Corinthians 9:22b,23)
The Reformed attitude toward BGEA is a huge issue, and much has been left unsaid, and can not be settled here. But I can testify to the fact that EVERY TIME I have participated as a volunteer with a BGEA event there has been substantial spiritual warfare. This poses the question, if the presentation of the Gospel by Billy Graham and BGEA is ineffective, then why would the Principalities and Powers rear their ugly heads in opposition EVERY TIME I have participated in an event?
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?" -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 11:17b,18a)
I take the position of Paul, "Is Christ divided?" (1 Corinthians 1:13)
Some reader may still be conflicted, and may feel that they can not cooperate with BGEA. Well, at least they can pray for upcoming events. And they can pray for the untold number of individuals who have been influenced by BGEA over the last 70 years. This seems to be the charitable thing to do.
Notice that My Hope America climaxed the first week of November, 2013. The strongest storm ever recorded, Typhoon Haiyan (, struck the Philippines on November 8, 2013, the day after Billy Graham's 95th birthday.
"Natural disasters are a megaphone from God and they teach us various lessons. First of all, natural disasters show us the uncertainty of life. Thousands of people wake up in the morning not knowing what is going to happen that day, such as the terrible devastation in Haiti [or Typhoon Haiyan, November 8, 2013 -- compiler], and elsewhere. There was a couple that left California because they were afraid of earthquakes. Then when they came to Missouri, they were killed in a tornado. We can't get away from the reality that life is very, very short and it's possible for us to delude ourselves. . . .
"When we look at the news and see these disasters, its like a preview of the natural disasters that will someday come upon the earth. When you look at the second coming of Christ, you find many different natural disasters connected with it." -- Irwin Lutzer in an interview October 31, 2012
The Comforting Compassion of Christ for His Children, J.C. Ryle
Christ is all. (Colossians 3:11)
A saved soul has many sorrows. He has a body like other men, -- weak and frail. He has a heart like other men, -- and often a more sensitive one too. He has trials and losses to bear like others, -- and often more. He has his share of bereavements, deaths, disappointments, crosses. He has the world to oppose, -- a place in life to fill blamelessly, -- unconverted relatives to bear with patiently, -- persecutions to endure, -- and a death to die.
And who is sufficient for these things? What shall enable a believer to bear all this? Nothing but the consolation in Christ. (Philippians 2:1)
Jesus is indeed the brother born for adversity. He is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother, and He alone can comfort His people. He can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, for He suffered Himself. (Hebrews 4:15) He knows what sorrow is, for He was a man of sorrows. He knows what an aching body is, for His body was racked with pain. He cried, All my bones are out of joint. (Psalm 22:14) He knows what poverty and weariness are, for He was often wearied and had not where to lay His head. He knows what family unkindness is, for even His brethren did not believe Him. He had no honour in His own house.
And Jesus knows exactly how to comfort His afflicted people. He knows how to pour in oil and wine into the wounds of the spirit, -- how to fill up gaps in empty hearts, -- how to speak a word in season to the weary, -- how to heal the broken heart, -- how to make all our bed in sickness, -- how to draw nigh when we are faint, and say, Fear not: I am thy salvation. (Lamentations 3:57)
We talk of sympathy being pleasant. There is no sympathy like that of Christ. In all our afflictions He is afflicted. He knows our sorrows. In all our pain He is pained, and like the good Physician, He will not measure out to us one drop of sorrow too much. David once said, In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19) Many a believer, I am sure, could say as much. If the Lord himself had not stood by me, the deep waters would have gone over my soul. (Psalm 124:5)
How a believer gets through all his troubles appears wonderful. How he is carried through the fire and water he passes through seems past comprehension. But the true account of it is just this, -- that Christ is not only justification and sanctification, but consolation also.
Oh, you who want unfailing comfort, I commend you to Christ! In Him alone there is no failure. Rich men are disappointed in their treasures. Learned men are disappointed in their books. Husbands are disappointed in their wives. Wives are disappointed in their husbands. Parents are disappointed in their children. Statesmen are disappointed when, after many a struggle, they attain place and power. They find out, to their cost, that it is more pain than pleasure, -- that it is disappointment, annoyance, incessant trouble, worry, vanity, and vexation of spirit. But no man was ever disappointed in Christ. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) in a tract, Christ is All
The Christian may, and ought to, look forward with certain assurance to meeting again with those beloved relatives and friends who departed hence in Christ. Their spirits are not dead, not even sleeping as some erroneously assert, but have returned to God who gave them (Eccl. 12:7 [Ecclesiastes 12:7]), and are now in a state that is far better (Phil. 1:23 [Philippians 1:23]), which could not be were they deprived of all conscious communion with their Beloved. Being absent from the body they are present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8 [2 Corinthians 5:8]), and in His presence is fulness of joy (Ps. 16:11 [Psalm 16:11]). As to their bodies they await that great Day when they shall be fashioned like unto Christ's glorious body. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Life of Elijah
World's Top 10 Languages
Rank | Language | Number of Worldwide Speakers
10. French, 129 million
9. Malay-Indonesian, 159 million
8. Portuguese, 191 million
7. Bengali, 211 million
6. Arabic, 246 million
5. Russian, 277 million
4. Spanish, 392 million
3. Hindustani, 497 million
2. English, 508 million
1. Mandarin Chinese, 1 billion plus
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Evangelism," and so forth, and so on.
Barker, F., Jr., Evangelism Through Small Groups (part 1 and 2) (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette LEFB1 and LEFB2 [audio file].
Barrett, David, and Todd Johnson, Our Globe and How to Reach it: Seeing the World Evangelized by AD 2000 and Beyond, ISBN: 0936625929 9780936625928.
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), The Causes and Danger of Slighting Christ and His Gospel: or Eternal Salvation Made Light of by Multitudes, . . . Written by . . . Richard Baxter. Abridged by Benjamin Fawcett, M.A. The third edition Shrewsbury, 1776.
Berry, Jo, Beloved Unbeliever: Loving Your Husband Into the Faith, ISBN: 0310426219 9780310426219.
"This book offers new hope for the thousands of Christian wives married to unbelieving husbands. It gives guidance on communicating with your husband, determining spiritual priorities, and showing Christian behavior at home without alienating your husband. Suited for individual and group study." -- Publisher
"This ten-session book on 'loving a husband into the faith' can be used one-on-one or in a small group study." -- Publisher
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Living in Christ: Studies on Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, Obeying Christ, Sharing Christ.
A special study guide to the Gospel of John. It is given to new believers who want to know more about the Christian life, and how to walk daily with Christ.
*Blanchard, John, Invitation to Live, ISBN: 0852342853.
"Based on Baxter's A CALL TO THE UNCONVERTED, it has the same serious, earnest, and urgent message calling for spiritual examination." -- GCB
*Blanchard, John, Right With God: A Straightforward Book to Help Those Searching for a Personal Faith in God, ISBN: 0851510450.
"This popular book is in its 9th printing and has recently been revised by the author. This book is for people who want to give sensible and honest thought to the whole question of their relationship to God. It is a plain, straightforward book showing how a person honestly seeking for God can find him." -- GCB
*Blanchard, John, Ultimate Questions, ISBN: 0852342373.
A 30-page booklet. Deals with the ultimate questions about God. "One of the finest evangelistic tools available anywhere!" -- GCB
*Bolton, Robert (1572-1631), Thomas Vincent, and Thomas Watson, The Puritans on Conversion, ISBN: 1877611115 9781877611117.
"This book is a compilation of three Puritan sermons on differing aspects of conversion. First is Bolton's SIN: THE GREATEST EVIL; second, Vincent's THE CONVERSION OF A SINNER; third, Watson's THE ONE THING NECESSARY. Foreword by A.N. Martin." -- Publisher
"If there is to be any hope that a true doctrine of conversion will once again be sounded forth in the power and passion of the Holy Spirit it is most likely that the authors of these sermons and these pages will be our most helpful guides." -- Albert N. Martin
"The title succinctly describes the sermons comprising this powerful little volume. Here is the heart of the Puritan understanding of the doctrine of conversion. The messages are Biblical, logical, and practical in true Puritan fashion. . . . It will enlighten, inspire and encourage you. This is a Biblical feast on an essential subject . . ." -- Robert H. Duvall
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), Words to Winners of Souls, ISBN: 0875521649 9780875521640. A Christian classic.
"WORDS TO WINNERS OF SOULS, by Horatius Bonar, is addressed primarily to ministers of the Gospel. It is wondrously effective in its message to those called to preach the precious words of the Scriptures. However, the usefulness of the book is not confined to ministers, but has a message for all witnesses of Christ. The same spirit, sincerity, and fervency is needful for all witnesses, whatever their calling in life. There can be but one goal to winners of souls, to lead the lost sinners around them to that 'resting place where doubt and weariness, the stings of a pricking conscience, and the longings of an unsatisfied soul' may be satisfied, in Christ Jesus. In Him alone will all these be changed into holy joy, peace, and everlasting happiness." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), The Art of Manfishing, ISBN: 1857921062 9781857921069. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matt. 4:19 [Matthew 4:19]). The first thing is to follow the Chief Fisher of Men, Christ. He gives the promise that if they follow Him, they will indeed become fishers of men. But how does Christ make men fishers of men? (1) By His call; (2) By giving them success. For His word comes to them in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance. (1 Thess. 1:5 [1 Thessalonians 1:5]). It is not by might, nor by craft, but by the power of the Spirit that fishers of men succeed. You need not despair of fishing amongst the worst of men, for none can resist the Spirit when He engages Himself." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), The Pleasure of Real Religion. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available in THE WORKS OF THOMAS BOSTON on Reformation Bookshelf CD #5.
*Brakel, Wilhelmus à (1635-1711), The Christian's Reasonable Service: in Which Divine Truths Concerning the Covenant of Grace are Expounded, defended against opposing parties, and their practice advocated, as well as the administration of this Covenant in the Old and New Testaments, vol. 1 and 2. A Christian classic.
Brakel "blends doctrine, experience, and practice with great skill and power. There is here a vast amount of nourishment for both mind and heart." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
"The four volume set so beautifully published by Soli Deo Gloria is a Calvinistic set of theology that is warm, practical and extremely Biblical. A' Brakel was often dubbed the 'Dutch Calvin.' Dr. Joel Beeke considers this set to be his favorite Dutch theological work. If you are looking for a systematic theology shot through with pastoral warmth, look no further." -- Reader's Comment
The Pastoral and Practical Theology of Wilhelmus à Brakel: A Brief Evaluation of THE CHRISTIAN'S REASONABLE SERVICE, Bartel Elshout, B.A.
Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680), Covenant of Grace. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF THOMAS BROOKS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, or, Good news for the vilest of men being a help for despairing souls, shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners. A Christian classic.
Available (THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
Brown, John (of Haddington, 1722-1787), The Gospel Ministry: An Address to Ministers and Students of Theology, 1864. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #7.
*Carey, William, An Enquiry Into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathen. A Christian classic.
A 400,000 word exposition of what the Scriptures have to say about the New Birth.
"There are literally hundreds of excellent observations and expositions in this volume. Each of them will bring forth hallelujahs from all who love God." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
A Discourse of the Efficient of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock, Part 1
A Discourse of the Efficient of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock, Part 2
A Discourse of the Nature of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock
A Discourse of the Word, the Instrument of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock
The Necessity of Regeneration by Stephen Charnock
Drummond, Lewis A., The Evangelist: The Worldwide Impact of Billy Graham, ISBN: 0849916208 9780849916205.
"He is one of the best-known people in the world -- and one of the most respected. Year after Year, polls rank him among the top ten most admired men. He has advised presidents, dined with heads of state, and made global headlines." -- Publisher
Lewis Drummond is the Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth at Beeson Divinity School.
Elliott, Delbert H., Covenanter Evangelism, 1920.
*Fuller, David O., A Treasury of Evangelical Writings: Valiant for the Truth.
*Green, Edward M.B., Evangelism in the Early Church, ISBN: 0340107073 9780340107072.
*Hatcher, Carolyn, Let the Authors Speak: A Guide to Worthy Books Based on Historical Setting, ISBN: 0964068125 9780964068124.
"This book is an unparalleled resource for classical, historical, and contemporary literature, as well as for classical and contemporary autobiographical, biographical, and historical works. Invaluable for those designing a history/literature curriculum or unit studies. Over 1200 books are briefly annotated and listed 1), chronologically by setting, reading/interest level, and type of work (i.e., biography, novel, myth/legend), 2) by author, and 3) by title. Newbery winners and books reviewed in BOOKS CHILDREN LOVE and HONEY FOR A CHILD'S HEART are highlighted. The author endorses Charlotte Mason's philosophy of reading 'whole books' and encourages the integration of such books into our children's curricula. Recommended by Cathy Duffy, Karen Andreola, Mary Pride, and others." -- GCB
"This book arranges both historical fiction and classics according to the era in which they are set, according to reading ability level, and according to author. It's a fast way to find something really good to supplement any history course -- or to just find something good to read." -- Reader's Comment
Hoekstra, Harvey T., The World Council of Churches and the Demise of Evangelism, ISBN: 0842385258 9780842385251.
Jacks, Bob, Betty Jacks, and Ron Wormser, Fill Your House With Newborns, ISBN: 8900730282 9788900730289. Alternate title: YOUR HOME A LIGHTHOUSE: HOW TO HOST AN EVANGELISTIC BIBLE STUDY.
"In this three-part video seminar Bob Jacks tells why they've done it (hosted evangelistic Bible studies in their home for 22 years), how they've done it, and what they've learned. His sage advice and enthusiasm will motivate and equip your group to open your homes for evangelistic home Bible studies -- the one place where your unchurched friends and neighbors will feel comfortable and 'at home' enough to hear the Good News." -- Publisher
This video package includes a book, viewer's guide, and three video cassettes. Also issued under the title "Our Home a Lighthouse (Video)."
Contents: Part 1. Why evangelistic home Bible studies work so well. -- Part 2. How to plan and prepare for your evangelistic home Bible study. -- Part 3. How to host and lead an evangelistic home Bible study.
Jacks, Bob, Betty Jacks, and Ron Wormser, Your Home a Lighthouse, ISBN: 0891091270 9780891091271.
"A practical guide on how you can impact your community by hosting a weekly evangelistic Bible study." -- Publisher
*Larsen, David L., The Evangelism Mandate: Recovering the Centrality of Gospel Preaching. ISBN: 0891076786 9780891076780. A Christian classic.
"As people search for answers, not knowing where to look, David Larsen proposes a strategy for all-out evangelism, citing five classic sermons by Spurgeon, Lloyd-Jones, Stewart, Truett, and Graham. A challenge to preachers to recapture their commitment to Gospel preaching today." -- GCB
Lee, Francis Nigel, Effective Evangelism.
Lee, Samuel (of Wadham College Oxford, 1627-1691), What Means may be Used Towards the Conversion of our Carnal Relations, 1661. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available in THE MORNING-EXERCISE AT CRIPPLE-GATE: OR, SEVERAL CASES OF CONSCIENCE PRACTICALLY RESOLVED, BY SUNDRY MINISTERS, SEPTEMBER 1661.
*Lumen Productions, Catholicism: Crisis of Faith, ISBN: 0830823220 9780830823222.
*Martin, Hugh (1822-1885), The Connexion Between the Headship of Christ and Revival in the Church: With Present Relative Duties.
Mason, Archibald (d. 1831), Observations, Doctrinal and Practical, on Saving Faith.
Observations, Doctrinal and Practical, on Saving Faith
M'Crie, Thomas (the elder, 1772-1835), Grief for the Sins of men: A Sermon. Available (THE SERMONS OF THOMAS M'CRIE) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), A Faith Worth Sharing: A Lifetime of Conversations About Christ, ISBN: 0875523919 9780875523910.
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Powerful Evangelism for the Powerless, ISBN: 0875523838 9780875523835. A revised edition of EVANGELISM AND YOUR CHURCH, 1980.
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Prayer and Evangelism (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Reformed Evangelism (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Reformed Evangelism Revisited
*Murray, Iain Hamish, Evangelicalism Divided: A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950 to 2000, ISBN: 9780851517834, 0851517838.
Murray, John (1898-1975), Covenant of Grace: A Biblico-Theological Study, ISBN: 0875523633 9780875523637.
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, ISBN: 0851103138 9780851103136.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), The Holy Spirit in Evangelical Life.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Your Father Loves you: Daily Insights for Knowing God, ISBN: 0877889759 9780877889755.
*Peace, Richard, Small Group Evangelism: A Training Program for Reaching out With the Gospel, ISBN: 0877843295 9780877843290.
*Reimer, Kathie, 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to God, ISBN: 0842347577 9780842347570.
Reisinger, Ernest, What Should we Think of Evangelism and Calvinism? The Founder's Journal, Issue 19/20, Winter/Spring 1995.
*Richardson, Donald, Eternity in Their Hearts, ISBN: 0830707395 9780830707393.
*Richardson, Donald, Lords of the Earth: An Incredible but True Story From the Stone-age Hell of Papua's Jungle, ISBN: 9780830746637 0830746633.
*Richardson, Donald, Peace Child, ISBN: 0830704159 9780830704156.
Roberts, Richard O., Whitefield in Print: A Bibliographic Record, ISBN: 0940033283 9780940033283.
*Schoolland, Marian M., Leading Little Ones to God: A Child's Book of Bible Teachings, revised 2nd edition, ISBN: 0802851207 9780802851208.
*Southard, Samuel, Pastoral Evangelism, revised edition (Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press, 1981).
*Sprague, William B., Lectures to Young People, ISBN: 0873779479. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Soul-winner: How to Lead Sinners to the Saviour, ISBN: 0802880819. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. A Christian classic.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Jay P. Green, Sr. (editor, 1918-2008), Soul-Winning Classics.
Thomas, Norman E., International Mission Bibliography, 1960-2000, ISBN: 081084785X 9780810847859.
*Tripp, Theodore A., and David Powlison (introduction), Shepherding a Child's Heart, ISBN: 0966378601 9780966378603.
Welch, Ed, Using the Gospel in Your Home (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Well, David F., God the Evangelist: How the Holy Spirit Works to Bring Men and Women to Faith, ISBN: 0802802710 9780802802712 0853644551 9780853644552.
See also: The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, Soteriology and atonement, The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, Reconciliation of relationships, Sharing christ with your children, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Peer counseling, Small group evangelism, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, Other works on the Gospel, The covenant of redemption, Husband not a believer (women), Predestination, election, efficatious grace, Blasphemy, Hard-case witnessing, Follow-up, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, False gospels, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, and so forth, and so on.
Grief for the Sins of men: A Sermon.
"This is not a book about clever techniques, or methodologies; it is a book of snapshots from one life given to impact others. If you too are someone who has been changed by the power of the gospel, then you need to pray for the opportunities to pass it on to others. This book will encourage you to do just that." -- Stephen Smallman
"C. John Miller taught practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, was Director of World Harvest Mission, and led mission trips to several countries. He was founding pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church, outside Philadelphia, from which grew several other congregations in the Philadelphia area. His other books include POWERFUL EVANGELISM FOR THE POWERLESS, and OUTGROWING THE INGROWN CHURCH." -- Publisher
"This Reformed pastor and seminary professor conveys an urgent message: We must be bold, use God's methods, be attentive to God's Word, and prayer. Practical insights to a powerful witness." -- GCB
Audio cassette LECM1 [audio file].
Audio cassette LECM1 [audio file].
"Why has Christian unity proved to be such a divisive topic? In the 1950s two movements -- evangelicalism and ecumenism -- offered differing paths to unity in the church. But as the decades have passed the influence of ecumenism has exposed a fault line in evangelicalism. Questions of critical importance have been brought to the surface: Is the gospel broader than evangelicals have historically insisted? Can there be unity with non-evangelicals in evangelism and church leadership? Does the gospel have priority over denominational loyalty? These gained high profile in the crusades led by Dr. Billy Graham on both sides of the Atlantic, and in the subsequent interaction among evangelicals in North America and Europe. At first a new policy of 'cooperation without compromise' promised an 'evangelical renaissance.' Those who feared an inevitable devaluation of the gospel were viewed as destined for the kind of isolation to which fundamentalism had been consigned earlier in the century. EVANGELICALISM DIVIDED traces the fascinating saga of the personalities, institutions and publications involved in this fifty-year period. Iain Murray's account is not simply a black and white narrative. But using the mass of sources now available he shows how the new policy involved concessions which seriously weakened biblical Christianity. The first and greatest need, he argues, is to answer the most fundamental and divisive question of all: What is a Christian?" -- Publisher
"Noted scholar and writer J.I. Packer (1926-2020) shows that a right understanding of God's sovereignty is a powerful incentive for evangelism." -- Publisher
"A popular, conservative presentation of the relationship between these two areas of theology. Emphasis is placed upon the effect of Christian witness." -- Cyril J. Barber
Audio cassette JPR02 [audio file].
"Peace says that we don't need to choose between mass or personal evangelism. He says that for our day the best way is that of small group evangelism. In this book he combines theory and practice. He also provides guidelines, plans, training and discussion of the ins and out of group dynamics." -- GCB
"Creative ideas to help children develop godly attitudes and healthy ways of thinking." -- Publisher
"Twenty-four exciting stories of how God has prepared people for the Word of the Gospel long before it came to them. Truly God is sovereign and accomplishes His purposes in His own good time. Now available only in paperback." -- GCB
The sequel to PEACE CHILD.
"The only thing that will bring peace between two warring tribes is for one tribal chief to give his son to the other chief." A wonderful real day archetype of God's redemptive act toward mankind.
George Whitefield, Wikipedia
Contains material useful in counseling.
"This great evangelistic tool provides parents a faithful means of presenting Gospel truth to their young people." -- Lloyd T. Sprinkle
"Excellent for encouraging counselors to win souls and also has the practical 'how to' of winning souls." -- Robert B. Somerville
"This classic book by England's master preacher provides valuable insights on the meaning and methods of evangelism for everyone from seasoned preachers of the Word to laypeople who feel the call of the Great Commission upon their lives." -- Publisher
The Soul-winner: or How to Lead Sinners to the Saviour (1895)
"Includes ALARM TO THE UNCONVERTED by Alleine; A CALL TO THE UNCONVERTED by Baxter; SOUL-WINNER by Spurgeon; BONDAGE OF THE WILL by Luther; REPENTANCE by Boston; ART OF MANFISHING by Boston; and WORDS TO WINNERS OF SOULS by Bonar, etc. All of these are powerful calls to the unconverted to flee to Christ!" -- GCB
See the Theological Notes: "The Freedom and Bondage of the Will," at Jeremiah 17:9 in The Reformation Study Bible.
The Bondage of the Will, A Sermon on Christian Love, Two Sermons Upon the Fifth Chapter of Luke [Luke 5], God so Loved the World: Two Sermons on John 3:16-21.
"Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. SHEPHERDING A CHILD'S HEART gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing." -- Publisher
"This is a masterful book." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Solid, trustworthy, biblical help for parents." -- John MacArthur.
Audio cassette HFTF07 [audio file].
"This book grew out of the Consultation on the Work of the Holy Spirit and Evangelization that took place in Norway in 1985. This study places the preaching and believing of the Gospel in the wider context of the Holy Spirit's work in creation, history, and the church." -- GCB
TCRB5: 414, 421, 836, 1077, 1356, 1364, 1367, 1442, 1754, 2888, 3116-3132, 3425, 3908
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The Top 10 Countries for 2020 ( 1. United States, 2. Canada, 3. Syria, 4. Sudan, 5. Azerbaijan, 6. Libya, 7. Lebanon, 8. Tanzania, 9. Bolivia, and 10. Kyrgyzstan." -- Internet Evangelism Update letter, February, 2021
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The Shepherd Knows His Sheep by Name, John Hendryx
"Monergism: The view that the Holy Spirit is the only agent who effects regeneration of Christians. It is in contrast with synergism, the view that there is a cooperation between the divine and the human in the regeneration process." -- Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms
Various Quotes on the Free Offer, Larry Birger. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
See the Theological Notes: "Original Sin and Total Depravity," at Psalm 51:5 in The Reformation Study Bible.And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. . . . The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. (Genesis 6:5,11)
See the Theological Notes: "The Fall" at Genesis 3:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (Genesis 3:3-7)
Matthew Henry commenting on Genesis 3:6-13
John Gill commenting on Genesis 3:7 heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:9,10)
Because the wicked have ever some excuse to defend their doings, he showeth that their own lewd imaginations deceive them, and bring them to these inconveniences: but God will examine their deeds by the malice of their hearts, 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 7:10; Jeremiah 11:20 and Jeremiah 20:12; Revelation 2:13. -- 1599 Geneva Bible NotesWake up, see your own wretchedness, and fly to the Lord Jesus. He is the righteousness of God, for He Himself is God. Only by believing in His righteousness will you be delivered from condemnation. -- John Bunyan (1628-1688), The Pilgrim's Progress: From This World to That Which Is to Come
We are also a prodigal nation. See the entire commentary of John Calvin on Psalm 78, and see particularly his comments on Psalm 78:10,36,40,55,70,72.
When we say that man is totally depraved, we mean that the entrance of sin into the human constitution has affected every part and faculty of man's being. Total depravity means that man is, in spirit and soul and body, the slave of sin and the captive of the Devil -- walking according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2). . . . This is proof positive that he is no free man, but instead, the slave of sin and Satan. Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts (desires) of your father ye will do. (John 8:44). -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Impotency of The Human Will
The contrariety there is between man and God appears in an unwillingness that His Law should be observed by any. Not satisfied with being a rebel himself, he would have God left without any loyal subjects in the world, and therefore does he employ both temptations and threats to induce his fellows to follow his evil example -- now painting the pleasures of sin in glowing colors, then sneering at and boycotting those who have any scruples.
Ordinarily the workers of iniquity consider such as walk with God to be freaks and fools, and take delight in railing at them (1 Peter 4:4). Yet it is not because the righteous have wronged them in any way, but that the wicked hate them because they refuse to have fellowship with them in defying God. What proof is this of their awful enmity. Not only are they themselves angry at God's laws, but they cannot bear to see anyone else respecting them. Thus the apostle, after enumerating some of the vilest abominations, brought this indictment against the Gentiles, that they not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them (Romans 1:32) -- delighting in accomplishing the downfall of their fellows. -- Arthur Pink, The Doctrine of Human DepravityMan without Christ cannot repent: Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance. (Acts 5:31)
Christ gave it as a "prince," and therefore to none but His subjects, those who are in His kingdom, in whom He rules. Nothing can draw men to repentance but the regenerating power of Christ, which He exercises at God's right hand; for the acts of repentance are hatred of sin, sorrow for it, determination to forsake it, and earnest and constant endeavour after its death.
But sin is so transcendently dear and delightful to a man out of Christ that nothing but an infinite power can draw him to these acts mentioned. Sin is more precious to an unregenerate soul than anything else in heaven or earth. It is dearer to him than liberty, for he gives himself up to it entirely, and becomes its servant and slave. It is dearer to him than health, strength, time, or riches, for he spends all these upon sin. It is dearer to him than his own soul.
Shall a man lose his sins or his soul? Ninety-nine out of a hundred vote for the latter, and lose their souls on that account.
Sin is a man's self. Just as "I" is the central letter of "sin," so sin is the center, the moving-power, the very life of self. Therefore did Christ say, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself. (Matthew 16:24) Men are lovers of their own selves, (2 Timothy 3:2), which is the same as saying that their hearts are wedded to sin. Man drinketh iniquity like water; (Job 15:16) he cannot exist without it, he is ever thirsting for it, he must have his fill of it. Now since man so dotes on sin, what is going to turn his delight into sorrow, his love for it into loathing of it? Nothing but almighty power.
Here, then, we may mark the folly of those who cherish the delusion that they can repent whenever they get ready to do so. But evangelical repentance is not at the beck and call of the creature. It is the gift of God: If God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. (2 Timothy 2:25) Then what insanity is it that persuades multitudes to defer the effort to repent till their death-beds? Do they imagine that when they are so weak that they can no longer turn their bodies they will have strength to turn their souls from sin? Far sooner could they turn themselves back to perfect physical health.
What praise, then, is due to God if He has wrought a saving repentance in us. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Practical ChristianityIt is not until the believer receives the new nature that he discovers the real character of the old. It is not until we are born again we learn what a horrible and vile thing the flesh (old nature) is. And the discovery is a painful one: to many it is quite unsettling. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Gleanings in Genesis
Cain and Abel stand as the representatives of two great classes of people. They typify respectively the lost and the saved; the self-righteous and the broken spirited; the formal professor and the genuine believer; those who rely upon their own works and those who rest upon the finished work of Christ; those who insist upon salvation by human merits, and those who are willing to be saved by Divine grace; those who are rejected and cursed by God and those who are accepted and blessed. Cain denied his ruined and fallen condition and refused to accept the remedy God provided; while Abel acknowledged his sinnership, believed the Divine testimony, put his faith in a sacrificial substitute, and was righteous before God. (Genesis 4:3-7) -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Gleanings in Genesis
The doctrine of total depravity is a very humbling one. It is not that man leans to one side and needs propping up, nor that he is merely ignorant and requires instructing, nor that he is run down and calls for a tonic; but rather that he is undone, lost, spiritually dead. Consequently, he is "without strength," thoroughly incapable of bettering himself; he is exposed to the wrath of God, and unable to perform a single work which can find acceptance with Him. Almost every page of the Bible bears witness to this truth. Until we really behold the horror of the pit in which by nature we lie, we can never properly appreciate Christ's so-great salvation. -- Arthur Pink, Our Accountability to God, alternate title: Gleanings from the Scriptures
Notice that human nature is such that, when one tries to help another, then often the other person turns against him.
This is not unlike the Gospel, the means of Grace. In many cases the Gospel can not be given away.
We are all utterly unworthy of the Grace of God -- God sent his son to save us, and we crucified him.
Notice that this is the same inconceivable phenomenon that is taking place between the Trump team and the Democratic Party, RHINOS, the Deep State, the Mainline News Media, and so forth and so on.I feel that we all need more and more of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, to guide, to teach and to keep us sound in the faith. There are certain great truths, which, in a day like this [1874!], we are especially bound to keep in mind. I believe there are times and seasons in the Church of Christ when we are bound to tighten our hold upon certain great leading truths, to grasp them with more than ordinary firmness in our hands, to press them to our hearts and not let them go. -- J.C. Ryle, "Great Doctrines to Always Keep in Mind"
From the beginning of time the greatest errors have sprung from the idolatrous idea that man could be as God [Genesis 3:6] . . . and that all subsequent error in and out of the church is simply different levels of this same error, from outright heresy to simple inconsistencies within Christianity. -- John Hendryx
But [this cometh to pass], that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:25)
He gave up his Son to die for sinners, and we crucified him -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007)
See the Theological Notes: "Salvation," at Acts 4:12 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Regeneration: The New Birth," at John 3:3 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Freedom and Bondage of the Will," at Jeremiah 17:9 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Death and the Intermediate State," at Philippians 1:23 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Christians in the World," at Colossians 2:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.
Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jeremiah 5:25-31). See the annotation in 1599 GENEVA BIBLE.
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. (Acts 3:19,20)
See the Theological Notes: "God Reigns: Divine Sovereignty," at Daniel 4:34 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Election and Reprobation," at Romans 9:18 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Final Judgment," at Matthew 25:41 in The Reformation Study Bible.
So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12) people have always been in a marked minority. Help, O Lord, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from the earth! (Psalm 12:1), cried David. Note how those two characteristics are conjoined, for piety and faithfulness are inseparable. Compare good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23). So, too, Solomon exclaimed, A faithful man -- who can find? (Proverbs 20:6). Why is this? Because it is the part of fallen human nature to take the line of least resistance and choose the path easiest to the flesh. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Faithfulness
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Romans 1:18-25)He walked the face of the earth to teach us how to live right, and we crucified him.
Christ loved us without a cause and, we hated him without a cause. The most inscrutable truths of Scripture. -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007)
Very often offense is taken where none is given. An outstanding example of this is Christ Himself. He is unto the believer a cornerstone, elect and precious, but to the unbelieving and disobedient a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense (1 Peter 2:8). -- Arthur Pink, Exposition of John's First Epistle
How ironic that Cain, the very first man born of a woman, murdered his brother, while so many modern men believe that humans are "basically good." The biblical account of Cain slaying his brother Abel, is a most telling example of the utter depravity of fallen man.
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. (She probably hoped that this was the Messiah. Alas! how often are parents' hopes deceived. It was not "a man -- the Lord" who had come to Eve's bosom, but a man of sin, a child of the wicked one.) And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. (Her second child she called "Vanity," and yet he was precious in the sight of the Lord. What mistakes we make about our children.) And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. (Can had no faith, and he had no eye to the blood of atonement: Abel had both. These should be main points in all our religious duties.) And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. (Wroth not with himself as he ought to have been, but with his brother and with God.)
And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. (It is sin which blocks the way.) And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? (We shall either be our brother's keeper or our brother's murderer. If we do not labour to save others, we shall be guilty of their blood.)
And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. (He makes no confession of his sin, but only murmurs at his punishment. We know many whose minds are in a similar state. They cavil at hell, but they persevere in sin.) Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
This ancient record of the first murder is used by John as a picture of the action of the unregenerate in all time. Love marks the children of God, and hate is the sure ensign of the heirs of wrath. Thus writes the beloved apostle. (Genesis 4:1-15) -- C.H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 10In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. (1 John 3:10-15)
O for grace to purge our hearts of all anger, envy, malice, and bitterness of every kind, that like Jesus we may be full of love and gentleness.
Lord, from anger purge my heart,
Bid all enmity depart: New-created from above,
Let my very life be love.
Quench in me each evil fire,
Envious thought or fierce desire.
Flame from heaven upon me fall!
Love of God be all in all. -- C.H. Spurgeon in Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 10. Poem not credited.Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. (Isaiah 6:5)
"He speaketh this for two causes: the one because he that was a mortal creature, and therefore had more need to glorify God than the Angels, did it not: and the other because the more near that man approacheth to God, the more doth he know his own sin and corruption." -- 1599 Geneva Bible NotesFor from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. (Mark 7:21,22)See the description of the sins of Jerusalem by the prophet Ezekiel in chapter 22 [Ezekiel 22]. The description fits American society in 2008. Indeed scripture teaches that man is radically depraved.
I more fear what is within me than what comes from without. -- Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Let us never forget that our chief danger is from WITHIN. The world and the devil combined, cannot do as much harm as our OWN hearts can, if we do not watch and pray. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Here Paul calleth the whole world, which hath been, is, and shall be, the present world, to put a difference between this and the everlasting world to come. Moreover he calleth it evil, because whatsoever is in this world, is subject to the malice of the devil reigning over the whole world. For this cause the world is the devil's kingdom. For there is in it nothing but ignorance, contempt, blasphemy, hatred of God, and disobedience against all the words and works of God. In and under this kingdom of the world are we.
Again, you see that no man is able to put away sin, by his own works, or his own power, because this present world is evil, and is set upon mischief.
As many then as are in the world are the bond-slaves of the devil, constrained to serve him and to do at his pleasure.
What availeth it then to set up so many orders of religion, for the abolishing of sin: to devise so many and painful works, as to wear shirts of hair, to beat the body with whips till the blood flowed, to go on pilgrimage, and such like? Be it so that thou doest all these things, yet notwithstanding this is true, that thou art in this present evil world, and not in the Kingdom of Christ. And if thou be not in the Kingdom of Christ, it is certain thou belongest to the kingdom of Satan, which is this evil world. Therefore all the gifts, either of the body, or of the mind, which thou enjoyest, as wisdom, righteousness, holiness, eloquence, power, beauty, and riches, are but the slavish instruments of the devil, and with all these thou art compelled to serve him, and to advance his kingdom.
First with thy wisdom thou darkenest the wisdom and the knowledge of Christ, and by thy wicked doctrine, leadest men out of the way, that they cannot come to the grace and knowledge of Christ. Thou settest out and praiseth thin own righteousness and holiness: but the righteousness of Christ, by which only we are justified, and quickened, thou doest hate and condemn. To be brief, by thy power thou destroyest the Kingdom of Christ, and abusest the same to root out the gospel, to persecute and kill the ministers of Christ, and so many as hear them.
Therefore Paul doth rightly call it the present evil world: for when it is at the best, then is it worst. In the religious, wise, and learned men, the world is at the best, and yet, in very deed in them it is double evil. I overpass those gross vices which are against the second table, as disobedience to parents, to magistrates, adulteries, whoredoms, covetousness, thefts, murders, and maliciousness, wherein the world is altogether drowned, which notwithstanding are light faults if we compare them with the wisdom and righteousness of the wicked, whereby they fight against the first table. This white devil, which forceth men to commit spiritual sins that they may sell them for righteousness, is far more dangerous than the black devil which only enforceth them to commit fleshly sins, which the world acknowledgeth to be sins.
By these words then, That He might deliver us from this present world, Paul showeth what is the argument of this epistle; to wit that we have need of grace and of Christ, and that no creature, neither man nor angel, can deliver man out of the present evil world. For these works are only belonging to the Divine Majesty, and are not in the power of any either angel or man. That Christ hath put away sin and hath delivered us from the tyranny and kingdom of the devil; that is to say, from this wicked world, which is an obedient servant, and a willing follower of the devil his god. The world is full of the ignorance of God, of hatred, lying, blasphemy, and of contempt of God. Moreover of gross sins, as murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, and such-like, because he knoweth his father the devil, who is a murderer and a liar. And the more wise, righteous, and holy that men are without Christ, so much the more hurt they do the gospel. So we also, that were religious men, were doubly wicked in the papacy, before God did lighten us with the knowledge of His gospel.
Let these words then of Paul remain, true and effectual, as indeed they are, namely, that this present world is evil. Let it nothing at all move thee, that in a great number of men, there be many excellent virtues, and there is so great a show of holiness in hypocrites. But mark thou rather what Paul saith: out of whose words thou mayest boldly and freely pronounce this sentence against the world, that with all its wisdom, power, and righteousness, it is the kingdom of the devil: out of which God alone is able to deliver us by His only-begotten Son.
Therefore let us praise God the Father, and give Him hearty thanks for this His immeasurable mercy, that hath delivered us out of the kingdom of the devil (in which we were holden captives), by His own Son, when it is impossible to be done by our own strength. And let us acknowledge together with Paul that all our works and righteousness, are but loss and dross.
Also let us cast under our feet and utterly abhor all the power of free will, all pharisaical wisdom and righteousness, all religious orders, all masses, ceremonies, vows, fastings, and such like (Phil. iii. 8 [Philippians 3:8]), as a most filthy rotten rag, or as dung, and as the most dangerous poison of the devil. Contrariwise, let us extol and magnify the glory of Christ, who hath delivered us by His death, not from this world only, but from this present evil world.
Paul then, by this word, evil, showeth that the Kingdom of the world, or the devil's kingdom, is the kingdom of iniquity, ignorance, error, sin, death, blasphemy, desperation, and everlasting damnation.
On the other side, the Kingdom of Christ, is the kingdom of equity, light, grace, remission of sins, peace, consolation, saving health, and everlasting life, into the which we are translated by our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory, world without end. Amen. -- Martin Luther from Luther's Commentary on Galatians, That He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Galatians 1:4 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1979, 1553).Anthropologists tell us that one-third of all human beings who have lived on this planet have died at the hands of their brothers -- that fully one-third of the human race have died through war, violence, crime, and sudden death at the hands of another human being. -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), and List of Wars and Anthropogenic Disasters by Death Toll, Wikipedia
Abortion was the 20th century's biggest single killer of mankind worldwide, far surpassing any other cause: disease, war, governments, natural disasters, and so forth. See: "Biggest Killers of the 20th Century." Notice that abortion is not included in this diagram. The absence of information says something about the depravity of mankind (Jeremiah 17:9,10), and about the suppression and repression of truth. (Hosea 4:6,7)
The number of abortions performed worldwide in the last 50 years is estimated to be 1 to 2 billion. But try to document this fact elsewhere online.
The total abortions worldwide for the 20th century may be interpolation from available data. The calculation does not factor in incremental increases in world population since 1900. Worldwide there are an estimated 43.8 million abortions annually (2008 figures, Guttmacher Institute) X 100 years = 4.38 billion killings worldwide in the 20th century. This is compared to 1.97 billion estimated deaths worldwide for non-communicable diseases the reported biggest killer worldwide of the 20th century. Comparison may also be made with figures for genocide.
Number of Abortions -- Abortion Counters
"The most accurate set of abortion counters on the web. Number of abortions in U.S. and worldwide; Number of abortions since 1973; Number of abortions this year; U.S. abortion clock; Worldwide abortion clock; Number of abortions due to rape or incest; Planned Parenthood abortion count." ignorance [of Scripture] is unspeakably aggravated by the multitudes who are guilty of it, its grossness, though the means of knowledge are abundant, many being ignorant even of the letter of the scriptures, of their own sin and misery, of the way of recovery through Jesus Christ, and also of their duty to their fellow-men. -- Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Meeting, Causes of Fasting (1898)
The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality, but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact. (Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21b; Ecclesiastes 9:3b; Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3:3-5) -- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990). See John Calvin's Commentary on Isaiah Chapter 33 [Isaiah 33:1-66].
Nothing can more clearly demonstrate the fallen state of man and the entire corruption of his nature, than the perpetual and irreconcilable warfare which corruption maintains in the hearts of all believers against the divine nature of which they are made partakers. -- Robert Haldane (1764-1842)
Such is the perversity of fallen man, that whatever God do testify of his displeasure, by word or judgments, against grossest sins, yet they are continued in and followed, yea, and committed in times when God calls them to solemn exercises of his worship; for albeit adultery be expressly prohibited as a gross iniquity, and albeit that and the like uncleanness had oft times drawn down very remarkable judgments, as on Sodom and the tribe of Benjamin, yet there is a woman taken in adultery, and that in the time of their solemn feast. -- George Hutcheson (1626-1678), Gospel of John
The ungodly, as if they must necessarily fall, should the world continue to stand, would wish all mankind thrown down or destroyed, and, therefore, they exert themselves to the utmost to bring down and ruin all men. -- John Calvin, commenting on Psalm 17:11
Those that undertake great and public services must not think it strange if they be discountenanced and opposed by those from whom they had reason to expect support and assistance; but must humbly go on with their work, in the face not only of their enemies' threats, but of their friends' slights and suspicions. -- Matthew Henry (1662-1714)
In more than 40 years of ministry, it has been my experience that most of the time a believer's greatest persecution comes from others who identify themselves as believers. -- Ralph Drollinger in Nine Characteristics of Tares -- The Believer's Enemy
The four "Servant Songs" of Isaiah are Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-7; Isaiah 50:4-11; and Isaiah 52:13 -- Isaiah 53:12. See the annotations in The Reformation Study Bible.
The Christ is the only One truly called. . . . The flesh has always struggled against Him, as we see when we survey the history of God's people. The struggle was especially acute at Golgotha. -- S.G. De Graaf in Promise and Deliverance
Our Triune God has ordained that the preeminent leader of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, the God Man, Our Righteousness. (John 1:1-18; Matthew 19:30; Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 49:7; Colossians 1:16-19; Colossians 2:9,10; Hebrews 12:1,2; Revelation 5:1-14; Revelation 19:11-15; Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 22:12, and so forth, and so on). Human leadership is also divinely ordained and tends to devolve to those who are most perfectly at one with Christ, and to those who also know the most Truth (the Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Puritan leaders, The Scots Worthies, and so forth, and so on).
And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:28). See: (Matthew 19:28, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then his master said unto him, It is well done good servant and faithful, Thou hast been faithful in little, I will make thee ruler over much: enter into thy master's joy. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:21) (Matthew 25:21 1599 Geneva Bible)
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:34). See: (Matthew 25:34, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he said unto him, Well, good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little thing, take thou authority over ten cities. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 19:17) (Luke 19:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Therefore I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 22:29) (Luke 22:29, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17). See: (Romans 8:17, 1599 Geneva Bible)
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Corinthians 6:3). See: (1 Corinthians 6:3, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6). See: (Ephesians 2:6, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and corrections among the people:
To bind their kings in chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,
That they may execute upon them the judgment that is written: this honor shall be to all his Saints. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 149:7-9) (Psalm 149:7-9, 1599 Geneva Bible)
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:12), (1 Timothy 2:12, 1599 Geneva Bible)
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:26). See: (Revelation 2:26, 1599 Geneva Bible)
To serve God is to reign. -- Seneca (4 BC -- 65 AD)But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. (1 John 2:5)
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. (1 John 4:7)
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. (1 John 5:3)
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:4)
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:6,7)The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.
They are corrupt,
they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good. (Psalm 14:1)
See the Theological Notes: "Mankind's Guilty Knowledge of God" at Romans 1:29 and the note at Psalm 14:1 in The Reformation Study Bible.The Treasury of David, Psalm 139, C.H. Spurgeon
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night, even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. (Psalm 139:11-12) Van Til makes the theologically valid point that "irrationality in the mind of man, that is, insanity, must be the result of a deflection of man from the source of absolute rationality," God, and consequently "all men have merited insanity because of their departure from God." [Or, not until man repents is he truly sane. -- compiler]. Eternal punishment is "the abyss of irrationalism," and what we call rational or normative experience is a gift of God's common grace. No man is worthy of it." -- Frederick Leahy
Our reading leads us to think upon that eminent saint of the antediluvian church, Enoch, the seventh from Adam.
And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Here it is worthy of notice that the sacred writer says once that Enoch "lived;" but he changes the word and writes Enoch "walked with God;" thus teaching us that communion with God was Enoch's life, and truly so it ought to be ours. He was not a mere talker about God, but a walker with God. This holy patriarch lived in unbroken intercourse with the Lord for three hundred years, not now and then visiting with God, but habitually walking with him. This is a point of great difficulty. To draw near to God is comparatively easy; but to remain in undivided fellowship, "this is the work, this is the labour." Yet the Holy Spirit can enable us to accomplish even this. Continued communion is what we should aim at, and we should not be content with anything short of it.
Some excuse themselves from seeking after unbroken fellowship with God because of their calling, their circumstances, and their numerous engagements. Enoch had the cares of a family upon him, and he was also a public preacher, and yet he kept up his walk with God: no business or household cares should make us forget our God. Society with God is the safety of saints, it is their solace and delight, it is their honour and crown. More to be desired is it than gold, yea, than much fine gold. Happy was Enoch to enjoy it so sweetly, and so continuously. The long intercourse of this good man with his God ended in his being borne away from earth without death to that place where faith is lost in sight. He did not live like others, and therefore he did not die like others.
Paul tells us a little more concerning this holy man, and we will gather up the fragments of his history which remains on record, that nothing may be lost. (Genesis 5:21-24) -- C.H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 11By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Faith was the spring from which his communion was derived. Works do not make us walk with God; but faith brings us into his presence, and keeps us there. It is very likely that Enoch's pious conversation did not please men, but that little mattered since it pleased God. (Hebrews 11:5,6) -- C.H. Spurgeon, Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 11From Jude we learn that Enoch had an eye to the coming of Christ. The pure in heart who see God are the seers of their age, and look far ahead of others. What Enoch saw he told forth for the warning of others, and it is our duty to do the same, that sinners may be lead to flee from the wrath to come.
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
How important is the doctrine of the advent of the Lord from heaven, since so early in the world's history one of the holiest of prophets proclaimed it. There must surely be some very powerful influence in this truth, since the greatest teachers of it mentioned in Scripture were also among the most eminent for close fellowship with heaven. Enoch walked with God, Daniel was a man greatly beloved, and John was that disciple whom Jesus loved. O Lord, if the expectation of the coming will make us walk with thee, be pleased to fill us with it. (Jude 1:14,15)
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear,
It is not night if thou be near,
Oh! may no earth-born cloud arise
To hide thee from thy servant's eyes.
Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without thee I cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without thee I dare not die. -- C.H. Spurgeon in Spurgeon's Devotional Bible, p. 11. Poem not credited.(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)
What is man? . . . Ask the prophet Isaiah . . . and he answers, man is "grass. . . ." Ask David, he answers, man is a "lie," not a liar only, or a deceiver, but a "lie" and a deceit. All the answers the Holy Ghost gives concerning man, are to humble man . . . The sinful nature of man is an enemy to the nature of God, and would pull God out of heaven; yet God even at that time is raising man to heaven; sin would lessen the great God, and yet God greatens sinful man. -- Joseph Caryl
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good. (Psalm 53:11)
Being a fool, he reflects his nature, saying, There is no God. Being a great fool, he meddles with a great subject and comes to wild conclusions. Morally, as well as mentally, the atheist is a fool. He is a fool in the heart as well as in the head, a fool in morals as well as in philosophy. With the denial of God as a starting point, we may conclude that the fool's progress is raid, riotous, raving, and ruinous. One beginning at impiety is ready for anything. No God properly interpreted means no law, no order, no restraint to lust, no limit to evil passion. Who but a fool would be of this mind? What would the world become if such lawless principles came to be universal? One who heartily entertains an irreligious spirit, and follows it out to its legitimate issues, is dangerous to the common welfare; he is not rational. By nature every man is more or less a denier of God. Practical atheism is the religion of humanity. It is idle to compliment them as sincere doubters and amiable thinkers; they are in fact rotten. There is too much dainty dealing nowadays with atheism. It is not a harmless error; it is an offensive, rotten sin. Righteous men should look on it in that light. All men being by nature atheistic, they are also in the same degree corrupt. Their heart is foul; their moral nature is decayed.
Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity -- bad principles soon lead to bad lives. One does not find virtue promoted by your Voltaires and Tom Paines. Those who talk so abominable as to deny their Maker will act abominable when it serves their turn. It is the denial and forgetfulness of God abounding among men which is the source of the unrighteousness and crime which we see around us. It all men are not outwardly vicious, it is to be accounted for by the power of other and better principles. Left to itself, the No God spirit would produce nothing but evil acts. -- C.H. Spurgeon commenting on Psalm 53:11 in Devotional Classics of C.H. Spurgeon, p. 270Revival breaks out when individuals in the church repent. We can change our own lives and start personal revival by repentance and weeping for our sin.
The cause of the hatred which the world entertains against those who are not of it, is deeply rooted in the universal principles of human nature, -- in the unchangeable relations and oppositions of things; and however it may seen to slumber, it never dies. "In proportion to the degeneracy of society at large, and to the faithfulness and holiness of Christians in the midst of that society, will the hatred of the world to Christianity be manifested, in all countries and ages." (Brown Patterson)
In what a striking light does the subject we have been considering place the depravity of human nature! Men, unchanged by divine influence, hate Christians, and hate them because they are Christians. God loves them, and loves them for the very reasons that men hate them. He has "set them apart for himself" -- they are His peculiar people -- He "looks to" them -- He "dwells with" them. Christ loves them, and blesses them with all heavenly and spiritual blessings. The Holy Ghost loves them, and takes up his permanent abode in them. Angels love them, and gladly act the part of ministering spirits to them as heirs of salvation. But men, unchanged men, do not love them -- they hate them. It has been said, "If virtue were to become incarnate, all mankind would fall down and worship her." The author of this admired statement neither knew human nature, nor virtue, well. Virtue did become incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ; and was he universally worshipped? "He was despised and rejected of men"; and instead of raising him to the throne, they nailed him to the cross. . . ." -- John Brown (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, III:352-353The Wicked Man
A man of worthlessness, a man of iniquity, Walking [with] perverseness of mouth,
Winking with his eyes, speaking with his feet, Directing with his fingers,
Frowardness [is] in his heart, devising evil at all times, Contentions he sendeth forth.
Therefore suddenly cometh his calamity, Instantly he is broken -- and no healing.
These six hath Jehovah hated, Yea, seven [are] abominations to His soul.
Eyes high -- tongues false -- And hands shedding innocent blood --
A heart devising thoughts of vanity -- Feet hasting to run to evil --
A false witness [who] doth breathe out lies -- And one sending forth contentions between brethren. (Proverbs 6:12-19, Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible)See the Theological Notes: "Election and Reprobation," at Romans 9:18 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Definite Redemption," at John 10:15 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Effectual Calling and Conversion," at 2 Thessalonians 2:14 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "Perseverance of the Saints," at Romans 8:30 in The Reformation Study Bible.
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)
The real value of an object is that which one who knows its worth will give for it. He who made the soul, knew its worth, and gave His life for it. -- Arthur Jackson
Son, whatever weakens your reasoning, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes away your relish for spiritual things; in short, if anything increases the authority and power of the flesh over the Spirit, then that to you becomes sin, however good it is in itself. -- Susanna Wesley's answer to her son, John Wesley, who asked her to define sin. -- cited in Sherwood Eliot Wirt (editor), and Kersten Beckstrom (editor), Topical Encyclopedia of Living Quotations
There is no greater sin than not to see your need of Christ . . . There is nothing more abhorrent to God than that men and women should think that anything about them is sufficient to commend them to God. There is no greater sin than to refuse the Son of God and His sacrificial atoning death. -- Martyn Lloyd-Jones in Romans -- Saving Faith
A. Crimes against God: religious offenses (punishable by the death penalty)
[Surprisingly covetousness and theft do not appear specifically in the following listings. Yet the 10th of the Decalogue summarizes the previous nine. -- compiler]1. IdolatryB. Crimes against man: civil offenses (also punishable by the death penalty)
2. Infant sacrifice
3. Witchcraft, divination and spiritualism
4. Blasphemy (taking the name of the Lord in vain)
5. False prophecy
6. Sabbath-breaking
7. Defiance of the authority of God's law1. Homicide [this would include abortion, infanticide, physician assisted suicide, some "iatrogenic" deaths, killing the elderly, genocide, and so forth -- compiler]The above quotes from G.L. Archer, "Crimes and Punishments," in The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, volume 1, pp. 1030-1036
2. Assault and battery against one's own parents
3. Sodomy or homosexuality
4. Adultery
5. Fornication by the daughter of a priest
6. Rape out-of-doors
7. Incest (see the article for degrees of relatedness)
8. Cursing of one's mother or father
9. Consistent disobedience and willfulness of a young man toward his parents
10. Kidnapping for the purpose of selling into slavery
11. Malicious prosecution and perjury in a charge of murder
The Root Cause of Criminal Acts of Extreme Depravity
Despising God is the root cause of criminal acts of extreme human depravity.When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened . . . (Romans 1:21-23)See John Calvin commenting on Psalm 10:3 and context.Contempt for God manifests as scorn for the life of others. Scorning others is just the beginning of a spectrum that leads to murder (1 John 3:15).
Murder has been a part of human nature since the fall. Cain slew his brother Abel because Cain's sacrifice to God was not as acceptable as Abel's sacrifice (Genesis 4:1-15; 1 John 3:10-15).
The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality, but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact. (Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21b; Ecclesiastes 9:3b; Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3:3-5) -- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990). See John Calvin's Commentary on Isaiah Chapter 33 [Isaiah 33:1-66].
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. (1 John 3:15)Notice that giving attention to diabolical extremes of human depravity, offensive as it is, can bring the Gospel into sharper focus. Utter darkness can be a negative guide to The Light. Wickedness often showcases the truths of Scripture with brilliant clarity. "Diamonds are best showcased on black velvet."
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. (Proverbs 8:35,36)Criminal acts of extreme depravity can be attributed to both the individual, and to the corporate body.The ungodly, as if they must necessarily fall, should the world continue to stand, would wish all mankind thrown down or destroyed, and, therefore, they exert themselves to the utmost to bring down and ruin all men. -- John Calvin, commenting on Psalm 17:11
Notice that often child abuse and drug use or powerful psychosomatic ["relating to, involving, or resulting from the interactions between mind, emotions and body"], medication are factors in mass shootings, especially when the shooter is an adolescent or young adult.
Godless persons are typically afflicted with pride displayed in the lust for power, wealth, and sex.
"Cruelty is indeed always proud, yea, rather, pride is the mother of all wrongs; for if a man did not through pride magnify himself above his neighbors, and through an overweening conceit of himself despise them, even common humanity would teach us with what humility and justice we ought to conduct ourselves towards each other (v. 2). -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 10:2Wicked parents are the most notable servants of the devil in all the world and the bloodiest enemies to their children's souls. More souls are damned by ungodly parents, and next [to them] ungodly ministers and magistrates, than by any instruments in the world besides. -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691) in Baxter's Practical Works, vol. 1, A Christian Directory, Part II, Christian Economics: or, The Family Directory . . , Chapter X, "The Duties of Parents for Their Children," the Soli Deo Gloria Publications reprint, 1990, of the 19th century reprint by George Virtue, London, p. 451Individuals who commit horrific crimes frequently have been subjected to extremes of abuse -- emotional abuse (especially child abuse), spiritual abuse, physical, sexual, educational, and economic abuse, and so forth, and so on. The criminal may appear outwardly to be emotionally well-adjusted as an adult, but inwardly they bear emotional scars that are as hard to shake off as chronic disease. These scars breed anger, misanthropy, misandry, and sociopathic behavior.
Corporately, a liberal church might trip on the doctrines of The Absolute Sovereignty of God and The Doctrine of Man (Human Nature, Total Depravity).
Secular governments, responsible to administer justice, reject Christianity. However, the highest ethical standard known to mankind is historic, orthodox, reformed Christianity. It follows that secular governments, by separating themselves from Christianity, substitute man's law for God's law, and consequently are unable to suppress criminal depravity, and thereby incur the wrath of God.
"Diversity and inclusion," IS toleration (polytheism), and toleration has been the death knell of ALL societies, present and past, as history testifies.
It is a disease under which men in general labor, to imagine, according to the judgment of the flesh, that when God does not execute his judgments, he is sitting idle, or lying at ease. There is, however, a great difference with respect to this between the faithful and the wicked. The latter cherish the false opinion which is dictated by the weakness of the flesh, and in order to soothe and flatter themselves in their vices, they indulge in slumbering, and render their conscience stupid, until at length, through their wicked obstinacy, they harden themselves into a gross contempt of God (v. 12). -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 10:12
They acquire praise from their presumptuousness, and glory in their wickedness; and this foolish confidence, or bold assurance, is the cause of their throwing off all restraint and breaking forth into every kind of excess. David rather teaches, that the cause of their careless indulgence in the gratification of their lusts, is their base contempt of God (v.3). David simply means, that the ungodly, without examination, permit themselves to do any thing, or do not distinguish between what is lawful and unlawful, because their own lust is their law, yea, rather, as if superior to all laws, they fancy that it is lawful for them to do whatever they please. . . . The prophet, therefore, very properly says, that the reason why the ungodly, without any regard or consideration, presume to do whatever they desire, is because, being lifted up with pride, they leave to God nothing whatever of the prerogative of a judge (v. 4). -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 10:3,4 and context
Whence is it that the wicked become so audaciously insolent, or have so great power to work mischief, if it is not because God is still, and gives them loose reins? But, as soon as he shows some token of his judgment, he immediately puts a stop to their proud tumults, and breaks their strength and power with his nod alone. We are taught, by this manner of praying, that however insolently and proudly our enemies may boast of what they will do, yet they are in the hand of God, and can do no more than what he permits them; and farther, that God can doubtless, whenever he pleases, render all their endeavors vain and ineffectual. -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 9:19
The reader is invited to consider some well-known examples of horrific crimes, extreme human depravity. Again, despising God is the root problem. The individual who despises God becomes a wrongdoer, abusing their fellow man, and finally commits horrific crimes.
- Max Kurschner, "Joey the Hit Man," Joey Black
Those who may have been taught the Smaller Catechism of the Westminster Confession of Faith will know the answer to question number one, "The purpose of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever." But the purpose of the unregenerate, like the purpose of their father, The Liar and The Deceiver, is to increase personal power and glory, and that by taking it from God, placing themselves in competition with God.
This is brought into startling contrast in the case of Joey (Max Kurshner), the hit man, said to have killed 38.
In the mid-70s the compiler happened to view a TV interview with Joey the Hit Man. It was held in an empty studio with a panel of professionals. Joey wore a ski cap so he could not be recognized. Near the end of the interview "Joey" was asked why he had killed 38 men, and why he had continued to kill. Without hesitation, he answered, it is because taking another man's life gave me a sense of great personal glory. However, notice there is glory, and then there is vainglory. The former belongs to God alone. Vainglory blurs the lines between right and wrong. A sense of great personal "glory" can be a sign of awful wrongdoing.
Modern society's errs is equating feelings with truth, "If it feels good, then do it." However, feelings can not be trusted as a guide to Truth. Truth is absolute and unchanging, feelings vary from day to day, and from person to person.
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the ends thereof are death. (Proverbs 14:12)The cause of vainglory is contempt for God. See John Calvin commenting on Psalm 10:3 and context.The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)
There is glory in righteousness, and there is glory in iniquity. The lesson learned is that some individuals mistakenly associate glory with God alone. But a sense of personal glory, "vainglory," can arise from iniquity instead, and can lead into the jaws of Hell.
- Richard Kuklinski, "The Ice Man"
Richard Kuklinski was a hired killer that murdered over 200 without remorse. "During his incarceration Kuklinski granted interviews to prosecutors, psychiatrists, criminologists, writers, and television producers about his criminal career, upbringing, and personal life. Interviews in 1991 and 2001, by Dr. Park Dietz and by author Anthony Bruno, were followed by two documentaries, The Iceman Interviews: Conversations With a Killer, and The Iceman: Confessions of a Mafia Hit Man. (Part 1, 1992, Iceman Tapes: Conversations With a Killer, and Part 2, 2001, Iceman Confesses: Secrets of a Mafia Hitman.
Philip Carlo also wrote a book in 2006, entitled THE ICE MAN: CONFESSIONS OF A MAFIA CONTRACT KILLER.
Anthony Bruno wrote THE ICEMAN: THE TRUE STORY OF A COLD-BLOODED KILLER, the latest biography of Kuklinski.
Kuklinski blamed childhood abuse for his crimes. "When asked why he had become one of the most diabolical mass murderers in history, he cast blame on his father's abuse, and admitted the one thing he was sorry for was not killing him."
"Dr. Park Dietz, a world-renowned psychiatrist and consultant to the FBI, interviews this remorseless killer, providing important insights into the psychological factors that can lead to such an aberrant pathology. Complementing the one-on-one sessions, police photographs and film footage document Kuklinski's troubled background and numerous victims. . . .
"Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz has served as an expert witness for the prosecution in the murder trials of John Hinkley, Joel Rifkin, Jeffrey Dahmer, and others. In each case he presented evidence against the defense of insanity, saying that these men knew that they were committing terrible crimes."
- Jeffrey Dahmer
Dahmer was a homosexual who "committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of 17 men and boys from 1978 to 1991." Two years after imprisonment he was killed by another inmate. He recalled his early years of family life as being of "extreme tension" which he noted between his parents, whom he observed to be constantly arguing with each other.""To get a look at what makes a killer's mind tick . . . explore the world of Dr. Park Dietz, a forensic psychiatrist, who comes to controversial conclusions concerning killers." He presented evidence against the defense of insanity, saying that these men knew that they were committing terrible crimes. Hear him "talk about his most famous cases, including Andrea Yates, John Hinckley, Jeffrey Dahmer, and more."
- Ted Bundy
"The majority of evidence pointed . . . toward antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Bundy displayed many personality traits typically found in ASPD patients (who are often identified as 'sociopaths' or 'psychopaths'), such as outward charm and charisma with little true personality or genuine insight beneath the façade; the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but with minimal effect on behavior; and an absence of guilt or remorse. . . . There was also evidence of narcissism, poor judgment, and manipulative behavior. 'Sociopaths' . . . 'are egotistical manipulators who think they can con anybody.' Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has been proposed as an alternative diagnosis in at least one subsequent retrospective analysis."
- Other Examples of Extreme Depravity
Are we to believe that the media is unable to present rational explanations and solutions to mass shootings? Reporting the bizarre mass shooting by an US Army psychiatrist, a Muslim, on April 2, 2014, the second incident of mass shooting at the Fort Hood Army base, the mainstream news media stated that mass shooting are the acts of a single deranged gunman, and could not be caused by any underlying systemic weakness in society.
However, mass shootings are now a regular occurrence. About the same time a medical student, working on a Ph.D. under a scholarship, on track for a career in healthcare, suddenly dropped out of school and went on a shooting rampage at an Aurora theater one night. Media reported that we will never know the motive of the killer.
Here are just a few suggested resources explaining the causes of mass shootings.There are many more examples of irrationality in modern society caused by "the decline of the Western mind from the Renaissance to the present," the denial of God in the public arena, and the resulting failed epistemology and false presuppositions of secular leadership. See: FROM RATIONALISM TO IRRATIONALITY: THE DECLINE OF THE WESTERN MIND FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE PRESENT, and the supplemental lecture series, Apologetics.
- "We have forgotten God."
"All things must be referred to the Glory of God" is the final sentence of author Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354-430 AD), in CITY OF GOD
John Calvin's Prefatory Address to His Most Christian Majesty, The Most Mighty and Illustrious Monarch, Francis, King of the French, His Sovereign in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION is considered to be one of the greatest prefaces ever written. It is a defense of Christianity to the King Francis.
Prefatory Address
(Beveridge translation, instead of preferred Battles translation) than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people [a peasant he heard as a boy -- compiler] offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened. . . . But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened. . . . And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: Men have forgotten God. -- Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), from Men Have Forgotten God, his speech upon receiving the Templeton Award, May 10, 1983
Truth is very beautiful; more so, as I consider, than justice -- today's pursuit -- which easily puts on a false face. In the nearly seven decades I have lived through, the world has overflowed with bloodshed and explosions whose dust has never had time to settle before others have erupted; all in purportedly just causes. The quest for justice continues, and the weapons and hatred pile up; but truth was an early casualty. The lies on behalf of which our wars have been fought and our peace treaties concludes! The lies of revolution and of counter-revolution! The lies of advertising, of news, of salesmanship, of politics! The lies of the priest in his pulpit, the professor at his podium, the journalist at his typewriter! The lie stuck like a fish-bone in the throat of the microphone, the hand-held lies of the prowling cameraman! Ignazio Silone told me once how, when he was a member of the old Comintern, some strategem was under discussion, and the delegate, a newcomer who had never attended before, made the extraordinary observation that if such and such statement were to be put out, it wouldn't be true. There was a moment of dazed silence, and then everyone began to laugh. They laughed and laughed until tears ran down their cheeks and the Kremlin walls seemed to shake. The same laughter echoes in every council chamber and cabinet room, wherever two or more are gathered together to exercise authority. It is truth that has died, not God. -- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990), Chronicles of Wasted Time, (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2006), 19-20.
Mortimer Adler, in GREAT BOOKS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION, concluded that more problems are caused by the denial of God than by anything else -- it changes the whole tenure of life.
- The absence of the Holy Spirit within society
John Owen (1616-1683), observes in his sermon, God's Presence With a People the Spring of Their Prosperity; With Their Special Interest in Abiding in Him, that it is the presence of God among a people that restrains evil, and, it might be added, terrorism. In other words, if it were not for the presence of the Holy Spirit in society, men would completely destroy each other. (Lamentations 3:22-26)
- Toleration of polytheism, political pluralism, and pseudo-christian movements
Gillespie, George (1613-1648), Forbidden Alliances: Idolaters, Infidels, Associations and Confederacies with Heretics, or Any Other Known Enemies of Truth and Godliness.
Brown, John (of Haddington, 1722-1787), The Absurdity and Perfidy of all Authoritative Toleration of Gross Heresy, Blasphemy, Idolatry, Popery, in Britain. In two letters to a friend in which the doctrine of the Westminster Confession of Faith [1646] relative to Toleration of a False Religion, and the power of the civil magistrate about sacred matters; and the nature, origin, ends and obligation of the National Covenant and Solemn League are candidly represented and defended, 1797.
The Absurdity and Perfidy of all Authoritative Toleration of Gross Heresy, Blasphemy, Idolatry, Popery, in Britain the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)It is by the mixture of counterfeit religion with true, not discerned and distinguished, that the devil has had his greatest advantage against the cause and kingdom of Christ. It is by this means, principally, that he has prevailed against all revivings of religion, since the first founding of the Christian church. . . . By this, Satan prevailed against the Reformation, began by Luther, Zwinglius, etc., to put a stop to its progress, and bring it into disgrace, ten times more than by all those bloody and cruel persecutions of the church of Rome. By this, principally, has he prevailed against revivals of religion in our nation. By this he prevailed against New England, to quench the love and spoil the joy of her espousals, about a hundred years ago. And I think, I have had opportunity enough to see plainly, that by this the devil has prevailed against the late great revival of religion in New England, so happy and promising in its beginning. -- Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), in the preface to A Treatise Concerning the Religious Affections
- Government's banning of Christianity from both public affairs and from public schools
"The fall of man brought about corruption in the heart of man, which manifested itself externally with violence and murder. God established civil government in the earth as the means of restraining evil doers and protecting law-abiding citizens (Genesis 9:6; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-14). It was given the use of the sword to enforce its authority to protect the life, liberty, and property of the people.
"Why Does Crime Flourish?
"If civil government does not fulfill its duty to restrain criminals in accordance with Biblical guidelines then crime will flourish. Ecclesiastes 8:11 says,Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11)"The prevalence of murder in America has increased in recent times, especially since the early 1960s. At that time God and His Word were publicly rejected and extirpated from government schools, although Christian ideas and morals had been under assault long before.
"Swift execution of God's justice is necessary to keep a culture of crime from growing in a nation." -- Providence Foundation
- Legalized abortion
At last estimate (2018) 61 million children have been aborted by mothers, doctors, and fathers in American since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 [annual rate continues at 1.2 million babies a year].
Abortion was the 20th Century's biggest killer of mankind worldwide, far surpassing disease, war, governments, natural disasters, genocide, and so forth, and so on (Jeremiah 17:9,10). "Around 43.8 million abortions [2008 figures] occur each year in the world, with a little under half done unsafely."
- Media influence
The media floods the public mind with violence on TV, on cable, in the theaters, and in computer games. Violent crime is rampant on the streets of America. "Warner Brothers stopped showing a trailer for the film Gangster Squad, which was shown prior to the Aurora screening at which the shooting occurred, because of a scene involving a mass shooting in a movie theater." A medical student was the murderer in the Aurora shooting.
- Failure to reform corporate healthcare
The media's failure to give rational answers to the "Why did it happen?" is somewhat analogous to the surgeon who makes a deliberate misdiagnosis in order to perform expensive surgery, just to prolong a lucrative medical career. Medical careers might disappear if patients were allowed time to heal naturally with proper rest, nutrition, and exercise, and with a change in life style, a healthy environment, and a sense of love and security.
The cover-up of errors and corruption in America's corporate healthcare system is shocking. It is reported widely that "health care screwups are one of the leading causes of death in America, killing as many as 750,000 people annually. That is the equivalent of more than three jumbo jets crashing every day of the year (or over 1,000 jets annually)."Psychiatric Meds: Prescription for Murder?
"The lethal link between psychiatric meds and violence -- including school shootings -- has been largely ignored by officials," Rebecca Terrell, March 8, 2013
"In other words, the drugs can trigger chemical imbalance where none existed in the first place, hence the emergence of adverse effects like mania and suicidal/homicidal (paranoid) ideation, especially when a psychotropic drug is first started or stopped. Other research shows a relation between these drugs and brain atrophy, an often irreparable decrease in the size and number of brain cells."
" 'In virtually every mass school shooting during the past 15 years, the shooter has been on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs,' observed Lawrence Hunter of the Social Security Institute. 'Yet, federal and state governments continue to ignore the connection between psychiatric drugs and murderous violence, preferring instead to exploit these tragedies in an oppressive and unconstitutional power grab to snatch guns away from innocent, law-abiding people who are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution the right to own and bear arms to deter government tyranny and to use firearms in self defense against any miscreant who would do them harm'."
- Economic instability
The National Debt doubled during the last administration (2019), the nation faces the possibility of bankruptcy. There is a continuing drop in the standard of living for Americans, and prolonged economic depression (2014). The future has looked bleak for a long time to many unemployed Americans (2014). People are aware that the government is lying to them about the failure of economic recovery policy, about inflation, about unemployment, and so forth, and so on (2014).
The principle causes of the French Revolution were fiscal crisis, "the state's effective bankruptcy due to the enormous cost of previous wars," and the resulting poverty and hunger among the "destitute segments of the population" (over 99 percent). During the French revolution individuals spontaneously went berserk on the streets of Paris. In the cities mobs beat individuals to death, and the Revolutionaries guillotined the leaders in the establishment. The Revolution was overthrown with military force and the Consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte began.
- Corruption in all spheres of society
Currently there is no end in sight for the increasing corruption and theft at high levels of society, for consequent prolonged and deepening economic depression, and for a continued drop in the standard of living in America (2014). The Federal Government is allowing theft, corruption, economic depression, and crime to continue (2014). Few individuals, especially in high positions, are punished for anything. Cover-ups of corruption in the financial sector and in corporate America are endemic (2014).
One of their few legitimate functions of government is to punish wrongdoers."When justice is taken away, what are kingdoms [regna] but a vast banditry [magna latocinia]?" -- Augustine in City of God, IV. iv, in A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series, II. 66.- And so forth, and so on
All things are interrelated
Could all of these problems be interconnected? -- a famine of spiritual knowledge . . . absolute truth . . . the absolute sovereignty of the true and living God . . . total depravity of human nature . . . illiteracy . . . illegitimacy . . . fatherlessness . . . irrationality . . . covetousness . . . polytheism . . . political correctness . . . the invasion of the eastern religion's philosophy of non-duality into America, with all of its irrational consequences . . . the moral decline of Western society . . . the fall of Rome . . . the French Revolution . . . usurpation of power by the first openly anti-American president . . . terrorism . . . doubling of the National Debt . . . stagnation of the economy . . . the threat of national bankruptcy . . . rising unemployment . . . the "Arab Spring" . . . the captivity of Ukraine . . . government by crisis . . . treason the new world order . . . the first attempted coup of an elected US President by the Deep State . . . the fleecing of America and the world . . . globalization . . . the profitability of unregulated global corporations facilitated by fascism . . . physical violence . . . The media's monotonous, inane, politically correct, and worthless take on mass shootings . . . calls for gun control . . . legislators that disregard the US constitution . . . the American Version of the Westminster Confession of Faith . . . and the testimony of the inevitable judgment of a sovereign God throughout all of history against wicked individuals and nations . . . and so forth, and so on.
Weblinks Related to the Root Cause of Criminal Acts of Extreme Depravity
The Bible has Answers for how to Prevent Mass Shootings, Providence Foundation
"Murder is an evil act which must be condemned and dealt with in a proper way to diminish future murders and create a culture of life. Murder has existed since the fall of mankind, and has waxed and waned in various societies based upon their faith and worldview.
"The prevalence of murder in America has increased in recent times, especially since the early 1960s. At that time God and His Word were publicly rejected and extirpated from government schools, although Christian ideas and morals had been under assault long before.
"Our public schools have taught for generations that man is an accident of nature, and that he is an amoral being with no more value than animals. We should, therefore, not be surprised when men act like animals and treat others with little regard. We have kicked God and His moral standards out of our schools, and then we bemoan the consequences of people acting upon the relativistic ideology engrained in them. We violate God's laws of justice and reject His criminal penalties and wonder why we have a growing culture of crime.
"Who is at fault, and can we do anything to prevent future murders?
"To properly deal with murderous and criminal actions in society, we must first understand what causes such behavior. The Bible teaches that violence and crime are caused by evil in men's hearts." the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against prayer in public schools in 1963 the statistics for social indicators including teenage suicide began to climb dramatically. And the climb continues.
Since 1963 [1990 data]:1. Violent crime has increased 500 percent.Do you Know What Happened When Religious Principles Were Separated From Public Affairs?
2. Illegitimate births have increased 400 percent.
3. Divorces have increased 400 percent.
4. Children living in single parent homes has increased 300 percent.
5. Child abuse has increased 340 percent (since 1976).
6. Teenage suicide has increased 200 percent.
7. SAT scores have dropped almost 80 points. -- William Bennett, in The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators in Iniquity, the Temptation of Vainglory Shootings
"Mass shootings can be motivated by misanthropy and terrorism . . . caused by mental illness, inceldom ["The state of being an incel, ((a contraction of the phrase "involuntarily celibate,")) a label self-applied by members of the online subculture of men ((mostly young, white, and heterosexual)) who claim to be unable to find or attract women as romantic partners and post consequent expressions of self-pity, entitlement, and misogyny, as well sometimes promoting or condoning violence toward others ((especially those who are sexually active.))" -- The Free Dictionary by Farlex] and extensive bullying . . . extreme anger and the thought shooters are working for a cause, rather than mental illness, is most often the explanation. . . . 'fewer than 5 percent of the 120,000 gun-related killings in the United States between 2001 and 2010 were perpetrated by people diagnosed with mental illness' . . . . 'a lot of really angry young men in our country and in the world' . . . . 'social isolation' . . . 'years of disappointment and failure that produce a mix of profound hopelessness and deep-seated resentment' . . . . there is more to mass shootings than the prevalence of guns. . . . family structure. . . . 'increased spending on crime-fighting . . . over the last 40 years is largely the direct or indirect consequence of marital breakdown' . . . . 'the percentage of the population divorced, the percentage of households headed by women, and the percentage of unattached individuals in the community are among the most powerful predictors of crime rates' . . . 'almost all school shooters come from families where the parents are either divorced or alienated . . . perhaps they wouldn't need more gun control if they had better divorce control'.", Ravi K. (1946-2020), One Week in October, DVD.
"Dr. Ravi Zacharias was invited by local churches to come to Littleton, Colorado during October 1999, six months after the Columbine High School tragedy, and spend a week in discussion and ministry. The tapes contain the six messages delivered by Zacharias to Littleton." -- PublisherSchool Shootings
Treats, motives, gun control, family structure, availability of weapons from the shooter's home or the home of a relative, child abuse and brain development, and so forth.
"Resources on school shootings, perpetrators, and prevention.
"A database of information on public shootings." Syndrome
"Stockholm syndrome has been defined as a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity." -- Wikipedia article
This psychological term has been criticized in the academic world. However, we suggest that it offers a secular explanation for why children, youth in public education, college students, susceptible females, and young adults 'taken in by cults and non-Christian systems,' Jihadists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Radical "Progressives," Marxist front organizations, and socialist/communist Democrats, and so forth, and so on, are overcome by the evil worldview of those who control them (Psalm 125:3,4). US has the Most Mass Shootings -- And Other Bogus gun Research, John Stossel, February 20, 2019
"This was nonsense. NPR reporters looked into the 235 shootings reported by the U.S. Department of Education and were only able to confirm 11 of them. . . .
"Government's desire to control us -- and to lie to make its case -- is the real emergency."
The Doctrine of Man (Human Nature, Total Depravity, (continued)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Some subject include: Abortion | Abuse | Admonition | Adultery | Adversity | Affliction | Aggravation | Anger | Answers | Apology | Assurance | Attitude | Authority | Balance | Behavior | Bizarre behaviour | Breakdown | Christ | Church | Commandments | Confession | Confidentiality | Contentment | Correction | Corruption | Counseling | Crises | Data gathering | Deceit | Dependence | Discipling | Divorce | Doctrine | Drugs | Education | Empathy | Evangelism | Example | Foolishness | Forgetfulness | Forgiveness | Godliness | Gospel | Gossip | Habit | Heresy | Hope | Hostility | How-to | Idolatry | Jesus | Joy | Justification | Legal matters | Legalism | Lying | Marriage | Promises of god | Put on/put off dynamic | Quickening | Radical amputation | Rage | Reconciliation | Referral | Rejuvenation | Repentance | Sanctification | Scripture | Sex | Sin | Teaching | Temptation | Testing | Think list | Thought | Training.
August, Eugene R., Men's Studies: A Selected and Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography, ISBN: 0585211272 9780585211275.
"Provides a starting point for those pursuing further research. . . . The bibliography will prove useful to D.Min. students involved in pastoral counseling as well as to those in evangelism who seek to chart a course for the church in the closing decades of this century. The information treats outreach, as well as the needs of men in school, public life, academia, institutions, and, in fact, all walks of life." -- Cyril J. Barber
Bolton, Samuel (1606-1654), Hamartolos Hamartia: or, The Sinfulnes of sin, 1646. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Death. Available in Boston's HUMAN NATURE IN ITS FOURFOLD STATE. Available (PDF, HUMAN NATURE IN ITS FOURFOLD STATE, MP3, DEATH) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Human Nature in its Fourfold State. A Christian classic.
"This is THE classic on human nature. It was immediately acclaimed as such, and went through several printings during the author's lifetime. The book deals with four states of human existence: the state of innocence; the state of nature; the state of grace; and, the eternal state. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"When those who are devoid of the Spirit of God and reject revealed religion meet up with the Scriptural doctrine of original sin, their comments expose their hostility towards God and help exhibit the very principle they deny. For example, Smellie comments on one reaction to this work of Edwards as follows: 'Mr. Lechy has condemned the treatise on Original Sin as 'one of the most revolting books that have ever proceeded from the pen of man.' Edwards summarizes this book as 'a general defense of that great important doctrine,' and has skillfully answered those who would assail the revealed truth of God's Word at this point. If our doctrine is weak on man's nature and (in)ability, all manner of false 'help yourself' religion (e.g. Arminianism, Romanism, the cults, the occult, etc.), and secular seduction (e.g. psychology, socialism, etc.), based on man' inherent 'goodness' or ability to 'save himself,' will be given a wide open door to run rampant." -- Publisher
Boston, Thomas, Human Nature in its Fourfold State (1811)
*Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the eve of the Twenty-first Century, ISBN: 0684196301 9780684196305.
"Rarely has there been a book as explosive and challenging as this brilliant analysis of today's massive geopolitical disorder. The triumphant collapse of communism has brought neither economic stability nor social democracy to the former Soviet Union. Nor, for that matter, to the rest of the world. We are living in a time of fragmentation: increasing disunity in Europe, dangerous eruptions in the Islamic republics, growing disparity between the world's rich and poor, and the evils of the 'permissive cornucopia' in America which, through overstimulation of material desires and sensual self-gratification, is leading to the collapse of Western moral and spiritual values. In short, we are living in a philosophical climate that is 'out of control.' It is Zbigniew Brzezinski's firm belief that we must draw both moral and political lessons from the 'megadeaths' of the twentieth century, a century in which at least 167 million people were slaughtered in the name of the 'politics of organized insanity,' or the 'metamyths' of such dictators as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, among others. Unless we can practice self-restraint derived from a moral commitment in the quest for global democratic 'interdependence,' we stand destined to risk again our very own survival.
"Lives deliberately extinguished by politically motivated carnage: 167,000,000 to 175,000,000. Including: War Dead: 87,500,000, Military War Dead: 33,500,000, Civilian War Dead: 54,000,000, Not-war Dead: 80,000,000, Communist Oppression: 60,000,000." -- Publisher
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), and Robert Philip (1791-1858), The Greatness of the Soul: and The Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; No way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ; The Strait Gate. Alternate title: THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF: WITH THE CAUSES OF THE LOSING IT: FIRST PREACHED AT PINNERS HALL, AND NOW ENLARGED, AND PUBLISHED FOR GOOD. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"In the 1660s, Charles II, King of England, asked John Owen (1616-1683), why he went to hear the preaching of an uneducated tinker. [John Bunyan -- compiler]. Looking the King in the eye, Owen answered, 'May it please your Majesty, could I possess the tinker's ability for preaching, I would willingly relinquish all my learning'." -- Andrew Thomson, John Owen, Prince of Puritans
Owen would not have been surprised to learn that Bunyan's most influential work, PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, would be translated into more languages over the next 400 years than any book except the Bible.
The Greatness of the Soul: and The Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; No way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ; The Strait Gate
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
Calvin, John (1509-1564), Sermons on Election and Reprobation. Available (MP3 files), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (MP3 files), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #12, #19, #20.
Caouette, Jonathan, Tarnation, DVD.
We recommend this documentary to mature individuals who are concerned about Mental Health Policy in his country, but who have never had the experience of caring for persons who are emotionally disturbed, having them as neighbors, or working with them. It will educate the viewer on the nature of the problem of "mental illness." Part of the problem is their characteristic appeal for respectability and sympathy. I sense this was a subliminal motivation for the documentary. Caouette turned out a homosexual, and seems to be accepting it as an alternative life style.
Caouette videoed his life and edited his archives to tell the story of growing up with a schizophrenic mother. So this is a glimpse of the reality of growing up in an emotionally disturbed and dysfunctional family.
It also dramatizes the failure of psychiatry.
"A multitude of family snapshots, Super-8 home movies, old answering machine messages, video diaries, early short films, snippets of '80s pop culture, and dramatic reenactments are used to create an epic portrait of an American family travesty. Begins in 2003 when Jonathan learns that his schizophrenic mother, Renee, overdoses on her lithium medication. He is shot back into his real and horrifying family legacy of rape, abandonment, promiscuity, drug addiction, child abuse, and psychosis. He grows up on camera and finds his escape in musical theater and B-horror movies. A look into the future shows Jonathan as he confronts the almost unbearable love he shares with his tragically damaged mother." -- Publisher
Case, Thomas (1598-1682), The Vanity of Vain Glory, Opened in a Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Kingsmel Lucy, Esq, 1655. Alternate title: ASARKOKAUKEMA, OR, THE VANITY OF VAINE-GLORY: OPEN'D IN A SERMON PREACHED AT THE FUNERAL OF KINGSMEL LUCY, ESQ., ELDEST SONNE TO FRANCIS LUCY, ESQ. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Clark, Gordon H. (1902-1985), The Biblical Doctrine of Man, ISBN: 0940931915.
"Is man a soul and body or a soul, spirit, and body? What is the image of God? Is Adam's sin imputed to his children? Is evolution true? Are men totally depraved? What is the heart? These are some of the questions discussed and answered from Scripture in this book." -- Publisher
Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness, ISBN: 9780521197991 0521197996, didactic fiction.
Conrad was not a Christian author to our knowledge, but he offers the reader evidence of the Total and Utter Depravity of Mankind.
The basis of value in society is the evil in the heart of man. (Romans 3:10-11, and so forth.)
"The most authoritative scholarly edition of Conrad's most important narratives, this edition includes detailed explanatory and contextual notes, a glossary of nautical terms, maps and illustrations. This volume will allow scholars to see these familiar stories in a fresh light, by returning to Conrad's original texts." -- Publisher
" 'Restoring HEART OF DARKNESS to the more traditional context of Conrad's works as a whole . . . the Cambridge Edition becomes controversial since it now offers us a version of HEART OF DARKNESS that readers have never before encountered.'-- John Lyon, University of Bristol Review
" 'The Cambridge edition of THE WORKS OF JOSEPH CONRAD aims to be definitive, and [the books] have both scholarly and physical weight . . . The explanatory notes are compendious and thoughtfully arranged . . . invaluable to scholars of Conrad, modernist literary composition and late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literary practices and processes . . . These elegant and comprehensive volumes are a must for university libraries . . . [the series] is without question a definitive piece of scholarship'." -- Andrew Frayn, Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship Review" -- Publisher
"The story tells of Charles Marlow, an Englishman who took a foreign assignment from a Belgian trading company as a ferry-boat captain in Africa. HEART OF DARKNESS exposes the myth behind colonization while exploring the three levels of darkness that the protagonist, Marlow, encounters -- the darkness of the Congo wilderness, the darkness of the European's cruel treatment of the natives, and the unfathomable darkness within every human being for committing heinous acts of evil. . . ." -- Publisher
Courtois, Stéphane (author), Nicolas Werth (author), Jean-Louis Panné (author), Andrzej Paczkowski (author), Karel Bartosek (author), Jean-Louis Margolin (author), Mark Kramer (editor), Jonathan Murphy (translator), The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, ISBN: 0674076087 9780674076082.
"Already famous throughout Europe, this international bestseller plumbs recently opened archives in the former Soviet bloc to reveal the actual, practical accomplishments of Communism around the world: terror, torture, famine, mass deportations, and massacres. Astonishing in the sheer detail it amasses, the book is the first comprehensive attempt to catalogue and analyze the crimes of Communism over seventy years.
" 'Revolutions, like trees, must be judged by their fruit,' Ignazio Silone wrote, and this is the standard the authors apply to the Communist experience." -- Publisher
*Cunningham, William (1805-1861), John Calvin. Available in THE REFORMERS AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMATION. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #17.
"As Cunningham states, 'John Calvin was by far the greatest of the Reformers with respect to the talents he possessed, the influence he exerted, and the services he rendered in the establishment and diffusion of important truth.' Here we have a succinct account of Calvin's works and the leading principles that he maintained. Calvin is without a doubt one of the great men in all of human history, and as he often pointed out, he owed everything to the Lord Jesus Christ -- all his talents, all his influence, his very salvation, etc. -- for that is the nature of 'Calvinism,' giving God all the glory!" -- Publisher
Desbois, Patrick, and Paul A. Shapiro (foreword), The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest's Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews, ISBN: 0230617573 9780230617575.
"In this very personal and affecting account of his gradual discovery of the events of the Holocaust in the Ukraine Patrick Desbois, a French priest, gives us a widened perspective of the extraordinarily complex manipulation of the local population by the Nazis, who forcibly requisitioned Ukrainian citizens of all ages to assist in the killings. In village after village, more than 60 years after the horrific events, the inhabitants, many of whom had been children at the time, came forward to bear witness. From the many interviews in the text, it is clear that the personal trauma of forced involvement in the mass executions has never diminished. And indeed, the stories of what they saw takes one's breath away. This is a significant addition to the history of the Holocaust that sheds new light on events in the Nazi occupied areas of the former USSR." -- Lynn H. Nicholas, author of Cruel World: The Children of Europe in the Nazi Web and The Rape of Europa: Europe's Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World War
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Practical Sermons, Never Before Published. By the Late Reverend Mr. Jonathan Edwards.
Contains other sermons on the useless wicked.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Sermon XVIII. Wicked men Useful in Their Destruction Only. EZEK. xv. 2. 3. 4. Son of man, What is the vine-tree more than any tree? or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? Shall wood . . . [Ezekiel 15:2,3,4] Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available in THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS (2:125-29). Included in PRACTICAL SERMONS, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. BY THE LATE REVEREND MR. JONATHAN EDWARDS, which contains other sermons on the useless wicked.
Wicked men Useful in Their Destruction Only, Jonathan Edwards
Calvin commenting on Ezekiel 15
The Geneva Bible Notes on Ezekiel 15
Matthew Henry commenting on Ezekiel 15
John Gill commenting on Ezekiel 15
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Total Depravity, Obtaining Salvation and Miscellaneous Discourses. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
"Includes a warning to professors concerning the great guilt of those who take part in the ordinances of divine worship and yet allow themselves to be snared in any known wickedness. A work on temptation and deliverance and numerous other topics of great value." -- Publisher
Films for the Humanities and Sciences, Genocide: The Horror Continues, a DVD, ISBN 9781421318202.
"State-sanctioned violence has always existed, but technological advances have facilitated its use as a viable means of exerting political power. This program continues the examination of the history of genocide, focusing on the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, the 1923 Rosewood Massacre, Stalin's forced Ukrainian famine, the Japanese Rape of Nanking, and the Holocaust. A host of survivors, experts, and scholars include Martha Barnett, president of the American Bar Association; Eddie Faye Gates; Iris Chang, author of THE RAPE OF NANKING; Yehuda Bauer, director of the Yad Vashem International Institute for Holocaust Research; and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. Viewer discretion is advised." -- Publisher
*Girardeau, John L., Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism Compared as to Election, Reprobation, Justification and Related Doctrines, ISBN: 0873779665. Available (in WORKS OF JOHN GIRARDEAU), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"A thorough but graceful refutation of Wesley's arminianism." -- Lloyd T. Sprinkle
"This powerful and penetrating book has been called the best on the subject . . . ." -- GCB
Hackett, David A., Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division. Intelligence Team., The Buchenwald Report, ISBN: 0813317770 9780813317779 0813333636 9780813333632 0827604998 9780827604995.
Extreme evil may be an excellent negative guide to correct theology, the righteousness which is of God, redemption, and immortality.
"After their liberation in April 1945, the inmates of Buchenwald told their stories to a special team of U.S. Army intelligence officers. One of the most important and unique documents of the Holocaust, this priceless eyewitness account was nearly lost forever and appears here in published form and in English for the first time." -- Publisher
Hoekema, Anthony A., Created in God's Image, ISBN: 0853646260 9780853646266.
"A major new book by this Calvin Seminary Professor (emeritus). A theological anthropology which explores the meaning of human nature from a Biblical perspective. Covers: Self-image, Origin of sin, Spread of sin, Nature of sin, Restraint of sin, the Question of human freedom, and much, much more." -- GCB
Jackson, Mark, Newborn Child Murder: Women, Illegitimacy and the Courts in Eighteenth-Century England. ISBN: 0719046076 9780719046070.
Of course, abortion is not unprecedented. Furthermore it is not unprecedented for man's law to be lenient toward mothers who murder their own children.
"Includes trials of eighteenth-century child murder cases."
Johnson, Paul, Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties, ISBN: 0060935502 9780060935504.
"The twentieth-century State has proved itself the great killer of all time."
"David Chilton notes, 'Of all the sixteenth-century Reformers, John Knox remains the most ardently loved and fiercely hated. No other leader of his day saw so clearly the political issues in the light of Scripture. Nor has any of his contemporaries had so much direct influence upon the subsequent history of the world. He transformed a land of barbarians into one of the most hard-headly Calvinistic cultures ever to exist, and his doctrines lie at the core of all Protestant revolutionary activity. While he is often considered merely one of Calvin's lieutenants, he was actually a Reformer in his own right. In some respects he was the greatest of them all.' ("John Knox," in The Journal of Christian Reconstruction: Symposium on Puritanism and Law [Vallecito, CA: Chalcedon], Vol. V, No. 2, Winter, 1978-79, p. 194).
"Furthermore, R.L. Greaves has noted that 'it has even been suggested -- and not altogether without merit -- that Knox was a key link in the development of political ideology that culminated in the American Revolution.' (Theology and Revolution in the Scottish Reformation: Studies in the Thought of John Knox [Grand Rapids, MI: Christian University Press, 1980], p. 156).
"Moreover, Mason [Roger A. Mason -- compiler], states that this APPEAL [APPELLATION FROM THE SENTENCE PRONOUNCED BY THE BISHOPS AND CLERGY: ADDRESSED TO THE NOBILITY AND ESTATES OF SCOTLAND -- compiler], 'is the most important . . . of Knox's political writings.' (in the Introduction to his compilation of Knox's political writings entitled KNOX: ON REBELLION). [see annotation for KNOX: ON REBELLION elsewhere in this bibliography -- compiler]. It shows in a conclusive manner that Knox wanted a Theonomic Establishment which was careful to 'disapprove, detest, oppose and remove all false worship and all monuments of idolatry' (cf. Westminster Larger Catechism, #108). It also clearly demonstrates that Knox believed in and promoted the continuing binding validity of the Old Testament case laws and the penal sanctions attached to them, including the death penalty.
"Kevin Reed, in a editor's note, introducing this piece in his newly published SELECTED WRITING OF JOHN KNOX [available on the Puritan Hard Drive. -- compiler], also points out that 'the Westminster Confession provides a distinct echo of Knox, when it states that the magistrate ""hath authority, and it is his duty, to take order, that unity and peace be preserved in the church, that the truth of God be kept pure and entire, that all blasphemies and heresies be suppressed, all corruptions and abuses in worship and discipline prevented or reformed, and all the ordinances of God duly settled, administered, and observed"" (Ch. 23:3, original wording). One secular historian once described Knox as 'Calvin with a sword,' making one wonder if he had not just been reading this very book. For 'where Calvin merely permitted disobedience to an ungodly ruler or immoral law, Knox championed armed rebellion -- a type of Calvinism that made religious revolution in Scotland possible.' (Christian History, Issue 46, p. 35). This is the best of the best; don't miss it!" -- Publisher
Knox, John, Appellation From the Sentence Pronounced by the Bishops and Clergy: Addressed to the Nobility and Estates of Scotland
This is a character scan (OCR) of the modernized text published by Protestant Heritage Press. While text may be cut and pasted it is subject to copyright.
The Works of John Knox (1846), Vol. 4.
Reformation, Revolution and Romanism (1558), John Knox, MP3 file.
"This has been called John Knox's most important political writing. It also deals with Romanism, God's law, and much more.
See also:
Goodman, Christopher (1520-1603), How Superior Powers ought to be Obeyed of Their Subjects: And Wherein They may Lawfully by God's Word be Disobeyed and Resisted, 1558. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #26. Available (HOW SUPERIOR POWERS OUGHT TO BE OBEYED), on the Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press CD-ROM Library.
"From 1555 to 1558, Christopher Goodman served as co-pastor, with John Knox, of the congregation of English exiles in Geneva. During the course of his ministry, Goodman preached upon Acts 4:19 and 5:29: 'Whether it be right in the sight of God, to obey you rather than God, judge ye. We ought rather to obey God than men'. . . . In this book, Goodman contends against both ecclesiastical and political tyranny." -- Publisher
How Superior Powers Ought to be Obeyed of Their Subjects
See also annotation for:
Knox, John (1505-1572), The History of the Reformation of Religion Within the Realm of Scotland. . . . Together With the Life of the Author, and Several Curious Pieces Wrote by him, . . . By the Reverend Mr. John Knox, . . . To Which is Added, I. An Admonition to England and Scotland . . . BY Antoni Gilby. II. The First and Second Books of Discipline, Glasgow, 1761. Alternate title: THE HISTORIE OF THE REFORMATION OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND CONTAINING FIVE BOOKS: TOGETHER WITH SOME TREATISES CONDUCING TO THE HISTORY. EDITED, WITH A LIFE OF KNOX AND A PREFACE, BY DAVID BUCHANAN. INCLUDES: "THE APPELLATION OF JOHN KNOX, FROM THE . . . SENTENCE PRONOUNCED AGAINST HIM (pp. 1-33); "THE ADMONITION OF JOHN KNOX TO HIS BELOVED BRETHREN THE COMMONALTY OF SCOTLAND" (pp. 34-42); "A FAITHFULL ADMONITION MADE BY JOHN KNOX TO THE TRUE PROFESSORS OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST WITHIN THE KINGDOM OF ENGLAND, 1554" (pp. 43-79); "THE COPIE OF A LETTER DELIVERED TO QUEEN MARY, REGENT OF SCOTLAND" (pp. 80-97); AND "A SERMON PREACHED BY JOHN KNOX [AUGUST 19, 1565]," ISBN: 0851513581 9780851513584. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
*Laidlaw, John, The Bible Doctrine of Man: Or, the Anthropology and Psychology of Scripture.
"The Cunningham Lectures, New College, Edinburgh, 1880. Provides one of the ablest introductions to Biblical anthropology ever written. Excellent." -- Cyril J. Barber
Lee, Francis Nigel, Five Essays on "The Christian View of Man": 1. The Origin of man, 2. The Essence of man, 3. The Plight of man, 4. The Hope of man, 5. The Destiny of man.
*Lee, Francis Nigel, The Origin and Destiny of Man.
"Five brief, Biblical lectures delivered at the inauguration of the Christian Studies Center, Memphis. Reformed." -- Cyril J. Barber
Lisiak, Agata Anna, Louise O. Vasvri, and Steven de Zepetnek, Bibliography for Work in Holocaust Studies.
*Luther, Martin (1483-1546), Commentary on Galatians, English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, ISBN: 0825431247. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"I prefer this book of Martin Luther's (except the Bible), before all the books I have ever seen, as most fit for a wounded soul." -- John Bunyan
"This is a great, historic work, and is beyond criticism on account of its great usefulness. As a comment its accuracy might be questioned; but for emphatic utterances and clear statements of the great doctrine of the Epistle it remains altogether by itself, and must be judged per se." -- C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
"The reissue of a famous series of lectures delivered at Wittenberg University in 1553." -- Cyril J. Barber
Commentary on Galatians, Martin Luther
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, That He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Galatians 1:4 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, Who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth. (Galatians 3:1 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
*Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937), The Christian View of Man, ISBN: 0851511120 9780851511122.
"This book by one of the founders of Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is undoubtedly one of the best guides, from a Reformed perspective, to be found anywhere. If you want a sound guide to the basic teachings of the Bible, you will find it in this book. Highly recommended!" -- GCB
"Provides an excellent introduction to Christian anthropology. First published in 1937." -- Cyril J. Barber
Deals with predestination and human freedom.
May, William F., A Catalogue of Sins: A Contemporary Examination of Christian Conscience.
*Murray, John (1898-1975), The Imputation of Adam's Sin, ISBN: 0875523412 9780875523415.
"A classic statement of the Reformed teaching of Romans 5. Refutes the Pelagian and Roman Catholic views of original sin, prefers to use the term 'imputed sin.' Clarifies the realistic approach of Shedd and Strong, and pleads for the representative view. A thorough theological treatise." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Orr, James, God's Image in Man and its Defacement in the Light of Modern Denials.
"Based on the Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1903, this valuable apologetic carefully distinguishes between the Biblical teaching, the theories of men, and movements throughout church history." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Owen, John (1616-1683), The Mortification of Sin in Believers: Containing the Necessity, Nature, and Means of it. With a Resolution of Sundry Cases of Conscience Thereunto Belonging. By John Owen, D.D.. Available (THE MORTIFICATION OF SIN in MP3 files) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available in THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN, VOLUME 6: TEMPTATION AND SIN,
The Works of John Owen, Vol. 6 (including THE MORTIFICATION OF SIN, Goold edition, 1862)
On the Mortification of sin in Believers, John Owen (1 of 6), [audio file].
An audio file reading. Currently (February 2009), there are 63 readings of John Owen by SWRB and Reformed Baptist of Holland (Michigan), (Thomas Sullivan), at available for listening online, downloading as MP3 files, and listening on iPhone or Mobile Phones.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of the Remainders of Indwelling-sin in Believers. Together with the ways of its working, and means of its prevention. Opened, evinced and applyed, with a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto appertaining. By J. Owen, D.D., 1732. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Sin and Grace, ISBN: 9780851511276 0851511279. A Christian classic. Alternate title: A TREATISE OF THE DOMINION OF SIN AND GRACE. . . . BY THE LATE PIOUS AND LEARNED MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, JOHN OWEN, D.D.
"Contains: Nature and causes of apostasy from the Gospel, duty of being spiritually minded, treatise on the dominion of Sin, and Grace."
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Temptation and Sin, ISBN: 9780851511269 0851511260. A Christian classic.
"Contains sections on: Mortification of sin, temptation, indwelling sin, and an exposition of Psalm 130."
Owen, John (1616-1683), The Mortification of Sin in Believers: Containing the Necessity, Nature, and Means of it. With a Resolution of Sundry Cases of Conscience Thereunto Belonging. By John Owen, D.D.
On the Mortification of sin in Believers, John Owen (1 of 6), [audio file]
An audio file reading. Currently (February 2009), there are 63 readings of John Owen by SWRB and Reformed Baptist of Holland (Michigan), (Thomas Sullivan), at available for listening online, downloading as MP3 files, and listening on iPhone or Mobile Phones.
*Owen, Samuel A., Letting God Plan Your Family, ISBN: 0891075852 9780891075851.
*Romaine, William (1714-1795), and Peter Toon (editor), The Life, Walk and Triumph of Faith, ISBN: 0227677447.
"Stresses the divinity of Christ and the need for believers to walk in subjection to the teaching of the Word. A new edition of an old classic published in 1856 as three separate works. Makes inspirational reading." -- Cyril J. Barber
Treatises on the Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith
*Rummel, R.J., Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900, ISBN: 9780203793756 0203793757 9781351523486 1351523481 9780138793756 9781351523462 1351523465.
"This is R.J. Rummel's fourth book in a series devoted to genocide and government mass murder, or what he calls democide. He presents the primary results, in tables and figures, as well as a historical sketch of the major cases of democide, those in which one million or more people were killed by a regime. In DEATH BY GOVERNMENT, Rummel does not aim to describe democide itself, but to determine its nature and scope in order to test the theory that democracies are inherently nonviolent. Rummel discusses genocide in China, Nazi Germany, Japan, Cambodia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Pakistan. He also writes about areas of suspected genocide: North Korea, Mexico, and feudal Russia. His results clearly and decisively show that democracies commit less democide than other regimes. The underlying principle is that the less freedom people have, the greater the violence; the more freedom, the less the violence. Thus, as Rummel says, 'The problem is power. The solution is democracy. The course of action is to foster freedom.' DEATH BY GOVERNMENT is a compelling look at the horrors that occur in modern societies. It depicts how democide has been very much a part of human history. Among other examples, the book includes the massacre of Europeans during the Thirty Years' War, the relatively unknown genocide of the French Revolution, and the slaughtering of American Indians by colonists in the New World. This riveting account is an essential tool for historians, political scientists, and scholars interested in the study of genocide." -- Publisher
"R.J. Rummel is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii. He is the author of over one hundred scholarly articles and two dozen books, including POWER KILLS, CHINA'S BLOODY CENTURY, and THE MIRACLE THAT IS FREEDOM. In addition, he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and been the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association and the International Association of Genocide Scholars' Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to the Field of Genocide and Democide Studies and Prevention." -- Publisher
*Rushdoony, Rousas J. (1916-2001), Christianity and the State, ISBN: 9996717755. Available through Exodus Books.
"The need to return to a Biblical doctrine of civil government is evidenced by our century's worldwide drift into tyranny. Humanism invariably rushes in to fill the world's theological vacuums: the need of the hour is to restore a full-orbed, Biblical, theology of the state. This work sets forth that theology." -- GCB
*Shedd, W.G.T., Sermons to the Natural man, ISBN: 0851512607 9780851512600. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Dr. Shedd's SERMONS TO THE NATURAL MAN are, if not absolutely the best, yet of the very best doctrinal and spiritual sermons produced in this generation. We have known much of their power in convincing sinners, and in deepening and widening and exalting the experiences of true Christians. Doctrinal preaching, though not in fashion, is the preaching that we need, and the preaching which always best vindicates itself when put to the test of practice . . ." -- A.A. Hodge
Contents: Religious meditation (Psalm 104:34) -- Christian moderation (Proverbs 16:32) -- The supreme excellence of God (Matthew 19:16-17) -- The fatherhood of God (Luke 16:25) -- The future vision of God (2 Corinthians 4:18) -- God the strength of man (Psalm 84:5) -- The glorification of God (Isaiah 42:8) -- The duty of reference to the divine will (James 4:13-15) -- The creature has no absolute merit (Luke 17:10) -- Faith with and without sight (John 20:29) -- The reality of heaven (John 14:2) -- Pure motives the light of the soul (Matthew 6:22) -- The law is light (Proverbs 6:23) -- The law is the strength of sin (1 Corinthians 15:56) -- The sense of sin leads to holiness, and the conceit of holiness leads to sin (John 9:41) -- The impression made by Christ's holiness (Luke 5:8) -- Christian humility (1 Peter 5:5) -- Pride vitiates religious knowledge (1 Corinthians 8:2) -- Connection between faith and works (James 2:24) -- The Christian imperfect, yet a saint (Colossians 3:12) -- Sanctification completed at death (1 Corinthians 2:9) -- Watchfulness and prayerfulness (1 Peter 4:7) -- Unceasing prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17) -- The folly of ambition (Jeremiah 45:5) -- Every Christian a debtor to the pagan (Romans 1:14) -- The certain success of evangelistic labor (Isaiah 55:10-11).
*Singer, C. Gregg (1910-1999), Calvinism: The Summit of Reformation Theology in JOHN CALVIN: HIS ROOTS AND FRUITS, (pp. 7-19).
"In his treatment of the atonement, Calvin surpassed not only the Scholastics but Augustine as well. Calvin had a greater insight into this Biblical doctrine than any other theologian before or after him. . . . (p. 11)
"Calvin clearly saw the Scriptural relationship of the sovereignty of God and the total depravity of the whole human race to the doctrines of atonement and election. Divine election is the means ordained of God for making the death of Christ effective." (p. 16) -- C. Gregg Singer
*Sowell, Thomas, A Conflict of Visions, ISBN: 9780465002054 0465002056.
"Controversies in politics arise from many sources, but the conflicts that endure for generations or for centuries show a remarkably consistent pattern. The analysis of this pattern is the purpose of A CONFLICT OF VISIONS. Its theme is that the enduring political controversies of the past two centuries reflect radically different visions of the nature of man. Issues as diverse as criminal justice, income distribution, or war and peace repeatedly show those with one vision lining up on one side and those with another vision lining up on the other.
"Dr. Thomas Sowell describes A CONFLICT OF VISIONS as 'the culmination of thirty years of work in the history of ideas' -- a field in which he established his professional reputation years before writing any of his well-known books on ethnicity and other social issues. Dr. Sowell and his books have received a number of awards and honors, and have been translated into several languages. He has been a consultant to three administrations of both parties, as well as scholar-in-residence at three "think tanks." He is now a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute in Stanford, California." -- Publisher
Synod of Dordt [Dort], The Canon Ratified in the National Synod of the Reformed Church Held at Dordrecht (1618-1619). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #18.
"This classic Dutch Reformed standard, proclaiming the five points of Calvinism [the 'T-U-L-I-P' decrees on the five main points of doctrine in dispute in the Netherlands: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints], refuted and condemned the Remonstrance (protest), found in the five Arminian articles of 1610, written by Johanness Uytenbogaert. Includes, for comparison, the five Arminian articles also." -- Publisher
"As far as I am able to judge by the information in all history of that kind, the Christian world, since the day of the Apostles, had never a synod of more excellent divines (take one thing with another), than this Synod [The Westminster Assembly], and the Synod of Dort [Dordt], were." -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
"Theological liberalism at heart has been a continuing protest against Calvinism, particularly against its insistence on the Sovereignty of God and the Total Depravity of the race. These two Biblical doctrines have often proved to be a stumbling block to theologians within the church as well as to the unbelieving world." -- C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Interpretation of American History, p. 290
*Toplady, Augustus (1740-1778), Arminianism: The Road to Rome! Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
Exposes the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc.
"There is no such thing as preaching Christ and him crucified unless you preach what is now-a-days called Calvinism. I have my own ideas, and those I state boldly. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else." -- C.H. Spurgeon, The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. 1, 1856.
Arminianism "came from Rome, and leads thither again."
Arminianism: The Road to Rome, by Augustus Toplady
Arminianism: The Road to Rome, a sermon.
VanderKemp, Johannes, A Sermon on Ecclesiastes 7:29, Titled "The First Cause of Good and Evil"
Venning, Ralph, Sinfulness of Sin, ISBN: 0851516475 9780851516479.
Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), One Week in October, DVD.
"Dr. Ravi Zacharias was invited by local churches to come to Littleton, Colorado during October 1999, six months after the Columbine High School tragedy, and spend a week in discussion and ministry. The tapes contain the six messages delivered by Zacharias to Littleton." -- Publisher
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Rebellion and lawlessness: wickedness, demonic possession, abnormal behavior, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, Reconciliation of relationships, Soteriology, atonement, Predestination, election, efficacious grace, Calvinism, Systematic theology, The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, Justifying faith, Justifying faith, Contagion of sin, imitation, conformity, Forgiveness of sin, Sin and its consequence: physical and spiritual death, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Rebellion and lawlessness: wickedness, demonic possession, abnormal behavior, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, War, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, The lord jesus christ, The cross of christ, Calvinism, Sin, Judges, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, The theology of freedom, Conspiracy, corruption, organized crime, Covenant theology and covenanting, Manhood, Islam (muslim/moslim, muhammadanism/mohammadanism), and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 843, 955, 957, 1542, 1545, 1682, 1796, 1814, 1982, 2353, 2545-2548, 3340, 3348, 3853
Arminianism: The Heresy Plaguing the Modern Church of the 21st Century. What is it and Where did it Come From?
Arminianism: The Road to Rome, by Augustus Toplady
Arminianism/Pelagianism Refutations
Atheism and Humanism: A Culture Without God (part 1)
"Do you feel prepared to defend and share the claims of Christ with those who hold beliefs in humanism or atheism? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias is examining the questions that all worldviews must answer. Join Ravi today as he takes a deeper look at this issue."
Atheism and Humanism: A Culture Without God (part 2)
"Do you feel prepared to defend and share the claims of Christ with those who hold beliefs in humanism or atheism? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias is examining the questions that all worldviews must answer. Join Ravi today as he takes a deeper look at this issue."
Brain, Mind and Body in Healing From Trauma, The People's Pharmacy Radio Program, show 980, February 7, 2015.
"To help people heal from trauma, the best approaches find ways to reconnect brain and body with a feeling of safety. . . .
"We often associate the term 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder' with military veterans. Indeed, war creates many traumatic experiences, but it is not the only source of reactions that may cause people to shut down or blow up. Car, train or plane crashes, a life-threatening illness episode, family violence, or other events can create a dysfunctional reaction that may be largely out of conscious awareness.
"Treating PTSD
"One of the world's leading experts on PTSD explains how such reactions are rooted in the body's response to threat, and how it can be successfully treated. . . .
"Dr. van der Kolk is co-director of the Complex Trauma Treatment Network of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, established by Congress to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities. His website is
Every Thing Proceeding From the Corrupt Nature of man Damnable
The principal matters in this chapter are -- I. A recapitulation of the former chapter, proving, from passages of Scriptures that the intellect and will of man are so corrupted, that no integrity, no knowledge or fear of God, can now be found in him, sect. 1 and 2. II. Objections to this doctrine, from the virtues which shone in some of the heathen, refuted, sect. 3 and 4. III. What kind of will remains in man, the slave of sin, sect. 5. The remedy and cure, sect. 6. IV. The opinion of Neo-Pelagian sophists concerning the preparation and efficacy of the will, and also concerning perseverance and co-operating grace, refuted, both by reason and Scripture, sect. 7-12. V. Some passages from Augustine confirming the truth of this doctrine, sect. 13 and 14.
1. The intellect and will of the whole man corrupt. The term flesh applies not only to the sensual, but also to the higher part of the soul. This demonstrated from Scripture.
2. The heart also involved in corruption, and hence in no part of man can integrity, or knowledge or the fear of God, be found.
3. Objection, that some of the heathen were possessed of admirable endowments, and, therefore, that the nature of man is not entirely corrupt. Answer, Corruption is not entirely removed, but only inwardly restrained. Explanation of this answer.
4. Objection still urged, that the virtuous and vicious among the heathen must be put upon the same level, or the virtuous prove that human nature, properly cultivated, is not devoid of virtue. Answer, That these are not ordinary properties of human nature, but special gifts of God. These gifts defiled by ambition, and hence the actions proceeding from them, however esteemed by man, have no merit with God.
5. Though man has still the faculty of willing there is no soundness in it. He falls under the bondage of sin necessarily, and yet voluntarily. Necessity must be distinguished from compulsion. The ancient Theologians acquainted with this necessity. Some passages condemning the vacillation of Lombard.
6. Conversion to God constitutes the remedy or soundness of the human will. This not only begun, but continued and completed; the beginning, continuance, and completion, being ascribed entirely to God. This proved by Ezekiel's description of the stony heart, and from other passages of Scripture.
7. Various Objections. -- 1. The will is converted by God, but, when once prepared, does its part in the work of conversion. Answer from Augustine. 2. Grace can do nothing without will, nor the will without grace. Answer. Grace itself produces will. God prevents the unwilling, making him willing, and follows up this preventing grace that he may not will in vain. Another answer gathered from various passages of Augustine.
8. Answer to the second Objection continued. No will inclining to good except in the elect. The cause of election out of man. Hence right will, as well as election, are from the good pleasure of God. The beginning of willing and doing well is of faith; faith again is the gift of God; and hence mere grace is the cause of our beginning to will well. This proved by Scripture.
9. Answer to second Objection continued. That good will is merely of grace proved by the prayers of saints. Three axioms 1. God does not prepare man's heart, so that he can afterwards do some good of himself, but every desire of rectitude, every inclination to study, and every effort to pursue it, is from Him.
2. This desire, study, and effort, do not stop short, but continue to effect. 3. This progress is constant. The believer perseveres to the end. A third Objection, and three answers to it.
10. A fourth Objection. Answer. Fifth Objection. Answer. Answer confirmed by many passages of Scripture, and supported by a passage from Augustine.
11. Perseverance not of ourselves, but of God. Objection. Two errors in the objection. Refutation of both.
12. An objection founded on the distinction of co-operating grace. Answer. Answer confirmed by the testimony of Augustine and Bernard.
13. Last part of the chapter, in which it is proved by many passages of Augustine, that he held the doctrine here taught.
14. An objection, representing Augustine at variance with himself and other Theologians, removed. A summary of Augustine's doctrine on free will. -- John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, a new translation by Henry Beveridge, Esq., Chapter 3
Child Abuse and Pedophilia
A Comparison of the Five Points of Calvinism With the Five Points of Arminianism
*Deaths by Mass Unpleasantness: Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century
Worldwide estimates range from 167,000,000 to 258,000,000. It is estimated that 45.5 million Christians were martyred worldwide in the 20th century.
The Doctrine of Human Depravity, Arthur Pink
Earth Day: Abortion has Killed 1-2 Billion Worldwide in 50 Years, Colin Mason and Steven Mosher, Apr 21, 2011
"Think about it. Over the past half-century, quietly and without fanfare, in ordinary towns and cities, in dozens of countries around the world, perhaps two billion children have been killed. They have died unknown, often unmourned, and acknowledged only from time to time.
"The 20th century was violent by any measure. Thirty-seven million people were killed in World War I. Over 60 million perished in World War II. Six million Jews and another six million Catholics died in Hitler's death camps. Twenty million died at the hands of the Soviet authorities. Sixty-five million Chinese were killed by the Communist Party, while forty-two million more starved to death during Mao's Great Leap Forward. And so on.
"But these numbers are dwarfed by the sheer volume of children who have been killed this past half-century."
The Fall of Man, J. Gresham Machen
God's Testimony Concerning Man, Horatius Bonar
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
"The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) is the world's premier trauma organization dedicated to trauma treatment, education, research and prevention. Through this organization, professionals share information about the effects of trauma, seeking to reduce traumatic stressors and their immediate and long-term consequences."
National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
"The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was created within the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989, in response to a Congressional mandate to address the needs of veterans with military-related PTSD. Its mission was, and remains: To advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders. This website is provided as an educational resource concerning PTSD and other enduring consequences of traumatic stress."
List of Islamist Terrorist Attacks
An annotated bibliography.
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth. (Galatians 3:1 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, That He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Galatians 1:4 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Radical Depravity (FGB)
Human Depravity | Are you Dead or Alive? | Legally, Spiritually, Eternally Dead | A Vital Question for Today | God's Effectual Drawing | A Depraved, Corrupted Mind | Human Inability | In Adam all Die | Depravity of Heart
Radical Depravity, A.I. Pink, et al., a booklet
"Jesus Christ saves radically depraved men, women, and children from their sins. However, to understand, believe, and love the good news about the crucified and resurrected Savior, we must first understand our condition. . . . Arthur Pink introduces us to this weighty subject by asking the question, 'Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature?' Thomas Reade then tells us about the deadly consequences and bitter fruits of Adam's fall: in Adam all die. We then consider Joel Beeke's helpful survey of the doctrine of human depravity. A second article by Thomas Reade leads us to a painful truth: the heart of man is evil. But he does not leave us there: he takes us to the blessed Son of God for deliverance. John Owen describes with great clarity the depraved and corrupted state of man's mind and teaches us that the only remedy for this great darkness is the new birth: 'You must be born again.' Loraine Boettner explains the extent and effects of original sin, which results in human inability in the matters of salvation. What is our true spiritual condition outside of Christ? Charles Spurgeon declares that we are legally, spiritually, and eternally dead. Nevertheless, he also tells us that we can be legally, spiritually, eternally alive by faith in Jesus Christ the Son! We then hear from John Flavel that in mercy, grace, and love, God draws sinners to Jesus Christ, gradually, suitably, powerfully, effectually, and finally. That is indeed good news! J.C. Ryle brings our subject to a close by asking a penetrating question: 'Are you dead or alive?' Each of us, dear readers, must answer that question."
Sinfulness of sin (FGB #240)
Repentance, Faith, and sin | Unknown Depths of Human sin | What is sin? | Nothing so Vile as sin | Our Sins Viewed at the Cross | Innumerable, Monstrous Sins | Degrees of sin | A Heinous, Execrable Thing | Sin: An Infinite Evil | Sin: The Greatest Evil | Sin is Contrary to God
The Synod of Dordt (1619)
The Synod of Dort [Dordt], (1619)
Total Depravity (FGB)
Ramifications of the Fall | Robbery Committed, Restitution Made, to God and man | Sinfulness of man
United States Casualties of War
"The American Civil War resulted, by far, in the largest number of total American deaths by war."
See the Theological Notes: "Repentance," at Acts 26:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:6,7)From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:17)
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. (Acts 3:19,20)
Repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. (Acts 26:20)
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (1 John 1:8-10)
There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future. -- St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
Men ought not to content themselves with a general repentance, but it is every man's duty to endeavor to repent of his particular sins, particularly. (Psalm 19:13; Psalm 139:23,24; Matthew 26:75; Luke 19:8; 1 Timothy 1:13,15) -- The Westminster Confession of Faith XV.V
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. (1 Corinthians 11:28)
Put on: Examine yourself and restructure your life.They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (Titus 1:16)
See the Theological Notes: "The Atonement," at Romans 3:25 in The Reformation Study Bible.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)
Have we ourselves repented? This, after all, is the question that concerns us most. It is well to know what the apostles taught. It is well to be familiar with the whole system of Christian doctrine.
But it is far better to know repentance by experience and to feel it inwardly in our own hearts. May we never rest until we know and feel that we have repented! There are no unrepentant people in the kingdom of heaven. All who enter in there have felt, mourned over, forsaken, and sought pardon for sin. This must be our experience, if we hope to be saved. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)The Prophet again teaches us, that the cause of these evils arose from the people themselves, and was to be found in them, so that they could not transfer it to anybody else. Hence he says, "My people are foolish." He speaks here in the person of God; for it immediately follows, "Me have they not known:" this could not have been said by Jeremiah. God then complains here of the folly of his people; whom he so calls, not by way of honor, but that he might double their reproach; for nothing could have been more disgraceful than that the people, whom God had chosen as his peculiar inheritance, should be thus demented: for why had God chosen the seed of Abraham as his adopted children, but that they might be as lamps, carrying through the world the light of salvation?
"What people in the world," says Moses, "are so noble, who have gods so near them?" He says also, "This is thy knowledge and wisdom." (Deuteronomy 4:6,7)
God then shews here that it was a monstrous thing, which all should regard with abhorrence, that his people should be foolish; as though he had said, "Can it be that a people whom I have chosen for myself, and with whom I have deposited the covenant of eternal salvation, whom I have instructed by my word -- that this people should so madly ruin themselves?" -- John Calvin commenting on Jeremiah 4:22 and contextWe shall never be clothed with the righteousness of Christ except we first know assuredly that we have no righteousness of our own. -- John Calvin
Many think they have repented, and are deceived upon this false ground. They are and have been grieved for their sins and offences; are determined to leave and forsake them, and that is all they do. They never lay hold on Christ, and come home to God. -- Richard Sibbes (1577-1635)
Be very sure that self-knowledge is the first step towards heaven. To know God's unspeakable perfection, and our own immense imperfection, to see our own unspeakable defectiveness and corruption, is the ABC in saving religion.
The more real inward light we have, the more humble and lowly-minded we shall be, and the more we shall understand the value of that despised thing, the gospel of Christ. He that thinks worst of himself and his own doings is perhaps the best Christian before God. Well would it be for many if they would pray, night and day, this simple prayer: "Lord, show me myself." -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)Come now, and let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18a).
The hard-heartedness of the Secular Humanist (man's "liberal, progressive, radical" way, "tax and spend," economic depression, stimulus spending, socialism, tyranny, loss of liberty, gun control, abortion, feminism, globalism, and so forth, and so on), parallels the hard-heartedness ofPharoah (Exodus 7 through Exodus 16 and context) [punished by the river turning to blood . . . locust swarms, thick darkness, the death of Egypt's firstborn, the Red Sea divided for Israel, the Red Sea closed upon the Egyptian army, and so forth.]
Moreover, it deserves to be noticed, that the plague ceased at the very time when Phinehas executed justice. From this we may learn, that the most effectual way to quench the fire of God's anger [evident in the COVID-19 pandemic, the worst since the Swine Flu of 1918-19, a record breaking hurricane season causing massive destruction along the Gulf coast, the August Complex fire, "The single-largest wildfire and the largest fire complex in recorded California history," the largest wildfire in Colorado history, and political corruption and tyranny (October 2020)], is when the sinner willingly sits in judgment upon himself for the punishment of his own transgressions; as Paul says, "If we would judge ourselves, verily we would not be judged of the Lord." (1 Corinthians 11:31)
And surely God confers no small honor upon us, in placing the punishment of our sins within our reach. -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 106:29 and context
Epidemic, Pandemic, Plague, Natural Disaster
Socialism, Communism, Marxism
The Decline of American Society, Irrationality, the Decline of Western Thought
and so forth, and so on.
If it is true that God is absolutely sovereign, and that man is totally depraved, then vote for what is true and right. (October 26, 2020)Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2:4,5)
Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty;
just and true are thy ways,
thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name?
for though only art holy:
for all the nations shall come and worship before thee;
for thy judgments are made manifest. (Revelation 15:3b,4)See the Theological Notes: "The Fall" at Genesis 3:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. (Genesis 3:3-7)
Matthew Henry commenting on Genesis 3:6-13
John Gill commenting on Genesis 3:7 God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16,17)For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; He will save us. (Isaiah 33:22)
Isaiah's Prophesy after the Angel of the Lord smote Sennacherib's army for good King Hezekiah.He that desires to be a true Christian must be experimentally acquainted with repentance and remission of sins. These are the principle things in saving religion. To belong to a pure church, and to hear the gospel, and receive the sacraments are the great privileges: but are we converted? Are we justified? If not, we are dead before God.
Happy is the Christian who keeps these two points continually before his eyes! The brightest saint is the man who has the most heart-searching sense of his own sinfulness, and the liveliest sense of his own complete acceptance in Christ. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)The nature of true repentance is clearly and unmistakably laid down in holy Scripture. It begins with knowledge of sin. It goes on to work sorrow for sin. It leads to confession of sin before God.
It shows itself before man by a thorough breaking off from sin. It results in producing a habit of deep hatred for all sin. Above all, it is inseparably connected with lively faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance like this is the characteristic of all true Christians. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) in Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke, volume 2, p. 109It is a truth clearly revealed and often inculcated in Scripture that without repentance a man cannot attain eternal life in heaven. The most of men, therefore, who read and hear the Gospel admit that repentance is necessary to their future safety and felicity. But while they believe that it cannot be well with them except they repent, they resolve with a fatal precipitance to call something by this name which bears only a faint resemblance to it; and then they flatter themselves that this base counterfeit will not only be acceptable to God but will even recommend them to His favour. Persuading themselves that they have already repented, they compose themselves to sleep on the pillow of carnal security; and they will not believe that any of the dreadful threatenings denounced in Scripture against impenitent sinners belongs to them. Thus many "go down to the grave with a lie in their right hand." They obstinately refuse to be convinced of their fatal mistake till they begin to lift up their despairing eyes in torment. -- John Colquhoun
Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. (Matthew 3:8)
I will try to take repentance to pieces, and dissect and analyze it before your eyes. I will show you the parts and portions of which repentance is made up. I will endeavor to set before you something of the experience of every truly penitent man. Here are five fruits of repentance.
(1) True repentance begins with KNOWLEDGE of sin. The eyes of the penitent man are opened. He sees with dismay and confusion the length and breadth of God's holy law, and the extent, the enormous extent, of his own transgressions. He discovers, to his surprise, that in thinking himself a 'good sort of man,' and a man with a 'good heart,' he has been under a huge delusion. He finds out that, in reality, he is wicked, and guilty, and corrupt, and evil in God's sight. His pride breaks down. His high thoughts melt away. He sees that he is a great sinner. This is the first step in true repentance.
(2) True repentance goes on to work SORROW for sin. The heart of a penitent man is touched with deep remorse because of his past transgressions. He is cut to the heart to think that he should have lived so madly and so wickedly. He mourns over time wasted, over talents misspent, over God dishonored, over his own soul injured. The remembrance of these things is grievous to him. The burden of these things is sometimes almost intolerable, When a man so sorrows, you have the second step in true repentance.
(3) True repentance proceeds, further, to produce CONFESSION of sin. The tongue of a penitent man is loosed. He feels he must speak to that God against whom he has sinned. Something within him tells him he must cry to God, and pray to God, and talk with God, about the state of his own soul. He must pour out his heart, and acknowledge his iniquities, at the throne of grace. They are a heavy burden within him, and he can no longer keep silence. He can keep nothing back. He will not hide anything. He goes before God, pleading nothing for himself, and willing to say, 'I have sinned against heaven and before You -- my iniquity is great. God be merciful to me, a sinner!' When a man goes thus to God in confession, you have the third step in true repentance.
(4) True repentance, furthermore, shows itself in a thorough BREAKING OFF from sin. The life of a penitent man is altered. The course of his daily conduct is entirely changed. A new King reigns within his heart. He puts off the old man. What God commands he now desires to practice; and what God forbids he now desires to avoid. He strives in all ways to keep clear of sin, to fight with sin, to war with sin, to get the victory over sin. He ceases to do evil. He learns to do well. He breaks off sharply from bad ways and bad companions. He labors, however feebly, to live a new life. When a man does this, you have the fourth step in true repentance.
(5) True repentance, in the last place, shows itself by producing in the heart a settled habit of deep HATRED of all sin. The mind of a penitent man becomes a mind habitually holy. He abhors that which is evil, and cleaves to that which is good. He delights in the law of God. He comes short of his own desires not unfrequently. He finds in himself an evil principle warring against the spirit of God. He finds himself cold when he would be hot; backward when he would be forward; heavy when he would be lively in God's service. He is deeply conscious of his own infirmities. He groans under a sense of indwelling corruption. But still, for all that, the general bias of his heart is towards God, and away from evil. He can say with David, Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way. (Psalm 119:128) When a man can say this, you have the fifth, or crowning step, of true repentance. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) in the sermon RepentanceThe Treasury of David, Psalm 51, C.H. Spurgeon
The sacrifices of God, are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou will not despise. (Psalm 51:17) rely on Christ, and not to be weary of sin is presumption, not faith. True faith is ever accompanied by a broken and contrite spirit; and it is impossible that faith can be where there is not in some measure an humble and contrite sense of sin. -- Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661), The Prison Sayings of Samuel Rutherford
We always seem to ourselves just, and upright, and wise, and holy, until we are convinced, by clear evidence, of our injustice, vileness, folly, and impurity. Convinced, however, we are not, if we look to ourselves only, and not to the Lord also -- He being the only standard by the application of which this conviction can be produced. For, since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself. -- John Calvin
Chapter XII. We Must Lift up our Minds to God's Judgment Seat That we may be Firmly Convinced of His Free Justification
[Section 3b] Now Bernard [Bernard de Clairvaux] says: "Where, in fact, are safe and firm rest and security for the weak but in the Savior's wounds? The mightier he is to save, the more securely I dwell there. The world menaces, the body weighs us down, the devil sets his snares. I fall not, for I am grounded upon firm rock. I have sinned a grave sin. My conscience is disturbed, but it will not be perturbed because I shall remember the Lord's wounds." From these thoughts he afterward concludes: "Accordingly, the Lord's compassion is my merit. Obviously, I am not devoid of merit so long as he is not devoid of compassion. But if the mercies of the Lord abound, then equally do I abound in merits. Shall I sing my own righteous acts? O Lord, I shall remember thy righteousness only, for it is also mine. Namely, he was made righteousness for me by God." Also, in another place, "This is man's whole merit if he put his whole hope in him who makes safe the whole man." Similarly, where keeping peace to himself, he leaves the glory to God. "To Thee," he says, "may glory remain undiminished. It will go well with me if I shall have peace. I utterly abjure glory, lest, if I usurp what is not mine, I shall also lose what has been offered to me." -- John Calvin, quoting Bernard de Clairvaux, On the Psalm, He That Dwelleth (Ps. 91 [Psalm 91]) xv. 5 (MPL 183. 246); Sermons on the Song of Songs lxi. 3; xiii. 4; lxviii. 6 (MPL 183. 1072, 836, 1111; tr. Eales, Life and Works of St. Bernard IV. 367, 69, 424 f.).] in Institutes of the Christian Religion (McNeill/Battles), 3.12.3 and context
"One of the most awesome chapters in the INSTITUTES." -- Robert L. ReymondHe who is really honest with himself and has had his eyes opened in some degree to see the awful sinfulness of self, and who is becoming more and more acquainted with that sink of iniquity, that mass of corruption which still indwells him, often feels that sin more completely rules him now than ever it did before. When he longs to trust God with all his heart, unbelief seems to paralyze him. When he wishes to be completely surrendered to God's blessed will, murmurings and rebellion surge within him.
When he would spend an hour in meditating on the things of God, evil imaginations harass him. When he desires to be more humble, pride seeks to fill him. When he would pray, his mind wanders. The more he fights against these sins, the further off victory seems to be. To him it appears that sin is very much the master of him, and Satan tells him that his profession is vain. What shall we say to such a dear soul who is deeply exercised over this problem?
The very fact that you are conscious of these sins and are so much concerned over your failure to overcome them, is a HEALTHY SIGN. It is the blind who cannot see; it is the dead who feel not -- true alike naturally and spiritually. Only they who have been quickened into newness of life are capable OF REAL SORROW FOR SIN. Moreover, such experiences as we have mentioned above evidence a spiritual growth: a growth in the knowledge of self. As the wise man tells us, he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow (Ecclesiastes 1:18). In God's light we see light (Psalm 36:9). The more the Holy Spirit reveals to me the high claims of God's holiness, the more I discover how far short I come of meeting them.
Let the midday sun shine into a darkened room, and dust and dirt which before were invisible are now plainly seen. So with the Christian: the more the light of God enters his heart, the more he discovers the spiritual filth which dwells there. Beloved brother, or sister, it is not that you are becoming more sinful, but that GOD IS NOW GIVING YOU A CLEARER AND FULLER SIGHT OF YOUR SINFULNESS. Praise Him for it, for the eyes of the vast majority of your fellows (religionists included) are blind, and cannot see what so distresses YOU! -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Studies on Saving FaithSo then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12) unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 24,25)
See the Theological Notes: "Prayer," at Luke 11:2 in The Reformation Study Bible.
See the Theological Notes: "The Final Judgment," at Matthew 25:41 in The Reformation Study Bible.
The Spirit, says our Lord, Shall convince the world of sin, that they believe not in me, -- i.e., He will convince men that they are sinners -- especially that they are sinners in not believing in me. The doctrine and the law of Christ cannot be received, except by those who are persuaded that they are sinners -- guilty and depraved creatures -- exposed to God's righteous displeasure -- unfit for God's holy fellowship. The Gospel is throughout a restorative economy, and, therefore, can be understood, valued, accepted, only by those who are aware that the lost condition, for which such an economy is required and intended, is theirs. It is because men are, to so limited an extent, convinced of sin, of what sin in -- how heinous in its nature, how fearful in its consequences, -- and that they are sinners, that Christianity cannot obtain even a fair hearing. Convince a man that he is a sinner, and then, and not till then, will he have much curiosity to listen to what is said about a Saviour -- much disposition to inquire into the truth of what is said about him -- to ponder at once the meaning and the evidence of the testimony.
This is the radical part of the Spirit's convincing process; but he not only convinces of sin generally, but he convinces of sin in not believing in Christ. He fixes the mind so on the meaning and evidence of the truth respecting Christ, as to produce faith; and, in producing it, to lodge in the mind the conviction that, in not believing that truth, from the moment it was presented to it, there was sin, great sin; not mere intellectual mistake, but sin -- deep, aggravated sin -- the greatest sin man is capable of committing, -- indeed, a sin which, if persisted in, must end in hopeless perdition. . . . -- John Brown (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ, III:415, 416I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 15:7,10)As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:19)
The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.
They are corrupt,
they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good. (Psalm 14:1)
See the Theological Notes: "Mankind's Guilty Knowledge of God" at Romans 1:29 and the note at Psalm 14:1, page 766 in The Reformation Study Bible.Cornelius Van Til makes the theologically valid point that "irrationality in the mind of man, that is, insanity, must be the result of a deflection of man from the source of absolute rationality," God, and consequently "all men have merited insanity because of their departure from God." [Or, not until man repents is he truly sane. -- compiler]. Eternal punishment is "the abyss of irrationalism," and what we call rational or normative experience is a gift of God's common grace. No man is worthy of it." -- Frederick Leahy
To find out your sinful, miserable state, and to be truly humbled for it, and to discern the remedy which you have in Christ, and penitently and believingly to enter into his covenant, and to see that your happiness is wholly in the love and fruition of God, and to believe the glory prepared for the saints, and to prefer it before all the prosperity of the world, and love it, and set your hearts upon it, and to resolve on a holy life . . . , forsaking this deceitful world and flesh; all this is a work that is not so easily done as mentioned, and requireth your more serious, fixed thoughts. . . . -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
O what efforts Satan puts forth to keep people from this vitally important and all-necessary work of self-examination. He knows full well that if many of his deceived victims set about the task in earnest, they would soon discover that no miracle of Divine grace has been wrought in them, and that this would cause them to seek the Lord with all their hearts. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Studies on Saving Faith
Revival breaks out when individuals in the church repent. We can change our own lives and start personal revival by repentance and weeping for our sin.
God puts away many in anger for their supposed goodness, but not any at all for their confessed badness. -- John Trapp
I believe the holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which yet remains in him. -- Charles Spurgeon
We can never sin but there will be two witnesses present to observe and register it, our own selves and God Himself. -- Ralph Venning
To this we must say that He who promised forgiveness to them that repent has not promised repentance to them that sin. -- Ralph Venning
Remember, I pray you . . . that to have a sense of sin is not the same thing as being pardoned. Your repentance, unless you also believe in Jesus, is a repentance that needs to be repented of. -- C.H. Spurgeon in a sermon entitled Jesus Only, p. 644
There cannot be a true sorrow of heart for a sin that is past, but presently there doth arise a purpose not to sin for the future. -- Thomas Goodwin
Amendment of life is the best repentance. -- John Trapp
Grant, Almighty God, since thou declarest to us by so many proofs the formidable nature of thine anger, especially against the obstinate and rebellious, who reject thy word familiarly spoken to them: Grant, I say, that we may embrace what is proposed to us in thy name with the humility and reverence becoming to thy children, so that we may repent of our sins, and obtain their pardon, until at length we are freed from all corruptions of the flesh, and become partakers of that eternal and celestial glory which thy only-begotten Son has purchased for us by his blood. Amen. -- John Calvin, prayer at the end of the 32nd Lecture on Ezekiel (Ezekiel 12:8-16)
Grant, Almighty God, that since thou art pleased daily to invite us to repentance, and since our own conscience is a witness, how we have in various ways provoked thy vengeance, -- O grant, that we may not remain obstinate in our sins, nor harden our minds by perverse delusions, but suffer ourselves to be subdued by thy word, and so offer ourselves to thee with a pure and sincere heart, that our whole life may be nothing else but a striving for that newness which thou requirest; so that, being consecrated to thee in mind and body, we may ever labor to glorify thy name, until we be made partakers of that glory, which has been obtained for us by the blood of thy only -- begotten Son. Amen. -- -- John Calvin, prayer at the end of Lecture Fifteenth on Jeremiah (Jeremiah 4:7-14)
Man without Christ cannot repent: Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance. (Acts 5:31)
Christ gave it as a "prince," and therefore to none but His subjects, those who are in His kingdom, in whom He rules. Nothing can draw men to repentance but the regenerating power of Christ, which He exercises at God's right hand; for the acts of repentance are hatred of sin, sorrow for it, determination to forsake it, and earnest and constant endeavour after its death.
But sin is so transcendently dear and delightful to a man out of Christ that nothing but an infinite power can draw him to these acts mentioned. Sin is more precious to an unregenerate soul than anything else in heaven or earth. It is dearer to him than liberty, for he gives himself up to it entirely, and becomes its servant and slave. It is dearer to him than health, strength, time, or riches, for he spends all these upon sin. It is dearer to him than his own soul.
Shall a man lose his sins or his soul? Ninety-nine out of a hundred vote for the latter, and lose their souls on that account.
Sin is a man's self. Just as "I" is the central letter of "sin," so sin is the center, the moving-power, the very life of self. Therefore did Christ say, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself. (Matthew 16:24) Men are lovers of their own selves, (2 Timothy 3:2), which is the same as saying that their hearts are wedded to sin. Man drinketh iniquity like water; (Job 15:16) he cannot exist without it, he is ever thirsting for it, he must have his fill of it. Now since man so dotes on sin, what is going to turn his delight into sorrow, his love for it into loathing of it? Nothing but almighty power.
Here, then, we may mark the folly of those who cherish the delusion that they can repent whenever they get ready to do so. But evangelical repentance is not at the beck and call of the creature. It is the gift of God: If God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. (2 Timothy 2:25) Then what insanity is it that persuades multitudes to defer the effort to repent till their death-beds? Do they imagine that when they are so weak that they can no longer turn their bodies they will have strength to turn their souls from sin? Far sooner could they turn themselves back to perfect physical health.
What praise, then, is due to God if He has wrought a saving repentance in us. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), Practical ChristianityThe depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality, but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact. (Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21b; Ecclesiastes 9:3b; Jeremiah 17:9; Mark 7:21-23; Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3:3-5) -- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990). See John Calvin's Commentary on Isaiah Chapter 33 [Isaiah 33:1-66].
The Reality of Death bed Repentance
I know well that many do not believe what I am saying, because they think there is an immense quantity of death-bed repentance. They flatter themselves that multitudes who do not live religious lives will yet die religious deaths.
They take comfort in the thought that vast numbers of persons turn to God in their last illness and are saved at the eleventh hour. I will only remind such persons that all the experience of ministers is utterly against the theory. People generally die just as they have lived. True repentance is never too late, but repentance deferred to the last hours of life is seldom true. A man's life is the surest evidence of his spiritual state, and if lives are to be witnesses, then few are likely to be saved. -- J.C. Ryle
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Repentance," "Confession," "Forgiveness," "Justification," "Reconciliation," "Sanctification," "Rejuvenation," Quickening," and so forth, and so on.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), and Thomas Goodwin, Repentance. Alternate title: THE NECESSITY OF REPENTANCE.
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), and Samuel M'Millan, Repentance, Christian Warfare and Sanctification: From the Complete Works of the Late Rev. Thomas Boston, Ettrick, Including his Memoirs.
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), The Acceptable Sacrifice: The Excellency of a Broken Heart. Available (THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Based on Psalm 51:17.
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
The Excellency of a Broken Heart, Psalm 51:17, John Bunyan (1628-1688)
Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847), Self-Examination
Chamberlain, W.D., The Meaning of Repentance.
"A Biblically oriented, theologically conservative study of a greatly neglected doctrine." -- Cyril J. Barber
Colquhoun, John, Repentance, ISBN: 0851511007.
"First published in 1826, this Reformed treatment deals with the sources of true repentance, their nature and import, how to distinguish between true and counterfeit repentance, and the fruit and evidences of true repentance." -- Cyril J. Barber
Donne, John, On Prayer, Repentance, and the Mercy of God: A Lenten Sermon. A Christian classic. Available in the THE WORKS (OF JOHN DONNE).
Durham, James (1622-1658), Concerning Repentance. Available in A COMPLETE COMMENTARY UPON THE BOOK OF REVELATION. Available (A COMPLETE COMMENTARY UPON THE BOOK OF REVELATION) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Concerning Repentance
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), A Serious Address to the Christian World: or, The Precious Promises of the Most High God, to Repenting Sinners, 1789. Available (THE WORKS OF EBENEZER ERSKINE), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Haldane, James A., The Doctrine and Duty of Self-examination: Being the Substance of two Discourses.
*Knox, John (1505-1572), National Repentance and Reformation. Alternate title: A BRIEF EXHORTATION TO ENGLAND FOR THE SPEEDY EMBRACING OF THE GOSPEL, 1559. Available in THE WORKS OF JOHN KNOX. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #25.
"Formerly titled A BRIEF EXHORTATION TO ENGLAND FOR THE SPEEDY EMBRACING OF THE GOSPEL, 1559. Mitchell in The Scottish Reformation (p. 80), cites Dr. Merle D'Aubigné on Knox: 'The blood of warriors ran in the veins of the man who was to become one of the most intrepid champions of Christ's army . . . He was active, bold, thoroughly upright and perfectly honest, diligent in his duties, and full of heartiness for his comrades.' The warrior in Knox was certainly roused for battle in this production. Kevin Reed SELECTED WRITINGS OF JOHN KNOX, p. 580 comments, 'Some historians have reflected negatively on the vehemence of Knox's remarks. Perhaps they should peruse the long list of the martyrs named in the appendix to this work. Critics may then find a clue for understanding the reformer's zeal. Knox is discussing serious matters of life and death -- spiritual issues which affect us deeply in this life, and for eternity.' Magistrates everywhere today need to hear this message again; God has not changed -- there are still corporate curses for disobedience at a national level and corporate blessings for those nations 'that kiss the Son' (cf. Psalm 2)." -- Publisher
*Luther, Martin (1483-1546), Commentary on Galatians, English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, ISBN: 0825431247. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"I prefer this book of Martin Luther's (except the Bible), before all the books I have ever seen, as most fit for a wounded soul." -- John Bunyan
"This is a great, historic work, and is beyond criticism on account of its great usefulness. As a comment its accuracy might be questioned; but for emphatic utterances and clear statements of the great doctrine of the Epistle it remains altogether by itself, and must be judged per se." -- C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
"The reissue of a famous series of lectures delivered at Wittenberg University in 1553." -- Cyril J. Barber
Commentary on Galatians, Martin Luther
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, That He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Galatians 1:4 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, Who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth. (Galatians 3:1 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Repentance and 20th Century man.
"What is true Biblical repentance? How does it manifest itself? Is there a relationship between humility and repentance." -- GCB
Owen, John (1616-1683), What Must be the Nature of our National Repentance to Divert Judgment [audio file], a narration.
"Observation. It is the great rule of divine Providence, with the special seal of our Lord Christ annexed to it, I tell you, Nay; but, unless ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. When warnings for instruction are not received, they are tokens of destruction. This is a truth which none almost deny, and none almost believe. Had it been believed, many desolating judgments in former ages had been prevented; nations and cities should have abode in prosperity, which are now sunk into ruin, yea, into hell. See Luke 24: 41-44; Matthew 11:23. And were it believed in the days wherein we live, it would be the means of saving a poor nation from otherwise inevitable ruin. The state, is so with us, that, unless we repent, we shall perish."
Palmer, Herbert (1601-1647), and Thomas Underhill, The Glasse of Gods Providence Towards his Faithfull Ones, Psal. xcix. 8 [Psalm 99:8], 1644: Held Forth in a Sermon Preached to the two Houses of Parliament, at Margarets Westminster, Aug. 13. 1644. Being an extraordinary day of humiliation.: Wherein is discovered the great failings that the best are liable unto; upon which God is provoked sometimes to take vengeance.: The whole is applyed specially to a more carefull observation of our late Covenant, and particularly against the ungodly toleration pleaded for under pretence of liberty of conscience. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Pendlebury, William, National Repentance and Reformation the way to Obtain National Blessings. A sermon preach'd at Rotherham in Yorkshire, on the eleventh of April, 1744, . . . by William Pendlebury, M.A.
Perkins, William (1558-1602), A Faithfull and Plaine Exposition Vpon the 2. Chapter of Zephaniah [Zephaniah 2]: by that reuerend and iudicious diuine, M.W. Perkins. Containing a powerful exhortation to repentance: as also the manner hovve men in repentance are to search themselues. Published by a preacher of the vvord. With a preface prefixed, touching the publishing of M. Perkins his vvorks. And a catalogue of all such particulars thereof, as are to be expected, 1609. Available (THE WORKS OF THAT FAMOUS AND WORTHY MINISTER OF CHRIST, MR. W. PERKINS, PART 1 AND PART 2), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Perkins, William (1558-1602), M. Perkins his Exhortation to Repentance, out of Zephaniah, preached in 2 sermons together with two treatises of the duties and dignitie of the ministrie . . . 1605. Alternate title: AN EXHORTATION TO REPENTANCE. Available (THE WORKS OF THAT FAMOUS AND WORTHY MINISTER OF CHRIST, MR. W. PERKINS, PART 1 AND PART 2), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Perkins, William (1558-1602), Tvvo Treatises I. Of the Nature and Practise of Repentance. II. Of the Combat of the Flesh and Spirit, 1593.
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Gleanings From the Scriptures: Man's Total Depravity. Available (STUDIES IN SCRIPTURE VOLUMES 19-32), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Pink again shows his thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He refers to something like 500 verses of the Bible to demonstrate that God teaches that mankind is totally depraved since the Fall. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008) A strongly Calvinistic treatment.
The Doctrine of Human Depravity, Arthur Pink
Proffet, Nicholas, England's Impenitence Under Smiting; Causing Anger to Continue, and the Destroying Hand of God to be Stretched Forth Still: Set out in a Sermon Preached Before the Honourable House of Commons, at their public fast, September 25. 1644. By Nicholas Proffet. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), The Excellence and Worth of the Gospel, 1640, ISBN: 1573581011 9781573581011. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10.
"This sermon is read by elder Lyndon Dohms (1998), and taken from the book QUAINT SERMONS OF SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. It proclaims the power of the gospel for pulling down all strongholds raised against it. It exhibits God's sovereignty while blasting the Arminian heresy and toppling its vaunted idol of 'free will.' It demonstrates how the gospel is a love letter from God to His elect and how the Lord's arrows always hit their mark (particular redemption, irresistible grace, etc.). Rutherford also delineates the marks by which one can be assured that a work of grace has been begun in the heart by God. Hypocrisy is also exposed in the most pointed manner. The place of the law and the gospel in salvation are given. True repentance is contrasted with false repentance, as is true assurance with false assurance, plus much more. A very practical sermon from one of the greatest preachers and theologians of all time, exhibiting why Rutherford is considered a protesting Covenanter of the first rank.
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), Quaint Sermons of Samuel Rutherford Hitherto Unpublished. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10, 29.
"As Andrew Bonar notes in his preface to this book, 'Samuel Rutherford never fails to set Christ on high, for truly he had a thirst no earthly stream could satisfy -- A hunger that must feed on Christ, or die.' These sermons, in setting forth the splendor of Christ as revealed in His Word, will continue to offer much comfort and consolation to contemporary Christians. Of the sermons that make up this volume some titles include, 'The Spouse's Longing for Christ' (Song of Solomon 5:3-6), 'Fear not, Thou Worm Jacob' (Isa. 41:14-16 [Isaiah 41:14-16]), 'The Worth and Excellence of the Gospel' (2 Cor. 10:4-5 [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]), and 'The Forlorn Son -- The Fathers Expressed Welcome' (Luke 15:22-23) -- along with fourteen others." -- Publisher
*Shedd, W.G.T., The Doctrine of Endless Punishment, ISBN: 0865240191 9780865240193.
"Shedd carefully expounds the Biblical teaching on divine judgment, and sets it in the context of the history of Christian doctrine. He deals carefully and cogently with objections to it." -- GCB
"This book will have a profoundly sobering effect on its readers; but its lasting impression will be to cause a new concern for men and women without Christ, and undying gratitude for Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come." -- Publisher
*Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635), The Bruised Reed, ISBN: 0851517404 9780851517407. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF RICHARD SIBBES), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Richard Sibbes, one of the most influential figures in the Puritan movement during the earlier years of the seventeenth century, was renowned for the rich quality of his ministry. THE BRUISED REED shows why he was known among his contemporaries as 'the sweet dropper.'
"If you have ever been (or are), discouraged in any way this is a book that will bring great encouragement and joy!" -- Publisher
"Sibbes never wastes the student's time, he scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"A poor peddler came to the door . . . and my father bought of him Sibb's BRUISED REED . . . It suited my state . . . and gave me a livelier apprehension of the mystery of redemption and how much I was beholden to Jesus Christ . . . Without any means but books was God pleased to resolve me to himself." -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
"Speaking of the preacher's need to suit his reading to the varying conditions he finds within, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says in his PREACHING AND PREACHERS:
'You will find, I think, in general that the Puritans are almost invariably helpful . . . I shall never cease to be grateful to one of them called Richard Sibbes who was balm to my soul at a period in my life when I was overworked and badly overtired, and therefore subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the devil. In that state and condition . . . what you need is some gently, tender treatment for your soul. I found at that time that Richard Sibbes, who was known in London in the early seventeenth century as 'the heavenly Doctor Sibbes', was an unfailing remedy. His books THE BRUISED REED and THE SOUL'S CONFLICT quieted, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me.'
"This is one of the best Puritan books to read if you are feeling down or depressed or if you are facing struggles and trials. It is also very useful if you are struggling with assurance. Great encouragement for Christians here!" -- Publisher
The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax, A. Beith (introduction, 1878)
*Smith, Samuel Stanhope (1750-1819) On Secret Faults
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Doctrine of Repentance, ISBN: 0851515215. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting are essentials to true Christianity. Jesus Christ himself said that if we do not repent, we will perish! It is vital, therefore, to read and study what Scripture has to say about this theme.
"Few better guides have existed in this or any other language. . . . He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful for the twentieth century." -- Publisher
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson (excerpts)
Whincop, John (d. 1647), Gods Call to Weeping and Mourning. Set out in a Sermon before the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at their late solemne fast, Ianuary 29. 1644. Being, the day before the Treaty (at Uxbridg), began. By John Whincop, D.D. Late fellow of Trin: Coll: in Cambridge, now Rector of the Church of Clothall in Hartford-shire. Published by order of that House. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Williams, Daniel (1643?-1716), What Repentance of National Sins God Doth Require, as Ever we Expect National Mercies? [Sermon on Hosea x. 12. (Hosea 10:12)], 1690. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Will and recalcitrance, Sin and its consequences, Mortification of sin in the flesh, Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, The inspiration and infallibility of scripture (the doctrine of revelation, the doctrine of plenary inspiration, the doctrine of divine inspiration, the doctrine of verbal inspiration, theopneustia, sufficiency of scripture), The ten commandments: the moral law, The commandments of christ, The teaching of our lord jesus christ, Reconciliation of relationships, The words of christ, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, Trusting god, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Idolatry, syncretism, Rebellion and lawlessness: wickedness, demonic possession, abnormal behavior, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Justifying faith, Justifying faith, Forgiveness of sin, Sanctification, The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come, Bad relationships a cause of disease and death, Reconcilation of relationships, The covenant faithfulness of god, The all-sufficiency of christ, Lordship of jesus christ, Christ's kingdom, Covenant theology and the ordinance of covenanting, The covenanted reformation, The covenanted reformation of scotland background and history, Covenanted reformation short title listing, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, The one and the many, False gospels, Unfaithful reformed ministries, Justice, the theology of judgment, god's final judgment, the great white throne judgment, the day of the lord, The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, Corporate faithfulness and sanctification, Individual responsibility for corporate faithfulness and sanctification, hypocrisy, Unfaithful reformed ministries, Secret societies, ungodly alliances, voluntary associations, Conspiracy, corruption, organized crime, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, Politics, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Medical ethics, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, The history of reformation of the church, Corporate faithfulness, Revival, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 816, 1764, 2706-2710, 2712, 3908
The Commandments of Jesus, J.S. McConnell (1925)
Five Helpful Marks to see if Someone has Changed
The Joy-depleting Problem of Being Reared in a Christian Home, Rick Thomas
"We don't like thinking about our awfulness because we resist the biblical declaration that we're rotten to the core. (Isaiah 64:6) A person with a high view of himself gets hung up on his fallenness. Ironically, it is the acceptance of your wickedness that releases the gospel in you."
Justifying Faith
Repentance (FGB #203)
What is Repentance? Plumer, William S. (1802-1880) | The Necessity of Repentance, Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900) | Six Ingredients of Repentance, Watson. Thomas (c. 1620-1686) | Repentance or Faith: Which Comes First? Murray, John (1898-1975) | Christ Commanded Repentance, Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892) | Sin, Sinners, and Repentance, Gill, John (1697-1771) | The Fruits of Repentance, Pink, A.W. (1886-1952) | Examining our Repentance, Watson, Thomas (c. 1620-1686) | The Greatest Motive to Repentance, Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892) | Repentance and Universal Judgment, Davies, Samuel (1723-1761) | Heaven's Joy and Repentance, Payson, Edward (1783-1827)
Self-examination (FGB #250)
"For the good of our immortal souls, we offer the latest FGB, Self-examination. Puritan Thomas Watson helpfully introduces the subject to us. Charles Spurgeon then exhorts us to examine ourselves and gives a useful analysis of the word examine. Wilhemus à Brakel urges us to go even further and examine our faith. With great wisdom and insight, J.C. Ryle warns about his (and our) age of spiritual danger. Arthur Pink shows us that the Scriptures call us to this holy exercise, and Octavius Winslow asks us to dig deep, as we answer his question, 'Are you alive or dead?' The Lord's Supper is always a crucial time to examine our hearts, and Jonathan Edwards helps us to understand who should come to the Table and who should not. Thomas Wilcox gives us some penetrating questions by which we may examine our profession of Christ, and Charles Spurgeon asks yet another pointed question: 'Does Christ dwell in you?' Finally, Ryle closes with brief but powerful applications of where to begin and how to proceed with self-examination. Hear those men: they are skilled physicians of the soul."
See the Theological Notes: "Adoption," at Galatians 4:5 in The Reformation Study Bible.I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (Exodus 20:2)
"Moreover, He not merely declares Himself to be Jehovah, the only God to whom men are bound by the right of creation, who has given them their existence, and who preserves their life, nay, who is Himself the life of all; but He adds, that He is the peculiar God of the Israelites; for it was expedient, not only that the people should be alarmed by the majesty of God, but also that they should be gently attracted, so that the law might be more precious than gold and silver, and at the same time sweeter than honey, (Psalm 119:72, 103). . . . But, in order to bind them the better to Himself, He reminds them also of their former condition; for Egypt was like a house of bondage, from whence the Israelites were delivered. Wherefore, they were no more their own masters, since God had purchased them unto Himself. This does not indeed literally apply to us; but He has bound us to Himself with a holier tie, by the hand of His only-be-gotten Son; whom Paul teaches to have died, and risen again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and the living. (Romans 14:9.) So that He is not now the God of one people only, but of all nations, whom He has called into His Church by general adoption. -- John Calvin commenting on Exodus 20:1,2 and contextO Lord, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. (Psalm 116:16)
For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. (Acts 17:28)
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26)
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doeth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. (1 John 3:1-3)
Behold, O you sons of men! Behold and wonder. Be astonished, O heavens! Be moved, O strong foundations of the earth! For you shall be My witnesses. This day I do, by covenant, bestow Myself upon My servants (Genesis 17:7). I will be your God forever and ever (Psalm 48:14; Jeremiah 32:38; Revelation 21:3). Your very own God (Psalm 57:6; Psalm 16:2). Nothing in the world is so much yours own as I am. The houses that you have built, or the ones you have bought, are not so much yours as I am. Here you are but tenants; but I am your eternal inheritance (Psalm 16:5; Psalm 73:26). These are loans for a season, but I am your dwelling place in all generations (Psalm 90:1). You have nowhere so great a propriety, so sure and unalterable a claim, as you have here. What do you count your own? Your bodies, your souls? No, these are not your own; they are bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). But you may boldly make your claim to Me; you may freely challenge an interest in Me (Jeremiah 3:19; Isaiah 63:16). Come near and fear not; where could you be free if not with your own? Where could you be bold if not at home? You are never in all the world so much at home as when you are with Me. You may freely make use of Me, or of any of My attributes, whenever you need (Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 49:11; Psalm 145:18). -- Joseph Alleine (1634-1668)
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:8-18)God's Word has various special names for His people: 1 Peter 2:10; 1 Corinthians 1:26-27; Ephesians 1:4; James 2:5; Luke 18:7; Romans 8:33; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 John 3:7-10; Romans 8:14, and Romans 8:17. -- Joe Sturz
*Candlish, Robert S., Life in a Risen Saviour, ISBN: 0825423317 9780825423314. Alternate title: STUDIES IN FIRST CORINTHIANS 15: LIFE IN A RISEN SAVIOUR.
"Noteworthy for its clarity, careful exposition of the text, and balanced application of the truth of the passage to the life of the believer. Candlish boldly sets forth the Christian's hope, and his material is both helpful and enlightening." -- Cyril J. Barber
Candlish, Robert S., The Sonship and Brotherhood of Believers (1872), ISBN: 0790515067 9780790515069.
*Guthrie, Thomas (1620-1665), Christ and the Inheritance of the Saints.
"A Presbyterian preacher of the last century, Guthrie pastored the Edinburgh Church of Old Greyfriars for nearly thirty years. These expository discourses cover Colossians 1:12-20. First published in 1858." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Haldane, Robert (1764-1842), Commentary on Romans, ISBN: 0851517080. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"This is a solid work on the book of Romans and was previously published by the Banner of Truth in their Geneva series." -- GCB
"First published between 1835-1839, this Reformed commentary by a Christian layman has enjoyed a wide-spread ministry since its first appearance. The lectures were delivered in Geneva and brought about a genuine movement of the Spirit among theologues who heard them." -- Cyril J. Barber
Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans (1874)
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Knowing God, 20th anniversary edition, ISBN: 083081650X 9780830816507. A Christian classic.
A classic work by one of the foremost theologians of our day. Offsets erroneous ideas about God. A group study guide is also available.
A bestselling book. Contains material useful in counseling.
*Ridderbos, Herman N., The Coming of the Kingdom, ISBN: 0875524087.
"A thorough treatment of the teaching pertaining to the Kingdom. Amillennial." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Reconciliation of relationships, Justifying faith, The Fatherhood of God, Predestination, election, efficatious grace, Immanuel, christ's presence, christ in you, The love and justice of god, oneness, Loving and obeying god, Discipleship, Christ our example, Affliction, adversity, trials, suffering, chastisement, The priesthood of all believers, The believer's position in christ and sonship, Adoption into god's family, god's family, Happiness, holiness, Eternal life, immortality, Heaven, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, The Gospel Message of Salvation and the Life to Come, Justifying faith, Sonship, Finding the Perfect Parent in God, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 739-745, 1606
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:16,17)I. The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word, by which also, and by the administration of the sacraments, and prayer, it is increased and strengthened.
II. By this faith, a Christian believes to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word, for the authority of God Himself speaking therein; and acts differently upon that which each particular passage thereof contains; yielding obedience to the commands, trembling at the threatenings, and embracing the promises of God for this life, and that which is to come. But the principal acts of saving faith are accepting, receiving, and resting upon Christ alone for justification, sanctification, and eternal life, by virtue of the covenant of grace. -- The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XIV, "Of Saving Faith"One blessed way of casting our burden upon the Lord (Psalm 55:22) is to tell the Lord all about it. It is a high privilege to get away, alone, and talk to God as a man talks with his friend. But I know what you often do, my Brothers and Sisters, when you get into a predicament and cannot tell what to do -- then you begin to pray. Why do you not, every morning, tell the Lord about all your difficulties before they come? What? Will you only run to Him when you get into trouble? No, go to Him before you get into trouble. Half our burdens come from what we have not prayed over! If a man would take the ordinary concerns of life distinctly to God, one by one, it is marvelous how easily the chariot of life would roll along! Things over which we have not prayed are like undigested food that breeds mischief in the body -- they breed mischief in the soul. Digest your daily bread by first praying, "God give it to me and then God bless me in the use of it. And then God bless me afterwards in the spending of the strength derived from it to Your praise and Glory." Salt all your life with prayer, lest corruption should come to that part of your life which you have not thus salted. Tell the Lord, then, your griefs, just as, when a child, you told your troubles to your mother!
"I cannot find words," says one. Oh, they will come! They come fast enough when you complain to man and they will sweetly come if you get into the blessed habit of talking to God about everything. A friend said to me, not long ago, "I was on the Exchange and I saw that I had made a mistake in a certain transaction. I had lost money by it and if I had gone on dealing in the same fashion, I would have been ruined. I just stepped aside for a minute or two into a quiet corner of my office. I stood still and breathed a prayer to God for guidance. Then I went back, and felt, 'Now I am ready for anyone of you.' "So I was," he said, "I was not confused and worried, as I would otherwise have been, and so liable to make mistakes, but I had waited upon God and I was therefore calm and collected." There is much wisdom in thus praying about everything, although, possibly, some of you may think it trivial. I believe that the very soul of Christianity lies in the sanctifying of what is called secular -- the bringing of all things under the cognizance of our God by intense, constant, importunate, believing prayer.
When you have told the Lord everything, the next thing for you to do, in order to cast your burden upon Him, is to believe that all will work together for your good. Swallow the bitter as readily as you do the sweet and believe that, somehow, the strange mixture will do you great good. Do not look out your window, judging this, and that, and the other, in detail, but, if God sent it to you, open the door and take it all in, for all that has come from Him will be to His Glory and to your profit. Believe that if you shall lose certain things, you will really be a gainer by your losses. Even if your dearest one is taken from you, all shall be well if you have but faith to trust God in it all. If you are stricken with mortal sickness, it will still be well with you and if you do steadfastly trust in the Lord, you shall know that it is so. We know, says the Apostle Paul -- he does not say, "We think, we suppose, we judge," but -- We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) If you know this, my Brother, or my Sister, it shall help you to cast your burden upon the Lord. (Psalm 55:22)
When you have done this, then leave your burden with the Lord. In the process of trusting God with your burden, get to the point that you have done with it. If I cast my burden upon the Lord, what business have I to carry it myself? How can I truthfully say that I have cast it upon Him if I am still burdened with it? Throughout my life, which has not been free from many grave cares, there have been many things which I have been able to see my own way through and, using my best judgment, they have passed off well. But in so large a church as this, there sometimes occur things that altogether stagger me. I do not know what to do in such a case as that, and I have been in the habit, after doing all I can, of putting such things up on the shelf and saying, "There, I will never take them down again, come what may. I have done with them, for I have left them wholly with God." And I wish to bear my testimony that somehow or other the thing which I could not unravel, has unraveled itself! When Peter and the angel came unto the iron gate, it opened to them of its own accord. (Acts 12:10) And the same thing has happened to me many a time. Who shall roll away the stone for us from the door of the sepulcher? (Mark 16:3) asked the holy women when they came to the tomb of their Lord? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away. (Mark 16:4) Learn to say, "My God has made this difficulty and there is some good result to come of it. I have done the little I can do, so now I will leave it all with Him." -- C.H. Spurgeon, from the sermon Fear not, no. 2830, at The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, on Thursday Evening, August 19, 1886.So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)
Yea, Judas' master, the devil himself, one far enough from justifying faith, yet he assents to the truth of the word. He goes against his conscience when he denies them. When he tempted Christ he did not dispute against the Scripture, but from the Scripture, drawing his arrows out of this quiver (Matt. 4:6 [Matthew 4:6]). And at another time, he makes as full a confession of Christ, for the matter, as Peter himself did (Matt. 8:29 [Matthew 8:29], compared with Matt. 16:17 [Matthew 16:17]). Assent to the truth of the word is but an act of the understanding, which reprobates and evils may exercise. But justifying faith is a compounded habit, and has its seat both in the understanding and will. Therefore it is called a believing with the heart (Rom. 10:10 [Romans 10:10]); yea, a believing with all the heart (Acts 8:37). Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. It takes in all the powers of the soul. There is a double object in the promise, one proper to the understand, to move that; another proper to the will, to excite and work on that. As the promise is true, so it calls for an act of assent from the understanding; and as it is good as well as true, so it calls for an act of the will to embrace and receive it. Therefore, he which only notionally knows the promise, and speculatively assent to the truth of it, without clinging to it, and embracing of it, does not believe savingly, and can have no more benefit from the promise, than nourishment from the food he sees and acknowledges to be wholesome, but eats none of. -- William Gurnall (1617-1679)
There are thousands of people who have had some form of emotional experience that they refer to as conversion but who have never been truly converted to Christ. Christ demands a change in the way you live -- and if your life does not conform to your experience, then you have every reason to doubt your experience. -- Billy Graham (1918-2018), Peace With God, p. 135
Abrahams, Israel, Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels, ISBN: 1592448240 9781592448241.
"First published in two volumes in 1917 and 1924. Now available in one volume. Long regarded as a pioneer work that revolutionized an understanding of the character and development of Pharisaism." -- Cyril J. Barber
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Gospel," "Heresy," and so forth, and so on.
Barna, George, The Barna Report 1992-93: America Renews its Search for God.
"Barna's WHAT AMERICANS BELIEVE captures a snapshot of American Christianity in 1991. This totally-new election-year edition updates the picture! . . . Vital information is easy to grasp with key charts and graphs (more detailed tables appear in the appendix), and easy to apply practical action steps." -- CBD
*Barna, George, What Americans Believe: An Annual Survey of Values and Religious Views in the United States, ISBN: 0830715053 9780830715053.
"Our society is changing in ways that have dramatic implications for the future of morality, ethics, and the Christian church. Three quarters of young adults in this country believe there is no absolute truth -- a major change from older generations which tend to believe in absolute truth. WHAT AMERICANS BELIEVE gives a clear, up-to-the-minute picture of the mores, beliefs, and religious attitudes of Americans. It is based on an annual survey conducted by the Barna Research Group and covers 65 questions about values, life-style, and religious beliefs." A tool to reshape ministerial strategies.
Barron, Bruce, The Health and Wealth Gospel: What's Going on Today in a Movement That has Shaped the Faith of Millions? ISBN: 0877843279 9780877843276.
"Barron probes the teachings of prominent preachers like Charles Capps, Kenneth Hagin, and Kenneth Copeland. Can we have whatever we ask from God? Can we see a 100-fold return on our Kingdom investment? Is sickness a sign of a lack of faith? These and other claims are examined fully and fairly." -- GCB
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Banner of Truth edition is available free as e-text.
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
Bowman, Robert M., The Word-faith Controversy: Understanding the Health and Wealth Gospel, ISBN: 0801063442 9780801063442.
*Chantry, Walter J. (1938-present), Today's Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? ISBN: 0851510272 9780851510279.
Downes, Stephen, Stephen Downes Guide to the Logical Fallacies.
"Stephen Downes, an information architect with a background in philosophy, created this site with the aim of identifying, indexing, and describing 'all known logical fallacies.' A logical fallacy can be defined as an error in reasoning in which a conclusion appears to follow from a set of premises but in reality does not. Downes groups the fallacies into thirteen categories, such as Fallacies of Distraction, Inductive Fallacies, and Syllogistic Errors. Each fallacy (over 50 in all), is described with its name, definition, examples of how it might be used in an argument, and how the argument can be proven fallacious. The How to Use this Guide section of the site provides a helpful introduction, and a robust bibliography offers possibilities for further study of logic. In addition, users may register at the site (no fee), to gain access to discussion boards on the topic. The author notes that his Guide "is intended to help you in your own thinking, not to help you demolish someone else's argument." Regardless of how a reader uses the information, however, the site remains an interesting and fun investigation of how logical arguments are constructed."
"Lists all known logical fallacies, with definitions, examples, and the steps needed to prove that the fallacy is committed. Site also includes links to logic references and resources."
Stephen's Guide to Logical Fallacies
Ellul, Jacques (1912-1994), The Subversion of Christianity, ISBN: 0802800491 9780802800497.
"What we today call Christianity, says Ellul, is actually far removed from the revelation of God. The church has perverted and reinterpreted Scripture over the years in order to mitigate the scandal of the Gospel. Yet Ellul remains hopeful, for the Holy Spirit continues to move in the world." -- Publisher
*Gurnall, William (1617-1679), and John Charles Ryle (contributor), The Christian in Complete Armor: A Treatise of the Saint's war Against the Devil, complete and unabridged, ISBN: 0851511961 9780851511962. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Peerless and priceless; every line full of wisdom." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose THE CHRISTIAN IN COMPLETE ARMOUR." -- John Newton
Also praised by John Flavel and Richard Baxter.
Said to be among the 10 greatest Christian books.
"A beautiful feature in Gurnall's book is its richness in pithy, pointed, and epigrammatical sayings. You will often find in a line and a half some great truth, put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how so much thought could be got into so few words.
"Solid scriptural theology, like that contained in these pages, should be valued and studied in the church. Books in which Scripture is reverently regarded as the only rule of faith and practice -- books in which Christ and the Holy Ghost have their rightful office -- books in which justification, and sanctification, and regeneration, and faith, and grace, and holiness are clearly, distinctly, and accurately delineated and exhibited -- these are the only books which do real good. Few things need reviving more than a taste for such books as these among readers." -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
The Christian in Complete Armour, William Gurnall
The Christian in Complete Armour
Quotes From The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall
*Luther, Martin (1483-1546), Commentary on Galatians, English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, ISBN: 0825431247. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"I prefer this book of Martin Luther's (except the Bible), before all the books I have ever seen, as most fit for a wounded soul." -- John Bunyan
"This is a great, historic work, and is beyond criticism on account of its great usefulness. As a comment its accuracy might be questioned; but for emphatic utterances and clear statements of the great doctrine of the Epistle it remains altogether by itself, and must be judged per se." -- C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
"The reissue of a famous series of lectures delivered at Wittenberg University in 1553." -- Cyril J. Barber
Commentary on Galatians, Martin Luther
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, That He might deliver us from the present evil world. (Galatians 1:4 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
Luther's Commentary on Galatians, Who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth. (Galatians 3:1 excerpt), English translation by Erasmus Middleton, B.D., edited by John Prince Fallowes, M.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge
MacArthur, John F., Jr., Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World, ISBN: 0891077294 9780891077299 1856840808 9781856840804.
Includes: Appendix 1: Spurgeon and the Down-grade Controversy.
"[At the end of the Puritan age], by some means or other, first the ministers, then the Churches, got on 'the down grade,' and in some cases, the descent was rapid, and in all, very disastrous. In proportion as the ministers seceded from the old Puritan godliness of life, and the old Calvinistic form of doctrine, they commonly became less earnest and less simple in their preaching, more speculative and less spiritual in the matter of their discourses, and dwelt more on the moral teachings of the New Testament, than on the great central truths of revelation. Natural theology frequently took the place which the great truths of the gospel ought to have held, and the sermons became more and more Christless. Corresponding results in the character and life, first of the preachers and then of the people, were only too plainly apparent." -- Robert Shindler, "The Down Grade," The Sword and the Trowel (March 1887), p. 122
McConnell, R., A Different Gospel: Biblical and Historical Insights Into the Word of Faith Movement, ISBN: 1565631323 9781565631328.
"A comprehensive analysis of the historical background and doctrinal errors of the Word-Faith teachers including Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Fred Price, and others. McConnell also gives conclusive evidence of the doctrinal and literal connection between Hagin and E.W. Kenyon." -- Publisher
"Every Christian should read this book in order to be aware of the dangerous implications of the widespread and cultic Word of Faith movement preaching what is popularly known as 'Name It and Claim It' theology. A Different Gospel is a bold and revealing examination of the biblical and historical basis of this movement. This new and revised edition is complete with a foreword by Hank Hanegraaff, author of CHRISTIANITY IN CRISIS, and a new afterword by D.R. McConnell.
"The author knows the movement first-hand and has a heart for those snared by it. He is also an academically trained observer who has based this work on careful historical and biblical analysis. McConnell warns of the movement's cultic nature in its doctrine of healing and its understanding of the atonement and demonstrates how far the movement's doctrine of prosperity is from Scripture's true teaching." -- Publisher
"My summary above is a brief review of people named and judged, in writing, by the Apostle Paul for one reason or another. Why didn't Paul just read his Bible and not judge anyone else? A Different Gospel is one of the most important treatments of the Faith Movement, as it is written by a charismatic graduate of Oral Roberts University. . . .
"The single most damaging fact shown by this book is that the 'Father of the Faith Movement,' namely self-proclaimed prophet Kenneth Hagin, plagiarized the writings of no less than three ministers (including E.W. Kenyon), throughout his own ministry. When he was caught and confronted, Hagin blamed God for it. Since Hagin and others were long ago confronted individually and by groups, it is certainly proper to go and 'Tell it to the church.' For Hagin fans, I'll make it simple: plagiarism is theft; saying that God made you do it unwittingly is lying. This is the root of the fruit.
"Speaking of the fruit, if healings validate the spirit behind a ministry, then those in the Faith Movement should feel well at home in a Christian Science reading room. This is a fitting observation, because McConnell discovered that Kenyon has direct educational, doctrinal, and testimonial links to the metaphysical cults (Christian Science, New Thought, etc.). Thus, Hagin has plagiarized and popularized, via Kenyon, key Christian Science ideas unknowingly. These ideas have become so entrenched in modern charismatic thought (although they are not inherently charismatic in nature), it is difficult to get adherents to see the forest through the trees.
"Other people, including but not limited to Gordon Fee, Walter Martin, Michael Horton, Curtis Crenshaw, Richard Abanes, James White, Chuck Smith, Michael Moriarty, John MacArthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, Ron Rhodes, and Elliot Miller have written and spoken against the spiritual dangers of the Faith Movement and its teachers. Rest assured, the Apostle Paul would be proud. But I'm also sure that the followers of Philetus viewed the Apostle Paul with the same measure of contempt that most of the one-star reviewers feel toward the brave people listed above." -- Reader's Comment
"The book opens with strong declarations about the first principles of Christianity. Miller explains the substitutionary atonement in "Christ Our Righteousness." He shows the necessity of "Being on the Lord's Side." Perceptive readers will note the depth of these statements, respecting the nature of the gospel, in contrast to the shallow evangelistic messages of the present day. In two missionary sermons, Miller illustrates how Christ, through the gospel, will conquer the world. There are additional sermons on "The Difficulties and Temptations which Attend the Preaching of the Gospel in Great Cities" and "The Importance of Gospel Truth." -- Publisher
Owen, John (1616-1683), The Advantage of the Kingdome of Christ, in the Shaking of the Kingdoms of the World: or, Providential Alterations, in Their Subserviencie to Christ's Exaltation. Opened in a sermon preached to the Parliament, Octob. 24. 1651. A solemn day of thanksgiving for the destruction of the Scots army at Worcester, with sundry other mercies; by John Owen, minister of the Gospel, 1652. Alternate title: THE ADVANTAGE OF THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST, IN THE SHAKING OF THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Apostasy From the Gospel, ISBN: 0851516092 9780851516097. A Christian classic. Alternate title: THE NATURE AND CAUSES OF APOSTASY FROM THE GOSPEL. Available in SIN AND GRACE, volume 7 of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN.
"Few subjects have received less attention from contemporary Christian writers than that of apostasy. The idea that professing Christians may prove not to be true Christians is, in many respects, too serious a prospect for our facile age. But, for John Owen, such avoidance of the issue was itself a pressing reason for writing on it at length and in great depth of spiritual analysis. His exposition is a masterpieces of penetration and discernment.
"Some will find its pages deeply soul-searching; others will be struck by the clarity of Owen's insight; all will find a work which wounds in order to heal." -- Publisher
*Owen, John (1616-1683), The Gospel Defended, ISBN: 0851511295 9780851511290. A Christian classic.
"Contains chapters on: the mystery of the Gospel, the death of Christ, Justification, and an examination of Socinianism."
Owen, John (1616-1683), Ouranon Ourania. The Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth. A Sermon Preached Before the Honourable House of Commons, in Parliament Assembled, April the 19th, 1649. By Dr. John Owen. London, [1793]. Available (MP3 format), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Sin and Grace, ISBN: 9780851511276 0851511279. A Christian classic. Alternate title: A TREATISE OF THE DOMINION OF SIN AND GRACE. . . . BY THE LATE PIOUS AND LEARNED MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, JOHN OWEN, D.D.
"Contains: Nature and causes of apostasy from the Gospel, duty of being spiritually minded, treatise on the dominion of Sin, and Grace."
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Robbins, John W. (1949-2008),
What is the Gospel?
"Today, however, there is a great deal of confusion about what the Gospel is, and what an evangelical is, just as there is confusion about what a Christian is. Because of this confusion, many people are called evangelicals who do not believe the Gospel. It might be best to begin to sort out this confusion by spelling out some of the popular religious ideas that are not the Gospel." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Counterfeit gospels are enumerated. Translations: German.
Counterfeit Gospels, a tract by John W. Robbins
Schlabach, Theron F., Gospel Versus Gospel (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, No. 21. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980).
Scott, C. Anderson, Romanism and the Gospel.
"Scott is highly critical of Catholicism." -- GCB
Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), The Gospel According to C.H. Spurgeon: The Old Gospel for the new Millennium, ISBN: 1561862274 9781561862276.
A selection of 35 sermons on the Gospel.
Walker, Andrew (editor), Betraying the Gospel, ISBN: 0917851471 9780917851476.
Introduction by Billy Graham.
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards (The complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms). Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, Justification, Justifying faith, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come, Other works on the gospel, False gospels, Justifying faith, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Creeds, confessions, and catechisms, Persecution, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 3908
Counterfeit Gospels, a tract by John W. Robbins
Are You Catholic? a tract by John W. Robbins
Four Great Certainties
God's Plan to Save His People
What Is Christian Philosophy?
Civilization and the Protestant Reformation
Fallacy Files
Justifying Faith
Pseudo-Christian Movements: A Selection of Works
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
See the Theological Notes: "The Image of God," at Genesis 1:27 in The Reformation Study Bible.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)The word Evangelical originally meant two things: (1) that the Bible, not church leaders, nor clergymen, nor human experience, is the sole source of truth; and (2) that a sinner received right standing before God by having Christ's righteousness reckoned to his account, through faith in the person and work of Christ. These ideas were expressed in two slogans: sola scriptura -- Scripture alone -- and sola fide -- faith alone. . . . -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0664220207 9780664220204. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. A Christian classic.
"Edited by John McNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles, this is the definitive English language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church -- Calvin's INSTITUTES.
"Still considered by many to be the finest explanation and defense of the Protestant Reformation available.
"The work is divided into four books: I. The Knowledge of God the Creator, II. The Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ, III. The Mode of Obtaining the Grace of Christ, IV. The External Means or Helps by Which God Allures us Into Fellowship With Christ and Keeps us in it. . . . THE INSTITUTES is praised by the secular philosopher, Will Durant, as one of the ten books that shook the world." -- GCB
Calvin spent a lifetime writing and perfecting INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. His Prefatory Address makes it clear that he intended the work to be a defense of Christianity to the King of France.
Therefore, plainly stated, one of the most influential works ever published in the English language is a defense of Christianity to leaders of State.
Prefatory Address to His Most Christian Majesty, The Most Mighty and Illustrious Monarch, Francis, King of the French, His Sovereign, John Calvin. Available in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
"Indeed, this consideration makes a true king: to recognize himself a minister of God in governing his kingdom. Now, that king, who in ruling over his realm does not serve God's glory, exercises not kingly rule but brigandage. [Footnote: 'Nec iam regnum ille sed latrocinium exercet.' An echo of Augustine's famous phrase: 'When justice is taken away, what are kingdoms [[regna]] but a vast banditry [[magna latocinia]]?' City of God, IV. iv (MPL [[Migne, J.P., Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina]], 41. 115; tr. NPNF [[A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series]], II. 66)]. Furthermore, he is deceived who looks for enduring prosperity in his kingdom when it is not ruled by God's scepter, that is, his Holy Word; for the heavenly oracle that proclaims that where prophecy fails the people are scattered [Prov. 29:18 (Proverbs 29:18)], cannot lie." (Battles translation)
"The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the sceptre of God, that is, by his divine word. For the heavenly oracle is infallible which has declared, that where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18), (Beveridge translation)."
See the entire Prefatory Address, Beveridge translation. Considered to be one of the greatest prefaces ever written.
"The doctrines of covenant liberty were rediscovered in the Reformation. John Calvin went further than anyone else in defining liberty and what Christians need to do to maintain it. Includes bibliographies."
It is recommended that INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION be used for daily devotions and may be used in combination with Ford Lewis Battles and John Walchenbach, AN ANALYSIS OF THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION OF JOHN CALVIN and with CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES.
Calvin's Commentaries at
Calvin's Commentaries, complete
From the Calvin Translation Society edition.
One Hundred Aphorisms, Containing, Within a Narrow Compass, the Substance and Order of the Four Books of The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Contents and Chapter Sections for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 (McNeill/Battles)
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 1
Calvin, Jean (John, 1509-1564), Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 2
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Beveridge translation
Monergism: Commentaries
From search "commentaries."
*Cocoris, G. Michael, Evangelism: A Biblical Approach, ISBN: 0802423965 9780802423962.
"A different approach to evangelism in that the author, both a pastor and an evangelist, is also a Biblicist. He seeks, therefore, to ground his rationale for evangelism squarely in the Scriptures and bypasses many discussions and/or techniques used by others because they have little or no foundation in God's Word. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Good, Kenneth, H., Lost and Found: Christ's Teaching on the Theology of Evangelism, ISBN: 0852342764 9780852342763.
"In Luke 15 our Lord sets forth the viewpoint of each Person of the Trinity in the winning of souls. Here the warmth of personal involvement is combined with the absolute certainty of the Divine Sovereignty. A commitment to the Doctrine of Grace is not incompatible with dedication to the work of evangelism." -- GCB
*Hammond, Peter, The Greatest Century of Missions, ISBN: 9780987016560 0987016563.
"Only one life, it will soon be past. Only what is done for Christ will last!" -- C.T. Studd
"Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!" -- William Carey
"As missionaries circled the globe, penetrated the jungles and crossed the seas, they preached a singular message: light out of darkness, liberty out of tyranny, and life out of death. To cultures endemic with terrible poverty, brutality, lawlessness, and disease, those faithful Christian witnesses interjected the novel Christian concepts of grace, charity, law, medicine, and the sanctity of life. They overturned despots, liberated the captives, and rescued the perishing. They established hospitals. They founded orphanages. They started rescue missions. They built alms-houses. They opened soup kitchens. They incorporated charitable societies. They changed laws. They demonstrated love. They lived as if people really mattered. Wherever missionaries went, they faced a dual challenge: confront sin in men's hearts and confront sin in men's cultures." -- George Grant in his Introduction to The Greatest Century of Missions
"THE GREATEST CENTURY OF MISSIONS book is a treasure trove of incredible adventures, inspiring exploits and unbelievable achievements of some of the most extra-ordinary people in the most momentous era of Christian advance. This book will be an invaluable resource for pastors and missionaries and a textbook for senior homeschoolers, Christian schools and Bible colleges. It should be required reading for prospective missionaries." -- Publisher
A Geo-Strategic Overview of the Greatest Century of Reformation, Peter Hammond
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, ISBN: 0851103138 9780851103136.
"Noted scholar and writer J.I. Packer (1926-2020) shows that a right understanding of God's sovereignty is a powerful incentive for evangelism." -- Publisher
"A popular, conservative presentation of the relationship between these two areas of theology. Emphasis is placed upon the effect of Christian witness." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life, ISBN: 0891078193.
"Packer is a well-known author, lecturer, and theologian. He is currently Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
"Packer writes of that golden age of Christian theology, when giants of the faith pursued holiness in life and practice like a hound follows a scent. Those Puritans of the 17th century (a little before and a little after), had as their aim to be fully conformed to the image of God, and to be seen at home and abroad as close imitators of Christ Jesus. . . .
"There are lessons for us in their passion for effective action. They had no time for lazy or passive persons. They were men of action in the pure Reformed mold -- crusading activists without a jot of self-reliance; workers for God who depended utterly on God to work in and through them. . . . There are lessons for us in their program for family stability. It is hardly too much to say that the Puritans created the Christian family in the English-speaking world. The Puritan ethic of marriage was to look not for a partner whom you do love passionately at this moment, but rather one whom you can love steadily as your best friend for life, and then to proceed with God's help to do just that. . . .
"In the introduction Packer gives his personal testimony as to how much he owes to the Puritans for his depth of knowledge, firmness of purpose, his dedication to fulfilling God's purposes in his life, and his love of the truth as revealed in the Scriptures. Because of his appreciation of this background of Puritan influence on his life, he has often written and lectured on the subject of the importance of the Puritans. Many of our freedoms and just laws can be traced to their influence on all our lives. This book contains the following themes: The Puritans in Profile; The Puritans and the Bible; The Puritans and the Gospel; the Puritans and the Holy Spirit; The Puritan Christian Life; The Puritans in Ministry. . . .
"This reviewer would love to persuade every single reader of these words to read this book. You would get a view of Christians which would inspire you, which would perhaps lead you, which would perhaps lead you to repentance, but also to heights of spirituality you would not enjoy without them. What Packer has said about their influence on his life can be repeated almost word for word in a resume of this reviewer's life. If you want to grow in grace, and in usefulness to God's cause, read the writing of the Puritans.
"We will repeat what we said in reviewing John Owen's THE DEATH OF DEATH IN THE DEATH OF CHRIST, that Packer's well balanced definition of Calvinism in the introduction to that volume is by far the best we have seen in 42 years of intensive reading. And that superb piece appears in this volume in full, which alone is worth the price of this book.
"The book jacket has these words: 'Dr. Packer masterfully uncovers the hidden treasures of Puritan life and thought. With crystalline clarity he reveals the depth and breadth of Puritan spiritual life, contrasting it with the superficiality and deadness of modern Western Christianity. Drawing on a lifetime of study Dr. Packer takes the reader on a survey of the lives and teachings of great leaders such as John Owen, Richard Baxter, and Jonathan Edwards. He offers a close look at such subjects as the Puritan view of the Bible, spiritual gifts, the Sabbath, worship, social action, and the family. He concludes that a main difference between the Puritans and ourselves is spiritual maturity -- the Puritans had it; we do not. In a time of failing vision and decaying values, this powerful portrait of Puritans is a beacon of hope that calls us to radical commitment and action when both are desperately needed'." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Contrary to popular opinion, the Puritans were no dour lot of killjoys. In fact, Packer says, there's a lot we can learn from them about truly authentic and joyous spirituality. In this book Packer explores the Puritans' own writings on the Bible, the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, Christian life, and ministry. For each topic he beautifully demonstrates how the Puritans can help us press on toward godliness. If you're intrigued by the Puritans but don't know where to start reading them, this book will be a valuable guide!" -- CBD
"In a resounding call to deepen our Christian life, Packer reveals the strength of the Puritan system of spiritual maturity." -- Publisher
J.I. Packer's Introduction to The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, by John Owen
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ: Redemption and Reconciliation That is in the Blood of Christ (Limited Atonement), 1 of 33, [audio file]
An audio file reading by Still Waters Revival Books from THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN. Currently (October 2018), there are 77 readings of John Owen by SWRB and Reformed Baptist of Holland (Michigan), (Thomas Sullivan), at available for listening online, downloading as MP3 files, [audio file], and listening on iPhone, mobile phones, and MPE players.
*Tripp, Paul David, Contextualization of the Gospel in Counseling: A Biblical Rational for Person-Centered Ministry (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1988).
Available on microfiche from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI.
Includes bibliography.
Stebbins, Tom, Evangelism by the Book: 13 Biblical Methods, ISBN: 0875094732 9780875094731.
Tom Stebbins is a board member of Evangelism Explosion III International.
"Unflaggingly practical, focusing on you -- your personal needs and aspirations . . . tells you about it [training witnesses to train witnesses], in a way that can change your life." -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007)
*Tripp, Theodore A., and David Powlison (introduction), Shepherding a Child's Heart, ISBN: 0966378601 9780966378603.
"Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. SHEPHERDING A CHILD'S HEART gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing." -- Publisher
"This is a masterful book." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Solid, trustworthy, biblical help for parents." -- John MacArthur.
See also: The gospel message of salvation, Sharing christ with your children, Other works on the Gospel, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Reconciliation of relationships, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 3908
The Shepherd Knows His Sheep by Name, John Hendryx
"Monergism: The view that the Holy Spirit is the only agent who effects regeneration of Christians. It is in contrast with synergism, the view that there is a cooperation between the divine and the human in the regeneration process." -- Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), Three Treatises Tending to Awaken Secure Sinners: viz 1. The Terror of the day of Judgement, 2. The Danger of Sighting Christ and his Gospel, 3. True Christianity, or Christ's Absolute Dominion, and Man's Necessary Self-Resignation and Subjection Unto Christ.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), The end of the Wicked Contemplated by the Righteous: or, The Torments of the Wicked in Hell, no Occasion of Grief to the Saints in Heaven. Alternate title: THE END OF THE WICKED. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), The Eternity of Hell's Torments. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available in SERMONS, ON THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS, Jonathan Edwards.
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), The Excellency of Christ, a sermon, ISBN: 9781775413516 1775413519 9781775413516 1775413519. Available (THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Excellency of Christ by Jonathan Edwards
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), The Justice of God Displayed in the Endless Punishment of the Wicked.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Sermons, on the Following Subjects: The manner in which salvation is to be sought. The unreasonableness of indetermination in religion. Unbelievers contemn the glory of Christ. The folly of looking back in fleeing out of Sodom. The warnings of Scripture in the best manner adapted to the awakening and conversion of sinners. Hypocrites deficient in the duty of prayer. The future punishment of the wicked unavoidable and intolerable. The eternity of hell-torments. The peace which Christ gives his true followers. The perpetuity and change of the Sabbath. By the late Reverend Mr. Jonathan Edwards, president of the College of New-Jersey. Available THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS in two volumes on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Delivered 250 years ago, this is the most famous sermon ever preached in the history of America. Far more than a depiction of the punishments of hell, it is a call to personal salvation through Christ and spiritual revival in our time." -- Publisher
"First preached in 1741 this sermon had people in the congregation calling out for salvation." -- CBD.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), and Sereno Edwards Dwight (1786-1850), The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of his Life, 1829, volume 1 of 9. Available THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS in two volumes on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of his Life, 1829, volume 1 of 9.
*Kennedy, D. James (1930-2007), Why I Believe in the Bible, God, Creation, Heaven, Hell, Moral Absolutes, Christ, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, Christianity, the Second Birth, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Return of Christ, ISBN: 0849901944 9780849901942 0849929431 9780849929434.
A book after the "Why I Believe" sermon series. Some have said it is the greatest sermon series he ever preached.
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Evangelistic Sermons at Aberavon, ISBN: 085151362X 9780851513621.
"Sermons written out in full in the early period of his life. Twenty-one (21) of his own manuscripts published for the first time. These sermons are full of evangelistic urgency. An important contribution to the area of conversion and starting the Christian life." -- GCB
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Old Testament Evangelistic Sermons, ISBN: 0851516831 9780851516837.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546), God so Loved the World: Two Sermons on John 3:16-21
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), The Excellence and Worth of the Gospel, 1640, ISBN: 1573581011 9781573581011. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10.
"This sermon is read by elder Lyndon Dohms (1998) and taken from the book QUAINT SERMONS OF SAMUEL RUTHERFORD. It proclaims the power of the gospel for pulling down all strongholds raised against it. It exhibits God's sovereignty while blasting the Arminian heresy and toppling its vaunted idol of 'free will.' It demonstrates how the gospel is a love letter from God to His elect and how the Lord's arrows always hit their mark (particular redemption, irresistible grace, etc.). Rutherford also delineates the marks by which one can be assured that a work of grace has been begun in the heart by God. Hypocrisy is also exposed in the most pointed manner. The place of the law and the gospel in salvation are given. True repentance is contrasted with false repentance, as is true assurance with false assurance, plus much more. A very practical sermon from one of the greatest preachers and theologians of all time, exhibiting why Rutherford is considered a protesting Covenanter of the first rank.
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), Quaint Sermons of Samuel Rutherford Hitherto Unpublished. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10, 29.
"As Andrew Bonar notes in his preface to this book, 'Samuel Rutherford never fails to set Christ on high, for truly he had a thirst no earthly stream could satisfy -- A hunger that must feed on Christ, or die.' These sermons, in setting forth the splendor of Christ as revealed in His Word, will continue to offer much comfort and consolation to contemporary Christians. Of the sermons that make up this volume some titles include, 'The Spouse's Longing for Christ' (Song of Solomon 5:3-6), 'Fear not, Thou Worm Jacob' (Isa. 41:14-16 [Isaiah 41:14-16]), 'The Worth and Excellence of the Gospel' (2 Cor. 10:4-5 [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]), and 'The Forlorn Son -- The Fathers Expressed Welcome' (Luke 15:22-23) -- along with fourteen others." -- Publisher
Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, The Saviour of the World, ISBN: 0851515932 9780851515939.
"Sermons originally preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary."
Welsh, John, The Great Gospel Summons to Close with Christ Under the Pain of the Highest Rebellion Against the God of Heaven (1676), 32 pages. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"An evangelistic sermon on Isaiah 53:5, But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
"Welsh, a Covenanter, was ejected in 1662. After his ejection he almost immediately began preaching in the fields (to as many as 10,000 hearers). He was also a great grandson of John Knox and 'in spite of his reputation, the frequency, duration and public nature of his preaching, and a large price on his head, Welsh was never apprehended and, retiring to London after Bothwell Bridge, died in peace,' writes David Lachman. (Cameron, ed., Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology, p. 861)
See also: The sermon on the mount, The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come, Reconciliation of relationships, Witnessing to cultists, Hard-case witnessing, Evangelism, Follow-up, Hell, Biblical counseling tracts, Knowing christ, Small group evangelism, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, and so forth, and so on.
Billy Graham Sermon Archive
"More than 1,600 sermons spanning 60 years of Billy Graham's ministry are now instantly available to you anytime, anywhere you have access to the Internet.
"You can search by topic, location, or year for biblical messages from Crusades, media appearances, memorial services, and more -- on demand and free of charge."
The Biblical Basis for Revival in the Church
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, History of Revivalism, 65 min.
Classic Billy Graham sermons on SiriusXM Channel 460
Classic Billy Graham sermons now may be heard around the clock and across the nation on SiriusXM Channel 460, satellite radio.
Find out how to listen by visiting or by calling 866-408-8296.
The One True Light, John 1:6-13, a sermon by Todd Pruitt [audio file], September 18, 2022
*The Pursuit of Meaning, in four parts, MP3 [audio file], January 23, 2017
Ravi said this is his most requested sermon.
"Are you struggling to understand your meaning life? Can you find meaning apart from God? Have you taken time today to dwell on the strength of God? Today on Just Thinking, Ravi Zacharias takes a deeper look at the question of meaning in life."
*Westminster Divines (1643-1653), The Shorter Catechism With Scripture Proofs (Carlisle, PA [P.O. Box 621, Carlisle 17013, USA]: The Banner of Truth Trust), ISBN: 0851512658. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Arguably the greatest tract ever created, all factors considered.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
See also: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Christ and Your Problems, ISBN: 0875520111 9780875520117. A booklet.
Exposits I Corinthians 10:13 [1 Corinthians 10:13], for the benefit of counselees. 'At bottom all men in all times face the same basic problems.' You are responsible. God is faithful, therefore you have hope. However difficult the pressures seem, you can make godly choices through Jesus Christ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"A Biblical exegesis of I Corinthians 10:13 [1 Corinthians 13], showing that a Christian's problems are not unique, and that God will not allow a Christian to be tested beyond his strength, and will always make a way of escape. Should be given to all counselees who need hope." -- Robert B. Somerville
*Bonar, Andrew A. (1810-1892), and Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne, ISBN: 085151085X 9780851510859. A Christian classic.
Spurgeon thought every Christian should read this book.
"Bonar's LIFE OF McCHEYNE (a part of this book), displays the character of this man, and illustrates why he is one of the best-loved and most widely influential men of all time. McCheyne was a sweet, humble, hard-working Christian with a passion for souls. It is a real joy to read his sermons, letters, and other writings in this book. Bonar, himself a great one, has done us all a great favor in preserving these memoirs for us." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Christ the Saviour of the World. A Sermon: Preached Immediately Before the Celebration of the Lord's Supper, at Ettrick, June 7th, 1724. By the Rev. Mr. Thomas Boston.
*Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758), Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Delivered 250 years ago, this is the most famous sermon ever preached in the history of America. Far more than a depiction of the punishments of hell, it is a call to personal salvation through Christ and spiritual revival in our time." -- Publisher
"First preached in 1741 this sermon had people in the congregation calling out for salvation." -- CBD.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards
Elliott, Delbert H., Six Great Certainties, 1920, a tract.
*Flavel, John (1628-1691), The Fountain of Life Opened up, or, A Display of Christ in his Essential and Mediatorial Glory. Available (JOHN FLAVEL'S WORKS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"If my pen were both able, and at leisure, to get glory in paper, it would be but a paper glory when I had gotten it; but if by displaying (which is the design of these papers), the transcendent excellency of Jesus Christ, I may win glory to him from you, to whom I humbly offer them, or from any other into whose hands providence shall cast them, that will be glory indeed, and an occasion of glorifying God to all eternity. It is not the design of this epistle to compliment, but to benefit you; not to emblazon your excellencies, but Christ's; not to acquaint the world how much you have endeared me to yourselves, but to increase and strengthen the endearments between Christ and you, upon your part."
The Fountain of Life
The Fountain of Life
Flavel, John (1628-1691), The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption, ISBN: 0923309519. Available in THE WORKS OF JOHN FLAVEL, (2:3-474).
"THE METHOD OF GRACE was first published by the Puritan John Flavel in the late 1600's, and has 'taught thousands how to commit the keeping of their souls to Christ.' The Publishers are happy to bring this Reformation classic back to print as an example of the transforming writings that brought us out of the dark ages.
"The early Puritan preachers of England did not write and preach from ivory towers. The Act of Uniformity of 1662 declared the public ministry of all non-conformist preachers illegal, but hundreds continued faithfully, preaching under the pressure of persecution and possible arrest. One of this courageous band was John Flavel, who from the crucible of hardship, wrote for the heart as well as the mind.
"In THE METHOD OF GRACE, Flavel thoroughly outlines the work of God's Spirit in applying the redemptive work of Christ to the believer. Readers will search their hearts and find their faith challenged and enriched. In the true puritan tradition, a clearly defined theology is delivered with evangelic fervor, by an author urgently concerned about the eternal destiny of the human soul." -- Publisher
The Method of Grace in the Holy Spirit's Applying to the Souls of Men the Eternal Redemption Contrived by the Father and Accomplished by the Son. A sequel to "The Fountain of Life, or Christ in his Essential and Mediatorial Glory."
The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption
Greene, Joseph Nelson, The Gospel in Literature, 1910.
Hamilton, Patrick (1503-1527), and A Most Excelent and Fruitful Treatise, Called Patericks Places: Concerning the Doctrine of Fayth, and the Doctrine of the Law: Which Being Knowen, you Haue the Pith of all Diuinitie. With a Briefe Collection or Exposition of a Summe of S. Pauls Doctrine Touching Iustification by Fayth, in Jesus Christ: Which is the Only Marke to Shoote at, and the Only Meanes to Obtaine Saluation, c1526.
Patrick Hamilton's Loci Communes
Kelly, Douglas F., Philip B. Rollinson, and Frederick T. Marsh, The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English, ISBN: 0875525482 9780875525488.
"Since its completion in 1647 the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM has been unsurpassed as a concise tool for teaching the Reformed understanding of Scripture. Though the truths of the catechism are unchanging, the English language has undergone many changes, which have made using the catechism in its original form increasingly difficult." -- Publisher
*M'Cheyne, Robert Murray (1813-1843), Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life. From Andrew Bonar, MEMOIR AND REMAINS OF ROBERT MURRAY M'CHEYNE..
*Miller, C. John "Jack" (1928-1996), Finding Healthy Self-Esteem Through Being Completely Forgiven (Quality Living Series. Jenkintown, PA [World Harvest, Box 2175, Jenkintown, 19046]: World Harvest, 1987).
"Do you feel inadequate? That you need to do more or be better in order to be happy and fulfilled? You may not realize it, but your biggest problem is . . . you don't feel completely forgiven."
World Harvest Mission
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Witnessing to Roman Catholics.
Pacific Gardens Mission, "Unshackled" (Chicago, IL: Pacific Gardens Mission).
A radio program heard weekdays. Dramatizations of real life stories of conversions to Jesus Christ. If you are outside the broadcast area of this program, then cassette [audio file], or printed copies of messages may be available.
Pacific Garden Mission, "Unshackled," (listen online)
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Comfort for Christians, ISBN: 0585074860 9780585074863.
"A timely work full of consolation. A valuable addition to the other books treating suffering. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
"Those shocked into wakefulness by Pink's book on THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD will be amazed at the different tone he displayed in this book. It is heart-warming." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Comfort for Christians, by Arthur W. Pink
Pink, Authur W., The Doctrine of Justification, ISBN: 0585035148 9780585035147.
The Doctrine of Justification by Authur W. Pink
Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), The Godhood of God.
The Godhood of God by Arthur W. Pink
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), The Law and the Saint, ISBN: 058503513X 9780585035130.
"This 37-page booklet takes the position that the Ten Commandments are an expression of the unchanging character and will of God and are binding upon every Christian." -- CBD
The Law and the Saint by Arthur Pink
Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Why Four Gospels? ISBN: 0585035113 9780585035116.
Why Four Gospels? by Arthur W. Pink
*Powlison, David (1949-2019), God's Love: Better Than Unconditional, ISBN: 0875526861 9780875526867.
"Has anyone tried to comfort you with God's 'unconditional' love for you? Sounds kinda bland and remote doesn't it? It even sounds permissive. Well, there is a reason for your lackluster response to God's love being 'unconditional.' The truth is that God's love is radically more active and passionate.
"David Powlison demolishes the milk-toast mindset of mere 'unconditional love,' and presents God's love in all of its splendor and vibrancy. He gives many descriptive examples from the Bible of how God's love is dynamic, active, sacrificial, redeeming, thrilling . . .
"If you aren't enraptured and absorbed by the love of God, then do yourself a favor and get this booklet. It's power packed. It's dynamite." -- Reader's Comment
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Price, Eugenia, and Faith Coxe Bailey, Unshackled: Stories of Transformed Lives, Adapted From "Unshackled" Radio Broadcasts: Stories From Pacific Garden Mission.
*Robbins, John W. (1949-2008, editor), Christ and Civilization, ISBN: 1891777246 9781891777240.
"A new 48-page booklet. Includes a complete listing (in an additional 16 pages), of the books currently available from The Trinity Foundation."
Christ and Civilization
Robbins, John W. (1949-2008),
What is the Gospel?
"Today, however, there is a great deal of confusion about what the Gospel is, and what an evangelical is, just as there is confusion about what a Christian is. Because of this confusion, many people are called evangelicals who do not believe the Gospel. It might be best to begin to sort out this confusion by spelling out some of the popular religious ideas that are not the Gospel." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Counterfeit gospels are enumerated. Translations: German.
"Counterfeit Gospels," a tract by John W. Robbins
Scripture Union, Christianity Explained, ISBN: 0958990905 9780958990905.
This program "offers an effective, non-threatening tool to introduce Jesus to our neighbors, friends, and family. Everything is provided to help you reach others with the powerful love of God and the clear logic of His Word." -- David B. Jones
The workbook contains six evangelistic lessons, reproducible handouts, and information on follow-up material.
A companion videotape [DVD] is available.
A youth version of CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED is available and listed below.
Scripture Union of Australia. Resources for Ministry Unit, Cross Examination Leader's Guide: A Youth Version of CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED, in six sessions, ISBN: 0949720526 9780949720528.
Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Advice to Seekers, ISBN: 1387871048 9781387871049.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), A Call to the Unconverted.
A Call to the Unconverted
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards (The complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms). Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Westminster Divines (1643-1653), The Shorter Catechism With Scripture Proofs (Carlisle, PA [P.O. Box 621, Carlisle 17013, USA]: The Banner of Truth Trust), ISBN: 0851512658. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Arguably the greatest tract ever created, all factors considered.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
See also: "The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide"
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), Can man Live Without God? ISBN: 0849911737 9780849911736.
" 'Apart from God, chaos is the norm; with God, the hungers of the mind and heart find their fulfillment.' So writes Ravi Zacharias in this brilliant and compelling apologetic defense of the Christian faith -- the likes of which we haven't seen since C.S. Lewis. With forceful logic, insightful illustrations, and passionate conviction, he shows how affirming the reality of God' existence matters urgently in our everyday lives.
"According to Zacharias, who has debated the issue of God's existence in such settings a Harvard and Princeton Universities, how you answer the question of God' existence will have a profound effect on the way you live your life. It can impact your relationship with others, your commitment to integrity, your attitude toward morality, your perception of truth, and your sense of meaning in life -- it can mean the difference between living a life filled with hope or despair. . . ." -- Publisher
CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD has sold more copies than any other book by Ravi Zacharias. He has said that it is the book "which touched my life more than anything else." His other works include A SHATTERED VISAGE: THE REAL FACE OF ATHEISM, JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS: THE ABSOLUTE CLAIMS OF THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE, Martin, Walter R. and Ravi K. Zacharias, THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAJOR CULT SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENT CHRISTIAN ERA, CRIES OF THE HEART, and DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
"In summary, this is a book to read, whether you are a Christian, Moslem, Jew, or atheist, or any other adherent to a belief system. Ravi is a masterful philosopher, an unmatched apologist, a sympathetic and easy-to-understand author, and a humble man. This is definitely one of the classics in its field." -- Reader's Comment
See also: The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come, Justifying faith, Reconciliation of relationships, Follow-up, Basics of the Christian faith, Biblical counseling tracts, Knowing Christ, Sharing christ with your children, Small group evangelism, Witnessing to cultists, Hard-case witnessing, Evangelism, Other works on the gospel, Follow-up, Biblical counseling tracts, Knowing christ, Small group evangelism, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, and so forth, and so on.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Christ Died for the Ungodly Genesis 6:5, Horatius Bonar
A Collection of Tracts by John W. Robbins
Counterfeit Gospels, a tract by John W. Robbins
Are You Catholic? a tract by John W. Robbins
Four Great Certainties
God's Plan to Save His People
What Is Christian Philosophy?
Civilization and the Protestant Reformation
Dare to be a Daniel
"Did you know that most people come to faith in Jesus Christ before the age of 18? What better way to reach the next generation than through their classmates and friends who already believe.
"Dare to Be a Daniel is a new training program from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to help equip boys and girls ages 9 to 14 to share their faith in Jesus with others. Through a printed booklet, a CD-ROM, this fun, interactive Website, and other tools, youth are given simple steps they can use when telling others about Christ. We are also developing a 13-week Sunday school curriculum based on this program."
Experimental Salvation, Arthur Pink
Free the Masons Ministries, Perfect Love and Perfect Trust (Issaqua, WA:
Free The Masons Ministry).
A tract about how to witnessing to witches.
Saints Alive in Jesus
With one Accord
God's Testimony Concerning Man, Horatius Bonar
*The Golden Chain. The Chart Which Explains Perkins' Theology Concerning Salvation and Damnation
"A Guide for Studying the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) in suggested order of reading"
Commentaries on the Westminster Standards Including the Westminster Confession of Faith, The Larger Catechism, and The Shorter Catechism
Have You Truly Come to Christ? Arthur Pink
Mission to Catholics International
More Than Gold Ministry 2000
Mt. Zion Bible Church -- Online Library
My Hope America With Billy Graham
My Hope guidelines emphasize personal friendship evangelism.
In the last decade there have been 10 million responses to BGEA My Hope projects in foreign countries.
Approximately 25,000 local churches cooperated in the My Hope America, 2013 initiative. As of mid-December 2013, there were over 100,000 recorded responses of faith in Christ.
The New Birth (FGB #202)
The New Birth Defined, Plumer, William (1802-1880) | The Spirit That Breathes Life, Winslow, Octavius (1808-1878) | The Necessity of the New Birth, Pink, A.W. (1886-1952) | Biblical Terms for the New Birth, Gill, John (1697-1771) | New Birth, Repentance, and Faith, Buchanan, John (1804-1870) | New Birth, New Creature, Winslow, Octavius (1808-1878) | The Marks of the New Birth, Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900) | The Eternal and Efficient Cause of the New Birth, Gill, John (1697-1771) | The New Birth and the Preacher's Obligation, Owen, John (1616-1683) | The Necessity of the Spirit's Work, Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892)
Pacific Garden Mission, "Unshackled," (listen online)
Peace With God
"Approximately 10.5 million people worldwide experienced the Good News of Jesus Christ in 2013 by visiting the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's (BGEA) website [Jan. 29, 2014]. Of those, more than 2 million indicated making a commitment to Christ after viewing the message."
Peace With God
"Every day, on average (based on October-December 2020) over 19,000 people explore the Gospel on More than 4,000 people indicate making spiritual decisions for Christ.
The Top 10 Countries for 2020 ( 1. United States, 2. Canada, 3. Syria, 4. Sudan, 5. Azerbaijan, 6. Libya, 7. Lebanon, 8. Tanzania, 9. Bolivia, and 10. Kyrgyzstan." -- Internet Evangelism Update letter, February, 2021
Paz Con Dios
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
For the work of C. John Miller (1928-1996).
Repentance the Key to Salvation and Change
Search for Jesus
Select Sermons by Stephen Charnock, Jonathan Edwards, C.H. Spurgeon, and George Whitefield
Sermons of the Reverend George Whitefield
*Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord. (Isaiah 43:10)Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints. (Jude 3b)
One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 12:46)
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:34,35)This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:12,13)
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:26)
Thou hast made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee. -- Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
The saints are to bear a threefold testimony to, and for Christ and His truths: Breath-testimony, Life-testimony, and Blood-testimony. -- Vavasor Powell
Ravi Zacharias' personal hymn of commitment and testimony.
"O Thou Who Camest From Above," The United Methodist Hymnal Number, 501
Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788. Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley. Tune: HEREFORD, Meter: LM.1. O Thou who camest from above, the pure celestial fire to impart kindle a flame of sacred love upon the mean altar of my heart. 2. There let it for thy glory burn with inextinguishable blaze, and trembling to its source return, in humble prayer and fervent praise. 3. Jesus, confirm my heart's desire to work and speak and think for thee; still let me guard the holy fire, and still stir up thy gift in me. 4. Ready for all thy perfect will, my acts of faith and love repeat, till death thy endless mercies seal, and make my sacrifice complete. have been written to explain the conversion of Paul, Augustine, Calvin, Bunyan, Wesley, Knox, C.S. Lewis, Solzhenitsyn, Billy Graham, and others.
The testimony [which contains the Gospel] takes precedence of the law, First, because the law furnishes no motives which will effectually influence fallen man to obey its precepts or dread its penalty. The law is here viewed as contained in the ten (words) commandments, written on tables of stone. Such is its restricted and specific import in the sacred text under present consideration. That the law, thus viewed, contains motives or reasons enforcing obedience to itself, is not questioned: but these are adapted to a sinless, or at least a regenerated, subject of the law. In the conscience of every child of fallen Adam, the law worketh wrath: and this is as true of the moral as of the ceremonial law. But what the law could not do is accomplished by the testimony -- not of itself, but as the appointed means employed by the Holy Spirit.
For, Second, The testimony consists formally of matters of fact. The great facts contemplated in the text are embodied in the solemn declaration -- I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage (Exodus 20:1). These words have been long designated "The Preface to the Ten Commandments." [cf. Larger Catechism, Q.101; Shorter catechism, Q.44] They go before the law in the order of announcement, and not less in the order of operation and experience. Moses was mighty in words and in deeds (Acts 7:22). By the miracles which he wrought, the Egyptians were constrained to acknowledge the presence and power of the God of the Hebrews. The magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. Thus the testimony convinced the enemies of God of his supremacy over themselves, and over all idols. At the Red Sea the testimony wrought another distinct conviction among the Egyptians, -- that God was a friend to the Israelites and an enemy to them: -- Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians (Exodus 14:25). Such divine interpositions on behalf of those who are in covenant with God constitute the matter or substance of the testimony. Several and successive results flow from these miraculous or special providences. In the case of the children of Israel we may observe: -- 1, I am the Lord, a self-existent and eternal Being, as contrasted with gods that came newly up; [Deuteronomy 32:17]. 2, I am your God, your almighty friend in special covenant relation; and 3, both these important and consolatory facts proved to demonstration by delivering them from bondage. -- David Steele (1803-1887)
Alexander, James W., The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D. [1772-1851], First Professor in the Theological Seminary, at Princeton, New Jersey.
The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D.
Anderson, John, The Footsteps of the Flock, 1843.
Anonymous (attributed to George Logan), Antichrist's Armour-Bearer Disarmed, or, The Christian People's Answers and Remarks: on a Pamphlet Intitled, the Christian People's Testimony Made More Publick, &c. (1733). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #16.
Anonymous, Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, 2 volumes.
Anonymous, Ministers of Perth and Fife, A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ to the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of the Kirk of Scotland and to the National Covenant of Scotland and to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Nations, England, Scotland and Ireland and to the Work of Uniformity in Religion and against the errors, heresies, blasphemies and diverse practices of the times, especially against the vast toleration now on foot in these nations / by sundry ministers of the Gospel in the provinces of Perth and Fife, Ephes. 6:14,15; 2 Tim. 1:7,8 [Ephesians 6:14,15; 2 Timothy 1:7,8], 1648. Alternate title: A TESTIMONY TO THE TRUETH OF JESUS CHRIST, AND TO OUR SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT, 1660. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ.
A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ and to our Solemn League and Covenant
Associate Synod of Original Seceders (Scotland), A Testimony to the Truths of Christ: Agreeably to the Westminster Standards as Received by the Reformed Church of Scotland, and in Opposition to Defections From the Reformation Sworn to in Britain and Ireland: Agreed to by the Associate Synod of Original Seceders, 18th May 1827.
*Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 AD), The Confessions of Saint Augustine. A Christian classic. Available (WORKS OF AUGUSTINE), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Augustine is said to be the greatest Christian thinker next to the Apostle Paul. Luther set the Bible and the CONFESSIONS OF SAINT AUGUSTINE above all other books.
"The story of his sinful pursuits before conversion, and of his conversion, then of his confession to God, and his discoveries of the greatness of God after his conversion." -- Publisher
The Confessions of Saint Augustine
The Works of Saint Augustine
*Bainton, Roland H., Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther. A Christian classic.
"Available for the first time in trade paperback, this authoritative biography of the great religious leader was hailed by Time magazine as "the most readable Luther biography in English." This edition showcases the intricate woodcuts and engravings that enhance the text and give the flavor of the era in which Martin Luther lived. More than 100 woodcuts and engravings." -- Publisher
A scholarly presentation of Luther's part in the Protestant Reformation which changed the course of Western civilization. Highly recommended, especially for those seeking a deeper understanding of the theology of the Reformation. A scholarly work in which the Gospel is articulately presented. The story of Luther's conversion is, of course, presented in detail. Numerous editions of this book are available. Includes extensive bibliography.
Martin Luther
Barsky, Jack, Deep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB spy in America, ISBN: 9781496416865 1496416864.
"A few weeks ago, Margie and I had the privilege of having lunch with former Russian KGB agent Jack Barsky. His book, DEEP UNDERCOVER, tells the story of his life as a spy and his ultimate conversion.
"He and his wife now live in the United States. He traces his conversion to several individuals and their impact. One of those influences is our radio program 'Let My People Think.' So he wanted very much to come to our office and have lunch with me." -- Ravi Zacharias
*Bonar, Andrew A. (1810-1892), and Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray M'Cheyne, ISBN: 085151085X 9780851510859. A Christian classic.
Spurgeon thought every Christian should read this book.
"Bonar's LIFE OF McCHEYNE (a part of this book), displays the character of this man, and illustrates why he is one of the best-loved and most widely influential men of all time. McCheyne was a sweet, humble, hard-working Christian with a passion for souls. It is a real joy to read his sermons, letters, and other writings in this book. Bonar, himself a great one, has done us all a great favor in preserving these memoirs for us." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Boreham, F.W., The man who Saved Gandhi: A Short Biography of John Joseph Doke.
*Brainerd, David (1718-1747), and Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758, editor), The Life and Diary of David Brainerd, ISBN: 0801009766. A Christian classic.
This journal is said to have inspired more Christians to become missionaries than any other book other than the Bible.
"John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, William Carey, and Henry Martyn having read the journal felt compelled to spend their lives preaching the Gospel." -- Veronica Zundel
Brainerd and Edwards, The life of Rev. David Brainerd: Chiefly Extracted From his Diary
Brown, James, The Testimony Published at Rutherglen, May 29, 1679.
The Declaration and Testimony of the True Presbyterian, Anti-Prelatick, Anti-Erastian, persecuted party in Scotland. Published at Sanquhar, June 22, 1680
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Similar to Augustine's CONFESSIONS. Traces Bunyan's spiritual pilgrimage from his youth, through several crises, to his conversion, and through many trials and difficulties, temptations and sorrows, until he came to rely solely on Christ for his every need. Originally published in 1666." -- Cyril J. Barber
"This is the personal testimony of the famous author of PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, THE HOLY WAR, and 60 other edifying books." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, John Bunyan
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Epistle to the Faithful Showing That Christ is the end of the law. Alternate title: CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW; CALVIN'S PREFACE TO OLIVETAN'S NEW TESTAMENT; PREFACE TO THE GENEVA BIBLE OF 1550; or, informally, CALVIN ON THE GOSPEL. (Not to be confused with Calvin's "The Argument on the Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke," in the front matter of CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES: MATTHEW, MARK AND LUKE [volume 16 of the Baker edition], which is [THE ARGUMENT], also sometimes referred to as CALVIN ON THE GOSPEL).
Calvin wrote "Christ is the end of the law," in 1534, "about the year of his conversion. . . . It is his first statement of faith as a Protestant, and an eloquent defense of it." -- Joseph Haroutunian
Therefore, it is sometimes thought of as Calvin's testimony.
Available in Desideius Erasmus, Robert Olivetan, and John Calvin (reviser and preface), OLIVETAN'S NEW TESTAMENT.
"The New Testament in the Latin of Erasmus' version, and in the French of Olivetan, revised by Calvin."
Also available in English and somewhat abridged in Jean Calvin (1509-1564), and T. Weedon (translator), Christ the end of the law: Being the Preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550.
Calvin (1509-1564), Jean, and T. Weedon (translator), Christ the End of the Law: Being the Preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550 (1850)
Also available in another English translation in John Calvin (1509-1564), and Joseph Haroutunian (editor, translator), CALVIN: COMMENTARIES. This is a single volume in the Library of Christian Classics Series (Volume 23). It is composed of "Extracts from Calvin's commentaries topically arranged."
"The present text, from the Opera, C.R. 9, pp. 791 f., contains additions Calvin made after 1534."
John Calvin (1509-1564), and Joseph Haroutunian (translator), Epistle to the Faithful Showing that Christ is the end of the law
Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyll, The Declaration and Apology of the Protestant People: That is, of the Noblemen, Barons, Gentlemen, Burgesses, and Commons of all Sorts now in Arms Within the Kingdom of Scotland, With the Concurrence of the True and Faithful Pastors, and of Several Gentlemen of the English Nation Joyned With Them in the Same Cause, &c., 1685.
"Includes: The declaration of Archibald, Earl of Argile . . . with his order to his vassals and others in the said shires, and under his jurisdiction, to concur for defence of their religion, lives and liberties."
Collins, Francis S., The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, ISBN: 0743286391 9780743286398.
"A head of the Human Genome Project and former atheist presents a scientific argument for the existence of God, revealing how science can support faith by citing the areas of nature that can and cannot be fully explained by Darwinian evolution." -- Publisher
Crown Video, Final Solution, Special Edition DVD, ISBN: 1894300874 9781894300872, 106 Minutes.
"Based on a true story . . .
"This Special Edition set contains the award winning feature film Final Solution, the documentary From one Blood featuring Gerrit Wolfaardt, the man on which the feature film is based, behind the scenes footage, bonus features and a study guide in PDF form. Final Solution is an amazing testimony of the incredible power of God to transform lives. Gerrit Wolfaardt was radically changed from a life of hatred and violence -- not to simply tolerance -- but to genuine love. Only God can cause so deep a transformation.
"From One Blood" invites viewers into the living room and lives of Gerrit and Celeste Wolfaardt. Gerrit relays his personal story and throughout the documentary, short clips from the movie are cut in to emphasize what he is telling us. Today, Gerrit travels the globe preaching biblical reconciliation. Formerly sold individually, this two-disc DVD set provides an excellent value.
"Awards that this film has received: | Crown Award Winner for Best Drama Over $250,000 (Gold) | Crown Award Winner for Best Picture (Gold) | Heartland Film Festival Winner (Crystal Heart Award) | Worldfest Houston International Film Festival Winner (GOLD) | Down Under Film Festival Winner (Best Soundtrack and Best Film) | Sabaoth International Film Festival (Best Director and Best Film).
"This film is not appropriate for children due to violence and thematic elements."
"Afrikaner Gerrit Wolfaardt was born into prejudice. Everything he had been taught since childhood -- from his family, his church and his culture -- told him that apartheid, or separateness, was right and natural. He became a self-proclaimed disciple of Hitler, and hatched a diabolical plan to rid South Africa of the 'Black Danger.' His ideology was challenged by Celeste, who later became his wife, and by the book CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY. In this documentary, Gerrit shares the amazing journey that resulted in his radical transformation." -- Publisher
*Dallimore, Arnold, George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival, 2 volumes (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust), ISBN: 0851510264 9780851510262 085151300X 9780851513003. A Christian classic.
"One of the great monumental literary achievements of the 20th century." -- Sherwood E. Wirt
"Justice has at last been done to the greatest preacher that England has ever produced." -- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Contains accounts of the conversion experiences of Whitefield, the Wesleys, and many others. Includes bibliographic footnotes.
Dick, John (d. 1684), A Testimony to the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government of the Church of Scotland, and the Covenanted Work of Reformation as it was Profess'd in the Three Kingdoms: Together With an Account of the Persecution of Some of the Most Eminent in our Days for Their Adherence to the Same, 1684. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Drew University Library, Pamphlets From the Drew University Library 19th Century Collection, [Presbyterian Church Pamphlet Collection]. Parts 2-6.
Ebon, Martin, and Carsten Ødsted, The Incredible Story of Stalin's Daughter. Alternate title: SVETLANA: THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF STALIN'S DAUGHTER.
Eckerd, Jack, and Paul Con, Eckerd: Finding the Right Prescription, ISBN: 0800715322 9780800715328.
Jack Eckerd is "a living demonstration of the life-changing power of Christ. His inspiring testimony deserves the widest possible audience." -- Billy Graham
"This is the amazing, exciting story of one of the most remarkable men I've ever known. It is a gripping account; when you're finished, you will want to sing the doxology." -- Chuck Colson
*Edman, V. Raymond, They Found the Secret: Twenty Transformed Lives That Reveal a Touch of Eternity.
Contents: J. Hudson Taylor: the exchanged life | Samuel Logan Brengle: the cleansed life | John Bunyan: the unchained life | Amy Carmichael: the radiant life | Oswald Chambers: the highest life | Charles Grandison Finney: the powerful life | Adoniram Judson Gordon: the disciplined life | Richard C. Halverson: the burning life | Frances Ridley Havergal: the overflowing life | John Hyde: the prevailing life | Dwight Lyman Moody: the dynamic life | Handley | C.G. Moule: the fragrant life | Andrew Murray: the abiding life | Robert E. Nicholas: the satisfying life | William P. Nicholson: the soul-winning life | Eugenia Price: the buoyant life | Charles G. Trumbull: the victorious life | Walter L. Wilson: the yielded life | John Allan Wood: the holy life | W. Ian Thomas: the adventurous life.
Includes bibliography.
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), Ralph Erskine, William Wilson, and Others, A Publick Testimony; Being the Representation and Petition of a Considerable Number of Christian People . . . Presented . . . to the General Assembly . . . Anent Grievances, 1732. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Fairly, John (1729-1806), An Humble Attempt in Defense of Reformation Principles; Particularly on the Head of the Civil Magistrate. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #25.
"The title continues: 'Wherein the gross falsehoods, calumnies, and imposed sense, palmed by Mr. John Goodlet, upon the Testimony emitted by the Reformed Presbytery, are exposed and confuted; and said Testimony vindicated. As also, the seceding scheme of political principles more fully detected;-- and discovered to be inconsistent with the law of nature, light of divine revelation, and covenanted testimony of the Church of Scotland.' Goold, in his THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SCOTLAND: ITS ORIGIN AND HISTORY 1680-1876, writes of Fairly and this book, 'He was very zealous and outspoken in his maintenance of Church principles, and unsparing in his condemnation and exposure of the shortcomings of other denominations. This caused him to be both feared and disliked by many outside of his own communion; yet by the ministers who were nearest his residence, and who came most frequently in contact with him, he was greatly esteemed. He was fearless of consequences in the discharging of his duties. On one occasion, when in Ireland, his scathing exposure of Popery so irritated the Catholics, that three of them resolved to disturb his next meeting by musical instruments (and remember no faithful Presbyterian used this 'badge of Popery' -- musical instruments -- in their public meetings -- RB). They came prepared to do this, but were so overcome by the grave dignity of the man, and by the truth he spoke, that they could do nothing but quietly listen. Two of them, it is said, became earnest Protestants. On another occasion he denounced 'unpreaching bishops,' and declared that his Lordship of Bangor was worse than Balaam's ass, which spoke once at least, and rebuke the madness of the prophet. Some were so highly offended that they resolved to waylay and stone the preacher. Mr. Fairly was aware of this, but refused to change his route. As he approached the ambuscade, a dispute arose as to his identity; some held that it was the object of their hate, others said, 'No, never a bit of him; who ever saw a mountain minister ride such a good horse?' and while they disputed he got beyond their reach. One who knew him writes thus: 'I had some knowledge of the elder Fairley; he fearlessly attacked the reigning follies of his age, and preached the Gospel in a familiar but forcible style of eloquence. In his great field days, and when contending for the Testimony of the Martyrs, he was unsparing in the use of arrows, oft broke a lance with the Pope, and drove rusty nails into our venerable Establishment, and lashed the Secession and Relief for their declensions.' so pointed was his dealing with the sins of the times, that many left his meetings when he came to the application of his discourse . . . He took part in the controversy with the Seceders, and published a pamphlet in reply to Goodlet, the Anti-burgher minister of Sanquhar, in which he gives a scathing exposure of the weakness and inconsistency of his opponent, and directs against him all his resources of humour and sarcasm, as well as the weightier weapons of solid argument. But it was in proclaiming the riches of the glorious Gospel to cast audiences under the open canopy of heaven, that the power of Fairley was fully disclosed. He was undoubtedly the preacher among the 'Four Johns.' He had a commanding presence, a well-furnished mind, and a fluent and forcible utterance; and when he warmed to his grand theme, his words moved the hearts of the crowds that had gathered around him, and many owned him as their spiritual father.' (pp. 221-222). This book (of 283 pages), is another Reformed Presbyterian classic!" -- Publisher
*Fannin, Kerby F., While Men Slept: A Biblical and Historical Account of the New Universal Christianity, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0944835023 9780944835029 0944835015 9780944835012.
"This very informative book deserves the very highest recommendation." -- Jay Green, Sr., editor of The Interlinear Greek Hebrew Bible, September 19, 2002
"This book was written to help shed light on many things that have been performed in secret, under the cover of darkness, which has been behind the developing new universal Christianity. The work is presented believing that if one can see the unfolding of historically documented events in the light of the Word of God, he will, perhaps, be able to discern truth from error. . . .
"It is the goal of this book to humbly present the factual evidence to help the reader to get to know some of the people and the underlying agenda that led up to the modern process of redefining Christianity. The focus of this book is toward understanding more about the 'who and why' of those that have been working for centuries to lay the foundations of a new universal Christianity." -- Publisher
"While learning that God reveals Himself to us through nature, it took me [Kerby Fannin] many years to discover that the truth I had been searching for in nature is but a shadow of the real truth, that being the spiritual things of God. Having given me the gift of reason, it was God, through His Holy Spirit, who brought me to search for truth. I soon found that truth did not lie in my reason, which was the filter through which I interpreted the things that I observed in nature. Instead, I found that the truth I was searching for could only be found in God who, through His Word, created all of nature, including my reason.
"In my search, it soon became evident to me that God is Truth. [John 14:6] Through the work of my reason and my faith, I accepted that there is one true God. I eventually came to my present understanding that the Word of God is the revelation of God to man. It then became clear to me that the one true God revealed Himself through His Word by His will through the inspiration of His prophets and apostles as recorded in the Scriptures, which were supernaturally preserved. The Word of God was also revealed by the manifestation of God Himself, known as Jesus." -- The Author
*Foxe, John (1516-1587), and Thomas Freeman (prefatory material), John Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable (unabridged). Alternate title: THE UNABRIDGED ACTS AND MONUMENTS ONLINE or TAMO (HRI Online Publications, Sheffield, 2011). Available from: Implemented by the Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, England, and published by HRI Online Publications, Sheffield, 2011, Version 2.0, ISBN: 9780954260864.
"You can browse and compare the unabridged texts of the four editions of this massive work published in John Foxe's lifetime (1563, 1570, 1576, 1583). Each edition changed significantly as Foxe sought to incorporate new material, answer his critics, and adjust its polemical force to the needs of the moment. . . .
"TAMO is both an instrument of scholarship and a tool for anyone who wants to explore this remarkable work, a milestone in the history of the English printed book and a signal achievement of its printer, John Day."
John Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable, ISBN: 0197262252 9780197262252.
"This CD-ROM combines readable and printable images of 2,200 pages of text and woodcut engravings from the 1583 edition, the last for which Foxe was personally responsible."
Other editions: Acts and Monuments or Foxe's Book of Martyrs, 1554, 1843-49 edition, 8 volumes. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
" 'No book ever inflicted a wound so deep and incurable on the Romish system of superstition and bloody persecution . . . it was placed in . . . all churches and chapels throughout the kingdom, by order of Queen Elizabeth.' (Smith, Select Memoirs, p. 245). Contains much information not found in any of the liberally edited and severely shortened editions of this classic work which are in print today. Covering martyrs from the early church through to Foxe's day, it was one of the most influential books of the sixteenth century! It overflows with faith building testimony of the power of God to overcome the most cruel and barbarous acts of human depravity and demonic cruelty. 6890 pages. A very rare set, now back in print after 150 years!" -- Publisher
"After the Bible itself, no book so profoundly influenced early Protestant sentiment as the BOOK OF MARTYRS. Even in our time it is still a living force. It is more than a record of persecution. It is an arsenal of controversy, a storehouse of romance, as well as a source of edification." -- James Miller Dodds, English Prose
"When one recollects that until the appearance of the PILGRIM'S PROGRESS the common people had almost no other reading matter except the BIBLE and FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS, we can understand the deep impression that this book produced; and how it served to mold the national character. Those who could read for themselves learned the full details of all the atrocities performed on the Protestant reformers; the illiterate could see the rude illustrations of the various instruments of torture, the rack, the gridiron, the boiling oil, and then the holy ones breathing out their souls amid the flames. Take a people just awakening to a new intellectual and religious life; let several generations of them, from childhood to old age, pore over such a book, and its stories become traditions as individual and almost as potent as songs and customs on a nation's life." -- Douglas Campbell, The Puritan in Holland, England, and America
"If we divest the book of its accidental character of feud between churches, it yet stands, in the first years of Elizabeth's reign, a monument that marks the growing strength of a desire for spiritual freedom, defiance of those forms that seek to stifle conscience and fetter thought." -- Henry Morley, English Writers
"John Foxe was a prince among believers. He had his printing press on a cart, and had often to print at night, moving his press before dawn to escape capture and burning at the stake. He never faltered in his purpose to leave a voluminous written witness to the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to keep His saints in love and peace." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), John Foxe's Book of Martyrs Variorum Edition Online
Freeman, Bill, How They Found Christ: In Their own Words, ISBN: 0914271946 9780914271949.
Bill Freeman, editor. Includes John Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles G. Finney, George Muller, Hudson Taylor, and C.H. Spurgeon.
Ganz, Richard, How I Became a Christian Counselor (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Also includes "Dr. Adams, Questions and Answers: Is Masturbation for Christians?"
Gib, Adam, The Present Truth: A Display of the Secession-testimony; In the Three Periods of the Rise, State, and Maintenance of That Testimony. In two Volumes, Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1774.
Geisler, Norman L., and Paul K. Hoffman, Why I am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain why They Believe, ISBN: 080106712X 9780801067129.
"Now with a new chapter on "Why I am not a Muslim" by an ex-Muslim, WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN is an even more helpful resource in our global times. -- Publisher
"Great for anyone wondering about Christianity's uniqueness or validity. These are leading thinkers, including former agnostics and atheists writing about why they believe." -- Reader's Comment
Gillespie, George (1613-1648), James Renwick, Thomas Henderson, et al., Testimony-bearing Exemplified: A Collection Containing: I. Gillespie Against Association With Malignants, Together With The Causes of God's Wrath, Agreed Upon by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, met at Edinburgh, October, 1651: II. The Informatory Vindication, to Which is Subjoined, A Collection of Excellent Laws (or Eschol Grapes), in Favours of our Covenanted Reformation: to Which is Added A Declaration of the Assembly, July ult. 1648 Concerning the Present Danger of Religion: Also, A Seasonable Warning Concerning the Present Imminent Dangers, and Duties Relating Thereto, by the Assembly, July 27, 1649.
Gogor, William (d. 1681), The Late Speech and Testimony of William Gogor one of the Three Desperate and Incorrigible Traytors Executed at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the Eleventh Day of March, 1681, for Disowning His Sacred Majesties Authority, 1681.
Gouge, William (1578-1653), A Recovery From Apostacy set out in a Sermon Preached in Stepny Church near London at the receiving of a penitent renegado into the church, Oct 21, 1638. Available (THE WORKS OF WILLIAM GOUGE) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Graham, Billy (1918-2018), To God be the Glory: A Testimony of Living Faith From two Famous Christian Personalities, Corrie Ten Boom and Billy Graham, ISBN: 0895428628 9780895428622.
Contributions by Corrie Ten Boom. Roger Elmood, editor.
*Graham, Billy (1918-2018), The Reason for my Hope: Salvation, ISBN: 9780849947612 0849947618 9780849922046 0849922046.
This book was released October 15, 2013 to coincide with My Hope America with Billy Graham, November 7, 2013, the national campaign organized by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association.
This is his 32nd book and "believers will appreciate Graham's profound maturity." This is not the young Billy Graham of the 1949 tent revival in Los Angeles, nor even the Billy Graham of 2005 preaching in public for one last time in Flushing Meadows, New York. This is a retired Billy Graham, just before his 95 birthday, after having preached the Gospel face-to-face with an estimated 215 million individuals, during over 70 years as an evangelist.
"What is the most hopeful word in History?
"For Billy Graham, that word is 'SALVATION.'
"Salvation from what?
"From our selfish and self-destructive selves.
"From the messes we get ourselves into.
"From the sin that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time and the evil that pulls us down every day.
"From the cultural deceits that blind us to God's saving message.
"From the Hell so many don't believe in.
"If we don't think we need salvation, we're fooling ourselves.
"If we think we are beyond salvation, we're underestimating God.
"If we just don't want to think about salvation, we're putting ourselves in eternal peril.
"At the age of 95 Billy Graham proclaims God's Gospel with resolve and deep compassion. It is a message he has been preaching for more than seventy years. And in this book you will sense its urgency, filled with hope for the future.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)
"From America's evangelistic elder statesman.
"Salvation is what we all long for, when we are lost or in danger or have made a mess of our lives. And salvation belongs to us, when we reach out for the only One who can rescue us -- Jesus.
"The saving message of the Gospel is the heartbeat of this preacher and evangelist. Millions around the world have heard Billy Graham proclaim this unchanging truth. He has never forgotten the transformation of his own life, when he first said yes to God's gift of salvation, and he has witnessed multitudes turn their hearts to the God of Hope.
"THE REASON FOR MY HOPE: SALVATION 'presents the essence of that transformative message. It is biblical and timeless, and though simple and direct, it is far from easy. There are hard words, prophetic words, directed toward a culture that denies the reality of sin and distracts us from the veracity of Hell. But through its ominous warnings shines a light that cannot be extinguished -- a beacon of hope that Jesus came 'to seek and to save that which was lost.' (Luke 19:10)" -- Publisher
"The truth is that every last one of us is born in sin, and while some may not think of themselves as sinners, God does. He hears every word we utter and knows the deepest secrets we lock away in the vaults of our hearts." -- Billy Graham
Trendy religion "Many churches of all persuasions are hiring research agencies to poll neighborhoods, asking what kind of church they prefer; then the local churches design themselves to fit the desires of the people. True faith in God that demands selflessness is being replaced by trendy religion that serves the selfish." -- Billy Graham
A simple gospel "I am afraid that many Christians, in their zeal to share their faith in Christ, have made the Gospel message of making disciples for Him too simple. Just to say 'believe in Christ' can produce a false assurance of the hope of Heaven. Jesus spoke often about the gift of eternal life. To make it clear, He said, 'Count the cost'." -- Billy Graham
Earning salvation "Giving up something to follow Christ is not earning salvation; it is giving up what keeps you from salvation. When we hold on to something that is dearer to us than receiving the greater gift of salvation in Christ, we lose." -- Billy Graham
When terror strikes "We see the world kicking God out of education, government, marriages, the home, and even church. Yet when terror strikes, people clasp their hands and bend their knees, calling on God to meet them in their time of distress, asking Him to lift their burden, begging for a different outcome." -- Billy Graham
"Though the cross repels, it also attracts. It possesses a magnetic quality. Once you have been to the cross, you will never be the same. The greatest vision of sin is at the cross, where we also see the greatest vision of love.
"Although it has been many years since Billy Graham has retired from the pulpit, the heartbeat of his years in ministry is sincerely described in his 2013 book release, THE REASON FOR MY HOPE.
"Possibly the most highly regarded Christian leader of several generations, Billy Graham continues to meet us at the most personable level as he so vividly describes the reasons Christ died for us and what that means for those who choose to follow Him on Earth. Graham's humble heart is displayed in one of the first pages of the books where he states, 'One of the greatest privileges of my life has been the opportunity to associate with numerous men and women . . . and I thank God for the contribution these countless individuals have made to my life'.
"In this extraordinary book, Billy Graham walks his readers through controversial and pondered topics of people of all walks of life such as: the battle between good and evil, the meaning of the cross, the teachings of Jesus while on the cross, the reality and myths of Heaven and Hell, the second coming of Christ, and most importantly, He outlines very clearly why salvation is truly the most important gift given to mankind.
"THE REASON FOR MY HOPE is the best book I have read in years. I could not put it down, and I constantly found myself underlining passages that I wanted to reflect on. I plan on buying many copies of this book to give to friends. This book is the perfect read for persons of every generation, and it has become a favorite in my personal book collection. This is one of those rare books that you can discuss with both a teenager and a grandparent. Perhaps that's why people of all generations today are still able to identify with Billy Graham. He has the rare gift of meeting each person right where they are, to explain and plead for people, to proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior." -- Reader's Comment
Guthrie, James (1612?-1661), A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ: or To the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government of the Kirk of Scotland, and to the Nationall Covenant of Scotland, and to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Nations, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and to the work of uniformity in religion, and against the errors, heresies, blasphemies, and diverse practises of the times; especially against that vast toleration now on foot in these nations: by sundry ministers of the gospel in the Provinces of Perth and Fife.
Notes: "Some considerations contributing unto the discoverie of the dangers that threaten religion, and the work of reformation in the Church of Scotland."
Hay Fleming, David (1849-1931), and The Secession Church (Scotland), General Associate Synod, Narrative and Testimony, Agreed Upon and Enacted by the General Associate Synod Together With an act Respecting Procedure in Covenanting Work; Copies of the National Covenant and Solemn League; An act Concerning an Acknowledgment of Sins, Profession of Faith and Engagement to Duties; With the Formula.
Hefley, James, and Marti Hefle, By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century, ISBN: 0915134284 9780915134281.
"Too often we forget that God's people are suffering and being martyred. Here in a vivid book we are awakened. What FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS did for generations past this book does for our generation." -- GCB
"The book begins with accounts of the martyrs during the Boxer Rebellion in China, continues with martyrs in Japan and Korea, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Nazi Germany, and of the Soviet Union and its communist regimes. Then there are martyrs from the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and from Latin America. . . .
"The stories themselves are gruesome. There is no viciousness like the viciousness of those who worship humanly-conceived gods. Like the Roman Catholic inquisitors in the sixteenth century, men in all nations have at one time or another sought to physically torture Christians to make them recant their testimonies. It is said that for every Christian Stalin murdered in Russia, two or more were raised up by God, until Stalin ordered the killing stopped for fear the whole nation would become Christians. Despite the lurid details of the torture, we recommend that everyone read the books that tell of martyrs dying for the cause of God and truth. This goes for children. Before you cry out, remember what they are watching on television, and seeing in movies, yes, and reading in Stephen King books, and others of that kind. Horror stories are bestsellers in our times. Let the children learn what horrible things are being done to Christians merely because they believe and obey God's word, and because of it worship the Lord Jesus Christ. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Howie, John (1735-1793, collector and transcriber), Michael Shields, James Guthrie, John Kid, John King, et al., Faithful Contendings Displayed: Being an Historical Relation of the State and Actings of the Suffering Remnant in the Church of Scotland Subsisted in Select Societies, and Were United in General Correspondencies During the Hottest Time of the Late Persecution, viz. From the Year 1681 to 1691: Together with an account of the State of the land in general, and of the society people in particular, in the intervals betwixt each of their general meetings, with some pertinent remarks upon these historical occurrences, and many letters to and from the general correspondent meetings, 1780, ISBN: 1171237324 9781171237327 0548345945 9780548345948. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Howie, John (1735-1793), John Brown (of Wamphray, 1610-1679), Hugh Binning (1627-1653), the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and Sundry Ministers of Perth and Fife, Faithful Witness-Bearing Exemplified: A Collection. Containing, I. An Useful Case of Conscience . . . by Mr. Hugh Binning. II. A Solemn Testimony Against Toleration . . . by the Commissioners of the General Assembly, and by Sundry Ministers in . . . Perth and Fife. III. The History of the Indulgence. By Mr. John Brown . . . To Which is Prefixed, a Preface, Concerning Association, Toleration, and . . . Liberty of Conscience. Kilmarnock, 1783. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #8, #26.
Kavanaugh, Patrick, The Spiritual Lives of Great Composers, ISBN: 0310208068 9780310208068.
"With an introduction by Christopher Parkening, this book opens up an area about which most of us know little. A brisk walk through the innermost thoughts of 12 masters of western music (Handel, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Dvorak, Ives, and Stravinsky)." -- Publisher
Kerr, James (1847-1905), The Attainments of the Church of the Second Reformation.
"This lecture was delivered before the First International Convention of Reformed Presbyterian Churches, 1896. It is taken from the volume entitled, FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. SCOTLAND, JUNE 27-JULY 3, 1896."
*Knowling, Richard J., The Testimony of St. Paul to Christ.
"Based upon the Boyle Lectures for 1903-1905. Deals with the Pauline epistles, Paul's conversion and testimony to the veracity of the Gospel records, and his teaching on the life and function of the church. A scholarly study." -- Cyril J. Barber
Lambert, James L., 16 Amazing Stories of Divine Intervention: Discover how Real People Discovered Real Life, ISBN: 9781619047297 1619047292.
"Oden Fong's testimony of once being a disciple of the psychedelic drug guru Timothy Leary, to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, is very inspiring for those who have all but given up hope for a friend or family member who seems to be in a hopeless condition. -- Chuck Smith, Senior Pastor and Founder -- Calvary Chapel (Costa Mesa, CA)
"After more than 30 years of working with hundreds of pro athletes, Darren's story, which is one of many amazing stories in James' new book, is quite inspirational. -- Shawn Mitchell, Chaplain, San Diego Chargers Professional Football Organization and Pastor, New Venture Christian Fellowship.
Preface: 16 Amazing Stories of Divine Intervention
Chapter 1: Mickey Mantle -- His Ninth-Inning Miracle
Chapter 2: George Washington -- The Untold Story
Chapter 3: Steve McQueen -- Hollywood's "King of Cool"
Chapter 4: Ruben "Lefty" De La Torre -- A Former Gang Leader's Remarkable Story
Chapter 5: Ronald Reagan -- Appointment with Destiny
Chapter 6: Oden Fong -- A Near Death Experience
Chapter 7: Brian Welch -- Korn's Former Lead Guitarist's Radical Transformation
Chapter 8: William J. Murray -- Former Atheist Activist
Chapter 9: Annie Meadows -- Former Witch Sees "The Light" and Now Sings for God
Chapter 10: Josh Hamilton -- A Texas Ranger Outfielder's Miracle from God
Chapter 11: Michael Glatze -- Young Gay America's Managing Editor Finds Truth
Chapter 12: Darren Carrington -- An NFL Veteran Discovers the Best Game Plan
Chapter 13: Bryan Maclean -- Searching for Love
Chapter 14: Brenda M. MacKillop -- A Playboy Bunny Finds Peace
Chapter 15: Patricia Louise White -- Escaping the "Great Deception"
Chapter 16: The Rich Man and Lazarus -- A Trip to Hell
Final Word: The Most Amazing Story can be you"
Website for the book
Limbaugh, David Scott, Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel, ISBN: 1621574113 9781621574118.
"In JESUS ON TRIAL, David Limbaugh applies his lifetime of legal experience to a unique new undertaking: making a case for the gospels as hard evidence of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Limbaugh, a practicing attorney and former professor of law, approaches the canonical gospels with the same level of scrutiny he would apply to any legal document and asks all the necessary questions about the story of Jesus told through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. His analysis of the texts becomes profoundly personal as he reflects on his own spiritual and intellectual odyssey from determined skeptic to devout Christian. Ultimately, Limbaugh concludes that the words Christians have treasured for centuries stand up to his exhaustive inquiry -- including his examination of historical and religious evidence beyond the gospels -- and thereby affirms Christian faith, spirituality, and tradition. . . .
"David Limbaugh is a conservative political commentator, lawyer, and New York Times bestselling author of ABSOLUTE POWER, PERSECUTION, BANKRUPT, CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY, and THE GREAT DESTROYER. [David Scott Limbaugh is the younger brother of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh -- compiler]. Limbaugh publishes a nationally syndicated column that is carried by Creators Syndicate,, Jewish World Review, The Washington Times, and Newsmax." -- Publisher
Love, Christopher (1618-1651), The Last Speech and Testimony of Mr. Christopher Love, Minister of Laurence Jury, London; who suffered martyrdom on Tower Hill, Aug. 22d 1651, for suspected ploting [sic] against Oliver Cromwel's government delivered to the people from the scaffold.
*Machen, J. Gresham, The Origin of Paul's Religion: the James Sprunt Lectures Delivered at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.
"Consists of the James Sprunt Lectures, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia. Surveys the early years of Paul's life, his Jewish environment, religious training, and development of his doctrine. A valuable treatment. Amillennial." -- Cyril J. Barber
McDowell, Josh, and Cristo´bal Krusen, Undaunted: One Man's Real-life Journey From Unspeakable Memories to Unbelievable Grace, ISBN: 9781414371221 1414371225.
"McDowell was born to an alcoholic father who showed him no love, who valued him only as a farmhand. His mother loved him, but was unable to rescue him. When he cried out to God for help, even He seemed silent. How does a boy overcome such adversity to become one of the most impactful evangelists for Christ that the world has ever known?" -- Publisher
McFeeters, James Calvin (1848-1928), and Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. Committee on Testimony Bearing, Psalms Versus Hymns: Report on Psalmody Adopted by the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa., May 27, 1908.
McLeod (M'Leod), Alexander (1774-1833), The Character, History, Death and Resurrection of "The Two Witnesses . . ." With an Introduction, Notes, and Extracts From Various Writers on Prophecy, 1843.
McLeod, John Niel (1806-1874), First Reformed Presbyterian, Testimonial to Rev. Dr. McLeod, 1858.
*McWard (M'Ward), Robert (1633-1687), A Covenanter's Response to Wicked Rulers in Church and State (and Unjust Taxation), Containing Some Comforting Words to Those who are Suffering at the Hand of These Beasts, for the Sake of Christ and Truth. A collection of tracts including: BANDERS DISBANDED; THE POOR MAN'S CUP OF COLD WATER; A TESTIMONY AGAINST PAYING OF CESS TO THE PERSECUTORS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #26.
McWard (M'Ward), Robert (1633-1687), The Poor Man's cup of Cold-water: Ministered to the Saints and Sufferers for Christ in Scotland who are Amidst the Scorching Flames of the Fiery Trial, 1676. Available in A COVENANTER'S RESPONSE TO WICKED RULERS IN CHURCH AND STATE (AND UNJUST TAXATION), CONTAINING SOME COMFORTING WORDS TO THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING AT THE HAND OF THESE BEASTS, FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST AND TRUTH. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
McWard (M'Ward), Robert, A Poor Man's cup of Cold Water Ministered to the Saints and Sufferers for Christ in Scotland, who are Amidst the Scorching Flames of the Fiery Trial
Poor Man's cup of Cold Water
Morris, Harold, Twice Pardoned: An Ex-Con Talks to Parents and Teens, ISBN: 0849906059 9780849906053.
"A true story in which a number of names have been changed to protect certain people. Morris had been convicted and sentenced to serve two life terms in jail. Today he is free and pardoned of his crimes and free in Christ. A truly amazing story of new birth and God's providential workings." -- GCB
Morris, Henry, Men of Science, men of God: Great Scientists who Believe the Bible, revised, ISBN: 0890510806 9780890510803.
"One of the most serious fallacies of modern thought is the widespread notion that genuine scientists cannot believe the Bible. This book dispels that myth." -- GCB
Murray, William J., My Life Without God, ISBN: 0840752563 9780840752567.
"Son of outspoken atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair, now freed from his mother's oppressive beliefs, tells the true story of the Supreme Court victory which removed prayer from the public schools -- and the seedbed of violence, delusions of grandeur, and Communist involvement which sutured it." -- Publisher
Life Without God: The Personal Testimony of William J. Murray, an audio book [audio file].
Murray, William J., and Janis Williams, Bill Murray: A Life, 1915-2004.
"Includes personal memoirs and contributions from colleagues and friends." -- Publisher
Newton, John (1725-1807), John Newton.
Newton, John (1725-1807), Out of the Depths, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0825433193 9780825433191.
"The original and unvarnished account of one of Christianity's most dramatic conversions -- the autobiography of John Newton, the author of 'Amazing Grace.' This is the ultimate, full-length hymn story, as spectacular and compelling today as when it was first written.
"Newton, and at age eleven went to sea with his father, a shipmaster on the Mediterranean. Disregarding his mother's prayer that he enter the ministry, he engaged in the lucrative but brutal African slave trade for a number of years. After his conversion he served in the Church of England as pastor of Olney parish and later of the combined church of St. Mary's in London.
"In addition to the words of 'Amazing Grace,' Newton was a prolific songwriter whose other well-known hymns include 'Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken' and 'How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds'." -- Publisher
Omartian, Stormie, Stormie: A Story of Forgiveness and Healing, ISBN: 1565078322 9781565078321.
"What a wonderful book to read for anyone who has lived with mental illness or was a member of a family with a parent that suffered from mental illness. It shows how one woman, having grown up in a two-parent household, had an absolutely horrific childhood. Her mother locked her in a closet for hours on end and continually verbally abused her as well. As she reaches adulthood, knowing how to relate to others is tough and causes much anxiety and pain. Through much error and wrong choices during her young adult years, she meets a man who tries to tell her about the love Jesus has for her. Not really understanding what it is all about, Stormie continues down the wrong path until one day she truly opens her heart up to God! Through reading this book, one is able to gain knowledge about people with mental illness as well as learn how to experience the love and forgiveness of God." -- Reader's Comment
Pacific Gardens Mission, "Unshackled" (Chicago, IL: Pacific Gardens Mission).
A radio program heard weekdays. Dramatizations of real life stories of conversions to Jesus Christ. If you are outside the broadcast area of this program, then cassette [audio file], or printed copies of messages may be available.
Pacific Garden Mission, "Unshackled," (listen online)
Pink, A.W. (1886-1952), Profession Tested. Available in THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT, Chapter 56.
Powlison, David (1949-2019), and Bob Kramer, David Powlison's Conversion Story
"Not long before he died, David had a conversation with Bob Kramer, his college roommate and long-time friend, who was instrumental in bringing him to Christ. A portion of that conversation follows."
Prange, Gordon W., with Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon, God's Samurai: Lead Pilot at Pearl Harbor, ISBN: 0080374409 9780080374406.
Price, Eugenia, and Faith Coxe Bailey, Unshackled: Stories of Transformed Lives, Adapted From "Unshackled" Radio Broadcasts: Stories From Pacific Garden Mission.
Price, Greg L., A Testimony Against the Unfounded Charges of Anabaptism. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #24.
"This book teaches us that 'the heresy of Anabaptism lives today! It has infected the modern church with its cancerous errors and heresies: anti-creedalism, arminianism, dispensationalism, independency [sectarianism], anti-paedobaptism, will-worship [anti-regulativism], perfectionism, societal escapism, religious pluralism and tolerationism [anti-establishmentarianism], denial of the perpetual obligation of social covenanting, pacifism, pietism, socialism, premillennialism, and a refusal to recognize lawful civil government as the ordinance of God. These unbiblical positions of the Anabaptists were not tolerated by the Reformed Churches of the First and Second Reformations, and neither should they be tolerated by any Church today that claims to be Reformed or Presbyterian' [Greg Price]. Far to little contemporary Reformed writing has been directed against the Anabaptists, especially in light of the fact that many of their heresies have been generally adopted by professing Christians. Even the 'Reformed' community suffers from this contagion. Lord willing, this book with be an effective antidote to the 'AIDS' of Anabaptist thought and practice." -- Publisher
A Testimony Against the Unfounded Charges of Anabaptism (1997), by Greg Price
Qureshi, Nabeel, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, ISBN: 9780310515029 0310515025 .
"A powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man's heart -- and of the peace he found in Jesus! Providing a window into American Muslim life, Qureshi describes how a passionate pursuit of the religion in which he was raised led him to Christ through friendships, investigations, dreams, and visions. . . .
"SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS presents a gripping and deeply personal account of this spiritual trajectory and details the challenges and opportunities Qureshi's conversion has presented.
" 'I knew that accepting Jesus would be like dying and I would have to give up everything, because for Muslims, following the gospel is more than a call to prayer. It is a call to die,' he explains. 'I gave my life to Jesus, and to this day my family is broken by the decision I made. It is excruciating every time I see the cost I had to pay.'
"A medical doctor by training with two master's degrees in religious studies, Qureshi now dedicates his time to teaching, writing and speaking as the newest member of the apologetics team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries." -- Publisher
*Richardson, Donald, Eternity in Their Hearts, ISBN: 0830707395 9780830707393.
"Twenty-four exciting stories of how God has prepared people for the Word of the Gospel long before it came to them. Truly God is sovereign and accomplishes His purposes in His own good time. Now available only in paperback." -- GCB
Reformed Presbyterian Church (Scotland), Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 1863 and 1899. Search "Pamphlets From the Drew University Library 19th Century Collection," Drew University. Library, [Presbyterian Church Pamphlet Collection]. Parts 2-6.
Reformed Presbyterian Church (Scotland), Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland: Historical and Doctrinal, 1866, ISBN: 1334936102 9781334936104.
*Reformed Presbytery of North America "Steelite," David Steele (1803-1887), John Thorburn (1730?-1788), John Courtass (d. 1795), et al., Act, Declaration, and Testimony, for the Whole of the Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in, Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive. As, Also, Against all the Steps of Defection From Said Reformation, Whether in Former or Later Times, Since the Overthrow of that Glorious Work, Down to This Present day (1876), (Philadelphia, PA: Printed by Rue and Jones, 1876), a new edition of the Ploughlandhead Testimony of 1761, the subordinate standard of the original "Steelite" Reformed Presbytery that was constitutes in 1840. Available (the 1850 edition only) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (the 1850 edition only) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
"And now, when time has proved that more recent Testimonies, Terms, and Covenants, have failed to preserve either unity or uniformity among those who framed them; it cannot be unseasonable to re-exhibit the original ACT, DECLARATION, AND TESTIMONY, which has been justly characterized as 'the most profoundly reasoned document ever emitted by the Reformed Presbyterian Church'." -- The Reformation Advocate Magazine, Vol. I, No. 8, December, 1875, page 267
"Upholds the original work of the Westminster Assembly and testifies to the abiding worth and truth formulated in the Westminster family of documents. Upholds and defends the Crown Rights of King Jesus in Church and State, denouncing those who would remove the crown from Christ's head by denying His right to rule (by His law), in both the civil and ecclesiastical spheres. Testifies to the received doctrine, government, worship, and discipline of the Church of Scotland in her purest (reforming) periods. Applies God's Word to the Church's corporate attainments 'with a judicial approbation of the earnest contendings and attainments of the faithful, and a strong and pointed judicial condemnation of error and the promoters thereof.' (The Contending Witness magazine, Dec. 17/93, p. 558). Shows the church's great historical victories (such as the National and Solemn League and Covenant, leading to the Westminster Assembly), and exposes her enemies actions (e.g. the Prelacy of Laud; the Independency, sectarianism, covenant breaking and ungodly toleration set forth by the likes of Cromwell [and the Independents that conspired with him]; the Erastianism and civil sectarianism of William of Orange, etc.). It is not likely that you will find a more consistent working out of the principles of Calvinism anywhere. Deals with the most important matters relating to the individual, the family, the church and the state. Sets forth a faithful historical testimony of God's dealings with men during some of the most important days of church history. A basic text that should be mastered by all Christians." -- Publisher
Act, Declaration, and Testimony (1876)
Act, Declaration and Testimony, 1761 (edition of 1876).
"Compared with the 1777 edition, Philadelphia. We hereby certify that this is a true edition of the ORIGINAL JUDICIAL TESTIMONY, emitted by the Reformed Presbytery at Ploughlandhead, Scotland, 1761; together with the Supplements adopted by the Reformed Presbytery at this date, June 2d, 1876. [Signed -- compiler] David Steele, James Campbell, Robert Clyde, Robert Alexander, Committee.
*Reformed Presbytery of North America "Steelite" (David Steele [1803-1887], James Campbell, Thomas Sproull, James Fulton), A Short Vindication of our Covenanted Reformation, 2nd Edition, Revised, and Enlarged by a Committee of the Reformed Presbytery ("Circular" and "Review" prefixed), 1879, 50 pages. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #2 (also #1, #25, and #30).
"Until the church comes to terms with what is written in this book it will remain weak and divided. Covenant breakers will not prosper, as this rare item demonstrates from both Scripture and history. The power packed ordinance of covenanting (the National and Solemn League and Covenant in particular), was foundational to the Second Reformation and the work of the Westminster Assembly. 'By the National Covenant our fathers laid Popery prostrate. By the Solemn League and Covenant they were successful in resisting prelatic encroachments and civil tyranny. By it they were enabled to achieve the Second Reformation . . . They were setting up landmarks by which the location and limits of the city of God will be known at the dawn of the millennial day . . . How can they be said to go forth by the footsteps of the flock, who have declined from the attainments, renounced the covenants and contradicted the testimony of 'the cloud of witnesses. . . . All the schisms (separations) that disfigure the body mystical of Christ . . . are the legitimate consequences of the abandonment of reformation attainments, the violation of covenant engagements.' If you are interested in knowing how to recognize a faithful church (or state), when and why to separate from unfaithful institutions, who has held up the standard of Covenanted Reformation attainments and who has backslidden (and why), what it means to subscribe to the Westminster Confession (1646), (and why most that say they do so today do not have any idea of what that means), and much more concerning individual, family, church and civil, individual, family, church and civil duties, this is one of the best books you will ever lay your hands on. It chronicles 'some instances of worldly conformity and mark(s) some steps of defection from our 'covenanted unity and uniformity,' noting how 'it is necessary to take a retrospect of our history for many years; for we did not all at once reach our present condition of sinful ignorance and manifold apostasy.' Presbyterian and the Reformed churches lay under the heavy hand of God's judgement in our day, because of the very defections noted throughout this fine work. 'We heard (hear) from various quarters the cry, "maintain the truth, stand up for the principles of the Second Reformation"; and yet many of those who are the most loud in uttering this cry, appear desirous to bury in oblivion those imperishable national and ecclesiastical deeds, by which the church and kingdom of Scotland became 'married to the Lord.' Are we married to the Lord, or have we thrown off the covenants of our forefathers; are we the chaste bride of Christ, or a harlot who is found in the bedchambers of every devilish suitor (whether ecclesiastical or civil), who tempts us with the favors of this world? Let us cry out, as with 'the noble Marquis of Argyle, upon the scaffold,' when he said, 'God hath tied us by covenants to religion and reformation. These that were then unborn are yet engaged, and it passeth the power of all the magistrates under heaven to absolve them from the oath of God. They deceive themselves, and it may be, would deceive others, who think otherwise.' Not for the weak of heart." -- Publisher
A Short Vindication of our Covenanted Reformation, Reformed Presbytery
Reformed Presbytery (Scotland); Secession Church, Testimony and Warning Against the Blasphemies and Idolatry of Popery; and the Evil and Danger of Every Encouragement Given to it (Edinburgh, 1779). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #16, #26.
*Renwick, James (1662-1688), The Testimony of Some Persecuted Presbyterian Ministers of the Gospel Unto the Covenanted Reformation of the Church of Scotland, and to the Present Expediency of Continuing to Preach the Gospel in the Fields, and Against the Present Anti-Christian Toleration in its Nature and Design, Tending to Bury all These in Oblivion, Lately Obtruded Upon, and Accepted by the Body of this Nation, 1688. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
A Testimony Against Anti-Christian Toleration, James Renwick; Alexander Shields
Renwick, James (1662-1688), A Testimony to the Truths of God and to His Cause
*Richmond, Legh, The Dairyman's Daughter, ISBN: 1583391266 9781583391266. Alternate title: THE DAIRYMAN'S DAUGHTER AND OTHER PERSONAL TESTIMONIES.
Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900), Light from Old Times, ISBN: 0852341393 9780852341391.
"LIGHT FROM OLD TIMES is basically short biographies/testimonies of some reformers and puritans written by Ryle. There is such a change happening in the millennial generation that have adopted reformed theology. You can see many young people with Spurgeon and Bunyan t-shirts, Calvin coffee mugs and moleskines. But do they know who is on their t-shirt? This is a great book that introduces spiritual giants such as John Wycliffe, John Rogers, Samuel Ward, and Richard Baxter." -- Publisher
*Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), A Testimony Left by Mr. Rutherfoord (sic) to the Work of Reformation, in Britain and Ireland, Before his Death, With Some of his Last Words. February the last, 1661. To Which is Added a Testimony of one of the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, Against the Oath of Abjuration, a little before it was taken, 1719. Alternate title: MR. (SAMUEL) RUTHERFORD'S TESTIMONY TO THE COVENANTED WORK OF REFORMATION (FROM 1638 TO 1649), IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10.
"This is Rutherford's dying testimony. It sets forth what he thought most important to communicate in his last earthly words. Rutherford was one of the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly and has been acknowledged by many Reformed theologians since his time as a theological genius of the first order. Walker said of Rutherford, 'It is not easy to find any one in Church history with whom to compare this remarkable man . . . a man of power, I may say of genius, fresh, bold, penetrating, to whom no subject came amiss, teeming with intellectual energy, distinguished for his learning, but never cumbered by it, the greatest scholastic of our Presbyterian Church, and yet we are told, the plain and faithful preacher, the fieriest of Church leaders and the most devout of saints, equally at home among the tomes of Aquinas, and writing letters to a poor congregation. Altogether a sort of intellectual, theological, religious prodigy!' (The Theology and Theologians of Scotland), p. 13). Men graced with Rutherford's abilities, intellect and faith come but once or twice a millennium. Augustine, Calvin and Gillespie are others of this class. If you want to know what one of the greats of church history was thinking just before he went to be with the Lord, pick up this item." -- Publisher
Mr. Rutherford's Testimony to the Covenanted Work of Reformation (From 1638 to 1649), in Britain and Ireland
A Testimony Left by Mr. Rutherford to the Work of Reformation
A Testimony Left by Mr. Rutherfoord (sic) to the Work of Reformation
*Shere, Dennis, Cain's Redemption: A Story of Hope and Transformation in America's Bloodiest Prison, ISBN: 9781881273240 1881273245.
"Formerly known as America's bloodiest prison, the 18,000 acres that comprise Louisiana's Angola State Penitentiary are now home to 5,000 inmates, a full range of seasonal crops, a 9-hole golf course, yearly rodeos, a Bible seminary, a museum, and much more. All of this came into being at the behest of Warden Burl Cain, who is now the longest-standing warden in the history of Angola prison. Under his leadership, the inmate population of 5,000 has gone from regular knife fights to Bible studies. Cain is a strong believer in the ability of the gospel to turn the most incorrigible of sinners into productive, moral citizens. Because eight out of ten prisoners are serving life sentences without parole at Angola, Cain has taken upon himself the task of making the lives of these prisoners productive and educational. Through a partnership with New Orleans Baptist Seminary, prisoners have the opportunity to get a bible degree and even be transferred to other prisons as a missionary. The Angola phenomenon has been covered by such media outlets as: Time Magazine, Christianity Today, and in the award-winning film documentary, The Farm: Angola, USA. Author Dennis Shere combines his background in journalism and law to bring readers this account of redemption and life change in the most unlikely of places: a maximum security prison." -- Publisher
*Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700), A Hind let Loose, or An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the Interest of Christ With the True State Thereof in all its Periods. Together with a Vindication of the Present Testimony Against Popish, Prelatical, and Malignant Enemies of That Church, as it is now Stated, for the Prerogatives of Christ, Privileges of the Church, and Liberties of Mankind; and Sealed by the Sufferings of a Reproached Remnant of Presbyterians There, Witnessing Against the Corruptions of the Time: Wherein Several Controversies of Greatest Consequence Are Enquired Into, and in Some Measure Cleared; Concerning Hearing of the Curates, Owning of the Present Tyranny, Taking of Ensnaring Oaths and Bonds, Frequenting of Field-Meetings, Defensive Resistance of Tyrannical Violence, With Several Other Subordinate Questions Useful for These Times, 1797, 1744, 1687. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #2, #26.
"First printed in 1687 (near the end of the 'killing times'), we have used the 1797 edition for this rare bound photocopy because all of the Latin has been translated into English (an obvious improvement for English readers). This rare Covenanter classic, concerning Calvinistic political philosophy and tactics of civil resistance, is comparable to Samuel Rutherford's LEX, REX; in fact it could rightly be referred to as 'Lex, Rex volume two.' It is solidly in the line of John Knox's teachings on civil disobedience and addresses numerous topics that are relevant to today's Christian. 'In A HIND LET LOOSE, Shields justified the Cameronian resistance to royal absolutism and the divine right of kings. He argued that government is divinely ordained, but the people are entitled to bring a king to judgement for wrongdoing. Parliament is commissioned by the people to oversee the nation's affairs, but the compact between the people and their rulers does not entail a forfeiture of the people's power to depose tyrants and confer authority on someone else. Government is by consent, and must justify itself to the consciences of the people. God has given men the right of self defence, and this extends to a right not only passively to resist, but also to kill relentless persecutors' writes Isbell in Nigel Cameron, editor, DICTIONARY OF SCOTTISH CHURCH HISTORY AND THEOLOGY, p. 773. Controversial chapter titles include: 'Concerning Owning of Tyrants Authority;' 'Defensive Arms Vindicated;' 'Of Extraordinary Execution of Judgement by Private Men;' and 'Refusing to Pay Wicked Taxation Vindicated.' This book sets forth the Crown rights of King Jesus, against all usurpers in both church and state, giving a history of some of faithful sufferings endured by the elect, in maintaining this truth. It bears testimony against 'the popish, prelatical and malignant enemies' of Christ and proclaims the only true basis of liberty for mankind. 'The matter is argued with a vast abundance of Biblical illustration, and with much reference to Reformation and Puritan divines. It should be consulted, if practicable, by all who wish fully to understand the inner spirit of the Covenanting Movement,' writes Purves in FAIR SUNSHINE (p. 202). Isbell interestingly notes that Shields was once 'amanuensis to the English Puritan John Owen'." -- Publisher
A Hind let Loose; or, An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland. . . . by Mr. Alexander Shields, Minister of the Gospel, in St. Andrews
A Hind let Loose: or, An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland, for the Interest of Christ: With the True State Thereof in all its Periods, Shields, Alexander
Brutus, Junius, The Covenant Between God and Kings, from A DEFENSE OF LIBERTY
Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700), The History of Scotch-presbytery Being an Epitome of The Hind let Loose / by Mr. Shields; With a Preface by a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland, 1692.
Sommerville, William (1800-1878), Pamphlet on The Social Position of Reformed Presbyterians or Cameronians
Steele, David (1803-1887), The law and the Testimony. Available in CIRCULAR NO. 1.
Steele, David (1803-1887), Pastor Steele's Printed Communications to the Editor of The Covenanter. Alternate title: REPLY [TO SOME EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY J.M. WILLSON] and STEELE'S COMMUNICATIONS WITH J.M. WILLSON ON THE NATURE AND USE OF HISTORICAL TESTIMONY.
Steele, David (1803-1887), A Question Answered [in a Letter to Dr. John Cunningham]
"A short reply on the nature of judicial testimonies and their use of history and argument." -- Publisher
Steele, David (1803-1887), The Testimony and the Law
*Steele, David (1803-1887), The Two Witnesses: Their Cause, Number, Character, Furniture and Special Work, 1859. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #14.
"This is a great companion volume to Steele's NOTES ON THE APOCALYPSE. Here Steele zeros in on and works primarily from the text of Revelation 11:13, I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy. Steele deals with Testimony-bearing, Antichrist, Popery, The beasts of revelation, The mark of the beast, 666, The image of the beast, Civil and ecclesiastical apostasy, Reformation, Covenanting, Heresy, Schism, Terms of communion, Slavery, Sectarianism, Mormonism, Independency, Freemasonry, History, Worship, Idolatry, Britain, The united states, Canada, Mystical babylon, The last days, The ultimate victory of the church, and a host of other subjects!
"As is usually the case with Steele, he makes the doctrines of Scripture eminently practical. For example, note how the faithful witnesses are continually called to testify against open opposition to the Lord's Covenanted Zion and the attainments of biblical Reformation in (the faith which was once delivered unto the saints); and against whom this testimony is directed:
'These witnesses are called and commissioned to testify especially against Antichrist -- a false christ, and therefore an opposing christ. But Christ is to be considered either personally or mystically; either abstractly in his personal rights and prerogatives, or in the concrete, in the rights and immunities of his church. There is this prejudice, too prevalent, against Christians testifying against Christians! This we are often told, is contrary to the law of charity. We have not so learned Christ. They are not all Israel which are of Israel. Much of the business of these two prophets is to oppose prophets -- to prophesy against the shepherds, Ezekiel 34:2. Moses with his miracles must confront the magicians with their enchantments, Exodus 8:19. Elijah must confront the prophets of Baal, 1 Kings 18:25. Paul must counteract false apostles, 2 Corinthians 11:13. In short, the direct object of these witnesses' testimony is apostate christendom -- those who depart from the faith, 1 Timothy 4:1 -- who have gone out from fellowship and renounced the doctrines of the apostolic church, 1 John 2:19. Their special work is to testify against error and its propagators and abettors, together with ungodliness, the natural fruit of error, rather than against pagans.' -- The Two Witnesses, p. 14"Moreover, having taken his own place 'in the wilderness' (i.e. having separated himself from, and having been ostracized by the 'civilization' of the obstinately defecting RPCNA and other unfaithful denominations of his day [2 Thessalonians 3:6,14-15; Revelation 12:6, Revelation 17:3]), it was given to Steele to see and expound those grand old principles of our covenanted forefathers (who sat at Westminster and in the best Reformed churches during both the first and second Reformations -- the Scottish Presbyterians being granted the greatest measure of light as a settled body from 1638-1649).
'These two witnesses have always testified -- not formally against pagans or infidels as such; but -- against apostate Christians, as comprising an organized and complex system of opposition to the Lord and his Anointed. And just here, the witnesses have detected the secret of Antichrist's successful enterprise among the human family . . .' Many false prophets are gone out into the world. . . this is a deceiver and an Antichrist, (2 John 7). The combination is ostensibly on the side and in the interest of Christ, and the elements of which Antichrist is composed were obviously professing Christians, They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1 John 2:19). Here is the apostasy, and so the witnesses are fully borne out in asserting that Antichrist is a great Christian apostasy! To trace the origin and development, in the organization and modifications of this enemy of all righteousness, is the special work of Christ's witnesses.' -- (The Two Witnesses, pp. 17-18)
Steele, David (1803-1887), and Thomas Hannay, Declaration and Testimony for the Present Truth, 1864. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #24.
"On diligent searching the several Testimonies emitted since the overthrow of the work of reformation in the year 1650, the reader will doubtless find that none of them exhibits a platform so near the holy Scriptures, or presents so fully the position occupied by our church from 1638 to 1649, as that which was adopted at Ploughlandhead, Scotland, 1761. Surely we may adopt and apply the language of Nehemiah: -- Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach." [Nehemiah 2:17]
*Steele, David (1803-1887), James Campbell, Thomas Sproull (1803-1892), James Fulton, and The Reformed Presbytery [of North America], A Short Vindication of our Covenanted Reformation, 1879. Alternate title: THE REFORMED PRESBYTERY'S A SHORT VINDICATION OF OUR COVENANTED REFORMATION. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1 (also #2, #25, and #30).
"Until the church comes to terms with what is written in this book it will remain weak and divided. Covenant breakers will not prosper, as this rare item demonstrates from both Scripture and history. The power packed ordinance of covenanting (the National and Solemn League and Covenant in particular), was foundational to the Second Reformation and the work of the Westminster Assembly. 'By the National Covenant our fathers laid Popery prostrate. By the Solemn League and Covenant they were successful in resisting prelatic encroachments and civil tyranny. By it they were enabled to achieve the Second Reformation . . . They were setting up landmarks by which the location and limits of the city of God will be known at the dawn of the millennial day . . . How can they be said to go forth by the footsteps of the flock, who have declined from the attainments, renounced the covenants and contradicted the testimony of 'the cloud of witnesses. . . . All the schisms (separations) that disfigure the body mystical of Christ . . . are the legitimate consequences of the abandonment of reformation attainments, the violation of covenant engagements.' If you are interested in knowing how to recognize a faithful church (or state), when and why to separate from unfaithful institutions, who has held up the standard of covenanted Reformation attainments and who has backslidden (and why), what it means to subscribe to the Westminster Confession (1646), (and why most that say they do so today do not have any idea of what that means), and much more concerning individual, family, church and civil, individual, family, church and civil duties, this is one of the best books you will ever lay your hands on. It chronicles 'some instances of worldly conformity and mark(s) some steps of defection from our 'covenanted unity and uniformity,' noting how 'it is necessary to take a retrospect of our history for many years; for we did not all at once reach our present condition of sinful ignorance and manifold apostasy.' Presbyterian and the Reformed churches lay under the heavy hand of God's judgement in our day, because of the very defections noted throughout this fine work. 'We heard (hear) from various quarters the cry, "maintain the truth, stand up for the principles of the Second Reformation"; and yet many of those who are the most loud in uttering this cry, appear desirous to bury in oblivion those imperishable national and ecclesiastical deeds, by which the church and kingdom of Scotland became 'married to the Lord.' Are we married to the Lord, or have we thrown off the covenants of our forefathers; are we the chaste bride of Christ, or a harlot who is found in the bedchambers of every devilish suitor (whether ecclesiastical or civil), who tempts us with the favors of this world? Let us cry out, as with 'the noble Marquis of Argyle, upon the scaffold,' when he said, 'God hath tied us by covenants to religion and reformation. These that were then unborn are yet engaged, and it passeth the power of all the magistrates under heaven to absolve them from the oath of God. They deceive themselves, and it may be, would deceive others, who think otherwise.' Not for the weak of heart." -- Publisher
A Short Vindication of our Covenanted Reformation, Reformed Presbytery
Steer, Roger, Hudson Taylor [1832-1905]: Lesson in Discipleship.
Steer, Roger, J. Hudson Taylor [1832-1905]: A man in Christ, ISBN: 9971972867 9789971972868 9971972875 9789971972875.
Synod of the United Original Seceders (Scotland), A Testimony of the Truth of Christ Agreed on by the Synod of the United Original Seceders, 1887.
Tallach, John, They Shall be Mine, ISBN: 0851513204 9780851513201.
"A book for young people. He tells about men and women from all over the world who have proved themselves to be faithful followers of the Lord." -- GCB
Traill, Robert (1642-1716), A Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine Concerning Justification, and of its Preachers and Professors, From the Unjust Charge of Antinomianism in a letter from a minister in the city, to a minister in the country, 1692. Available (THE WORKS OF ROBERT TRAILL), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (SELECT PRACTICAL WRITINGS OF ROBERT TRAILL), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
A Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification, and its Preachers and Professors, from the Unjust Charge of Antinomianism
United Societies, The Apologetic Declaration, Admonitory Vindication -- October 28, 1684
United Societies, Declaration Published at Lanerk, January 12, 1682
United Societies, The Declaration of the True Presbyterian Church of Christ, in Scotland -- 1692
United Societies, Preface to the Following Declarations From 1692 to 1707
United Societies, The Protestation, Apologetic Admonitory Declaration -- Sanquhar, May 28, 1685
United Societies, The Protestation, Apologetic Declaration, Admonitory Vindication -- 1695
United Societies, The Protestation, Apologetic Declaration, Admonitory Vindication of a Poor, Wasted, Misrepresented Remnant of the Suffering Antipopish, Antiprelatic, Antierastian, Antisectarian, True Presbyterian Church in Scotland, United Together in a General Correspondence, &c.-- 1703
The Land shall not be Sold for ever. (Leviticus 25:23)
Ephraim also is like a silly Dove, without Heart, they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. (Hosea 7:11)
United Societies, The Protestation and Testimony of the United Societies of the Witnessing Remnant of the anti-Popish, anti-Prelatic, anti-Erastian, anti-Sectarian, True Presbyterian Church of Christ in Scotland, Against the Sinful Incorporating Union With England and Their British Parliament, Concluded and Established, May, 1707
United Societies, The Queensferry Paper, 1680. Available as an appendix to A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. Available (A CLOUD OF WITNESSES) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
A Cloud of Witnesses
The Declaration and Testimony of the True Presbyterian, Anti-Prelatick, Anti-Erastian, persecuted party in Scotland. Published at Sanquhar, June 22, 1680
Valdez, Jorge, and Ken Abraham, Coming Clean, ISBN: 1578562244 9781578562244.
*Varghese, Roy Abraham (editor), The Intellectuals Speak out About God: A Handbook for the Christian Student in a Secular Society, ISBN: 0895268272 9780895268273.
"This book reaffirms the need for character, personal integrity, spiritual depth, and moral standards that are essential if education is to remain viable . . . The essays that make up this book are stimulating, and it is a work that can be heartily recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
Various, The Commissioners of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland . . .
Various, A Testimony of the Ministers of the Province of Salop
Ward, Bob, Dr. Space: The Life of Wernher von Braun, ISBN: 9781612514048 1612514049.
"Written by veteran aerospace journalist Bob Ward, who spent years investigating his subject, this biography presents a revealing but even-handed portrait of the father of modern rocketry. As he chronicles Wernher von Braun's life, Ward explodes many myths and misconceptions about the controversial genius who was a hero to some, a villain to others. The picture of von Braun that emerges is of a brilliant scientist with limitless curiosity and a drive to achieve his goals at almost any price from, developing the world's first ballistic missile used against the Allies in World War II." -- Publisher
Various, Works on Testimony-Bearing and Bearing Testimony
"It is surely the duty of the church of God still to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, without saying a confederacy with them, who have said a confederacy against Christ, his pure worship, and his public interest and glory, in the world, i.e., such as are guilty of popish idolatry, prelatic superstition, Erastian encroachments, patronage intrusions, and sectarian confusion, who have all united in a conspiracy, to rob Christ of some part of his mediatorial glory, in a way derogatory to some of his offices, as prophet, priest, or king, of his church." -- Thomas Henderson, Testimony-Bearing Exemplified (1791).
Willson, James McLeod (1809-1866), Argumentative Testimony
Willson, James McLeod (1809-1866), Witnessing: or The Distinct Denominational Position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1860. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Witnessing: or the Distinct Denomination Position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church Right and Necessary
Winston, John, et al., The Testimony of our Reverend Brethren, Ministers of the Province of London. To the Truth of Jesus Christ, and our Solemne League and Covenant, &c. Attested by other ministers of Christ in the county of Northampton, 1648.
Notes: Signed at end: John Winston [and 68 others].
Wyncoll, Hannah, Wonders of Grace, ISBN: 1908919744 9781908919748.
"Drawn from the early years of Spurgeon's remarkable London ministry, these 138 testimonies of conversion form part of an archive of some 15,000 such accounts at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Here is a powerful reaffirmation of the transforming power of the Gospel in individual lives. Also provides insights into the signs of conversion looked for by the elders, and the questions put to converts. Here too is a fascinating glimpse into life in Victorian London, with accounts of servants, crossing sweepers, hatters and factory workers, artisans and middle class converts, brimming with social interest. Illustrated with facsimile pages of notes by C.H. Spurgeon and elders, and photographs of London life at that time." -- Publisher
See also: Christian biography, Biography of bible characters, Biography of covenanters, Hard case witnessing, Biography of christian women, The covenant faithfulness of god, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Justification, Justifying faith, Reconciliation of relationships, Bible magistracy turns back the wrath of god, An introduction to the covenanted reformation, The national covenant, The solemn league and covenant, The covenanted reformation of scotland, Biography of covenanters, Acts of faithful assemblies, The scottish covenanting struggle, alexander craighead, and the mecklenburg declaration, Apologetics, The history of martyrs, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Books considered to be among the ten greatest in the english language, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 813, 814, 3599-3605
Google Advance Search
Google Advanced Search do a local search of "" for the keywords "testimony," "testimony-bearing" "radical conversions," and so forth, and so on.
GPS: God, People, Stories
"God works in people's lives in amazing ways every day. Listen to some of those stories on our newest podcast."
43 Years ago Conversion to Christ, the Testimony of Peter Hammond
"I was overwhelmed with a sense of my unworthiness and wickedness.
"There was no way that I could possible deserve God's love, but I felt this absolutely overwhelming compulsion to stand up and go forward and make a public commitment of my life to Christ. The very least I could do was to thank God for all that He had done in Christ for me."
Howie, John, Preface to Faithful Witness Bearing Exemplified
The Mirror of Evil, an essay by Eleonore Stump
"Eleonore Stump is The Robert J. Henle Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, where she has taught since 1992. She received a Ph.D. in medieval studies and medieval philosophy from Cornell University in 1975." Caveat: Saint Louis University is a Jesuit school. See her curriculum vitae.
Pacific Garden Mission, "Unshackled," (listen online)
Passion 2020 -- Happy New Year -- Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Atlanta
"I think it will go down as an all-time high event that changed lives forever." -- Ravi Zacharias
Testimony for all Counselors: Meet Rick Thomas
A Testimony of Faith in Christ Jesus, April 2022
von Braun, Wernher, My Faith: A Space-Age Scientist Tells why he Must Believe in God,an article, February 10, 1963, The American Weekly, p. 2, New York: The Hearst Corporation. Available in AMERICAN MINUTE WITH BILL FEDERER, Modern Space Flight: Robert Goddard & Wernher von Braun
"Later in life, he joined an Episcopal congregation, and became increasingly religious. He publicly spoke and wrote about the complementarity of science and religion, the afterlife of the soul, and his belief in God.[80][81] He stated, 'Through science man strives to learn more of the mysteries of creation. Through religion he seeks to know the Creator.' He was interviewed by the Assemblies of God pastor C.M. Ward, as stating, 'The farther we probe into space, the greater my faith.' In addition, he met privately with evangelist Billy Graham and with the pacifist leader Martin Luther King Jr." -- Wikipedia
Works on Testimony Bearing and Bearing Testimony: Index Page
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all. (1 Timothy 2:5,6a)But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4a)
What multitudes of people there are who have no concern over, in fact, no consciousness of, their woeful condition! While they do not regard themselves as perfect, yet they are not aware that there is anything seriously wrong with them. They are respectable people, law-abiding citizens, and nothing particular ever troubles their conscience. They consider that they are certainly no worse than their religious neighbors, and though they scarcely ever read the Bible or enter a church, they fully expect to go to Heaven when they die.
Some of them will indeed admit that they are sinners, but imagine that their good works far outnumber their bad ones. Some of them were sprinkled as infants, attended a Sunday school class as children, said their prayers each night, and later joined the church. Nevertheless, to this moment, they have never realized that they are the enemies of God, an abomination in the eyes of His holiness, and that Hell is their just deserts! They see no beauty or glory in the Gospel, no suitableness in it unto their case, and therefore do they despise and reject it. Nowhere but in the Scriptures, can we learn what is the real condition of the natural man." -- Arthur Pink, LostSee the Theological Notes: "Demons" at Deuteronomy 32:17 in The Reformation Study Bible.
A Biblical Counselor tells the story of his high school son who attended church regularly with the family, but with little or no enthusiasm.
His father entered into a deal with his son to memorize verses of Scripture. The conditions: the father would select the verse, the son would memorize the verse, the father could request that he recite any verse at any time, each time he recited a verse correctly his father would pay him $5.00 (about 1976), if he failed to recite a verse correctly (word for word with the book, chapter, and verse), then he paid his father $5.00.
At first he memorized just for the money. Later he began requesting more verses. His father selected verses bearing on events in his son's life at the moment. As the number of verses grew, the father was able to request verses to be recited that spoke to the specific needs of the moment. By the time of his graduation from high school he had over 100 verses of Scripture committed to memory. The son then went to Columbia Seminary and is now a pastor. (For those who do not immediately see, this is a practical way to purchase the soul of a child, spouse, or neighbor for Christ before they barter it for a "mess of pottage.")For this is the very glory of grace -- that man hates to be saved, that he is at enmity to him, yet God will have him redeemed -- that God's covenant is, "you shall," and man's intention is, "I will not," and God's "shall" conquers man's "I will not." Almighty grace rides victoriously over the neck of free will, and leads it captive in glorious captivity to the all -- conquering power of irresistible grace and love. -- Charles Spurgeon
It is the duty of God's servants to warn men of their danger, to point out that the way of rebellion against God leads to certain destruction and to call upon them to throw down the weapons of their revolt and flee from the wrath to come.
It is their duty to teach men that they must turn from their idols and serve the living God, otherwise they will eternally perish.
It is their duty to rebuke wickedness wherever it be found and to declare that the wages of sin is death.
This will not make for their popularity, for it will condemn and irritate the wicked, and such plain speaking will seriously annoy them. Those who expose hypocrites, resist tyrants, oppose the wicked, are ever viewed by them as troublemakers. But as Christ declared, Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (Matthew 5:11, 12). -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Life of Elijah
*Abdul-Haqq, Abdiyah Akbar, Sharing Your Faith With a Muslim, ISBN: 0871235536 9780871235534.
"Authoritative and detailed study. Examines Koran's teaching on Christ. Compares it to the Bible. Uses this as a bridge to bring the Biblical messages to the Muslim." -- Cyril J. Barber
"It is the contention of the author that an effective evangelistic approach to the adherents of Islam must be based upon a study of Christ as He is found in both Scripture and the Koran. Christ, then, becomes the bridge between the two faiths. Such a search is, to Abdul-Haqq, the natural means of introducing the Savior.
"Having seen Christ on the pages of the Bible, he moves on to a presentation of the great issues of sin, salvation, and the nature of God as the final pressing points to raise in efforts to win Muslim friends and neighbors to Jesus." -- Publisher
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Winning Your Unsaved Husband (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA404 [audio file].
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Banner of Truth edition is available free as e-text.
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
Bull, Josiah, But now I see: The Life of John Newton, ISBN: 0851517420 9780851517421.
But now I see: The Life of John Newton
Butterfield, Rosaria Champagne, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey Into Christian Faith, ISBN: 9781884527388 1884527388.
"Dr. Butterfield's book detailing the love and compassion of Christ in her life is exceptional in so many ways. The book reminded me of what we as Christians confess together: 'I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life.' I am grateful for this honest and vulnerable testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of all life as He makes Christ known to His people!
"The book is also a testimony to the truth of Romans 5: 'Where sin abounds, grace superabounds!" There is much revealed in the book about what it means to have Christ's righteousness alone as one's hope before God, to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, His sufferings, and becoming like Jesus in His death, to truly understand the joy of living! (Philippians 3:9-12) Revealed in her book is the dear heart of a Christian that has been transformed by the grace of God, and knows the depths of her sin, and the heights of Christ's grace to all who call upon His name in faith (Romans 5:19-21). There is the affectionate mother who loves her children and seeks to raise them in a manner worthy of her calling in the truth of Jesus. There is the faithful wife who serves and honors husband and family as the church serves Christ (Ephesians 5:21-32). There is the concerned, compassionate, and caring friend who seeks to show the love and grace of Christ to those who don't believe, and who don't understand, and who quite frankly think Christians do better at hating, than loving. There is the learning disciple seeking to wisely know how to be Christ in a fallen and sinful world of misery. There is the confessional Christian who has committed herself to the objective truth of God's Word, who deeply holds these truths faithfully, and seeks the means of grace for Christ's Church that Jesus has graciously given us to grow. I read many parts of this book aloud to my wife in our kitchen while supper was being prepared.
"My wife and I learned a great deal of wisdom, we rejoiced with tears with Dr. Butterfield as we were reading it, and we thanked God for her testimony to the grace of Jesus. May many more read, ponder, and digest this exceedingly wondrous testimony to God's amazing grace. I encourage you also to read the Rev. Dr. Carl Trueman's review at Reformation 21.
"As a pastor of a loving and local congregation of God's people, I recommend this to you. I recommend the wisdom here with hopes that it will make you more compassionate, caring, and hopeful in the incomparably great power for us who believe! (Ephesians 1:19ff). In Christ's love, Pastor CRB." -- Reader's Comment
Kindle edition and reviews (68 five star reviews)
Crown Video, Final Solution, Special Edition DVD, ISBN: 1894300874 9781894300872, 106 Minutes.
"Based on a true story . . .
"This Special Edition set contains the award winning feature film Final Solution, the documentary From one Blood featuring Gerrit Wolfaardt, the man on which the feature film is based, behind the scenes footage, bonus features and a study guide in PDF form. Final Solution is an amazing testimony of the incredible power of God to transform lives. Gerrit Wolfaardt was radically changed from a life of hatred and violence -- not to simply tolerance -- but to genuine love. Only God can cause so deep a transformation.
"From One Blood" invites viewers into the living room and lives of Gerrit and Celeste Wolfaardt. Gerrit relays his personal story and throughout the documentary, short clips from the movie are cut in to emphasize what he is telling us. Today, Gerrit travels the globe preaching biblical reconciliation. Formerly sold individually, this two-disc DVD set provides an excellent value.
"Awards that this film has received: | Crown Award Winner for Best Drama Over $250,000 (Gold) | Crown Award Winner for Best Picture (Gold) | Heartland Film Festival Winner (Crystal Heart Award) | Worldfest Houston International Film Festival Winner (GOLD) | Down Under Film Festival Winner (Best Soundtrack and Best Film) | Sabaoth International Film Festival (Best Director and Best Film).
"This film is not appropriate for children due to violence and thematic elements."
"Afrikaner Gerrit Wolfaardt was born into prejudice. Everything he had been taught since childhood -- from his family, his church and his culture -- told him that apartheid, or separateness, was right and natural. He became a self-proclaimed disciple of Hitler, and hatched a diabolical plan to rid South Africa of the 'Black Danger.' His ideology was challenged by Celeste, who later became his wife, and by the book CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY. In this documentary, Gerrit shares the amazing journey that resulted in his radical transformation." -- Publisher
Groothuis, Douglas, Confronting the New Age: How to Resist a Growing Religious Movement, ISBN: 0830812237 9780830812233.
"A clear, systematic guide on how to witness to New Agers. Lays out a concise strategy on confronting the New Age movement, especially in the areas of cultural change, education, and business.
"A book that tells how to stem the tide of this growing religious movement. Will help you to: witness to New Age adherents; identify New Age influences in business seminars; expose New Age curriculum in public schools; discern New Age influences in pop psychology, biofeedback therapy, visualization, and New Age music." -- GCB
Hackett, David A., Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division. Intelligence Team., The Buchenwald Report, ISBN: 0813317770 9780813317779 0813333636 9780813333632 0827604998 9780827604995.
Extreme evil may be an excellent negative guide to correct theology, the righteousness which is of God, redemption, and immortality.
"After their liberation in April 1945, the inmates of Buchenwald told their stories to a special team of U.S. Army intelligence officers. One of the most important and unique documents of the Holocaust, this priceless eyewitness account was nearly lost forever and appears here in published form and in English for the first time." -- Publisher
Lewis, Gordon R., Confronting the Cults, ISBN: 0801055601 9780801055607.
"How to determine whether a group is cultic. CONFRONTING THE CULTS uses seven questions to determine whether a group is cultic and to clarify the gospel of grace for people in Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Christian Science, Unity, and Spiritualism. The scriptural principles in the last three chapters remain of value for ministry to people now called New Agers. See why it has helped people for over 30 years." -- Gordon R. Lewis
*Lumen Productions, Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (San Leandro, CA [JCIL Services, 293 MacArthur Blvd., San Leandro 94577-2108]: Lumen Productions, 1991).
"At last there's a video that explores the true basis of Catholicism and compares it with Biblical Christianity. This contemporary documentary looks at Catholicism through the eyes of clergy, lay-ministers, and others who left the Catholic Church to follow Christ. It is a must for any church or ministering body wishing to witness to Catholics."
Martin, Walter, The Do's and Don'ts of Witnessing to the Cults [audio file].
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Witnessing to Roman Catholics.
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Youth Evangelism: Dealing With Depression and Suicide (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette CM101 [audio file].
Pacific Gardens Mission, "Unshackled" (Chicago, IL: Pacific Gardens Mission).
A radio program heard weekdays. Dramatizations of real life stories of conversions to Jesus Christ. If you are outside the broadcast area of this program, then cassette [audio file], or printed copies of messages may be available.
Pacific Garden Mission, "Unshackled," (listen online)
*Passantino, Robert, and Gretchen Passantino, Answers to the Cultist at Your Door, ISBN: 0890812756 9780890812754.
"Answers to the Cultist at your door won the Golden Medallion for excellence in Christian literature in the early 80's and no wonder. It is a well written evangelical Christian response to the major cultic movements of our day such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Krishna Consciousness etc. Long-time associates of the pioneer of Christian cultist apologetics, Walter Martin, the Passantino's share a wealth of experience. They help the Christian to clearly understand the difference between Bible doctrine and the teachings of the cults. The history, teachings, tactics, and deviations of 5 cults are critically examined and critiqued by Bob and Gretchen Passantino in a readable and entertaining manner. Highly recommended." -- Reader's Comment
Price, Eugenia, and Faith Coxe Bailey, Unshackled: Stories of Transformed Lives, Adapted From "Unshackled" Radio Broadcasts: Stories From Pacific Garden Mission.
Qureshi, Nabeel, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, ISBN: 9780310515029 0310515025 .
"A powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man's heart -- and of the peace he found in Jesus! Providing a window into American Muslim life, Qureshi describes how a passionate pursuit of the religion in which he was raised led him to Christ through friendships, investigations, dreams, and visions. . . .
"SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS presents a gripping and deeply personal account of this spiritual trajectory and details the challenges and opportunities Qureshi's conversion has presented.
" 'I knew that accepting Jesus would be like dying and I would have to give up everything, because for Muslims, following the gospel is more than a call to prayer. It is a call to die,' he explains. 'I gave my life to Jesus, and to this day my family is broken by the decision I made. It is excruciating every time I see the cost I had to pay.'
"A medical doctor by training with two master's degrees in religious studies, Qureshi now dedicates his time to teaching, writing and speaking as the newest member of the apologetics team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries." -- Publisher
Reed, David A., Jehovah's Witnesses: Answered Verse by Verse, ISBN: 0801077397 9780801077395.
This book is "a valuable reference tool. Each verse dealt with is cross-referenced to other verses. Also included: What they believe, Their Bible, and A capsule history." -- GCB
Saal, William J., Reaching Muslims for Christ, ISBN: 0802473229 9780802473226.
Scott, Stuart, Heath Lambert, John MacArthur (foreword), Counseling the Hard Cases: True Stories Illustrating the Sufficiency of God's Resources in Scripture, ISBN: 9781433672224 1433672227.
"This book illustrates the effectiveness of Biblical Counseling. In chapter one Stuart gives us a short history of the Biblical Counseling movement and explains the differences between secular, Christian and Biblical Counseling. The following chapters are examples of extremely difficult counseling cases that were resolved through the caring, compassionate, effective application of God's Word and Biblical counseling technique.
"As a Biblical Counselor myself, I found it refreshing and encouraging. I highly recommend this book if you are thinking about entering the field of counseling or are already involved in counseling. In my opinion it ranks among the top 'must read' books for Biblical Counselors. It should be on the shelf of every Biblical Counselor along with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL by Jay Adams and INSTRUMENTS IN THE REDEEMER'S HANDS By Paul Tripp.
"I have found that Biblical counseling is more effective and provides more hope and healing than any other form of counseling, period. This book explains the reasons I can make such an audacious claim." -- Reader's Comment
Spencer, James R., Hard-Case Witnessing, ISBN: 0800791797 9780800791797.
Yamamoto, J. Isamu, James Bjornstad, and Kurt Van Gorden, Hinduism, TM and Hare Krishna, ISBN: 0310703913 9780310703914.
"Fast, informed answers to the challenges of false religions. This is an age when countless groups and movements, new and old, mark the religious landscape in our culture. As a result, many people are confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, the Zondervan GUIDE TO CULTS AND RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS SERIES provides essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys. The second wave of books in this series addresses a broad range of spiritual beliefs, from non-Trinitarian Christian sects to witchcraft and neo-paganism to classic non-Christian religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. All books but the summary volume, TRUTH AND ERROR, contain five sections: A concise introduction to the group being surveyed, An overview of the group's theology -- in its own words, Tips for witnessing effectively to members of the group, A bibliography with sources for further study, A comparison chart that shows the essential differences between biblical Christianity and the group Truth and Error, the last book in the series, consists of parallel doctrinal charts compiled from all the other volumes. . . .
"In the sixties, Transcendental Meditation, a Hindu-based movement, became fashionable as a way to therapy and psychological well-being -- especially after being endorsed by the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Its influence waned, ironically, after the courts decided that TM was a religion rather than a form of therapy, as TM had claimed. But its popularity helped open the doors to a wider acceptance of Eastern philosophy and religions in mainstream America. Another Americanized form of Hinduism is Hare Krishna. This volume and the volume on Buddhism in this series together present a comprehensive overview of Eastern religions, their views, and their impact on contemporary North America. . . .
"J. Isamu Yamamoto is the author of BUDDHISM, TAOISM AND OTHER FAR EASTERN RELIGIONS (Zondervan, 1998), HINDUISM, TM AND HARE KRISHNA (Zondervan, 1998), and UNIFICATION CHURCH (Zondervan, 1995). He earned an M.A. in New Testament studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is currently the inspirational editor for Publications International, Ltd., in Lincolnwood, Illinois, and a consulting editor for the Christian Research Journal in Southern California." -- Publisher
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), Can man Live Without God? ISBN: 0849911737 9780849911736.
" 'Apart from God, chaos is the norm; with God, the hungers of the mind and heart find their fulfillment.' So writes Ravi Zacharias in this brilliant and compelling apologetic defense of the Christian faith -- the likes of which we haven't seen since C.S. Lewis. With forceful logic, insightful illustrations, and passionate conviction, he shows how affirming the reality of God' existence matters urgently in our everyday lives.
"According to Zacharias, who has debated the issue of God's existence in such settings a Harvard and Princeton Universities, how you answer the question of God' existence will have a profound effect on the way you live your life. It can impact your relationship with others, your commitment to integrity, your attitude toward morality, your perception of truth, and your sense of meaning in life -- it can mean the difference between living a life filled with hope or despair. . . ." -- Publisher
CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD has sold more copies than any other book by Ravi Zacharias. He has said that it is the book "which touched my life more than anything else." His other works include A SHATTERED VISAGE: THE REAL FACE OF ATHEISM, JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS: THE ABSOLUTE CLAIMS OF THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE, Martin, Walter R. and Ravi K. Zacharias, THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAJOR CULT SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENT CHRISTIAN ERA, CRIES OF THE HEART, and DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
"In summary, this is a book to read, whether you are a Christian, Moslem, Jew, or atheist, or any other adherent to a belief system. Ravi is a masterful philosopher, an unmatched apologist, a sympathetic and easy-to-understand author, and a humble man. This is definitely one of the classics in its field." -- Reader's Comment
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), and Scott Sawyer, Walking From East to West: God in the Shadows, ISBN: 0310259150 9780310259152.
The biography of Ravi Zacharias.
See also: Evil, the problem of avoiding, eschewing, shunning, Rebellion and lawlessness: wickedness, demonic possession, abnormal behavior, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, Blindness, spiritual, Spiritual discernment, Post-traumatic stress disorder, The covenant faithfulness of god, The attributes of god, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, Justifying faith, Sanctification, Child abuse and pedophilia, Abuse (women), Witnessing to Cults, Handbooks on the cults, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Apologetics, Follow-up, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, False gospels, Forgiveness of sin, Creeds, confessions, and catechisms, Persecution, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, The occult, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 836, 3908
The Mirror of Evil, an essay by Eleonore Stump
"Eleonore Stump is The Robert J. Henle Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, where she has taught since 1992. She received a Ph.D. in medieval studies and medieval philosophy from Cornell University in 1975." Caveat: Saint Louis University is a Jesuit school. See her curriculum vitae.
Brain, Mind and Body in Healing From Trauma, The People's Pharmacy Radio Program, show 980, February 7, 2015.
"To help people heal from trauma, the best approaches find ways to reconnect brain and body with a feeling of safety. . . .
"We often associate the term 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder' with military veterans. Indeed, war creates many traumatic experiences, but it is not the only source of reactions that may cause people to shut down or blow up. Car, train or plane crashes, a life-threatening illness episode, family violence, or other events can create a dysfunctional reaction that may be largely out of conscious awareness.
"Treating PTSD
"One of the world's leading experts on PTSD explains how such reactions are rooted in the body's response to threat, and how it can be successfully treated. . . .
"Dr. van der Kolk is co-director of the Complex Trauma Treatment Network of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, established by Congress to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities. His website is
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
"The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) is the world's premier trauma organization dedicated to trauma treatment, education, research and prevention. Through this organization, professionals share information about the effects of trauma, seeking to reduce traumatic stressors and their immediate and long-term consequences."
National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
"The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was created within the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989, in response to a Congressional mandate to address the needs of veterans with military-related PTSD. Its mission was, and remains: To advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders. This website is provided as an educational resource concerning PTSD and other enduring consequences of traumatic stress."
Dr. David Powlison -- What Hope of Healing is There for Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder?
Mission to Catholics International
But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. (2 Thessalonians 2:13)The health of our spiritual lives depends upon Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth forever. (Psalm 118:1)
See the Theological Notes: "The Church," at Ephesians 2:19 in The Reformation Study Bible.
It was John Calvin's case for church attendance, found in Institutes of the Christian Religion, (Battle's translation), Book IV, Chapter 1, 1-19 (and context), that finally helped the compiler over the hurdle of erroneously forsaking the assembly of ourselves together ostensibly because of hypocracy, faults, impurities, and minor scandals within the church.
Book Four. The External Means or Aids by Which God Invites us Into the Society of Christ and Holds us Therein Chapter I. The True Church With Which as Mother of all the Godly we Must Keep Unity
(The Holy Catholic Church, our mother, 1-4)
1. The necessity of the church
We need outward helps to beget and increase faith within us, and advance it to its goal.
2. What is the relationship of church and creed?
But because a small and contemptible number are hidden in a huge multitude and a few grains of wheat are covered by a pile of chaff, we must leave to God alone the knowledge of his church, whose foundation is his secret election.
3. The communion of saints
Finally, we feel that these promises apply to us: There will be salvation in Zion [Joel 2:32; Obadiah 17, cf. Vg.]; God will abide in the midst of Jerusalem forever, that it may never be moved. [Psalm 46:5]. So powerful is participation in the church that it keeps us in the society of God. In the very word "communion" there is a wealth of comfort because, while it is determined that whatever the Lord bestows upon his members and ours belongs to us, our hope is strengthened by all the benefits they receive.
4. The visible church as mother of believers
On the other hand, those who turn to the cultivation of true godliness are said to inscribe their names among the citizens of Jerusalem [cf. Isaiah 56:5; Psalm 87:6]. For this reason, it is said in another psalm: Remember me, O Jehovah, with favor toward thy people; visit me with salvation: that I may see the well-doing of thy chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation, that I may be glad with thine inheritance. [Psalm 106:4-5; cf. Psalm 105:4, Vg., etc.]. By these words God's fatherly favor and the especial witness of spiritual life are limited to his flock, so that it is always disastrous to leave the church.
(Her ministers, speaking for God, not to be despised, 5-6)
5. Education through the church, its value and its obligation
We must observe that God always revealed himself thus to the holy patriarchs in the mirror of his teaching in order to be known spiritually. Accordingly, the Temple is called not only the face of God [cf. Psalm 42:2] but (to remove all cause for superstition) his footstool. [Psalm 132:7; Psalm 99:5; 1 Chronicles 28:2]. Happy indeed is that attainment of unity of faith [cf. Ephesians 4:13] when all -- from the highest to the lowest -- aspire toward the Head!
6. Meaning and limits of the ministry
Moreover, it is clear from other passages how he leaves nothing to ministers by themselves. Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but it is God alone who gives the growth. [1 Corinthians 3:7]. Likewise: I worked more than all; not I, but the grace of God which was with me. [1 Corinthians 15:10]. Surely we ought to remember those statements in which God, ascribing to himself illumination of mind and renewal of heart, warns that it is sacrilege for man to claim any part of either for himself.
(The visible church: its membership and the marks by which it is recognized, 7-9)
7. Invisible and visible church
In this church are mingled many hypocrites who have nothing of Christ but the name and outward appearance. There are very many ambitious, greedy, envious persons, evil speakers, and some of quite unclean life. Such are tolerated for a time either because they cannot be convicted by a competent tribunal or because a vigorous discipline does not always nourish as it ought.
Just as we must believe, therefore, that the former church, invisible to us, is visible to the eyes of God alone, so we are commanded to revere and keep communion with the latter, which is called "church" in respect to men.
8. The limitation of our judgment
Therefore, according to God's secret predestination (as Augustine says), "many sheep are without, and many wolves are within." For he knows and has marked those who know neither him nor themselves. Of those who openly wear his badge, his eyes alone see the ones who are unfeignedly holy and will persevere to the very end [Matthew 24:13] -- the ultimate point of salvation.
9. The marks of the church and our application of them to judgment
Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to Christ's institution, there, it is not to be doubted, a church of God exists [cf. Ephesians 2:20]. For his promise cannot fail: Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. [Matthew 18:20].
(A church with these marks, however defective, is not to be forsaken: the sin of schism, 10-16)
10. Marks and authority of the church
For the Lord esteems the communion of his church so highly that he counts as a traitor and apostate from Christianity anyone who arrogantly leaves any Christian society, provided it cherishes the true ministry of Word and sacraments. He so esteems the authority of the church that when it is violated he believes his own diminished.
11. The inviolable validity of the marks
If in Word and sacraments it has the order approved by the Lord, it will not deceive; let us, then, confidently pay to it the honor due to churches. But again, if, devoid of Word and sacraments, it advertises the name of church, we must just as scrupulously beware such deceits, as we must avoid rashness and pride on the other side.
12. Heeding the marks guards against capricious separation
The pure ministry of the Word and pure mode of celebrating the sacraments are, as we say, sufficient pledge and guarantee that we may safely embrace as church any society in which both these marks exist. The principle extends to the point that we must not reject it so long as it retains them, even if it otherwise swarms with many faults.
13. Scandal in the church no occasion for leaving it
In bearing with imperfections of life we ought to be far more considerate. . . . For there have always been those who, imbued with a false conviction of their own perfect sanctity, as if they had already become a sort of airy spirits, spurned association with all men in whom they discern any remnant of human nature. . . .
There are others who sin more out of ill-advised zeal for righteousness than out of that insane pride. When they do not see a quality of life corresponding to the doctrine of the gospel among those to whom it is announced, they immediately judge that no church exists in that place. . . . But on their part those of whom we have spoken sin in that they do not know how to restrain their disfavor. For where the Lord requires kindness, they neglect it and give themselves over completely to immoderate severity. Indeed, because they think no church exists where there are not perfect purity and integrity of life, they depart out of hatred of wickedness from the lawful church, while they fancy themselves turning aside from the faction of the wicked.
14. Paul and the needs of his congregations
Yet the church abides among them [the Corinthians and Galatians] because the ministry of Word and sacraments remains unrepudiated there.
15. Fellowship with wicked persons
Indeed, I do not deny that it is the godly man's duty to abstain from all familiarity with the wicked, and not to enmesh himself with them in any voluntary relationship. But it is one thing to flee the boon companionship of the wicked; another, in hating them, to renounce the communion of the church.
For when Paul urges us to a holy and pure partaking of it [Communion], he does not require that one examine another, or every one the whole church, but that each individual prove himself [1 Corinthians 11:28]. If it were unlawful to partake of communion with an unworthy person, surely Paul would bid us investigate whether there is anyone in the multitude whose uncleanliness pollutes us.
16. The false claim of perfection comes from distorted opinion
Puffed up with pride, mad with obstinacy, deceitful in their slanders, troublesome in their seditions, these evil persons feign a rigid severity so they cannot be shown to lack the light of truth. Holy Scripture bids us correct our brothers' vices with more moderate care, while preserving sincerity of love and unity of peace.
Finally, let them realize that, in estimating the true church, divine judgment is of more weight than human.
(The imperfect holiness of the church does not justify schism, but affords occasion for the exercise within it of the forgiveness of sins, 17-22)
17. The holiness of the church
And although there are oftentimes few evidences of this sort of sanctification among men, still we must hold that from the creation of the world there was no time when the Lord did not have his church; and even until the consummation of the age, there will be no time when he will not have it. For even though the whole human race has from the very beginning been corrupted and vitiated by Adam's sin, from this polluted mass, as it were, He ever sanctifies certain vessels unto honor [cf. Romans 9:23 ff.] that there may be no age that does not experience his mercy.
18. The example of the prophets
But if the holy prophets had scruples against separating themselves from the church because of many great misdeeds, not of one man or another but of almost all the people, we claim too much for ourselves if we dare withdraw at once from the communion of the church just because the morals of all do not meet our standard or even square with the profession of Christian faith.
19. The example of Christ and of the apostles
Let the following two points, then, stand firm. First, he who voluntarily deserts the outward communion of the church (where the Word of God is preached and the sacraments are administered) is without excuse. Secondly, neither the vices of the few nor the vices of the many in any way prevent us from duly professing our faith there in ceremonies ordained by God. For a godly conscience is not wounded by the unworthiness of another, whether pastor or layman; nor are the sacraments less pure and salutary for a holy and upright man because they are handled by unclean persons. -- John Calvin's case for church attendance, found in Institutes of the Christian Religion, Battle's translation, Book IV, Chapter 1, 1-19 and contextHe [David] mentions also as another qualification, that he shunned the wicked in such a manner as not on that account to forsake the congregation of God, or withdraw himself from the company of those with whom he was commanded by divine appointment to associate. Many err in this way grievously; imagining when they see the evil mingled with the good, that they will be infected with pollution, unless they immediately withdraw themselves from the whole congregation. . . . David, therefore, prudently moderates his zeal, and while separating himself from the ungodly, ceases not to frequent the temple, as the divine commandment and the order prescribed in the law required. When he denominates them the assembly of the ungodly, we may unquestionably conclude, that their number was not few; nay, it is probable that they flaunted about at that time, as if they alone were exalted above the people of God, and were lords over them: yet this did not prevent David from coming as usual to the sacrifices. Public care, indeed, is to be used that the Church be not defiled by such wickedness, and every man ought privately to endeavor, in his own place, that his remissness and forbearance do not cherish the disorders which these vices occasion. Although, however, this strictness should not be exercised with that care which is necessary, there is nothing in this to hinder any of the faithful from piously and holily remaining in the fellowship of the Church. It is to be observed, in the meantime, that what retained David, was his communion with God and with sacred things. -- John Calvin commenting on Psalm 26:5
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:37)
I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 8:12b)
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:5,6)
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:32)
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:24)
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:42)
The things which make us spiritual are Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.You are those worthies of whom the world is not worthy, Hebrews 11:38. You are the princes that prevail with God, Genesis 32:28. You are those excellent ones in whom is all Christ's delight, Psalm 16:3. You are His glory. You are His picked, culled, prime instruments which He will make use of to carry on His best and greatest work against His worst and greatest enemies in these latter days. -- Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
All Christians employ themselves in David's Psalms more frequently than in any other part of the Old or New Testament. The grace of the Holy Ghost hath so ordered it that they should be sung every night and day . . . Many who know not a letter can say David's Psalms by heart. . . . where men converse with God, David is the first, the midst, and the last. -- Chrysostom
The Church has never been perfect. Far from it. But the total record should be examined. In doing so, the good far, far outweighs the bad. Besides, Christian belief is in Christ, not in Christians. . . .
Genuine Christianity must be distinguished from nominal Christianity. Some people have called themselves "Christians" who have lived in total opposition to the principles and teachings of the Master from Nazareth. But when we distinguish between name and reality, we see that genuine Christianity has been an unmixed blessing on the world. . . .
Christianity is comprised of those who have repented of their sins and truly believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord. In times past Christendom was comprised of those people living in "Christian" territories. Today, Christendom is comprised of true Christians and those professing Christians who have never experienced the saving grace of Christ. Many members of Christendom have lived lives that were totally unworthy of the name Christian.
When people are unregenerate -- that is, if their hearts are not changed by Christ -- they are prone to do all sorts of ungodly and inhuman things. It doesn't matter whether they're atheistic Communists or clerics in the Church. And in the case of unregenerate Church Leaders, their evil actions have brought the blame of history upon Christianity.
There is a Church visible (Christendom) and there is a Church invisible (true Christianity). . . . The Bible points out that the visible Church is not the real Church of Christ. The real Church of Christ is invisible, and it consists of all who truly belong to God as His elect -- all those who will ever be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Judas Iscariot was a member of the visible Church of Christ, but not the invisible. . . .
The devil has been able to infiltrate the Church [Matthew 13:24-30,37-39]. Thus, as Jesus forewarned, the Church contains believers and nonbelievers alike. . . .
While Jesus told us to love our neighbor and even our enemies, He did predict that Christianity would prove divisive per se [Luke 12:51-53]. . . .
Now, the Scripture teaches we are to be at peace will all, inasmuch as it is up to us (Romans 12:18). But we are to put Christ first in our lives . . . True faith can elicit a hostile reaction, even when practiced with a gentle and humble spirit. The division that Christ talked about here is the natural outworking of unbelief reacting against godliness, or belief reacting against ungodliness. . . . -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), and Jerry Newcombe, What if Jesus had Never Been Born, pp. 205,206,209,210Beware of crushing zeal. Seek it. Cultivate it. Try to blow up the fire in your own heart, and the hearts of others -- but never, never crush it. Beware of throwing cold water on zealous souls, whenever you meet with them.
Beware of nipping in the bud this precious grace when first it shoots. If you are a parent beware of crushing it in your children -- if you are a husband, beware of crushing it in your wife -- if you are a brother, beware of crushing it in your sisters -- and if you are a minister, beware of crushing it in the members of your congregation. It is a shoot of heaven's own planting. Beware of crushing it, for Christ's sake. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When Series.
A pamphlets series including the follow:
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What to do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical use of the Scriptures, 135 pages, ISBN: 087552074X 9780875520742.Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When Anger Gets the Upper Hand? Alternate title: YOU CAN DEFEAT ANGER, 8 pages.
" 'Anger, like a good horse, must be bridled.' Uncontrolled temper is a sin. You can learn to release the energies of anger productively and under control to solve problems." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When You Become Depressed? Alternate title: YOU CAN CONQUER DEPRESSION.
"You must know God personally before you can expect Him to give you the help that you need. You must not put the alleviation of depression first as your goal, but rather the desire to please God by doing what He says. You must do exactly as He says regardless of how you feel." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When Fear Overcomes You? ISBN: 0875520464 9780875520469. Alternate title: YOU CAN OVERCOME FEAR.
"You must learn to commit yourself prayerfully to doing what God requires of you whether or not you will have a fear experience by doing so. That is the key that will unlock your prison."
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When Your Marriage Goes Sour? ISBN: 0875520480 9780875520483. Alternate title: YOU CAN SWEETEN A SOUR MARRIAGE.
"Love is not first a feeling, because God commands love: to wife, to neighbor, even to enemy. You must learn how to give. You must forgive: a promise not to use it against the person, not to talk to others, not to dwell on it yourself. The husband is responsible to take initiative in love." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When You Worry all the Time? ISBN: 0875520499 9780875520490. Alternate title: YOU CAN STOP WORRYING.
A tract by Jay Adams. "Worry is concern about something that one can do nothing about. That is why it tears us apart. 'Christ does not ask you to cease being concerned; instead He tells you to redirect your concern.' Asks three questions: What is my problem?; What does God want me to do about it?; When, where and how should I begin?
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What to do About Worry, ISBN: 0801000483 9780801000485.
"Worry is a sin that Christians can learn to overcome. Pray with thanksgiving; find God's solutions; then work on the problem God's way. When you find yourself worrying rather than working, sit down and answer the following three questions: [1] What is my problem?; [2] What does God want me to do about it?; [3] When, where and how should I begin?" -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What to do on Thursday: A Layman's Guide to the Practical use of the Scriptures, 135 pages, ISBN: 087552074X 9780875520742.
"Making the Bible practical is the author's gift. Sunday is not the Christians only day. This book is designed to bridge the gap in personal application of scriptural principles learned. This method of using the Scriptures will excite you all over again.
"This book contains a 'method that, if faithfully followed, will make your Bible a practical Book that you can use, not only on Sunday but on Thursday, and every other day in the week, to solve the problems that you encounter in daily living.' The Bible was written to be used in daily life, but few Christians have ever been taught how to use it. How do you locate (Bible information, pp. 19-49), understand (Bible interpretation, pp. 53-98), and apply (Bible implementation, pp. 101-134), relevant Scripture? Bible information includes a basic orientation to Scripture. Bible interpretation teaches principles of accurate interpretation, how to use Bible study tools, and how to pursue the intent (telos) of a passage. Bible implementation teaches you how to adapt truth to varying life situations. 'Christians must become actors, not reactors. They must learn to choose and develop goals, structure their lives and become actors who consciously do whatever they do in order to attain biblical goals'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), You can Kick the Drug Habit.
"If you are hooked on alcohol or other drugs you must learn to put off the old behavior and attitudes and put on the new. Repent of your sin. List ways you are failing God and others. Work with someone who practices biblical counseling to restructure your entire life. Cut off all connections with people who are negative influences. Restructure your life concretely." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When You Know That You're Hooked?
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), You can Kick the Drug Habit, a tract.
"If you are hooked on alcohol or other drugs you must learn to put off the old behavior and attitudes and put on the new. Repent of your sin. List ways you are failing God and others. Work with someone who practices biblical counseling to restructure your entire life. Cut off all connections with people who are negative influences. Restructure your life concretely." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), What do You do When You Know That You're Hooked?
Baldwin, Carol Lesser, Friendship Counseling: Biblical Foundations for Helping Others, ISBN: 0310390419 9780310390411.
"This book is unique in that it derives practical counseling skills from a study of who God is and how He has dealt with his people." -- GCB
Barna, George, How to Find Your Church, ISBN: 0890661618 9780890661611.
Betters, Sharon W., Treasures of Encouragement: Women Helping Women in the Church, ISBN: 0875520979 9780875520971.
"Security in your relationship with Christ can lead you to reach out to others in your church, your community, and your family! Do you know someone who is hurting, depressed, lonely? This book will help you find ways to help that person -- to build one another up. What a wonderful ministry! The Ministry of Encouragement!" -- Reader's Comment
[Bible] *The New Testament: King James Version, The Precious Promises Edition (Lake Wylie, SC: Christian Heritage Publishing Co. Inc., 1991).
A pocket New Testament with the words of Christ in red and the promises screened in red. Convenient for purse, or travel bag.
[Bible] *The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: With Psalms and Proverbs, Gideon's International edition, ISBN: 0529051141 9780529051141.
A shirt-pocket size edition of the King James Authorized Version of the Holy Bible including the Book of Psalms. Convenient for pocket, purse, or travel bag.
[Bible] *New Testament With Psalms and Proverbs, NKJV, ISBN: 0834004518 9780834004511, leather bound.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Living in Christ: Studies on Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, Obeying Christ, Sharing Christ.
A special study guide to the Gospel of John. It is given to new believers who want to know more about the Christian life, and how to walk daily with Christ.
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Banner of Truth edition is available free as e-text.
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), God's way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious, ISBN: 0585036004 9780585036007. Available (MP3 only), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Horatius Bonar was a pastor in Scotland for over fifty years. He was one of the brightest lights in the 19th century, with not only many books to his credit, but also the editing of the excellent IMPERIAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, and a delightful and useful monthly magazine. . . . This book is another evidence that Bonar is able to write the deepest truths in the clearest and most understandable way. . . . Simplicity is his style, but declaring the whole counsel of God is his aim. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
God's way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious, Horatius Bonar
Boykin, Caroline, The Well-versed Family: Raising Kids of Faith Through Do-able Scripture Memory, ISBN: 1598867687 9781598867688.
*Broger, John C. (developer/editor, 1915-2002), Self-Confrontation: A Manual for In-depth Discipleship: Based on the Old and New Testaments as the Only Authoritative Rule of Faith and Conduct, Alternate title: COURSE I: THE SELF-CONFRONTATION SYLLABUS FOR BIBLICAL COUNSELING TRAINING, ISBN: 0785282467 978-0785282464 and Course I: Self-Confrontation Tapes (10 cassette tapes [audio file]), (Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation).
"Contains 24 weekly lessons intended to move a person through the change process personally as the foundation for working on becoming a counselor (Matthew 7:1-5). Intended for Sunday school and other classes or personal study. The first eight lessons lay the biblical foundation for change. The grace of the God in the gospel of Jesus Christ is spring of all true change, and it prompts a self-confrontation: 'Man's way is oriented to self: to please self, to comfort self, to rely on self, to fulfill self, to forgive self, to exalt self, and to love self. . . . [God's way], emphasizes that you are to live for Him.' The next thirteen lessons treat particular problem areas: selfishness, anger, interpersonal conflict, marriage and family, depression, fear, life-dominating sins. The final three lessons summarize and set the foundation for Course II, Biblical Counseling Training." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Helps Christians solve their personal problems Biblically and equips laymen and women to counsel others Biblically within the church." Particularly valuable for its system of identifying root problems in counseling cases. Some of the material presented is from various writings by Jay E. Adams. The audio cassette tape [audio file], series by John Broger is designed to accompany the course and includes practical examples."
Biblical Counseling Foundation
*Calvin, Jean (John, 1509-1564), and John Owen (Vicar of Thrussington, Leicestershire, translator and editor), Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. Alternate title: COMMENTARY ON ROMANS, BY JOHN CALVIN, and THE EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE PAUL TO THE ROMANS.
Romans is Paul's most comprehensive statement of the Gospel. It unites the various themes of the Bible, and therefore is the key to understanding all Scripture.
Commentary on Romans, by John Calvin (1509-1564)
*Calvin, Jean (John, 1509-1564), Commentary on the Gospel According to John, 2 volumes.
Calvin, John, Commentary on the Gospel According to John (1847), volume 1 of 2
Calvin, John, Commentary on the Gospel According to John (1847), volume 2 of 2
Calvin, John, Commentary on John, volume 1 of 2
Calvin, John, Commentary on John, volume 2 of 2
Campbell, Ross, How to Keep Going When the Storms Keep Coming, ISBN: 0842313761 9780842313766.
"This is neither an autobiography nor a self-help manual, but rather, varied, intensely autobiographical episodes of how the author, after much stumbling found spiritual perspective in the midst of crisis. These real life episodes will refresh and recharge us for our own journey." -- GCB
Engstrom, Ted W., with Norman B. Rohrer, The Fine Art of Mentoring: Passing on to Others What God has Given to You, ISBN: 0943497639 9780943497631.
"In this book the authors guide you through a careful understanding of the principles of 'mentoring' -- leading another person to Christian maturity, then helping him to understand the importance of leading someone else. An important book for today!" -- GCB
Erskine, Ralph (1685-1752), The Comer's Conflict: or, The Beginner's Battle With the Devil, When Essaying to come to Christ by Faith. In some discourses upon Luke ix. 42 [Luke 9:42]. . . . July 20. 1735. By . . . Mr. Ralph Erskine, Edinburgh, 1736.
*Henry, Matthew (1662-1714), The Young Christian, ISBN: 0906731569 9780906731567.
"Using Paul's letter to Titus, Henry shows us in practical way how best to live as a Christian." -- GCB
*Hunt, Susan, Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women, ISBN: 0891077197 9780891077190.
"This is a fine treatment of a subject very close to my heart. May older women heed the call to mother the younger, and may the younger women be teachable." -- Elisabeth Elliot
"This is a jewel of a book. By sensitively examining Paul's instructions in Titus 2, Susan Hunt calls women to powerfully affect our nation and world with the love of God -- one person at a time." -- Beverly LaHaye
"Hunt has lots of experience in the area this book covers. She is very active in the PCA's W.I.C. program. The book comes with glowing recommendations by Elisabeth Elliot, Bev LaHaye, Charles Dunahoo, Connie Marshner, and Debra Evans. She believes that the church needs to restore the ministry of older women to younger women." -- GCB
Kelly, Douglas F., Philip B. Rollinson, and Frederick T. Marsh, The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English, ISBN: 0875525482 9780875525488.
"Since its completion in 1647 the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM Has been unsurpassed as a concise tool for teaching the Reformed understanding of Scripture. Though the truths of the catechism are unchanging, the English language has undergone many changes, which have made using the catechism in its original form increasingly difficult." -- Publisher
*Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937), The Christian View of Man, ISBN: 0851511120 9780851511122.
"This book by one of the founders of Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is undoubtedly one of the best guides, from a Reformed perspective, to be found anywhere. If you want a sound guide to the basic teachings of the Bible, you will find it in this book. Highly recommended!" -- GCB
"Provides an excellent introduction to Christian anthropology. First published in 1937." -- Cyril J. Barber
Deals with predestination and human freedom.
Mack, Wayne A., The Bible's Answer to the Question: What is a Christian?
"Challenges six common answers to what makes a Christian: performing good works; having relatives who are active Christians; church activity; going forward to accept Christ; no one can really know; everybody is a Christian. The Bible says four things about a person who is a Christian: [1] a person radically changed by the power of God; [2] a person increasingly aware of his unworthiness in the sight of God; [3] a person who believes that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and the only Savior of sinners; [4] a person who has repented of his sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Mack, Wayne A., How to Read the Bible: A how to Manual for Christian Growth and Development, 78 pages.
"Study manual for personal or group study. Begins with introductory readings by J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon on the why and how of Bible reading. This is followed by a series of seven Bible studies on the importance of Bible reading, how Jesus Christ used the Bible, ways to profit from the Bible, problems and mistakes that can arise, and three particular methods of doing Bible study." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Mack, Wayne A., and Joshua Mack, The Twin Pillars of the Christian Life: Effective Prayer and Disciplined Bible Study, ISBN: 1930133022 9781930133020.
Martin, Albert N., Living the Christian Life, ISBN: 0851514936.
"This 30-page pamphlet by pastor Martin has been a great help to thousands over the years." -- GCB
*Miller, C. John "Jack" (1928-1996), and Rose Marie Miller, Sonship Course: World Harvest Mission Leadership Training Program, Nurture Training for Ministry, Equipping Others for Ministry. Alternate title: LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM: NURTURE, TRAINING FOR MINISTRY, EQUIPPING OTHERS FOR MINISTRY (Jenkintown, PA [World Harvest, Box 2175, Jenkintown 19046]: World Harvest, 1988).
This course was developed to prepare World Harvest missionaries to work in the field. The course includes small group participation and Biblical counseling.
"The first half of the SONSHIP track focuses on the doctrines of Justification, Sanctification, and Adoption. The last half lays the foundation for love. We look at how the Gospel affects the way we look at ourselves. Our goal was that increasingly your self-image should be rooted in God's view of you clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ . . . What we aim at here is to encourage the trainee to learn from Christ how to build a holy life, a life of love to your neighbor. This is done self-consciously relying always on his or her free justification by faith. Sanctification by faith issues from knowing always that my standing as a son is assured by justification by Christ alone through faith alone. Thus the heart of our counseling on character development centers in affirmation of Christ's work for us, and Christ's work in us through the Spirit. But within that framework we attempt seriously to involve each trainee in ongoing repentance, putting off old habits and sins and putting on Christ-like love and faith. . . . Much focus is laid on teamwork. . . . The skill of evangelism . . . is the believer's primary emphasis in the course of training because the staff believes that evangelism is necessary for a healthy Christian life . . . Evangelism rightly understood affects both the faith and the Christian life of the one who shares Christ's message." -- C. John Miller and Rose Marie Miller
Miller, C. John (1928-1996), Rose Marie Miller, Paul Miller, Rick Downs, David M. Desforge, et al., Sonship, a set of 16 sound cassettes (audiobook on tape [audio file]).
World Harvest Mission
*Murray, John (1898-1975), Redemption: Accomplished and Applied, ISBN: 0802811434. A Christian classic.
"A profound study of the work of Christ for our salvation, and how that work was accomplished."
Otto, Donna The Gentle Art of Mentoring, ISBN: 1565077571 9781565077577.
"Your experience and insights make you the perfect guide for helping a younger woman navigate the waters of day-to-day living and spiritual growth. THE GENTLE ART OF MENTORING offers practical ideas for bringing blessing to both mentor and disciple." -- Publisher
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs, ISBN: 0842311114 9780842311113.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), God's Words: Studies of key Bible Themes, ISBN: 0877843678 9780877843672.
Contents: Revelation | Scripture | The Lord | The world | Sin | The devil | Grace | The mediator | Reconciliation | Faith | Justification | Regeneration | Election | Holiness and sanctification | Mortify | Fellowship | Death | Index of biblical passages.
"Seventeen terms, doctrines, all the main ingredients of any sound confession of faith, are discussed by Packer." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Knowing God, 20th anniversary edition, ISBN: 083081650X 9780830816507. A Christian classic.
A classic work by one of the foremost theologians of our day. Offsets erroneous ideas about God. A group study guide is also available.
A bestselling book. Contains material useful in counseling.
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Knowing God (Study Guide), ISBN: 0830816496.
"Ideal for Bible Study Groups, Sunday School classes as well as personal study and reflection. Why not begin a fresh new quiet time each day with Dr. Packer as you open the pages of this wonderful and illuminating study on KNOWING GOD?" -- GCB
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Meeting God: 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups, ISBN: 0830810579 9780830810574.
"Twelve studies for individuals or groups. Designed to enlarge our view of God, who He is, and who we are in relation to Him. Many passages to look up and fill-in-the blanks. Leader's notes in the back." -- GCB
*Perkins, William (1558-1602), The Foundation of Christian Religion Gathered Into Fixed Principles (1608). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Interestingly, just below the title on the front cover of this 756-page book we find the words: 'And it is to be learned of ignorant people, that they may be fit to hear sermons with profit, and to receive the Lord's Supper with comfort.' Called 'the principal architect of Elizabethan Puritanism' and 'the most important Puritan writer, Perkins was the first theologian of the reformed English church to gain an international reputation,' writes McKim. (Encyclopaedia of the Reformed Faith, p. 274)
"This hefty tome contains the following works by Perkins:
'A Golden Chain: or, The Description of Theology, Containing the order of the causes of Salvation and Damnation . . . Hereunto is adjoined the order which M. Theodore Beza used in comforting afflicted consciences;' 'An Exposition of the Symbol or Creed of the Apostles;' 'An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, In the Way of Catechizing Serving for Ignorant People;' 'A Treatise Tending Unto a Declaration Whether a Man Be in the Estate of Damnation, or in the Estate of Grace: And if He Be in the First, How He May in Time Come Out of it: If in the Second, How He May Discern It, and Persevere in the Same to the End;' 'A Case of Conscience, the Greatest that Ever Was: How a Man May Know Whether He Be the Child of God, or No (Whereunto is added a brief discourse taken out of H. Zanchius);' 'A Direction for the Government of the Tongue According to God's Word;' 'Two Treatises: 1. On the Nature and Practice of Repentance; 2. Of the Combat of the Flesh and the Spirit;' 'A Treatise How To Live Well, In All Estates and Times, Specially When Helps and Comforts Fail;' 'The Treatise of Dying Well;' 'A Discourse of Conscience Wherein is Set Down the Nature, Properties, and Differences Thereof: as Also the Way to Get and Keep a Good Conscience;' 'A Reformed Catholic: or, A Declaration Showing How Near We May Come to the Present Church of Rome in Sundry Points of Religion; and Wherein We Must For Ever Depart From Them -- With an Advertisement to all Favourers of the Roman Religion, Showing How the Said Religion is Against the Catholic Principles and Grounds of the Catechism;' 'A Declaration of the True Manner of Knowing Christ Crucified;' 'A Grain of Mustard Seed: or, The Least Measure of Grace that is or Can Be Effectual to Salvation;' 'The True Gain, More in Worth then All the Goods of the World;' 'A Warning Against Idolatry of the Last Times and an Instruction Touching Religious Divine Worship;' 'A Treatise of God's Free Grace and Man's Free Will;' 'A Treatise of the Vocations, Or Callings of Men, With the Sorts and Kinds of Them, and the Right Use Thereof.'
"Several of Perkins' works have been translated into Latin, French, Dutch, and Spanish." (Darling, Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, p. 2337) -- Publisher
Pittman, Grace, Hospitality With Confidence, ISBN: 0871238586 9780871238580.
"Author shows us how to open our hearts and homes in an efficient, graceful, and loving manner. Many effective and creative ways to practice Christian hospitality." -- GCB
Ryan, James, Bible Promises for Growing Christians, ISBN: 0805450149 9780805450149.
Scripture Union, Christianity Explained, ISBN: 0958990905 9780958990905.
This program "offers an effective, non-threatening tool to introduce Jesus to our neighbors, friends, and family. Everything is provided to help you reach others with the powerful love of God and the clear logic of His Word." -- David B. Jones
The workbook contains six evangelistic lessons, reproducible handouts, and information on follow-up material.
A companion videotape [DVD] is available.
A youth version of CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED is available and listed below.
Scripture Union of Australia. Resources for Ministry Unit, Cross Examination Leader's Guide: A Youth Version of CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED, in six sessions, ISBN: 0949720526 9780949720528.
*Shepard, Thomas (1605-1649), The Sincere Convert and the Sound Believer. A Christian classic. Alternate title: THE SINCERE CONVERT: DISCOVERING THE SMALL NUMBER OF TRUE BELEEVERS AND THE GREAT DIFFICULTY OF SAVING-CONVERSION, ISBN: 1877611328. Available (THE WORKS OF THOMAS SHEPARD, volume 3 only), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The sub-title continues: "Wherein is excellently and plainly opened these choyce and divine principles: viz: 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious, 2. that God made man in a blessed estate, 3. mans misery by his fall, 4. Christ the onely redeemer by price, 5. that few are saved and that with difficulty, 6. that mans perdition is of himself.
"Lovers of Puritan literature will welcome the reprinting of these two classics. Also includes about 200 pages on the life of Shepard." -- GCB
"He scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands." -- C.H. Spurgeon
The Sincere Convert, Discovering the Paucity of True Believers (1643)
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), The Saint and His Saviour: The Progress of the Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus, ISBN: 1871676010 9781871676013.
"In this practical book, Spurgeon deals with all aspects of the relationship Christ has with His people." -- GCB
The Saint and his Saviour; or, The Progress of the Soul in the Knowledge of Jesus
Wells, Tom, Christian: Take Heart! ISBN: 0851515088 9780851515083.
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), [completed and first printed in 1646, approved by the Assembly, August 27, 1647, Session 23 -- compiler] (Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publication [133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE], 1994), ISBN: 0902506080 (case-bound), and ISBN: 0902506358 (paperback). Among the ten greatest works in the English language. Available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
" 'The product of Puritan conflict,' stated Shedd, reaching 'a perfection of statement never elsewhere achieved.' All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes Hetherington (1803-1865), (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345).
"Concerning The Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell notes: 'it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms.' (Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, p. 431).
"THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian church. The church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define and proclaim the one true faith. Nowhere has the Reformed church done this so effectively as in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, and family of documents. This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the Covenanted Reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles." -- Publisher
This is considered to be the definitive publication of the Westminster family of documents. It includes the following:
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
Wilde, Gary (editor), Bible Promises to Treasure for New Believers: Inspiring Words for Every Occasion, ISBN: 0805493611 9780805493610.
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, Justification, Justifying faith, The shorter catechism, Questions and answers, The promises of Christ, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, Prayer, The psalms in worship, Biblical counseling tracts, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, The shorter catechism, The providence of god, Bible promises, Hypocrisy, Apologetics, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, False gospels, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, Spiritual warfare, The covenanted reformation, Sharing christ with your children, Basics of the christian faith, Discipleship, Christian classics, a short title listing, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 4130-4218
Words of Christ Appearing in The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
The Shorter Catechism Deck
"The Shorter Catechism Deck is a card deck that incorporates all 107 questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (17th Century) on 54 bridge sized playing cards. The idea for this project spawned out of necessity. The Shorter Catechism is normally printed in a collection of other documents, which can often make for a rather large book. So, what we did was create something that would allow for a convenient and practical catechizing tool for at home or on the go."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
*Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
*Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Commentaries on the Westminster Standards Including the Westminster Confession of Faith, The Larger Catechism, and The Shorter Catechism
"A Guide for studying the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) in suggested order of reading"
Richard Baxter, from Wikipedia
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Search for Jesus
Peace With God
"Approximately 10.5 million people worldwide experienced the Good News of Jesus Christ in 2013 by visiting the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's (BGEA) website [Jan. 29, 2014]. Of those, more than 2 million indicated making a commitment to Christ after viewing the message."
Peace With God
"Every day, on average (based on October-December 2020) over 19,000 people explore the Gospel on More than 4,000 people indicate making spiritual decisions for Christ.
The Top 10 Countries for 2020 ( 1. United States, 2. Canada, 3. Syria, 4. Sudan, 5. Azerbaijan, 6. Libya, 7. Lebanon, 8. Tanzania, 9. Bolivia, and 10. Kyrgyzstan." -- Internet Evangelism Update letter, February, 2021
Paz Con Dios
My Hope America With Billy Graham
My Hope guidelines emphasize personal friendship evangelism.
In the last decade there have been 10 million responses to BGEA My Hope projects in foreign countries.
Approximately 25,000 local churches cooperated in the My Hope America, 2013 initiative. As of mid-December 2013, there were over 100,000 recorded responses of faith in Christ.
Dare to be a Daniel
"Did you know that most people come to faith in Jesus Christ before the age of 18? What better way to reach the next generation than through their classmates and friends who already believe.
"Dare to Be a Daniel is a new training program from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to help equip boys and girls ages 9 to 14 to share their faith in Jesus with others. Through a printed booklet, a CD-ROM, this fun, interactive Website, and other tools, youth are given simple steps they can use when telling others about Christ. We are also developing a 13-week Sunday school curriculum based on this program."
*The Pursuit of Meaning, in four parts, MP3, January 23, 2017
Ravi said this is his most requested sermon.
"Are you struggling to understand your meaning life? Can you find meaning apart from God? Have you taken time today to dwell on the strength of God? Today on Just Thinking, Ravi Zacharias takes a deeper look at the question of meaning in life."
Hold Fast our Profession, Part 1, an MP3 sermon by Brian Schwertley, Hebrews 4:14-16. 1/11/2015
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:37)And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:28,29)
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec. (Hebrews 5:9,10)
Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. (1 John 4:13,15)My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand. I and [my] Father are one. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:27-30)See the Theological Notes: "The Authentication of Scripture," at 2 Corinthians 4:6 in The Reformation Study Bible.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 24,25)
It is established that to be assured of one's salvation, through faith, is not only neither presumption nor arrogance, but, on the contrary, is the sole means of stripping oneself of all pride, to give all glory to God (Romans 8:16,38; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrew 10:22,23; 1 John 4:13; 1 John 5:19; Romans 3:27; Romans 4:20; 1 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 9:26,27. Because faith alone teaches us to go out of ourselves, and compels us, to earnestly acknowledge that in ourselves there is nothing but cause for complete damnation. Thus it sends us away to Jesus Christ, and it teaches us and assures us that we shall find salvation before God through His righteousness alone. Truly, all that is in Jesus Christ, that is to say, all the righteousness and perfection (in Him there was no sin and moreover He has fulfilled all the righteousness of the Law), is placed to our account and gifted to us as if it were our own, provided that we embrace Him by faith.
That is why St. Bernard said, "The testimony of our conscience is our glory: not the testimony which the deceived mind, deceiving its owner, gives from itself to the vain-glorious Pharisee (Luke 18:11,12; this testimony is not true. But the testimony which the Holy Spirit gives to our spirit is true." -- Theodore Beza (1519-1605)We grant it a duty for that believer, who knoweth his sins are pardoned, to pray for further Faith and Assurance of the Pardon. For seeing our Faith admits of degrees, and is sometimes staggering, ready to sink, no marvel if it needs supports. Thus David although he heard his Pardon proclaimed, yet makes that poenitential Psalm, Psalm 51. for mercy to do away his sins, which was by appeasing his conscience, and satisfying his soul with the goodness of God: for as a godly man, though he have truly repented of his sins, yet upon any sad occasion doth reiterate his Pardon, as Paul many times hath his heart-ache for his former blasphemies and persecutions; so it is necessary to have the sense and apprehension of his Pardon reiterated to his own comfort and consolation. There is no man's Assurance about Pardon, so high and unmoveable, but it many times meeteth with violent assaults, and therefore needeth oil to be frequently poured into his wounds, Comfort, comfort ye my people, (saith the Prophet). There must be an ingemination of the duty, else the soul at first will not hearken. -- Anthony Burgess (1600-1664), True Doctrine of Justification
Would you have perfect peace in life? Then lay hold on this doctrine of perseverance. Your trials may be many and great. Your cross may be very heavy. But the business of your soul is all conducted according to an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure. (2 Samuel 23:5)
All things are working together for your good. Your sorrows are only purifying your soul for glory. Your bereavements are only fashioning you as a polished stone for the temple above, made without hands. From whatever quarter the storms blow, they only drive you nearer to heaven. Whatever weather you may go through it is only ripening you for the garner of God. Your best things are quite safe. Come what will, you shall never perish [John 10:27-30]. -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)The strong consolation which assurance can give in the hour of death is a point of great importance. We may depend on it, we shall never think assurance so precious as when our turn comes to die.
In that awful hour there are few believers who do not find out the value and privilege of an "assured hope," whatever they may have thought about it during their lives. General "hopes" and "trusts" are all very well to live upon while the sun shines and the body is strong; but when we come to die, we shall want to be able to say, "I know" and "I feel." -- J.C. Ryle (1816-1900), "Assurance," in Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and RootsHe declared, But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the Word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15)
Ah, dear readers, the test is fruit: not knowledge, not boasting, not orthodoxy, not joy, but FRUIT: and such 'fruit' as mere nature cannot produce. It is the fruit of the Vine, namely, likeness to Christ, being conformed to His Image. May the Holy Spirit search each one of us. -- Arthur Pink (1886-1952), The Doctrine of AssuranceIt may be you have been more earnest and vehement for assurance, and the effects of it, viz., joy, comfort, and peace, than you have been for grace and holiness, for communion with God, and conformity to God. It may be your requests for assurance have been full of life and spirits, when your requests for grace and holiness, for communion with God, and conformity to God, have been lifeless and spiritless. If so, no wonder that assurance is denied you. Assurance makes most of your comfort, but holiness makes most for God's honour. Man's holiness is now his greatest happiness, and in heaven man's greatest happiness will be his perfect holiness. -- Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling.
See the subject "Assurance," and so forth, and so on.
*Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 AD), John Arthur Mourant, and William J. Collinge, Four Anti-Pelagian Writings: On Nature and Grace: On the Proceedings of Pelagius: On the Predestination of the Saints: On the Gift of Perseverance, ISBN: 0813200865 9780813200866. Available (singly, ON NATURE AND GRACE, ON THE PREDESTINATION OF THE SAINTS: ON THE GIFT OF PERSEVERANCE) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Beeke, Joel R., Assurance of Faith: Calvin, English Puritanism, and the Dutch Second Reformation, ISBN: 082041428X 9780820414287.
"In-depth studies and comparisons of William Perkins, Willem Teellinck, the Westminster Confession, John Owen, Alexander Comrie, and Thomas Goodwin convincingly demonstrate with fresh insights that the differences between Calvin and the English/Dutch Calvinism on assurance arose primarily from a newly evolving pastoral context rather than from foundational variations in doctrine. One of the best books on assurance, maybe even the best. 'This is a clearly-written study of the ways in which faith was related to the assurance of salvation by the Reformers, the Puritans and the their Dutch counterparts. Calvin, Beza, Perkins, Owen, Goodwin and the men of the Dutch Second Reformation are all considered. A most valuable book which bears scholarly scrutiny and is full of pastoral counsel'." -- Banner of Truth
Beeke, Joel R., The Quest for Full Assurance: The Legacy of Calvin and His Successors, ISBN: 0851517455 9780851517452.
"Joel Beeke's classic and in-depth studies and comparisons of William Perkins, Willem Teellinck, the Westminster Confession, John Owen, Alexander Comrie, Thomas Goodwin, John Calvin, and English/Dutch Calvinism on assurance. Full summary on page 10." -- Publisher
*Berkouwer, Gerrit C., Faith and Perseverance.
Translated by Robert D. Knudsen. "Provides a penetrating study of the Biblical teaching on perseverance from the perspective of the historical Reformed tradition. Does not confine itself to statements about the doctrine drawn from the early era of the Christian church, but ably evaluates the teaching of Ritschl, Schleiermacher, Schlink, and Barth. Gives helpful assurance to believers in the midst of a world caught up in the tides of change and transition." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Banner of Truth edition is available free as e-text.
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680), Heaven on Earth: A Treatise on Christian Assurance, ISBN: 0851513565 9780851513560. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"All saints shall enjoy a heaven when they leave this earth; some saints enjoy a heaven while they are here on earth. That saints might enjoy two heavens is the project of this book." -- Joseph Caryl.
Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), The Redeemer's Ability to Save Sinners to the Uttermost, Illustrated, in two Sermons, preached in the Tolbooth-Church of Edinburgh, at the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; March 1755. By Thomas Boston . . . Edinburgh, 1755. Available in THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THE REVEREND THOMAS BOSTON.
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), The Assurance of Faith Opened and Applied. Available (THE WORKS OF EBENEZER ERSKINE), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #20.
Gillespie, George (1613-1648), Assurance of an Interest in Christ
Gillespie, George (1613-1648), Faces About; or, A Recrimination Charged Upon Mr. John Goodwin, in the Point of Fighting Against God, and Opposing the way of Christ, 1644. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Hooker, Thomas (1586-1647), Poor Doubting Christian Drawn to Christ. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #20.
"This book is intended NOT for unbelievers but rather for true believers who need Biblical help in the area of assurance of salvation. These dear folks do not need the myth of their supposed salvation exposed but rather they need the reality of their genuine salvation underscored! A much-needed book!" -- GCB
Lennox, John C., Determined to Believe: The Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith, and Human Responsibility, ISBN: 9780310589808 0310589800.
"DETERMINED TO BELIEVE is written for those who are interested in or even troubled by questions about God's sovereignty and human freedom and responsibility. John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people to come to grips with the biblical treatment of this issue for themselves. In this comprehensive review of the topic of theological determinism, Lennox seeks firstly to define the problem, looking at the concepts of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral problems these pose. He then equips the reader with biblical teaching on the topic and explores the spectrum of theological opinion on it. Following this, Lennox delves deeper into the Gospels and then investigates what we can learn regarding determinism and responsibility from Paul's discussion in Romans on God's dealings with Israel. Finally Lennox tackles the issue of Christian assurance. This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions in the area of theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate." -- Publisher
*Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Assurance (Romans 5).
"An important companion volume to the writer's study on justification and the atonement. Expounds Paul's teaching on sin and grace, hope and faith, redemption, and glory. The heart-warming application of the Word of God to the needs of people today will edify preachers and laymen alike." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), The Final Perseverance of the Saints (Romans 8:7-39).
*Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Growing in the Spirit: Assurance of our Salvation (John 17:20-26), ISBN: 0891075356 9780891075356.
"The late preacher of righteousness, Lloyd-Jones, was a pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. He has authored many truly good books. This is a study of John 17:17-24, the marvelous prayer of the Lord Jesus for His own. And the theme is that in these verses we can find much assurance of our salvation. The author points out that though we are sanctified, set apart, from eternity, and begin to see its effects upon our New Birth, yet sanctification is a life-long process in which we are given a part to play. For we must respond to the leading of God the Spirit in a very personal way. The practical instructions of The Doctor, as the author was called, are plain and easily understood. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (1899-1981), Heirs of Salvation: Studies in Biblical Assurance, ISBN: 1850491747 9781850491743.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Continuing in the Faith, ISBN: 0851511287 9780851511283. A Christian classic. Available in THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN, VOLUME 11, ISBN: 0851511287 9780851511283.
"Contains detailed Biblical arguments for the perseverance of the saints. Also has chapters which answer arguments against the doctrine of perseverance of the saints. Very detailed and complete work on the subject."
Assurance of Growth in Grace
Price, Greg L., "Assurance: How to be Certain of Your Salvation," (I John 5:10-13 [1 John 5:10-13]), An audio cassette [audio file]. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"This is the best sermon we have ever heard on the doctrine of assurance. It contrasts Papist blasphemy and Arminian heresy on this point (from some of their official documents), with the biblical position of the Reformation (citing the classic landmark statements on assurance from the Westminster Confession of Faith, [1646]. It lays out the clear Scriptural provisions that God has made for every Christian to enjoy the full assurance of faith, and thus enjoy close communion with Christ throughout their earthly sojourn. Besides being a great encouragement to believers, this tape can also be used as a helpful evangelistic tool. Finally, if you, or anyone you know, has ever struggled with assurance (and there are few Christians that haven't), then this is a sermon that you should not pass by." -- Publisher
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Assurance.
A booklet.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Comfort and Assurance, ISBN: 1889893218 9781889893211.
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), and Vince Vitale, Why Suffering?: Finding Meaning and Comfort When Life Doesn't Make Sense, ISBN: 9781455549702 1455549703.
"Why would a loving and powerful God allow so much pain and suffering? In WHY SUFFERING? Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale carefully walk you through a variety of responses that considered together provide a clear, comprehensive, and convincing answer. Responses like: Where there is the possibility of love, there has to be the reality of freedom, and therefore the possibility of pain. Wishing God had made a different world is to wish yourself out of existence. The cross is the key to a compelling and rational explanation for trusting in God in the face of suffering. In comparison with other world religions, the Christian response is highly distinctive. The reality of evil only makes sense in light of the reality of divine goodness. Relational knowledge about God takes the argument beyond reason to the presence of God amidst suffering. God's decision to allow temporal suffering is understandable when viewed from an eternal perspective. Divine goodness shows how to conquer not in spite of, but even through suffering. Here is a book written with great respect for the complexity of the issue, recognizing that some who read it will be in the trenches of deep suffering themselves and others questioning the very existence of a loving God. WHY SUFFERING? provides an answer to the problem of pain and suffering with emotional sensitivity and intellectual integrity." -- Publisher
Ravi Talks About his Book: Why Suffering?
"The Captain of our Salvation, made perfect, made complete, through suffering -- if our Lord himself had to go through that, as he endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of God -- that's why I think there is a key word which James Stewart uses, which I expand upon here, 'He conquered not in spite of the Darkness, fear of evil, he conquered through it' and I believe it is the same in your life and mine. We may not like it, but we conquer through the pain and through the suffering." -- Ravi Zacharias in "Ravi Talks About his Book Why Suffering"
See also: The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Gifts of the spirit, Calvinism, Antinomianism, The counter-reformation, False Gospels, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, and so forth, and so on.
TCRB5: 298, 1606, 3441
Hold Fast our Profession, Part 1, an MP3 sermon by Brian Schwertley, Hebrews 4:14-16. 1/11/2015
Understanding all the Biblical Descriptors of Salvation, Ralph Drollinger, January 1, 2019
"The primary purpose of the New Testament book of Romans is to communicate the specifics regarding our salvation. These surrounding truths and the words Paul uses to describe them -- words like justification, propitiation, atonement, and reconciliation -- are important to grasp and understand. They are also profoundly illuminating once you digest them! The writer of Hebrews (Hebrews 2:3) put it this way: So great a salvation! You will see what I mean as you study what follows.
"Herein are the explicit details related to your assurance that you are at peace with Him. The book of Romans provides a precise, progressive outline of God's plumb line relative to how it is that one is saved.
"Lastly, this week's study is nothing less than a lesson in theology; most people today in our dumbed-down society are not reading or studying theology. I challenge you to gain an inquisitiveness appetite for such."
See the Theological Notes: "The Resurrection of Jesus," at Luke 24:2 in The Reformation Study Bible.See the Theological Notes: "Jesus Christ, God and Man," at John 1:14 in The Reformation Study Bible.
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. (1 Peter 3:15)
I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires, and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and whatever other religions the distance of infinity . . . Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this very day millions will die for Him. . . . I think I understand something of human nature; and I tell you, all these were men, and I am a man; none else is like Him: Jesus Christ was more than a man. . . . Christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man toward the unseen, that it becomes insensible to the barriers of time and space. Across a chasm of eighteen hundred years [stated 1886], Jesus Christ makes a demand which is beyond all others difficult to satisfy. . . . He asks for the human heart; He will have it entirely to Himself. He demands it unconditionally; and forthwith His demand is granted. Wonderful! In defiance of time and space, the soul of man, with all its powers and faculties, becomes an annexation to the empire of Christ. All who sincerely believe in Him, experience that remarkable, supernatural love toward Him. This phenomenon is unaccountable; it is altogether beyond the scope of man's creative powers. Time, the great destroyer, is powerless to extinguish this sacred flame; time can neither exhaust its strength nor put a limit to its range. This is it, which strikes me most; I have often thought of it. This it is which proves to me quite convincingly the Divinity of Jesus Christ." -- attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France quoted in Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message, in turn quoted from Henry Parry Liddon, Liddon's Bampton Lectures 1866 (London: Rivingtons, 1869), p. 148.
Then, when he had expatiated somewhat more fully, and had more copiously illustrated the benefits of its presence [harmony -- compiler], and the ruinous effects of its absence upon a state, Pilus, one of the company present at the discussion, struck in and demanded that the question should be more thoroughly sifted, and that the subject of justice should be freely discussed for the sake of ascertaining what truth there was in the maxim which was then becoming daily more current, that "the republic cannot be governed without injustice." Scipio expressed his willingness to have this maxim discussed and sifted, and gave it as his opinion that it was baseless, and that no progress could be made in discussing the republic unless it was established, not only that this maxim, that "the republic cannot be governed without injustice," was false, but also that the truth is, that it cannot be governed without the most absolute justice. And the discussion of this question, being deferred till the next day, is carried on in the third book with great animation. For Pilus himself undertook to defend the position that the republic cannot be governed without injustice, at the same time being at special pains to clear himself of any real participation in that opinion. He advocated with great keenness the cause of injustice against justice, and endeavored by plausible reasons and examples to demonstrate that the former is beneficial, the latter useless, to the republic. Then, at the request of the company, Lælius attempted to defend justice, and strained every nerve to prove that nothing is so hurtful to a state as injustice; and that without justice a republic can neither be governed, nor even continue to exist.
When this question has been handled to the satisfaction of the company, Scipio reverts to the original thread of discourse, and repeats with commendation his own brief definition of a republic, that it is the weal of the people. "The people" he defines as being not every assemblage or mob, but an assemblage associated by a common acknowledgment of law, and by a community of interests. Then he shows the use of definition in debate; and from these definitions of his own he gathers that a republic, or "weal of the people," then exists only when it is well and justly governed, whether by a monarch, or an aristocracy, or by the whole people. But when the monarch is unjust, or, as the Greeks say, a tyrant; or the aristocrats are unjust, and form a faction; or the people themselves are unjust, and become, as Scipio for want of a better name calls them, themselves the tyrant, then the republic is not only blemished (as had been proved the day before), but by legitimate deduction from those definitions, it altogether ceases to be. . . .
Tully [Cicero -- compiler], himself, too, speaking not in the person of Scipio or any one else, but uttering his own sentiments, uses the following language in the beginning of the fifth book, after quoting a line from the poet Ennius, in which he said, "Rome's severe morality and her citizens are her safeguard." "This verse," says Cicero, "seems to me to have all the sententious truthfulness of an oracle. For neither would the citizens have availed without the morality of the community, nor would the morality of the commons without outstanding men have availed either to establish or so long to maintain in vigor so grand a republic with so wide and just an empire. Accordingly, before our day, the hereditary usages formed our foremost men, and they on their part retained the usages and institutions of their fathers. But our age, receiving the republic as a chef-d'oeuvre of another age which has already begun to grow old, has not merely neglected to restore the colors of the original, but has not even been at the pains to preserve so much as the general outline and most outstanding features. For what survives of that primitive morality which the poet called Rome's safeguard? It is so obsolete and forgotten, that, far from practicing it, one does not even know it. And of the citizens what shall I say? Morality has perished through poverty of great men; a poverty for which we must not only assign a reason, but for the guilt of which we must answer as criminals charged with a capital crime. For it is through our vices, and not by any mishap, that we retain only the name of a republic, and have long since lost the reality. . . ."
For I mean in its own place to show that -- according to the definitions in which Cicero himself, using Scipio as his mouthpiece, briefly propounded what a republic is, and what a people is, and according to many testimonies, both of his own lips and of those who took part in that same debate -- Rome never was a republic, because true justice had never a place in it. But accepting the more feasible definitions of a republic, I grant there was a republic of a certain kind, and certainly much better administered by the more ancient Romans than by their modern representatives. But the fact is, true justice has no existence save in that republic whose founder and ruler is Christ, if at least any choose to call this a republic; and indeed we cannot deny that it is the people's weal.
But if perchance this name, which has become familiar in other connections, be considered alien to our common parlance, we may at all events say that in this city is true justice; the city of which Holy Scripture says, "Glorious things are said of thee, O city of God." -- Augustine in The City of God, Book 2, Chapter 21, Cicero's Opinion of the Roman RepublicSo many times people in the pew and the pulpit say, well how did all this get started? How did psychology descend to its present level? . . . How did political science produce our political thought, produce the dictatorships which are engulfing the modern world? Why are we in the economic mess in which we are today? Why is sociology such a jumble of immorality? Why is education as it is today? Why is art so meaningless? . . . Why is modern music an affront to the modern ears as well as to the mind and ear of God? . . . Why are all these things!? . . .
I would suggest to you that if you will follow this course with thought and care, you will finally come to see the answer to the questions which haunt us today in Western society." -- Singer, C. Gregg (1910-1999), in the Apologetics series of 24 lectures using FROM RATIONALISM TO IRRATIONALITY: THE DECLINE OF THE WESTERN MIND FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE PRESENT (1979) as the text, and delivered in Decatur, Georgia, beginning November, 1979.
Apologetics: #01: Classical and Medieval Thought #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 56 min. reality of human nature is best portrayed in the teaching of Christ. And even secular atheistic psychologists, such as Hobart Mowrer was, said something has been lost, when we lost the understanding of the dogma of sin. And he said that, when he wrote that article, he received more letters to him than any other thing he had ever written. He was trying to recover a concept of sin, the reality of human nature. -- Ravi Zacharias, in an address, "The Uniqueness of Christ in History and World Religion" (part 2 of 2), accessed October 20, 2014
The Church has never been perfect. Far from it. But the total record should be examined. In doing so, the good far, far outweighs the bad. Besides, Christian belief is in Christ, not in Christians. . . .
Genuine Christianity must be distinguished from nominal Christianity. Some people have called themselves "Christians" who have lived in total opposition to the principles and teachings of the Master from Nazareth. But when we distinguish between name and reality, we see that genuine Christianity has been an unmixed blessing on the world. . . .
Christianity is comprised of those who have repented of their sins and truly believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord. In times past Christendom was comprised of those people living in "Christian" territories. Today, Christendom is comprised of true Christians and those professing Christians who have never experienced the saving grace of Christ. Many members of Christendom have lived lives that were totally unworthy of the name Christian.
When people are unregenerate -- that is, if their hearts are not changed by Christ -- they are prone to do all sorts of ungodly and inhuman things. It doesn't matter whether they're atheistic Communists or clerics in the Church. And in the case of unregenerate Church Leaders, their evil actions have brought the blame of history upon Christianity.
There is a Church visible (Christendom) and there is a Church invisible (true Christianity). . . . The Bible points out that the visible Church is not the real Church of Christ. The real Church of Christ is invisible, and it consists of all who truly belong to God as His elect -- all those who will ever be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Judas Iscariot was a member of the visible Church of Christ, but not the invisible. . . .
The devil has been able to infiltrate the Church [Matthew 13:24-30, 37-39]. Thus, as Jesus forewarned, the Church contains believers and nonbelievers alike. . . .
While Jesus told us to love our neighbor and even our enemies, He did predict that Christianity would prove divisive per se [Luke 12:51-53]. . . .
Now, the Scripture teaches we are to be at peace will all, inasmuch as it is up to us (Romans 12:18). But we are to put Christ first in our lives . . . True faith can elicit a hostile reaction, even when practiced with a gentle and humble spirit. The division that Christ talked about here is the natural outworking of unbelief reacting against godliness, or belief reacting against ungodliness. . . . -- D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), and Jerry Newcombe, What if Jesus had Never Been Born, pp. 205,206,209,210In naturalism, man is actually very insignificant, but arrogates to himself stupendous power. In Christianity, man is actually the apex of created significance, but is called to see it in abject humility." -- Ravi Zacharias in Created for Significance
When a person knows the truth, but does not want to follow it, then they sometimes run in the opposite direction, for example the prophet Jonah. -- Ravi Zacharias, in an address, "A Fish out of Water"
Without the belief in a Creator there is no basis for theology and law.
It would be easy to lose heart and become cynical. But No! There is One who sees all things, knows all things, and will ultimately triumph over all things. There is only one message that addresses the truth as the truth. The Lord of glory, Jesus Christ, came to this earth and was also the victim of hate. Lies sent him to the cross. Power overruled reality, as politics and religious demagogues once again made the lie seem noble. But the Lord who sees the beginning from the end amazingly conquered not in spite of the dark mystery of evil, rather, He conquered through it. James Stewart of Scotland, pointing to the cross, said it in the most powerful terms I have read. Commenting on the verse from Psalm 68:18, He led captivity captive, he said:
It is a glorious phrase -- He led captivity captive. The very triumphs of his foes, it means, he used for their defeat. He compelled their dark achievements to subserve his ends not theirs. They nailed him to a tree, not knowing that by that very act they were bringing the world to his feet. They gave him a cross, not guessing that he would make it a throne. They flung him outside the city gates to die, not knowing that in that very moment they were lifting up the gates of the universe, to let the king come in. They thought to root out his doctrines, not understanding that they were implanting imperishably in the hearts of men the very name they intended to destroy. They thought they had God with his back to the wall, pinned helpless and defeated: they did not know that it was God himself who had tracked them down. "He did not conquer in spite of the dark mystery of evil. He conquered through it." -- James Stewart (1635-1713)The lie has a shelf life. The truth abides forever. God can even conquer through our perversion.
One more thing. I would be remiss if I left the guilt and darkness out there. That is the seduction of a fake righteousness. We all have to look at our own hearts and see the evil that is within each one of us. Only then can we find the answer from which all other answers flow. Some time ago, I was in Rumania. A sculptor had some of his works on display. One was a horrific, fierce-looking, long nail. When you picked it up, as rusty and jagged as the nail was, the head was polished and shiny. And when you looked at that polished head, you saw a reflection of yourself. It is sobering. Very sobering. . . . More than ever we need the Savior. Lord have mercy! -- Ravi Zacharias in a message, Is Paris Burning? November 18, 2015
*Alexander, Archibald (1772-1851), Practical Truths, 1857.
"This 400-page reprint by one of the Old Princeton 'greats' will be welcome indeed. The book is in three sections: short articles on practical Christian living subjects; a series of longer articles on doctrinal and theological subjects; and finally a series of dialogues in defense of the faith, etc." -- GCB
Alexander, Archibald (Browning Drysdale, 1855-1931), A Short History of Philosophy.
Alexander, Archibald (Browning Drysdale, 1855-1931), Some Problems of Philosophy.
Anonymous, A Vindication of the Presbyteriall-government, and Ministry: Together, with an Exhortation, to all the ministers, elders, and people, within the bounds of the province of London, whether joyning with us, or separating from us. Published, by the ministers, and elders, met together in a provinciall assembly, Novemb. 2d. 1649. Wherein, amongst other things, these ensuing particulars are contained; 1. That there is a Church-government, by divine right. 2. That the magistrate, is not the fountain of Church-government. 3. That the presbyterial-government, is by divine right. 4. The inconveniencies of the congregationall-way. 5. That the ruling-elder is by divine right. 6. That it is the will of Jesus Christ, that all sorts of persons should give an account of their faith, to the minister, and elders, before admission to the Lords Supper; . . . 7. Directions to the elders, for the right managing of their office. 8. Directions to such as are admitted to the Lords Supper, . . . 9. Rules to preserve people, from the errours of these times. 10. That separation from our churches, is justly charged with schisme. 11. That ministers formerly ordained by bishops, need no new ordination. 12. The necessity and usefulness of catechizing. Licensed, entred, and printed according to order, 1649. Available (under Robert Baillie and Sundry Ministers of London) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #23.
*Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109), Brian Davies, and G.R. Evans, Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works, 544 pages, ISBN: 0192825259 9780192825254.
Contents: Letter to Archbishop Lanfranc | Monologion | Proslogion | Pro insipiente (On behalf of the fool), by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers | Reply to Gaunilo | De Grammatico (Dialogue on literacy and the literate) | On truth | On free will | On the fall of the devil | On the incarnation of the Word | Why God became man | On the virgin conception and original sin | On the procession of the Holy Spirit | De concordia (The compatibility of God's foreknowledge, predestination, and grace with human freedom) | Philosophical fragments.
"Although utterly convinced of the truth of Christianity, Anselm of Canterbury struggled to make sense of his religion. He considered the doctrines of faith an invitation to question, to think, and to learn; and he devoted his life to confronting and understanding the most elusive aspects of Christianity. His writings on matters such as free will, the nature of truth, and the existence of God make Anselm one of the greatest theologians and philosophers in history, and this translation provides readers with their first opportunity to read his most important works within a single volume." -- Publisher
"For I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I believe this also, that 'unless I believe, I shall not understand'." -- Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109), Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became Man): To Which is Added a Selection From his Letters.
Why God Became Man
*Archer, Gleason L., Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties.
Written for the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. Gleason Archer is considered to be a scholar's scholar.
Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 AD), On the Profit of Believing (c. 391). Alternate title: THE PROFIT OF BELIEVING: VERY USEFULL BOTH FOR ALL THOSE THAT ARE NOT YET RESOLVED WHAT RELIGION THEY OUGHT TO EMBRACE, AND FOR THEM THAT DESIRE TO KNOW WHITHER THEIR RELIGION BE TRUE OR NO. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"This is one of the first books Augustine wrote as a Presbyter. Augustine wrote it to one of his friends who had been deceived by the Manichees. It is believed that his friend was granted repentance from this error; partially due, no doubt (from the perspective of human means), to this work." -- Publisher
*Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 AD), (author), Philip Schaff (editor), Marcus Dods (translator), St. Augustine's City of God and Christian Doctrine (A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church -- Volume 2), new edition, 624 pages, English, ISBN: 0802880991. Available (2 volumes, 1872 edition), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Augustine is said to be the greatest Christian thinker next to the Apostle Paul. Luther set the BIBLE and the CONFESSIONS OF SAINT AUGUSTINE above all other books.
"One of the classic texts of Western civilization [it explains the fall of Rome in terms of Scripture -- compiler]. . . . DE CIVITATE DEI is an important contribution of interest to students of theology, philosophy, ecclesiastical history, the history of political thought, and late antiquity." -- Publisher (from the Cambridge University Press edition)
"Calvin paraphrased Augustine about 400 times in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
"St. Augustine's final sentence of THE CITY OF GOD is 'All things must be referred to the Glory of God.'
"When you see that, then you will see the key to the story, and you will see the key to history. . . .
"The classic exposition of history in terms of Scripture." -- C. Gregg Singer
"Augustine began writing THE CITY OF GOD at age 59 [shortly after the city of Rome had been sacked by the Goths in 410 A.D., much to the surprise, it is said, of both the Romans and the Goths. -- compiler], and worked on it, off and on, for much of the next 14 years. The impetus for the beginning of this vast work (and its recurring focus), was the charge of Pagans (polytheists) that Christianity was responsible for the decay and demise of the Roman Empire. The charge put forward the claim that the prosperity and social stability of the state was dependent upon polytheistic worship. In response, Augustine arrays several lines of argument, rebutting the assumed 'goodness' of the Pagan state, as such, and detailing the ethical/moral and logical failings of Paganism. Augustine displays tremendous scholarship, employing the writings of Paganism's greatest historians and philosophers in his case against their religious claims. The result is a giant literary, philosophical, historical, theological and exegetical work. . . .
"Against the 'city', i.e., society, of many gods, there is but one alternate society, this Augustine calls The City of God, adopting the expression found in several of King David's psalms. Not only is the society of many gods the society of polytheists, it is also the 'city' of pantheists, atheistic materialists and philosophical Cynics. In the case of the Cynics and atheists, these false gods are the myriad gods of self, indeed, at least as many gods (selves) as there are believers in them. Thus there are two 'cities,' two loves, two ways to understand the big questions of existence, two destinations. Says Augustine:
"The one City began with the love of God; the other had its beginnings in the love of self." XIV:13."Augustine reflects deeply here on human nature and the meaning of eternal life and eternal punishment, within an explication of the 'meaning' of history. He writes of all human history as a single narrative. This also a work of Biblical exegesis, as Augustine treats Scripture as a historical document. For Augustine, creation is good, creation exists in time and has a history. Indeed, since God enters into history to show man His love, history itself is sanctified, through the City of God.
"The city of man seeks the praise of men, whereas the height of glory for the other is to hear God in the witness of conscience. The one lifts up its head in its own boasting; the other says to God: Thou art my glory, thou liftest up my head. (Psalm 3:4). In the city of the world both the rulers themselves and the people they dominate are dominated by the lust for domination; whereas in the City of God all citizens serve one another in charity . . ." (XIV:28) -- Reader's Comment
Baillie, Robert (1599-1662), The Unlawfulness and Danger of Limited Prelacy, or Perpetual Presidency in the Church, Briefly Discovered, 1641. Alternate title: THE UNLAVVFULNESSE AND DANGER OF LIMITED EPISCOPACIE. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #23.
"A defense of Alexander Henderson."
*Bannerman, James (1807-1868), The Church of Christ: A Treatise on the Nature, Powers, Ordinances, Discipline, and Government of the Christian Church, 1869, 2 volumes. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #24.
"Two large volumes. A classic on the Church and worship! This is one of the most extensive studies of its kind ever compiled. Nothing compares to it on this subject. Regarding these gems, Iain Murray has stated, 'In our day, however greatly we need an evangelical revival, we need more than that. We need another Reformation, a movement which will go 'to the root of the mischief' and bring back the visible church to the pattern of God's Word in her government, ordinances and ministry. The republication of Bannerman is a step in that direction . . . For those who wish to study the doctrine of the Church in its several aspects as it was held by the majority of the Reformers, Puritans, Covenanters and leaders of 'The Third Reformation,' it will prove an invaluable textbook." -- Publisher
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858, editor), Philological Tracts, ISBN: 0790514400 9780790514406.
Volume l. On the language of Palestine in the age of Christ and the Apostles / by De Rossi and Heinr. Friedr. Pfannkuche. On the Greek diction of the New Testament. Hints on the importance of the study of the Old Testament / by August Tholuck. Remarks on the interpretation of the tropical language of the New Testament / by M.J.H. Beckhaus
Volume 2. Dissertation on the meaning of "the Kingdom of Heaven" in the New Testament / by Gottlob Christian Storr. Dissertation on the parables of Christ / by Gottlob Christian Storr. On the word pleroma / by Gottlob Christian Storr. On the interpretation of Isaiah, chap. LII. 12 -- LIII [Isaiah 52:12 -- Isaiah 53] / by Ernest Wilhelm Hengstenberg.
Brown, John (of Haddington, 1722-1787), A Compendious View of Natural and Revealed Religion, 1817. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #7 and #27.
*Bruce, Alexander Balmain (1831-1899), Apologetics: or Christianity Defensively Stated, 3rd edition
"A standard defense of Biblical Christianity. Makes stimulating reading." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Bush, L. Russ (editor), Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics, A.D. 100-1800, ISBN: 031045641X 9780310456414.
"Contains selected writings from 12 different apologists. Under each is an introduction, references to source of selection, and a brief bibliography. Includes selections from: Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Calvin, Butler, and Paley." -- GCB
Cabal, Ted, Chad Brand, Paul Copan, James Porter Moreland, and Holman Bible Staff (editors), The Apologetics Study Bible: Understand why you Believe (HCSV), ISBN: 9781586400248 158640024X 9781586404468 1586404466 9781586405106 1586405101 9781433602856 1433602857.
The text is the Holman Christian Standard Version (HCSV).
"THE APOLOGETICS STUDY BIBLE helps today's Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism.
"More than one-hundred key questions and articles placed throughout the volume about faith and science prompt a rewarding study experience at every reading. Highlights of this thinking person's edition of God's Word include the full text of the popular HCSB translation, an introduction to each Bible book focusing on its inherent elements of apologetics, and profiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C.S. Lewis.
"Also featured are valuable contributions from a who's-who of modern apologists such as Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, and 90 plus more contributors. Plus a special lead article from bestselling author Lee Strobel (THE CASE FOR CHRIST) on how 'How Apologetics Changed My Life.'
"Other features include full-color maps (5), charts (11), and a timeline of Christian apologists and their works, 132 articles, two-color page layout, two-column text setting, presentation page, and two-piece die-cut gift box (excluding hardcover)." -- Publisher
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Epistle to the Faithful Showing That Christ is the end of the law. Alternate title: CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW; CALVIN'S PREFACE TO OLIVETAN'S NEW TESTAMENT; PREFACE TO THE GENEVA BIBLE OF 1550; or, informally, CALVIN ON THE GOSPEL. (Not to be confused with Calvin's "The Argument on the Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke," in the front matter of CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES: MATTHEW, MARK AND LUKE [volume 16 of the Baker edition], which is [THE ARGUMENT], also sometimes referred to as CALVIN ON THE GOSPEL).
Calvin wrote "Christ is the end of the law," in 1534, "about the year of his conversion. . . . It is his first statement of faith as a Protestant, and an eloquent defense of it." -- Joseph Haroutunian
Therefore, it is sometimes thought of as Calvin's testimony.
Available in Desideius Erasmus, Robert Olivetan, and John Calvin (reviser and preface), OLIVETAN'S NEW TESTAMENT.
"The New Testament in the Latin of Erasmus' version, and in the French of Olivetan, revised by Calvin."
Also available in English and somewhat abridged in Jean Calvin (1509-1564), and T. Weedon (translator), Christ the end of the law: Being the Preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550.
Calvin (1509-1564), Jean, and T. Weedon (translator), Christ the End of the Law: Being the Preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550 (1850)
Also available in another English translation in John Calvin (1509-1564), and Joseph Haroutunian (editor, translator), CALVIN: COMMENTARIES. This is a single volume in the Library of Christian Classics Series (Volume 23). It is composed of "Extracts from Calvin's commentaries topically arranged."
"The present text, from the Opera, C.R. 9, pp. 791 f., contains additions Calvin made after 1534."
John Calvin (1509-1564), and Joseph Haroutunian (translator), Epistle to the Faithful Showing that Christ is the end of the law
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), The Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0664220207 9780664220204. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. A Christian classic.
"Edited by John McNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles, this is the definitive English language edition of one of the monumental works of the Christian church -- Calvin's INSTITUTES.
"Still considered by many to be the finest explanation and defense of the Protestant Reformation available.
"The work is divided into four books: I. The Knowledge of God the Creator, II. The Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ, III. The Mode of Obtaining the Grace of Christ, IV. The External Means or Helps by Which God Allures us Into Fellowship With Christ and Keeps us in it. . . . THE INSTITUTES is praised by the secular philosopher, Will Durant, as one of the ten books that shook the world." -- GCB
Calvin spent a lifetime writing and perfecting INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. His Prefatory Address makes it clear that he intended the work to be a defense of Christianity to the King of France.
Therefore, plainly stated, one of the most influential works ever published in the English language is a defense of Christianity to leaders of State.
Prefatory Address to His Most Christian Majesty, The Most Mighty and Illustrious Monarch, Francis, King of the French, His Sovereign, John Calvin. Available in THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION.
"Indeed, this consideration makes a true king: to recognize himself a minister of God in governing his kingdom. Now, that king, who in ruling over his realm does not serve God's glory, exercises not kingly rule but brigandage. [Footnote: 'Nec iam regnum ille sed latrocinium exercet.' An echo of Augustine's famous phrase: 'When justice is taken away, what are kingdoms [[regna]] but a vast banditry [[magna latocinia]]?' City of God, IV. iv (MPL [[Migne, J.P., Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina]], 41. 115; tr. NPNF [[A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, second series]], II. 66)]. Furthermore, he is deceived who looks for enduring prosperity in his kingdom when it is not ruled by God's scepter, that is, his Holy Word; for the heavenly oracle that proclaims that where prophecy fails the people are scattered [Prov. 29:18 (Proverbs 29:18)], cannot lie." (Battles translation)
"The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the sceptre of God, that is, by his divine word. For the heavenly oracle is infallible which has declared, that where there is no vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18), (Beveridge translation)."
See the entire Prefatory Address, Beveridge translation. Considered to be one of the greatest prefaces ever written.
"The doctrines of covenant liberty were rediscovered in the Reformation. John Calvin went further than anyone else in defining liberty and what Christians need to do to maintain it. Includes bibliographies."
It is recommended that INSTITUTES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION be used for daily devotions and may be used in combination with Ford Lewis Battles and John Walchenbach, AN ANALYSIS OF THE INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION OF JOHN CALVIN and with CALVIN'S COMMENTARIES.
Calvin's Commentaries at
Calvin's Commentaries, complete
From the Calvin Translation Society edition.
One Hundred Aphorisms, Containing, Within a Narrow Compass, the Substance and Order of the Four Books of The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Contents and Chapter Sections for Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559 (McNeill/Battles)
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 1
Calvin, Jean (John, 1509-1564), Institutes of the Christian Religion; A New Translation by Henry Beveridge (1845), Volume: 2
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Beveridge translation
Monergism: Commentaries
From search "commentaries."
*Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680), The Existence and Attributes of God. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF STEPHEN CHARNOCK, VOL. 4: THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"When the essence and attributes of God are called into question, to whom else can we better go than to Stephen Charnock? . . . the study of God's attributes is not dry-as-dust theology, but is practical; that is, it leads to righteousness." -- Gordon H. Clark
Charnock, Stephen, and William Symington, Discourses Upon the Existence and Attributes of God (1853)
Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680) and Edward Parsons (1762-1833), The Works of the Late Rev. Stephen Charnock (1815), volume 1 of 9.
*Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680), The Knowledge of God, ISBN: 0851514480 9780851514482. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF STEPHEN CHARNOCK, VOL. 4: THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Charnock (1628-1680), was once an assistant to the famous Puritan author, John Owen. He attended Thomas Goodwin's church when not preaching. He was in the thick of things during the Cromwell period, and during the infamous rule of Charles II. In 1675 he became joint pastor of the church at Crosby Hall with Thomas Watson. . . . This is a book of expository sermons, seven of them on the Gospel of John, and six on 1 and 2 Corinthians, the other two are from Ephesians 5:2. Charnock's sermons are clear in expression, concise, and deep. . . . it is said by Samuel Johnson that 'many able ministers loved to sit at this feet, for they received by one sermon of his those instructions which they could not get by many books of sermons of others.' Yet in his prime his sermons were delivered without notes, and his hearers found them deep, striking weighty, and lively, wrote James I. Packer in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIANITY. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Incorporates a study of the nature of unbelief and the atonement, and material on the Lord's Supper.
Chinn, Douglas S., and Robert C. Newman, Research Report No. 3: Demystifying the Controversy Over the Textus Receptus and the King James Version of the Bible, ISBN: 0944788033 9780944788035.
Clark, Gordon H. (1902-1985), Clark and His Critics: The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark, and Clark Speaks From the Grave, volume 7 of The Works of Gordon H. Clark, ISBN: 189177722X 9781891777226 1891777238 9781891777233.
"This is the long awaited republication of THE PHILOSOPHY OF GORDON H. CLARK edited by Ronald Nash combined with CLARK SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE."
Commenting on CLARK SPEAKS FROM THE GRAVE, "Dr. Clark chides some of his critics for their failure to defend Christianity competently. CLARK SPEAKS is a stimulating and illuminating discussion of the errors of contemporary apologists." -- Publisher
*Clark, Gordon H. (1902-1985), God's Hammer: The Bible and its Critics, ISBN: 0940931885 9780940931886.
"Today two areas of Christian doctrine are in the forefront for discussion by academicians in colleges and universities and by people in the pews: Christology and bibliology. The one has to do with the Word of God written -- which is the Bible, and the other the Word of God Incarnate -- which is Jesus Christ. . . .
"In this volume the learned pen of this twentieth-century giant is used to explain and defend the doctrine of an inerrant Scripture. Dr. Clark's insights are informed by Scripture. He is the quintessential man of that Holy Book, the Bible. . . . He has the rare gift of being a consummate logician. He uses the law of contradiction with telling effect. He knows and employs all of the laws of logic, and he can detect an error in any syllogism which defies those laws. He is relentless in his pursuit of truth, and he brilliantly demonstrates the logical fallacies of those who denigrate Scripture, or who by the use of hermeneutical casuistry undermine the Word of God and make it seem to say what it does not.
"In is signally unfortunate that those who oppose the view that the Bible is without error are not acquainted with or have not come to terms with the writings of this fearless expositor. . . ." -- Harold Lindsell, from the Foreword to God's Hammer
"The twentieth century may be a pivotal period in human history, for the doctrines of justification through faith alone and truth through the Bible alone came under such a severe and sustained attack. That attack, which has been countered by only a few of the professed tens of millions of Christians in America, has come primarily from within the church itself. It indicated that the wolves are within the sheepfold, and in many cases, are actually posing as shepherds. . . .
The focus of this book is not on archaeology or history, but on the philosophical attacks which have been leveled against the idea of divine revelation, the adequacy of human language, the notion of literal truth, and the trustworthiness of human logic. . . .
"Here those critics are answered, and with devastating effect. The Bible is infallible, logic is indispensable, language is adequate, and God, being omnipotent, is able to reveal truth to men. Equally at home in secular philosophy and theology and Christian theology and philosophy, Dr. Clark hammers God's critics with the tools of Scripture and logic. When he is through, the critics are flattened, their voices silenced. Dr. Clark, emulating Christ's methods of dealing with his critics and defending the truth, achieves the same effect, which is the effect that all defenders of the Christian faith should aim to achieve: 'And no one was able to answer him a word'." -- John W. Robbins, March 1995, from the Introduction to God's Hammer
"This collection of essays on the inspiration, authority, and infallibility of the Bible is one of the best volumes on the subject available today. In the sixteenth century, sola Scriptura was the rallying cry of the Reformers; but it is rarely heard today. In the twentieth century the Bible was subjected to relentless attack by those who wish to erect another authority -- the state, the clergy, tradition, or a professional elite. It is at those anti-Christian subversives that Clark directs his devastating defense of the Bible." -- Publisher
"The starting point of Christianity, the doctrine on which all other doctrines depend, is 'The Bible alone is the Word of God written, and therefore inerrant in the autographs.' Over the centuries the opponents of Christianity, with Satanic shrewdness, have concentrated their attacks on the truthfulness and completeness of the Bible. In the twentieth century the attack is not so much in the fields of history and archaeology as in philosophy. Clark's brilliant defense of the complete truthfulness of the Bible is captured in this collection of eleven major essays." -- The Trinity Foundation
*Clark, Gordon H. (1902-1985), Religion, Reason and Revelation (Unicoi, TN: The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931869 9780940931862.
"One of Clark's apologetical masterpieces, RELIGION, REASON AND REVELATION has been praised for the clarity of its thought and language. It includes chapters on: Is Christianity a Religion? Faith and Reason, Inspiration and Language, Revelation and Morality, and Good and Evil. It is must reading for all serious Christians." -- The Trinity Foundation
Clark, Gordon H. (1902-1985), What do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession, Yesterday and Today, ISBN: 0940931605 9780940931602.
We highly recommend the work of Gordon H. Clark. He was one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. However, this is not a commentary on The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646).
In "The Reformed Faith and the Westminster Confession," an address given at Weaverville, NC, August 17, 1955, found in the Appendix to this work, Clark eloquently extols the virtues of the Westminster Confession of Faith and condemns neo-orthodoxy for departing from the Word of God found in the Bible.
Yet, incredibly, one year later, in 1956, he published this work, WHAT DO PRESBYTERIANS BELIEVE? which is a commentary on the "American Version (1789)." To more fully understand Clark's error here and the consequences of such an error see:
The Topical Listing "A Theological Interpretation of American History"
Collins, Francis S., The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, ISBN: 0743286391 9780743286398.
"A head of the Human Genome Project and former atheist presents a scientific argument for the existence of God, revealing how science can support faith by citing the areas of nature that can and cannot be fully explained by Darwinian evolution." -- Publisher
*Cunningham, William (1805-1861), Historical Theology: A Review of the Principal Doctrinal Discussions in the Christian Church Since the Apostolic Age, 2 volumes. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #16.
"TWO LARGE VOLUMES totaling just under 1300 pages. The definitive work on doctrinal history. Compares the truth to the three major heretical system: Romanism, Socinianism (an old form of liberalism), and Arminianism. Covers the most important disputes, focusing in on significant points of controversy in each. The value of this set should not be underestimated, for it is an antidote against much of the innovative folly so prevalent in our day. As Iain Murray, concerning human pride and scriptural interpretation, succinctly points out, 'Instead of beginning with a realization that God in His providence had already caused His Church to investigate and settle at least the great majority of Biblical doctrines, the Church, flattered by the supposed possession of superior light, began to despise the old doctrinal standards and to construct a 'creed' anew, as though the faith of the previous eighteen centuries counted for nothing. Nor were the evangelicals free from this plague; even they took up the slogans that 'Christianity is not a doctrine but a life' and that to express the truth systematically is an abuse of logic -- as though to think illogically was a mark of true spirituality!' J.J. Bonar stated that Cunningham's 'grasp and vantage of the field of theological discussion' was 'of inestimable value.' This set is certainly one of the most useful items we carry and is much needed in our day." -- Publisher
DeHoff, George, Alleged Bible Contradictions Explained, ISBN: 9992429844.
The Sum of Saving Knowledge
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
"One of the best commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith. This item is part of the elder's reading/training list in the Puritan Reformed Church (the church of the Covenanted Reformation)." -- Publisher
Dickson, David, Truth's Victory Over Error
Of Justification, from David Dickson's TRUTH'S VICTORY OVER ERROR
Dickson, David (1583-1663), and Robert Wodrow (1679-1734, short account of the Reverend Mr. David Dickson), Truth's Victory Over Error, or, the True Principles of the Christian Religion, Stated and Vindicated Against the Following Heresies, viz. Arians . . . Vaninians, &c. The whole being a commentary on all the chapters of the Confession of Faith, by way of question and answer: in which, the saving truths of our holy religion are confirmed and established; and the dangerous errors and opinions of its adversaries detected and confuted. (1764)
Bound with the author's: TRUE CHRISTIAN LOVE.
Downes, Stephen, Stephen Downes Guide to the Logical Fallacies.
"Stephen Downes, an information architect with a background in philosophy, created this site with the aim of identifying, indexing, and describing 'all known logical fallacies.' A logical fallacy can be defined as an error in reasoning in which a conclusion appears to follow from a set of premises but in reality does not. Downes groups the fallacies into thirteen categories, such as Fallacies of Distraction, Inductive Fallacies, and Syllogistic Errors. Each fallacy (over 50 in all), is described with its name, definition, examples of how it might be used in an argument, and how the argument can be proven fallacious. The How to Use this Guide section of the site provides a helpful introduction, and a robust bibliography offers possibilities for further study of logic. In addition, users may register at the site (no fee), to gain access to discussion boards on the topic. The author notes that his Guide "is intended to help you in your own thinking, not to help you demolish someone else's argument." Regardless of how a reader uses the information, however, the site remains an interesting and fun investigation of how logical arguments are constructed."
"Lists all known logical fallacies, with definitions, examples, and the steps needed to prove that the fallacy is committed. Site also includes links to logic references and resources."
Stephen's Guide to Logical Fallacies
Downing, David C. (compiler), What you Know Might not be so: 220 Misinterpretations of Bible Texts Explained, ISBN: 0801029759 9780801029752.
"Nontechnical terms are used to correct 220 common misunderstandings concerning the Bible. The entries focus on matters of simple miscomprehension." -- GCB
Edwards, Thomas (1599-1647), Antapologia, or, A Full Answer to the Apologeticall Narration of Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Nye, Mr. Sympson, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Bridge, Members of the Assembly of Divines: Wherein is Handled Many of the Controversies of These Times . . . Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #24.
Edwards, Thomas (1599-1647), The Argument in Favor of Christianity Drawn From the Character and Discourses of Christ. A sermon preached at St. Peter's in Thanet, on Sunday, September 25, 1796. By Thomas Edwards, L.L.D.
Ellul, Jacques (1912-1994), Reason for Being: A Meditation on Ecclesiastes, ISBN: 0802804055 9780802804051.
Ellul, Jacques (1912-1994), and Geoffrey William Bromiley, What I Believe, ISBN: 0802836585 9780802836588 0551019409 9780551019409.
"One of the most powerful Christian voices in the 20th century, Jacques Ellul here summarizes his beliefs concerning humanity, history, and the Christian faith."
*Eusebius Pamphil, Preparation for the Gospel, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0801033691 9780801033698 0801033705 9780801033704. A Christian classic.
"Historically, this is one of the finest of the apologetic works of antiquity. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Fannin, Kerby F., While Men Slept: A Biblical and Historical Account of the New Universal Christianity, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0944835023 9780944835029 0944835015 9780944835012.
"This very informative book deserves the very highest recommendation." -- Jay Green, Sr., editor of The Interlinear Greek Hebrew Bible, September 19, 2002
"This book was written to help shed light on many things that have been performed in secret, under the cover of darkness, which has been behind the developing new universal Christianity. The work is presented believing that if one can see the unfolding of historically documented events in the light of the Word of God, he will, perhaps, be able to discern truth from error. . . .
"It is the goal of this book to humbly present the factual evidence to help the reader to get to know some of the people and the underlying agenda that led up to the modern process of redefining Christianity. The focus of this book is toward understanding more about the 'who and why' of those that have been working for centuries to lay the foundations of a new universal Christianity." -- Publisher
"While learning that God reveals Himself to us through nature, it took me [Kerby Fannin] many years to discover that the truth I had been searching for in nature is but a shadow of the real truth, that being the spiritual things of God. Having given me the gift of reason, it was God, through His Holy Spirit, who brought me to search for truth. I soon found that truth did not lie in my reason, which was the filter through which I interpreted the things that I observed in nature. Instead, I found that the truth I was searching for could only be found in God who, through His Word, created all of nature, including my reason.
"In my search, it soon became evident to me that God is Truth. [John 14:6] Through the work of my reason and my faith, I accepted that there is one true God. I eventually came to my present understanding that the Word of God is the revelation of God to man. It then became clear to me that the one true God revealed Himself through His Word by His will through the inspiration of His prophets and apostles as recorded in the Scriptures, which were supernaturally preserved. The Word of God was also revealed by the manifestation of God Himself, known as Jesus." -- The Author
Geisler, Norman L., Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, ISBN: 0801021510 9780801021510.
"THE BAKER ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS offers valuable information and advice to a wide audience: pastors and Christian leaders, students on college campuses, those involved in counter-cult ministries -- all Christians who encounter skeptics. The author provides extensive coverage of key individuals, philosophical systems and concepts, contemporary issues, difficult biblical passages, classic apologetic arguments, and specific challenges. This resource joins several other volumes in the Baker Reference Library in offering the finest to evangelical scholarship to both scholars and lay people. Each of the contributions is easy to understand and easy to use (thanks to their one-volume format). These volumes serve as ideal home reference books for laity, handy resources for pastors and church leaders, and reliable supplemental texts for courses in Christian colleges and seminaries." -- Publisher
Geisler, Norman L., Ravi K. Zacharias, and Zondervan Corporation, Who Made God?: And Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith, ISBN: 9780310305477 0310305470.
"In the quest for the truth, you need to know what you believe and why you believe it. WHO MADE GOD? offers accessible answers to over 100 commonly asked apologetic questions. Bringing together the best in evangelical apologists, this guide is standard equipment for Christians who want to understand and talk about their faith intelligently." -- Publisher
*Gill, John (1697-1771), The Cause of God and Truth: In Four Parts: With a Vindication of Part IV From the Cavils, Calumnies, and Defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood, ISBN: 0801037611 9780801037610. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
"In 10 massive volumes [The publisher appears to be referring to all of Gill's works: JOHN GILL'S EXPOSITION OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE, A BODY OF DOCTRINAL DIVINITY, A BODY OF PRACTICAL DIVINITY, THE CAUSE OF GOD AND TRUTH, THE PROPHECIES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT LITERALLY FULFILLED IN JESUS, and SERMONS AND TRACTS. -- compiler], John Gill presents one of the best Biblical reference books of all time. One of the most acclaimed Hebraists of his time, Gill's amazing cross-referencing of Biblical subjects and Scripture are as yet unequaled. This outstanding set of books, with superlatively thorough indexing of all scriptural references supports the doctrine of grace as well as classifies controversial and hard to understand biblical texts. Gill defends God and Truth with critical Biblical exegesis, systematically dismantling flawed beliefs. A great tool!" -- Publisher
"John Gill's, THE CAUSE OF GOD AND TRUTH, examines all the Arminian verses in the Bible and explains their meaning." -- John W. Robbins
Gill, John, The Cause of God and Truth (1736)
*Graham, Billy (1918-2018), The Reason for my Hope: Salvation, ISBN: 9780849947612 0849947618 9780849922046 0849922046.
This book was released October 15, 2013 to coincide with My Hope America with Billy Graham, November 7, 2013, the national campaign organized by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association.
This is his 32nd book and "believers will appreciate Graham's profound maturity." This is not the young Billy Graham of the 1949 tent revival in Los Angeles, nor even the Billy Graham of 2005 preaching in public for one last time in Flushing Meadows, New York. This is a retired Billy Graham, just before his 95 birthday, after having preached the Gospel face-to-face with an estimated 215 million individuals, during over 70 years as an evangelist.
"What is the most hopeful word in History?
"For Billy Graham, that word is 'SALVATION.'
"Salvation from what?
"From our selfish and self-destructive selves.
"From the messes we get ourselves into.
"From the sin that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time and the evil that pulls us down every day.
"From the cultural deceits that blind us to God's saving message.
"From the Hell so many don't believe in.
"If we don't think we need salvation, we're fooling ourselves.
"If we think we are beyond salvation, we're underestimating God.
"If we just don't want to think about salvation, we're putting ourselves in eternal peril.
"At the age of 95 Billy Graham proclaims God's Gospel with resolve and deep compassion. It is a message he has been preaching for more than seventy years. And in this book you will sense its urgency, filled with hope for the future.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)
"From America's evangelistic elder statesman.
"Salvation is what we all long for, when we are lost or in danger or have made a mess of our lives. And salvation belongs to us, when we reach out for the only One who can rescue us -- Jesus.
"The saving message of the Gospel is the heartbeat of this preacher and evangelist. Millions around the world have heard Billy Graham proclaim this unchanging truth. He has never forgotten the transformation of his own life, when he first said yes to God's gift of salvation, and he has witnessed multitudes turn their hearts to the God of Hope.
"THE REASON FOR MY HOPE: SALVATION 'presents the essence of that transformative message. It is biblical and timeless, and though simple and direct, it is far from easy. There are hard words, prophetic words, directed toward a culture that denies the reality of sin and distracts us from the veracity of Hell. But through its ominous warnings shines a light that cannot be extinguished -- a beacon of hope that Jesus came 'to seek and to save that which was lost.' (Luke 19:10)" -- Publisher
"The truth is that every last one of us is born in sin, and while some may not think of themselves as sinners, God does. He hears every word we utter and knows the deepest secrets we lock away in the vaults of our hearts." -- Billy Graham
Trendy religion "Many churches of all persuasions are hiring research agencies to poll neighborhoods, asking what kind of church they prefer; then the local churches design themselves to fit the desires of the people. True faith in God that demands selflessness is being replaced by trendy religion that serves the selfish." -- Billy Graham
A simple gospel "I am afraid that many Christians, in their zeal to share their faith in Christ, have made the Gospel message of making disciples for Him too simple. Just to say 'believe in Christ' can produce a false assurance of the hope of Heaven. Jesus spoke often about the gift of eternal life. To make it clear, He said, 'Count the cost'." -- Billy Graham
Earning salvation "Giving up something to follow Christ is not earning salvation; it is giving up what keeps you from salvation. When we hold on to something that is dearer to us than receiving the greater gift of salvation in Christ, we lose." -- Billy Graham
When terror strikes "We see the world kicking God out of education, government, marriages, the home, and even church. Yet when terror strikes, people clasp their hands and bend their knees, calling on God to meet them in their time of distress, asking Him to lift their burden, begging for a different outcome." -- Billy Graham
"Though the cross repels, it also attracts. It possesses a magnetic quality. Once you have been to the cross, you will never be the same. The greatest vision of sin is at the cross, where we also see the greatest vision of love.
"Although it has been many years since Billy Graham has retired from the pulpit, the heartbeat of his years in ministry is sincerely described in his 2013 book release, THE REASON FOR MY HOPE.
"Possibly the most highly regarded Christian leader of several generations, Billy Graham continues to meet us at the most personable level as he so vividly describes the reasons Christ died for us and what that means for those who choose to follow Him on Earth. Graham's humble heart is displayed in one of the first pages of the books where he states, 'One of the greatest privileges of my life has been the opportunity to associate with numerous men and women . . . and I thank God for the contribution these countless individuals have made to my life'.
"In this extraordinary book, Billy Graham walks his readers through controversial and pondered topics of people of all walks of life such as: the battle between good and evil, the meaning of the cross, the teachings of Jesus while on the cross, the reality and myths of Heaven and Hell, the second coming of Christ, and most importantly, He outlines very clearly why salvation is truly the most important gift given to mankind.
"THE REASON FOR MY HOPE is the best book I have read in years. I could not put it down, and I constantly found myself underlining passages that I wanted to reflect on. I plan on buying many copies of this book to give to friends. This book is the perfect read for persons of every generation, and it has become a favorite in my personal book collection. This is one of those rare books that you can discuss with both a teenager and a grandparent. Perhaps that's why people of all generations today are still able to identify with Billy Graham. He has the rare gift of meeting each person right where they are, to explain and plead for people, to proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior." -- Reader's Comment
Graham, Billy (1918-2018), and Franklin Graham (foreword), Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and our Life Beyond, ISBN: 9780718042226 0718042220.
"Dr. Billy Graham delivers a powerful, brutally honest, crucial, and thought-provoking message, as he invites others to secure their eternal hope, reiterated by his son Franklin Graham's foreword -- sharing his incredible past of eighty years of teachings to the present, at almost 97 years-of-age, in his final chapter: The 'reality of eternity' in his 33rd book, WHERE I AM, ETERNITY, AND OUR LIFE BEYOND.
"Bookmarking almost every page, a book for everyone, no matter your age, walk of life, or religion. A well-written book, easy to understand, one to treasure for years to come -- as a constant reminder of our choices and God's reward for us. From a highly respected evangelist, and leader, there is so much great material here, from Scripture to stories of the Bible, and Graham's own experiences. I am including some of the top highlights in the book, which I found insightful.
"There is hope, and when the end of this life comes, eternity will be realized. When does eternity begin? Hell is real -- no matter how much we dislike the discussions. Each of us is left with a choice. A decision to make before the end of our life. None of us know our last day. It could be tomorrow, or an hour from now. There are no second chances. We either say yes, or no. No maybes, or straddling the fence -- living in both worlds.
"The saved and the unsaved. Two roads. Two choices. Sacrifice, or selfishness, salvation or damnation, belief in Jesus, or rejection of Him; abundant life, or eternal punishment? Heaven or Hell? Either way, it will cost something. Salvation is free to us, but it cost Jesus His Life. It will also cost you your sins if you choose to receive His gift.
"Leading readers from Genesis, the beginning; the creation, the freedom of choice -- to live eternally or die spiritually. Here Adam and Eve were introduced to the idea of death and the interlude to eternity. A warning. Humans seem to defy warnings for our own good. Man's sin. The original sin was, and still is the human choice to be one's own god. His creation plan was designed with eternal life in view, which is why He planted the tree of life in the midst, of the garden. Then came SIN. Then came death. God gives us a choice; to choose eternal life; or choose the horrors of outer darkness forever.
"Surprisingly, many do not choose life. This is the sin of pride -- to control one's own life, to be in charge, not to be accountable to anyone, not even the One, who breathed into the body the very breath of life. Their eyes were opened to the difference between good and evil. The cross became the symbol of sacrifice; the tree of life.
"Hell was created for the devil and his demons, and Satan wants to take the world with him into this diabolical place. As Graham reiterates, Hell is one of the most daunting and repeated topics seen in art, read in literature, debated among educators, and heard in music. The Bible spells HELL: Hopelessly, Everlasting, Literally Loveless.
"When 911 occurred, Americans were brought to their knees, and churches were full as people were frightened and humbled; however, quickly grew complacent again. The story of the human race. We want God to bless us, and when He does we gladly accept His blessings. When bad things happen, we forget His blessings, and blame Him for our bad times.
"Death stalks the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. It is no respecter of race, color, or creed. Its shadow lurks day and night. We never know when the moment of death will come for us. Church membership does not save us. Doing good deeds does not save us. Unless we allow Christ to destroy the evil within us, the evil with us still wants to destroy Him.
"Many refuse to turn from sin, afraid of man's ridicule, than of God's judgment. We recall how the whole world laughed at Noah, among others throughout the Bible. No one thought God would carry out his warnings. He did. The flood destroyed. Both the Old and New Testaments teach 'life after death.' From the beginning of time, we see life, death, warnings, and judgments. God sent His Soon to rescue the human race. He still gives us the freedom to choose whether we will live for Him, or die in our sins.
"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. -- John 3:36.
"We love to talk about God's Heaven but are reluctant to mention God's judgment seat, Hell. Man's heart is consumed with the mystery and terror of continued life after death. In today's world steeped in immorality and threatened by terrorism -- the human heart has an entrance -- a decision to open or close. A universal phenomenon. The spirit. Yet, as the book so boldly exclaims, very few make the conscious choice of where they will spend eternity . . . even though it is their choice to make. Every day should be lived with eternity on our minds. The big question: If we did, wouldn't we live differently, with purpose? Any civilization that neglects its spiritual and moral life is going to disintegrate.
"The good news! The blood of Christ provides life and all that sustains life: redemption, remission, cleansing, justification, reconciliation, peace, access, fellowship, and protection from evil and the evil one. We have to repent. God is ready to forgive. Jesus died on the cross, He conquered death through His resurrection. There is no reason to fear eternity if you place your trust and faith wholly in the eternal One.
"The reality is that none of us will ever escape the righteousness of God. Where do you fit in? All people are sinners. Our sins nailed Jesus Christ to the cross and we have His blood on our hands. But God wants the blood of His Son to cover the sin in our hearts. This is why he came. However, God is a God of justice and righteousness. He is not preparing a place in Heaven for unrepentant sinners. While we have contributed nothing to God's free gift of salvation, there is a condition to possessing it -- we must confess our sins, turn from it, and receive Christ on His terms.
"God desires all people be saved. Those who repent of sin against God, receive His forgiveness, and live in obedience to Him will have the goodness of Heaven. But those who reject His love, those who are not willing to turn their backs on evil, and look to Him as their Master; God in His righteousness must judge them if they decide to remain in their sins and self-pleasure, choosing Hell for themselves.
"In WHERE I AM, Dr. Graham explores what the Bible says about the two roads to eternity. The world constantly is talking about eternity. He stresses it is time for the true church to tell others how to get to Heaven and how to avoid Hell. The glorious joy that awaits those who will follow Him!
"WHERE I AM is a gathering of God's Promises from the Scriptures, all sixty-six books of the Bible, by a man who is still a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the midst of political, economic, and cultural uncertainties, to find comfort in the hope that comes from the unchanging truth of God's Word. God has prepared Heaven for those who obey Him. He also has prepared a place for Satan, his demons and all those who reject Christ.
"Dr. Graham delivers a powerful crucial message and challenges churches, in turmoil today -- molding their programs around the community -- not the Word of God. Churches are spending more time learning worldly ways than the Word, leading people astray theologically -- to spiritual and moral decay, left drifting without a compass. They need to discuss Hell. Not just Heaven.
"We are an obsessed society accumulating material possessions, building our bodies to impress others, worshiping money and devising ways to get more; power and position to lord over others, while exchanging truth for lies. Religious services now focus on good deeds as a placement for living in obedience to Christ. We are educating the mind, and neglecting the soul.
"What about you? Do you know where you will be when you step into eternity? The cross is the meeting place between God and man and Jesus is the bridge. The cross is the symbol of forgiveness. It represents reconciliation, and victory. Once you have been there you can never be the same. It does not fade. The cross is in the hearts of those who have committed themselves to Him. It is eternal.
"Each short chapter examines the biblical reality that mankind chooses where to spend life after death. There are no second chances. No turning back. There is no afterthought in the afterlife. Today is the time to decide where you will last forever -- either Heaven or Hell. What will be your eternal destination after this earthly life is over?
"As Graham reiterates, the great revelation for him is to know that when the Lord calls him home, 'Where I am then, is where He will be, in the place He has prepared from the beginning.' (John 14:3).
"Graham's integrity has encouraged millions to heed his spiritual guidance, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Bono, Muhammad Ali and United States presidents from Eisenhower, to the present. He has been rated by the Gallop organization as 'One of the Ten Most Admired Men in the World' a staggering 51 times. He is regarded by contemporaries as humorous, non-judgmental, sincere, innocent and accepting.
"As a native of Charlotte, NC (as is Dr. Graham, around the same age as my parents, and I the same age as his son) -- he was a constant household name. Growing up in a Southern Baptist household, in the fifties and sixties, I recall many nights, with the family gathered around the B/W television, watching Rev. Billy Graham's many crusades and invitations.
"By the middle 1970s, many deemed him 'America's pastor' from his radio programs, his televised programs and crusades. The charismatic and heartfelt gospel sermons reached billions, and have touched many hearts and souls through his tremendous work and affiliations.
"Highly recommend WHERE I AM; one of Graham's top books. I feel fortunate to have had Christian leaders in my life, such as Dr. Graham, and hope this book will empower you, to make your choice of how you will spend eternity. It speaks to all of us. After all, 'Eternity is Forever,' and deserves preparation and planning for your final much awaited destination." -- Reader's Comment
Green, Michael, Ten Myths About Christianity, ISBN: 0745914411 9780745914411.
"Greenleaf applies the rules of evidence as espoused in his notable and widely cited work, A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TO THE NEW TESTAMENT, in an effort to determine the reliability of the testimony in the Gospels. Greenleaf [1783-1853], was a Dane Professor at Harvard University and is considered, along with Joseph Story, to be responsible for the emergence of Harvard Law School. -- Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection of New York University (1953) 110. Dictionary of American Biography, IV: 583-584."
Greenleaf was also considered one of the world's experts on evidence.
Christian Evidences: The Bible and the Rules of Legal Evidence
"In THE TESTIMONY OF THE EVANGELISTS, Dr. Simon Greenleaf of Harvard Law School applies the laws of legal evidence to the New Testament accounts."
Habermas, Gary, The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ, revised edition, ISBN: 0899007325 9780899007328. Alternate title: ANCIENT EVIDENCE FOR THE LIFE OF JESUS.
"THE HISTORICAL JESUS by Gary Habermas, is divided into three parts. Part 1 examines current attacks against the traditional view of Jesus, Part 2 examines historical evidence for Jesus, and Part 3 includes appendixes on historiography, an apologetic outline and bibliography.
"Part 1 begins with a brief survey of the historical quests for Jesus including the old quest, new quest and third quest. Habermas also covers various fictitious lives of Jesus and critiques the views of those who argue that Jesus may not have existed. Habermas analyzes and critiques the extreme skepticism about the historical Jesus that pervaded scholarship from 1930 to about 1960. The views and influence of Bultmann were particularly singled out for critique. Various reinterpretations of Jesus were also covered, for example, the swoon theory of Paulus and Schonfield, as well as the idea that Jesus had a connection with the Essenes at Qumran. Finally, Habermas discussed several attempts to link Jesus to international travel, finding all these theories to be without historical foundation.
"Part 2 focuses on historical data for Jesus' life. The data included early creeds found in the New Testament, archaeological sources, and ancient non-Christian sources. Habermas concluded that the archaeological and non-Christian sources were sufficient to provide a broad outline for the life of Jesus. Ancient non-biblical Christian sources were covered including such authors as Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Barnabas, and Justin. The book contains appendices on historiography, an apologetic outline and bibliography." -- Reader's Comment
Habermas, Gary, and F.F. Bruce (foreword), The Verdict of History: Conclusive Evidence From Beyond the Bible for the Life of Jesus, 219 pages, ISBN: 1854240986 9781854240989.
*Haley, John W., Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible, ISBN: 0801041716 9780801041716.
"Some 470 pages dealing with those many places that might at first glance seem to be discrepancies or contradictions in the Bible and its teachings. This book was originally published in 1874 and has stood the test of time. Deals with doctrinal, ethical, and historical discrepancies." -- GCB
Henry, Carl F.H., God, Revelation and Authority, 6 volumes, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0876804776 9780876804773.
"Henry's basic propositions are at once both simple and profound -- that revealed truth must be communicable in propositional form, that is, in complete sentences, with subject, verbs, and objects. Truth is not a commodity for the intellectually or spiritually elite. In other words, if you cannot tell me in plain language what the truth is, then I must question whether or not what you are considering is really the truth. Furthermore, God has set this example by personally revealing Himself in this manner in our own objective, external history -- the same history of which we are all now a part. This is not to say that there are truths in the universe that are not communicable verbally, only that the Truth that has been revealed by God must be, and has been, communicated in that manner.
"Henry's antagonists are those theologians (Barth, Bultmann and company), who propose that history is of two kinds -- the day-to-day, external, objective history with which we are all familiar, and a special, internal 'geschichte' history where God reveals himself internally to individuals within gaps in the causal uniformity of external history, and the less extreme theologians (Moltmann, Pannenberg, and company), who propose that there is one, encompassing salvation-history ('heilsgeschichte') within which there is no distinction to be made between the natural and supernatural and hence, no need to distinguish between two different kinds of history." -- Reader's Comment
"Dr. Henry's GOD, REVELATION AND AUTHORITY should be on every evangelical pastor's shelf. I recommend it to the upcoming generation of serious, thinking Christians." -- James Montgomery Boice, Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
"It is hard to imagine any great leader of the twentieth century whom Henry has not known personally. He has been influenced by, and in turn has exerted an influence upon, church leaders in every continent. . . . He was one of the prime movers behind the establishment of the 'new' orthodoxy. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Henry, Carl F.H., Toward a Recovery of Christian Belief, ISBN: 0891075887 9780891075882.
"Learned, lucid, wise, and powerful; this is Henry at his best." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
Houston, James M. (editor), The Mind on Fire: An Anthology of the Writings of Blaise Pascal, ISBN: 155661831X 9781556618314.
*Keith, Alexander, Christian Evidences: Fulfilled Bible Prophecy.
"This unique volume was first published in 1831. Thomas Chalmers said of it, 'It is recognized in our halls of theology as holding a high place in sacred literature, and it is found in almost every home and known as a household word throughout the land'." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Kennedy, D. James (1930-2007), with Jerry Newcombe, What if the Bible had Never Been Written? ISBN: 0785271546 9780785271543.
"Following its predecessor, WHAT IF JESUS HAD NEVER BEEN BORN, WHAT IF THE BIBLE HAD NEVER BEEN WRITTEN is a veritable compendium of the major accomplishments of the western world. D. James Kennedy demonstrates quite capably that many of the most fundamental stages of advancement for mankind over the last 2000 years began with the impetus of people whose lives were influenced by the Holy Scriptures. The book reads easily and keeps the attention of the reader as the author moves from one aspect of human development to another. He also explodes some myths along the way with clear and concise excerpts from personal letters, writings and biographies of the individuals about whom he writes. All in all, I would recommend this book to those who question the validity and potency of the Bible and to those who need to bolster their faith and resolve in the Book of books." -- Reader's Comment
*Kennedy, D. James (1930-2007), with Jerry Newcombe, What if Jesus had Never Been Born? The Positive Impact of Christianity in History, ISBN: 0785271783 9780785271789.
Hospitals, universities, literacy and education, capitalism and free-enterprise, representative government, separation of political powers, justice and common law, civil liberties, abolition of slavery, modern science, and so forth, can all be attributed to Christianity.
*Kennedy, D. James (1930-2007), Why I Believe in the Bible, God, Creation, Heaven, Hell, Moral Absolutes, Christ, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, Christianity, the Second Birth, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Return of Christ, ISBN: 0849901944 9780849901942 0849929431 9780849929434.
A book after the "Why I Believe" sermon series. Some have said it is the greatest sermon series he ever preached.
*Kettler, Steven C. (compiler), Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal. An Annotated Topical Bibliography of Works Containing Biblical Counsel for Persons Seeking Lasting Solutions to Life's Problems, ISBN: 0963682113 9780963682116.
A book-length annotated bibliography containing over 5700 citations by 2550 authors cross-referenced under 440 topic headings. Includes author and title, scripture, and subject indexes.
An edited version of the 1993 edition of BIBLICAL COUNSEL: RESOURCES FOR RENEWAL (1997), is available on CD-ROM in Logos Library System (LLS) format.
"This unique book-length bibliography enables the reader to bring known Biblical counselors into the home via book, audio cassette [audio file], video cassette, and the World Wide Web. Painstakingly researched over a 15-year period, it is a gold mine of Biblical wisdom. The 5,700 titles by 2,300 authors include little known and hard to find books, for example, 273 Reformed classics. The breadth of the collection evidences the interrelationship of absolute truth, life, moral behavior, the law, freedom, obedience, social stability, and the positive sanctions of God. Therefore, it is a strong apologetic for the Biblical Christianity of our forefathers, that aimed to be true to Christ." -- Publisher
Logos Research Systems
The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
Some Complementary Works
Krabbendam, Henry, Some Essential Elements in Biblical Apologetics (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette HK104 [audio file].
Kraemer, Hendrik, Religion and the Christian Faith.
Includes bibliographic footnotes.
Lennox, John C., Determined to Believe: The Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith, and Human Responsibility, ISBN: 9780310589808 0310589800.
"DETERMINED TO BELIEVE is written for those who are interested in or even troubled by questions about God's sovereignty and human freedom and responsibility. John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people to come to grips with the biblical treatment of this issue for themselves. In this comprehensive review of the topic of theological determinism, Lennox seeks firstly to define the problem, looking at the concepts of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral problems these pose. He then equips the reader with biblical teaching on the topic and explores the spectrum of theological opinion on it. Following this, Lennox delves deeper into the Gospels and then investigates what we can learn regarding determinism and responsibility from Paul's discussion in Romans on God's dealings with Israel. Finally Lennox tackles the issue of Christian assurance. This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions in the area of theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate." -- Publisher
Limbaugh, David Scott, Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel, ISBN: 1621574113 9781621574118.
"In JESUS ON TRIAL, David Limbaugh applies his lifetime of legal experience to a unique new undertaking: making a case for the gospels as hard evidence of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Limbaugh, a practicing attorney and former professor of law, approaches the canonical gospels with the same level of scrutiny he would apply to any legal document and asks all the necessary questions about the story of Jesus told through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. His analysis of the texts becomes profoundly personal as he reflects on his own spiritual and intellectual odyssey from determined skeptic to devout Christian. Ultimately, Limbaugh concludes that the words Christians have treasured for centuries stand up to his exhaustive inquiry -- including his examination of historical and religious evidence beyond the gospels -- and thereby affirms Christian faith, spirituality, and tradition. . . .
"David Limbaugh is a conservative political commentator, lawyer, and New York Times bestselling author of ABSOLUTE POWER, PERSECUTION, BANKRUPT, CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY, and THE GREAT DESTROYER. [David Scott Limbaugh is the younger brother of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh -- compiler]. Limbaugh publishes a nationally syndicated column that is carried by Creators Syndicate,, Jewish World Review, The Washington Times, and Newsmax." -- Publisher
*Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937), Christian Faith in the Modern World.
"A masterful Christian apologetic that seeks to answer such questions as 'How May God be Known?' 'Has God Spoken?' and 'Is the Bible the Word of God?' " -- Cyril J. Barber
*Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937), Virgin Birth of Christ, ISBN: 9781425522636 1425522637. A Christian classic.
"This Puritan reprint is a classic study of true and false conversion. Dr. John MacArthur says, 'This is not balm for the emotions; it is food for the soul. Those looking for a tranquilizing devotional study will not be soothed by this book. People who have come to Christ only for what they can get out of Him will find no encouragement here. On the other hand, true believers who want to deepen their walk -- even struggling Christians who are open to reproof and instruction -- will find plenty of substance on these pages." -- Publisher
"The author takes example after example of people who demonstrated great signs of spiritual life but were never truly converted to Christ or as he puts it be 'an almost Christian.' Each example is taken from Scripture. For example, Mead shows us that one can have great and eminent spiritual gifts such as healing, cleansing and casting out demons but not be a Christian. Certainly this describes Judas. Like the other apostles, Judas is sent out in Matthew 10:7-8 to preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Yet, Judas was not saved. Mead other topics include great hatred for sin and be an almost Christian, or great signs of repentance and be an almost Christian." -- Reader's Comment
*Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937), What is Faith, ISBN: 0851515940 9780851515946.
"A vital, persuasive apologetic which presents Biblical Christianity as the only antidote for the modern drift toward skepticism . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
MacMillan, John (of Edinburgh), and John MacNiely, A Letter From a Friend to Mr. J. Macmillan, Wherein is Demonstrated the Contrariety of his Principles and Practices to the Scripture, our Covenants, Confession of Faith, and Practice of Christ . . . Containing Also Remarks on his and Mr. J. Mackniely's Printed Protestation, Declinature, and Appeal, Compared With What They Gave in to the Commission of the Late General Assembly, Upon the 29th day of September, 1708, etc. Available (THE PROTESTATION, DECLINATUR AND APPEAL) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"In 1708 the Assembly (of the backslidden Church of Scotland -- RB) remitted both cases (against MacMillan and MacNeil -- RB), with full power, to the Commission. Libels were prepared against both ('nothing new under the sun.' -- RB), and they were cited to appear before the Commission on the last Wednesday of September. Neither of them obeyed the summons, but a paper signed by both M'Millan and M'Neil was laid on the table. It was their 'Protestation, Declinature, and Appeal.' Special prominence is given in the Libel to the seditious and disloyal principles avowed in the 'Protestation,' -- the denial that it is duty to pay cess [tax or levy] to the present civil powers, the assertion that the taking of the Oath of Allegiance is one of the steps of defection, and, what are called, expressions of contempt for the civil authority and for her Majesty's person and Government. That is, the chief grounds of the sentence were the principles all along maintained by the Societies as being those of the Church of Scotland in its purest times, and it was now declared that they were not to be tolerated in the Established Church. The 'Protestation,' which was dated from Balmaghie Manse, is a clear and vigorous statement of the case of the Societies against both Church and State, and recapitulates the reasons for standing aloof -- the most recent step of defection being the 'unhallowed' Union . . . The closing words of the 'Protestation' are in harmony with the avowed relation of the Society people to the Church of Scotland. They never owned a positive and active separation, but only that which Renwick (in his letters [cf. Life and Letters of James Renwick, by Carslaw], and his Informatory Vindication -- RB) calls a 'negative separation, passively considered,' -- a standing apart from a declining and corrupt portion, ready to associate again when the corruptions are confessed and removed. The Protestors of 1708 maintained the same attitude; the closing sentence runs thus: 'Finally, that we may not be judged by any as persons of an infallible spirit, and our actions above the cognizance of the judicatories of Christ's appointment, we appeal to the first free, faithful and rightly constituted Assembly in this Church, to whose decision and sentence in the things libelled against us, we willingly refer ourselves, and crave liberty to extend and enlarge this our Protestation, Declinature, and Appeal, as need requires'." (Matthew Hutchison, The Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland: It Origin and History 1680-1876, 1893, pp. 155-156). In short, this is a continuing defence of the faithful testimony of previous Covenanters (like Rutherford, Gillespie, M'Ward, Brown [of Wamphray], Cameron, Cargill and Renwick) and the covenanted biblical attainments of the Second Reformation." -- Publisher
MacMillan and MacNeil's Protestation to a Commission of General Assembly
*Morison, Frank (pseudonym for Albert Henry Ross), Who Moved the Stone? new edition. A Christian classic.
"Combines Moule's inimitable exposition of John 20-21 with Orr's theological treatise. Together these works provide pastors and students with a rare combination of excellence in exposition coupled with a clear enunciation of theological truth." -- Cyril J. Barber
"The strangeness of the Resurrection story had captured Frank Morison's attention, and, influenced by skeptic thinkers at the turn of the century, he set out to prove that the story of Christ's Resurrection was only a myth. His probings, however, led him to discover the validity of the biblical record in a moving, personal way. WHO MOVED THE STONE? is considered by many to be a classic apologetic on the subject of the Resurrection. Morison includes a vivid and poignant account of Christ's betrayal, trial, and death as a backdrop to his retelling of the climactic Resurrection itself. . . . WHO MOVED THE STONE? is a well-researched book that is as fascinating in its appeal to reason as it is accurate to the truthfulness of the Resurrection.
Frank Morison was an English journalist." -- Publisher
*Morris, Henry, M., The Long War Against God: The History and Impact of the Creation/evolution Conflict.
"Morris sets forth 1) the dominance of evolution in all modern disciplines of study; 2) the influence of evolution in the affairs of nations and societies; 3) the deleterious effect of evolution on religion, ethics, and morals; 4) the peculiar circumstances surrounding the ascendancy of modern Darwinism; and more." -- GCB
*Morris, Henry M., Many Infallible Proofs, ISBN: 0890510067 9780890510063 0890510059 9780890510056.
"Building on Christianity's historic reliability, the author develops a strong case for super-naturalism. He combines his mastery of scientific data with a careful evaluation of the Biblical material. An important work on Christian evidences." -- Cyril J. Barber
Morris, Henry, Science and the Bible, ISBN: 0802406564 9780802406569.
Morris, Henry M., Creation-Life Publishers, and The Institute for Creation Research, Many Infallible Proofs, a video [DVD].
From a series of videos of Creation Knowledge: Christian Evidences.
Newport, John P., Life's Ultimate Questions.
"This Baptist scholar answers the truly hard questions of life from the Bible with precision and competence. J.I. Packer wrote: 'Cool, clear, comprehensive, and full of thoughtful wisdom, this book is a rich resource for exploring the responses of Christian faith to the knowledge, ignorance, and confusions of the modern world'." -- GCB
Newton, Thomas, Dissertations on the Prophecies Which Have Remarkably Been Fulfilled, and at This Time are Fulfilling in the World, 1817, 2 volumes. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #14.
*Owen, John (1616-1683), Hebrews, 7 volume set, volumes 17-23 of Owen's WORKS (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1999). Alternate title: EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS and AN EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Theism for our Time.
Evangelical Theological Society papers, ETS-1191.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Revelations of the Cross, ISBN: 9781619700581 1619700581.
"In this collection of writings from one of the most well-known theologians of the modern era, Packer strongly defends Trinitarian theology and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ against contemporary challenges. In so doing, he deals with theological issues such as atonement, justification and universalism. He calls for believers to be serious about the Holy Spirit, and his articles on this topic are valuable examples of how to apply theological beliefs to controversial issues within the church. The articles range from short devotional pieces published in church-sponsored journals, to opinion articles for popular journals like Christianity Today, to major articles for scholarly journals." -- Publisher
*Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662), and A.J. Krailsheimer (translator), Pensees, ISBN: 0140446451 9780140446456.
"In his short lifespan, Pascal invented the prototype of the computer (la machine arithmetique), started the first public passenger service in Paris, mastered a physics problem re the vacuum, expounded his scientific and mathematical studies with such an order of brilliance that it was considered by no means inappropriate to compare him with Aristotle, engaged in vituperative and extremely effective theological polemics with the Jesuits -- and, finally, in spite of appalling ill-health and pain, attained a serene relationship with God and with his fellows, in the process producing one of the great literary masterpieces of all time, viz., the PENSEES. This volume is a work of Christian apologetics before which the most skeptical mind, indulgent flesh, and arrogant spirit, stand utterly defenseless. Not too shabby an achievement in thirty-nine years and two months!" -- Reader's Comment
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), The Sovereignty of God, ISBN: 0801068649 9780801068645. A Christian classic. Available (the original, unrevised, unabridged text), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Be sure to read the original, unrevised, unabridged edition, not the Banner of Truth edition (see the Marc Carpenter article below).
"Present-day conditions call loudly for a new examination and new presentation of God's omnipotence, God's sufficiency, God's sovereignty. From every pulpit in the land it needs to be thundered forth that God still lives, that God still observes, that God still reigns." -- Arthur W. Pink
"This is the best contemporary book explaining the foundations of Calvinism and God's sovereignty (as revealed in Scripture). It is like a key that, by God's grace, opens the door of understanding to some of the most blessed truths in Scripture. From the myriad of testimonies that we have heard concerning how God has used this book, we think that we can safely say that this is also the best book to pass on to those that you want to introduce to Calvinism." -- Publisher
The Banner of Truth edition removed three chapters, "The Sovereignty of God and Reprobation," "God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility," and "Difficulties and Objections." It also removes four appendices that "deal with the false distinction between decretive and permissive will, the foreordaining of the Fall, and treatments of John 3:16 and 1 John 2:2 to show that there is not a universal love or propitiation. . . ."
The Sovereignty of God, by A.W. Pink
The complete text available in either Word (.doc) format, or Rich Text Format (.rtf)
The Banner of Truth versus Calvinism, Marc D. Carpenter, an article.
Poole, Matthew (1624-1679), A Dialogue Between a Popish Priest, and an English Protestant: Wherein the principal points and arguments of both religions, are truly proposed, and fully examined. By Matthew Poole, Minister of the Gospel.
Poythress, V., What do you say When you are Asked About the Rapture (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette CSVP2 [audio file].
Prime, Derek, Questions on the Christian Faith Answered From the Bible.
Qureshi, Nabeel, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, ISBN: 9780310515029 0310515025 .
"A powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man's heart -- and of the peace he found in Jesus! Providing a window into American Muslim life, Qureshi describes how a passionate pursuit of the religion in which he was raised led him to Christ through friendships, investigations, dreams, and visions. . . .
"SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS presents a gripping and deeply personal account of this spiritual trajectory and details the challenges and opportunities Qureshi's conversion has presented.
" 'I knew that accepting Jesus would be like dying and I would have to give up everything, because for Muslims, following the gospel is more than a call to prayer. It is a call to die,' he explains. 'I gave my life to Jesus, and to this day my family is broken by the decision I made. It is excruciating every time I see the cost I had to pay.'
"A medical doctor by training with two master's degrees in religious studies, Qureshi now dedicates his time to teaching, writing and speaking as the newest member of the apologetics team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries." -- Publisher
*Renwick, James (1662-1688), Man's Greatest Concernment Movingly Press'd, his Chiefest Happiness Plainly Opened, his Many Hinderances and Intanglements Discovered and Removed, the Indispensable and Absolute Need he Hath of a Saviour, and the Fulness of Christ Considered, the great length a man may come and yet be void of saving grace, together with the clear marks and evidences of a saving interest in Christ, motives pressing to self examination, with many excellent Christian directions / held forth in a letter written by that worthy man of God, that highly honoured witness, minister, and martyr to Jesus Christ, Mr. James Renwick, to two gentlewomen, August 13, 1687.
Found in MacMillan, John (d. 1808), and James Renwick (1662-1688), A Collection of Letters, Consisting of Ninety-three: Sixty-one of Which Wrote by the Rev. Mr. James Renwick; The remainder, by the Rev. Messrs. John Livingston, John Brown, John King, Donald Cargil, Richard Cameron, Alex. Peden, and Alex. Shields. Also a few by Mr. Michael Shields, at the direction of the general correspondence: From the years 1663 to 1689 inclusive. Containing many remarkable occurrences hitherto unknown in that period. Wherein is discovered the true state of the Cause and Testimony at that time (1764)
Richards, Lawrence O., It Couldn't Just Happen: Faith Building Evidences for Young People, ISBN: 0849907152 9780849907159 0849935830 9780849935831.
"An incredible book. Makes the study of astronomy and biology fascinating. Uses information from these disciplines to present the awesome wonder of creation in terms that will captivate teens (as well as those who teach them). Highly recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Scott, Otto, R.J. Rushdoony, M.R. Rushdoony, Martin G. Selbrede, and John Lofton, Jr., The Great Christian Revolution: The Myths of Paganism and Arminianism, ISBN: 1879998025 9781879998025.
"Dr. Warfield noted that Calvinism represents the Christian religion in its highest and purest form, for Calvinism alone acknowledges the totality of God's kingly prerogatives over every square inch of our world. This volume supports these powerful truths from three different perspectives, with each author supplying cumulative weight to the proposition that God rules in the affairs of all men, from the least to the greatest. This book will help you sort out much of the current error in theology in our day." -- GCB
"Never has so broad a sweep of Christian history been so swiftly or dramatically told. From the savage tribes of Europe to the rise of the most wealthy and intellectual civilization in the world; from the Dark Ages to the Reformation; from the tyranny of English kings to the spirit of freedom in Philadelphia. Otto Scott takes you on a gripping journey through the rise and fall of men and empires, while the Christian faith has always shined through every generation. Get this book for your library." -- Publisher
Scott, Thomas (1747-1821), Remarks on the Refutation of Calvinism, by George Tomline, D.D., F.R.S., Lord Bishop of Lincoln, and Dean of St. Paul's, London, 2 volumes.
"The author is Rev. Thomas Scott, and he is reviewing TOMLINE'S REFUTATION OF CALVINISM. The work is a close polemic in defense of the Calvinist system. 1,000 pages of argument, in which the reasonings used against Calvinism are addressed." -- Worth Books
"Thomas Scott (1747-1821), 'a pious Calvinistic Divine'." -- James Darling
*Singer, C. Gregg (1910-1999), The Apologetics lecture series using FROM RATIONALISM TO IRRATIONALITY: THE DECLINE OF THE WESTERN MIND FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE PRESENT (1979) as the text, and delivered in Decatur, Georgia, beginning November, 1979, 17 MP3 files.
"So many times people in the pew and the pulpit say, well how did all this get started? How did psychology descend to its present level? . . . How did political science produce our political thought, produce the dictatorships which are engulfing the modern world? Why are we in the economic mess in which we are today? Why is sociology such a jumble of immorality? Why is education as it is today? Why is art so meaningless? . . . Why is modern music an affront to the modern ears as well as to the mind and ear of God? . . . Why are all these things!? . . .
"I would suggest to you that if you will follow this course with thought and care, you will finally come to see the answer to the questions which haunt us today in Western society." -- C. Gregg Singer, from this cited lecture series
*Singer, C. Gregg (1910-1999), A Theological Interpretation of American History, 1994 edition, 354 pages (Greenville, SC: A Press, 1994, 1981, 1975, 1974, 1964), ISBN: 0875524265 9780875524269. A Christian classic.
This book portrays "the influence of theology and the changing doctrines in the life of the church on the pattern of American political, constitutional, social and economic development.
"The author shows that the decline of constitutional government in this country is the result of the departure from historical Christian faith and the resulting rise of alien political philosophies. Particularly does he emphasize the intimate relationship between theological liberalism on the one hand and political, social, and economic liberalism on the other. This theological liberalism has been a major agent in the decline of the Constitution in the political life of the people and in the appearance of a highly centralized government." -- Publisher
"There is between the democratic philosophy and theological liberalism a basic affinity which has placed them in the same camp in many major political struggles.
"This condition exists because theological liberalism shares the basic postulates of the democratic philosophy. . . .
"Theological liberalism at heart has been a continuing protest against Calvinism, particularly against its insistence on the Sovereignty of God and the Total Depravity of the race. These two Biblical doctrines have often proved to be a stumbling block to theologians within the church as well as to the unbelieving world.
"The result of theological liberalism has been the movement away from constitutionalism and away from liberty, and a movement toward collectivistic society and totalitarian regime." -- C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Interpretation of American History, p. 290
See also: John Knox, the Scottish Covenanters, and the Westminster Assembly (tape 3 of 5), in a series of addresses, History Notes on Presbyterianism, Reformation, and Theology by Dr. C. Gregg Singer on
Dr. C. Gregg Singer at (161 messages)^C.^Gregg^Singer
Stein, Robert H., Difficult Passages in the Gospels: Interpreting Puzzling Texts in the Gospels and Epistles, ISBN: 0801082498 9780801082498.
"Stein explores problematic passages under four categories: Difficult parallel passages; Teachings of Jesus; Actions of Jesus; and Predictions of Jesus." -- GCB
Stewart, Don, 103 Questions People ask Most About God, ISBN: 084234747X 9780842347471.
"This book provides brief, Bible-based responses and easy-to-remember summaries to many difficult questions people ask about God. Four basic areas are dealt with: His Existence, Nature, Acts, and His Meaning to the Individual. A book that provides solid answers to dealing with others." -- GCB
*Strobel, Lee, and Jane Vogel, The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity, ISBN: 9780310771210, 0310771218. Also available as an e-book, a documentary film, "The Case for Faith," streaming online, and the book is translated into numerous foreign languages. The documentary film is streaming free on,
"Was God telling the truth when he said, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. In his #1 bestseller THE CASE FOR CHRIST, Lee Strobel examined the claims of Christ, reaching the hard-won verdict that Jesus is God's unique son. In THE CASE FOR FAITH, Strobel turns his skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief -- the eight heart barriers to faith. This Gold Medallion-winning book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. Everyone -- seekers, doubters, fervent believers -- benefits when Lee Strobel hits the road in search of answers, as he does again in THE CASE FOR FAITH. In the course of his probing interviews, some of the toughest intellectual obstacles to faith fall away." -- Luis Palau
Taylor, Daniel, The Myth of Certainty: Trusting God, Asking Questions, Taking Risks, ISBN: 0310755018 9780310755012,
"Your mind is awakening, you are awash in many strange thoughts, you have doubts, you can't explain it all, you definitely don't believe anything without testing it first. Author says don't abandon your intellect. You can grow, doubt, question, and profit during your journey through life." -- GCB
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534-1583), David Pareus (1548-1622), and Junius, Franciscus (1545-1602), Certaine Learned and Excellent Discourses: Treating and Discussing Diuers Hard and Difficult Points of Christian Religion: Collected, and published in Latine, by D. Dauid Parreus, out of the writings of that late famous and worthie light of Gods Church, D. Zachary Vrsine. Faithfully translated, 1613. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Includes: A funerall oration of D. Francis Junius . . . on the death of D. Zachary Vrsine.
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), Body of Divinity: Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism, ISBN: 0851511449. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The first book published by the Trust, this has been one of the bestsellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications . . . It deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian faith . . . It is based on the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, in which the main principles of Christianity that lie scattered in the Scriptures are brought together and set forth in the form of question and answer. This catechism is unsurpassed for its 'terse exactitude of definition' and 'logical elaboration' of the fundamentals. . . . Watson conveys his thorough doctrinal and experimental knowledge of the truth in such an original, concise, pithy, pungent, racy, rich, and illustrative style that he is rightly regarded as the most readable of the Puritans." -- Publisher
"As an introduction to Puritan theology, as a short and sweet course in Christian doctrine, as devotional reading, and as a preacher's gold-mine, Watson's work can hardly be praised too highly." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020).
"Contains Watson's exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, excluding the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments." -- GCB
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Watson, A Body of Practical Divinity Sermons on the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, also Select Sermons on Various Subjects, Together with The Art of Divine Contentment, and Christ's Various Fulness (1859)
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Doctrine of Repentance, ISBN: 0851515215. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting are essentials to true Christianity. Jesus Christ himself said that if we do not repent, we will perish! It is vital, therefore, to read and study what Scripture has to say about this theme.
"Few better guides have existed in this or any other language. . . . He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful for the twentieth century." -- Publisher
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson
The Doctrine of Repentance, Thomas Watson (excerpts)
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Lord's Prayer, ISBN: 0851511457. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Watson's three works on the Westminster Shorter Catechism is concluded by his exposition of the Lord's Prayer. In this book he analyses in detail the Preface to the prayer and the six petitions. His treatment of the second petition ('thy Kingdom come'), is exceptionally full and illuminating. This book affords instruction and practical help to praying Christians." -- Publisher
"A full and powerful Puritan exposition of the Lord's Prayer. So excellent that it may be without equal." -- GCB
"A part of the writer's famous BODY OF DIVINITY. An excellent exposition combining sound doctrine with practical application." -- Cyril J. Barber
The Lord's Prayer, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0851516815. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"In this book Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in London during the Puritan era . . . The series of three volumes, of which this is the second (the BODY OF DIVINITY is first and THE LORD'S PRAYER third), makes an ideal introduction to Puritan literature. There are few matters about which the Puritans differ more from present-day Christians than in their assessment of the importance of the Ten Commandments. The Commandments, they held, are the first thing in Christianity which the natural man needs to be taught and they should be the daily concern of the Christian to the last. In this book Watson examines the moral law as a whole as well as bringing out the meaning and force of each particular commandment. In view of the important function of the law in Christian life and evangelism, this is a most valuable volume." -- Publisher
"Excellent study. Highly recommended for personal and group study. The need for understanding the Law of God is always of great importance for the Christian. Watson is an excellent expositor of it." -- GCB
"The most famous commentary on the Ten Commandments was by Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626), a huge folio." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
The Ten Commandments, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), [completed and first printed in 1646, approved by the Assembly, August 27, 1647, Session 23 -- compiler] (Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publication [133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE], 1994), ISBN: 0902506080 (case-bound), and ISBN: 0902506358 (paperback). Among the ten greatest works in the English language. Available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
" 'The product of Puritan conflict,' stated Shedd, reaching 'a perfection of statement never elsewhere achieved.' All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes Hetherington (1803-1865), (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345).
"Concerning The Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell notes: 'it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms.' (Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, p. 431).
"THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian church. The church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define and proclaim the one true faith. Nowhere has the Reformed church done this so effectively as in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, and family of documents. This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the Covenanted Reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles." -- Publisher
This is considered to be the definitive publication of the Westminster family of documents. It includes the following:
*Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards (The complete Scripture index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms). Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Wilder-Smith, A.E., God, to be or not to be?: A Critical Analysis of Monod's Scientific Materialism.
Wilder-Smith, A.E., The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution, ISBN: 0890510628 9780890510629.
Wilder-Smith, A.E., The Supernatural: Reality, Time and the Transcendent, ISBN: 8789158024 9788789158020.
*Wolfe, David L., Epistemology: The Justification of Belief, ISBN: 0877843406 9780877843405.
"The author is Professor of Philosophy at Gordon College. J.I Packer says that 'No student of philosophy, apologetics or systematic theology should miss it'." -- GCB
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), "Apologetics and the Modern Mind." A video series.
Ravi Zacharias Ministries
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), Can man Live Without God? ISBN: 0849911737 9780849911736.
" 'Apart from God, chaos is the norm; with God, the hungers of the mind and heart find their fulfillment.' So writes Ravi Zacharias in this brilliant and compelling apologetic defense of the Christian faith -- the likes of which we haven't seen since C.S. Lewis. With forceful logic, insightful illustrations, and passionate conviction, he shows how affirming the reality of God' existence matters urgently in our everyday lives.
"According to Zacharias, who has debated the issue of God's existence in such settings a Harvard and Princeton Universities, how you answer the question of God' existence will have a profound effect on the way you live your life. It can impact your relationship with others, your commitment to integrity, your attitude toward morality, your perception of truth, and your sense of meaning in life -- it can mean the difference between living a life filled with hope or despair. . . ." -- Publisher
CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD has sold more copies than any other book by Ravi Zacharias. He has said that it is the book "which touched my life more than anything else." His other works include A SHATTERED VISAGE: THE REAL FACE OF ATHEISM, JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS: THE ABSOLUTE CLAIMS OF THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE, Martin, Walter R. and Ravi K. Zacharias, THE KINGDOM OF THE CULTS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAJOR CULT SYSTEMS IN THE PRESENT CHRISTIAN ERA, CRIES OF THE HEART, and DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
"In summary, this is a book to read, whether you are a Christian, Moslem, Jew, or atheist, or any other adherent to a belief system. Ravi is a masterful philosopher, an unmatched apologist, a sympathetic and easy-to-understand author, and a humble man. This is definitely one of the classics in its field." -- Reader's Comment
Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), The Christian Privilege, a series of five audio files [audio file].
"Do you think your life is random, or do you believe that you are unique, having been designed by a loving God?
"Why do we turn away from God when we have a better alternative? Instead, we can enjoy a rich connection with Him in the fullness of our humanity.
"Why are we here on earth? Is there some higher purpose that we might not have guessed? Our purpose on earth is completely intertwined with the One who created us.
"What is the goal of your life? Where do you expect to be 20 years from now? These are hard questions, but important ones for those who want to finish life well.
"Do you need God? There's never been a better day to find Him, especially since He wants to be found." -- Publisher
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), Has Christianity Failed you? ISBN: 9780310269557 0310269555.
Ravi Zacharias considers this to be his most important book.
"HAS CHRISTIANITY FAILED YOU? is for you, if you have struggled to understand what exactly it is you believe. Acclaimed apologist Ravi Zacharias explores the hard questions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. In his landmark new book, he addresses the struggle he hears from both skeptics and Christians: Has Christianity failed us? And can irrefutable charges be brought against it by skeptics and disappointed believers alike?
"In 2006, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) held an open forum at the Fox Theater in Atlanta to address the subject: 'Has Christianity Failed you?' Tickets were sold for the event and -- to the complete surprise of everyone -- the event was sold out with a capacity crowd of over 5,000. People lined up offering to buy tickets from folks in line for higher prices. Before the event, an RZIM cameraman walked the streets and asked people if they had rejected the faith they held at one time. One answered that, because of a Christian's rejection of his gay lifestyle he had done just that. Another answered that she had left her faith because she had fallen into adultery and could never live it down in the church. Others had their own reasons. Some said it was just intellectually untenable in an age of reason. They chose to come to the event to judge if there were adequate answers. It is estimated that for every one person who writes a letter or attends an event, there are one thousand who agree. If the Atlanta crowd was any indication, the question is real and troubling. Why is it that many live with silent doubt, many leaving the 'evangelical fold' for something else? Is there something wrong with the message, the communicator, the hearer . . . or is it all three? It's time to ask the hard questions of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and why it seems as though God has made it so hard to continue believing. In fact, the son of a prominent U.S. Senator phoned me with that very question. 'Why has God made it so hard to believe in Him?' Such skepticism is not just representative of the hostile; it also represents many honest questioners. This book attempts to lay out the response to those within as well as those outside the Christian faith, so as to understand what it is we believe, and why it is so hard to do so. More to the point: Why it is actually so hard to deny God and still make sense out of life? In the end the answers should be both felt and real, with the added truth that God is nearer than you think. He desires that we sense Him very near to us, and not distant. But closeness comes at a cost just as any relationship of love and commitment does.
"For over thirty-five years, Ravi Zacharias has spoken all over the world in great halls and universities, notably Harvard, Princeton, and numerous universities internationally. He is listed as a Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University. He has appeared on CNN and other international broadcasts. The author of several books for adults and children, he powerfully mixes biblical teaching and Christian apologetics. His most recent works include WALKING FROM EAST TO WEST, A MEMOIR; THE GRAND WEAVER, AN EXPLORATION OF GOD'S INTENTION IN BOTH THE ORDINARY AND THE STARTLING ELEMENTS OF LIFE; AND THE END OF REASON, A REBUTTAL OF THE CLAIMS OF THE SO-CALLED NEW ATHEISTS. His weekly radio program, 'Let My People Think,' is broadcast on 1,692 stations worldwide, and his weekday program, 'Just Thinking,' is on 412. He is founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with additional offices in Canada, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Zacharias and his wife, Margie, have three grown children and reside in Atlanta." -- Publisher
Has Christianity Failed You? [audio file], Ravi Zacharias (2019/07/20)
*Has Christianity Failed You? an interview of Ravi Zacharias with Danielle DuRant
"There are an awful lot of Christians walking around these days who are disappointed with their faith. They've been hurt by the church or other believers and it's affected their walk with God."
Includes rare, frank, and wise commentary on the institution of marriage.
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message, 195 pages, ISBN: 084991437X 9780849914379.
"In his most important work to date, apologetics scholar and popular speaker Ravi Zacharias shows how the blueprint for life and death itself is found in a true understanding of Jesus. With a simple yet penetrating style, Zacharias uses rich illustrations to celebrate the power of Jesus Christ to transform lives. JESUS AMONG OTHER GODS contrasts the truth of Jesus with founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, strengthening believers and compelling them to share their faith with our post-modern world.
"Ravi Zacharias is president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Born in India and Cambridge educated, he has lectured in several of the world's most prominent universities, as well as in more than fifty countries. He is author of several books, including CAN MAN LIVE WITHOUT GOD, CRIES OF THE HEART and DELIVER US FROM EVIL. He and his wife, Margie, are the parents of three children." -- Publisher
Faith Under Fire: Jesus Among Other Gods, part 1 of 4
"Who is Jesus? Why is He the answer? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias examines the four fundamental questions we all ask at some point in our lives and the events in his life that ultimately led him to Jesus."
Faith Under Fire: Jesus Among Other Gods, part 2 of 4
Faith Under Fire: Jesus Among Other Gods, part 3 of 4
Faith Under Fire: Jesus Among Other Gods, part 4 of 4
Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), The Logic of God: 52 Christian Essentials for the Heart and Mind, ISBN: 9780310454038 0310454034.
"Jesus Christ alone answers our deepest questions. We all have doubts that challenge our faith. We wonder whether the Bible still matters, or whether God is truly as loving and personal as we hope. In his first ever devotional, THE LOGIC OF GOD, apologist Ravi Zacharias offers 52 readings that explain how and why Christianity, the Bible, and God are still relevant, vital, and life-changing for us today. To all our dilemmas Ravi says, 'I am convinced that Jesus Christ alone uniquely answers the deepest questions of our hearts and minds.' With a remarkable grasp of biblical facts and a deep understanding of the questions that trouble our hearts, Ravi tackles the most difficult topics with ease and understanding. But THE LOGIC OF GOD is more than intellectual; it is also personal, offering thoughtful wisdom on: -- when Jesus draws especially near you. -- the deep ray of hope found in God's Word. -- how God transforms disappointments. -- why prayer matters. -- how genuine peace is possible. -- making sense of suffering. Ravi makes profound biblical truth easy to understand. And if your life is busy, this book is designed for you! It addresses 52 topics that you can read over the course of one year or slowly digest at your own pace. Each entry includes a Scripture, questions for reflection, and some practical application steps. When you're struggling with questions and doubts, confused, curious, or just want a clearer way to express your faith THE LOGIC OF GOD has answers that satisfy the heart and the mind." -- Publisher
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), The Uniqueness of Christ in World Religions (part 1 of 2)
This is a very sensitive presentation of major differences between Islam and Christianity.
The address also applies to a wide array of other issues such as "duality" (the Western position), logic, the law of non-contradiction, "either/or," absolutism verses relativism, etc. -- and "non-duality" (the Eastern position), "both/and," the Hegelian dialectic (the synthesis of opposites into a "higher truth"), situational ethics, values clarification, political compromise, democracy, "have your cake and eat it too," and so forth, and so on.
The Uniqueness of Christ in World Religions (part 2 of 2)
"The reality of human nature is best portrayed in the teaching of Christ."
Christianity alone explains the questions of unity in diversity, the one and the many, The Trinity, and spiritual oneness.
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), Why Jesus? Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality, ISBN: 1455508608 9781455508600.
"Ravi Zacharias is a very gifted communicator. Whether he is discussing literature, philosophy, religion, or everything in between -- he makes it interesting, engaging, and thought provoking. In this book he tackles the search for meaning in the West and in the East and how that ultimately all searches are empty if they do not lead to truth. He gives a very solid case for how all truth is God's truth and that the ultimate truth that we all long for leads us to the person and work of the historical Jesus revealed in the Bible and the accounts of His life, death, resurrection, ascension and future return.
"In chapter one after a scintillating discussing of movie making agendas in the East and the West he writes, 'Why are we always beguiled by something foreign? In the West, Eastern mysticism is 'in' -- chants, sounds, and practices with foreign words have made an appeal of culture -- shifting proportions -- while in the East, where these very same techniques have been tried for centuries, many are disillusioned and seeking solace somewhere else. Before me the entertainment elite of the East gave their full attention to a talk on 'Why Jesus Is the Ultimate,' while in the West, entertainers are looking toward the East for their answers.'
"In the first half to about seventy percent of the way into the book Ravi tackles what he calls 'Western' thought -- a hybrid of western and eastern thought blended into one. He takes the time to demonstrate how eastern thought has penetrated the west, and how western thought has penetrated the east. He cogently and brilliantly synthesizes how this has taken place through the medium of television, philosophy, religion, and irreligion and highlights old and modern voices alike. Zacharias weaves the themes of induction, seduction, deduction, and reduction among these differing mediums of communication resulting in a 'New Spirituality.'
"Ravi makes so many excellent observations with reference to the 'New Spirituality' that it would make for a very long review were I to recount the excellencies of his presentation. On the postmodern influences of the likes of Michael Foucault and Jacques Derrida on 'Westernism' he writes about the authority of the 'New Spirituality' in this fashion by way of a modern tale:
" 'In the beginning, God. God spoke. But that was a long time ago. We wanted certainty -- now. For this, only Reason and Rationalism would do. But that was not enough. We wanted to 'test.' So we went into the senses and found the empirical. But that's not what we meant by testing. We really meant 'feeling.' So we found a way to generate feeling into the picture. Truth was framed into a scene. But the scene was left open to interpretation. Scenes are not absolute. So the story was told as an art form. But the reader still didn't like it, because he was not the author. So he read the story while he sat in a reconstructed and deconstructed cubicle to make of the story whatever he wished. But what does one do with the long reach of the empirical? The best way was to find a blend between the empirical and the satirical and end up with God again. The only difference was that God could not be the storyteller. We still needed God. So we became God.'
"Ravi talks about Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, and various other 'isms' and demonstrates how people in the East like Deepak Chopra, and people in the West like Oprah Winfrey have developed syncretistic systems of thought that have blended eastern and western thinking and religion. One interesting example of this mixing is when he quotes Elizabeth Lesser when she writes of the difference between the 'Old Spirituality' and the 'New Spirituality'.":
'AUTHORITY: In the 'old' spirituality authority is held by the church; in the 'new' spirituality the individual worshiper has authority to determine what is best for him or her.
'SPIRITUALITY: In the old spirituality God and the way to worship have already been defined and the worshiper just follows the rules; in the new spirituality the worshiper defines spirituality for him -- or herself.
'THE PATH TO GOD: In the old spirituality there is only one way to God, all else is wrong; in the new spirituality there are unlimited paths or combinations of paths one can follow . . . you can string a necklace all your own making.
'SACRED: In the old spirituality parts of yourself are considered evil (the body, ego, emotions), and must be denied, transcended, or sublimated; in the new spirituality anything goes.
'TRUTH: In the old spirituality truth is knowable and constant. Leading to the same answers at every stage of life; in the new spirituality you never quite arrive at the truth as it is constantly changing to accommodate your growth.'
"Zacharias responds to Lesser in this manner, 'With the safety net she has provided for determining truth, who can ever fall?' "The evangelist from the Old Spirituality pleaded with his audiences to 'invite Jesus into your heart;' the New Spirituality tell you to invite yourself into your heart.
"Ravi spends the rest of the book answering the following questions: Why Jesus? What difference does it make what you believe? Is truth really even knowable? Could it be that postmodern spirituality is really the expression of a universal hunger rather than an answer to anything? What are the deep-seated questions that drive the quest for spirituality? Why is it that in the West we seem to have discarded the message of Christ, while in the East they have begun to realize that he is the one they are looking for?
"Ultimately all worldviews and religions need to examine their beliefs and views and answer these three unavoidable questions: 1) How do they handle the question of exclusivity as it relates to their own belief? 2) What is the ultimate source of their authority for belief and behavior? And 3) How relevant is what they believe to the common experience and what difference does it make?
"According to Zacharias correspondence to facts and systematic coherence are the test for any worldview. In constructing a good worldview they must consist of the following eight components:
'A good worldview must have a strong basis in fact. This point alone has a two-edged reality: First, can the assertion being made be tested against reality? And second, is the assertion clearly false? If one assertion in the system is clearly false or cannot be tested against reality, there is a failure to meet the test of truth.
'A good worldview must have a high degree of coherence or internal consistency.
'A good worldview must give a reasonable and logical explanation for the various undeniable realities that we sense all around us.
'A good worldview will avoid the two extremes of either being too complex or too simplistic.
'A good worldview is not explained by just one line of evidence.
'A good worldview must explain contrary worldviews without compromising its own essential beliefs.
'A good worldview cannot argue just on the basis of private experience, but must have some objective standard of measurements.
'A good worldview must justifiably explain the essential nature of good and evil, since those two alternatives are principal characteristics differentiating human beings from all other entities or quantities.'
"Two thousand years ago when Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah in Luke 4 on the Sabbath day in the Synagogue, and stood up and read, The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed be to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. Then he rolled back the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. He began saying to them, Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.
"Ravi comments on this passage and concludes in this manner, 'This is the message of freedom for those in bondage, a message that will open the eyes of our darkened spirituality to the bright light of his grace, that will convince a Church to live the love of God by taking care of the poor and taking up the cause of the oppressed, that assures us there is an end of time where eternity awaits, and that all who long for his presence will live in the fulfillment of their faith to the grand consummation of seeing the Ultimate One, face-to-face. . . . It is in him [Jesus] that we find it all.'
"Zacharias meticulously and clearly shows in this book the miserable failure of the 'New Spirituality' to deliver on any of these eight components that make up for a coherent and compelling worldview. On the other hand, in a very captivating manner he demonstrates how all of the best thinking of the west and east when brought together converge in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth -- and the worldview known throughout the world as 'Christianity.'
"I highly recommend this book because it makes a compelling case for the cogency of Christianity, and helps you to understand where eastern and western thought have large 'holes' that can only be filled with the water of life by the same Jesus who said that in Him we will never thirst again -- spiritually." -- Reader's Comment
"For over thirty-five years, Ravi Zacharias has spoken all over the world in great halls and universities, notably Harvard, Princeton, and numerous universities internationally. He is listed as a Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford university. He has appeared on CNN and other international broadcasts. The author of several books for adults and children, he powerfully mixes biblical teaching and Christian apologetics. His most recent works include WALKING FROM EAST TO WEST, a memoir; THE GRAND WEAVER, an exploration of God's intention in both the ordinary and the startling elements of life; and THE END OF REASON, a rebuttal of the claims of the so-called New Atheists. His weekly radio program, 'Let My People Think,' is broadcast on 1,692 stations worldwide, and his weekday program, 'Just Thinking,' is on 412. He is founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with additional offices in Canada, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Zacharias and his wife, Margie, have three grown children and reside in Atlanta." -- Publisher
Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), and Danielle DuRant, Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith we Defend, ISBN: 9780849946530 0849946530.
"Respected apologist Zacharias brings together many of today's leading apologists and Christian teachers, including Alister McGrath and John Lennox, to address topics ranging from the process of spiritual transformation to the challenges posed by militant atheism and a resurgent Islam." -- Publisher
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), and Scott Sawyer, Walking From East to West: God in the Shadows, ISBN: 0310259150 9780310259152.
The biography of Ravi Zacharias.
Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), and Vince Vitale, Jesus Among Secular Gods: The Countercultural Claims of Christ, ISBN: 9781455569168 145556916X.
"The rise of these secular gods presents the most serious challenge to the absolute claims of Christ since the founding of Christianity itself. The Christian worldview has not only been devalued and dismissed by modern culture, but its believers are openly ridiculed as irrelevant. In JESUS AMONG SECULAR GODS, Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale challenge the popular 'isms' of the day, skillfully pointing out the fallacies in their claims and presenting compelling evidence for revealed absolute truth as found in Jesus. This book is fresh, insightful, and important, and faces head on today's most urgent challenges to Christian faith. It will help seekers to explore the claims of Christ and will provide Christians with the knowledge to articulate why they believe that Jesus stands tall above all other gods." -- Publisher
*Zacharias, Ravi K. (1946-2020), William Lane Craig, Bernard Leikind, J.N. Mohanty; and The Faith and Science Lecture Forum, Is There Meaning in Evil and Suffering?: A Christian Response to the Problem of Pain, a CD. Alternate title: MEANING IN EVIL AND SUFFERING.
"The Faith and Science Lecture Forum hosted an engagement to discuss the question, 'Is There Meaning in Evil and Suffering?' Ravi Zacharias was the featured lecturer and he presented a 45-minute address offering the Christian perspective to this concern. His message was followed by rebuttals from three panelists: Dr. Bernard Leikind, a plasma physicist and senior editor of Skeptic magazine; Dr. Jitendra Mohanty, one of India's most distinguished Hindu philosophers and professor at Emory University; and William Lane Craig, a well-known Christian philosopher and apologist. Each of the forum's participants then posed questions to one another, and the interaction was a lively exchange of ideas and worldviews. The dialogue was direct and challenging, yet handled with respect, cordiality (and sometimes humor!). The panelists also responded to several questions from the audience -- attendees in the auditorium as well as listeners at universities and through the Internet. At the close of the evening, Dr. Zacharias tied everything together with a five-minute presentation of the gospel, the Cross and God's love and forgiveness. In addition to the 1800 attendees to the forum, a satellite link to 100 colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada allowed approximately 30,000 students to view it along with thousands around the world via a live link over the Internet." -- Publisher
Some Lessons Learned From the Ravi Zacharias Scandal (June 26, 2021):The lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David, to name a few, were far from ideal. But God is absolutely sovereign, and uses everything, even the actions of the unfaithful, the sinful, and the weak to accomplish his purposes.
• the Absolute Sovereignty of God and the Total Depravity of Mankind,
• salvation is the work of Christ alone,
• all men have feet of clay, but God uses them anyway,
• our libido, "the energy of the sexual drive as a component of the life instinct," is powerful, more so in some than in others,
• There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future. -- St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
• his mercy endureth for ever (Psalm 118:1),
• So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11),
• virtue and character do not necessarily accompany intellectual gifts and brilliance,
• few of use can imagine the level of the spiritual warfare, the intensity of the attacks from the principalities and powers, experienced by Christian leaders with the expansive international influence that Ravi Zacharias had through RZIM, radio broadcasts, university forums, video, books, and so forth,
• Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 1:5-10; 4:8-17; 6:4-10; 11:23-31 the extraordinary attacks he experienced during his ministry,
• sexual immorality, apostacy, and a fall from grace, can happen to any of us (ie. notably Noah, Moses, Isaac, King David, Solomon, Asa, Lot, Judah, Eli, Hezekiah, R.C. Sproul Jr., Tullian Tchividjian, Jerry Falwell, Jr., C.J. Mahaney, Doug Phillips, Bill Gothard, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Bill Hybels, Mark Driscoll, Tony Alamo, Bob Coy, Dave Reynolds, Mike Hintz, Carl Lentz, the Catholic clergy sex abuse scandals, and countless others who have not been in the public spotlight,
• sexual sin affects everyone, especially when leaders are the offenders,
• concentration of power is a temptation to corruption, and there must be accountability,
• we need to allow Christian leaders to be vulnerable,
• a traumatic fall from grace is harder to believe among individuals close to the offender,
• the ministry and the works of one who has fallen from grace may trigger a bad response from, and may become a stumbling block, to victims, especially if they lack spiritual discernment,
• "Nothing shall be lost that is done for God or in obedience to him." -- John Owen (1616-1683)
• and so forth, and so on.See: *Durham, James (1622-1658), Concerning Scandal. A Christian classic. Alternate title: THE DYING MAN'S TESTAMENT TO THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND: OR, A TREATISE CONCERNING SCANDAL. Available (1659 edition), on the Puritan Hard Drive. A Christian classic.
"The Rise of The Following Treatise
"Having had occasion to consider the Book of the Revelation, and being on the Epistle to the Church of Pergamos in the second chapter, ground was given to speak something of Scandal, by reason of several doctrines clearly arising from that place. Upon this occasion I did first essay the writing of something of the doctrine of scandal in general, intending only to have spent a sheet or two thereupon, as elsewhere on some other subjects. When this was brought to a close, I found the place to give ground to speak of public church offenses, as they are the object of church discipline and censures. And being convinced, that that subject was not impertinent to be spoken of, I yielded to spend some thoughts upon it also, which did draw to a greater length than at first was intended or was suitable for a digression. This being finished, as it is, and any more thoughts of this subject laid by, it occurred again to me to think of doctrinal scandals or of scandalous errors. And considering that the scandals mentioned in that place, are of such nature, and that such are very frequent in this time, I yielded also to put together what thoughts the Lord would furnish concerning the same, whereupon followed the third part of this treatise.
"When this was even at the closing, there was a fourth part of the same subject that did occur to me to be thought on, which before that had never been minded, and that was concerning scandalous church divisions. To this my mind and inclination was exceedingly averse at first, as knowing it not only to be difficult in itself to be meddled in, but also exceedingly above me, who am altogether unsuitable to hazard on such a subject. Yet considering the rise of the motion, and how the Lord had helped through the other parts, I did resolve to condescend to follow it, at least so far till it might appear what was his mind to me therein, and accordingly did follow it till it came to the period (whatever it be), that now it is at.
"This is the true rise and occasion of this treatise, and of the several parts thereof, and therefore I have continued its entry in the original mold thereof, to wit, in laying down some general doctrines from that place of Scripture, and if there is afterward any more particular relation to the second and third chapters of the Revelation than to other Scriptures, this simple narration of the rise thereof may satisfy any concerning the same. Whereof we shall say no more, but first lay down grounds of all from that text, and then proceed in the treatise, which is divided in four parts, upon the reasons formerly hinted."
"The Grounds of This Treatise
"Among other things that troubled the church in the primitive times, scandal, or offense, was a chief one. The many directions that are given concerning it, and the reproofs that are of it, show that it is a main piece of a Christian's conversation to walk rightly in reference thereto, and a great evidence of looseness where it is not heeded. On verse 6 [Rev. 2 (Revelation 2:6)], we show that this was a sole fault of the Nicolaitans to be careless of offending, or of giving of offense, and not to regard scandal; and here the Lord holds it forth to be so by comparing it with Balaam's practice (v. 14 [Revelation 5:14]), which is aggreged from this, that he taught Balak to lay a stumbling block before Israel. From which these doctrines may be gathered:1. That there is such a fault incident to men in their carriage, even to lay stumbling-blocks before others and to offend them.10. When officers fall in this fault, it is yet no reprovable thing in members that are pure in respect of their own personal carriage, to continue in communion with such a church, the ordinances other ways being pure." -- Author's Introduction
2. That men ought to walk so as not to offend others, or so as to lay no stumbling-block before them. So that it is not enough not to stumble themselves (if this could be separated from the other), but also they ought to be careful not to stumble others.
3. The Lord takes special notice how men do walk in reference to others in this, and is highly provoked where he sees any guilty of it.
4. The Devil has ever endeavored to have offenses abounding in the church, and to make some lay such stumbling-blocks before others.
5. It is most hurtful to the church, and destructive to souls where offenses abound, and men walk not tenderly in reference to these; so that the Lord expresses it with a twofold woe (Matt. 18 [Matthew 18]), as being a woe beyond sword and pestilence.
6. We may gather that corrupt doctrine never [lacks] offenses joined with it, and that ordinarily those who spread that, are untender in this.
7. That offenses often accompany the rise and beginning of any work of Christ's among a people; these tares of offenses are ordinarily then sown.
8. That some offenses are of a public nature, and that church officers should take notice of such, and that it is offensive to Christ when they are overlooked and not taken heed unto.
9. Church officers, even such as other ways are approved in their carriage and ministry, may fall in this fault, as by comparing the Epistles to Pergamos and Thyatira, is clear.
"In this work Mr. Durham, in opening and examining the different scandals which deface the visible church, causing both the professed people of God, and the heathen to stumble and fall in the snares of sin and the devil, shows carefully and clearly the various means of avoiding and remedying these offenses, and what the people of God in their various places and stations must do to maintain the beauty of Zion in godliness and holiness, in purity and in peace.
"James Durham's work on scandal and offense is the first of several books Naphtali Press plans to publish by 17th century Scottish Presbyterians. Many of the works of this group of writers are classic statements on the subjects they treat. This book of Durham's is such a work.
"John Macleod (SCOTTISH THEOLOGY), says, 'His book on the Scandal of Church divisions has long been looked upon as the Scottish classic on its topic.' John Macpherson (DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH IN SCOTTISH THEOLOGY), says, 'Taken all in all it is the very best book we have on the subject.' According to James Walker (THE THEOLOGY AND THEOLOGIANS OF SCOTLAND) 'He is the author of a book which once was very famous. For a hundred years and more you find it constantly referred to. Unhappily, as in so many other instances, it has a forbidding, or at all events not an attractive name. Yet I am not sure that anywhere a better idea is to be obtained of our old ecclesiasticism, and of its freedom to a large extent from the severity and rancorousness which have been so often attributed to it, than from the book 'On Scandal,' by this judicious man, who, with his thorough, searching, cumbrous intellect, reminds you not seldom of John Owen.'
"The work is divided into four parts. The first deals with scandal and offense in general, where he defines these terms, and discusses private offenses between individuals, and how they are given and taken. In the second part he writes concerning public scandals, or such that need to be in some way taken notice of by the government of the church, and the various scriptural teachings on the order, implementation, and motive of church discipline. The third is about scandalous errors; the spreading of error, why it spreads, the Lord's design in it, Satan's devices in spreading error, and the duties of Christians in a time when error prevails. Of particular interest is a lengthy treatment of the minister's duty toward those seduced to error, where the four steps of discovery (or trial), conviction, admonition and rejection of an heretic are discussed. The last part concerns scandalous divisions in the church, how they arise, the evil of them, grounds for unity, things to overlook in order to unite, things to do in order to unite, and how to unify where the division concerns differences in church government.
"Excerpted from THE DYING MAN'S TESTAMENT TO THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, or, A TREATISE CONCERNING SCANDAL by James Durham. Copyright. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved." Publisher
"This book ought to be required reading in seminaries and, indeed, for all who would serve as elders in Christ's church. It will repay careful study and breathe grace into our handling of the disciplinary problems that often confront us. Sessions will find real blessing if they study together Part Two [public scandals], especially." -- Gordon J. Keddie, Semper Reformanda, Vol. 2, No. 3
"The appearance of a new and handsomely reset edition of James Durham's classic and unique work on ecclesiastical discipline is a timely and welcome event in these days of laxity in doctrine and morality within the church. The author was a Covenanter who ministered in the Church of Scotland during the Cromwellian interregnum. Possessed of a fragrant saintliness and an irenic spirit, he completed this volume on his deathbed, at age 36, under the title, 'The Dying Man's Testament to the Church of Scotland.' Durham grieved over the divisions that racked the Christian community of his time and was concerned that church discipline not be abused either by flagrant neglect or excessive rigor. The weighty scriptural balance he brings to his subject is unequaled." -- Gordon J. Keddie, Semper Reformanda, Vol. 2, No. 3
"The book is divided into four parts -- Part One: Concerning Scandals in General -- dealing with offences between individual Christians. Part Two -- Concerning Public Scandals -- dealing with church discipline. Part Three: Concerning Doctrinal Scandals -- dealing with the spread of error in the church. Part Four: Concerning Scandalous Divisions -- dealing with divisions between godly men occasioned by such things as different outlooks and practices. The editor has spared no effort to make this old classic readable and useful." -- Austin R. Walker, Banner of Truth, Issue 337
"In this work Mr. Durham, in opening and examining the different scandals which deface the visible church, causing both the professed people of God, and the heathen to stumble and fall in the snares of sin and the devil, shows carefully and clearly the various means of avoiding and remedying these offenses, and what the people of God in their various places and stations must do to maintain the beauty of Zion in godliness and holiness, in purity and in peace. This edition is based on the text of the edition printed in 1680, with revisions to contemporize the spelling, punctuation, and usage. This book has long been looked upon as the Scottish classic on this topic." -- GCB
Concerning Scandal (extracts) can a Person sin Like That and Still be a Christian? to Respond to a Fallen Christian Leader
"You may want to read:
"Should a Fallen Leader be Restored Back to Ministry?
"How not to Fall Like a Leader
"How to Interact With a Pastor With Known Sin. Severe Tests for an Authentic Ministry, Ravi Zacharias
"We're shocked and saddened when a prominent Christian succumbs to sexual temptation. But another kind of temptation is much more common and more accepted. Ravi explores this other danger on today's broadcast as he explains the importance of measuring every ministry against the standard of God's Word." Zacharias Abuse: Lessons Learned From Abdu Murray McDowell Reflects on Ravi Zacharias Anne Thompson: In her own Words, interview with Glen Scrivener, March 2021
Lori Anne Thompson's victim impact statement.*Paradise Regained (part 2 of 2, audio file)
Ravi Zacharias gives his testimony in this message.
"The first person to respond to the meaning of Christ's crucifixion was the man hanging next to him. Why was that so significant?" Answers, a message by Ravi Zacharias at the Ezekiel Forum
"If someone asked you to define evil, what would you say? Where do you go to find an answer for a question like this? Ravi Zacharias looks at the answers skeptics provide to deny the existence of God at Ezekiel Forum, an outreach event of Way Truth Life Radio, a ministry of Central Pennsylvania Christian Institute, Inc.
Some of Ravi Zacharias' messages are still available on Youtub. from divines to be watchful against temptations as we grow older
For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. (1 Kings 11:4])
When Solomon was old -- when it might have been expected that age should have cooled his lust, and experience have made him wiser and better, and when probably he was secure as to any such miscarriages; then God permitted him to fall so shamefully, that he might be to all succeeding generations an example. -- Matthew Poole (1624-1679)
God thus shows us that there is no protection in years. -- A.W. Pink (1886-1952)
It is very remarkable that all the falls, as far as I remember, recorded in Scripture, are those of old men. This should be a great warning to us who think we are getting wise and experienced. Lot and Judah, and Eli and Solomon, and Asa were all advanced in years when they were found faulty before the Lord. -- C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
Apostasy in old age is fearful. So wretched is it for old men to fall near to their very entry of heaven, as old Eli in his indulgence, 1 Samuel 2; old Judah in his incest, Genesis 38; old David with Bathsheba, 2 Samuel 11; old Asa trusting in the physicians more than in God, 2 Chronicles 16:12; and old Solomon built the high places. -- Thomas Adams (1583-1656)
Satan made a prey of old Solomon, Asa, Lot, others; whom when young he could never so deceive -- many that have held out well in youth, have failed and been shamefully foiled in old age. -- John Trapp (1601-1699)
Lot did not transgress most grossly until he was an old man. Isaac seems to have become a glutton in his old age, and was as a vessel no longer meet for the Master's use, which rusted out rather than wore out. It was after a life of walking with God, and building the ark, that Noah disgraced himself. The worst sin of Moses was committed not at the beginning, but at the end of the wilderness journey. Hezekiah became puffed up with pride near the sunset of his life. What warnings are these! -- A.W. Pink
Thus many men have borne temptation bravely for years -- and just when the trial was over and they reckoned that they were safe -- they turned aside to crooked ways and grieved the Lord. You are greatly surprised aren't you? You would have believed it of anybody sooner than of them, but so it is. -- C.H. Spurgeon
I have observed in some good men and good ministers, improprieties in their latter days, which I have been willing to ascribe to the infirmities of old age, than to a defect in real grace -- I have known good men, in advanced life, garrulous, peevish, dogmatic, self-important, with some symptoms of jealousy, and perhaps envy, towards those who are on increase while they feel themselves decreasing. -- John Newton (1725-1807)
We have often heard older saints warning younger brothers and sisters of their great danger, yet it is striking to observe that Scripture records not a single instance of a young saint disgracing his profession -- It is true that young Christians are feeblest, and with rare exceptions, they know it; and therefore does God manifest His grace and power upholding them: it is the 'lambs' which He carries in His arms! But some older Christians seem far less conscious of their danger, and so God often suffers them to have a fall, that He may stain the pride of their self-glory, and that others may see it is nothing in the flesh, standing, rank, age, or attainments, which insures our safety; but that He upholds the humble and casts down the proud. -- A.W. Pink
Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12) The harms sustained by others should be cautions to us. He that thinks he stands should not be confident and secure, but upon his guard. Others have fallen, and so may we. -- Matthew Henry (1662-1714)
When old people fall, they fall with a great weight, and are crushed more than younger people, and perhaps they have more difficulty to rise again. Far more excuses are found for the lapses of young people, than can be pretended by the aged. Take warning by poor Noah -- one hour's drunkenness discovered that [nakedness] which six hundred years sobriety had concealed. -- Richard Steele (1629-1692)
Take this, then, as a caution, lest we spoil a lifelong reputation by one wretched act of sin. -- C.H. Spurgeon
All sins are rooted in love of pleasure. Therefore be watchful. -- Thomas Manton (1620-1677)
A wandering heart needs a watchful eye. -- Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Sometimes those who, with watchfulness and resolution, have, by the grace of God, kept their integrity in the midst of temptation, have through security, and carelessness, and neglect of the grace of God, been surprised into sin when the hour of temptation has been over. -- Matthew Henry
Thus Lot, he who kept his integrity in the midst of all the temptations of Sodom, falls into a grievous sin in a place where he might seem most remote from all temptations; God permitting this, to teach all following ages how weak even the best men are when they are left to themselves, and what absolute need they have of Divine assistance. -- Matthew Poole
How many are the evils of our hearts! What need do we find of constant watchfulness and earnest prayer for the supply of the Spirit. Self, that most subtle and dangerous of all our foes, will assume a thousand forms to draw our supreme attention from our Lord. Both the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the mind must be continually opposed and mortified. -- Thomas Manton
The Lord's grace is promised to him that resisteth. God keepeth us from the evil one, but it is by our watchfulness and resistance; His power maketh it effectual. -- John Ryland (1723-1792)
Cool passions are no guarantees against fiery sins, unless grace has cooled them. -- C.H. Spurgeon
If we do need not more grace, certain it is that we need as much grace when we are grown old, as while we are growing up. -- A.W. Pink
As it starts, so it continues. It is a "fight of faith" always, right to the end. -- Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981)
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Atheism, The root cause of criminal acts of extreme depravity, Theodicy, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, The inspiration and infallibility of scripture (the doctrine of revelation, the doctrine of plenary inspiration, the doctrine of divine inspiration, the doctrine of verbal inspiration, theopneustia, sufficiency of scripture), Authority, The ten commandments: the moral law, Trusting god, Idolatry, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, Biblical creationism (intelligent design), and evolutionism, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Rebellion and lawlessness: wickedness, demonic possession, abnormal behavior, insanity, mental illness, mental retardation, Justice, the theology of judgment, god's final judgment, the great white throne judgment, the day of the lord, The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, Repentance, Justifying faith, Justifying faith, Forgiveness, Sanctification, The covenant faithfulness of god, The all-sufficiency of christ, Lordship of jesus christ, Christ's kingdom, Covenant theology and the ordinance of covenanting, The covenanted reformation, The covenanted reformation of scotland background and history, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, The free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come: the means of grace, the covenant of eternal salvation, Book-length presentations of the free offer of the gospel message of salvation and the life to come, Basics of the christian faith, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, Soteriology, Knowing christ, Absolute truth and relativism, The attributes of god, Follow-up, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Christian character, Gospel tracts and witnessing tools, Creeds, confessions, and catechisms, The Westminster Standards, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, Evangelism, Prayer, Resources for students, Revival, Sharing christ with your children, Small group evangelism, Spiritual warfare, Hard-case witnessing, Pseudo-christian movements: a selection of works, and so forth, and so on.
Apologetics Series of Dr. C. Gregg Singer
Apologetics: #01: Classical and Medieval Thought #1Atheism and Humanism: A Culture Without God (part 1)
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 56 min. #02: Classical and Medieval Thought #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 48 min. #03: Classical and Medieval Thought #3
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 81 min. #04: The Renaissance and the Reformation
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 47 min. #05: Irrationalism and Theistic Rationalism #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 62 min. #06: Irrationalism and Theistic Rationalism #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 58 min. #07: Irrationalism and Theistic Rationalism
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 86 min #08: The Enlightenment in Western Thought #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 76 min. #09: The Enlightenment in Western Thought #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 69 min. #10: Kant and German Idealism #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 78 min. #11: Kant and German Idealism #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 40 min. #12: The Impact of Darwin and Social Darwinism #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 57 min. #13: The Impact of Darwin and Social Darwinism #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 59 min. and #15 missing
Apologetics #16: Transitional Thinkers #1
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 87 min. #17: Transitional Thinkers #2
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 71 min. #18: Transitional Thinkers #3
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 42 min., #20, #21, #22, #23 missing
Apologetics #24: The Recovery of Christian Theism
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Apologetics, 58 min.
Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language
The Coalescence of Contrarieties, (part 1 of 2) [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
"Are people right to reject Christianity because of Christians? Have you ever doubted your faith in Christ? How should you respond to people who claim the Christian faith is actually contradictory? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias take a hard look at what causes many people to question the Christian faith."
Cornell University Q&A (part 1), [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"Today's Q&A was conducted at Cornell University in New York, and Ravi answered some tough questions from the students there."
Cornell University Q&A (part 2), [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"Does the concept of God being one God -- yet triune -- violate the Law of non-contradiction? Ravi shares his answer that and other tough questions in today's Q&A session."
Critical Thinking: A Christian Essential [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
"What is critical thinking? Why is it so important when it comes to discussing and sharing our faith?"
Cultural Relativism and the Emasculation of Truth, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias, February 7, 2015.
" 'What is truth? It can be difficult to know in today's world where truth can depend on who you ask. How did we get to that point, and is there anything we can do about it?' . . . Ravi Zacharias answers these questions as he explores the steps we've taken to reject truth and the impact it is having on our society.
"The 19th century writer George Macdonald once said, 'To give truth to him who loves it not is but to give him plentiful material for misinterpretation.' Indeed, Ravi argues that the ideas of rationalism and agnosticism and the institution of the media have altered our social landscape, such that belief in God's revelation seems wholly implausible for many individuals. Without such an understanding, proclamation is pointless."
Defending the Faith we Live, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"God himself provided the narrative of how he defined life, and how we would, therefore, redefine life.
"Christianity is being hit from almost every side it seems. On the one hand you have the new spiritualists, who believe we have a narrow view of religion. On the other you have the new atheists, who believe we have too broad a view of life. How do we defend the Gospel in today's cultural atmosphere?
"All these decades in our Ivy League schools we trained our MBA graduates and our philosophers to believe morality was relative, that there are no absolutes, that there's really no ultimate right and wrong, you have to determine what is right and wrong. Now when they become heads of Enron, and banks, and insurance companies, and believed what they were taught, and practiced their relativistic ethic, we put them behind bars. Why are we imprisoning them for believing their professors? Don't you think we really ought to be trying their professors as well?"
Engaging Cultures, (part 1), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
"How did we end up in this postmodernism culture? The change did not happen overnight, but rather took several hundred years to unfold. He [Ravi] will look into the fascinating history of philosophical ideas of man, and contemplate how we ended up in a time that preaches there is not any meaning."
Engaging Cultures, (part 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
Faith Under Fire: Jesus Among Other Gods (part 1 of 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias, May 20, 2017
"Who is Jesus? Why is He the answer? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias examines the four fundamental questions we all ask at some point in our lives, and the events in his life that ultimately led him to Jesus."
God the Creator, J. Gresham Machen
*The Greatness of Jesus Christ (part 1 of 2), [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"When there are so many options claiming to provide ultimate fulfillment in life, why choose Jesus Christ? Why is He unique?"
Harvard Veritas Q&A, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"If God is really love, isn't it self-centered of Him to not allow atheists to enter heaven? . . . Is there a God? This question has fascinated mankind for most of recorded history . . . Ravi continues his defense of God's existence."
In the Course of Human Events, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"There is one argument for the existence of God that isn't as well known as some others, but it's just as powerful. It's the argument from human events. Ravi Zacharias looks for evidence of God's existence in our daily lives."
In Search of Meaning, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias
"Taken from the Veritas Forum held at Ohio State University, 'In Search of Meaning' explores the existential struggle of humanity through the minds of such individuals as D.H. Lawrence and a Vietnam soldier."
Is Atheism Dead? Is God Alive? a lecture by Ravi Zacharias at Harvard University (1 of 4) [audio file]
"On April 8th, 1966, Time Magazine bore a cover with the question 'Is God Dead?' in bold red text on a black background. Forty years later, many are asking that same question -- and a lot of those aren't just asking if God's dead, they're living like God's dead! Find out why as Ravi Zacharias examines the philosophy of Atheism in today's program.
Is Atheism Dead? Is God Alive? [audio file] a lecture by Ravi Zacharias at Harvard University (2 of 4)
"Do you wonder whether God really exists? Atheists would say that God is dead, but is that true? What does the atheistic train of thought lead to? To answer these questions Ravi Zacharias looks at one of atheism's greatest evangelists: Friedrich Nietzsche as he examines the effects atheism has had on America."
Is Atheism Dead? Is God Alive? [audio file] a lecture by Ravi Zacharias at Harvard University (3 of 4)
"Friedrich Nietzsche has been dead for a long time -- yet his philosophy is still with us. Yesterday Ravi pointed out the influence Nietzsche's work had on leaders such as Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. Unfortunately, his rabid atheism has also affected American culture as well. Find out how in part three of Ravi's message."
Is Atheism Dead? Is God Alive? [audio file] a lecture by Ravi Zacharias at Harvard University (4 of 4)
"Throughout this week we've heard Ravi Zacharias share insights into the destruction and confusion caused by the philosophy of Atheism. Today he's going to wrap up his message with a look at what ultimately brings meaning to our lives."
Is Christianity Arrogant? [audio file], Michael Ramsden
"Christianity claims absolute truth. It claims that a relationship with Christ is the only way to God. Is it arrogant to proclaim your truth as real and all others as false?
Let my People Think, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Use the search feature (click on "Search" and the dialogue box to appear) and search for the title of the address.
The Mystery of Evil and the Miracle of Life (part 1 of 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
"Do you ever feel like all you hear about in the news is violence? Why there is there evil in the world and what provokes people to commit acts of murder and violence? How did we get to a point where evil is so widespread? Ravi Zacharias examines these questions as he explores the four struggles secularism cannot deal with. Find out how these two things are connect this week on Let My People Think." -- Publisher
The Mystery of Evil and the Miracle of Life (part 2 of 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
The Ohio State Veritas Forum, [audio file] Ravi Zacharias, 1993
*Paradise Regained (part 2 of 2), [audio file]
Ravi Zacharias gives his testimony in this message.
"The first person to respond to the meaning of Christ's crucifixion was the man hanging next to him. Why was that so significant?"
*The Pursuit of Meaning, in four parts [audio file], January 23, 2017
Ravi said this is his most requested sermon.
"Are you struggling to understand your meaning life? Can you find meaning apart from God? Have you taken time today to dwell on the strength of God? Today on Just Thinking, Ravi Zacharias takes a deeper look at the question of meaning in life."
The Quest for Meaning (part 1 of 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
"Have you ever struggled with the question, what does it mean to be human? Or what it is that gives your human life value? What's the connection between your human value and how you should treat others? This week on Let My People Think, Ravi Zacharias takes a deeper look at the four major sources of inspiration in Christian worldview that give life meaning."
The Quest for Meaning (part 2 of 2), [audio file], Ravi Zacharias
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) Academy
Various resources in apologetics.
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) Podcasts
"Ravi Zacharias and the RZIM team provide a variety of podcasts online and on iTunes that challenge and answer your toughest questions on culture, faith, suffering, science, and more."
RZIM Media and Topic Library
The Shroud of Turin: Extraordinary Evidence of Christ's Resurrection
The Sum of Saving Knowledge, David Dickson and James Durham
The Triune God, J. Gresham Machen
The Truth About Da
"This website is a response to Dan Brown's novel THE DA VINCI CODE" (released March 18, 2003), a work of fiction that has been read by more than 30 million, and has now been made into a movie starring Tom Hanks (released May 2006).
For a broad overview of literature showing an evident interconnection between absolute truth, sovereign authority, loving obedience, justifying faith, sanctification, personal spiritual growth, life (temporal and eternal), moral behavior (law and order, and justice), freedom (religious, political, economic, and individual), (true religion defined in the Westminster Standards and the Covenanted Reformation), social stability (peace, security, prosperity, and happiness), social transformation, education, the arts, scientific discovery, real progress, and the realization of the Kingdom of God upon earth -- for that broad overview see the following annotated bibliography:
*Zacharias, Ravi (1946-2020), The Uniqueness of Christ in World Religions (part 1 of 2)
This is a very sensitive presentation of major differences between Islam and Christianity.
The address also applies to a wide array of other issues such as "duality" (the Western position), logic, the law of non-contradiction, "either/or," absolutism verses relativism, etc. -- and "non-duality" (the Eastern position), "both/and," the Hegelian dialectic (the synthesis of opposites into a "higher truth"), situational ethics, values clarification, political compromise, democracy, "have your cake and eat it too," and so forth, and so on.
The Uniqueness of Christ in World Religions (part 2 of 2)
"The reality of human nature is best portrayed in the teaching of Christ."
Christianity alone explains the questions of unity in diversity, the one and the many, The Trinity, and spiritual oneness.
As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. (Isaiah 59:21)Blessed [are] the pure in heart: for they shall see God. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:8)
As far as I am able to judge by the information in all history of that kind, the Christian world, since the day of the Apostles, had never a synod of more excellent divines (take one thing with another), than this Synod [The Westminster Assembly], and the Synod of Dort [Dordt], were. -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
It is only after mature deliberation, carefully comparing them with the Word of God, and receiving full conviction in our own minds of their being wholly founded upon it, that we consider the Confession and Catechisms, or any other human composure whatever, as properly entitled to our belief, and deserving to be ranked amongst the subordinate standards of our church. But after being convinced of their agreeableness to the infallible rule, we cheerfully receive them. It is not with the remotest intention of supplying a defect in the Oracles of truth, which we ever consider a complete rule in themselves; nor is it at all in the view of putting either the Confession, or any other book in the world, on a level with the Bible, that we adopt these explanatory standards; but purely to ascertain the true meaning of Scripture, help us to understand one another in our church-fellowship, and, through these mediums, to transmit a faithful testimony for truth from generation to generation. -- Reformed Presbytery, An Explanation and Defense of the Terms of Communion, 1801, p. 161
A question of clarification
It seems like it has been assumed that we can alter the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), Belgic Confession of Faith, Heidelberg Catechism, Shorter Catechism, Larger Catechism, Canons of Dordt, Scottish Confession of Faith, etc. If this is what is assumed, then I have a major point of disagreement as it relates to representing a document under a name and authorship which has alterations by another author to the original work. I guess my issue is that we cannot revise the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) as the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646). We can put commentary beside it (and also include authorship of such commentary), or can have our commentary as another document itself but we cannot actually change wording in the document itself and still call it the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), or any other subordinate standard of a church of Christ across the world. This is rather deceiving to a reader when they get placed in their hands something called the Westminster Standards that has parts in it which the Westminster Assembly that brought it together never could have conceived. I, for my part, was a part of this deception when I was in a church in times past that was associated on an informal level with the PCA and OPC and sold a copy of yellow booklet called the Westminster Standards (which included the WCF [1646], Larger Catechism (with its one alteration not done by the Westminster Assembly, i.e. LC A. #109 excluding "tolerating a false religion"). I was under the impression that this was the very work of the Westminster Assembly (and also by the nature of the title thought this was the only work of Westminster when in actuality there were three other documents they officially composed), by its title and its attributed authorship. The only help one gets in the defense of the OPC and PCA is that it has inside the front cover as adopted by the PCA and OPC. The reader on the point of authorship then still doesn't know what is Westminster and what is not.
"I hope my interpretations of the comments are wrong and that is not being assumed that we can do such to a document that has assigned to it as authorship a particular group of authors that are no longer in existence and haven't been since the mid to late 1600's.
"What I am not saying is that a faithfully constituted session, presbytery, synod or general assembly cannot alter or clarify their terms of communion (if there are additional attainments of understanding for faith and practice). What I am saying is that if the authors of the said work that is being considered for revision are no longer a part of the authorship, then it cannot properly be considered a revision. Authorship can be considered under a heading of an individual, group of individuals (without being convened as a ecclesiastical or civil governing body), ecclesiastical church court, extraordinary non-ecclesiastical synod (that is called by the civil government in an unsettled state of the church, i.e. the Westminster Assembly), and also a civil governing body can hold authorship. When the existence of that author is no longer around it cannot be said that the work is properly a revision without any qualifications. It is new authorship so there must be a necessary distinction maintained between who wrote what, so as to give honor to whom honor is due or, if the case be censure where censure is due (whatever type appropriate depending on the opinion propagated).
If I am mistaken in something on this subject, as to what is required in accordance with the 9th commandment, please correct my understanding. Thanks." -- An online forum memberThere is no man that ever understood the interest of mankind, of families, cities, kingdoms, churches, and of Jesus Christ the King and Saviour, but he must needs know that the right instruction, education, and sanctification of youth, is of unspeakable consequence to them all. In the place where God most blessed my labours (at Kidderminster, in Worcestershire), my first and greatest success was upon the youth. And (which was a marvellous way of divine mercy), when God had touched the hearts of young men and girls with a love of goodness, and delightful obedience to the truth, the parents and grandfathers, who had grown old in an ignorant, worldly state, did many of them fall into liking and love of piety, induced by the love of their children, whom they perceived to be made by it much wiser and better, and more dutiful to them. -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
I am persuaded that the use of a good catechism in all our families will be a great safeguard against the increasing errors of the times. . . . -- C.H. Spurgeon
In seventeenth century England landlords would give a copy of a catechism to tenants.
Anderson, John, and W.C. Brownlee, A Catechism, Setting Forth the Principles of Public Covenanting as it is Practiced in the Session Church (1889). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #27.
"On covenanting the preface perceptively notes, 'In this exercise the covenanter engages to no new duty but declares upon oath that he believes the doctrine and practice of this church to be the very truth of God, and engages in the strength of promised grace to continue faithful to Christ and his cause. The unrest and spirit of change that moves the church of today is the chief reason why this ordinance is so much opposed. It carries with it a certainty of knowledge, a fixedness of principle, and steadfast in profession that is counter to the Spirit of our times. A declining church is not a covenanting one; it (covenanting -- RB), has only been practiced by those churches that were seeking to hold that to which they had attained.' A concise and easy-to-read introduction to covenanting." -- Publisher
Augustine, Saint (Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 AD), A Treatise on Faith and the Creed (c. 393). Alternate title: THE FAITH AND THE CREED IN ONE BOOK, and ON THE CREED: A SERMON TO THE CATECHUMENS (singly). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"This 'work constitutes an exposition of the several clauses of the so-called Apostles' Creed. The questions concerning the mutual relations of the three Persons in the Godhead are handled with greatest fullness; in connection with which, especially in the use made of the analogies of Being, Knowledge, and Love, and in the cautions thrown in against certain applications of these and other illustrations taken from things of human experience, we come across sentiments which are also repeated in THE CITY OF GOD, the books on the Trinity, and others of his doctrinal writings.' -- Introductory Note" -- Publisher
*Baxter, Richard, The Mother's Catechism, and The Catechizing of Families in THE REFORMED PASTOR: BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS, VOL. 4.
"This is the fourth and final volume in this great set. Includes, 'The Reformed Pastor' and 25 other sermons, treatises, and catechisms. Dr. J.I. Packer (1926-2020) says, 'For me, the great joy of this year is that it see the completion of Soli Deo Gloria's reprint of Baxter's incomparable PRACTICAL WORKS'." -- GCB
Richard Baxter, from Wikipedia
Compassionate Counsel to all Young men (1681), by Richard Baxter
*Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), Reformed Pastor. A Christian classic.
"Dr. J.I. Packer (1926-2020) describes him as 'the most outstanding pastor, evangelist, and writer on practical and devotional themes that Puritanism produced. . . .' in the words of his contemporary, Thomas Manton, he 'came nearer the apostolic writings than any man in the age. . . .' Today, Baxter's principles, drawn from Scripture, and re-applied in terms of modern circumstances, will provide both ministers and other Christians with challenge, direction, and help." -- Publisher
The Reformed Pastor (singly, e-text)
Compassionate Counsel to all Young men (1681), by Richard Baxter
Beeke, Joel, Catechising our Children, (MP3), [audio file]. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Beeke, Joel R. (editor), and Sinclair B. Ferguson (editor), Reformed Confessions Harmonized, ISBN: 080105222X.
"A helpful tool for ministers, scholars, church leaders, and all who love the Reformed faith." -- R.C. Sproul
"Despite the acknowledged importance of confessional statements throughout church history, the most significant of these documents have never before been published in a single volume. Now Drs. Beeke and Ferguson have harmonized seven important Reformed confessions into a convenient parallel arrangement.
"Joel R. Beeke is pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Sinclair B. Ferguson, former professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, is now the minister of St. Georges-Tron parish in Glasgow, Scotland, and the author of numerous books on Reformed theology." -- Publisher
Beze, Theodore (1519-1605), and John Stockwood, A Briefe Declaration of the Chiefe Poyntes of Christian Religion: Set Foorth in a Table. Alternate title: BEZA'S CATECHISM.
*Beza, Theodore (1519-1605), (revised and enlarged by Peter Hall), The Harmony of Protestant Confessions Exhibiting the Faith of the Churches of Christ, Reformed After the Pure and Holy Doctrine of the Gospel, Throughout Europe. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"After 1579 (and some failed attempts at writing a common Protestant Confession), it was decided that it would be a safer plan to compile a Harmony, in which the Protestant Confessions already extant could be distributed under certain heads, and by which all parties involved might be called back to agreement and any appearance of variation that existed might be discussed and explained. The design was accordingly entrusted to Theodore Beza (Calvin's student and successor in Geneva), Daneau, and Salnar. Twelve major Confessions, beginning with Augsburg (1530) through to The Confession of Scotland (1560), are catalogued according to topics (loosely ordered along the general lines of the headings found in the Westminster Confession [1646]) in this unique and massive volume. The Westminster Confession (1646), The Synod of Dort [Dordt], (1619), The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England (1571), and the Irish Articles of 1615, have all been appended to this work, increasing its value and making it the most comprehensive compilation and topically indexed reference tool available to creedal Christians today! Over 700 pages." -- Publisher
*Binning, Hugh (1627-1653), and Patrick Gillespie (1617-1675), The Common Principiles (sic) of Christian Religion Clearly Proved and Singularly Improved, or, A Practical Catechism: Wherein Some of the Most Concerning-foundations of our Faith are Solidely Laid Down, and That Doctrine, Which is According to Godliness, Sweetly, yet Pungently Pressed Home and Most Satisfyingly Handled. Available (THE WORKS OF THE REVEREND HUGH BINNING), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (THE WORKS OF THE REVEREND HUGH BINNING), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #8.
Binning, Hugh (1627-1653), Lectures on Principles of the Christian Religion. Available in THE COMMON PRINCIPILES (sic) OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION CLEARLY PROVED AND SINGULARLY IMPROVED.
Lectures on Principles of the Christian Religion.
Blaike, Alexander, A Catechism on Praise, 1854, ISBN: 0952679922 9780952679929. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #19.
Alexander Blaikie's Catechism on Praise
Blakeney, Richard P., Manual of Romish Controversy: Being a Complete Refutation of the Creed of Pope Pius IV Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #15.
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), Catechisms of the Scottish Reformation, 1866.
*Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Commentary on the Shorter Catechism, 2 volumes. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
" 'Two large volumes of over 1300 pages! Boston's work is the most comprehensive reference set ever penned on The Westminster Shorter Catechism. Concerning The Shorter Catechism, A.F. Mitchell states '. . . it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms' (The Westminster Assembly . . .). THE SHORTER CATECHISM is the 'king of the catechisms' for shear power of expression, combining logical cogency with succinctness. Boston's exposition is unrivalled; there is nothing else like it. Here you have the cream of Puritan catechisms married to the cream of clear Puritan exposition! This is likely Boston's most important work. A set that will meet numerous needs, ranging from use in family worship, Christian education and personal study, to sermon preparation -- and for help in settling debated questions on the Presbytery floor. A one-of-a-kind set of books that will serve your family for generations to come!" -- Publisher
"It is worth while to be a Shorter Catechism boy. They grow to be men. And better than that, the are exceedingly apt to grow to be men of God." -- B.B. Warfield
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Brown, John (of Haddington, 1722-1787), Essay Towards an Easy Explication of the Shorter Catechism. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #7.
"The author has taken great care to correct, enlarge, and improve this edition of his catechism, particularly by adding a great number of Scripture texts in order to more clearly elucidate and confirm different points of doctrine and practice." -- Publisher
Calvin, John (1509-1564), Catechism of the Church of Geneva: Being a Form of Instruction for Children in the Doctrine of Christ. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1. Available in CALVIN'S SELECTED WORKS, TRACTS AND LETTERS.
Campbell, Alexander, and N.L. Rice, A Debate Between Rev. A. Campbell and Rev. N.L. Rice, on the Action, Subject, Design and Administrator of Christian Baptism; Also, on the Character of Spiritual Influence in Conversion and Sanctification, and on the Expediency and Tendency of Ecclesiastic Creeds, as Terms of Union and Communion; Held in Lexington, Ky., from the fifteenth of November to the second of December, 1843. Alternate title: DEBATE ON THE USEFULNESS OF HUMAN CREEDS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Cawdrey, Daniel (1588-1664), Family Reformation Promoted: In a Sermon on Joshua, chap. 24, ver. 15., and by Short Catechismes Fitted for the Three-fold Relations in a Family of 1. Children and Parents, 2. Servants and Masters, 3. Husband and Wife. [Joshua 24:15]
Church of Scotland, The Confession of Faith, Used in the English Congregation at Geneva: Received and Approved by the Church of Scotland, in the Beginning of the Reformation. With proofs from Scripture, 1739. Alternate title: GENEVA CONFESSION OF FAITH.
Church of Scotland, The Confessions of Faith, Catechisms, Directories, Form of Church-government, Discipline & c, of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland: Together With the Acts of Assembly Concerning the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of the Church of Scotland.
Title continued: "Also, A Collection of Some Principal Acts and Ordinances of the Parliaments of Scotland and England and of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in Favours of the Covenanted Reformation; to which is added The form of process in the judicatories of the Church of Scotland, with relation to scandals and censures; also, several acts and overtures of the General Assemblies thereanent; with other things of a public and interesting nature."
*Cotton, John (1584-1652, editor), and The Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), New England Primer: Improved for the More Easy Attaining the True Reading of English. To Which is Added The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER was the first textbook ever printed in America and was used to teach reading and Bible lessons in our schools until the twentieth century. In fact, many of the Founders and their children learned to read from THE PRIMER. This pocket-size edition is an historical reprint of the 1777 version used in many schools during the Founding Era." -- Publisher
"THE NEW ENGLAND PRIMER was one of the greatest books ever published. It went through innumerable editions; it reflected in a marvelous way the spirit of the age that produced it, and contributed, perhaps more than any other book except the BIBLE, to the molding of those sturdy generations that gave to America its liberty and its institutions.
"The Founding Fathers of this country and other Americans learned to read from this little treasure. There is much that we can learn about them and the way they thought by examining its contents. The true study of history should incorporate the study of what motivated people to do the things they did. This reprint makes for great classroom discussion. It makes for an excellent addition to any American History class at all grade levels and all ages. It is pocket-size, and kids and adults love it. I highly recommend it!" -- Reader's Comment
"WEBSTER'S BLUE-BACKED SPELLING BOOK and the NEW ENGLAND PRIMER were basic, foundational textbooks used in the schools of our Republic in the 18th and 19th centuries.
"These two textbooks prove our founding fathers expected moral truths to be taught in every school subject." -- Reader's Comment
The New-England Primer Improved for the More Easy Attaining the True Reading of English: To Which is Added The Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's Catechism (1777)
Craig, John (1512-1600), Communion Catechism (1592).
Craig, John, Communion Catechism (1592)
Curtis, William A., A History of Creeds and Confessions of Faith in Christendom and Beyond: With Historical Tables, 1911.
Dick, John (d. 1684), Confessions of Faith Shown to be Necessary, and the Duty of Churches With Respect to Them Explained, in a Sermon, preached in the meeting-house in Bristo-Street, at the opening of the Associate Synod, April 26th 1796, Edinburgh, 1796.
Dunlop, William, and James Buchanan, The Uses of Creeds and Confessions of Faith, ISBN: 0790592681 9780790592688. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), Ralph Erskine, James Fisher, and others, The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained, by way of Question and Answer, 1753, ISBN: 1579107915 9781579107918. Alternate title: FISHER'S CATECHISM -- THE GREAT SCOTTISH COMMENTARY ON THE WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Hall, David W., The Practice of Confessional Subscription.
"A unique and historical study of how various Reformed churches view adherence to their confessions. Expert theologians survey a range of traditions and practical considerations.
Henry, Matthew (1662-1714), The Catechising of Youth and Christ's Favour to Little Children Displayed (1713). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #22.
"The two sermons noted above form foundational teaching that every family should be aware of and practice. A faithful ministry and faithful parents, who catechize their children daily, will do more for true Reformation and godliness than just about any other means to this end. Here Henry also adds simple questions to each question of the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM to help explain it to beginners. Very practical!" -- Publisher
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Henry, Matthew (1662-1714), A Scripture Catechism in the Method of the Assembly's
*Hetherington, William (1803-1865), The History of the Westminster Assembly. Available (PDF and MP3), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1, #10, #30.
" 'Every person who has directed his attention to the events of the seventeenth century, whether with regard to their civil or their religious aspect, has felt that it was impossible fully to understand either the one or the other line of study, without taking into view the character of the Westminster Assembly, the purpose for which it met, and the result of its deliberations . . . The man who penetrates a little deeper into the nature of those unrevealed but powerful influences which move a nation's mind, and mould its destinies, will be ready to direct his attention more profoundly to the objects and deliberations of an assembly which met at a moment so critical, and was comprised of the great master-minds of the age; and the theologian who has learned to view religion as the vital principle of human nature, equally in nations and in the individual man, will not easily admit that weak idea, that such an assembly could have been an isolated event, but will be disposed earnestly to inquire what led to its meeting, and what important consequences followed. And although the subject has not hitherto been investigated with such a view, it may, we trust, be possible to prove, that it was the most important event in the century in which it occurred; and that it has exerted, and in all probability will yet exert, a far more wide and permanent influence upon both the civil and the religious history of mankind than has generally been ever imagined,' writes William Hetherington in this book THE HISTORY OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY, 1856, 2nd reprint edition, 1993, pp. 16-17. This book is probably the best popular historical account ever published regarding this unsurpassed Assembly. The history leading up to the Assembly is especially important and not only set the context for what became the major debates among the ministers present, but even dictated who was selected to this august body of scholars. These debates and their resolutions have defined and directed Christian thought and culture ever since their original ratification. Hetherington covers the period from 1531 to 1662. Many consider this era a historical high water mark for doctrinal and practical precision. Also included is a chapter on the theological productions of the Westminster Assembly and six valuable appendices (one containing six biographical notices of the Scottish Commissioners -- including Rutherford, Gillespie, Henderson and Baillie)." -- Publisher
History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1653), by William Maxwell Hetherington, D.D., LL.D.
*Hurst, Henry, Whether Well-composed Religious Vows do not Exceedingly Promote Religion, 1661. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #27.
"A Puritan sermon on a much neglected means to spiritual victory, ecclesiastical revival, and national reformation." -- Publisher
Innes, Taylor, The law of Creeds in Scotland: A Treatise on the Relations of Churches in Scotland Established and not Established to the Civil law, 1902 and 1867.
Kelly, Douglas F., Philip B. Rollinson, and Frederick T. Marsh, The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English, ISBN: 0875525482 9780875525488.
"Since its completion in 1647 the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM has been unsurpassed as a concise tool for teaching the Reformed understanding of Scripture. Though the truths of the catechism are unchanging, the English language has undergone many changes, which have made using the catechism in its original form increasingly difficult." -- Publisher
Keyes, Kenneth Scofield, C. Gregg Singer, George Aiken Taylor, E.C. Scott, and B. Hoyt Evans, A Manual for new Members [Presbyterian Church in America -- compiler], 33 pages. "Reprinted from The Presbyterian Journal."
Contents: I. The story of Presbyterianism / C. Gregg Singer -- II. What Presbyterians believe / G. Aiken Taylor -- III. Presbyterian government / E.C. Scott -- IV. Joining the Presbyterian Church / B. Hoyt Evans -- Appendix. The creed of Presbyterians -- The Westminster Assembly, 1643-1648 -- A brief history of the developments in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (Southern) which led to the formation of the Presbyterian Church in America / by Kenneth S. Keys [sic] -- PCA vision 2000 presented to the 1987 General Assembly.
Knox, John (1505-1572), Scottish Confession of Faith, 1560. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #17.
"The CONFESSION was the first Subordinate Standard for the Protestant church in Scotland. With frank outspokenness, Knox focuses on the central doctrines of election and the Church. Warning against all sects of heresy and all teachers of erroneous doctrine, this narrative presents the truth that is confessed in historical form. His conviction and his fiery personality brought the Gospel back to Scotland and continue to inspire many today to take a stand for the truth of the Gospel, regardless of adversity or cost.
"A good primer on Christian church history!" -- Reader's Comment
Scottish Confession of Faith, 1560
Kuyvenhoven, Andrew, Comfort and Joy: A Study of the Heidelberg Catechism, ISBN: 0930265572 9780930265571.
"Originally published as one-page installments in The Banner, Kuyvenhoven provides explanations of, and insights into, the 52 Lord's Days of this, the Heidelberg Confession." -- GCB
Lockman, Vic, The Westminster Shorter Catechism With Cartoons, ISBN: 0936175281 9780936175287.
Lockman, Vic, The Worship Principle: Elements and Circumstances. Alternate title: HOW SHALL WE WORSHIP GOD? A CATECHISM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.
Lye, Thomas, By What Scriptural Rules may Catechizing be so Managed, as That it may Become Most Universally Profitable, a sermon on Prov. xxii. 6. [Proverbs 22:6]
Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #22.
*Manton, Thomas (1620-1677), Family Worship: Mr. Thomas Manton's Epistle to the Reader of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: DIRECTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONCERNING SECRET AND PRIVATE WORSHIP AND MUTUAL EDIFICATION FOR CHERISHING PIETY, FOR MAINTAINING UNITY AND AVOIDING SCHISM AND DIVISION (1646). Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #11.
"Manton was a covenanted English Presbyterian (he swore the Solemn League and Covenant). He was also chosen to write the 'Epistle to the Reader' in THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH, 1646, which speaks volumes as to his credibility among the preachers and scholars of his day." -- Publisher
Mr. Thomas Manton's Epistle to the Reader of the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and Larger and Shorter Catechisms
Martin, Thomas, Jesus 'Crowned With Glory and Honour.' Prize Catechism on the Principles and Position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.
McDonald, John, Romanism Analysed in the Light of Scripture, Reason, and History: An Examination, in Catechetical Form, of the Errors of Popery, 1894.
McLeod (M'Leod), Alexander (1774-1833), The Ecclesiastical Catechism, Being a Series of Questions Relative to the Christian Church Stated and Answered With the Scripture Proofs, 1806. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #23.
M'Crie, Charles Greig (1836-1910), The Confessions of the Church of Scotland, 1907.
Miller, Samuel (1769-1850), Doctrinal Integrity: The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions and Adherence to Our Doctrinal Standards. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Miller deals with the necessity of written creeds and subscription to them. He shows that the principle doctrines of Scripture are proclaimed in the Westminster Standards and answers common objections against confessions. Creedalism is inescapable, thus this book is of prime importance for those interested in the purity and peace of the church. . . . Related items include: Gentry's USEFULNESS OF CREEDS or OUR REFORMATION HERITAGE." -- Publisher
"With the turbulent decades of the 1820's and 1830's, Miller arose to defend the doctrine and order of the Westminster Standards. His most prominent statements on doctrinal purity are found in his book CREEDS AND CONFESSIONS and his open letters on "Adherence to Our Doctrinal Standards." This book contains these writings." -- GCB
Doctrinal Integrity: The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions and Adherence to our Doctrinal Standards
Mitchell, Alexander F. (1822-1899), Catechisms of the Second Reformation (1886), ISBN: 9070009315 9789070009311. Later published as RUTHERFORD'S CATECHISM CONTAINING THE SUM OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION, ISBN: 0951148435 9780951148433. Preface and editing by James A. Dickson. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #10.
"Part 1: The Shorter Catechism and its Puritan Precursors. Part 2: Rutherford's and other Scottish Catechisms of the same epoch. Includes a historical introduction and biographical notices. Explains the composition and sources of the Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly. Gives specimens of the Catechisms which were previously in use among the doctrinal Puritans in England and Scotland and those laid before the Assembly. Mitchell was Professor of Ecclesiastical History at the University of St. Andrews." -- Publisher
Catechisms of the Second Reformation . . . (1886)
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
*Mitchell, Alexander F. (1822-1899), The Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, ISBN: 0837087732 9780837087733. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"William Hetherington has written: 'Every person who has directed his attention to the events of the seventeenth century, whether with regard to their civil or their religious aspect, has felt that it was impossible fully to understand either the one or the other line of study, without taking into view the character of the Westminster Assembly, the purpose for which it met, and the result of its deliberations . . . The man who penetrates a little deeper into the nature of those unrevealed but powerful influences which move a nation's mind, and mould its destinies, will be ready to direct his attention more profoundly to the objects and deliberations of an assembly which met at a moment so critical, and was comprised of the great master-minds of the age; and the theologian who has learned to view religion as the vital principle of human nature, equally in nations and in the individual man, will not easily admit that weak idea, that such an assembly could have been an isolated event, but will be disposed earnestly to inquire what led to its meeting, and what important consequences followed. And although the subject has not hitherto been investigated with such a view, it may, we trust, be possible to prove, that it was the most important event in the century in which it occurred; and that it has exerted, and in all probability will yet exert, a far more wide and permanent influence upon both the civil and the religious history of mankind than has generally been ever imagined.' (Hetherington, History of the Westminster Assembly, pp. 16-17). Beattie, (Memorial Volume, p. xxxv, 1879), called this book, 'perhaps the best single popular book on the Assembly yet published.' Read this rare item and find out why. Limited stock remaining. When our hardcover stock is depleted we will substitute a 'bound photocopy' edition in its place, at the same low price, unless you instruct us otherwise.
"In the first three lectures, the author has given a succinct account of English Puritanism from its origin to the meeting of the Westminster Assembly, and in the tenth lecture, he has given a similar account of the history of doctrine in the British Churches during the same period. The seven intervening lectures were prepared in accord with the author's desire to complete his researches on the Westminster Assembly. Throughout this work, Mitchell has endeavored to give prominence to aspects of this magnificent period in Puritan history which have hitherto been generally overlooked and to treat more briefly of those which have been previously dwelt on -- making this the ideal companion volume to Hetherington's THE HISTORY OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES and Gillespie's notes taken at this assembly (found in his WORKS). Moreover, Mitchell writes in an irenic manner, making this a perfect introductory volume to Puritanism and the work of the Assembly. Mitchell notes the importance of the Westminster Assembly in the following manner, 'Richard Baxter, who was perhaps as competent as any of their contemporaries to give an impartial verdict, does not hesitate to affirm that 'the divines there congregated were men of eminent learning and godliness, ministerial ability and fidelity; and being not worthy,' he modestly adds, 'to be one of them myself, I may the more freely speak that truth which I know, even in the face of malice and envy, that so far as I am able to judge by the information of all history . . . the Christian world since the days of the apostles had never a Synod of more excellent divines.' (p. 118). Thus, it has been noted by many, that next to the Scripture itself, there is probably more to be gained from the study of this segment of history (and the works of the men God called to produce the Puritan intellect and the Westminster family of documents), than any other single period of history -- right up to the present era. Mitchell's account of this age of brilliance is a veritable information cornucopia in which all lovers of Puritanism, the Westminster Assembly, and especially the truth of Christ (which these our forefathers in the faith so boldly proclaimed), can readily take delight! 'The Westminster Assembly, if it does not form a landmark in the history of our common Protestantism, must at least be admitted to constitute an epoch, and a notable one, in the history of Puritanism,' notes Mitchell." -- Publisher
Morris, Edward D., Nature and use of Creeds, 1900. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
This is the first chapter of THEOLOGY OF THE WESTMINSTER SYMBOLS: A COMMENTARY HISTORICAL, DOCTRINAL, PRACTICAL, ON THE CONFESSION OF FAITH AND CATECHISM AND THE RELATED FORMULARIES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES which is "a good defense of the necessity of creeds, the importance of doctrine, the formulation of creeds, historic development, theories of subscription, etc." -- Publisher
Netherlands Reformed Church [Synod of Dort], Canons of Dort [Dordt], (1618-19), 1619. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Netherlands Reformed Congregations, Doctrinal Standards of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations: Consisting of the Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort [Dordt] to Which are Appended the Ecumenical Creeds, the Compendium and the Church Order. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Netherlands Reformed Church [Synod of Dort], Canons of Dort [Dordt], (1618-19), 1619.
Owen, John (1616-1683), The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ Unfolded in two Short Catechisms: Wherein Those Principles of Religion are Explained, the Knowledge Whereof is Required by the Late Ordinance of Parliament, Before any Person be Admitted to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper: For the use of Several Congregations. Available in THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN.
Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), and Gary A. Parrett, Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-fashioned way, ISBN: 9780801068386 080106838X.
"Historically, the church's ministry of grounding new believers in the essentials of the faith has been known as catechesis -- systematic instruction in faith foundations, including what we believe, how we pray and worship, and how we conduct our lives. For most evangelicals today, however, this very idea is an alien concept. Packer and Parrett, concerned for the state of the church, seek to inspire a much needed evangelical course correction. This new book makes the case for a recovery of significant catechesis as a nonnegotiable practice of churches, showing the practice to be complementary to, and of no less value than, Bible study, expository preaching, and other formational ministries, and urging evangelical churches to find room for this biblical ministry for the sake of their spiritual health and vitality. . . .
"J.I. Packer (1926-2020) is Board of Governors' Professor of Theology at Regent College and an senior editor for Christianity Today. Best known for his bestselling classic KNOWING GOD, Packer is the author or editor of more than fifty books.
"Gary A. Parrett is professor of educational ministries and worship at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the coauthor of A MANY COLORED KINGDOM and TEACHING THE FAITH, FORMING THE FAITHFUL." -- Publisher
Palmer, Samuel, The Protestant-dissenter's Catechism: Containing, I. A Brief History of the Nonconformists; II. The Reason of the Dissent From the National Church. Designed to Instruct and Establish Young Persons Among the Dissenters in the Principles of Nonconformity, the ninth edition, 1792.
"The catechism was undertaken at the request of several ministers, who wanted a supplement to the Westminster Shorter Catechism giving the grounds of dissent. The manuscript was revised by Philip Furneaux and Job Orton, and published in 1772. Its two sections deal with the history and principles of nonconformity. It was successful, reaching a third edition in 1773, and saw additions and revisions by various editors; the 29th edition was published in 1890. A translation into Welsh was first published in 1775. An edition adapted for Irish Presbyterians was published at Belfast, 1824. It was too long for its original purpose, and Palmer issued THE PROTESTANT DISSENTERS' SHORTER CATECHISM -- a Supplement to the Assembly's, 1783." -- Publisher
Paul, John (1777-1848), Creeds and Confessions Defended: and Attacks Made on Covenanters, Seceders, &c. Repelled, in a Series of Letters Addressed to the Anonymous Author of "The Battle of the Two Dialogues," 1819.
Paul, Robert S., The Assembly of the Lord: Politics and Religion in the Westminster Assembly and the Grand Debate, ISBN: 0567085597 9780567085597.
"Too bad this excellent book is so expensive. It is the kind of book that anybody interested in the background of the Westminster Assembly would enjoy reading. Detailed, scholarly, and thoroughly documented. We think it is well worth the price for the understanding that it imparts." -- GCB
*Perkins, William (1558-1602), An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer, in the way of Catechising Seruing for Ignorant People. By W. Perkins, 1592. Available (THE FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION GATHERED INTO FIXED PRINCIPLES, 1608), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Pribble, Stephen, and The Westminster Assembly of Divines (1643-1652), Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION (1646), LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
Price, Greg L., Why Creeds are a Biblical Necessity, [audio file]. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Ridgeley, Thomas, and John Wilson (editor), Commentary on the Larger Catechism, 1731, ISBN: 0921148305 9780921148302. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Originally entitled: A BODY OF DIVINITY: WHEREIN THE DOCTRINES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION ARE EXPLAINED AND DEFENDED. BEING THE SUBSTANCE OF SEVERAL LECTURES ON THE ASSEMBLY'S LARGER CATECHISM, we have re-titled it to better reflect its contents for contemporary readers. Consisting of over 1300 pages, this massive and extensive two-volume commentary on the WESTMINSTER LARGER CATECHISM is unrivaled in scope or extensiveness. Ridgeley himself notes, in 'The Author's Preface' (p. ix), 'The work is large, but the vast variety of subjects will render it more tolerable. . . . especially since it is rather designed to be read in families than committed to memory . . .' The editor of this edition, John Wilson, pronounces Ridgeley's work as 'the best book of its class,' stating, 'no book in the English language, or, so far as I know, in any other, will serve so efficiently the purposes of a daily companion to a reflecting Christian in his inquiries into Divine truth, or a guide to a candidate for the Christian ministry in introducing him to his theological studies (p. xi). 'In 1731 appeared the first edition of Mr. Ridgeley's great work -- that in connection with which chiefly his name lives in history, and whose influence, as an instrument of good, will probably render him celebrated and useful for generations to come . . .(p. xxii).' Moreover he continues, 'a taste, however, for the racy and substantial theological writings of the days of Britain's moral giants has of late revived; and it will scarcely fail to adopt, as one of the richest dishes of its multifarious banquet for the intellect and the soul, Dr. Ridgeley's Body of Divinity (p. xxi).'
"Additionally, Wilson concludes his 'Life of the Author' with these words, 'His method of reasoning he has adapted to the capacities of those who are unacquainted with the abstruse terms made use of by metaphysicians and schoolmen, and when introduced into subjects of theology, have a tendency rather to perplex than to improve the mind. His scheme of divinity is evidently Calvinistic; but; then, he has explained his subjects with so much moderation and latitude, as to obviate many of the objections raised against the system of doctrines that passes under that name. Upon the whole, it is probable that the English language does not furnish a work of this nature that, for perspicuity of language, extent of research, accuracy of judgment, and judicious description of the numerous subjects that fall under examination, any way equals this work of Dr. Ridgeley . . . he was accounted one of the most considerable divines of his age' (emphasis added, p. xxiii)." -- Publisher
Ridgley, Thomas (1667?-1734), and John M. Wilson, A Body of Divinity: Wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are Explained and Defended: Being the Substance of Several Lectures on the Assembly's Larger Catechism (1855), vol. 1 of 2.
Ridgley, A Body of Divinity: Wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are Explained and Defended, vol. 2 of 2.
Westminster Larger Catechism With Proof Texts
*Roberts, William Louis (1798-1864), The Duty of Nations, in Their National Capacity, to Acknowledge and Support the True Religion, 1853. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1, #27.
"Excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM below, this book deals with the inescapable necessity, of the demand found in the Word of God, for the Civil establishment of Christ as King and Lawgiver over every nation on earth. If you are sick of the cease-fire with humanism, set forth by the syncretistic, Satanic and pragmatic pagan politicians of our day (those who bargain with votaries of Antichrist [the Pope], publicly tolerate all manner of false religions (e.g. Islam) and idolatry, and comprise their policy and draw their pretended authority from the beast [and not the Word of God], this book is for you! For all pagan politics is summed up in the words of the Cameronian (Covenanter) political philosopher Alexander Shields, as 'rotting away under the destructive distempers of detestable neutrality, loathsome lukewarmness, declining, and decaying in corruptions, defections, divisions, distractions, confusions; and so judicially infatuated with darkness and delusions, that they forget and forego the necessary testimony of the day.' (A Hind let Loose, 1797 edition, p. 20). Pick up this book and begin the political walk in the 'footsteps of the flock,' traveling the covenanting road of Reformation and Scripture (with the magisterial Reformers of the past)!" -- Publisher
On the Duty of Covenanting and the Permanent Obligations of Religious Covenants
Being Section 11 in THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM by William L. Roberts
A Hind let Loose; Or An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland. . . . by Mr. Alexander Shields, Minister of the Gospel, in St. Andrews
A Hind let Loose: or, An Historical Representation of the Testimonies of the Church of Scotland, for the Interest of Christ: With the True State Thereof in all its Periods, Shields, Alexander
Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, William L. Roberts D.D.
*Roberts, William Louis (1798-1864), The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, ISBN: 0524065543 9780524065549. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available from ATLA 1991-2638.
A magnificent catechism that sets forth the Crown Rights of The King of Glory and Lord of Lords. It also presents incontrovertible evidence that the United States Constitution is not a Christian document, and that it is, in fact, a slavery document.
"A manual of instruction, drawing from such notable authors as William Symington and J.R. Willson, presenting arguments and facts confirming and illustrating the 'Distinctive Principles' of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Chapters deal with: 'Christ's Mediatorial Dominion in General;' Christ's Exclusive Headship Over the Church;' 'The Supreme and Ultimate Authority of the Word of God in the Church;' Civil Government, the Moral Ordinance of God;' Christ's Headship Over the Nations;' 'The Subjection of the Nations to God and to Christ;' The Word, or Revealed Will of God, the Supreme Law in the State;' 'The Duty of Nations, in Their National Capacity, to Acknowledge and Support the True Religion:' 'The Spiritual Independence of the Church of Christ:' 'The Right and Duty of Dissent From an Immoral Constitution of Civil Government;' 'The Duty of Covenanting, and the Permanent Obligations of Religious Covenants;' 'The Application of These Principles to the Governments, Where Reformed Presbyterians Reside, in the Form of a Practical Testimony;' and finally 'Application of the Testimony to the British Empire. . . '." -- Publisher
Reformed Presbyterian Catechism, William L. Roberts D.D.
On the Mediatorial Dominion of The Lord Jesus Christ, excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM.
The Exclusive Headship of The Lord Jesus Christ Over the Church of God, excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM.
Civil Government the Moral Ordinance of God, excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM.
On Christ's Headship Over the Nations, excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM.
The Subjection of the Nations to God and to Christ, excerpted from THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CATECHISM.
*Rushdoony, Rousas John (1916-2001), The Foundations of Social Order: Studies in the Creed and Councils of the Early Church, ISBN: 1879998122 9781879998124. Available through Exodus Books.
"Tampering with our basic social order is tampering with the religious beliefs that underlie it." -- GCB
"One of the seminal works of Christian scholarship, by one of the few men who actually believed that the Bible is authoritative. A study in the early Church's battles with various forms of heresy, that were then put down in creeds. But Rushdoony does something more: he puts these creeds in philosophical context, showing that these creeds actually do much more than simply make a statement about the faith.
"Should be read in conjunction with his THE ONE AND THE MANY." -- Reader's Comment
*Schaff, Philip (1819-1893), The Creeds of Christendom, 3 volumes.
"First published in 1877, and later reprinted in 1919. Describes the history of the creeds, and provides a critical appraisal of them. Includes the intrigue surrounding the framing of the creeds, the insights contained in the creeds, and their influence on church history. Volume 1 traces the origin of the creeds from the earliest times to the Wesleyan revival. Volume 2 deals with the creeds in their original form, and Volume 3 contains the evangelical Protestant creeds, with a translation of each." -- Cyril J. Barber
Schaff, Philip (1819-1893), The Harmony of the Reformed Confessions, as Related to the Present State of the Evangelical Theology. An Essay Delivered Before the General Presbyterian Council at Edinburgh, July 4, 1877, Together With the Action of the Council on Confessions and Formulas of Subscription. 1877.
*Shaw, Robert (1795-1863), and W.M. Hetherington (1803-1865 introduction), An Exposition of the Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1845. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
" 'All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes William Hetherington in THE HISTORY OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. The WCF [1646] is without a doubt the greatest human confession ever written, 'being the chiefest part of that uniformity in religion, which by the Solemn League and Covenant' the British Isles are bound, even to this day, to uphold and defend -- in both church and state! Shaw's Exposition is the standard work on the WCF [1646], for he admittedly states 'that he has not found it necessary to differ from the compilers of the Confession in any one point of doctrine.' This edition includes an introductory essay by Hetherington defending the use of Confessions in general and the WCF [1646] in particular. Hetherington also gives a brief outline of the historical context of the period in which the WCF [1646] was composed while demonstrating the harmonious nature of the Reformational Creeds and Confessions." -- Publisher
The Reformed Faith: An Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith [1646], by Robert Shaw with an introductory essay by WM.M. Hetherington
Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700), The History of Scotch-presbytery Being an Epitome of The Hind let Loose / by Mr. Shields; With a Preface by a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland, 1692.
Simms, Samuel, The Covenanter's Catechism, or, An Exposition of the Scriptural Doctrine of Public Social, or National Covenanting: With an Examination of the British Covenants, and Their Bearing Upon the Present Position of Affairs, Civil and Ecclesiastic. Alternate title: EXPOSITION OF THE SCRIPTURAL DOCTRINE OF PUBLIC SOCIAL, OR NATIONAL COVENANTING.
Smith, Harold, The Creeds; Their History, Nature and use, 1912.
*Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892), Spurgeon's Catechism: A Puritan Catechism.
Spurgeon's Catechism: A Puritan Catechism
Synod of Dort [Dordt], The Canon Ratified in the National Synod of the Reformed Church Held at Dordrecht (1618-1619). Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #18. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"This classic Dutch Reformed standard, proclaiming the five points of Calvinism [the 'T-U-L-I-P' decrees on the five main points of doctrine in dispute in the Netherlands: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints], refuted and condemned the Remonstrance (protest) found in the five Arminian articles of 1610, written by Johanness Uytenbogaert. Includes, for comparison, the five Arminian articles also." -- Publisher
"As far as I am able to judge by the information in all history of that kind, the Christian world, since the day of the Apostles, had never a synod of more excellent divines (take one thing with another), than this Synod [The Westminster Assembly], and the Synod of Dort [Dordt], were." -- Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
"Theological liberalism at heart has been a continuing protest against Calvinism, particularly against its insistence on the Sovereignty of God and the Total Depravity of the race. These two Biblical doctrines have often proved to be a stumbling block to theologians within the church as well as to the unbelieving world." -- C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Interpretation of American History, p. 290
Thompson, Owen F., Scotland Through her Character Windows: A Catechetical Exposition of Covenanter History, 1923.
"The Heidelberg Catechism was largely the work of Ursinus; thus it is easy to see why this commentary is considered the classic work explaining it. This is the second American edition of 1851, which was translated from the 1616 Latin edition." -- Publisher
Ursinus, Zacharias (1534-1583), Oration to the Study of Divinity, Together With the Manifold Use of Catechism, 1633. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Van Bruggen, Jakob, Annotations to the Heidelberg Catechism, ISBN: 0921100337 9780921100331.
*VanderKemp (Van der Kemp), Johannes, The Christian Entirely the Property of Christ, in Life and Death: Exhibited in Fifty-three Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism, ISBN: 9781142354152 1142354156. See: "all editions" in
The Christian Entirely the Property of Christ in Life and Death (Free download, Kindle format)
Van Dyken, Donald, Rediscovering Catechism: The art of Equipping Covenant Children, ISBN: 0875524648 9780875524641.
Verhey, Allen, Living the Heidelberg: The Heidelberg Catechism and the Moral Life, ISBN: 0930265211 9780930265212.
"What does this 16th century document have to say to modern Calvinists about the social-ethical issues raised by our changing multiracial, multiform society? Dr. Verhey answers that question by contending it speaks unequivocally to many of the social issues of our day." -- GCB
*Vincent, Thomas (1634-1678), Shorter Catechism Explained From Scripture. Alternate title: THE SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY EXPLAINED AND PROVED FROM SCRIPTURE, ISBN: 085151314X. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Forty Puritans including John Owen, Thomas Manton, Thomas Brooks and Thomas Watson recommended this useful volume as a very worth aid for family instruction. This volume gives parents very simple explanations to take their children through the Westminster Shorter Catechism."
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Warfield, B.B. (1851-1921), The Westminster Assembly and its Work.
"Much excellent and amazing information is contained in this volume defending the greatest of Reformed standards concerning many of its most important points. Extremely pertinent for today are the chapters dealing with inspiration, God's decree (absolute sovereignty), and the Holy Spirit." -- CBD
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), Body of Divinity: Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism, ISBN: 0851511449. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The first book published by the Trust, this has been one of the bestsellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications . . . It deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian faith . . . It is based on the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, in which the main principles of Christianity that lie scattered in the Scriptures are brought together and set forth in the form of question and answer. This catechism is unsurpassed for its 'terse exactitude of definition' and 'logical elaboration' of the fundamentals. . . . Watson conveys his thorough doctrinal and experimental knowledge of the truth in such an original, concise, pithy, pungent, racy, rich, and illustrative style that he is rightly regarded as the most readable of the Puritans." -- Publisher
"As an introduction to Puritan theology, as a short and sweet course in Christian doctrine, as devotional reading, and as a preacher's gold-mine, Watson's work can hardly be praised too highly." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
"Contains Watson's exposition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, excluding the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments." -- GCB
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Watson, A Body of Practical Divinity Sermons on the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, also Select Sermons on Various Subjects, Together with The Art of Divine Contentment, and Christ's Various Fulness (1859)
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Lord's Prayer, ISBN: 0851511457. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Watson's three works on the Westminster Shorter Catechism is concluded by his exposition of the Lord's Prayer. In this book he analyses in detail the Preface to the prayer and the six petitions. His treatment of the second petition ('thy Kingdom come'), is exceptionally full and illuminating. This book affords instruction and practical help to praying Christians." -- Publisher
"A full and powerful Puritan exposition of the Lord's Prayer. So excellent that it may be without equal." -- GCB
"A part of the writer's famous BODY OF DIVINITY. An excellent exposition combining sound doctrine with practical application." -- Cyril J. Barber
The Lord's Prayer, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), The Ten Commandments, ISBN: 0851516815. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"In this book Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in London during the Puritan era . . . The series of three volumes, of which this is the second (the BODY OF DIVINITY is first and THE LORD'S PRAYER third), makes an ideal introduction to Puritan literature. There are few matters about which the Puritans differ more from present-day Christians than in their assessment of the importance of the Ten Commandments. The Commandments, they held, are the first thing in Christianity which the natural man needs to be taught and they should be the daily concern of the Christian to the last. In this book Watson examines the moral law as a whole as well as bringing out the meaning and force of each particular commandment. In view of the important function of the law in Christian life and evangelism, this is a most valuable volume." -- Publisher
"Excellent study. Highly recommended for personal and group study. The need for understanding the Law of God is always of great importance for the Christian. Watson is an excellent expositor of it." -- GCB
"The most famous commentary on the Ten Commandments was by Lancelot Andrews (1555-1626), a huge folio." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
The Ten Commandments, Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Assembly (1643-1652), The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), [completed and first printed in 1646, approved by the Assembly, August 27, 1647, Session 23 -- compiler] (Glasgow, Scotland: Free Presbyterian Publication [133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE], 1994), ISBN: 0902506080 (case-bound), and ISBN: 0902506358 (paperback). Among the ten greatest works in the English language. Available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Also available (THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) with all its subordinate documents in searchable format) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, With the Scripture Proofs at Large: Together With The sum of Saving Knowledge (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms), and Practical use Thereof, Covenants National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church-government, &c. of Public Authority in the Church of Scotland, With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, Relative to, and Approbative of the Same (1757) [the original version of 1646, prior to the changes of the "American Version" of 1789 -- compiler]
" 'The product of Puritan conflict,' stated Shedd, reaching 'a perfection of statement never elsewhere achieved.' All that learning the most profound and extensive, intellect the most acute and searching, and piety the most sincere and earnest, could accomplish, was thus concentrated in the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith, which may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church,' writes Hetherington (1803-1865), (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345).
"Concerning The Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell notes: 'it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms.' (Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, p. 431).
"THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (1646) is the greatest of all the creeds of the Christian church. The church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define and proclaim the one true faith. Nowhere has the Reformed church done this so effectively as in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION, and family of documents. This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the Covenanted Reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles." -- Publisher
This is considered to be the definitive publication of the Westminster family of documents. It includes the following:
*Westminster Divines (1643-1653), The Shorter Catechism With Scripture Proofs (Carlisle, PA [P.O. Box 621, Carlisle 17013, USA]: The Banner of Truth Trust), ISBN: 0851512658. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Arguably the greatest tract ever created, all factors considered.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
*Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
See also: "The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646, The Westminster Standards), and Related Works: A Study Guide"
*Westminster Divines (1643-1653), Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) With Scripture Proofs
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Westminster Divines (1643-1653), Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
Whitecross, John, The Shorter Catechism Illustrated, ISBN: 1932474080 9781932474084.
The Shorter Catechism Illustrated, John Whitecross
Illustrations of the Shorter Catechism for children and youth (1864), Jonathan Cross [Whitecross -- compiler]
*Williamson, G.I. (Gerald Irvin), The Westminster Confession of Faith [1646] for Study Classes, ISBN: 0875525385. A Christian classic.
"The most thorough work on the Confession since A.A. Hodge." -- William Grier.
"Describes the Christian faith. You will also find this treatment excellent in coverage and application to contemporary living. Examples of divergent doctrine, problems with other philosophy and cultural standards are presented. The arguments and Q&A after each section makes it practical for knowing and living a Christian life. This is not feel-good theology, but how intelligent and responsible people can seek to understand the breadth of scripture in a concise book." -- Publisher
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Alternate title: SCRIPTURE INDEX TO THE WESTMINSTER STANDARDS. Available on Library of Presbyterian Heritage Publications and Protestant Heritage Press. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Complete Scripture Index to the Westminster Confession (1646), Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Bordwine, James, A Guide to the Westminster Standards: Confession of Faith and Larger Catechism (Unicoi, TN: (The Trinity Foundation), ISBN: 0940931303 9780940931305.
Includes a unique, 100-page topical index to both the Confession and the Catechism.
*Williamson, G.I., and Paul Gunter Settle, Catechism for Young Children: An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism. Alternate title: FIRST CATECHISM. ISBN: 0934688680 9780934688680.
"FIRST CATECHISM is a primer on the Christian faith in general and the Reformed faith in particular. It is intended to be used with children, beginning at the earliest age feasible.
"The structure and content are drawn from the CATECHISM FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, originally published in 1840 by Joseph P. Engels. His work was an effort to introduce and simplify the concepts of the
Shorter Catechism -- one part of the Westminster Standards, which serve as the doctrinal foundation of Presbyterians worldwide.
"In this adaptation, we have incorporated changes in vocabulary, grammar and the sequence of questions to make the catechism clearer and more accessible to young children. Where possible, the more personal first- or second-person pronouns are used.
"Catechizing -- systematic instruction using simple questions and answers -- is a tried and effective tool for spiritual nurture. In the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition, this has been a common form for expressing and memorizing key elements of the Bible and our system of doctrine. The objective of FIRST CATECHISM is to make that process work better and with greater dynamic impact in the lives of the learners.
"Ideally, covenant children should begin learning the answers from FIRST CATECHISM as they begin to talk. By so doing, they will add to their vocabulary the words that reflect biblical truth and especially the doctrines of grace. This will prepare them to take on a Godward perspective toward themselves, God and his creation.
"It should be regarded as a stepping stone for young people to later study the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM.
"FIRST CATECHISM teaches children to know, love and serve God.
"Our prayer is that the fruit will be a desire in them to fulfill man's chief end -- to glorify God and enjoy him forever." -- Preface
New First Catechism to Go: Beginning Discipleship in the Christian Faith
"Interactive PDF to use on all devices."
See also: The inspiration and infallibility of scripture (the doctrine of revelation, the doctrine of plenary inspiration, the doctrine of divine inspiration, the doctrine of verbal inspiration, theopneustia, sufficiency of scripture), Reconciliation of relationships, The westminster confession of faith (1647, westminster standards) and related works, Commentaries on the westminster standards including the westminster confession of faith, the larger catechism, and the shorter catechism, The westminster assembly, The shorter catechism, The larger catechism, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, The westminster standards, Sharing christ with your children, Covenant theology and covenanting, The scottish reformation, and so forth, and so on.
The Belgic Confession
Bible Presbyterian Church Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
The Cambridge Declaration
Catechism for Young Children: An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism
The Chicago Statement of Inerrancy [infallibility -- compiler]
A Commentary on the Shorter Catechism, Alexander Whyte
Creeds and Confessions
The Danvers Statement
The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)
An Exposition of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, John Flavel
Heidelberg Confession (1560) With Scripture Proofs
Of Man's Chief end and Happiness, Rev. Thomas Boston
The Reformed Faith: An Exposition of The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), by Robert Shaw With an Introductory Essay by William M. Hetherington (1803-1865)
"Rethinking the Apostles' Creed," Clifton R. Loucks, The Trinity Review, Number 218, April 2003.
The Significance of The Westminster Standards as a Creed
Small Children's Catechism
The Synod of Dordt (1619)
The Synod of Dort [Dordt], (1619)
Mr. Thomas Manton's Epistle to the Reader of the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and Larger and Shorter Catechisms
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Reformation Confessions, Catechisms and Other Judicially Binding Documents, a tract
*Westminster Shorter Catechism
"The Shorter Catechism, With the Assembly's Proof Texts."
Free downloadable PDF file.
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project: Body of Divinity Contained in Sermons Upon the Assembly's Catechism by the Rev. Thomas Watson
Westminster Shorter Catechism With Proof Texts
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
"Click on any of the individual questions below to get the answer and Biblical references, as well as links to works by John Flavel, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, James Fisher, and John Whitecross, and others."
See the Theological Notes: "The Wisdom and Will of God," at Daniel 2:20 in The Reformation Study Bible.But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5:14)
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
See also: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, James, and so forth, and so on.
I now see that godliness is more than the outside and the ornaments and the deckings of this world. Who knoweth the truth of grace without a trial? Not one! O, how little Christ getteth of us but that which He winneth with much toil and pains! And how soon faith would freeze without a cross! -- 31 Days With Samuel Rutherford
Calvin, John, Sermons on Job, ISBN: 0851516440 9780851516448.
*Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673), An Exposition of Job, 367 pages.
"An abridgment of the author's famous 8-volume work. Retains sufficient seed thoughts to prod the thinking of any preacher." -- Cyril J. Barber
Joseph Caryl preached on Job for 20 years. Some have said his work is the only satisfactory commentary on the book of Job.
*Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673), Joel R. Beeke, and Randall J. Pederson, An Exposition With Practical Observations Upon the Book of Job, 12 volumes, ISBN: 1892777509 9781892777508 1892777541 9781892777546. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Caryl preached on Job for 20 years. Some have said his work is the only satisfactory commentary on the book of Job.
"The pinnacle of Puritan preaching and devotion, Joseph Caryl's 12 volume, 8600 plus page exposition of Job is now heading for a limited edition printing. . . . These are the full 12 volumes totally unabridged. . . .
"C.H. Spurgeon said, 'Caryl will not exhaust the patience of a student who is a lover of every letter of the Word . . . it would be a mistake to suppose that he is at all prolix or redundant; he is only full. In the course of expounding he has illustrated a very large portion of Bible with great clearness and power. He is deeply devotional and spiritual. His work can scarcely be superseded or surpassed'." -- Publisher
"Cotton Mather's assessment, that these sermons [Caryl on Job] belong alongside Greenhill on Ezekiel, Burroughs on Hosea, Owen on Hebrews, and Manton on James, can still be made." -- Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas, professor of Systematic and Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
Durham, James (1622-1658), and Christopher Coldwell, Lectures on Job, (extracts), ISBN: 0941075206 9780941075206. Alternate title: EXTRACTS FROM DURHAM ON JOB.
Durham, James, Lectures on Job (extracts)
*Gibson, Edgar C.S., The Book of Job, 3rd edition, ISBN: 0837032628 9780837032627.
"A valuable exposition. Deserves a place in the library of every pastor." -- Cyril J. Barber
Job, John B., Job Speaks to us Today, ISBN: 0804201323 9780804201322.
Morris, Henry M., The Remarkable Record of Job: The Ancient Wisdom, Scientific Accuracy, and Life-Changing Message of an Amazing Book, ISBN: 0801062381 9780801062384.
"Written from the creationist perspective, Morris demonstrates that the primary message of Job is not to explain suffering but rather to emphasize God's sovereignty in creation and providence. Morris reveals many surprising facts of modern science anticipated in Job." -- GCB
Various, Personal Suffering: Sermons on Job (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
A special collection of six audio cassette [audio file]. Sermons given at 10th Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia by Dr. Fuller covering the entire book. Contains: Job 1 -- The Lord has Taken Away: Receiving Suffering From God's Hand | Job 2,3 -- I Wish I Were Dead | Job 4,5 -- Job you Must Have Sinned | Job 6,7 -- All I Want is a Little Kindness | Job 8-10 -- God, You're so far Away | Job 11-14 -- If Death is all There is | Job 15-17 -- God has Worn me out | Job 18-21 -- My Redeemer Lives | Job 22-24 -- If Only I Could Find God | Job 35-41 -- God, why? | Job 42 -- Thou Can't do all Things.
See also: Job, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, James, and so forth, and so on.
See the Chapter Notes, "Theology of the Psalms," page 754, in The Reformation Study Bible.And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. (Luke 24:44)
Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. (Hebrews 2:12, quoting Psalm 22:22)
Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them. (Psalm 68:18)
We are a prodigal nation. See the entire commentary of John Calvin on Psalm 78, and see particularly his comments on Psalm 78:10,36,40,55,70,72.
The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. (Psalm 110:1)
The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. (Psalm 118:22)
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 4:24)
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. -- The Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:63)
The Treasury of David, Psalm 1, C.H. Spurgeon
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. (Psalm 1:1,2) Treasury of David, Psalm 37, C.H. Spurgeon
Fret not thyself because of evildoers,
neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
and wither as the green herb.
Trust in the LORD, and do good;
so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thyself also in the LORD;
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (Psalm 37:1-4) Treasury of David, Psalm 49, C.H. Spurgeon
Adams, James E., War Psalms. Alternate title: Alternate title: WAR PSALMS OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE: LESSONS FROM THE IMPRECATORY PSALMS. ISBN: 0875520936 9780875520933.
Foreword by Jay Edward Adams (of Westminster Theological Seminary), not to be confused with the author, James E. Adams.
"As to the number of imprecatory Psalms, there are differing opinions. Some scholars see as few as three, others as many as twenty. The reason for this difference is that there are a number of Psalms that contain elements of malediction. It seems to this writer that there are at least ten such Psalm: 7, 35, 55, 58, 69, 79, 83, 109, 137, and 139." -- W. Gary Crampton in What About the Imprecatory Psalms?
Other Psalms that might be considered imprecatory: 3 [Psalm 3], 6, 17, 28, 56, 64, 73, 83, 86, 90, 94, 102, 105, 140, and 142.
A personal listing of Psalms that have imprecatory content or undertones: Psalm 3, 5, 6, 7, 17, 27, 28, 35, 37, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 69, 70, 73, 78, 79, 83, 86, 90, 91, 94, 102, 105, 109, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, and 144.
Baker, Richard, Meditations and Disquisitions Upon the First Psalm, the Penitential Psalms, and Seven Consolatory Psalms.
"This great Puritan work appearing in 1639-1640 is a newer edition printed by Mrs. Spurgeon in 1882 and given as a conference gift." -- Lloyd T. Sprinkle
*Bridges, Charles (1794-1869), Psalm 119: An Exposition, ISBN: 0851511767 9780851511764. Alternate title: COMMENTARY ON PSALM 119.
"Worth its weight in gold. Though the work is neither learned or even original, we prize it for its surpassing grace and unction." -- C.H. Spurgeon
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), The Sufferings and Glories of the Messiah: An Exposition of Psalm XVIII, and Isaiah LII 13-LIII 12, [Psalm 18; Isaiah 52:13 -- Isaiah 53:12], ISBN: 0801007925 9780801007927. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Calvin's Commentary on The Book of Psalms,
Written near the end of his life. Highly recommended for mature Christians.
Calvin, Jean (John, 1509-1564), Heart Aflame: Daily Readings From Calvin on the Psalms, ISBN: 0875524583 9780875524580.
Excerpts from Calvin's commentary on Psalms.
"The book is broken into a year's worth of brief daily readings." -- Publisher
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), and Thomas Stocker, Two and Twentie Sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin: In Which Sermons is Most Religiously Handled, the Hundredth and Nineteenth Psalme [Psalm 119] of Dauid, by Eight Verses Aparte According to the Hebrewe ALphabet.
*Dickson, David (1583-1663), A Brief Explication of the Psalms, 1655, 2 volumes. Alternate title: A COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Charles Spurgeon calls this a 'rich volume, dropping fatness. Invaluable to the preacher. Having read and re-read it, we can speak of its holy savor and suggestiveness. We commend it with much fervor'." -- Commenting on Commentaries
"Spurgeon also commented, 'Dickson is a writer after our own heart, for preachers he is a great ally.' (Johnston, The Treasury of the Scottish Covenant, p. 314)
"Dickson worked on the DIRECTORY FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP with Calderwood and Henderson and on THE SUM OF SAVING KNOWLEDGE with Durham. THE TREASURY OF THE SCOTTISH COVENANT further notes,
An English merchant had occasion to visit Scotland about 1650. On his return he was asked what news he brought, when he replied: "Great and good news! I went to St. Andrews, where I heard a sweet majestic looking man -- Blair was his name -- who shewed me the majesty of God. After him I heard a little fair man, named Rutherford, and he shewed me the loveliness of Christ. I then went to Irvine, where I heard a well-favoured, proper old man, with a long beard -- his name was David Dickson -- and that man shewed me all my heart."Seeing 'all your heart' in the Psalms, through these works of Dickson's, makes these volumes a most valuable addition to any Christian's library. Wodrow's LIFE OF DICKSON is also included in this volume." -- Publisher
*Gouge, William (1578-1653), The Saints Sacrifice: or, A Commentarie on the CXVI Psalme. Which is, a Gratulatory Psalme, for Deliverance From Deadly Distresse, 1632, 144 pages [Psalm 116]. Available (THE WORKS OF WILLIAM GOUGE) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
" 'Sir, the last year, when the heavy hand of the righteous Lord lay upon this land and other parts of the Christian world, manifested by the three arrows of his anger, plague, famine, and sword, just cause was given to inquire after such means as might cure the wounds that were made by them, and move the Lord to withhold his hand from shooting abroad any more of them. Upon inquiry there was found in God's word (the treasury wherein all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid), fit remedies for all those maladies,' writes Gouge in his preface to the Earl of Warwick. In this book Gouge opens the Lord's treasure house (of Psalm 116), for deliverance from deadly distress and spiritual dilapidation." -- Publisher
Keller, Philip, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, ISBN: 9780310291428 0310291429.
*Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Faith on Trial, ISBN: 9781845503758 1845503759.
"Warm, devotional meditations on Psalm 73 showing how true joy may be found only in man's awareness of the presence of God." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Maclaren, Alexander, The Psalms, 3 volumes.
"A masterful treatment. Defends the messianic content of the Psalms, builds upon a detailed grammatical analysis of the text, provides valuable and informative historical material that supports the composition of many of these Psalms, and abounds in practical comments." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Manton, Thomas (1620-1677), Psalm 119, ISBN: 0851515762. See: THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON (Volumes 1 to 11). Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #4.
Perowne, J.J. Stewart, Commentary on the Psalms, ISBN: 0825434866 9780825434860 0825434858 9780825434853.
"In this classic exegetical work Perowne provides a complete background for every Psalm along with detailed exegesis and commentary. Includes notes on the Hebrew text, the ancient versions and other English translations. Scholarship is combined with profound spiritual perception." -- GCB
*Schaff, Philip (editor, 1819-1893), Church Fathers Series, 38 volumes.
*Schaff, Philip (editor), The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series.
*Schaff, Philip (editor), A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library CCEL CD-ROM 2000
Sommerville, William (1800-1878), The Exclusive Claims of David's Psalms, 1855.
Sommerville, William (1800-1878), The Psalms of David: Designed for Standing use, in the Church.
Sommerville, William (1800-1878), Treatise on Psalmody: Addressed to the Worshipers of God, ISBN: 1331181291 9781331181293.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), The Treasury of David, 3 volumes, ISBN: 0917006259 9780917006258. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The most important and practical work of the ages on the Psalter." -- Dr. Philip Schaff
"Spurgeon's own exposition appears under each verse; after that you'll find 'explanatory notes and quaint sayings' (illuminating quotes from Spurgeon's contemporaries as well as from the great Puritan expositors of the 17th and 18th centuries). Each Psalm closes with a short section of 'Hints to Preachers'." -- CBD
Recommended for daily devotions.
The Treasury of David
The Treasury of David (1881)
Thomas, Derek, Help for Hurting Christians, ISBN: 0852342845 9780852342848.
"Thomas examines nine Psalms and draws from them practical help and encouragement for many different aspects of the Christian's daily walk with God." -- GCB
Waltke, Bruce, The Book of Psalms (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
An extension study course for credit. Available on audio cassettes [audio file].
See also: The psalms in worship, Psalms: chants, responsorials, and scripture choruses, Praise, The regulative principle of worship, public worship, Special listings, psalms, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, and so forth, and so on.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)
Allchin, Ronald A., Sr., Ripening Sonship: "A Wise Father's Counsel to his Son," A Study in Proverbs for Sons, 129 pages plus appendix. Available from the author, 862 Thornton Lane, Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
"This workbook from the Proverbs is for fathers and sons to work through together. A dozen lessons tackle important areas of life: wisdom, companions, relation to parents, relations with women, the tongue, knowledge of Christ the Lord." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Arnot, William, Studies in Proverbs: Laws From Heaven for Life on Earth, ISBN: 0825421187 9780825421181.
"This 583-page paperback deals with many (but not all), the proverbs offering practical instruction and spiritual direction for a Christ-centered life built upon foundations in the doctrine of grace. Arnot's aim was to be doctrinal, spiritual, and practical. This book will provide strength for the Christian walk." -- GCB
*[Bible], The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: With Psalms and Proverbs, Gideon's International edition, ISBN: 0529051141 9780529051141.
A shirt-pocket size edition of the King James Authorized Version of the Holy Bible including the Book of Psalms. Convenient for pocket, purse, or travel bag.
*Bridges, Charles (1794-1869), The Proverbs, ISBN: 0851510884 9780851510880.
"The best work on the Proverbs. The scriptural method of exposition so well carried out by Bridges renders all his writings very suggestive to ministers. While explaining the passage in hand, he sets other portions of the word in new lights." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"Most of the Proverbs find their basis in the Law. You will find again and again that Bridges brings this out." -- GCB
*Decker, Barbara, Proverbs for Parenting: A Topical Guide for Child Raising From the Book of Proverbs, King James Version, ISBN: 0961860839.
"An indispensable tool for parenting, this book arranges the proverbs into over 70 realistic, helpful topics. A sampling of topics covered include: trust in God, obedience, honesty, anger, self-control, temper, arguing, boasting, complaining, love, friendship, happiness, discretion, faithfulness, stewardship, work and many more." -- Publisher
An accompanying book, A COLORING BOOK OF BIBLE PROVERBS is 'a 30-page coloring book illustrating various passages from the Book of Proverbs. Can be used with or without the above hardback book'." -- GCB
Goldberg, Louis, Savoring the Wisdom of Proverbs, ISBN: 0825427339 9780825427336.
"As a Jewish believer, Goldberg leads you chapter by chapter through the Proverbs, providing topical overviews and fascinating details contained in these gems of wisdom. With clarity and simplicity, the author offers a practical guide that will have lasting significance in your life." -- GCB
Hubbard, David A., Proverbs, ISBN: 0849904218 9780849904219.
"Hubbard has done more than research Proverbs; he has researched life. Following a helpful introduction, he outlines the fundamentals of the book, builds a working knowledge base, and then matches those ancient truths to modern challenges. The material from 10:1-22:16 is handled in a topical fashion and not verse-by-verse." -- GCB
*Lawson, George (1749-1820), Exposition of Proverbs, ISBN: 0825431239 9780825431234. Alternate title: COMMENTARY ON PROVERBS, and PROVERBS.
"Dr. Lawson had a fertile mind and a heart alive both to the human and divine side of truth. He writes with pleasing simplicity of style. One of the highest compliments to this book is found in the fact that a distinguished American scholar issued much of it at his own expense." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"Those who are fortunate enough to possess this book will readily testify to the rich, rewarding insights to be found in this able Scot's warm devotional exposition. He knew the human heart and had the ability to teach the Word so that his hearers and readers were continually blessed." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Mouser, William E., Jr., Walking in Wisdom: Studying the Proverbs of Solomon, ISBN: 0877848467 9780877848462.
Palmer, Samuel, Moral Essays on Some of the Most Curious and Significant English, Scotch and Foreign Proverbs, 1710.
*Smith, Jerome H. (editor), The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, revised and expanded (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 1664 pages, ISBN: 0785212272 and 0785213155. Includes bibliography, subject index, topic number index, Proverbs index, name index, figure of speech index, and other indexes. See the index to Proverbs.
Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"An incredible one-volume Bible reference library, this comprehensive update of the original TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is a unique resource for Bible study, teaching, or preaching. This edition contains nearly 100,000 new cross references, additional key words, a new system of symbols, and many other improvements. This is the most comprehensive collection of time-saving and insightful cross references ever published! [The compilers were not Reformed, and did not include the cross references unique to the GENEVA BIBLE and NOTES. -- compiler]. Dozens of special study aids help you develop powerful lessons or sermons -- straight from the Bible itself! Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. says: 'The one book, apart from the Bible itself, that I value most in my studies'." -- Logos Research Systems
Smith, Jerome, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
"For generations, the TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE [original edition by R.A. Torrey -- compiler], has been an enduring cross reference resource for Bible students worldwide. This highly respected and nearly exhaustive compilation of cross references was developed by R.A. Torrey from references in the REV. THOMAS SCOTT'S COMMENTARY and THE COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. With nearly 500,000 cross references it is the most thorough source available." [prior to Jerome Smith's 1992 revision and update -- compiler]
TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE is in the public domain and may be freely used and distributed. It is included at and may be downloaded from various websites.
Torrey, R.A., Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (former edition)
THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE may be used to advantage in combination with the following Bible reference works, among others:
Souza, Francisco F. de, The Use of Proverbs in Biblical Counseling (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1990).
Includes bibliography.
*Voorwinde, Steven, Wisdom for Today's Issues: A Topical Arrangement of the Proverbs, ISBN: 0875524729 9780875524726.
"The Proverbs are arranged under 55 different subjects so that they may speak to us today on many modern problems." -- GCB
Waltke, Bruce, The Book of Proverbs, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0802825451 9780802825452.
Also an extension study course for credit.
Waltke, Bruce, The Book of Proverbs, [audio file], (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
*Wardlaw, Ralph, Lectures on the Book of Proverbs, 3 volumes (London, England: A. Fullerton and Company, 1861).
Edited by J.S. Wardlaw. "Highly esteemed by C.H. Spurgeon and other expository preachers. . . . Contains some of the finest material for preachers ever produced on this portion of God's Word. Rich, insightful, practical." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: Proverbs, Proverbs: topical listings of scripture, The wisdom books, Job, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Reconciliation of relationships, Cruden's, young's, and strong's concordances, Biblical counsel by subject, and so forth, and so on.
I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. (Ecclesiastes 3:14)
Whatever we do within the will of God lasts throughout eternity.He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
*Bridges, Charles (1794-1869), Ecclesiastes, ISBN: 0851513220 9780851513225.
"What is it that makes Bridges commentaries so popular? It is that they are very Biblical. His comments are always complete and filled with Biblical wisdom. You will find his continual reference to other passages in the Bible very refreshing." -- GCB
Cotton, John (1584-1652), A Brief Exposition With Practical Observations Upon the Whole Book of Ecclesiastes. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The introduction states: 'This whole book is a discourse not unseasonable for this country, wherein men, that have left all to enjoy the Gospel, now (as if they had forgotten the end for which they came hither), are ready to leave the Gospel for outward things, which are here lively and clearly demonstrated to be vanity, yea, vanity of vanities.' So this book is a commentary upon the state of corruption, Rom. 8:20 [Romans 8:20], a fit introduction to Christ in the Canticles." -- Publisher
*Cox, Samuel, The Book of Ecclesiastes.
"A learned treatment by the former editor of THE EXPOSITOR." -- Cyril J. Barber
Ellul, Jacques (1912-1994), Reason for Being: A Meditation on Ecclesiastes, ISBN: 0802804055 9780802804051.
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm, A Commentary on Ecclesiastes. Available (WORKS OF E.W. HENGSTENBERG), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Hengstenberg is said to have been a preterist.
Keddie, Gordon J., The Guide to Ecclesiastes, ISBN: 0852344856 9780852344859.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546), An Exposition of Solomon's Booke, Called Ecclesiastes or the Preacher.
*MacDonald, James M., The Book of Ecclesiastes Explained, ISBN: 0865240914 9780865240919.
"Perhaps the finest work produced on Ecclesiastes in the nineteenth century. Clear, authoritative, reliable." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Wardlaw, Ralph, Exposition of Ecclesiastes, ISBN: 0865241473 9780865241473.
"Expository sermons by one of Scotland's greatest preachers. Recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: Proverbs, topical listings, and so forth, and so on.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), A Thirst for Wholeness: How to Gain Wisdom From the Book of James, 143 pages, ISBN: 0964355698 9780964355699.
"A study of the inner dynamics of human life from the book of James. Meant to be used personally or in a study group or class. Works thematically, covering anger, desires, doubt, prayer, peacemaking, sickness, among other things. The section on the 'inner/outer aspects of sin' (Chapter 3), rebuts a host of misconceptions of nouthetic counseling as externalistic: 'The struggle for mastery over one's desires must be achieved. . . . Christian, resist sin at the start, as Jesus did. Abort inner sin before it is born. Augustine encourages us with these words: 'Pray that God may make you conqueror of yourself. . . not the enemy without, but of your own soul within. . . . Let no enemy from without be feared: conquer yourself, and the whole world is conquered'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Johnstone, Robert, Lectures, Exegetical and Practical, on the Epistle of James, ISBN: 0851512577.
"A very useful, scholarly, and readable book." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"A classic in the field. Published originally in 1871. A must for the expository preacher." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Manton, Thomas (1620-1677), A Commentary on James. Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #4, #5.
"In Manton's best style. . . . Few such books are written now." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"This practical book of the Bible is best expounded by one as practical as Manton. Though he was one of the 2000 ejected from his pulpit by Charles II, he was so loved for his expository preaching that he continued having a lecture every other Sunday (Richard Baxter alternated with him), and Christians at court protected him from being arrested. One of his devoted followers suggested that Manton should set up his own lecture, rather than share with Baxter. His reply: 'What! And miss the greatest preacher in England!'
"Manton leaves very little not said in his excellent commentary. He does not use the whip of sarcasm, or of invective, but that of loving kindness to lay these searching truths on the reader's heart. It is by far the best on James." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"A truly great work by the English divine. Almost 500 pages of practical, insightful exposition on this important New Testament book. Full of suggestive material for the pastor's sermons. Solid Reformed thinking. Manton was a man of great learning and gifts." -- GCB
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Christian Living in the Home, ISBN: 0801000513 9780801000515.
"His [Adam's], approach to family life is conditioned completely by the Bible. He writes, 'A truly Christian home is a place where sinners live; but it is also a place where the members of that home admit the fact and understand the problem, know what to do about it, and as a result grow by grace'." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"This bestselling title will challenge, encourage, and aid the reader in the development of a truly Christian home. Christians will find this volume full of practical, biblical advice on Christ-centered family living, communication with family members, family guidance and discipline, living with an unbelieving spouse, and many other areas. Pastors and Christian counselors will value this work for its insight and faithfulness to God's Word." -- Publisher
"Written to check the erosion of the family as the basic foundation of society. Practical applications of Scripture to family living are given." -- GCB
A study guide is available.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Christian Living in the Home: Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic.
Barker, Dorothy Anderson, and
Jay Adams, Leader's Guide for Jay E. Adams's CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE HOME. Alternate title: CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE HOME (STUDY GUIDE).
"Thirteen week guide for the leader of a Sunday school or Bible study class that utilizes Adams's book on marriage and family." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Competent to Counsel: Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling, ISBN: 0310511402 9780310511403.
"This is a classic in the field of Christian counseling. It has helped thousands of pastors, students, layman, and Christian counselors develop both a general approach to Christian counseling and a specific response to particular problems . . . First published in 1970, this book has gone through over thirty printings which has resulted in worldwide impact." -- Publisher
Includes bibliographical references.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Grist From Adams Mill, ISBN: 0875520790 9780875520797.
"Contains 27 two to four page essays on a wide range of topics: 'tracts for the times.' How does God guide? Where do you get peace? How do you handle interruptions? Dealing with church hoppers? Think: does God hate the sin but love the sinner? Are you clear about the Gospel? How do you handle the influence -- for bad or good -- that people have on one another? How do you deal with differences on biblically debatable matters? What is good music? How can you be professional in your ministry, in the best sense of the word? How do you judge success and failure?" -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Handbook of Church Discipline, ISBN: 0310511917 9780310511915.
"Presents clear description of church discipline, embedding the formal and remedial aspects in a context of informal, preventive, positive discipline. The five steps of discipline include three informal aspects (practice self-discipline; go one-on-one; take one or two others), and two formal aspects (take it to the church; hand over to the world). Lots of how-to and what-if to guide individuals and churches into the God-honoring practice of church discipline." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"This is a handbook for pastors, elders, and all Christians who want to see how Scripture presents the process of discipline that should operate in the Christian community . . . The author has developed the book around the five steps of corrective discipline found especially in Matthew 18:15-17." -- Publisher
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Handling Anger God's Way; Dealing With Depression (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA105 [audio file].
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), How to Handle Trouble, ISBN: 0875520766 9780875520766.
"Focuses on Philippians 1:12-26, where Paul views his hardships as opportunities to glorify Christ.
" 'A practical handbook that gives biblical directions to follow in times of trouble.' Where THE GRAND DEMONSTRATION works out the implications of God's decretive will, this book works out the implications of God's directive will by which he pastorally guides His people. Based on Philippians 1, it lays out six steps for handling trouble: recognize God is in the problem; remember God is up to something; believe that He is up to something good; discover where and how God is at work; get involved in what He is doing; expect good effects." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), How to Help People Change: The Four-Step Biblical Process, 203 pages.
"Unfolds the counseling process through an exposition of II Timothy 3:14-17 [2 Timothy 3:14-17]. Bases all on the centrality of God and the vertical dimension for counseling: The Holy Spirit and the Word work in concert. Change unfolds through teaching, conviction, correction and training. 'Learn both how to launder your mind of pagan psychological and psychiatric theories and how to use the Bible cogently and effectively in its full strength.' Contains reprint of Adams's 1982 journal article on 'Integration'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), How to Overcome Evil, ISBN: 0801001269 9780801001260.
"Learn to assess yourself and the situation accurately in the light of who God is, in order that you might repent and trust Christ. Make plans for how you will obey Christ in tough situations. Pray to God for the Holy Spirit. Act to Christ's glory." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"A series of lectures which shows how to 'put off' evil and 'put on' good. For counselors and counselees." A practical exposition of Romans 12:14-21.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Listening in Counseling (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette JA206 [audio file].
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible, ISBN: 0310511119 9780310511113.
"You will not find better material on the Biblical teaching on divorce and remarriage. This resource is an easily understood exegetical treatment of the data available. It is a must for those who counsel people caught in this growing problem.
"A book for every pastor, elder, and counselor. Get this issue straight before you do anything else. The Bible speaks with the only real authority on this subject." -- GCB
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Ministering Series.
Contents: The ministry of the church | God is!! Stability we can count on | The environment of God | The balanced Christian | The disciplined life | Setting priorities | Making plans Biblically | Am I a winner? Its joys and responsibilities | The pastor's wife and depression | Christian forgiveness | Pain, does it belong? | Decisions, make them or they make you | Worry, trouble, how to combat it | The Biblical view of divorce | Homosexuality, how to deal with it | Overcoming depression | Grading and degrading, Christian education | Poles apart, who's a Christian? | Baptism for infants.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), More Than Redemption: A Theology of Christian Counseling, ISBN: 0310511011 9780310511014. Alternate title: A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING: MORE THAN REDEMPTION.
"Four major sections seek to articulate a biblical theology of counseling. The first seven chapters deal with the relevance of God and His Word to counseling: e.g., 'God is man's environment'; 'because counseling is part of the ministry of the Word (just as preaching is), it is unthinkable to use any other text (just as it would be unthinkable to do so in preaching).' The next four chapters deal with the nature of man in creation and in sin. The next seven deal with the change process (salvation and sanctification), including a lengthy section on forgiveness. The book closes with a miscellany of other topics. Along with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, and LECTURES ON COUNSELING, this is a fundamental book for understanding nouthetic counseling.
"Reprints in entirety two books, COPING WITH COUNSELING CRISES and THE USE OF THE SCRIPTURES IN COUNSELING and two pamphlets "Your Place in the Counseling Revolution" and "Counseling and the Sovereignty of God." Opens with a challenge to seminary students to consider their calling as 'pastor-counselors'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Some subject include: Abortion | Abuse | Admonition | Adultery | Adversity | Affliction | Aggravation | Anger | Answers | Apology | Assurance | Attitude | Authority | Balance | Behavior | Bizarre behaviour | Breakdown | Christ | Church | Commandments | Confession | Confidentiality | Contentment | Correction | Corruption | Counseling | Crises | Data gathering | Deceit | Dependence | Discipling | Divorce | Doctrine | Drugs | Education | Empathy | Evangelism | Example | Foolishness | Forgetfulness | Forgiveness | Godliness | Gospel | Gossip | Habit | Heresy | Hope | Hostility | How-to | Idolatry | Jesus | Joy | Justification | Legal matters | Legalism | Lying | Marriage | Promises of god | Put on/put off dynamic | Quickening | Radical amputation | Rage | Reconciliation | Referral | Rejuvenation | Repentance | Sanctification | Scripture | Sex | Sin | Teaching | Temptation | Testing | Think list | Thought | Training.
*Alexander, Archibald (1772-1851), Practical Truths, 1857.
"This 400-page reprint by one of the Old Princeton 'greats' will be welcome indeed. The book is in three sections: short articles on practical Christian living subjects; a series of longer articles on doctrinal and theological subjects; and finally a series of dialogues in defense of the faith, etc." -- GCB
Alexander, Archibald (1772-1851), The Stuff of Life: Forty-two Brief Talks on Daily Duty and Religion.
*Allen, Charles L., God's Psychiatry: The Twenty-third Psalm, the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, ISBN: 0800780159.
"In this powerful book, Charles L. Allen explains the essence of God's psychiatry -- the four best-known passages of the Bible: The Twenty-third Psalm, The Ten Commandments, The Lord's Prayer, and The Beatitudes. These 'prescriptions' will cure discouragement and doubt and dramatically change your life for the better." -- Publisher
"Inappropriate title but an excellent application of the 23rd Psalm, the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, and the Beatitudes to the everyday problems of life." -- Robert B. Somerville
Asquith, Glenn H., Jr., Family Passages, ISBN: 0805454489 9780805454482.
Baker, Don, Acceptance: Loosing the Webs of Personal Insecurity, ISBN: 0880700793 9780880700795.
"Follow Baker as he relates the open-soul remembrance of his own transformation from a native-dwelling doubter of God's acceptance to a maturing, love-conscious believer. -- GCB
Bates, William (1625-1699), and W. Farmer, The Complete Works of William Bates, 4 volumes. Alternate title: THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM BATES. Available (THE WORKS OF WILLIAM BATES, FUNERAL SERMONS, SELECTIONS), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Contains sermons on the Forgiveness of Sins, The Sure Trial of Uprightness, The Duty of Resignation, The Danger of Prosperity, and Spiritual Perfection.
"Bates' writing was among the most practical of the Puritan Divines. . . .
"William Bates was one of the foremost Puritans. He was contemporary with Thomas Manton and Richard Baxter. His works were eagerly studied by Queen Mary, and his preaching always attracted great crowds. He was a spiritual man, whose chief aim in life was to glorify God, and please Him. There is no biography of him other than that by the Rev. W. Farmer in 1815, but his funeral sermon, preached by another great Puritan, John Howe, also reveals much about his character. . . ." -- Publisher
"The act of uniformity passed in the year sixteen hundred and sixty-two, when Dr. Bates was thirty-seven years of age, by which he was deprived of the valuable living of St. Dunstan's in the West. On this trying occasion he displayed heroic firmness of mind in lovely union with that mildness and candour which breathe in his writings. Terms were imposed by this act, with which he could not conscientiously comply, though every thing in his nature strongly disposed to a compliance, and made him deeply lament the circumstances that imposed the absolute necessity of secession from the established church.
"Though he was never cast into prison, which was the lot of numbers of his brethren, he had once a very narrow escape. A Mrs. Beale being near death, several pious persons were solicited to meet in her room and pray for her, Dr. Bates and Mr. Baxter were to be of the number, of which information being given, two justices of peace with the parliament sergeant-at-arms, came at the appointed time to apprehend them and lay them in prison. Providence preserved them, for they did not attend, though ignorant of the design of their persecutors. The justices and sergeant-at-arms rushed into the room, where the gentlewoman lay ready to die, but missing their prey returned greatly disappointed. 'What a joy,' observes Mr. Baxter on this occasion, 'would it have been to them that reproached us as Presbyterian seditious schismatics to have found but such an occasion as praying with a dying woman to have laid us up in prison'!" -- A Biography of William Bates
*Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), A Christian Directory: Baxter's Practical Works, Vol. 1. Full title: A Christian Directory: or A Sum of Practical Theology, and Cases of Conscience. Directing Christians how to use Their Knowledge and Faith; How to Improve all Helps and Means, and to Perform all Duties; How to Overcome Temptations, and to Escape or Mortify Every Sin. In Four Parts.
I. Christian Ethics (or Private Duties)
II. Christian Economics (or Family Duties)
III. Christian Ecclesiastics (or Church Duties)
IV. Christian Politics (or Duties to Our Rulers and Neighbours) (Morgan, PA: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1997, 1990, 1838, 1707, 1678, 1673), ISBN: 1877611131 9781877611131. Foreword by J.I. Packer (Soli Deo Gloria edition only). The Soli Deo Gloria publication is a facsimile reprint of the 19th century reprint by George Virtue, London, 1846. The original 1673 edition and the 1678 edition, both printed by Robert White for Nevill Simmons. Bibliographic and scriptural footnotes. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available (less the J.I. Packer's Foreword, but searchable with an OCR-based index), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
This work is available in many editions, and in many formats.
Reformation Heritage Books has new copies of the Soli Deo Gloria edition (including the J.I. Packer Introduction), as of March 2008, even though it is generally thought to be out of print. They acquired Soli Deo Gloria from Ligonier Ministries in late 2007.
The best digital format of the reprint by George Virtue is included on the Puritan Hard Drive. It has an OCR scan in the background, meaning one can search the entire volume and copy text into another document. It also has a computer generated indexed from the OCR scan which is, of course, in Baxter's vocabulary.
A PDF image scan only of the same edition is available on the Reformation Bookshelf CD #21.
The reprint by George Virtue is available online and may be downloaded in PDF format at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
The reprint by George Virtue appears in full preview in Google Books but may not be downloaded. So it is useful if the reader wants to become acquainted with the book. Text can be searched, but can not be copied into another document. This particular Google Books scan includes the contents in detail on pages iii-xix which is not included in the Christian Classics Ethereal Library PDF files. About five other editions from libraries are available in Google Books, and may be downloaded (August 2008).
Notice that the e-text in Google Books has the advantage of being searchable. Searching an image-based PDF file (without an OCR scan in the background), is not possible, unless the user owns software such as Abode Acrobat Pro or Kirtas BookScan Editor. They both have an OCR (optical character recognition), feature that will search an image-based PDFs (bit-map scans). Searches appear to be perfect in this work, although one must know Baxter's vocabulary. Text can be cut and pasted from image-based PDF format to OCR (character) format. This particular Google Books scan can not be cut and pasted or downloaded.
One of the older, multi-volume editions of THE WORKS OF RICHARD BAXTER is available at in the "Puritan Library," "Richard Baxter." A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY, volume 23. It can be downloaded.
Another older edition is available on microfilm (Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1970), 1 microfilm reel, 35 mm (Early English books, 1641-1700; 343:11).
"The complete practical works of Richard Baxter are in print in four volumes entitled BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS. This volume (about 1 1/4 million words, 1028 pages), is volume one of the set. The editor's preface (1707), p. xiii, stated that the works of Richard Baxter are 'perhaps the best body of practical divinity that is extent in our own or any other tongue.' Richard Baxter lived from 1615-1691. The DIRECTORY was completed in 1665. Its scope was intended to cover all of practical theology, a summa of casuistry . . ." -- Don Kistler
"Baxter's series, which grew in range and scope as it proceeded . . . is a peak point in Puritan devotional writing, and remains a precious resource for all, in this or any age, who want to know what is involved in Biblical godliness. . . . A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY may justly be described as a landmark. It is the fullest, most thorough, and in this writer's judgment, most profound treatment of Christian spirituality and standards that has ever been attempted by an English-speaking Evangelical author. The fact that it embraces both spirituality and standards (the principles of communion with God plus the specifics of obedience to God), merits approving comment in itself; nowadays spirituality and ethics have become two distinct disciplines in the schools, and books written on either say virtually nothing about the other . . ." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
Timothy Keller calls it the greatest manual on Biblical counseling ever produced.
"There are many Puritan classics on this subject. Thomas Brooks' PRECIOUS REMEDIES FOR SATAN'S DEVICES, Thomas Goodwin's A CHILD OF LIGHT WALKING IN DARKNESS, William Bridge's A LIFTING UP FOR THE DOWNCAST, and many other similar works give evidence that the Puritans were. . . . masters at applying Biblical answers and principles to problems that can only be solved by spiritual means. No Puritan work, however, has ever approached the popularity, the scope, or the depth of Baxter's classic treatise. With the widespread interest in counseling in today's church, this reprint of Baxter's work should be a welcome addition to every pastor's library, or to anyone else who wishes to give solid Biblical answers to man's questions." -- Don Kistler
"We have long waited for a purely Biblical treatment of the spiritual ills and cures of men which is untainted by the views of psychology. Since Baxter lived about 200 years before psychology arrived, his deep work is completely void of its encroachment -- thankfully!" -- John MacArthur
"The kings men sought to arrest Richard Baxter, but he traveled ceaselessly from place to place, writing his sermons and his books even on horseback (he had an inkwell in his saddle), and preached over a wide area." -- Brian H. Edwards
"Baxter was a wonder of his age. His writings total 72 large volumes, much of it written on horseback as he traveled in his widespread preaching efforts. He seldom, if ever, edited anything he wrote. Knowing this any reader will be amazed at how well he communicated his deep love for his Savior. For 26 years he was public enemy No. 1 to the king, yet he lived to see the flight of the king in 1688." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
POOR MAN'S FAMILY BOOK (1674) and THE CATECHIZING OF FAMILIES (1683), are less detailed works and are found in THE REFORMED PASTOR: BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS, VOL. 4. They are more suitable for family instruction than are the detailed presentation in A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY.
"Ptacek in FAMILY WORSHIP: BIBLICAL BASIS, HISTORICAL REALITY, CURRENT NEED (pp. 51-52), supplies the following information in regard to Baxter and this book. He notes that after the Episcopalians ejected numerous 'nonconformists,' in what is know as the 'great ejection,' in 1662, 'Baxter pastored from house to house, visiting families of his parish in their homes. These visits contributed to Baxter's A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY, a large and still very relevant manual of pastoral care.' Focusing on just one area of great importance, Ptacek demonstrates how this book's relevance is not limited by time or culture, though sometimes the use of specific words are. 'Published in 1673, but written 1664-65, a large book-length part of Baxter's CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY is devoted to the family. It is entitled 'Christian Economics' based on the archaic usage of the word, which reflects the proper sense of the Greek root oikonomos as the manager of a household, in the Christian case, the spiritual leader of the family. The family head is essential to Baxter's view of family worship and instruction. Baxter asserts that it is God's will that this instruction be carried out by the rulers of the families.' For a male head of the household to fail to do so, or to have another instruct in the family, is contrary to his position of authority.' This is the kind of book that can be passed on from generation to generation and still find much use in the service of the kingdom of God.
"Though relatively weak on corporate sanctification, corporate faithfulness and some important areas of doctrine (such as justification), Baxter's work on subjects related to personal piety can be of good practical use to the Christian -- if one is careful to separate out his aberrant doctrinal views and any practical errors they may lead to." -- Publisher
The following three excerpts are included as bonus free books on Reformation Bookshelf CD #28.
1. "The Duties of Parents for Their Children" from BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS, VOL. 1, A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY, on Christian Economics, Chap. X., pp. 449-454.
2. "The Special Duties of Children Towards Their Parents" from BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS, VOL. 1, A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY, on Christian Economics, Chap. XI., pp. 454-457.
3. "The Special Duties of Children and Youth Towards God" from BAXTER'S PRACTICAL WORKS, VOL. 1, A CHRISTIAN DIRECTORY, on Christian Economics, Chap. XII., pp. 457-458).
A summary of currently (2012) available publications.
Richard Baxter, from Wikipedia
*[Bible, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, 5th Improved Edition], Thompson, Frank Charles (editor), and Kirkbride Bible and Technology (other contributor), Thompson Chain Reference Bible, KJV, (KJV, Adult, Regular Size, Bonded Leather, Black, Indexed, Kirkbride Bible Company Item Number: 978-0-88707-527-8), 5th improved edition, leather bound (Kirkbride Bible Company, December 2005), some editions include a CD-ROM, language: English, French, and Spanish. Many editions and bindings are available. WorldCat Record for 5th Improved Edition, ISBN: 0887071228 9780887071225 9780887076091 0887076092.
"Dr. Frank C. Thompson, D.D., Ph.D., invested more than forty years in compiling and developing the remarkable Chain-Reference system that is the heart of the Bible that now bears his name." -- Publisher
This is a huge body of work: the fully cross-referenced Bible, 1619 pages, plus Bible helps, 788 pages, for a total of 2417 pages. It may be used profitably in combination with THE NEW TREASURY OF SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE (1680 pages), THE NEW GENEVA STUDY BIBLE (THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE), (2220 pages), THE GENEVA BIBLE (648 pages), THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION (1631 pages), and THE NEW NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE (1114 pages).
"The topics from the TOPICAL BIBLE can easily be found in the General Index of the THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. In the General Index are found the chain-reference numbers that will guide the user into the biblical context for many of the topics. The many additional resources in the THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE . . . will greatly supplement any topical study." -- Introduction to the TOPICAL BIBLE
We feel that both THE THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION, 5TH EDITION, and the THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE: KING JAMES VERSION has a part in every reference library, particularly the libraries of Biblical Counselors.
Remember the Thompson Chain-Reference System was developed for the Authorized King James Version. It is also available in New American Standard, New King James, and the New International versions.
"A THOMPSON STUDY BIBLE will help you in ways other Bibles can't. It's the unique Chain-Reference System that allows you to follow any subject, person, place or idea, from the front of your Bible to the end. THOMPSON users say it's the best way to study your Bible. No other Bible has this superb, patented, Thompson Chain Reference System developed by Dr. Frank C. Thompson in 1890. Since that time, thousands of additional topics and links have been added. The AKJV 4th edition has been out-of-print since 1988. The 5th edition began printing in 1988. The only way to find a 4th edition would be in the secondary market." -- Publisher
"Some Thompson Bible Features [from among 75 additional study features]:
*[Bible, Thompson Exhaustive Topical Bible: King James Version], Thompson, Frank Charles (author), Paul M. Hillman (editor), John Stephen Jauchen (editor), The (Indianapolis, IN: Kirkbride Bible Company, Inc., 1997). Hardcover, 1631 pages.
This is a topical Bible compiled from the Thompson Chain-Reference System.
"NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE was edited into a Study Bible format shortly after the appearance of the original THOMPSON CHAIN-REFERENCE BIBLE. It is fitting for Thompson's Study Bible to be reformatted into a reference book. And where there is room in the marketplace and on every serious student's bookshelf for more than one Bible translation, so there is room for more than one Topical Bible -- and great value in the use of both Nave's and Thompson's work. . . ." -- John R. Kohlenberger III, from the Foreword
"Now, the detailed and comprehensive topical and subject data that forms the heart of the unparalleled Thompson Chain-Reference system is offered in this -- the most exhaustive topical Bible currently available! Combining to make THE THOMPSON EXHAUSTIVE TOPICAL BIBLE unique are features which include:
*Blaikie, William G., David, King of Israel: The Divine Plan and Lessons of His Life, ISBN: 086524054X 9780865240544.
"Dr. Blaikie is a good writer. His 'Life of David' has supplied a great lack." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"Extremely rare, these brief chapters can be read with profit by laypeople. Recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Bolton (Boulton), Robert (1572-1631), General Directions for a Comfortable Walking With God, ISBN: 1877611263 9781877611261. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"You'll find Robert Bolton warm, engaging, insightful, and thoroughly Biblical. More important, he will challenge you to a deeper, richer walk with God than you ever thought possible." -- John MacArthur
*Bolton (or Boulton), Samuel, and John Cameron (1579?-1625), The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, or A Treatise Wherein the Rights of the law are Vindicated, the Liberties of Grace Maintained, and Severall Late Opinions Against the Law are Examined and Confuted. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Samuel Boulton was one of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. He 'expounds the nature of Christian liberty and then clearly sets the bounds of that liberty. . . '." -- Publisher
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), The Everlasting Righteousness, or How Shall man be Just With God? A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language.
"First published in 1874, THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, may be the best book on the doctrine of justification by faith alone ever written.
"Since the seventeenth century, the church's adherence to the central doctrine of the Christian faith has been weakening; in the twentieth century it has all but disappeared. But to those who remain faithful -- to those who are called of God -- justification by faith alone is the best news there could ever be: that Christ died for our sins, and we shall live forever because of Christ's righteousness.
"Justification by faith alone -- the 'principal hinge of religion,' according to John Calvin, the 'doctrine by which the church stands or falls,' according to Martin Luther -- is salvation. Without it, all hope is lost; with it, Heaven gained. Bonar's discussion is without equal in the English language." -- John W. Robbins
The Everlasting Righteousness; or, How Shall man be Just With God?
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), Follow the Lamb, or Counsels to Converts, ISBN: 1877611263.
"He gives wise counsel to Christians. He holds up the high standards of the Bible as essential to our well-being. . . . This is a book of exhortations. The simple words of Bonar will test your resolve, stretch your spirit, and challenge your behavior. It both convicts, and convinces.
"We highly recommend this, and all other books by Horatius Bonar." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Follow the Lamb, by Horatius Bonar
*Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), God's way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious, ISBN: 0585036004 9780585036007. Available (MP3 only), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Horatius Bonar was a pastor in Scotland for over fifty years. He was one of the brightest lights in the 19th century, with not only many books to his credit, but also the editing of the excellent IMPERIAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, and a delightful and useful monthly magazine. . . . This book is another evidence that Bonar is able to write the deepest truths in the clearest and most understandable way. . . . Simplicity is his style, but declaring the whole counsel of God is his aim. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
God's way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious, Horatius Bonar
*Boston, Thomas (1676-1732), Human Nature in its Fourfold State. A Christian classic.
"This is THE classic on human nature. It was immediately acclaimed as such, and went through several printings during the author's lifetime. The book deals with four states of human existence: the state of innocence; the state of nature; the state of grace; and, the eternal state. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"When those who are devoid of the Spirit of God and reject revealed religion meet up with the Scriptural doctrine of original sin, their comments expose their hostility towards God and help exhibit the very principle they deny. For example, Smellie comments on one reaction to this work of Edwards as follows: 'Mr. Lechy has condemned the treatise on Original Sin as 'one of the most revolting books that have ever proceeded from the pen of man.' Edwards summarizes this book as 'a general defense of that great important doctrine,' and has skillfully answered those who would assail the revealed truth of God's Word at this point. If our doctrine is weak on man's nature and (in)ability, all manner of false 'help yourself' religion (e.g. Arminianism, Romanism, the cults, the occult, etc.), and secular seduction (e.g. psychology, socialism, etc.), based on man' inherent 'goodness' or ability to 'save himself,' will be given a wide open door to run rampant." -- Publisher
Boston, Thomas, Human Nature in its Fourfold State (1811)
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), The Pilgrim's Progress, complete and unabridged. A Christian classic. Considered to be among the ten greatest books in the English language. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #21.
Said to be "the greatest book, other than Scripture, which an Englishman has given to mankind." -- GCB
The Banner of Truth Trust publication is recommended. It is facsimile reprinted from the unabridged edition of 1895 published by John C. Nimmo, Ltd. containing the original marginal notes and Scripture references and illustrated with etchings by William Strang.
"Bunyan had better insight into the human heart than modern psychology; namely, because he did not study man apart from his Creator and apart from his deep inward problem." -- Ernest Reisinger (1924-2018)
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan [audio file]
Available (THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Pilgrim's Page: A John Bunyan Archive
This is the complete set of THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN, George Offor edition, reprinted by The Banner of Truth. It is free online, and is downloadable in the following formats: HTML, RTF, TEXT, and PDF.
THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN is also available at Project Gutenberg.
The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come: Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream, Wherein is Discovered the Manner of His Setting Out, His Dangerous Journey and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country
*Bunyan, John (1628-1688), Craig John Lovik, Tim Lundeen, and Oasis Audio (firm), The Pilgrim's Progress: From This World to That Which is to Come [audio file], ISBN: 9781441622846 1441622845. A Christian classic.
"The entire book, virtually unabridged -- rewritten for the modern ear by Jim Pappas and brought to life by 77 actors with original music and sound effects -- is now available on audio cassette [audio file]." -- GCB
Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan [audio file]
*Burgess, Anthony (d. 1664?), Spiritual Refining, or, A Treatise of Grace and Assurance Part I: Wherein are handled, the doctrine of assurance, the use of signs in self-examination, how true graces may be distinguished from counterfeit, several true signs of grace, and many false ones, the nature of grace, under divers scripture-notions or titles, as regeneration, the new-creature, the heart of flesh, vocation, sanctification, &c.: many chief questions (occasionally) controverted between the orthodox and the Arminians: as also many cases of conscience, tending to comfort and confirm saints, [and] undeceive and convert sinners. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (SPIRITUAL REFINING, PART I AND PART II), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #21.
"The first section is on the deceitfulness and guile of the natural heart (Jeremiah 17:9). . . . Next he contrasts thee natural tendencies toward deceitfulness in all of us to the uprightness of the heart; or, the heart without guile (Psalm 32:2) . . . Section three deals with practical cases of conscience which regularly test our sincerity in seeking to be guileless . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Burgess, Anthony (d. 1664?), Spiritual Refining, Part II. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (SPIRITUAL REFINING, PART I AND PART II), on Reformation Bookshelf CD #21.
"The first section is on the deceitfulness and guile of the natural heart (Jeremiah 17:9). . . . Next he contrasts thee natural tendencies toward deceitfulness in all of us to the uprightness of the heart; or, the heart without guile (Psalm 32:2) . . . Section three deals with practical cases of conscience which regularly test our sincerity in seeking to be guileless . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), Hosea. A Christian classic. Available (AN EXPOSITION OF THE PROPHECY OF HOSEA, 1643, 1843 edition, exposition completed by Hall and Reynolds, revised and corrected by James Sherman. This seems to be the preferred edition, along with modern reprints of the same -- compiler), on the Puritan Hard.
"Burroughs' style in this long work will seem to be breaking fresh ground, for he is constantly doing what modern writers on Holy Scripture fail to do -- that is, drawing out truths about God's will, work, and ways with us humans that will enable us to discern, if we are willing to do so, how he regards our nation and our churches today, and how we should deal with him in light of the way we may expect him to deal with us. In fact, however, Burroughs represents an older, wiser, and more fruitful type of Bible teaching with which the modern church, conservative, no less than liberal, is for the moment largely out of touch. We are the eccentrics; Burroughs is the main stream. Let us be clear about that! . . . What, finally, may the late twentieth-century reader expect to gain from the major investment of time and effort that is involved in working through Hosea? He will learn about God, and God's ways; much about personal godliness, and the many-sided concern for holiness, peace, and love, that should always mark the godly; much about things to hope for, and pray for; much about dangers to watch against, forms of spiritual ill-health to learn to recognize, and in general principles for taking stock of his own Christian life, and that of the church and community to which he belongs. These are matters of unchanging truth, on which it is not at all incongruous for seventeenth-century masters to instruct us, their twentieth-century pupils. No doubt the historical exegesis of Hosea has gone further during the past 350 years than Burroughs was able to take it, but whether theological understanding of the God of Hosea has advanced beyond what we find in Burroughs -- whether, indeed, we are as well acquainted with the God of Hosea as Burroughs was -- is another question entirely. I find in Burroughs any number of precious truths that without him I might well have missed, and I want others to be enriched as I have been. I count it, therefore, a great and happy privilege to commend this new edition to today's Christian readers. Burrow into Burroughs! You will profit enormously." -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
"Cotton Mather's assessment, that these sermons [Caryl on Job], belong alongside Greenhill on Ezekiel, Burroughs on Hosea, Owen on Hebrews, and Manton on James, can still be made." -- Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas, professor of Systematic and Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), An Exposition of the Prophesie of Hosea, Begun in Divers Lectures, Upon the First Three Chapters, at Michaels, Cornhill, London (1643)
*Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. A Christian classic.
"Well-known Puritan author of THE RARE JEWEL OF CHRISTIAN CONTENTMENT excels in deeply spiritual insights. Most authors writing today can't hold a candle to him!" -- CBD
"I am still reading this book, but I've read enough to have it significantly change my outlook on life and afflictions. I have learned in abundance what it means to trust the Lord in troubles and to realize that God will bring me out of them in His time, and it is my duty to praise the Lord and devote my heart to Him. My cup runs over when I read Jeremiah Burroughs." -- Reader's Comment
*Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), The Saint's Happiness: Together With the Several Steps Leading Thereunto Delivered in Divers Lectures on the Beatitudes; Being Part of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Contained in the Fifth of Matthew, ISBN: 187761100X. Alternate title: BURROUGHS ON THE BEATITUDES.
Forty-one sermons on The Beatitudes.
"Well-known Puritan author of THE RARE JEWEL OF CHRISTIAN CONTENTMENT excels in deeply spiritual insights. Most authors writing today can't hold a candle to him!" -- CBD
Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), A Treatise of Earthly-Mindedness and A Heavenly Conversation (Walking With God), ISBN: 1877611387.
"A comprehensive treatment of the nature and enticements of worldliness. It reflects the keen insight of Puritan Christianity." -- GCB
Calian, Carnegie Samuel, For all Your Seasons: Biblical Direction Through Life's Passages, ISBN: 0804220840 9780804220842.
Calvin, John (1509-1564), Concerning Scandals, ISBN: 0802835112 9780802835116.
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Daniel, ISBN: 0851510922 9780851510927.
"This edition, from the Calvin Translation Society edition of 1852-1853, is one of the greatest writings to come from Calvin's pen." -- GCB
Commentary on Daniel, Volume 1
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), The Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life, ISBN: 0801065283 9780801065286.
"Every member of the family able to read should be required to read this book." -- J.P. Green, Sr.
Carden, Allen, Puritan Christianity in America: Religion and Life in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts, ISBN: 0801025435 9780801025433.
"After exploring the Biblical basis of the Puritan movement, Carden's thematic study examines all aspects of Puritan theology as well as the Puritan's approach to the Christian life, social ethics, politics, family life, education, and culture. He concludes with an overview of the legacy bequeathed to American culture." -- GCB
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), and John Graham Miller (contributor), Calvin's Wisdom: An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically by a Grateful Reader, ISBN: 0851516246 9780851516240.
"This anthology (arranged alphabetically by topic), also becomes a dictionary of his thought and almost an encyclopedia of his theology." -- GCB
Calvin's Wisdom: An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically by a Grateful Reader, Jean Calvin, John Graham Miller
*Chafer, Lewis S., True Evangelism: Winning Souls by Prayer, ISBN: 0825423457 9780825423451.
*Clarkson, David (1622-1686), The Works of David Clarkson, 3 volumes, ISBN: 0851515304 9780851515304. Available (WORKS) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #25.
"Clarkson (1622-1686), was a colleague and later successor to John Owen. These three volumes well illustrate his preaching powers which were characterized by faithfulness to Biblical teaching, careful analysis and exposition, and by copious application. Volume 3 contains the great polemical treatise Against the Practical Divinity of the Papists, plus a general and scriptural index." -- GCB
"Contents: Vol. 1. Of original sin, Ps. LI.5 [Psalm 51:5] -- Of repentance, Luke XIII.3 [Luke 13:3] -- Of faith, Mark XVI.16 [Mark 16:16] -- Of living by faith, Heb. X.38 [Hebrews 10:38] -- Faith in prayer, James I.6 [James 1:6] -- Of dying in faith, Heb. XI.13 [Hebrews 11:13] -- Of living as strangers, Heb. XI.13 [Hebrews 11:13] -- The excellent knowledge of Christ, Philip. III.8 [Philippians 3:8] -- Justification by the righteousness of Christ, Philip. III.9 [Philippians 3:9] -- Men by nature unwilling to come to Christ, John v. 40 [John 5:40] -- The Lord the owner of all things; an inducement from earthly-mindedness, I Chron. XXIX.11 [1 Chronicles 29:11] -- Hearing the Word, Luke VIII.18 [Luke 8:18] -- Of taking up the cross, Luke XIV. 27 [Luke 14:27] -- Vol. 2. The new creature Gal. VI.15 [Galatians 6:15] -- Christ's gracious invitation to sinners, Rev. III.20 [Revelation 3:20] -- Man's insufficiency to do anything of himself, John XV. 5 [John 15:5] -- Against anxious carefulness, Philip. IV. 6 [Philippians 4:6] -- Pray for everything, Philip. Iv. 6 [Philippians 4:6] -- God's end in sending calamities and afflictions on His people, Isa. XXVII.9 [Isaiah 27:9] -- The conviction of hypocrites, Mat. VII.22,23 [Matthew 7:22,23] -- Soul idolatry excludes men out of heaven, Eph. V.5 [Ephesians 5:5] -- The children of God should not be partakers with others in their sins, Eph. V.7 [Ephesians 5:7]-- Unconverted sinners are darkness, Eph. V.8 [Ephesians 5:8] -- Of Christ seeking fruit, and finding none, Luke XIII.6 [Luke 13:6] -- The Lord rules over all, Ps. CIII.19 [Psalm 103:19] -- Sinners under the curse, Gal. III.10 [Galatians 3:10] -- Vol. 3. The love of Christ, Eph. V.2 [Ephesians 5:2] -- Christ's sacrifice, Eph. V.2 [Ephesians 5:2] -- Christ's dying for sinners, Rom. V.8 [Romans 5:8] -- Christ touched with the feeling of our infirmities, Heb. IV.15 [Hebrews 4:15] -- Of coming boldly unto the throne of grace, Heb. IV.16 [Hebrews 4:15]-- Of Christ's making intercession, Heb. VII.25 [Hebrews 7:25] -- Believers' communion with the Father and Son, I John I.3 [1 John 1:3] -- Public worship to be preferred before private, Ps. LXXXVII.2 [Psalm 87:2] -- The practical divinity of the papists discovered to be destructive of Christianity and men's souls."
*Cox, Samuel, The Book of Ruth, ISBN: 0865241406 9780865241404.
"The devotional nature of this commentary does not detract from its expository value. While popular in style, it exhibits a remarkable understanding of human nature. A work of real merit." -- Cyril J. Barber
Cranfield, C.E.B., The Bible and Christian Life, ISBN: 0567291251 9780567291257.
*Deane, William J., and Thomas Kirk, Studies in the First Book of Samuel, ISBN: 0865241503 9780865241503.
*De Graaf, Simon Gerrit, Promise and Deliverance, 4 volumes (Scarsdale, NY [Westminster Discount Book Service, P.O. Box 125H, Scarsdale 10583]: Westminster Discount Book Service). Translated from the Dutch by H. Evan Runner and Elisabeth Wichers Runner. A Christian classic.
"A landmark in interpreting the simple stories of the Bible . . . an invaluable resource for teachers, ministers, and parents." -- Christianity Today
"In Scripture, religion means covenant. By His Word, God called into being an order of creation culminating in man. By that Word He also gave man His favor and brought him into a life of conscious covenantal fellowship with Himself. As De Graaf himself puts it: 'Without covenant, there is no religion, no conscious fellowship between man and God, no exchange of love and faithfulness. Without the covenant, man would be just an instrument in God's hand. When God created man, He had more than an instrument in mind: He made a creature that could respond to Him. . . .'
"This renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the perspective undergirding De Graaf's treatment of all Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretations of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing. Religion is not morality." -- H. Evan Runner
"I highly recommend this book. One of the best books available." -- R.C. Sproul
*Edersheim, Alfred (1825-1889), Practical Truths From Elisha. A Christian classic.
"Originally published under the title ELISHA THE PROPHET (1882), this work differs from the material on Elisha in the author's famous BIBLE HISTORY. As with all the works of Edersheim, this book is worthy of diligent reading. Recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
Eyrich, Howard A. (editor), What to do When: Addresses, Workshops; Brandt, Adams, et al. Available from Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC, formerly NANC).
Proceeding of the annual meeting, 1977.
Foster, K. Neil, The Discerning Christian: How the Believer Detects Truth From Error in the Midst of Today's Religious Confusion, ISBN: 0875093124 9780875093123.
Ganz, Richard, How I Became a Christian Counselor (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Also includes "Dr. Adams, Questions and Answers: Is Masturbation for Christians?"
*Gibbs, Alfred Perks, A Dreamer and his Dream, or, The Story of John Bunyan and "The Pilgrim's Progress," ISBN: 1884838049.
"An 'exposition' of PILGRIM'S PROGRESS that brings out the full message of Bunyan's allegory." -- Cyril J. Barber
Gilbert, Marvin G. (editor), and Raymond T. Brock (editor), The Holy Spirit and Counseling, ISBN: 0913573140 9780913573143.
*Gill, John (1697-1771), Complete Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity: A System of Evangelical Truths Deducted From the Sacred Scriptures, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0801037220 9780801037221. A Christian classic.
"Reproduced from the 1839 edition, this beautifully bound set makes available Gill's vast learning, deep piety, and perceptive application of the Old Testament to theology. Verbose, but what Gill has to say makes rewarding reading." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Goodwin, Thomas (1600-1680), A Child of Light Walking in Darkness, or, A Treatise Shewing the Causes, by Which, the Cases, Wherein, the Ends, for Which god Leaves his Children to Distress of Conscience. Together with directions how to walk, so as to be relieved from such a condition. Available in THE WORKS OF THOMAS GOODWIN.
*Gray, Andrew (1633-1656), Joel R. Beeke, W.K. Tweedie, The Works of the Reverend and Pious Andrew Gray, ISBN: 1877611514 9781877611513.
"Andrew Gray (1633-1656), was a renowned 17th century Scots divine, steeped in Reformed/Puritan theology. At age 19 he was ordained in the High Kirk of Glasgow. He rendered doctrine intelligible and practical. He aimed for the conscience. He spoke to the heart in comforting the newly reborn, in arresting the backslider, and in unmasking the hypocrite." -- GCB
*Harrison, Roland Kenneth (editor), Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics, ISBN: 0517222280.
"A comprehensive reference work for everyone concerned with the complicated moral issues of this world, this unique volume clearly communicates what Scripture teaches about the ethical dilemmas facing our society. Biological warfare, corporate responsibility, human rights, computer ethics, and much more are discussed by over fifty scholars who explain the moral guidelines in the Bible and historic Christian teachings.
"R.K. Harrison, author and editor of over thirty books on biblical studies, has brought together a valuable A to B treasury of thought for every believer searching for guidance." -- Publisher
"A compendium of reliable information. Arranged in dictionary format, 550 entries and 61 contributors. Goes beyond descriptive data to the practical application of truth to a variety of situations . . . . The book is well-indexed. . . . Treats ethical areas like apartheid and surrogate motherhood. Probably the best available evangelical treatment of this type." -- GCB
Heywood, Oliver, George Barton Ide, Heart Treasure: or, The Furniture of a Holy Soul, ISBN: 1877611042 9781877611049.
"Heywood (1629-1702), as a Nonconformist minister was often persecuted for his beliefs. In this work his writing is marked by a depth of pious feeling and an experimental knowledge of the working of grace in the soul. Matthew 12:35 forms the theme for this book." -- GCB
*Jeremiah, David, The Wisdom of God, ISBN: 0880621036 9780880621038.
"Jeremiah has given us a very helpful exposition of the Bible doctrine of wisdom. This is not in any sense a superficial or frothy treatment, but is thorough and sound doctrinally, with unusual insights and persuasive analyses in every chapter. At the same time it is easy to read and understand, with many practical applications for daily Christian living. I recommend it heartily." -- Henry M. Morris
Kaynor, Keith, When God Chooses: The Life of David, ISBN: 0872271269 9780872271265.
*Kirk, Thomas, and George Rawlinson, Studies in the Books of Kings, ISBN: 0865241554 9780865241558.
*Kistemaker, Simon J., The Parables of Jesus: A History of Interpretation and Bibliography, 301 pages, ISBN: 0801054230 9780801054235.
"A history of parable interpretation from the period of the Church Fathers to the present, with the most extensive bibliography to date on the parables as a whole and on individual parables." -- Publisher
"Briefly out of print, this fine book on the parables is now available in paperback. Kistemaker is currently involved as Professor and Chairman of New Testament at Reformed Seminary Jackson. He is also writing commentaries that will finish up the work begun by William Hendriksen." -- GCB
Langberg, Diane, How to Deal With Hurts (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette WW402 [audio file].
*Lawson, George (1749-1820), and Alexander Carson, Exposition of Ruth and Esther, ISBN: 1589600592 9781589600591. Alternate title: LECTURES ON THE WHOLE BOOK OF RUTH, DISCOURSES ON THE WHOLE BOOK OF ESTHER, and GOD'S PROVIDENCE UNFOLDED IN ESTHER.
"A book highly esteemed by C.H. Spurgeon for its wise counsel and gracious teaching." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Leith, John H., John Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life, ISBN: 0664213308 9780664213305.
"This work provides a thorough analysis of Calvinist doctrine, defining Christian life in relation to four aspect of Calvinist thought: justification by faith, providence and predestination, history and the transhistorical, and church and society. The relationship between God and man is seen as the most central." -- GCB
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Knowing the Times: Addresses Delivered on Various Occasions, 1942-1977, ISBN: 0851515568 9780851515564.
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), The Miracle of Grace and Other Messages, ISBN: 0801056365 9780801056369.
"Fourteen (14) sermons published together for the first time as a book. These sermons originally appeared in the periodical The Christian World Pulpit. They cover a wide variety of topics such as hope, discipleship, suffering, sin, the Cross, the Resurrection, and more." -- GCB
*Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn (1899-1981), Puritan and Westminster Conferences, et al., The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors. Alternate title: THE PURITANS: THEIR ORIGINS AND SUCCESSORS: ADDRESSES DELIVERED AT THE PURITAN AND WESTMINSTER CONFERENCES 1959-1978, ISBN: 0851514960 9780851514963.
"The author pays his dues to the Puritans, whose books he devoured, and whose teaching he absorbed and then preached. He draws lessons from Calvin and Knox, Bunyan and Owen, Edwards and Whitefield, and many others. As always, his comments are practical." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Logos Bible Software, Logos Bible Software Bundles That Include Works on Biblical Counseling
There are 15 bundles in all.
*Luther, Martin (1483-1546), Letters of Spiritual Counsel, ISBN: 9780664230852 0664230857.
Edited and translated by Theodore G. Tappert.
Includes bibliography.
Mack, Wayne A., Down, but not out: How to get up When Life Knocks you Down, ISBN: 0875526721 9780875526720.
"Mack offers help for those plagued by worry and suffering from spiritual burnout. He also addresses 'downers' such as self-pity, discouragement, hopelessness, and others." -- Publisher
Mack, Wayne, Strengthening Your Marriage, 151 pages, ISBN: 0875523331 9780875523330. Alternate title: HOW TO DEVELOP DEEP UNITY IN THE MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIP: A HOW TO MANUAL FOR CHRISTIAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT.
"Eight units cover the basics of marital unity: God's purpose for marriage; wife's responsibilities; husband's responsibilities; communication; finances; sex; raising children; family religion. Each chapter has about 10 pages of outlined teaching followed by Bible study, self-analysis, and personalized response and application."
Mack, Wayne, You can Resolve Interpersonal Conflicts, ISBN: 0801061032 9780801061035.
"Unfolds Philippians 4:2 -- the conflict of Euodia and Syntyche -- as a paradigm for conflict solving. Take responsibility for your side; approach the other person in biblical ways; seek wise counsel. Includes suggested assignments." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Mack, Wayne A., Your Family, God's way: Developing and Sustaining Relationships in the Home. Alternate title: BUILDING YOUR FAMILY GOD'S WAY: THE ROLE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN THE HOME, ISBN: 0875523587 9780875523583.
"Unfolds Psalm 128's vision of godly family life. Calls on a husband and father to be first and foremost a "God-fearing" man. Calls on a wife and mother to become a "fruitful vine" because of the intimacy of her relationship with God. Calls on parents to view their children as precious "olive plants." Extensive and practical discussion of communication and problem-solving principles. Contains study and application assignments for each chapter." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Mack offers Biblical insight and practical wisdom for two crucial areas of family life: communication and conflict resolution. Stories of success and application questions give hope and clear direction to all who wish to build stronger families." -- Publisher
Mack, Wayne A., and Joshua Mack, A Fight to the Death: Taking aim at sin Within, ISBN: 1596380047 9781596380042.
"This book explores the seriousness of sin and the necessity of fighting against it, and presents a biblical method of killing the sin within us." -- Publisher
*Martin, Hugh (1822-1885), The Prophet Jonah: His Character and Mission to Nineveh.
"A first-class exposition of Jonah. No one who has it will need any other. It is not a small treatise, as most of the Jonah books are; but it contains 460 pages, all rich with good matter. It is out of print, and out to be republished. What are publishers at to let such a book slip out of the market?" -- C.H. Spurgeon
Martin, Hugh (1822-1885), Simon Peter, ISBN: 0851514278.
"Martin (1822-1885), first presented this material in 1869. While telling us about Peter we also learn about the various phases of Christian faith and life." -- GCB
McClung, Floyd, Jr., The Father Heart of God, ISBN: 9780736912150 0736912150.
"You'll will discover that no problem is too great or too insignificant for your Father in Heaven. The author illustrates how the loving, compassion of God enables us to overcome insecurity and the devastating effects of some of life's most painful experiences." -- Publisher
Helpful for those who may be alienated from God in part by family problems.
McNeill, John T., A History of the Cure of Souls, ISBN: 0060655402 9780060655402.
"McNeill provides readers with a magisterial mapping of the landscape of two millennium of soul care and spiritual direction. In a brief but pointed section on Old Testament and New Testament spiritual care, McNeill documents that God's people have always been about the business of helping hurting and hardened people through shared conversations around the Word. He then transports readers through Church history both chronologically and denominationally. Groups both large and small receive ample documentation. McNeill leaves his readers with resources for further study. But more importantly, he leaves them armed with the awareness that the ministry of sustaining, healing, reconciling, and guiding stands in a great tradition under that great cloud of witnesses. For an introduction to the history of soul care, no one does it better." -- Reader's Comment
*Motyer, John A., The Message of Amos: The Day of the Lion, ISBN: 0877842833 9780877842835 0851107311 9780851107318.
"This commentary is one of the best on this book. Over 200 pages long the author is conversant with both the Old and New Testaments. While this commentary is written in a popular style, it is neither sketchy nor too brief. The interpretation is sound and helpful." -- GCB
"Relates the message of this Old Testament prophet to the needs of the present day."
*Murray, John (1898-1975), Principles of Conduct, ISBN: 0802811442 9780802811448.
"This is a far-ranging book with a recurring emphasis on the majestic moral demands of Scripture and the relation of the Gospel to those demands. Scripture teaching is lucidly brought to bear on vital ethical issues such as marriage, work as a calling, capital punishment, the sanctity of truth, and the fear of God. Undoubtedly this is the foremost contemporary book in the field." -- William J. Grier
*Neff, LaVonne (compiler and editor), et al., Practical Christianity, ISBN: 084234957X 9780842349574. Includes indexes.
"An important new reference tool for Christians striving to put faith to work in every area of life. PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY contains over 200 insightful articles by 75 well known contributors. Look up a pressing problem and find practical ways to handle it. Discover how your faith relates to job pressures, money management, politics, marriage tensions etc. Material is arranged topically for quick reference." -- CBD
Newport, John P., Life's Ultimate Questions.
"This Baptist scholar answers the truly hard questions of life from the Bible with precision and competence. J.I. Packer (1926-2020) wrote: 'Cool, clear, comprehensive, and full of thoughtful wisdom, this book is a rich resource for exploring the responses of Christian faith to the knowledge, ignorance, and confusions of the modern world'." -- GCB
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), God has Spoken: Revelation and the Bible, ISBN: 0801071283.
"Growing controversies in mainline denominations and evangelical churches over such issues as the inspiration of Scripture and acceptance of homosexuality confirm Packer's belief that Christians need to return to Bible study. He points the way to understanding and applying the life-changing truths of the Bible." Publisher
"Points out that critical views of the Bible have always impoverished students of the Word. Urges believers to return to a careful study of what the Scriptures say, unadorned by contemporary trappings." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Packer, J.I. (1926-2020), Guidance and Wisdom, 23 pages.
"Called 'the principal architect of Elizabethan Puritanism' and 'the most important Puritan writer,' Perkins was the first theologian of the Reformed English church to gain an international reputation. His preaching manual, THE ART OF PROPHESYING (recently reprinted by the Banner of Truth Trust -- RB), is found on nearly every seventeenth century New England book list. . . . Perkin's theological legacy extended through his Cambridge students, most prominently William Ames . . . Perkins's Calvinist theology was presented according to the logic and method of Peter Ramus . . . Ramism helped Perkins maintain the unity of theology and ethics, provided an educational tool by streamlining logic, fostered plain-style preaching, enhanced the art of memory, provided a tool for biblical interpretation as well as supplying a secure philosophical base on which to build theology," notes the Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith, ISBN: 0585074860 9780585074863.
"A timely work full of consolation. A valuable addition to the other books treating suffering. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
"Those shocked into wakefulness by Pink's book on THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD will be amazed at the different tone he displayed in this book. It is heart-warming." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Comfort for Christians, by Arthur W. Pink
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Gleanings From Elisha, ISBN: 0802430007 9780802430007.
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Gleanings From the Scriptures: Man's Total Depravity, Available (STUDIES IN SCRIPTURE VOLUMES 19-32), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Pink again shows his thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He refers to something like 500 verses of the Bible to demonstrate that God teaches that mankind is totally depraved since the Fall. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008) A strongly Calvinistic treatment.
The Doctrine of Human Depravity, Arthur Pink
*Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Life of David, 2 volumes, ISBN: 0801070619.
"It is by far the most and the best you can find on this section of the Bible. The many facets of David's devotion and service, his sad lapse, and his recovery all handled reverently and with great respect by Pink. The sweet singer of Israel will loom larger in your mind once you have digested these pages. Pink was never better, nor sweeter." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Shepherd, soldier, musician, king, adulterer, father -- David was most of all a man after God's own heart. Pink's unusual combination of biography, commentary, and devotional studies gives you an intimate view of David's many sides. Each of Pink's 145 chapters is short and to the point, so you can easily gather excellent material for a lesson, sermon, or simply your own personal study. . . ." -- CBD
Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Studies in the Scriptures, 1946, ISBN: 0851513468 9780851513461.
"For 33 years Pink issued his magazine by this title, and in it he wrote nearly all of his many books which have been published. And he also covered many other subjects, such as the Prayers of the Apostles, Spiritual Growth, etc., as in this issue. You will find a great deal of his commentary on Joshua in this issue also. Pink is superb. How wonderful that the Banner of Truth Trust is issuing some of these yearly magazines. Enjoy them while you may." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Pink, Arthur W. (1886-1952), Studies in the Scriptures, 1947, ISBN: 0851513476 9780851513478.
Porter, Jack Nusan, Conflict and Conflict Resolution: A Historical Bibliography, ISBN: 0824092872 9780824092870.
"As an introduction to the field of social conflict, this bibliography uses classical and contemporary sources to trace conflict theories from ancient times to the present. Though selective in its inclusion of more recent works, this book is comprehensive in its historical dimension, making it unique among sociological studies. With its categorizing of books, articles, and dissertations, it is a valuable handbook or text for research. It should prove invaluable to D.Min. students doing dissertation research in the area of interpersonal communication." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Powlison, David (1949-2019), Competent to Counsel? The History of Biblical Counseling, new edition. Alternate title: COMPETENT TO COUNSEL? THE HISTORY OF A CONSERVATIVE PROTESTANT ANTI-PSYCHIATRY MOVEMENT, ISBN: 0978556763 9780978556761 (College Park, PA: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. thesis, 1996).
David Powlison is editor of Journal of Biblical Counseling, a staff member of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Through the years I have often asked our students and alumni about the pivotal moments of their studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. High on the list of frequent answers was Dr. Powlison's class on "The Dynamics of Biblical Change." Students have told me repeatedly, "That course changed my life." We thank God for the gift of Dr. Powlison (1949-2019) who has left such a permanent impact on so many, including Westminster Theological Seminary. -- Peter Lillback
*Powlison, David (1949-2019, compiler and annotator), Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
*Preston, John (1587-1628), The Golden Sceptre Held Forth to the Humble, ISBN: 1877611174 9781877611179. A Christian classic.
This book is comprised of six sermons on 2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land, just one verse that succinctly gives the Biblical solution to terrorism. Sermons are on Affliction, Humiliation, Seeking god's face, Turning from evil, Forgiveness to those who forsake sin, and Sin as the cause of all calamities.
The Golden Sceptre Held Forth to the Humble
The Golden Sceptre Held Forth to the Humble
Pruitt, Carl W., What the Bible Says About God's Answers to Personal Problems,
"In thirteen chapters the author covers the teaching of the Bible on the major topics of interest to pastoral counselors. A valuable distillation of the Biblical teaching." -- Cyril J. Barber
Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900), Examples of Holiness, ISBN: 0801076544 9780801076541.
"Selected from his book HOLINESS, published in 1879."
*Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900), Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots, ISBN: 0852341369. A Christian classic.
"Ryle, like his great masters, has no easy way to holiness to offer us, and no 'patent' method by which it can be obtained; but he invariably produces that 'hunger and thirst after righteousness' which is the only indispensable condition to being 'filled'." -- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"Newly typeset edition from Evangelical Press with preface done by J.I. Packer. Complete and unabridged." -- GCB
Holiness, J.C. Ryle
*Ryle, J.C. (John Charles, 1816-1900), Home Truths, Volume 1. A Christian classic.
"This reprint of a classic is much needed in our day." -- CVBBS
Home Truths, Miscellaneous Addresses and Tracts, 1854
*Ryle, J.C. (John Charles, 1816-1900), Home Truths, Volume 2, ISBN: 1583391738. Alternate title: HOME TRUTHS: SECOND SERIES.
There is some confusion over the various editions of HOME TRUTHS. Apparently one edition included 8 volumes.
Home Truths, Miscellaneous Addresses and Tracts (1857)
*Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900), and J.I. Packer (foreword, 1926-2020), Practical Religion: Being Plain Papers on the Daily Duties, Experience, Dangers and Privileges of Professing Christians, ISBN: 085234449X 9780852344491. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"PRACTICAL RELIGION is classic as a manual on the practice of Christianity -- a concise guide to the daily duties, experiences, dangers, privileges, and responsibilities faced by professing Christians. It is an excellent companion volume to J.C. Ryle's other classic, HOLINESS.
"In PRACTICAL RELIGION, Ryle expounds the great central themes of the Christian life with realism, power, and depth. This volume, along with his other works such as EXPOSITORY THOUGHTS ON THE GOSPELS, has been treasured by generations of evangelical Christians all over the world." -- Publisher
"Discusses: self-iniquity, self-exertion, reality, prayer, Bible reading, charity, zeal, happiness, formality, the world, riches and poverty, sickness, family of God, heirs of God, eternity, and others." -- GCB
Practical Religion: Being Plain Papers on the Daily Duties, Experience, Dangers, and Privileges of Professing Christians (1883)
*Ryle, J.C. (1816-1900), The Upper Room: Being a Few Truths for the Times, ISBN: 0851510175 9780851510170.
"This work is a treasure chest of insights and teaching on a wide variety of subjects and passages." -- GCB
Scipione, George C., Marriage and Family Counseling: Course Syllabus, 134 pages.
Introduction. Why study the family?: What is the family? -- What is marriage and family counseling? -- Why is it necessary to study and to help the family? How to study the family: The starting point is God's holy created norms found in scripture, not sinful, sociological, statistical norms -- God starts mankind's history with a family, not any other institution -- God works through families in His covenant of grace -- God made the family a symbol, analogy or model -- The family is central to the functioning of the other God-ordained institutions. The Biblical theology of the family and its relationship to theology: The family is a major key in understanding God's nature -- The family is a major key in understanding God's redemptive covenant of grace -- Modern secular views of the family, as well as contemporary evangelical views, distort God's nature and His acts in history. The history of the family: Biblical history -- General conclusions from the biblical data -- Para biblical and post biblical history. The biblical theology of the family: Biblical theology of gender roles -- Marriage -- The husband, the loving leader -- The wife, the suitable helper -- Communication in marriage -- Problem solving in marriage -- Sexuality in marriage -- Children -- Parenting -- Growth, maturity, aging -- Education of children -- Assessment and diagnosis of "dyslexia" -- Assessment and diagnosis of ADD with hyperactivity -- Finances and inheritance -- Covenantal family view of contracting marriage vs. American romantic dating -- Premarital counseling -- A biblical theology of divorce -- Divorce counseling -- Remarriage -- Physical abuse -- Pornography, adultery, etc. -- Incest -- Family worship -- Adoption. The soteriology of the family: Problems defined -- Solutions developed by the culture (psychotherapies by the culture, codependency or co-idolatry?) -- A biblical framework for marriage and family counseling. How to do marriage and family counseling: The seven key elements hold true -- Team counseling and specialists. Case studies. Questions and answers. Appendices: Appendix A (marriage enrichment weekend) -- Appendix B (the family: an annotated bibliography) -- Appendix C (requirements for the course for credit students) -- Appendix D (The Westminster Confession of Faith on marriage and divorce) -- Appendix E (Calvin: Institutes of Christian Religion, book 1, chapter 1) -- Appendix F (Van Til: A Christian Theory of Knowledge).
"I remember not any book which is written to be the daily companion of Christians, to guide them in the practice of a holy life, which I prefer before this . . ." -- John Owen
"We could say nothing more about this book than that it has been highly recommended by John Owen and Richard Baxter. Owen said it had been very effective for him in his youth and Baxter said there is no book better on the subject." -- GCB
Sire, James W., The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, ISBN: 0830818995 9780830818990.
Contains material useful in counseling.
Snider, Noah, When There's no Place Like Home, ISBN: 0840733240 9780840733245.
"Snider, once a homeless individual, writes of the plight of the homeless and presents some solutions." -- GCB
The Homeless Handbook
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Words of Counsel for Christian Workers.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Words of Warning for Daily Life.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Words of Wisdom for Daily Life.
Steele, James William, Bible Solutions to Problems of Daily Living, ISBN: 0130780146 9780130780140 0130780227 9780130780225.
Includes bibliography.
Swindoll, Charles R., The Swindoll Study Bible: New Living Translation, ISBN 1414387253 9781414387253.
Includes "Application Articles," "Topical Index to Features," "Concordance," and "Holy Land Tour Itineraries."
"This study Bible was designed with you in mind. As you read the Scriptures, imagine me sitting beside you and sharing personal stories, important insights, and hard-earned lessons that will encourage you to walk more closely with Jesus Christ. You'll discover the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the Bible. Who wrote it and when? What does it mean, and where did its events occur? Why should I trust it? And most importantly, how can I apply it today?
"It's that last question more than any other that has fed my passion to publish this Bible. My primary focus in ministry has been teaching biblical insight for living for genuine life change. After all, that's why God communicated His Word to us, that we may become like His Son, Jesus Christ, the central figure of this Book." -- Chuck Swindoll
The "Index to Application Articles" is found on page 1693. It contains 220 full-page sidebars written and edited by Chuck Swindoll. In addition there is practical commentary on Bible passages on practically every page, also written and edited by Chuck Swindoll.
This study Bible seems to have been designed to appeal to the young Christian, the new believer, and the general public. It may not appeal to mature Christians, or to the serious theology student and researcher whose mind is hard-wired to Textus Receptus translations and to Christian classics.
Their website contains many suitable follow-up resources.
Insight for Living Ministries
The Bible-Teaching Ministry of Charles R. Swindoll.
Swinnock, George (1627-1673), The Works of George Swinnock, M.A. Containing These Several Treatises . . . 1665, 5 volumes, ISBN: 0851516424 9780851516424 0851516378 9780851516370 0851516386 9780851516387 0851516394 9780851516394 0851516408 9780851516400 0851516416 9780851516417. Available (THE WORKS OF GEORGE SWINNOCK) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Contents: The Christian mans calling, First part, wherein a Christian is directed how to carry himself in religious duties, natural actions, particular vocation, family direction, his own recreation --
"Second part, The Christian directed to perform his duty as parent, child, husband, wife, master, servant, and in the conditions of prosperity and adversity --
"Third part, Directing a Christian to perform his duty, in his dealings with all men, in the choice of his companions, in evil company, in good company, in solitude, on a week-day from morning to night, in visiting the sick, on a dying bed --
"Heaven and Hell epitomized, or, The true Christian characterized --
"Door of salvation opened, by the key of regeneration --
"Fading of the flesh, and flourishing of faith --
"A valedictory sermon, on Act. 20. 32 [Acts 20:32]. --
"Men are Gods, on Psal. 82. 6, 7 [Psalm 82:6,7]."
Works of George Swinnock, M.A (1868)
*Thomas, William H.G. (W.H. Griffith, 1861-1924), Grace and Power, ISBN: 0840759347. A Christian classic.
"This is one of the great books of Christendom. It deals concisely with the problems Christians face in every age: how to make time for prayer, why we often hinder our spiritual growth, the manner in which we may develop our inner resources so as to be able to meet the contingencies of life, and the means God has provided for the development of the spiritual life. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
Thomas, Grace and Power: Some Aspects of the Spiritual Life (1916)
*Tripp, Paul David, Contextualization of the Gospel in Counseling: A Biblical Rational for Person-Centered Ministry (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1988).
Available on microfiche from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI.
Includes bibliography.
*Wallace, Ronald, Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life, ISBN: 1579100473 9781579100476.
"This renowned student of Calvin's theology says that the great Reformer did not hold that the doctrine of the priesthood of believers was an individualistic idea apart from the Church. Also sets forth Calvin's views on prayer, ethics, and other Christian disciplines. Always the idea of assurance, achievement, and hope was present because of our union with Christ." -- GCB
Walton, Rus, Biblical Solutions to Contemporary Problems: A Handbook, ISBN: 0943497159 9780943497150.
See: "Gambling (and State Lotteries)." pp. 117-126.
"The Organized Crime Section of the Department of Justice report that 'the rate of illegal gambling in those states which have some legalized form of gambling was three times as high as in those states where there was no legalized gambling'. . . .
"Anti-gambling forces insist that it is immoral for the state to encourage or condone or profit from immorality. They cite statistics that show gambling brings with it crime (organized and unorganized), and vice (prostitution, assault, robbery, drugs). Rev. Timothy Kehl, chairman of the Wisconsin Conference of Churches' Gambling Issue Task Force, which opposed that state's lottery, said the issue is whether 'it's right or wrong for the government to be involved in a multi-million dollar numbers racket' that exploits its citizens by luring them into gambling. 'We believe the role of government . . . is to promote the general welfare, not to devise schemes to swindle people out of their hard-earned money'. . . ."
World history and the Gallop Polls are repleat with evidence that, generally speaking, time and space do not allow the whole argument here, the populace follows the example of leaders of state and the actions of their government. There is no doubt in this writer's mind that after the federal government legalized state lotteries about 1976, that investment bankers and big business followed the example of the government, and began using strategies that amount to gambling, to maximize profits by risking capital assets. The financial 'house of cards' eventually lead to the meltdown of 2008, one of the greatest global economic depression in history. See also: Meltdown: The Depression of 2008
Ward, Ted, Values Begin at Home, revised edition, ISBN: 088207637X 9780882076379.
*Warfield, B.B. (1851-1921), Faith and Life, ISBN: 0851511880 9780851511887.
"The contents of this book were taught on Sunday afternoons with his seminary students. The teaching is mature, practical, and deep. The teaching in this book is so good that it will always be up to date. Sit with the great theologian on a Sunday afternoon and learn insights that are foundations to all of life." -- CBD
*Watson, Thomas (1620-1686), and Don Kistler (editor), The art of Divine Contentment, 2nd edition, ISBN: 1573581135 9781573581134. Alternate title: AUTARKEIA. Available (MP3 files), on the Puritan Hard Drive.
This is an exposition of Philippians 4:11.
"Like all the good Puritans he majored in the art of teaching humble hearts to live the Christ-like life. In this book it is the art of contentment that is pressed on all of us." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"Watson, one of the most understandable and practical of the Puritans, gives us a much needed remedy for the discontent that is rampant in our society today, even among Christians. He gives a warm and God-centered view of how contentment as a Christian is not only possible, but should be normal. His thesis is: 'That a gracious spirit is a contented spirit. The doctrine of contentment is very superlative; and til we have learned this, we have not learned to be Christians.' (p. 19). He rightly focuses the source of contentment on God's promises and His sovereign keeping of them. 'There is one promise brings much sweet contentment into the soul, "They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing," Ps. xxxiv. 10 [Psalm 34:10]. If the thing we desire be good for us, we shall have it; if it be not good, then the not having it is good for us. The resting satisfied with this promise gives contentment.' (p. 108)
"All Christians can benefit from this kind of work, that we might be different, and not live in the same discontent that we see all around us. If you're looking for a treatment for your heart, Watson is a fine physician of the soul." -- Reader's Comment
The Art of Divine Contentment, Thomas Watson
The Art of Divine Contentment, 1 of 8, audio file
Watson, A Body of Practical Divinity Sermons on the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, also Select Sermons on Various Subjects, Together with The Art of Divine Contentment, and Christ's Various Fulness (1859)
*Weeks, Noel, The Sufficiency of Scripture.
"Weeks is currently a Lecturer in History at the University of Sydney. He has a B.S. (Zoology), B.D., Th.M., and Ph.D. To be guilty of understatement, the man is highly and broadly educated.
"Weeks believes firmly that Scripture is sufficient for faith and practice. And he affirms that all disciplines of life are governed by the Lord Jesus Christ, and that His providential actions impact on every individual, and every area of knowledge. This rule is not only declared by the Scripture, but the Scriptures themselves enunciate the response due from each person. Whether it may be culture, or science, or nation, all are subject to the Scripture; that is, all will be judged by the Scriptures in the end. Therefore, it follows that we are daily to judge all things by the Scriptures.
"Weeks makes application of all this. And in doing so he again and again points out that the more we dilute the influence of the Scriptures, the further we go into doubt and confusion. The many apostasies which are today in evidence are the result of the diluting of, or the abandoning of, the authority of the Scriptures. . . .
"In the matter of translations, Weeks shows that there is no solid scriptural reason for the dynamic equivalence form of translation. Rather there is a great disservice to believers. He also shows that making the 'receptor language' the governing language in translation is to subvert the original God-breathed words.
"His conclusion is excellent, in which he notes that we are acquiescing in a limitation of inspiration throughout our Christian practice. And this leaves a Christian without power; yea, and also without excuse before God. God's words are absolute, just as His power is absolute. To seek to accommodate the Christian message to what the world is willing to hear, is to doom it to failure, even ridicule. Paul and Barnabas confronted the Greeks with God's commands. And they turned the world upside down. We must return to this practice of announcing to the world what God has said, and present it as authoritative. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Wells, William W., Welcome to the Family: An Introduction to Evangelical Christianity, ISBN: 0877846243: 9780877846246.
"Wilberforce (1759-1833), was a member of the English Parliament for 45 years, a politician by calling, but a Christian in his faith and practice.
"He was a prime mover in the abolition of slavery in England. This book was printed in 1797, and has gone through many printings since, in English and five other languages.
"The book is highly abridged, being originally 450 pages. . . . The main thrust of the book is on practical Christianity. . . ."Wilberforce teaches the importance of a God-centered life. Any life that is not centered on our Creator is not life at all, but such persons are dead while living (1 Timothy 5:6) . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Wiseman, Luke H., Practical Truths From Judges, ISBN: 0825440343 9780825440342.
"Formerly published as MEN OF FAITH, this work contains a wealth of practical material; applications are offered to encourage and challenge us today. . . ." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Repentance the key to salvation and change, Reconciliation of relationships, Justification, Justifying faith, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, Justice, judgment, god's final judgment, the great white throne judgment, the day of the lord, The sermon on the mount, The covenant faithfulness of god, Trusting god, Covenant theology and the ordinance of covenanting, Individual responsibility for corporate faithfulness and sanctification, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Works of Jay Adams, Reference Works, Topical listing of scripture, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Medical ethics, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Forgiveness, Sanctification, The promises of Christ, Bible promises, Bible Commentaries, and so forth, and so on.
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676
Institute for Nouthetic Counseling
"Study Biblical Counseling with Dr. Jay Adams.
"Here is a list of the courses we have ready:
Introduction to Biblical Counseling/Counseling Principles and Practices
The Counselor Himself
Critical Stages in Biblical Counseling
Counseling Problems
Premarital Counseling
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Theology and Counseling
Church Discipline
Medical Issues in Counseling I and II
Marriage and Family Counseling
We are currently working on the following:
Counseling Theories and Issues Abroad in the Church Today
Legal Issues in Counseling
Counseling Women
The Christian Counselor's Casebook Studies"
Justifying Faith
Biblical Counseling Library (29 Volumes), on CD-ROM, Libronix Digital Library System
"This 29 volume collection of Biblical Counseling titles is an amazing compilation of Christian counseling resources. THE BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY features some of Jay E. Adams' outstanding counseling titles, including THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, and A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING. It includes works from 20 different authors, including Steve Farrar, Elizabeth George, Jerry Bridges, and Lou Priolo.
"This collection includes informative studies on general Christian counseling, as well as very focused works on Women's and Men's counseling needs, counseling victims of sexual abuse, eating and diet issues, dating, working through struggles with sexual sin and anger, and developing a deeper walk with God. A fantastic resource for the library of a pastor or Christian counselor, the BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY adds a new dimension to your Logos Bible Software. These expert resources are combined with the tools of the Logos Bible Software system, including topical searching for studying specific areas of Biblical counseling, and linked references to other titles in your Libronix library." -- Publisher
Nouthetic Counseling
The Table-talk of Martin Luther translated by William Hazlitt, Esq.
The Table-talk of Martin Luther translated by William Hazlitt, Esq.
This is e-text of The Lutheran Publication Society printing.
Westminster Media Cassette Catalog
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
Works of J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
See the Theological Notes: "Pastors and Pastoral Care," at 1 Peter 5:2 in The Reformation Study Bible.For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
The task facing those of us in the ministry is to counteract this trend toward egocentricity with a sound, Christocentric emphasis. To the extent that we are able to do so, our ministry will show the fruit of our endeavors. We will also find that those to whom we minister will begin to respond with new enthusiasm. Their lives will also be marked by a deeper, richer appreciation for the Word of God. Mental and emotional needs will be met as well as spiritual ones. Prospects for the future, therefore, appear promising. . . . -- Cyril J. Barber
The ability to apply God's truth therapeutically implies the prior ability to diagnose spiritual ill-health, and diagnostic ability is learned as much by discovering and keeping track of one's own sins and weaknesses as by any other means. -- J.I. Packer (1926-2020)
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Christian Counselor's Casebook, ISBN: 0310511615 9780310511618.
"This is 'a workbook designed for individual or class use in conjunction with COMPETENT TO COUNSEL and THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL.' Contains snapshots of 60 opening sessions and 45 cases in process. There are three major purposes: [1] to learn how to identify various sorts of problems according to biblical norms; [2] to lay out biblical plans of action for dealing with problems; [3] to provide familiarity with a wide variety of representative types of problems that counselors encounter." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Ministering Series.
Contents: The ministry of the church | God is!! Stability we can count on | The environment of God | The balanced Christian | The disciplined life | Setting priorities | Making plans Biblically | Am I a winner? Its joys and responsibilities | The pastor's wife and depression | Christian forgiveness | Pain, does it belong? | Decisions, make them or they make you | Worry, trouble, how to combat it | The Biblical view of divorce | Homosexuality, how to deal with it | Overcoming depression | Grading and degrading, Christian education | Poles apart, who's a Christian? | Baptism for infants.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling, 202 pages, ISBN: 1889032468 9781889032467.
"THE PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING is designed to afford Christian counselors quick reference as well as comprehensive access to the chief principles and practices of biblical counseling. It is called an 'encyclopedia' because a counselor interested in surveying the gamut of those principles and practices will find in this volume a wider variety of subjects than may be located in any other book of biblical counseling. The counseling described here is truly 'Christian' with method and content firmly rooted in careful biblical exegesis. At the same time it is 'practical' because articles consist not merely of definitions and descriptions, but also of application of the material useful to Christian counselors. Although not necessarily the only way these biblical principles can be applied, they are the fruit of years of study and experience in biblical counseling. In short, the book is designed as an aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide. We trust that God will use it to His glory and to the blessing of His people." -- Preface
Some subject include: Abortion | Abuse | Admonition | Adultery | Adversity | Affliction | Aggravation | Anger | Answers | Apology | Assurance | Attitude | Authority | Balance | Behavior | Bizarre behaviour | Breakdown | Christ | Church | Commandments | Confession | Confidentiality | Contentment | Correction | Corruption | Counseling | Crises | Data gathering | Deceit | Dependence | Discipling | Divorce | Doctrine | Drugs | Education | Empathy | Evangelism | Example | Foolishness | Forgetfulness | Forgiveness | Godliness | Gospel | Gossip | Habit | Heresy | Hope | Hostility | How-to | Idolatry | Jesus | Joy | Justification | Legal matters | Legalism | Lying | Marriage | Promises of god | Put on/put off dynamic | Quickening | Radical amputation | Rage | Reconciliation | Referral | Rejuvenation | Repentance | Sanctification | Scripture | Sex | Sin | Teaching | Temptation | Testing | Think list | Thought | Training.
*Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Shepherding God's Flock: A Handbook on Pastoral Ministry, Counseling and Leadership, ISBN: 0310510716 9780310510710.
"The book is divided into three parts: Pastoral Life deals with the pastor, his calling, and the general care he provides the flock. Pastoral Counseling provides an overview of the task and general approach for pastoral counselors. Pastoral Leadership offers a perspective on the ways the pastor can lead the church in its many tasks and responsibilities." -- Publisher
"An 'unparalleled handbook' on ministry for teaching and ruling elders." -- Publisher
"A handbook on pastoral ministry, counseling, and leadership. This book is one of the finest you can get and will help you in the real world. The contents come out of years of working directly with ministers, counselors, and work as a seminary professor." -- GCB
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Baker, Don, Beyond Forgiveness: The Healing Touch of Church Discipline, ISBN: 0880700548 9780880700542.
Bailey, Robert, Ministering to the Grieving, ISBN: 0310417619 9780310417613.
Bassett, William T., Counseling the Childless Couple.
Benner, David G., Strategic Pastoral Counseling: A Short-Term Structured Model, ISBN: 0801010276 9780801010279.
Bobick, Michael W., From Slavery to Sonship: A Biblical Psychology for Pastoral Counseling. Distributed by Westminster Theological Seminary Discount Book Service. Includes bibliography.
"Attempts to break fresh theoretical ground for understanding people biblically: 'We need not choose between solving problems and understanding people; this is a false dilemma. . . . But in the absence of a published Biblical psychology that helps counselors. . . our present need is to emphasize the dynamics of motivation.' Instead of a how-to format for specific problems, this book tries 'to span the gap between theological anthropology and actual ministry.' Part 1 develops a model of the sinful human heart as a maze of lies and 'covenants with idols.' The renewed human heart is increasingly ruled by God's truth and power in Christ. Part 2 shows how the model can be used in the counseling process." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
*Bridges, Charles (1794-1869), The Christian Ministry, With an Inquiry Into the Causes of its Inefficiency, ISBN: 1428610979. A Christian classic.
"Bridges was a minister in England into the nineteenth century. . . . This book has been considered a classic book for ministers almost since it was written in 1829. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
*Brown, John (of Edinburgh, 1784-1858), Christian Pastor's Manual: A Selection of Tracts on the Duties, Difficulties, and Encouragements of the Christian Ministry, ISBN: 1573581364 9781573581363.
Browning, Don S., The Moral Context of Pastoral Care, ISBN: 0664207421 9780664207427.
Includes bibliographical references.
*Calvin, John (1509-1564), Letters of John Calvin, 2 volumes, ISBN: 9780548138700 0548138702. Available [CALVIN'S SELECTED WORKS, TRACTS AND LETTERS, 7 volumes], on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Capps, Donald, Biblical Approaches to Pastoral Counseling, ISBN: 0664243886 9780664243883.
Includes bibliographical references.
Carr, John C., John E. Hinkle, Jr., and David M. Moss III, The Organization and Administration of Pastoral Counseling Centers, ISBN: 0687294304 9780687294305.
Includes bibliography and indexes.
Christensen, James L., The Pastor's Counseling Handbook.
A widely used text.
Conley, Thomas H. and Samuel Southard, Pastoral Care for Personal Growth: Enabling the Laity to Share in Pastoral Ministry, ISBN: 0817007547 9780817007546.
Crane, William E., Where God Comes In: The Divine "Plus" in Counseling (Waco, TX: Word Books).
Includes bibliography.
Davis, Billie, Teaching to Meet Crisis Needs, ISBN: 0882436090 9780882436098.
Includes bibliographies.
*Denney, James, The Biblical Doctrine of Reconciliation, ISBN: 0865241929.
"Denney was both a pastor and a theologian. He defines and describes the Biblical doctrine of reconciliation and demonstrates that the essence of Christianity lies in its message of grace. Well conceived and well executed. This book deserves careful reading." -- Cyril J. Barber
"Read it again and again, and then preach its doctrine all your days . . . I do not know any modern book that has so much preaching power in it." -- Alexander Whyte
Denton, Wallace, The Minister's Wife as a Counselor.
Includes bibliography.
*Gregory, John Milton, The Seven Laws of Teaching, ISBN: 0801052726 9780801052729.
"An unabridged reprint of the 1886 edition. Each principle of education is supported by Scripture, a factor alone that makes this edition an invaluable reference tool." -- Cyril J. Barber
Hamilton, James P., The Ministry of Pastoral Counseling, ISBN: 0801040698 9780801040696.
"Concerned primarily with the relationship between Christian doctrine and Pastoral care. . . ." -- Gorman/Matthews
Hauck, Paul A., Reason in Pastoral Counseling, ISBN: 0664209459 9780664209452.
Hexham, Irving, Karla Poewe, and J.I. Packer (1926-2020), Understanding Cults and New Religions.
"This book is designed to help Christian laymen, pastors, youth workers, and students understand cults from a social, psychological, and religious perspective. . . ." -- GCB
Holifield, E. Brooks, A History of Pastoral Care in America: From Salvation to Self-Realization, ISBN: 0687172497 9780687172498.
Includes bibliographical references.
Kandle, George C., and Henry H. Cassler, Ministering to Prisoners and Their Families.
Includes bibliography.
Kemp, Charles F., A Pastoral Counseling Guidebook.
"Appendix includes various checklists and forms, and there is a valuable 30-page annotated bibliography. As a guide to literature and practice in the field this is a handy work." -- Gorman/Matthews
*Knox, John (1505-1572), Select Practical Writings of John Knox. Alternate title: SELECTED WRITINGS OF JOHN KNOX: PUBLIC EPISTLES, TREATISES AND EXPOSITIONS TO THE YEAR 1559. Available (WORKS OF JOHN KNOX) on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available (WORKS OF JOHN KNOX) on Reformation Bookshelf CD #1.
"In this 1845 edition, we find some of Knox's writings addressed to individuals. Deep, experimental dealing with souls and consciences, high toned, manly and practical, all describe this work." -- Publisher
See also the following political writings of John Knox single on both the Puritan Hard Drive and in The Reformation Bookshelf: CD #1, John Knox Debates God's Law, Idolatry and Civil Resistance in the General Assembly of 1564 | CD #1, Select Practical Writings of John Knox | CD #15, Against Romish Rites and Political and Ecclesiastical Tyranny (1554) | CD #26, Against Romish Rites and Political and Ecclesiastical Tyranny (1554) | CD #17, An Admonition to Flee Idolatry, Romanism and All False Worship (1554) | CD #25, The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (This book is on the first CD in this set). | CD #26, Reformation, Revolution and Romanism: An Appeal to the Scottish Nobility (1558).
Koenig, Harold G., Research on Religion and Aging: An Annotated Bibliography, ISBN: 0313294275 9780313294273.
*Kuhne, Gary W., The Dynamics of Personal Follow-up, ISBN: 0310269512 9780310269519.
A scholarly work that is one of the foundational books for the nouthetic method of counseling.
Includes bibliography.
Lester, Andrew D., Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling, ISBN: 0664255884 9780664255886.
Lester, Andrew D., When Children Suffer: A Sourcebook for Ministry With Children in Crisis, ISBN: 0664213278 9780664213275.
"Focuses on the significant crises in childhood. Treats issues like unresolved grief, unnecessary fear, lack of trust, a low sense of worth, distorted ideas about the person of God and the world in which they live. Well-done; makes a valuable contribution." -- Cyril J. Barber
Logos Bible Software, Logos Bible Software Bundles That Include Works on Biblical Counseling
There are 15 bundles in all.
Long, Edward Le Roy, Conscience and Compromise: An Approach to Protestant Casuistry
Mack, Wayne A., and the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Introduction to Pastoral Counseling.
McBurney, Louis, Counseling Christian Workers, ISBN: 0849905869 9780849905865.
"McBurney, a 'pastor to the clergy,' examines: the unique problems that face today's Christian workers; the role-related pressures and areas of resistance that must be overcome; the symptom complexes in the life of the minister; and the therapeutic approaches and principles as they relate to counseling Christian workers." -- GCB
Includes bibliography and index.
McElhinney, Glenn R., A Nouthetic Approach to Counseling Elementary School-age Children (Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Theological Seminary, D.Min. thesis, 1986).
Includes bibliography.
McIntosh, Ian F., Pastoral Care and Pastoral Theology, ISBN: 0664209246 9780664209247.
Includes bibliographical references.
McLemore, Clinton W., Clergyman's Psychological Handbook: Clinical Information for Pastoral Counseling, ISBN: 0802815766 9780802815767.
McNeill, John T., A History of the Cure of Souls, ISBN: 0060655402 9780060655402.
"McNeill provides readers with a magisterial mapping of the landscape of two millennium of soul care and spiritual direction. In a brief but pointed section on Old Testament and New Testament spiritual care, McNeill documents that God's people have always been about the business of helping hurting and hardened people through shared conversations around the Word. He then transports readers through Church history both chronologically and denominationally. Groups both large and small receive ample documentation. McNeill leaves his readers with resources for further study. But more importantly, he leaves them armed with the awareness that the ministry of sustaining, healing, reconciling, and guiding stands in a great tradition under that great cloud of witnesses. For an introduction to the history of soul care, no one does it better." -- Reader's Comment
*Nebe, August, Luther as Spiritual Advisor.
Translated by Charles A. Hay and Charles E. Hay. "Gives Luther's methods of dealing with the sick, destitute, sorrowing, erring, tempted, and dying. Sheds real light on Luther as a pastor and gives helpful insights." -- Robert B. Somerville
Nederhood, Joel, The Holy Triangle, ISBN: 0801066751 9780801066757.
Ngien, Dennis, Luther as a Spiritual Advisor: The Interface of Theology and Piety in Luther's Devotional Writings, ISBN: 1842274619 9781842274613.
Platt, Larry A. (editor), and Roger G. Branch (editor), Resources for Ministry in Death and Dying, ISBN: 0805469451 9780805469455.
"The editors have brought together the best in current literature on the subject of ministry to those facing life's terminus. Information about organizations specializing in different types of care, together with data about audiovisual materials, will prove invaluable to pastors and counselors." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Powlison, David (1949-2019), Competent to Counsel? The History of Biblical Counseling, new edition. Alternate title: COMPETENT TO COUNSEL? THE HISTORY OF A CONSERVATIVE PROTESTANT ANTI-PSYCHIATRY MOVEMENT, ISBN: 0978556763 9780978556761 (College Park, PA: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. thesis, 1996).
David Powlison is editor of Journal of Biblical Counseling, a staff member of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Through the years I have often asked our students and alumni about the pivotal moments of their studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. High on the list of frequent answers was Dr. Powlison's class on "The Dynamics of Biblical Change." Students have told me repeatedly, "That course changed my life." We thank God for the gift of Dr. Powlison (1949-2019) who has left such a permanent impact on so many, including Westminster Theological Seminary. -- Peter Lillback
*Powlison, David (1949-2019, compiler and annotator), Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Pruitt, Carl W., What the Bible Says About God's Answers to Personal Problems.
"In thirteen chapters the author covers the teaching of the Bible on the major topics of interest to pastoral counselors. A valuable distillation of the Biblical teaching." -- Cyril J. Barber
Pruyser, P.W., Minister as Diagnostician, ISBN: 0664241239 9780664241230.
"Dr. Pruyser explores, in depth, the first step in the helping process: the diagnostic assessment of the problem-laden person. The diagnoses that the minister makes cannot be medical or psychiatric, says Dr. Pruyser." -- Publisher
Rightor, Henry Haskell, Pastoral Counseling in Work Crises: An Introduction for Both Lay and Ordained Ministers, ISBN: 0817008144 9780817008147.
Includes bibliography and index.
Schroeder, Theodore W., Pastor's Counseling Manual for Ministry to Those Who Must Sustain a Loved One in Crisis, ISBN: 0570082501 9780570082507.
Sharrett, M., Career Planning: A Christian Approach (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Video V010.
Smith, Donald P., Clergy in the Cross Fire: Coping With Role Conflict in the Ministry, ISBN: 0664209645 9780664209643.
"Offers guidance in handling role ambiguities and conflicts. There is a selective but wide ranging bibliography (pp. 223-232), for further study." -- Gorman/Matthews
Thompson, Murray Stewart, Grace and Forgiveness in Ministry, ISBN: 0687156807 9780687156801.
Includes bibliography and references.
Thornton, Edward E., Theology and Pastoral Counseling.
Towns, Elmer L., and Roberta L. Groff, Successful Ministry to the Retarded, ISBN: 0802484255 9780802484253.
VandeCreek, Larry, A Research Primer for Pastoral Care and Counseling, ISBN: 0929670000 9780929670003.
Prepared with the research committees of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. "A commemorative issue, Dialogue 88."
Includes bibliography and index.
Welch, Ed, Philosophy of Counseling (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette SC864 [audio file].
Westminster Conference Report, The Office and Work of the Minister.
"Papers included: Office in the Church From the Separatist to the Westminster Assembly; The Call to the Ministry in Puritan Teaching; Ministerial Training From Harvard to Princeton; The Pastor as Preacher in 17th Century England; The Puritan Pastor as Counselor; Richard Sibbes, 'The Heavenly Doctor'." -- GCB
Includes bibliography.
*Wiersbe, Warren W., and David W. Wiersbe, Comforting the Bereaved, ISBN: 0802452930 9780802452931.
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, The sovereign grace of god: his everlasting mercy and lovingkindness, Repentance the key to salvation and change, Justifying faith, Reconciliation of relationships, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, For all counselors, Biblical counseling tracts, Manuals and handbooks, The westminster confession of faith (1646, the westminster standards), and related works: a study guide, Corporate faithfulness and sanctification, Preaching and pastoral counseling, Physical health, Summary and research index of key information in chapter 8: physical health and healthcare, Physiological problems, Reference works, Referral in pastoral counseling, Abnormal behavior and mental illness, Medical aspects of pastoral counseling, Legal aspects of biblical counseling, Physiological problems, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Ethics, Medical ethics, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Bible magistracy turns back the wrath of god, The doctrine of the lesser magistrates, Toleration, liberty of conscience, pluralism, "religious freedom," and neutrality, The words of christ, Christ and counseling, Words of christ appearing in the web edition of biblical counsel: resources for renewal, Love and counseling problems, Biblical counsel by subject, Topical listings os scripture useful in counseling, Practical expository sermons, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Case studies, Peer counseling, Works of jay adams, Training in biblical counseling, Women's health, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, and so forth, and so on.
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF)
1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone: 215.884.7676
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation Resources Audio Archives
Institute for Nouthetic Counseling
"Study Biblical Counseling with Dr. Jay Adams.
"Here is a list of the courses we have ready:
Introduction to Biblical Counseling/Counseling Principles and Practices
The Counselor Himself
Critical Stages in Biblical Counseling
Counseling Problems
Premarital Counseling
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Theology and Counseling
Church Discipline
Medical Issues in Counseling I and II
Marriage and Family Counseling
We are currently working on the following:
Counseling Theories and Issues Abroad in the Church Today
Legal Issues in Counseling
Counseling Women
The Christian Counselor's Casebook Studies"
Biblical Counseling Library (29 Volumes), on CD-ROM, Libronix Digital Library System
"This 29 volume collection of Biblical Counseling titles is an amazing compilation of Christian counseling resources. THE BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY features some of Jay E. Adams' outstanding counseling titles, including THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, and A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING. It includes works from 20 different authors, including Steve Farrar, Elizabeth George, Jerry Bridges, and Lou Priolo.
"This collection includes informative studies on general Christian counseling, as well as very focused works on Women's and Men's counseling needs, counseling victims of sexual abuse, eating and diet issues, dating, working through struggles with sexual sin and anger, and developing a deeper walk with God. A fantastic resource for the library of a pastor or Christian counselor, the BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY adds a new dimension to your Logos Bible Software. These expert resources are combined with the tools of the Logos Bible Software system, including topical searching for studying specific areas of Biblical counseling, and linked references to other titles in your Libronix library." -- Publisher
Sound Word Associates Library of Biblical Counselors
Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore
See the Theological Notes: "Prophets" at Deuteronomy 18:18 in The Reformation Study Bible.Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. (2 Timothy 2:24-26)
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10,11). See the annotation in The Reformation Study Bible.Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. (Acts 3:19,20)
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Preaching to the Heart: A Heart-to-Heart Discussion With Preachers of the Word, ISBN: 1889032344 9781889032344.
"Acts 2:37 and 7:54 describe preaching that struck squarely at the heart and evoked a definitive response from the hearers. Heart is 'the whole inner man,' intellect as well as emotions. Some hearts are hardened and other hearts are transformed by the Word. 'To preach to the heart one must preach from the heart,' dominated and influenced by the Holy Spirit. The ingredients of such preaching include boldness, faithfulness to the Word, and clarity." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Beginning with the Biblical meaning of 'heart,' Dr. Adams shows that preaching must flow from a heart of godly devotion to pierce the hearts of its listeners." -- GCB
Adams, Jay, Preaching With Parables, 64 pages, ISBN: 1889032549 9781889032542.
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Preaching With Purpose: The Urgent Task of Homiletics, ISBN: 0801001935 9780801001932.
" 'As there was a need for a definitive change in Christian counseling when I wrote Competent to Counsel, so too is there a need for such change in all areas of the practical field -- in administration, Christian education, pastoral work -- but especially in preaching.' The work of the preacher centers around one key question: how can you discern and remain true to the purpose or intention of the Holy Spirit in the Word? Includes material on the relationship of preaching to counseling and on the issue of 'self-esteem/image'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Your preaching must have a goal and purpose which speaks directly to your congregation and brings about change." -- GCB
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Sermon Analysis: A Preacher's Personal Improvement Textbook and Workbook, ISBN: 0896361934 9780896361935.
"A course to investigate preaching. Contains sermons by Origen, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Edwards, Whitefield, Spurgeon, and others. Read the sermons by these great preachers, engage in analysis, and probe to find out what made them great. . . ." -- GCB
Adams, Jay E. (1929-2020), Truth Applied: Application in Preaching, ISBN: 1870855051 9781870855051.
"Preaching is 'the application of biblical truth to contemporary situations according to the way God applied it.' Therefore you must labor at application. Gives a biblical philosophy of application with practical suggestions on how to implement so that preachers become skilled in making relevant application. Preachers must learn to abstract principles from biblical passages and apply them to similar situations. The Bible itself comes to us as 'truth applied,' the exemplar of what we are to do. Preachers therefore must know and understand two sets of persons, places, times and circumstances: the original recipients of the biblical messages and contemporary recipients'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
Anderson, Stanley Edwin, Every Pastor a Counselor.
*Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680), and Alexander Balloch Grosart (editor), The Works of Thomas Brooks, 1886, 6 volumes, ISBN: 0851513026 9780851513027. A Christian classic. Available (THE WORKS OF THOMAS BROOKS) on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"V. 1. The preface -- Memoir of Brooks -- Precious remedies against Satan's devices -- Apples of gold -- The mute Christian under the smarting rod -- A string of pearls -- V. 2. An ark for all God's Noahs -- The privy key of heaven -- Heaven on earth -- V. 3. The unsearchable riches of Christ -- A cabinet of jewels -- V. 4. Crown and glory of Christianity -- V. 5. The golden key to open hidden treasures -- Paradise opened -- A word in season -- V. 6. London's lamentations -- The glorious day of the saints' appearance -- God's delight in the progress of the upright -- Hypocrites detected -- A believer's last day his best day -- A heavenly cordial -- The legacy of a dying mother. Responsibility: edited, with memoir, by Alexander B. Grosart.
"At that time, Charles Spurgeon commented in The Sword and the Trowel,
The volumes now before us are by that marvelously rich author Thomas Brooks, whose wealth of imagery surpasses all others of his age. The mere marginal notes of Brooks are more valuable than pages of ordinary writers; we take pleasure in the stones of his temple, and the very dust thereof we favor. Of all the Puritans he is the most readable, if we except John Bunyan; and if he cannot display the depth of Owen or the raciness of Adams, he leaves them far behind in excessive [unusual] sweetness and sparkling beauty of metaphor. There is a clear, silvery, refreshing sound in the name 'Brooks', and as is the name, such is the man. Every reader who can afford the money should purchase this incorrupt, unmutilated, unchanged, well-printed and perfectly edited copy of Brooks." -- Publisher"Perhaps the most practical of all the Puritans, Brooks surrounds the reader with lively thoughts derived from the Scriptures. He is undoubtedly one of the most quotable authors. . . . His best-known books are HEAVEN AND EARTH; A STRING OF PEARLS; APPLES OF GOLD, PRECIOUS REMEDIES AGAINST SATAN'S DEVICES; THE MUTE CHRISTIAN UNDER THE SMARTING ROD (the latter two will appear in the Fifty Greatest Christian Classics Series). Spurgeon so loved Brooks that he published a book of his sayings, SMOOTH STONES FROM ANCIENT BROOKS. He can be counted on to entertain the reader, as he feeds him meat that will stick to his or her spiritual ribs." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
Capps, Donald, Pastoral Counseling and Preaching: A Quest for an Integrated Ministry, ISBN: 0664243428 9780664243425.
Includes bibliographical references.
Dabney, Robert L. (1820-1898), The Public Preaching of Women. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive. Available on Reformation Bookshelf CD #22.
Gerkin, Charles V., The Living Human Document: Visioning Pastoral Counseling in a Hermeneutical Mode, ISBN: 0687223725 9780687223725.
Includes bibliography and index.
Hart, Larry Don, A Model for Relational Counseling Through Expository Preaching at the Santa Cruz Church of Christ (California) (Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, D.Min. thesis, 1984).
"This dissertation presents a model for contemporary preaching which integrates the dynamic of relationship counseling with the exposition of Scripture. Any number of people have drawn analogies between the two, but the proposal here is that the ministry of preaching and the ministry of counseling are inherently connected by theological and spiritual realities. . . ." -- Dissertation Abstracts
Leggett, Donald A., Loving God and Disturbing Men: Preaching From the Prophets, ISBN: 0801056608 9780801056604.
"This is an excellent resource for preachers and teachers that provides a balance between technical, scholarly commentaries and popular devotional works. The author show the relevance of the prophet for the contemporary church and its ministry." -- GCB
Lester, Andrew D., Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling, ISBN: 0664255884 9780664255886.
*Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn (1899-1981), Preaching and Preachers, ISBN: 0340156120 9780340156124.
You "must have something of the Doctor, and this has so many stories, and it is so good to remind you of what preaching really is -- I have read it umpteen times." -- Reader's Comment
Miller, Samuel (1769-1850), Thoughts on Public Prayer. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Deals with an important element of Reformed worship and was originally written because of the lack of material to be found on this specific subject. The history, liturgies, faults and characteristics of attaining excellence in public prayer are all covered." -- Publisher
"Excellent book which covers the whole subject rather well. A Presbyterian minister and Princeton professor of 150 years ago sheds light on the needs of our day concerning prayers and public prayer in particular." -- GCB
*Perkins, William (1558-1602), Sinclair B. Ferguson (editor), The Art of Prophesying, With, The Calling of the Ministry, modernized edition. Alternate title: (THE CALLING OF THE MINISTRY), OF THE CALLING OF THE MINISTERIE, TWO TREATISES, ISBN: 0851516890 9780851516899.
"Called 'the principal architect of Elizabethan Puritanism' and 'the most important Puritan writer,' Perkins was the first theologian of the Reformed English church to gain an international reputation. His preaching manual, THE ART OF PROPHESYING . . . is found on nearly every seventeenth century New England book list." (Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith, p. 274). -- Publisher
"Part One, 'The Art of Prophesying,' is really a handbook on hermeneutics and homiletics from the Puritan perspective. Perkins explicates the several principles for interpreting and expounding the Scriptures and then gives detailed instruction on how to apply the same. The chapter on 'Use and Application' will give readers the background behind the familiar Puritan sermon structure of "Doctrine and Use.
"Parts Two and Three deal with 'The Calling of the Ministry.' They are really nothing more than the exposition of two Old Testament passages of Scripture, Job 33 and Isaiah 6. Many interesting and practical issues are handled here including how a minister might know his calling and what his responsibilities are to God's people. Perkins had a high view of the dignity and authority of the ministerial gift which is sadly lacking among evangelicals today. While some of his ideas will seem foreign and perhaps a little extreme to many, it is certain that his emphasis will help balance our opposite extremes. . . .
"For those who are checking out this title hoping to get a Puritan perspective on the charismatic understanding of the gift of prophesy, the following quote well summarizes Perkins' view: 'I am not here making any allowance for the claims people make that they have received "revelations." These have no substance; they are either dreams of their own, or illusions of the devil. They despise both human learning and the study of the Scriptures, and trust exclusively in "revelations of the Spirit." But God's Spirit does not work except on the foundation of the Word.' Such was the Puritan understanding of those who claimed extra-Biblical revelation. By 'prophesy' Perkins understood 'preaching.' And that is what this book is about." -- Reader's Comment
Perry, Lloyd M., and Charles M. Sell, Speaking to Life's Problems: A Sourcebook for Preaching and Teaching, ISBN: 0802401708 9780802401700.
"More than a textbook on sermon preparation, this book gives you Biblical and psychological insight into problems like anxiety, guilt, fear, failure, indecision, and loneliness. Extensive bibliographies and sermon sources help you in your search for relevant material." -- GCB
*Powlison, David (1949-2019, compiler and annotator), Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
Reid, S., John Knox: Pastor of Souls (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation).
Audio cassette WRA01 [audio file].
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Jesus Christ Himself. (Ephesians 2:20) A sermon by C.H. Spurgeon delivered on Lord's-day morning, December 9, 1877, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon no. 1388.
"Beyond all argument or miracle, Jesus Christ Himself is the proof of His own Gospel. And as He is the proof of it, so, Beloved, He is the marrow and essence of it. When the Apostle Paul meant that the Gospel was preached, He said, Christ is preached, for the Gospel is Christ Himself! If you want to know what Jesus taught, know Him! He is the incarnation of that Truth of God which by Him and in Him is revealed to the sons of men. Did He not, Himself say, I am the way, the truth, and the life?
"You have not to take down innumerable books, nor to pore over mysterious sentences of double meaning in order to know what our great Teacher has revealed. You have but to turn and gaze upon His countenance, behold His actions and note His spirit and you know His teaching. He lived what He taught. If we wish to know Him, we may hear His gentle voice saying, Come and see. Study His wounds and you understand His innermost philosophy. To know Him and the power of His Resurrection is the highest degree of spiritual learning. He is the end of the Law and the soul of the Gospel -- and when we have preached His Word to the fullest, we may close by saying, Now, of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum -- we have an High Priest who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens." -- C.H. Spurgeon
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), Lectures to my Students, ISBN: 0310329116 9780310329114. A Christian classic. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of this work: 'Next to Mr. Spurgeon's great literary work, THE TREASURY OF DAVID, we consider these LECTURES TO MY STUDENTS his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. There is more practical wisdom, common sense and sage advice packed within these pages than with any other book of similar size or content.' This complete and unabridged edition of Spurgeon's great work will make it possible for today's generation to appreciate Spurgeon's combination of discerning wit and refreshingly practical advice. Included in the 28 chapters of this classic volume on homiletics are such lectures as: -- The Call to Ministry -- The Preacher's Private Prayer -- On the Choice of a Text -- On the Voice -- The Holy Spirit in Connection with Our Ministry -- Posture, Action, Gesture, etc. -- The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear -- On Conversion as Our Aim -- Illustrations in Preaching -- As were all of Spurgeon's' messages to his people, each of these lectures is Scripture-saturated and Christ-honoring. They move swiftly and are fascinating in their content and sage counsel. . . .
"Spurgeon realized that he could influence the church beyond his own lifetime if he could encourage future pastors to trust the Bible, love people, and preach the truth fearlessly. To achieve this he collected his lectures to his college students and published this book. It has been a classic of pastoral theology ever since and is still used to train ministers to this day (back cover)." -- Publisher
Lectures to my Students: Being Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle (1877)
*Terry, Milton, Biblical Hermeneutics: A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments. Available on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"Possibly the greatest hermeneutics manual of all time. 'The most exhaustive single work in our language on the history of the interpretation of the Scriptures,' affirms Dr. W.M. Smith. In three parts: 1. Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics, 2. Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics and, 3. The History of Biblical Hermeneutics. Unsurpassed in its field. The CLASSIC! This is the full unedited edition of 782 pages." -- Publisher
*Turnbull, Ralph G. (editor), Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology.
"A comprehensive reference book covering virtually every aspect of practical theology. Helpful bibliographies are included at the end of each division." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: The sovereignty of god, The doctrine of man (human nature, total depravity), Covetousness, greed, and selfishness, Theft, fraud, stealing: property rights and freedom, Practical expository sermons, Conscience, casuistry, cases of conscience, Works of jay adams, Reconciliation of relationships, Justifying faith, Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Pastoral counseling, Puritanism, and so forth and so on.
Babbit, Edmond H., The Pastor's Pocket Manual for Hospital and Sickroom.
*Day, Lorraine, AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling you, ISBN: 0963094009 9780963094001.
Statistics show 3-5 percent of AIDS victims have no known reason to have the disease on the basis of "high risk" behavior. This book discusses some of the other ways the disease is being contacted, among other subjects. Lists safety recommendations. The author is considered by some to be the finest orthopedic surgeon in the country. The advice for avoiding AIDS -- do not allow the blood or body fluids of any other individual to get on your skin. Transmission by mosquitoes or other insects could account for the high incidence of AIDS in tropical countries. AIDS, she says in her book, is "the first massively and systematically politicized disease that has been falsified, misrepresented, and then whitewashed to the public."
Kavar, Louis F., Pastoral Ministry in the AIDS Era: Focus on Families and Friends of Persons With AIDS, ISBN: 0934104077 9780934104074.
McLemore, Clinton W., Clergyman's Psychological Handbook: Clinical Information for Pastoral Counseling, ISBN: 0802815766 9780802815767.
Mitchell, Kenneth R., Hospital Chaplain, ISBN: 0664209467 9780664209469.
"This brief, lively book reveals the typical experience of the hospital chaplain, making clear to both clergy and medical professionals what his role is." -- Gorman/Matthews
*Payne, Franklin E., Jr., Biblical/Medical Ethics: The Christian and the Practice of Medicine, ISBN: 0880620684 9780880620680.
"First half establishes a biblical basis for medical ethics, the need for an unchanging, authoritative moral standard, and the uncertain efficacy of modern medicine. 'I am advocating a realistic understanding of its limitations, as well as its potential. Medicine does not deserve the great expectations for health which many of its leaders, physicians, public press, and lay advocates claim.' Second half discusses the role of the church in health care and a series of ethical issues: abortion, psychotherapy, death and dying, euthanasia." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Comes highly recommended by Jay Adams, Harold O.J. Brown, and R.J. Rushdoony. Written by a medical doctor who makes the issue clear and understandable. A must book for pastors, elders, deacons, counselors, and informed laymen." -- GCB
*Playfair, William L., The Useful lie: How the Recovery Industry has Entrapped America in a Disease Model of Addiction, ISBN: 1889032379 9780891076377.
"Challenges the disease concept of alcoholism, the 'useful lie' of the recovery movement. This lie underlies the widespread mistreatment of alcoholism and of other fundamentally moral problems, e.g., 'codependency.' Posits biblically based intervention that treats such problems as sins to be repented of. Opposes sending a person to the recovery industry because 'He will be told his sin is a sickness; he will never be confronted with his real and most basic moral and spiritual problem. And he will more than likely be introduced to the any god of Twelve Stepdom, who is, by Biblical criteria, a false god'." -- David Powlison (1949-2019)
"Dr. Playfair is a medical consultant to the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation/West in San Diego. He also is a board member of Family Research Institute. The theme and purpose of this book is to debunk the claims that alcoholism is a disease. This claim, says the doctor, contradicts science and medicine; it contradicts the Bible, which is more important; and it simply does not work in breaking the addiction of alcohol. . . ." -- Jay P. Green, Sr. (1918-2008)
"This book provided all the necessary evidence to blow the whistle on the recovery industry and also points toward genuine freedom from addiction." -- GCB
Pruyser, P.W., Minister as Diagnostician, ISBN: 0664241239 9780664241230.
"Dr. Pruyser explores, in depth, the first step in the helping process: the diagnostic assessment of the problem-laden person. The diagnoses that the minister makes cannot be medical or psychiatric, says Dr. Pruyser." -- Publisher
Sharp, William Donald, Medicine and the Ministry: Medical Basis for Pastoral Care.
"This is a useful statement of a modern physician's point of view; it provides a guide for pastors with its wealth of information about physical conditions, emotional states and psychosomatic ailments. It also discusses problems of youth, young adults, sexual deviants, those with troubled marriages, the aged and the dying. . . ." -- Gorman/Matthews
Smith, Robert D., The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference, ISBN: 1889032263 9781889032269.
Sunderland, Ronald H., and Earl E. Shelp, AIDS: A Manual for Pastoral Care, 1st edition, ISBN: 0664240887 9780664240882.
"Designed to help pastors, chaplains, and those in the helping professions engage in a special ministry of compassion to the victims of AIDS. Covers the medical facts and points the way to helping sufferers cope with their fears." -- Cyril J. Barber
See also: Physical health, Summary and research index of key information in chapter 8: physical health and healthcare, Physiological problems, Women's health, Medical, Ethics, computer ethics, cyberethics, Sex ethics, sex education, Bad relationships as a cause of disease and death, Stress, Depression, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Emotions and health, Faith, Prayer, Praying for the sick, Sickness, Small groups as healing agents, Spiritual aspects of health, Infertility, Miscarriage and stillborn, Women's health, and so forth, and so on.
Institute for Nouthetic Counseling
"Study Biblical Counseling with Dr. Jay Adams."
"Here is a list of the courses we have ready:
Introduction to Biblical Counseling/Counseling Principles and Practices
The Counselor Himself
Critical Stages in Biblical Counseling
Counseling Problems
Premarital Counseling
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
Theology and Counseling
Church Discipline
Medical Issues in Counseling I and II
Marriage and Family Counseling
We are currently working on the following:
Counseling Theories and Issues Abroad in the Church Today
Legal Issues in Counseling
Counseling Women
The Christian Counselor's Casebook Studies"
Bryant, Marcus D., The Art of Christian Caring, ISBN: 0827200153 9780827200159.
"Then Bryant turns to specific target groups for ministry, such as nursing home residents, the retarded, prisoners, and mental patients, examining guidelines and background information. The final chapter discusses how to gather one's own resources for the helping process through worship, meditation, and spirituality, stressing as a general guideline that Christian caring is sustained by God's love and by our personal responses to that love as we experience it in our own lives. Underscoring the importance of commitment and self-discipline in relations with others, this is a good introductory guide that should be helpful to general readers."
*Foster, Timothy, Called to Counsel.
"Designed for the training of laypersons in our churches, this book is practical and specific and focuses on 'what to do,' and 'what to say' in different situations. Foster gives easily accessible answers on how to handle uncomfortable situations and when to refer those beings counseled to professional therapists. Most importantly, he discusses what is appropriate to do (and not to do), in hundreds of cases readers can easily relate to in their own counseling. Recommended." -- Cyril J. Barber
*Foster, Timothy, The Handbook of Christian Counseling, ISBN: 0785279393 9780785279396.
A revised edition of CALLED TO COUNSEL, 1986. Includes index.
O'Hara, Ann Margaret (editor), Treatment Facility Resource Manual.
Smith, Robert D. The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference, ISBN: 1889032263 9781889032269.
*Spurgeon, C.H. (1834-1892), The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon.
A sermon by C.H. Spurgeon delivered on Lord's-day morning, September 9, 1888, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, Sermon no. 2043.
"This is the way in which you should use this plea. Say, 'My God, I am utterly unworthy, and I own it; but, I beseech thee, hear me for the honour of thy dear Son. By his agony and bloody sweat, by his cross and passion, by his precious death and burial, I beseech thee hear me! O Lord, let the blood of thine Only-begotten prevail with thee! Canst thou put aside his groans, his tears, his death, when they speak on my behalf?' If you can thus come to pleading terms with God upon this ground, you must and will prevail. Jesus must be heard in heaven. The voice of his blood is eloquent with God. If you plead the atoning sacrifice, you must overcome through the blood of the Lamb." -- C.H. Spurgeon in a sermon, The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon
See also: Absolute truth and relativism, Epistemology of theology, the theory of knowledge, Selection of covenant heads for positions of leadership, Sexual relationship, Spiritual adultery (spiritual whoredom/harlotry), Idolatry, syncretism, Sexual wholeness, Biblical counsel by subject, Case studies, Manuals and handbooks, Physiological problems, and so forth, and so on.
Books Considered to be Among the ten Greatest in the English Language
Combined Interactive Contents for The Web Edition of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal
*Contemporary Biblical Counseling: With 1995 Additions, an annotated bibliography.
David Powlison is editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, current director of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, Glenside, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Harvard University in 1972.
How to Find a Book
Biblical Counseling Library (29 Volumes), on CD-ROM, Libronix Digital Library System
"This 29 volume collection of Biblical Counseling titles is an amazing compilation of Christian counseling resources. THE BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY features some of Jay E. Adams' outstanding counseling titles, including THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR'S MANUAL, COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, and A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING. It includes works from 20 different authors, including Steve Farrar, Elizabeth George, Jerry Bridges, and Lou Priolo.
"This collection includes informative studies on general Christian counseling, as well as very focused works on Women's and Men's counseling needs, counseling victims of sexual abuse, eating and diet issues, dating, working through struggles with sexual sin and anger, and developing a deeper walk with God. A fantastic resource for the library of a pastor or Christian counselor, the BIBLICAL COUNSELING LIBRARY adds a new dimension to your Logos Bible Software. These expert resources are combined with the tools of the Logos Bible Software system, including topical searching for studying specific areas of Biblical counseling, and linked references to other titles in your Libronix library." -- Publisher
Mount Olive Tape Library of Reformed Theology
This collection has been in the custody of the Greenville Presbyterian Seminary since 2006. It appears (September 8, 2016) that the Media Center at the Seminary have digitized practically none of the audio cassette and video tape addresses.
"The following listing was developed by George Calhoun, the founder of Mt. Olive Tape Library, over the course of some thirty years. This catalog reflects the personal quest of Mr. Calhoun for a balanced education in Reformed Theology. The speakers herein have been scrutinized for their faithfulness to the Bible. These tapes will enable students to pursue the study of Reformed theology at a minimum of financial expense.
"FOR YOUR INFORMATION . . . [from the introduction to the Mount Olive Tape Catalog -- compiler]
"The tapes included in this catalog are recordings of sermons and lectures given by various pastors, theologians, Bible teachers, and conference speakers who confess adherence to the broad perspectives of historic Reformed theology. We have diligently tried to screen all the materials as to their basic commitment to the Biblical perspectives reflected in the Reformed creeds and confessions.
"Since, however, no human interpreter of God's Word is infallible, it is the prayer of those responsible for sending forth these tapes that all who listen to them will cultivate the spirit of the Bereans, who 'searched the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.'
"Also, it should be emphasized that the tapes included in this catalog have been evaluated in terms of their basic content as they were originally given, and the inclusion of them in this catalog should not be construed as an unreserved approval of the men who originally gave them. Christians grow in grace and knowledge with the passing of time, yet it must be recognized that some turn aside from the norms of Scripture. It is our hope, therefore, that no one will attach himself to any of the men whose tapes are included in this catalog on the basis of the tapes alone. We are all commanded to be discerning toward those who would instruct us in the faith.
"Finally, it would be a tragic abuse of the intent in providing these sermons and lectures should they in any way cultivate a party spirit so clearly condemned by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 3. Paul reminded the Corinthians that all things were theirs -- Paul, Cephas, and Apollos included. We, too, may recognize that the various servants of Christ whose voices are heard on these tapes are God's gifts to us and that we are to follow them only insofar as they follow Christ and the clear teachings of His holy and infallible Word! Since not all men have the same gifts, learn to drink from the gifts of many men -- not just one fountain."
Dr. C. Gregg Singer, Mount Olive Tape Library lectures (MP3 audio files), [audio file] approximately 161 of 171
The Catalog of the Mount Olive Tape Library in PDF Format
Mt. Olive Audio Library, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Greenville Seminary and Mt. Olive
Reformed Publishers and Booksellers Online
" is the largest library of audio sermons on the web from conservative Christian churches and ministries with over 438,500 FREE MP3 sermons which can be streamed online for immediate listening or downloaded to your computer or MP3 player for listening at a later time. You can easily search through the entire sermon library by broadcaster, Bible reference, topic, speaker, date preached, language, or any keyword.
"The mission of is to help faithful, local churches broadcast their audio sermons to the maximum amount of people with the least amount of cost. Our chief purpose is for the preservation and propagation of great Bible preaching and teaching in its audio form for this generation and the next.
"Additionally, through our Transcription and Translation service, any sermon that is available on can be professionally and accurately transcribed by a real human and then machine-translated into 20 plus foreign languages."
Works of J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Disclaimer: Weblinks and related resources listed are given only for purposes of research.
Views and opinion expressed at other websites do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of this webmaster.
Arrangement of weblinks does not in any way indicate that independent authors or webmasters hold similar views and opinions.
Researchers are urged to exercise the utmost discernment in navigating the World Wide Web. See the topical listing "Spiritual Discernment."
Web Layout -- Lettermen Associates
Updated -- April 5, 2023, Lettermen Associates